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S07.E10: Cut The Cancer Out

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The wakiles are a thirsty bunch! Ritchie is the creepiest creeper that ever crawled ! I also believe Ritchie tried something with Tre before and got shot down cold! I believe that is why me makes all those vulgar and nasty remarks about her.

kathie is looking for a paycheck and sucking up to Tre for it! I like Rosie but I think Tre feels she can't have a relationship with her and keep Kathy and the creepier out of her business and she is right !

I have cut people out before and it takes awhile for them to realize when I am done I am done no going back period ! My face says it all and there is  no way if I was Tre I could hide it so just cut the cord!

  • Love 11
  On 9/20/2016 at 12:03 AM, Giselle said:

I still have to watch this.It's recording late tonight. I didn't record it last night because I didn't want them tacking on the so so manzoid show to garner a better false rating. Don't want them to have any kind of rating.

One might wonder while Albie fluffs Andy is mommie fluffing Albie as she hunts down a paid beard I mean girlfriend for him?

From reading here I can imagine how the big sit down went

On another note since Kathy backed the wrong play and  her Kanoli Kastle didn't help her make the cut on RHoNJ she is giving everyone a look with this.


I love the last line in the article. Soon as I read if I said. Nooooo I don't think so.


How can they even afford to pay the Water Bill, Real Estate Taxes?

What about the Heating Bills? Oh wait in their old Kanolette Krypt - Joe & Melissa Gorga used to appear in their cat burglar outfits (skull caps, down vests and all) I'm picturing Kathy roaming her house with a pastry bag...using Kanolli Kreme as caulking at the windows

  • Love 5

And yet her cousins, who claim to love her, are just piling on, clinging to her, telling her to let them in. I wouldn't have the sanity to work through my crap with them either. 


Their requests to "let them in" read (to me) as a little bit of "we think you're incapable of having shit covered simply because you're you," which is condescending--which I've always found Kathy to be (a weird mix of that and awkward around the "cool kids"). It reads as if she's implying, "you made a mess; let wise, soft-voiced me make it right (and be a hero on TV!)." I mean, Teresa clearly has myriad faults and issues but being unable to take care of her business doesn't seem like one of them. Seems like Kathy and maybe Rosie want Teresa to be in in a broken heap of hair and tears on the marble floor. She's telling them she's fine and that she has what she needs right now and they're essentially telling her they know better. I wouldn't like that either.


I never hear Tre say she was okay with Joe drinking, in fact just the opposite. She seems upset by it and has stated so but you cannot force an alcoholic to get help until they are ready, cannot MAKE an alcoholic stop drinking until he decide to stop. It's so close to Joe leaving that having an intervention of some sort would be pointless. She's counting on the fact that he'll dry out in prison.


I think it says a lot that she said anything at all about it, especially on the air. Before, she would brush off Joe's shortcomings with cliched excuses, get pissy at whomever mentioned them, or clam up about them completely. Maybe she knows she is really in a position of power now in her home life and is going to use it, and also learned somewhere along the way that saying things are fine is different than things being fine (though I never really faulted her for that trait, even though it was a bit "head in the sand"), and that maybe expressing concerns (to the right party, which maybe Melissa is!) can be helpful. And, yeah, he's headed into the clink--he'll dry out there so why create a tension (along with a to-do list) during the last days of your spouse's freedom, I guess? I don't know.


Looking at the flashback to the reunion that was shown it clearly showed Kathy making the first nasty comment regarding the parents when she called Tre's mother a "fucking liar" and proceeded to call Tre's father - her uncle - a coward after Tre retaliated by saying Tre's dad was there for Kathy and Rosie more than their own dad.


I am probably so off-base here but every time I see that clip, I feel like Kathy is trying out a new Queen Bee persona to go with her newly rearranged face.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 13
  On 9/20/2016 at 1:25 AM, happykitteh said:

I never hear Tre say she was okay with Joe drinking, in fact just the opposite. She seems upset by it and has stated so but you cannot force an alcoholic to get help until they are ready, cannot MAKE an alcoholic stop drinking until he decide to stop. It's so close to Joe leaving that having an intervention of some sort would be pointless. She's counting on the fact that he'll dry out in prison.


One thing is for sure with Joe's wine making knowledge if he ever got the hankering for some vino in the klink he might produce a remarkably tasty batch of pruno.

  • Love 8

Siggy the relationship expert.

She came on the show supposedly knowing Jacqueline for years and years and being close friends.

Instead of trying to broker a reconciliation with Teresa/Kathy/Rosie – who she JUST met…how about you use your expertise with someone who is your good friend?

Try fixing the fractured relationship between Chris Laurita/Dina Manzo/Jacqueline Laurita.

  • Love 7

Plus that stupid random stone work on the exterior is awful. 


From a distance the stonework makes the house look like it has Tyvek paper on it.  Yukky exterior.  I don't like the turret look in general.  It's like tudor meets french meets empire style - mess.  The inside is really nice though and I love the kitchen.

  • Love 6

Mrs. P knew the conversation was referring to Teresa, it wasn't a general statement.


Even so, it was a universal truth, and one the Giudice girls should take to heart, instead of digesting the "the big, bad gov'ment is out to get us!" bullshit that their mother fed them.


You don't comment publicly. You have that convo off camera.


These people dropped their right to be commented on privately when they signed Bravo's dotted lines. Teresa's two-head was plastered all over the tabloids and news because of her legal troubles. Family or not, if she expected her co-stars to not discuss her being indicted on 41 criminal charges - while she never thought twice about talking various shit about family members on camera - then she's a bigger fucking entitled idiot than originally thought.

  • Love 7

Ugh, I do not care about Ashlee and Pete, as Chris said "Good luck, Pete, she's your problem."

I thought it was very odd that Siggy was crying at the Wakili get together. Calm down Siggy, they aren't your family.

Jac looks like she goes crazy next week, should be fun. Who is the woman in the preview she is yelling at? I didn't recognize her.

  • Love 5

I think everyone on this show is doing what Andy tells them to do. I don't believe anything is genuine except Teresa who is still too low IQ to get it.  Kathy and Rosie are told to try to make up to Tre. Melissa told to play nice. Jaq told to keep poking the fire. It's like a giant Truman Show where Teresa is the subject. With a year in prison under her belt she's starting to wise up. She's not playing so much anymore. She won't make up with K and R. But she still hasn't realized every interaction is prompted by the producers even as they prompt her. Shame on Andy, really, for manipulating people and pretty much ruining their lives on a whim.

  • Love 3

Who is the woman in the preview she is yelling at? I didn't recognize her.


That is Robyn Levy, a friend of Teresa's. I can't seem to recall another instance where a non-cast member went on a HW trip (one who hadn't already been introduced to us, like Sonja Morgan before Scary Island). I wonder what the story is there, if production had intended to bring Robyn in as a new HW or "friend of" and contrived Vermont to be her intro. But after reading the linked article, I'm thinking that her time on RHONJ will be short-lived.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 1
  On 9/20/2016 at 1:17 AM, happykitteh said:

I got the total opposite from that scene. I was surprised at how open Tre was with Mel. Instead of her usual, "It's fine. Everything's good" response she opened up to Mel about Joe being scared, Joe not wanting to talk, about Joe's drinking being out of control, how she thought drying out in prison would be good for him, etc. To me that was far from a blow off response.


Yes. She actually said that Joe can't sleep at night without drinking. That's a pretty strong dependency, and a very honest thing to admit on TV. I think she is genuinely worried about him. 

  On 9/20/2016 at 3:54 PM, MaggieG said:

Ugh, I do not care about Ashlee and Pete, as Chris said "Good luck, Pete, she's your problem."


Pete is the best thing that ever happened to Chris. Unless.....the two of them move in with the Lauritas. Oy. 

  • Love 9
  On 9/20/2016 at 2:19 PM, FamilyVan said:

From a distance the stonework makes the house look like it has Tyvek paper on it.  Yukky exterior.  I don't like the turret look in general.  It's like tudor meets french meets empire style - mess.  The inside is really nice though and I love the kitchen.


I thought the EXACT same thing.  I thought it was Tyvek and that they didn't have the money to finish the outside.

Melissa's blog is up.  It's pretty good.  I think she finally gets why Teresa and Jac argue so much......because Jac is a nut job and a big time trouble starter.

  • Love 4

I watched Kathy's home tour video someone was kind enough to post upthread. I liked her wall color (same as mine) and her wood floors and the windows from the inside but her decorating? Umm, no. Not good IMO. Looks like it's a home for old people.  If she's using this as a way to show off her decorating skills it was a fail, lol. What is it with these women? They all have such horribly decorated homes. I haven't seen much of Siggy's home since I ff through her stuff so I can't comment on hers but the rest are just awful with Tre winning the prize for tackiest.

Kathy mentions at the end of the video that she and Richie are going to start flipping houses, lol. Richie supposedly bought a lot and they're going to build on it.  Sooo you want be like the 2 Joes now? Do the Walikies have an original idea ever? Ever? Tre has a few NYT best selling cookbooks so Kathy writes a (failed) cookbook. Al and Caro Manzo have a successful restaurant so Richie decides he and Kathy should open a restaurant. (Remember that episode several seasons back where the Walikies met with Al to discuss this and Al looked at them like they were crazy and politely told them they would be in over their heads? Kathy subsequently said they didn't do it because she didn't want to be away from her "children" - who were almost grown teenagers . More like they couldn't get the backing).  Joe Gui built/flipped houses before his legal troubles and Joe Go currently flips houses so now the Walikies want in on that! Yes. yes, I realize thousand of people flip houses now (thanks to HGTV) but it seems like the Walikies try to get in on the gravy trains of everyone else on the show.

  • Love 9



Who is the woman in the preview she is yelling at? I didn't recognize her.

That is Robyn Levy, a friend of Teresa's. I can't seem to recall another instance where a non-cast member went on a HW trip (one who hadn't already been introduced to us, like Sonja Morgan before Scary Island). I wonder what the story is there, if production had intended to bring Robyn in as a new HW or "friend of" and contrived Vermont to be her intro. But after reading the linked article, I'm thinking that her time on RHONJ will be short-lived.

 Edited 23 hours ago by archer1267.



I thought it was Andrea Martin...Aunt Voula from My Big Fat Greek Wedding fame.

  • Love 1

When I saw the outside of Kathy's house my first thought was that it looked like two existing homes had an extension built in between the two houses to make it one big house.  Hearing her explanation of not having one big staircase in the center but one on each side (were there two in total?) also works with my theory they joined together two homes.   I also felt when she opened the door and let someone into the foyer that it was a huge space, too big really for nothing being there.   Could also explain why  a house that large is so close to the road.  I didn't mind the decor in some of the rooms we saw, would have been interesting to see the upstairs to see the layout because it seems like there are two separate upper wings and you can't get from one to the other without going down one set of stairs and up the other.  

As for the luncheon.  I think Kathy and Rosie only want Teresa when the cameras are there and I think the last two episodes prove that.  I also think the parents need to work out their sh*t before the kids will ever sort out theirs.  It seems to me it's Kathy and Rosie who want to gloss over their real issues to get more airtime.  Rosie does seem more sympathetic at times but then I'm reminded of her girlfriend that was on one season who basically said Rosie wasn't interested in her when the show had finished filming ie...she felt used for a story line.   It is a toxic relationship and understandably, at that time, Teresa didn't have the physical and emotional energy to deal with them.  It's hard with family but I've been in a place where I've just had to cut off my sister for my own mental and physical health (she's very much like Bethenny if that helps explain ;))  I'm civil for the sake of the family and when she was in financial difficulty with her home I offered to help her so she wouldn't lose it SO I totally get what Teresa means when she says "door is always open if you need something"  but I can't have a close relationship/friendship with her because I always end up hurt and I just won´t let it happen again. 

  • Love 6

I wonder if anyone has picked up on this too...?

Melissa said that Richie implying that Teresa is jealous of the Wakiles' marriage was a dick thing to say. And she's right, but I thought I remembered her saying pretty much the same thing a few seasons ago - that Joe didn't love Teresa. I was glad to find some recaps mentioning Melissa's comments, because I thought I was mis-remembering things. I take it Melissa doesn't remember making the same comment about the Giudices' marriage, or if it's just a different ball game now that she and Teresa are getting along.

From the linked article: “He doesn’t love her. He’s a cheater. He’s an a**hole,” Melissa says quietly, as if a mic can’t pick up a whisper. She goes on to explain that Teresa’s real anger toward her stems from how jealous she is of Melissa and Joe’s relationship. Since she’s “not embraced” by her husband, she doesn’t want anyone to be.

  • Love 5
  On 9/21/2016 at 7:05 PM, archer1267 said:

I wonder if anyone has picked up on this too...?

Melissa said that Richie implying that Teresa is jealous of the Wakiles' marriage was a dick thing to say. And she's right, but I thought I remembered her saying pretty much the same thing a few seasons ago - that Joe didn't love Teresa. I was glad to find some recaps mentioning Melissa's comments, because I thought I was mis-remembering things. I take it Melissa doesn't remember making the same comment about the Giudices' marriage, or if it's just a different ball game now that she and Teresa are getting along.

From the linked article: “He doesn’t love her. He’s a cheater. He’s an a**hole,” Melissa says quietly, as if a mic can’t pick up a whisper. She goes on to explain that Teresa’s real anger toward her stems from how jealous she is of Melissa and Joe’s relationship. Since she’s “not embraced” by her husband, she doesn’t want anyone to be.


Yeah, agree 100%.  Dum Dum, the Taliban Bride that NO ONE 'envies' realized that if she wants to be 'on display,' she'd better start giving Teresa a colon sunburn. At least she had enough sense to figure that out. It was hilarious when Bitchie™ (Thank you, PerPlexied!) cried, 'no fair' when he realized that she and Joe were on the Teresa train and weren't going to talk s*** about her. Bitchie™ is so gross. I noticed he quickly groveled and apologized. Too late, Bitchie. Take your gaggle of walking dead rejects and exit stage left. 

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 4

The jealous about others relationships is I think something Melissa, Joe, Kathy, Rosie, Ritchie  and Jac  use to gossip about together in the previous seasons.  I noticed when Melissa and Joe tried to shut down the conversation and not want to take part in it some of the others (was it Richie and Jac?) went in straight ahead with the "not fair, we did it for you" which imo is the truth and as much as Teresa irritates and infuriates viewers I do think she was right that they came on the show as a united front to take her down and get a bit of what she was enjoying with celebrity.    

Melissa and Joe got the fame they wanted and whatever their motives I just think it's a nice change not to have them at each other all the time.  I feel Kathy is still a few seasons behind where she is now trying to show off her big beautiful McMansion and trying to play the calm, zen "what did I do" to the crazy Teresa. Only problem is Teresa really is getting some zen from her yoga and isn't reacting the expected way so that Rosie and Kathy can play the victim.

  • Love 10
  On 9/19/2016 at 7:06 PM, psychoticstate said:

I do think that Rosie is legitimately upset over being cut off from Joe.  They did seem to have a genuine friendship and I'm sorry for her about that.



I cynically wonder if Rosie likes that viewers were amused with her and Joe's relationship, so she was trying to rekindle that angle in her (and Kathy's) desperation for air time.

I did feel bad for her, though, when she and Kathy were sitting at the table before Tre and Joe arrived.  Rosie was opening her heart and confessing her weaknesses while Kathy just stared indifferently.  Kathy tends to stare at her blankly in general, but during that scene it was kind of hard to watch.

Rosie knew what Richie meant when he made the remark in the kitchen about loving Kathy.  She quickly tried to shut it down, and the irritated look on her face showed she knew he was blowing their chances to be back on the show full-time.

  • Love 5

I feel very sorry for Kathy and Ritchie because their daughter is ill again and apparently has to have another brain surgery.  That is horrible beyond words and I hope and pray that she'll come through okay.

As far as Teresa's feelings for Kathy and Ritchie, they made their own bed and now they don't like sleeping in it.  They should have made an effort to support Teresa while she was in prison, she was there for a year after all they had plenty of opportunity, but they didn't.  They also apparently didn't make any moves to support Juicy who clearly needed help.  Kathy could have made some meals or taken the girls out or offered to babysit and give Joe a night out with friends.  I think that's what Teresa really can't forgive because beyond being common decency I think it's part of their culture.  Like when Melissa and Teresa were fighting about who did or didn't show up at the hospital when Melissa had her babies.   It's a big thing to go through the motions and show up and it's a slap in the face and a show of disrespect to not show up or make the phone call.  When the cameras weren't around, neither were the Wakiles and  now that the cameras are back so are the Wakiles.  I don't blame Teresa at all for not wanting them in her close circle, it's pretty much guaranteed they're going to bad mouth her and Joe and stab her in the back at the first opportunity.

  • Love 10
  On 9/20/2016 at 1:58 PM, KungFuBunny said:

Siggy the relationship expert.

She came on the show supposedly knowing Jacqueline for years and years and being close friends.

Instead of trying to broker a reconciliation with Teresa/Kathy/Rosie – who she JUST met…how about you use your expertise with someone who is your good friend?

Try fixing the fractured relationship between Chris Laurita/Dina Manzo/Jacqueline Laurita.


I think that would be tricky with Dina living in LA, but I also thought she had already reconciled with that side of the family.  Either way, that whole attempting to get Tre and the Wakiles to reconcile was completely producer driven. 

I like Siggy! She's over the top and a little ridiculous but seems kind and fun. I wish they'd show less of her terrible kids though. 

I know Ashlee used to be the absolute worst, but she honestly hasn't done anything awful this season. She seems respectful and mature. I think she actually grew up. 

I can't wait to see next week's fight. Jac is insane but that's also when she's most interesting to watch.

  • Love 2

So I rewatched this morning while exercising, couldn't get to the remote to FF the Ashlee scenes. Jack is legit trying to take down the rain forest one tree at a time. Not only was she drying her hands with a paper towel (ever heard of a dish towel?), but she appeared to be actually washing a dish with one!!! I don't know how that even works, not to mention wasteful. Sorry, just a huge pet peeve of mine. I keep paper towels on hand, but try to use them very sparingly. 

  • Love 1
  On 9/20/2016 at 1:17 AM, happykitteh said:

Perfect explanation of how I feel too.  I think Kathy and Richie dangle the subtle threat of alienation in front of Rosie if she doesn't take their side.



  On 9/20/2016 at 1:42 AM, movingtargetgal said:

Rosie is an emotionally vulnerable person and for Kathy and Richie manipulating and threatening her in this way is beyond vile.   


Within twenty-five minutes, speculation turned into fact.  I have seen no evidence that Rosie is being vilely threatened by her sister and BIL.  I have seen nothing but love between them, and nothing but condescension and dismissiveness from Teresa to Rosie.  I don't think Rosie needs to be manipulated and threatened to have a problem with Teresa's treatment of her.

  • Love 1
  On 9/22/2016 at 7:51 PM, archer1267 said:

Ghoulina, I recently bought paper towels that have some cleaning agent that gets activated when they get wet. I bought them by accident and don't recommend them. I wonder if Jacq was using those.


Oh interesting, I've never heard of those. So yea, possibly. It still seems like a waste if they're disposable. They had to return their watches but couldn't invest in some sponges and dishrags? LOL

  • Love 1
  On 9/22/2016 at 8:01 PM, RedheadZombie said:


Within twenty-five minutes, speculation turned into fact.  I have seen no evidence that Rosie is being vilely threatened by her sister and BIL.  I have seen nothing but love between them, and nothing but condescension and dismissiveness from Teresa to Rosie.  I don't think Rosie needs to be manipulated and threatened to have a problem with Teresa's treatment of her.


The part of my post where I stated "I think" means I am speculating, not presenting my opinion as fact - though I still stand by my opinion.

  • Love 1
  On 9/22/2016 at 8:38 PM, happykitteh said:

The part of my post where I stated "I think" means I am speculating, not presenting my opinion as fact - though I still stand by my opinion.


Your post was the speculation I was referring to.  The other post I quoted was the person who followed your post by stating the fact.  Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • Love 4

Kathy's not too concerned about Rosie's feelings IMO.  Before Teresa arrived at that lunch, Kathy basically told Rosie to STFU and let me talk right now. Rosie looked both like a kicked puppy and a caged bull at the same time.  I don't think Rosie's feelings play into this at all for Kathy. And based upon the purported past history about Kathy being embarrassed more than supportive at the time Rosie came out, I can see this being a recurring theme.

  • Love 7

Well, before I go back over to the corner....I like Kathy.  She was given the opportunity to go on the show and she took it.  Why not?  It isn't the Tre show.  I can understand why both Kathy and Rosie stayed away when Tre was at 'camp'.  And of course, it's always about Tre.  She could have contacted them too. 

And Tre is some sort of innocent in all of this?  Tre is the biggest bullshitter of them all.  No sympathy from me.  Flashback to the reunion.  Tre started all that. 

We got some Maria this episode.  She should be in every episode.  Sorry Siggy, family or not, when someone does something wrong, you have the right to say that.

Chris had the line of the episode.  Not a fan of Ashlee's but it's nice to see that she's finding happiness and her fiance seems like a nice guy so far. 

Paper towels...it looked like Jac was wiping up grease off the bottom of the pan.  Many people use paper towels in the kitchen to dry their hands.  I don't but I don't consider it a serious offense.  And if you're a germaphobe.... 

The outside of Kathy's house is fugly.  The inside is not exactly my style but there were some things inside that were done that were nice.   IMO, it's nicer than both Tre and Melissa's homes.

Lastly, this franchise is awful.  This episode was aired last Sunday and I just got around to watching it tonight because there was nothing else on.

  • Love 2
  On 9/25/2016 at 4:51 AM, breezy424 said:

Well, before I go back over to the corner....I like Kathy.  She was given the opportunity to go on the show and she took it.  Why not?  It isn't the Tre show. 



It didn't start out as Tre's show but Andy has make it pretty clear that it is now. That doesn't mean Kathy doesn't have the "right" to be on the show and Tre never said that (this season)- though I'm certain she'd rather Kathy not be on it. Tre expressed frustration that Kathy wouldn't leave her alone, that she continually badgered her after Tre politely made it clear she wanted no further contact and that she perceives Kathy as not wanting a relationship with her UNTIL the cameras were rolling. Don't know how long Andy will continue this as The Tre Show though, , as Tre isn't "bringing it" anymore.  Andy loves the catfights and Tre's over the top antics but Tre isn't taking the bait anymore.

  • Love 1
  On 9/25/2016 at 6:09 AM, happykitteh said:

It didn't start out as Tre's show but Andy has make it pretty clear that it is now. That doesn't mean Kathy doesn't have the "right" to be on the show and Tre never said that (this season)- though I'm certain she'd rather Kathy not be on it. Tre expressed frustration that Kathy wouldn't leave her alone, that she continually badgered her after Tre politely made it clear she wanted no further contact and that she perceives Kathy as not wanting a relationship with her UNTIL the cameras were rolling. Don't know how long Andy will continue this as The Tre Show though, , as Tre isn't "bringing it" anymore.  Andy loves the catfights and Tre's over the top antics but Tre isn't taking the bait anymore.


I guess it's a matter of perspective.  I don't think Kathy badgered her and I don't think Tre was all that polite.  Tre is playing a game just as much as anyone thinks Kathy is playing a game.   Kathy is no worse when cameras are rolling either IMO.  I do think Kathy is more sincere than Tre will ever be.  Tre's whole life depends upon the cameras rolling.   Can't say the same with Kathy.  Sure, she's gotten monetary gain from the cameras but she and Rich (who I don't like) can survive without them.  Can't say the same for the Guidice's. 

  • Love 2

Kathy has talked about Teresa in every scene she's filmed.  All of her conversations with the other cast members have been about Teresa.  That's badgering.

Compare that to Teresa who has other things going on and who hasn't mentioned Kathy, Ritchie or Rosie at all.  When they are brought up, she politely (yes, politely) asks that others stay out of it.  

  • Love 6
  On 9/20/2016 at 1:25 AM, happykitteh said:
  On 9/22/2016 at 6:27 AM, zulualpha said:

I feel very sorry for Kathy and Ritchie because their daughter is ill again and apparently has to have another brain surgery.  That is horrible beyond words and I hope and pray that she'll come through okay.

As far as Teresa's feelings for Kathy and Ritchie, they made their own bed and now they don't like sleeping in it.  They should have made an effort to support Teresa while she was in prison, she was there for a year after all they had plenty of opportunity, but they didn't.  They also apparently didn't make any moves to support Juicy who clearly needed help.  Kathy could have made some meals or taken the girls out or offered to babysit and give Joe a night out with friends.  I think that's what Teresa really can't forgive because beyond being common decency I think it's part of their culture.  Like when Melissa and Teresa were fighting about who did or didn't show up at the hospital when Melissa had her babies.   It's a big thing to go through the motions and show up and it's a slap in the face and a show of disrespect to not show up or make the phone call.  When the cameras weren't around, neither were the Wakiles and  now that the cameras are back so are the Wakiles.  I don't blame Teresa at all for not wanting them in her close circle, it's pretty much guaranteed they're going to bad mouth her and Joe and stab her in the back at the first opportunity.



  On 9/24/2016 at 1:39 PM, stewedsquash said:

While reading all the posts it was clear to me that @movingtargetgal was stating her opinion about the dynamics between T,K,R andR. I hope that we don't have to go back to that horrible twop rule of inserting IMO before or after each post. I agree with the notion that Teresa would take a relationship with just Rosie, that Teresa and Rosie have been closer, and that Kathy is a manipulator of Richie and Rosie. Richie doesn't bother me as much as he does others. I think that he would completely drop everything if Teresa said Help me, or if Joe said Help me, but for Kathie's soft voice. I think Kathie is the problem in the relationship. I thought it from the beginning but when Rosie had her outburst that Kathie was the one suffering? It clicked, and I saw that sneaky inner smile from Kathie that no one sees. No one except me I guess, haha. And yes to the poster who said that Kathie is just blank about Rosie. Rosie is the link to Teresa and Joe, and Kathie wants to use that to pay for the upkeep of that darn house.

eta I don't know why I put ie's in Kathy's name but I am too lazy to change it. I can't remember how she spells her name.


Zulualpha, I agree with your entire post. A quiet pan of pasta with dessert once a month, a card or two just saying, "thinking of you". Joe would have let Theresa know Kathy stepped up with out the cameras rolling and the dynamic now probably would have been different. But Kathy didn't do that because the cameras weren't rolling.

Stewedsquash, I agreed with yours too with the exception of what you said about Bitchy helping the Gudices. He would certainly do it if cameras were rolling. And with cameras or if he did it otherwise, he would make sure everybody heard about it and use it against them as a dig in the future and to make himself look the bigger person. It wouldn't be out of generosity.

Pssst, I too saw that sneaky side smile smirk of Kathy's. She knows how to push buttons and set up triggers to be pulled.

I don't think they will have that Kanoly Kastle for long. There are no other ideas to steal.

Happykitteh, Sorry. Once again using  PTV on a cell sucks. Can't delete a misquoted post.


  • Love 3
  On 9/25/2016 at 4:51 AM, breezy424 said:

Well, before I go back over to the corner....I like Kathy.  She was given the opportunity to go on the show and she took it.  Why not?  It isn't the Tre show.  I can understand why both Kathy and Rosie stayed away when Tre was at 'camp'.  And of course, it's always about Tre.  She could have contacted them too. 

And Tre is some sort of innocent in all of this?  Tre is the biggest bullshitter of them all.  No sympathy from me.  Flashback to the reunion.  Tre started all that. 

We got some Maria this episode.  She should be in every episode.  Sorry Siggy, family or not, when someone does something wrong, you have the right to say that.

Chris had the line of the episode.  Not a fan of Ashlee's but it's nice to see that she's finding happiness and her fiance seems like a nice guy so far. 

Paper towels...it looked like Jac was wiping up grease off the bottom of the pan.  Many people use paper towels in the kitchen to dry their hands.  I don't but I don't consider it a serious offense.  And if you're a germaphobe.... 

The outside of Kathy's house is fugly.  The inside is not exactly my style but there were some things inside that were done that were nice.   IMO, it's nicer than both Tre and Melissa's homes.

Lastly, this franchise is awful.  This episode was aired last Sunday and I just got around to watching it tonight because there was nothing else on.


Teresa starting blocking Kathy and Rosie out before she went to prison.

So I don't know why she would expect them to contact her in prison.

I am fine with Teresa appeasing her father by not having contact with Kathy and Rosie, but I do think there is a place for them on the show.  I am tired of the Teresa getting out prison getting a pass, Joe going to prison show.  It is not really very representative of most people's reality.

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I finally saw this episode tonight. Honestly, I don't blame Teresa at all for finally ending the relationship with her cousins. It is telling that Rosie and Kathy reached out only when the show began filming the new season. They could have emailed or written a card/letter while Teresa was in jail. Richie, IMO, is a shitty person and he gave Teresa all the more reason to snip-snip any ties that remained.  I agree with whoever said that something happened between Richie and Teresa off-camera because his level of anger with regard to her existence is just bizarre.

Rosie may have been genuine in her attempts to regain what she had with Teresa, but it's clear she comes with Kathy and Richie's BS, and Teresa wants none of it.

Regardless of her reasoning, I've never taken issue with Teresa not wanting her cousins and sister-in-law/brother-in-law on the show. One of the reasons why I didn't enjoy watching the Lauritas on the show is because it makes for an uncomfortable situation on and off camera when real relatives are arguing over BS. I don't care for that at all and it's not entertainment to me.

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  On 9/25/2016 at 10:12 PM, zoeysmom said:

Teresa starting blocking Kathy and Rosie out before she went to prison.

So I don't know why she would expect them to contact her in prison.


She probably didn't. That's why she was like, "Oh, why are you all of a sudden trying to contact me? Now that I'm out and on camera again?" I don't think she expected them to contact her, or cared one way or the other. But then don't act like you want to be all close again when production shows up.

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I'm sort of playing catch-up with this series also. I only watch sporadically and know some facts. Teresa went to prison for a crime and Joe is serving his time now. Rosie and Kathy's mother (who is Teresa's father's sister) made a comment on camera that 'when someone does something illegal they deserve to be punished' (that was paraphrasing). Teresa blocked Kathy and Rosie while she was in prison mainly due to that comment by her aunt. Now, they want to have a relationship with Teresa because she's their first cousin and Teresa is pissed off at them for the comment their mother made and she doesn't want anything to do with them or their family. I know that Teresa had blocked both of them while she was in prison so what did she expect once she came out? Teresa is only deflecting when she claims she wants nothing to do with them because they didn't reach out to her, I call bullshit on that one. WHEW, I hope I got most of that straight anyway.

So, in this episode Teresa abandons her kids again, albeit only for a few days, and her husband that is about to get thrown in the clink for a few years. But she doesn't seem to understand that her husband might just resent that she's going away for a fun weekend without him and the youngest daughter Audriana says "there she goes on another trip."  This is the six year old that took Teresa's jail time very hard. She's the kid that clung to her like lint once she was home, probably because she's afraid Teresa will leave them again. This is sort of unforgivable of Teresa in my opinion. Her kids have all been traumatized by her having to go to prison, particularly the six year old who was barely 4 years old when Teresa was sent to the slammer. Now Joe will be 'going to college to write a book' for 41 months. I can't even imagine how emotionally  messed up the minds of these little ones will be. 

I found that I really don't like Jacqueline much, she appears bi-polar sometime, or maybe just unstable. Yeah she has a kid with autism and that's rough but Kathy's daughter has had a brain tumor and if anyone missed it, I think it was last week's episode when Dolores and Siggy came to the door at Jacqueline's house for lunch and Kathy's daughter Victoria answered the door and let them in. There was a quick "hi how you doing sweetie?" They barely waited to hear an answer before rushing past her to the kitchen. And what she said in an soft voice was something to the effect of "good, but I'm still a little scared". They didn't hear or care to hear, they were more intent on being on camera in the kitchen instead of hearing her answer.

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I have always had the feeling that Richie had done something to Teresa before the TV show that Teresa has not brought up in front of the cameras


I rewatched the lunch scene between Kathy, Rosie and Teresa and think there's something to this. Teresa brought up Richie and how he always has something negative to say. Kathy seemed to be listening to her with an open mind but when Teresa said "Doesn't he feel anything?" Rosie suddenly shut the conversation down and Kathy's mood changed too. One of them (can't remember which one) snapped "don't go there!" There was a definite shift in the conversation when Richie's name came up and I thought it was curious.

Of course, with editing and such, we'll never really know how it all went down.

I don't know if Richie went so far as to make a pass at Teresa, but based on his sense of humor and behavior that we've seen, I could definitely see him teasing her as a teenager about her flat chest in a bikini, that sort of icky, juvenile stuff. (And I can just imagine Richie making inappropriate comments to the girls that his son brings home, the sorts of comments that he would probably consider "compliments" but are just sleazy. Like "Whoa, if I wasn't married, my son might have competition!" Just, no.)

  • Love 1
  On 9/27/2016 at 5:18 PM, archer1267 said:

I rewatched the lunch scene between Kathy, Rosie and Teresa and think there's something to this. Teresa brought up Richie and how he always has something negative to say. Kathy seemed to be listening to her with an open mind but when Teresa said "Doesn't he feel anything?" Rosie suddenly shut the conversation down and Kathy's mood changed too. One of them (can't remember which one) snapped "don't go there!" There was a definite shift in the conversation when Richie's name came up and I thought it was curious.

Of course, with editing and such, we'll never really know how it all went down.

I don't know if Richie went so far as to make a pass at Teresa, but based on his sense of humor and behavior that we've seen, I could definitely see him teasing her as a teenager about her flat chest in a bikini, that sort of icky, juvenile stuff. (And I can just imagine Richie making inappropriate comments to the girls that his son brings home, the sorts of comments that he would probably consider "compliments" but are just sleazy. Like "Whoa, if I wasn't married, my son might have competition!" Just, no.)


I know Richie used to ask Teresa about her shopping habits...that may have come a little too close to her money-acquiring habits, which I'm sure was not her favorite topic.

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  On 9/19/2016 at 4:14 AM, nexxie said:

Kathy apologized about what she said about the older generation - has Tre apologized for what she said? Tre is always the victim in her mind, but never takes responsibility for her crap.


Nope.  She's still hating her aunt, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she's doing this for her father's approval.  And who hugs and kisses somebody right before telling them to drop dead.  Then she tells them her door will always be open, then smugly says in a TH that she didn't mean it.  And if Papa Gorga is a coward, he passed that down to his daughter.  And  I think her tears were out of frustration or embarrassment that she had to act in a way that's incongruent with the persona she puts on for her fans.  

And to claim she wants to cut Rosie and Kathy out for insulting her parents, she had absolutely no reaction to Joe's - Shut the fuck up .  . .  .  . You and your stupid mother.

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Teresa said her heart was hardened and wanted to be left alone. One of them said they refuse to keep begging and Teresa said please don't. Rosie understood that Teresa didn't want them it her life. After Teresa's true feelings were told clearly to their faces, Kathy wraps it up by mentioning first that her door is always open. Teresa concurred and said her door is open. Hugs and kisses and goodbye. No confusion. They parted with civility.

  • Love 1
  On 10/5/2016 at 6:41 PM, Iguessnot said:

Teresa said her heart was hardened and wanted to be left alone. One of them said they refuse to keep begging and Teresa said please don't. Rosie understood that Teresa didn't want them it her life. After Teresa's true feelings were told clearly to their faces, Kathy wraps it up by mentioning first that her door is always open. Teresa concurred and said her door is open. Hugs and kisses and goodbye. No confusion. They parted with civility.


If you could give Jacqueline a call & explain this to her, that would help a lot.

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