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S33.E02: Love Goggles

Tara Ariano
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I am NOT happy about the outcome of this vote, because I was rooting hard for Mari to take it all. . I wanted to just shake Zeke for telling Jay about the Figgy vote. I mean, it seems that the "Tri Force" "Trifecta" or whatever they are calling themselves this week was well known throughout the rest of the tribe (hence why the others were targeting Figgy). So why tell someone from the alliance you are targeting that you are going to vote one of them out, especially when the majority alliance had the numbers to vote out Figgy without telling Jay? But in all of that, I do have to give Michelle game credit for managing to turn three people to vote with her. She seems to have some persuasive power to get Michaela, Will and Hannah's votes (especially Hannah's vote that she seemed to get on blind assertion of trust).

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Wow, that totally sucked.  Mari was one of the only people on the Millenial tribe that I liked.  Why was she targeted to go?  Because she was allegedly strategic?   Didn't really see much evidence of that.  I didn't see her talking about the vote at all with others.  It was Zeke who was doing the strategy.

I find it interesting that both tribes needed to vote someone out as their first boot, and both decided to kick out an Asian female for no ostensibly really good reason.  That sucks.  

The only person on that tribe I like now is Michaela.  I can't stand Figgy, she and her ugly chin wart (oh, sorry, "beauty mark") can leave any time.  Hannah is exasperating.  What's up with that really high pitched nervous voice and laugh?

On Gen X, Ken (formerly known to me as "Blue Underpants") rocked.  He caught them an octopus, he got multiple rings at the challenge, and was the sole thrower.  I hope his tribe sees his value.  I hate the alliance of Old Longhair, Blonde Trial Lawyer, and Overweight Cop.   Why are the others letting them run the show?

I don't understand how Ken can describe himself as shy.  Isn't he a model?  And he's running around the island in tight underpants.  Neither of which equates with "shy".

Edited by blackwing
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2 hours ago, charleeeeeeeeene said:

I am consoling my disappointment with the Mari boot by thinking about how happy I'll be when Hannah gets clipped by the "Cool Kid" alliance.

Me too. I'm really rooting for a Hannah pre-merge boot now, the sooner the better for me. 

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Quelle Surprise, Dave was infinitely more tolerable this week when the editors weren't trying to paint him as a neurotic, completely oblivious and un-self-aware basket case. He's definitely in for the long haul after that horrific display last week and then the idol / Ken alliance this week. The GenX tribe are mostly bores but I did like Ken quite a bit, there's a man who knows himself and his strengths/weaknesses and is going to try to use them accordingly. Glad to see the big fella was OK but I can't shake the feeling someone is going to die on this show at some point.

Millenials tribe - on the surface, wholly unlikeable, but there are a couple players there worth watching. Michelle, for example. She flat out told people how to vote and they did it for no real discernible reason other than cool kids. She's a player, I like her. Michaela was also pretty great this episode, I hope she goes far.

Three cheers for the power dunces, Figgy and Tales. Main man Jay expounded on how utterly stupid these two are and he was bang on. Absolutely no clue how to play. I hope they get their comeuppance, and I think with the far smarter players who are around they inevitably will. Just hope we don't have to suffer weeks of their canoodling and "Lets move to LA, brah" vapid idiocy.

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2 hours ago, LanceM said:

Don't be blinded by the big shiny lights Figgy and Taylor.

Michelle is the one you need to look out for and I can see her hiding behind them for awhile.

Exactly. Michelle is the truly dangerous player in that "Tri Force", because she was the only one of the four who seemed to be playing the game. She seems to be the main reason Figgy wasn't voted out, because from what we saw, she managed to sway Will, Michaela and most notably Hannah to her side. That level of persuasive power is extremely dangerous in this game, and if the Millenial gamers are at all smart, they will realize that. I mean, the ostensible reason they voted for Mari is because she was so dangerous and strategic. What Michelle did was even more dangerous and strategic. But as much as I wish Mari wasn't voted out, I can't hate on MICHELLE for that vote, because she masterminded one hell of a blindside. So the gamer in me wants to see what more Michelle can come up with, and if the rest of her tribe realizes it. 

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3 hours ago, mojoween said:

"You need to pull the bunny out of the hat. You can't just walk in with the bunny."

Can you give me the context for this?  I missed this.

My people - Asian women - getting decimated on the show.  We're finally represented since what, season 14, then this?  Lordttt  (And by represented I mean more than one of us at a time.... I didn't bother to look at the numbers...)

The high school kid

Who is that?  The Shaggy haired kid?  I really liked the shaggy haired kid this episode , though he is extremely nerdy.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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4 minutes ago, ForeverAlone said:

Exactly. Michelle is the truly dangerous player in that "Tri Force", because she was the only one of the four who seemed to be playing the game. She seems to be the main reason Figgy wasn't voted out, because from what we saw, she managed to sway Will, Michaela and most notably Hannah to her side. 

I remember  Figgy and her dude talking to Michaela for the specific reason that the alliance felt that they needed the two to get over it. That was when Michaela was told she was next if Figgy left. 

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Really good episode.  The producers did an excellent job of drawing the lines on both tribes, and putting up likely boot candidates from each one. 

Michelle is dangerous -- but maybe too much so.  She flipped what looked like a sure vote and saved her home girl.  But I feel she did it too publicly there at tribal.  The whole tribe now knows how well she can sway other people.  Better to operate from the shadows. 

Also, did she even need Hannah's vote?  It ended up 7-3, so in an uncertain game I guess Hannah was insurance.  Again I feel Michelle showed her hand too early.  I'm eager to hear how she explains to Hannah why 'they' needed to boot Mari.  I see why Michelle needed to.  But I don't see how this helps Hannah.  Just the opposite in fact.  

After this episode I'm looking forward to next week on several levels, which is a lot more than was true at this point last season. 

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2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Speaking of Michaela....the casting department dissapoints 9 times out of 10 when it comes to the African American women. They can only go with the "angry confrontational" black woman or as the helpful sidekick who aids the winner and has no shot to win themselves (the woman who was allied with the notoriously blandest winner ever Kim Spradlin-I forget her name that's how memorable she was). I believe Tasha Fox will always be their most shining example of bucking the stereotypes they like to cast. Tasha was worthy in the physical and social game and it carried her a long way in her seasons.

I disagree.  Cydney from last season is one of my favourite players of all time.  

I don't find Mikaela angry.  If she's so angry why would she keep Figgy in the game.  

Last week, I never realized the Wimpy Tv writer was a Gen X.  That really made me laugh.  The super wimpy guy is not a Millennial.

I really like Zeke, LOL, his style gets me.   Though his gameplay was...... not good

Ken's speech thing -- reminds me of some sexy Hollywood actor.  Shia LaBeouf or somebody.  Just sounded like some hot accent to me, LOL.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, Knuckles said:

[Paul] Not strong, not skilled

But damn after being half-dead he rocked in that challenge.

1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

What kind of an accent does Ken have?  Is it like a white guy Hawaiian?  Or is it his speech impediment?

Didn't he say he'd been in speech therapy as a kid? It was part of his supposed 'shy guy' tale as he ran about in his tight underwear and nothing else.

I credit Dave with figuring out a great cover story that involved his being able to turn over a bunch of rocks that could have had idols under them (and then eventually saw to magic coconut). Much better than being seen by everyone frantically searching about.

You got your Big Brother in my Survivor! Eesh...

Hannah may have had a near nervous breakdown to where she was almost the first ever to be told to just vote already by Probst but at least she and all the other voters were able to figure out how to open the marker, so they're still ahead of last year's group.

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7 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Probst compared Zeke to Hatch, Coach, Phillip, and a few other notable contestants.  Something tells me he knew exactly what he was doing when he went to Jay.

I don't think he did.  He did not look happy to see Mari get voted out.

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3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Happy David found an idol and a friend. The cynic in me thinks a cameraman threw the Immunity Coconut when his back was turned. Gotta love the look on his face. Like a poor kid finding an expensive present under the tree. "For me? Really?!?"

Sort of like Charlie finding the golden ticket.

2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

A shy model? What the hell?

I know many female models are shy.  Not many were popular in high school, or even went to prom.  But that's most likely due to their height and awkwardness with that newly acquired height.  Men learn early that excessive height is preferable, and male models tend to be exceedingly pretty.  Whereas many female models have great bone structure and are "interesting" looking, translation - easily dismissed (by many) as homely dorks.

1 hour ago, Archery said:

Matthew 10:16 (ISV): "Pay attention, now! I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. So be as cunning as serpents and as innocent as doves."  Just sayin'.

She certainly thrives on the second part.  But I think she was confused by the first sentence, and thought she was told to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Which she is certainly successful at.

2 hours ago, Knuckles said:

Michelle is a "youth pastor". And she lists her skills as being "very cunning". No cognitive dissonance there. Just what you want in a spiritual leader. Casting must have had fun with her.

She seems to self-describe as a missionary recruiter.  Sounds like cognitive dissonance, but think about it.  She preys on the young to get them to bust their asses for zero financial reimbursement.  Sounds pretty cunning.  I'm sure she's paid for each recruit.

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4 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder why Hannah voted for Mari

She did the math in the booth.  She must have figured out that the numbers were against Mari and her allies, and she didn't want to be in the minority alliance.  Which is good for her, for now.

2 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

They said no showmance had ever survived.  But, Boston Rob and Ambah ...

are the reason that no showmance (or real romance in their case, since they've been together ever since and have 4 daughters now) has survived Survivor since.  They proved how dangerous it is to let the power couple stay intact, and every other alliance remotely similar (except the pre-existing ones in BvW seasons...those don't count here) has been separated.

Except this time.  This will prove to be a big mistake for this generation until corrected.  You need only look at Taylor to see it.  He's no longer focused on the game; he's focused on the girl.  He's no longer a good ally for anyone except her.  And if only one of them gets swapped to the other tribe, he'll be useless for whichever tribe he's on.

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Frankly in my opinion, the only use either Figgy or Taylor serve in an alliance is as a shield. From what we could see in this episode, Figgy didn't do too much to save herself and was shocked that votes were coming her way. If Michelle hadn't single handedly swayed Will and Hannah, she likely would have gone home. So use them as a number or as a future target, but don't count on them for anything useful in terms of strategic gameplay. 

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1 hour ago, blackwing said:

On Gen X, Ken (formerly known to me as "Blue Underpants") rocked.  He caught them an octopus, he got multiple rings at the challenge, and was the sole thrower.  I hope his tribe sees his value.  I hate the alliance of Old Longhair, Blonde Trial Lawyer, and Overweight Cop.   Why are the others letting them run the show?

Ken did a lot, but CeCe threw (and landed) the first two rings.

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America, this is your future! A bunch of love giggle morons and two FANTASTIC presidential candidates!

I kind of like Michaela. I agree she is much better looking than the overrated Figgy. I just wish Michaela would save her personal attacks on Figgy for confessionals. Open animosity rarely helps a person early on in this game. Also, in general, it's probably a good idea to deny accusations that you are going to kill someone with a machete. I can't believe I had to write that.

I can't believe anyone would say in a confessional, "I'm glad he didn't have a heart attack, but..." Come on man! Just get over yourself, and think about being a human being again.

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Oh my God guys I loooooved this episode.  Just had to shout that out before I go read the thread partly because I imagine not many people agree with me?  Michelle!!  I knew it!!  And I love Hannah so much.  I hate to lose Mari.  But: amazing.  OK now going to read.

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I loved how Michelle turned the vote and also at the same time made Mari think she was so dumb. Thought she was talking about bugs or something when really she was turning the vote.

Also big credit to Jay for getting Michaela to vote with them considering she hates Figgy and doesn't hide it.

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Michaela's vote was understandable to me, because it wasn't a vote to save Figgy, but rather out of pure self interest. Jay got her to vote for Mari, because he told her that Zeke said she would be an easy second vote. So it makes sense that she voted this time. But I don't see her in any sort of actual alliance with Figgy or the rest of them. She will vote however she needs to vote to advance herself in the game. She talked in one of the videos about sticking with the people she trusts in the game, and I am curious who those people are, because they certainly aren't Figgy or Taylor. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
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OK!  I have caught up.  And I'm obviously fangirling all over the board right now, and I am very excited to be in the unpopular side of board opinion, because that makes discussion so fun.  I never hate the Pretty Popular People, no matter who they are (it is the editors who decide this, since the "pretty" people are never any prettier than their enemies, nor are they more "popular"--and after all if you are more popular in Survivor, that means you're winning.)  It would be silly of me to be such a huge Parvati fan and hate the Pretty Popular People, just for being PPP.  But usually the PPP are not good at the game, so I don't root for them either, which keeps me safe on the side of the Internet.  But now and again a Parvati or a Brenda or a Michelle comes along, a PPP who is also a player, and then I must argue their case.

But is there any case to be made against Michelle this time?  I don't see any whatsoever, except mayyyyyyyybe @kikaha's about playing too hard too soon.  (I don't know if anyone noticed, though, somehow.)  Figgy was her number.  That's not some kind of moral judgment.  That's the game.  Those PPP went to Michelle and wanted her in their alliance: numbers she can trust for sure.  And too stupid to make a move against her, to boot.  The only other consideration, gamewise, is whether they can beat her at FTC, which, I think clearly, they cannot.  They've already alienated people, and it's 3 days in.  Loyal, dumb, and beatable: that's an alliance you want, and work to save.  That doesn't mean Michelle thinks they're better than Mari as people, that doesn't mean, I don't know, high school pushing people in lockers or whatever (as a show-defined Gen-Xer, I am old enough to be over high school, myself).  Mari was a gamer, a leader, not loyal to Michelle, in fact against her, smart and could certainly win at FTC.  Obvious choice, if you're Michelle.  If you can work it, work it!  If you can game it, game it!  It's worth it to win the million!

I am somewhat amazed to see, after lambasting e.g. Lisa for feeling some conflict between her Christian values and the game ("God doesn't care about Survivor", I believe the saying went) people are quick to call hypocrite on Michelle, but I suppose I should not be.  No hypocrisy.  This is a game, not real life.

I also think Jay was surprisingly good working with what Zeke gave him.  I think I see Zeke's thought process.  He wants to break up the "power couple" (don't make me laugh, Taylor and Figgy have no power, a pair of patsies is all they are, but OK) but he wants to keep his options open.  He wants Jay to feel they won't go after him, just because they are going after his alliance.  To keep Jay in his back pocket, perhaps, for down the road, because obviously Mari is a gamer and he'll need his own numbers eventually.  So he puts it out there, "Michaela next", to pacify Jay, make him (and this has worked on a lot of people) grateful to be spared.  But this was an opening, and Jay saw it.  And that's a bold move, since Figgy and Michaela are obviously at each others' throats.  Most people, I think, would probably assume it was a pointless attempt--to be honest, I thought so myself.  But Michaela is not there to play Alliance Drone, she's there to win a million, so she actually listened, and there was much rejoicing by KimberStormer.

I think Hannah is hilarious and great and I don't know why people are so mad at her, but as @SVNBob said, she did the math, she did the right thing.  She kept herself in the game.  She and Michelle have a connection, and if Mari is going, she needs that.  Why on earth would she throw her life in the game away for no reason when Mari is going anyway?  I love the Michelle/Hannah team-up and I hope it continues a long and glorious Survivor duo.

Gen-X, eh.  Go Ken, and I guess David.  Don't really care about anyone else.  But that's OK, neither does the show!  I'm excited for next week, let's see what happens with it all.

Edited by KimberStormer
minding my i.e.s and e.g.s
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5 hours ago, mojoween said:

So two minorities went out one/two?  That's not a good look for either generation.

They usually seem to go quickly in Survivor though Afro-Americans usually seem to take the quickest hits.  And would have again via "Paul's Posse" had Gen-X not won immunity.  Sad commentary no matter which way you look at it.

Didn't think I'd be very interested in Too Young for Prime Time tribe but so far I like Zeke, Hawaiian shirt guy, machete-wielding Michaela, totally confused Hannah and give props to devious, cunning cut-throat Michelle. 

Gen-X has the likeable underdogs in shy Ken, CeCe and crazy Dave.  But the others don't register yet other than stupidly being part of Paul's Posse (worst name ever for an alliance). 

How has Paul been "in control" all his life?  I see zero charisma.  But hey maybe he has and with the swap coming up next week maybe Paul will seduce Figgy away from doofus and we will have a new power couple in the game.

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I'm a little astounded that Paul volunteered to (or was allowed to) do the more strenuous swimming part of the challenge so soon after having some type of heat-stroke.

I'm also surprised Dave the Family Guy writer did so poorly in the challenge.  Aren't manatees good swimmers?



Anyway...very dissapointed that the "cool kids" got their way. Especially the way they peer pressured Hannah. That was high school 101 right there. And doubly dissapointing that Michaela fell for their tricks.

Speaking of Michaela....the casting department dissapoints 9 times out of 10 when it comes to the African American women. They can only go with the "angry confrontational" black woman or as the helpful sidekick who aids the winner and has no shot to win themselves (the woman who was allied with the notoriously blandest winner ever Kim Spradlin-I forget her name that's how memorable she was). I believe Tasha Fox will always be their most shining example of bucking the stereotypes they like to cast. Tasha was worthy in the physical and social game and it carried her a long way in her seasons.


1. What I don't totally get is why Michaela went for Mari instead of Zeke, since he was the one who specifically said she was next on the chopping block.  If it was known around camp that Mari/Zeke were an alliance, however, then it's actually not a bad move from Michaela.  She and Figgy don't like each other but there's no direct targeting going on, so you might as well aim for someone who has specifically cited you as the next vote to go.  Of course, now that the Triforce + Michelle have their pick of fifths in Hannah or Will, they can easily run the game and ditch Michaela on the very next vote if they want.

2. While I agree with your general disappointment about Survivor's casting or portrayals of African-American women, Tasha was apparently quite disliked by her fellow players on both occasions.  If anything, editing gave her a great portrayal than how she apparently actually was within the game.

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6 hours ago, Knuckles said:

Michelle is a "youth pastor". And she lists her skills as being "very cunning". No cognitive dissonance there. Just what you want in a spiritual leader. Casting must have had fun with her.

4 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

She seems to self-describe as a missionary recruiter.  Sounds like cognitive dissonance, but think about it.  She preys on the young to get them to bust their asses for zero financial reimbursement.  Sounds pretty cunning.  I'm sure she's paid for each recruit.

I think Sunday (Blonde Gen-X) is the 'cunning' youth pastor and Michelle (Brunette Milennial) is the bible translator-cum-missionary recruiter.


4 hours ago, GaT said:

Taylor and Figgy are idiots. You can't wait 39 days before you get your rocks off? No, so much better to make yourself a target. Morons.

If I was on their tribe, I'd be freaking cooking them romantic meals and preparing a bed of flowers for their sexytimes. Because the more attention on them and their canoodling, the less attention on me.  See: Michelle.

Jay looks like Michael Hutchence from INXS.

After nearly dying, Paul was great in that challenge. He is an incredibly graceful swimmer, actually!

I laughed at Mari's "I have learnt that playing a game on a screen is different from playing a game in real life with people." Thanks, captain obvious. I would like a fully paid holiday to Fiji to learn obvious things also, please.

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5 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Can you give me the context for this?  I missed this.  

Michaela made the bunny comment about Figueroa and how she needs to keep her showmance quiet, not blare it out for everyone to see.  I think that was what she meant anyways, now I'm fuzzy on the details.

I did love the editors showing Figueroa (I can't remember her first name and refuse a self-given nickname) talking about how Millenials don't care about showmances and then smash cut to the rest of the tribe caring about her showmance.

My husband was yelling loudly at the TV for David to stop using the blade to strike the flint and to use the back instead.  David did not hear him.  But he did get the fire started and now the machete blade is a little duller.

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8 hours ago, simplyme said:


Oh... You know how they keep referring to "the pretty people" on the Millennials tribe? The thing is, they aren't actually pretty. What they ARE is white, around the same age (not as young as Will), not Jewish, and don't fall outside certain style parameters (like Zeke). I certainly think Michaela and Mari are better looking than Michelle and possibly Figgy, but ymmv.

I don't think it's necessarily that they are WASPs but that they hold themselves as though they know they are the bombs (though they aren't really...LOL). Look at BB, Z (who actually is the bomb) was the same and everyone called her one of the pretty people on BB.

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7 hours ago, blackwing said:


On Gen X, Ken (formerly known to me as "Blue Underpants") rocked.  He caught them an octopus, he got multiple rings at the challenge, and was the sole thrower.  I hope his tribe sees his value.  I hate the alliance of Old Longhair, Blonde Trial Lawyer, and Overweight Cop.   Why are the others letting them run the show?

I don't understand how Ken can describe himself as shy.  Isn't he a model?  And he's running around the island in tight underpants.  Neither of which equates with "shy".

CeCe was a main thrower, wasn't she? I think Ken did the first one. Cause I remember thinking she redeemed herself for sucking it up with the diving under to release the ring part.

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24 minutes ago, Lamima said:

CeCe was a main thrower, wasn't she? I think Ken did the first one. Cause I remember thinking she redeemed herself for sucking it up with the diving under to release the ring part.

I stand corrected, thanks.  She did throw and land the first two rings.  She couldn't release a ring under water and I was sure that she was out if her tribe lost.  But then she threw the first two rings.  Looked very ungainly, but it worked.

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I'm not really at the point where I'm rooting for either team yet, but I do have people I like and don't like on both teams. I'm a bit surprised that I was liking David this week, but any time some "nerd" who's never been camping before can make fire, that's going to win me over just a bit. Plus, I thought his "chair" hunt was a clever way to mask hunting for the idol, and at the same time make people think he's trying to do something for the group. But what I really like is the idea of him and Ken working together. I don't know why, but I've been drawn to Ken from the beginning. He's kind of handsome, although not my typical type, so that's not it. But I generally relate to the introverts, and his skills are pretty impressive as well. He caught them a damn octopus for dinner! I just really like the idea of Ken and David working together to take down the older guy group. 

But I was glad to see they got a week off from Tribal, because I always hate when one tribe gets picked off week after week. I was actually fairly surprised that Gen X won that challenge. Going in, seeing all the swimming and diving involved, I figured they would tire easily and lose. But my son insisted they would win. I guess he was right! Even Paul seemed to have recovered very nicely from his heat exhaustion. 

So the Millennial tribe got really interesting this week. The one to watch is clearly Michelle. Jay was ready to throw Figgy right under that bus and stay cool with everyone. But Michelle wasn't having any of that. She didn't want to lose her core 4, and went right to work manipulating and scheming and getting the numbers back on their side. Very impressive - especially that business she pulled with Hannah at tribal. She knew Michaela might be a wild card, so she wanted to double, triple ensure the vote went her way. 

I'll tell you, I do not care for the Tri-Force, but I think I may end up rooting for Michelle. And the one I REALLY don't care for on that team is Hannah. Hannah is that outcast in high school who will fall all over herself to please the popular girls if they deign to talk to her just once. I cannot stand girls like that. She's just going to let them use her, but she'll be the first to go once the other people are voted out. Whereas if she had stayed with Adam and Zeke and Mari, there's more of a democracy there. But props to Michelle for getting Hannah to do her bidding last minute. 

It will be interesting to see how these people work together going forward, though. Michaela really should have voted for Figgy, IMO. It wouldn't have mattered, but I don't see how her working with those people is going to benefit her going forward. She and Figgy can't stand each other, so she'd be low on the totem pole as well. I definitely see Michaela as someone who's going to play a really personal game. But I'm totally with her, that the thought of kissing someone out there is just nasty. And I did love her comment - "You need to pull the bunny out of the hat, you can't just walk in with the bunny"!

When Mari got voted out, my son (8) said - "The first thing she's going to do when she gets home is play video games". 

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11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Unless there is some rule against it, she should have got up and gone over and gotten in Hannah's other ear.  IDK.  Or she's clueless.

Mari's naivete at TC was really painful to watch. "Oh, I'm sure Hannah is just talking about puppies and butts". Um no.

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9 hours ago, blackwing said:

On Gen X, Ken (formerly known to me as "Blue Underpants") rocked.  He caught them an octopus, he got multiple rings at the challenge, and was the sole thrower.

Ken did rock, but he wasn't the sole ring thrower. CeCe threw the first few and nailed them.

Also, for those wondering how Ken can be a model and be shy - it actually makes perfect sense, to me. I grew up acting (just a lot of community theater and traveling productions, not TV or movies) and I was painfully shy with my peers and at school. Sometimes your "art" is the only place you feel comfortable expressing yourself. It's like you can put on another persona, and not have to be your shy, dorky self for awhile. 

8 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I don't find Mikaela angry.  If she's so angry why would she keep Figgy in the game.  

I don't find her to be angry either. She was a little sassy when sparring with Figgy, but she stayed pretty calm. 


7 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

I can't believe anyone would say in a confessional, "I'm glad he didn't have a heart attack, but..." Come on man! Just get over yourself, and think about being a human being again.

I get really really uncomfortable when there's a medical situation and people talk about how it could have/did effect their game. I know we're all human and might have these thoughts, but keep them to yourself, damnit!

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"As a millennial, I grew up in front of a TV screen".  


I'm almost to the point where "I can't even" (as whatever the next overgeneralized generational demo says these days) with this show.

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32 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

"As a millennial, I grew up in front of a TV screen".

Even worse, the line should've been, "As a millennial, I grew up in front of a computer screen." Gen Xers are the TV kids.

As a cusper, I find a lot of the generalizations stupid. But even a dumb millennial should know that TV was not invented in the 80s.

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12 hours ago, LanceM said:

Michelle is the one you need to look out for and I can see her hiding behind them for awhile.

This.  It's early in the season, but Michelle is a crafty one.

11 hours ago, Knuckles said:

Foggy and that doofus she is romancing are not attractive to watch

Foggy and the Doofus is the name of my new band.  They are both stupid.  It's kind of a huge rule that couples get broken up because they are essentially one person with two votes.  And making out in view of their tribemates is a loud and clear statement to everyone that they really don't fear being voted out.  It reminds me of Ozzy and Amanda's gross showmance, which made Ozzy's subsequent booting so glorious.

Oh, HANNAHHHHH.  She was the one to approach Mari and point out the Figgy and the Pretty People were running the ship.  So on some vague advice from Michelle during TC, she switched her vote to align with the same people she knows for certain have to go home?  ARGHH.  Have fun being on the bottom of that alliance.  And if I'm sitting at TC watching Hannah have a nervous breakdown in the voting booth - to the point that Probst had to check on her to see what the hell she was doing over there - I'm putting a big target on her back, because it shows how indecisive she is.

And Adam?  Take it down about 5,672 notches, please.  His blatant, wide-eyed beaming at Probst during tribal screamed, "Look at me!!  Ask me stuff!!  I LURRRRVE YOU JEFF!!"  Sheesh.

Edited by laurakaye
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43 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

"As a millennial, I grew up in front of a TV screen".  


I'm almost to the point where "I can't even" (as whatever the next overgeneralized generational demo says these days) with this show.

As a Baby Boomer, I grew up in front of a TV screen.

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Really not feeling this cast. Maybe a tribe swap will spice things up a bit.

Great gameplay by Michelle the "missionary recruiter", though. She could be one to watch. Hannah is doing her best Aubry impression. Meh.

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7 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

"As a millennial, I grew up in front of a TV screen".  

What's funny is this is actually untrue. Most millennials don't even own a television. They grew up watching things on their phones and laptops.

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I'm not feeling this season either, I cannot stand the Millennials. They come across as lazy and entitled. Gen-X is my favorite team, but I don't have a favorite player. I wish Zeke had his own tribe, he's my favorite out of all of these clueless people.

"I didn't know Survivor was going to be so hard." This is why production should not be recruiting people, they should put people in the game who love it, live it, have watched it forever. That's why I'm not into this group, none of them seem to be fans of the show.

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8 hours ago, Artsda said:

I loved how Michelle turned the vote and also at the same time made Mari think she was so dumb. Thought she was talking about bugs or something when really she was turning the vote.

Mari was talking about Hannah, not Michelle.

I loved this episode. Great editing.

This turn of events didn't really make me think Hannah (and Will and Mikayla) was stupid as much as it made me think Michelle (and to a much lesser extent, Jay) is a really good player. I don't really like her or Jay at all, but they're definitely currently the best players on Team Millennials. 

I love the Ken and David duo. They're adorable. 

I'm really looking forward to how this season goes. I think it could be really fun and interesting. Don't let me down, show!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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31 minutes ago, laurakaye said:


Oh, HANNAHHHHH.  She was the one to approach Mari and point out the Figgy and the Pretty People were running the ship.  So on some vague advice from Michelle during TC, she switched her vote to align with the same people she knows for certain have to go home?  ARGHH.  Have fun being on the bottom of that alliance.  And if I'm sitting at TC watching Hannah have a nervous breakdown in the voting booth - to the point that Probst had to check on her to see what the hell she was doing over there - I'm putting a big target on her back, because it shows how indecisive she is.

No, she made the right decision voting for Mari. As boring as it is for us to see a 7-3 vote, as a contest it is better to make sure you are on the right side of the numbers at Tribal and do damage control later. Her vote didn't decide it anyway so there was no advantage in being in the minority vote unnecessarily.


Her mistake was taking so long at the voting booth. You have to appear decisive at tribal even if you are confused as hell. All she did was let the majority alliance know that she can't be trusted.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

This turn of events didn't really make me think Hannah (and Will and Mikayla) was stupid as much as it made me think Michelle (and to a much lesser extent, Jay) is a really good player. I don't really like her or Jay at all, but they're definitely currently the best players on Team Millennials. 

I don't think Hannah is stupid. I just think she wants badly to fit in and is easily swayed by the idea that the "cool kids" like her. I also don't think Jay is anything special. Jay was ready to go along with voting Figgy out until Michelle caught wind of it. He's not bad if she's leading him, but on his own I think he'd be pretty lame. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Also, for those wondering how Ken can be a model and be shy - it actually makes perfect sense, to me. I grew up acting (just a lot of community theater and traveling productions, not TV or movies) and I was painfully shy with my peers and at school. Sometimes your "art" is the only place you feel comfortable expressing yourself. It's like you can put on another persona, and not have to be your shy, dorky self for awhile. 

I'm shy/introverted too, and not an actor/model, but when I know what my job is I can ignore it/power through it.  Multiple year head of a Parent Association, advocator for a special needs child, etc.  It's when I have to fumble around with small talk and stuff--unwritten social rules--that I get overwhelmed.  I can easily see Ken being able to do the work of modeling and I don't find it at all incongruous.  And shy and modest are not necessarily the same thing--they often go hand in hand, but I can see Ken being confident in his photogenic-ness (why not, he's making money on it) and therefore not having a problem modeling skimpy outfits, but still freezing up when the photographer, or a tribemate, says "hur hur how 'bout that sports team/political candidate/whatever?"


To keep Jay in his back pocket, perhaps, for down the road, because obviously Mari is a gamer and he'll need his own numbers eventually.  So he puts it out there, "Michaela next", to pacify Jay, make him (and this has worked on a lot of people) grateful to be spared.  But this was an opening, and Jay saw it.  

So that did actually happen on camera?  I totally missed it and was wondering if Jay made it up, and why Michaela didn't (that we saw) go and confront Zeke.

Love David finding the coconut and the guy who can't even break a stick having to open a coconut (he did better than Hannah in her coconut scene, I'll give him that!) to get his idol.  Good for him.  I like him.

He compared his looks negatively to Ken's, but he has gorgeous eyes and a gorgeous smile himself.   

We only saw flashes of Jessica, but at least her eyes weren't burning red like Cujo or something.  I think they're on the mend.  

I agree that Figgy is not tremendously more attractive than the other women on the tribe, but there's something about Michelle's facial bone structure, if you can see past the hair and all the draperies of buff and scarves and whatnot, that is fascinating to me.

Two flying foxes together this time!   And a judgmental very green iguana!

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7 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't think Hannah is stupid. I just think she wants badly to fit in and is easily swayed by the idea that the "cool kids" like her.

I don't get that from Hannah. I think she's just really close to Michelle and trusts her the most. Which might be a bad thing game wise, but I don't know yet.

As for Jay, I was giving him credit for being close enough to Zeke that Zeke would feel comfortable telling him they were voting Figgy, but that might've been more Zeke's own doing and nothing to do with Jay. But Jay was the one who talked to Makayla/Figgy, so he did do something. Although he probably did that on Michelle's orders.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't get that from Hannah. I think she's just really close to Michelle and trusts her the most. Which might be a bad thing game wise, but I don't know yet.

I guess I just see it as a one-way street. Hannah may feel close to Michelle and trust her (although, it can't be explicitly, or she wouldn't have waffled so badly). But I don't think Michelle feels the same way. I see her as using Hannah, and Hannah is too blinded to be able to see that. I could be wrong, we shall see as the game moves forward. 

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21 hours ago, Nashville said:

Every time I see this my brain persists in misreading it as "love giggles" - and each time is funnier than the last.  :D

Being able to entertain oneself is an excellent trait, unless you repeat it out loud and excessively in public.  If so, you can medicate it, so either way you are good to go.  

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13 hours ago, mojoween said:

So two minorities went out one/two?  That's not a good look for either generation.


8 hours ago, green said:

They usually seem to go quickly in Survivor though Afro-Americans usually seem to take the quickest hits.  And would have again via "Paul's Posse" had Gen-X not won immunity.  Sad commentary no matter which way you look at it.

The 32 winners of Survivor have been:

  • 26 non-Hispanic white = 81.3%
  • 3 non-Hispanic black = 9.4%
  • 2 Hispanic = 6.3%
  • 1 non-Hispanic Asian = 3.1%

The 33 first-boots have been:

  • 26 non-Hispanic white = 78.8%
  • 6 non-Hispanic black = 18.1%
  • 0 Hispanic = 0.0%
  • 1 non-Hispanic Asian (this season) = 3.0%

Demographics of the USA:

  • Non-Hispanic white = 63.7%
  • Non-Hispanic black = 12.2%
  • Hispanic = 16.3%
  • Non-Hispanic Asian = 4.7%

Hispanics have probably been underrepresented in the history of this game. Nevertheless, there have been plenty of white people targeted early on, both old and young. I think for the first 20 seasons, 19 of the first boots were white...and then Francesca was cruelly first-booted twice. Also, in the first 10 seasons, 4 of the winners were visible minorities.

Do you really think racism got Rachel bounced first this season? We saw clips of her abrasive way of interacting with her tribemates, which seemed to justify the boot. She has admitted to struggling to relate to her tribe, but I thought that was age/lifestyle-related.

Mari's case is more interesting. I don't know why she was specifically targeted. I feel like the show failed to show significant sentiment against her. As they were reading the votes for Mari, I actually had to think, "Wait, who's Mari? Oh, the gamer." I think part of this confusion was down to the show focusing so much on the not-heart attack, the make out, the machete confrontation, and Hannah's waffling. Mari was an afterthought, which may have been the most racist part of anything going on here...and perhaps just a byproduct of an episode where several interesting things happened to people other than the bootee.

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