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Whoopi Goldberg: EGOT Winner, So Why Is She Here?


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OK. On this morning's repeat, Whoopie just said her father came and adopted her and her four brothers and sisters. That they were chosen. So, now she was adopted with 4 brothers and sisters? I'm so confused.

Ya, & the next thing she'll tell us was that her Mother was one of the Tuskegee pilots!!!

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OK. On this morning's repeat, Whoopie just said her father came and adopted her and her four brothers and sisters. That they were chosen. So, now she was adopted with 4 brothers and sisters? I'm so confused.

Interesting.  I don't think I've ever heard her mention a father or even stepfather before, much less FOUR brothers and sisters.  To my knowledge, she's only really spoken about her brother Clyde and that was mostly after he died.  I wonder if she's supporting them as well as all her own descendants? 

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Whoopie is beginning to sound as delusional as Yolanda on RHBH..

1). She was raised by her mother without siblings. They received public assistance because her mother was raising her alone.

2). She had a brother Clyde. They received public assistance because her mother was raising them alone.

3). Her father saved her and her 4 brothers and sisters. He chose them to adopt.

4). She is 60. Born in 1955.

5). She is 66. Born in 1949.

6). Bill Cosby is innocent. (Which has nothing to do with anything other than I just thought I'd throw that in.)

Seems like she might be confusing her real life with some of the roles she played.

  • Love 9

Whoopie is beginning to sound as delusional as Yolanda on RHBH..

1). She was raised by her mother without siblings. They received public assistance because her mother was raising her alone.

2). She had a brother Clyde. They received public assistance because her mother was raising them alone.

3). Her father saved her and her 4 brothers and sisters. He chose them to adopt.

4). She is 60. Born in 1955.

5). She is 66. Born in 1949.

6). Bill Cosby is innocent. (Which has nothing to do with anything other than I just thought I'd throw that in.)

Seems like she might be confusing her real life with some of the roles she played.

Wikipedia cites both birth dates. It mentions only Clyde and that their mother raised them alone. Her father was a pastor who died in 1993. It mentions no stepfather nor other siblings. 

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Yeah, I believe they said before that she'd be gone after the holidays, but she's still here. Plus, the whole thing is written by someone who doesn't watch the show. Whoopi's been clashing with Paula for the past 6 months, not Candace. The only thing that's happened between her and Candace was on yesterday's show. I have a hard time believing Barbara's involved at all anymore. I mean, I'm sure she calls in occasionally, but she has no say on the co-hosts they hire.


Besides, I don't think Barbara has good ideas when it comes to co-hosts if she really was behind Jenny McCarthy's hiring. Whoopi's even worse, since we have Raven and Michelle thanks to her. And NO to Gwyneth Paltrow. She wouldn't be good at a talkshow and she's not going to be a ratings draw either.

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Well, shit.



An ABC spokesperson told Radar, “The incomparable Whoopi Goldberg is a vital part of our show. As moderator, she steers the ship, and  we hope Whoopi is here for a long time to come.”




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If Whoopi is up for a contract renewal and this quote is real, and recent, ABC is dumber than I ever thought. Or, this spokesperson is sure to be fired.

I'm hoping ABC is just shining her on to keep things relatively civil because if they told her they weren't going to renew her contract, she'd be impossible to deal with & probably go ballistic on a daily basis.  (Not that I wouldn't want to see & whine about it!!  LOL.)

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Well, shit.



An ABC spokesperson told Radar, “The incomparable Whoopi Goldberg is a vital part of our show. As moderator, she steers the ship, and  we hope Whoopi is here for a long time to come.”




I wonder if this spokesperson is Nathan Varni, the Maroon who says that those of us who don't like certain storylines on a certain soap are not "true fans" because like, sheep, we are supposed to LOVE everything about the craptasticshitfest it is, and we are supposed to love that they have made a FUCKING SERIAL KILLER, Mafia Don, Vito/Michael Corleone wannabe, its heroes.

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WOW...I thought the Board would be lit up today after this little gem appeared:




Have at it, guys!

my first response was to the photo used for the story  -  yeah, that is EXACTLY how I would dress for work if I  was trying to get fired.


this quote rings true:

"Whoopi loves the money, but she doesn't want to work so hard anymore," the show source told Page Six. "She doesn't come in prepared, she doesn't really engage with other panelists and guests. She gives some one-liners and moves on."


I can't imagine anyone here would argue.

Edited by backformore
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If they are looking for someone to "get our dander up" so to speak, she is the one right now.  I sometimes think "they don't care, so don't tweet them" about her arrogance because it gets people to watch to see what foolishness she is up to.  And we write about it and start petitions to get people off which maybe they see as a sign everyone is still watching.  The nurse thing was a huge publicity bonanza, even if it was overplayed and misunderstood (in my opinion).  Negative attention is still attention.  YMMV.

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So Miss Whoopi wants to be fired so she can get a big payout and be free from having to do the show anymore, supposedly?  Hmm.  Have you guys ever heard of this practice?  Or did I see this done in a movie someplace?


A business executive who has big contract that would provide a hefty payout if they were fired is no longer wanted by the company.  But instead of firing the person and allowing them to collect all their salary for staying home and doing nothing, they stick the person in a basement office and isolate them and give them nothing to do.  It's a way to punish the person by making them still come in to work every day, even though they really are not doing any kind of job any more.  Plus there is the hope the person will be so miserable and humiliated, maybe they will just go ahead and quit and the company will be rid of them without having to pay them anything, 


Hehe how shitty is that?  That is what they should do to Miss Whoopi.  Make her drag her ass into the city every day and then have her sit in an office all alone while the other women do the show.  Every stinkin' day. Because hell if I would pay that woman five million dollars to hang out at home sitting on her ass smoking weed all day or go do other projects and earn even more money. 


LOL I know it will never happen, but the thought of it makes me smile.  Just thinking of how infuriated she would be if she had to do it for even one day delights me.  She would never be able to make it through a whole week.  Maybe ABC should give it a try for a few days so Whoops can see what it would be like.  She might re-think her little plan to get herself fired, lol

  • Love 5

So Miss Whoopi wants to be fired so she can get a big payout and be free from having to do the show anymore, supposedly?  Hmm.  Have you guys ever heard of this practice?  Or did I see this done in a movie someplace?


A business executive who has big contract that would provide a hefty payout if they were fired is no longer wanted by the company.  But instead of firing the person and allowing them to collect all their salary for staying home and doing nothing, they stick the person in a basement office and isolate them and give them nothing to do.  It's a way to punish the person by making them still come in to work every day, even though they really are not doing any kind of job any more.  Plus there is the hope the person will be so miserable and humiliated, maybe they will just go ahead and quit and the company will be rid of them without having to pay them anything, 


Hehe how shitty is that?  That is what they should do to Miss Whoopi.  Make her drag her ass into the city every day and then have her sit in an office all alone while the other women do the show.  Every stinkin' day. Because hell if I would pay that woman five million dollars to hang out at home sitting on her ass smoking weed all day or go do other projects and earn even more money. 


LOL I know it will never happen, but the thought of it makes me smile.  Just thinking of how infuriated she would be if she had to do it for even one day delights me.  She would never be able to make it through a whole week.  Maybe ABC should give it a try for a few days so Whoops can see what it would be like.  She might re-think her little plan to get herself fired, lol

I think that would be PERFECT!!!!

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Aww does this mean we have to stop snarking about her because it might help her in the long run?! LOL

Why wd we stop the snark? Why wd we help her? Whoppi can drag her butt outta bed early to get to the studio, and ruin her own image on her own.

It kind of makes me feel better knowing she doesnt want to be there, but HAS to be. The $ may make her feel better, but she's still not getting what she wants.

We can start laughing at her discomfort and the ways that she "rebels", poor Miss.Understood. Lol.

Edited by Tosia
  • Love 5

Why wd we stop the snark? Why wd we help her? Whoppi can drag her butt outta bed early to get to the studio, and ruin her own image on her own.

It kind of makes me feel better knowing she doesnt want to be there, but HAS to be. The $ may make her feel better, but she's still not getting what she wants.

We can start laughing at her discomfort and the ways that she "rebels", poor Miss.Understood. Lol.


Oh I agree I just meant if snark is helping MIss Whoopi make a case to show that she should leave ahead of the contract and "win" then I don't want to help Miss Whoopi!  And hey Miss Whoopi don't tweet me about it, I don't want to hear it!  LOL

  • Love 3

So Miss Whoopi wants to be fired so she can get a big payout and be free from having to do the show anymore, supposedly?  Hmm.  Have you guys ever heard of this practice?  Or did I see this done in a movie someplace?

During the first reboot/retooling of The Spew [following The Year of Barbara by Barbara Walters when everyone else was canned]   the story was ABC wanted a clean slate so they started last year with a new set and a new cast except for Whoopi.  The story was she wanted to leave too and I'm sure she did because her contract stipulated she got the $5 million whether she was there or not.  So someone decided that if they were going to cough up that amount of money then Whoopi would have to stay.   Reportedly she was pissed about it and it's been showing ever since.  I'm guessing the same situation repeated itself this past summer for The Spew. 3.0    But her contract is also reportedly up this year so who knows what she will do?   If they make her an offer I'm sure she will take it - she's done far more for far less.   And this has to be the easier job she's ever had - four hours a week, no prep,  and four months off a year.  

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ABC should get rid of that EGOT once and for all. She is as hateful and unprofessional as one can get on camera and apparently just as bad behind the camera. How many people are no longer fans like myself who won't watch the show unless Joy is moderating. I would suspect I am not the only one.

No longer a fan of Whoopi either, but nothing will make me watch anymore.  Well, I'd watch if Rosie O was on - Hee!

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The View at the end of last month was becoming uncomfortably awkward between the cohosts, but it made it interesting because you could see everyones true colors coming out. The reports of Whoopi's impending departure is music to my ears. I think Walters and Geddie were crazy to give her a five year deal which is up this year. Reportedly Walters cannot stand Whoopi at this point even though she sold her stake in the program.


Whoopi attacks on Paula are unconscionable. The you need better time management lecture to Paula was ridiculous. Really Whoopi? You had a teenage daughter who got pregnant out of wedlock but you want to give advice. Paula works three jobs and has three kids! Those who throw stones....


And what shocks me the most is Whoopi has a "pay or play" clause in her contract that they have to keep paying her even if she doesn't finish out the year on the show. Pretty shocking $5million a year whether you work or not...No wonder her attitude is so horrible. 


I'm counting on a Whoopi and Paula fight aka Rosie versus Elizabeth before the end of the season....

  • Love 6

The View at the end of last month was becoming uncomfortably awkward between the cohosts, but it made it interesting because you could see everyones true colors coming out. The reports of Whoopi's impending departure is music to my ears. I think Walters and Geddie were crazy to give her a five year deal which is up this year. Reportedly Walters cannot stand Whoopi at this point even though she sold her stake in the program.


Whoopi attacks on Paula are unconscionable. The you need better time management lecture to Paula was ridiculous. Really Whoopi? You had a teenage daughter who got pregnant out of wedlock but you want to give advice. Paula works three jobs and has three kids! Those who throw stones....


And what shocks me the most is Whoopi has a "pay or play" clause in her contract that they have to keep paying her even if she doesn't finish out the year on the show. Pretty shocking $5million a year whether you work or not...No wonder her attitude is so horrible. 


I'm counting on a Whoopi and Paula fight aka Rosie versus Elizabeth before the end of the season....

My bold.  Sorry, but I don't think you should get your hopes up.  Paula hasn't got the guts to take on Miss Whoopi .... for that matter, none of them do, even Joy!

  • Love 2

The View at the end of last month was becoming uncomfortably awkward between the cohosts, but it made it interesting because you could see everyones true colors coming out. The reports of Whoopi's impending departure is music to my ears. I think Walters and Geddie were crazy to give her a five year deal which is up this year. Reportedly Walters cannot stand Whoopi at this point even though she sold her stake in the program.


Whoopi attacks on Paula are unconscionable. The you need better time management lecture to Paula was ridiculous. Really Whoopi? You had a teenage daughter who got pregnant out of wedlock but you want to give advice. Paula works three jobs and has three kids! Those who throw stones....


And what shocks me the most is Whoopi has a "pay or play" clause in her contract that they have to keep paying her even if she doesn't finish out the year on the show. Pretty shocking $5million a year whether you work or not...No wonder her attitude is so horrible. 


I'm counting on a Whoopi and Paula fight aka Rosie versus Elizabeth before the end of the season....

Don't forget that Miss Whoopi was also a drug addict when she was younger. Her pot smoking now notwithstanding. How great a mother was she during that time in her life. She has no right IMO to lecture anyone on parenting skills. I doubt Paula will get into it with Miss Whoopi. She is a professional journalist and a Christian to boot. I just wish she wouldn't throw herself under the bus when she admits to certain things and use her religion so much. Otherwise I like her on this panel and without Whoopi The View will be so much better all the way around. Joy can handle things just fine.

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My bold.  Sorry, but I don't think you should get your hopes up.  Paula hasn't got the guts to take on Miss Whoopi .... for that matter, none of them do, even Joy!

I agree.   And  Paula is a professional and I can't see her deciding  to jeopardize her other ABC gigs just to take on a bully like Miss Whoopi.  Bitsy was neither a professional nor jeopardizing anything but her obscurity when S.Geddie set up the infamous split screen fight, propelling Elisabeth into RO's spotlight so that people at Faux News finally knew her by something besides, "the blonde one."  


But last year around this time when Whoopi came back from her "back problem" all loaded up on painkillers I would have never believed she would still be ruling the roost today so what do I know?   For me, showing up to a live show super high would have been a deal breaker but this show always acted like it never happened.  


ETA:  Just saw your post rcc.  Great minds and all that.... :-) 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I agree--if they're determined for there to be a conservative, Paula is it. The real problem is there isn't just Paula; there's Paula, then Candace, and Sunny/Sara who are often more conservative than they are liberal. The pile-up of two, sometimes three, conservatives is way out-of-balance on this show. It's bad enough right now with Joy's only backup being Whoopi (who makes everything unnecessarily personal) and Raven (who is incapable of a coherent argument). Once Whoopi is (finally!) gone, I believe Raven will most likely be out, too, which'll leave just Joy to counteract all that mess. What's worse, she'll likely be the moderator and won't be able to respond as much as if she was a regular co-host. I'm hoping Candace will be let go when Sunny/Sara join the show, but I'm not sure we'll be that lucky. And God forbid they bring Sherri back.

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I agree. And Paula is a professional and I can't see her deciding to jeopardize her other ABC gigs just to take on a bully like Miss Whoopi. Bitsy was neither a professional nor jeopardizing anything but her obscurity when S.Geddie set up the infamous split screen fight, propelling Elisabeth into RO's spotlight so that people at Faux News finally knew her by something besides, "the blonde one."

But last year around this time when Whoopi came back from her "back problem" all loaded up on painkillers I would have never believed she would still be ruling the roost today so what do I know? For me, showing up to a live show super high would have been a deal breaker but this show always acted like it never happened.

ETA: Just saw your post rcc. Great minds and all that.... :-)

I remember when Whoopi walked over the the dinosaur silhouette in the background trying to figure out where his eye was. ....crazy, high. Lol.

I think Whoopi rewrites her own history because some celebrities and politicians think that there are people who believe anything they say is truth. We need a course in bulshit-detection in schools, along with common sense, birth control in the water, and using the internet constructively. As Annie Lennox songs, Sweet dreams are made of this......

Edited by Tosia
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