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Russ and Paola: You're the Only Juan for Me

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16 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

There's been tease and speculation about babies surrounding those two for a while now.  What would a pregnancy do to "mi amor cahreeeeeer"?

A pregnancy would be her hook to stay on television. 90 days and a bottle or some such basic shit. Pao should Google Jamie Otis to see how successful that career path is.  

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

A pregnancy would be her hook to stay on television. 90 days and a bottle or some such basic shit. Pao should Google Jamie Otis to see how successful that career path is.  

We would be treated to all her revealing esexy and espicy preggo belly shots with her ass hanging out of her shorts...

  • Love 4
On 9/9/2017 at 6:54 PM, spankydoll said:

Hopefully their house in OK didn't sell. Miami is going to be a mess after this storm. 

It would make sense for them to go to OK, assuming Russ isn't renting the place out. (Which he should do.) But you know Pao will never ever go back to Oklahoma. The entire state of Florida could sink into the Atlantic and she'd find some reason not to go back to OK.

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On 9/4/2017 at 9:04 AM, sasha206 said:

I wonder if Russ would have brought her back and married her if he was actually heterosexual?  

She got her green card.  He got his beard.  A spicy Latina beard.  His "don't do lingerie" shoots is what he thinks a heterosexual male would feels.  He is not at all convincing.  And without that supposed lingerie concern he has, what would their storyline be?


@CofCinci - thanks for the commercial.  She looks good in clothes and less makeup.

On 9/29/2017 at 0:10 AM, sasha206 said:


I'm convinced that without the red sole that screams "I spent a lot of money on this shoe to make you think I'm sooooo successful" no one would buy such an ugly, tacky AF shoe.

Almost everything Pao wears is tacky AF.  She's not the arbiter of fashion or taste.  Everything she wears is skin tight, and she's always got her tits and/or ass hanging out.  I'm no prude, but not every woman looks good walking around like a sausage casing that's about to burst..

  • Love 2

She was actually pretty when we first saw her.  With each episode her hair gets lighter and her makeup increases.  She no longer even resembles the original Paola that we saw.  Why do these girls with beautiful dark hair think they look good with it bleached?  She is starting to resemble Kim Kardashian, which is never a good thing.

Edited by Phoebe70
omitted word
  • Love 5
On 1/7/2015 at 8:05 PM, KarmaG said:

I agree, they will make cute babies!

DO you really think that self-absorbed Pao would be domestic?  She is so stuck on herself she would never ruin her body with a pregnancy. Russ is a wimp for following her to Miami, she KNEW where he lived when she married him. And she keeps breaking his rules with her "modeling." I wouldn't have her. 

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The thing is, she really could have made a nice name for herself...along with a good living...if she had figured out a way to be a Spicy Latina in Oklahoma.

There, she is quite exotic, instead of aging and dime-a-dozen in MOI-yammy.

I come from a rural town myself.  There was a beautiful exotic woman when I was a girl, growing up.  She was/is from Peru.  A lovely person, staggeringly gorgeous, and a real pillar of the community.  (Her name is Pilar!)  The last I heard, she was a special correspondent for one of the news broadcasts there.  She gets to do all sorts of fun stuff while looking beautiful and sharing her bubbly, fun personality.  She's a local celebrity.  I would not be surprised if she doesn't run for office when her TV gig ends.  She's known wherever she goes.

Edited by bethster2000
  • Love 10
On 10/29/2016 at 12:08 PM, bichonblitz said:

For once I'm on Russ' side. He's trying to find a job. Looks like he may have a pretty good offer in Seattle. Pao is being a bitch. Some one has her believing she has a real shot at modeling. Probably that "photographer" she was paying to take those cheesy beach photo's and that talent agent she was paying to sign her up. Wake up, silly girl. 

I agree i use to.like her but shes changed 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, spankydoll said:

I feel very bad for Anfisa. Some of these fiancees end up in bad situations and have no support. Like Mark and Nikki. Awful

You feel bad for Anfisa?  When you put yourself out there to the highest bidder, you get what you get.  She chose poorly and could have backed out anytime, she chose to marry him.  Mark and Nikki...she knew he was much older than her, she knew his personality surely they skyped and talked on the phone, he even visited her so she too had the chance to back out even after she came to the states.  None of this is indentured slavery.  Seems like these women and men may not have a good quality of life in their native countries but I do not see any of them happy or better off once they get to the US.  The emotional strain, lack of family contact etc...and the friction between their chosen mates and the fiancees family adds strain and stress to a difficult situation made more difficult by the simple fact that these people are fooling themselves they are in love with someone who has an agenda to get to the states or someone who wants hot arm candy.  Real issues like wanting or being able to have children, families being accepting and such seem like they are not discussed in the courting stages.  It's stupid and doomed to fail.

Whew, I feel better.  Did not mean to preach. 

  • Love 10

I think Miami was on Pao's radar long before she married Russ. Probably long before she even knew him. Her best friend Juan was already established there to some degree, so she obviously knew about it, and when she sprung her idea of going there on Russ, she had the whole thing planned. And she has always been very clear that modeling/Miami are not optional. Russ is optional. She will be with him if he does everything on her terms. Ugh. I can't stand her.

Edited by Teri313
  • Love 11
58 minutes ago, Teri313 said:

I think Miami was on Pao's radar long before she married Russ. Probably long before she even knew him. Her best friend Juan was already established there to some degree, so she obviously knew about it, and when she sprung her idea of going there on Russ, she had the whole thing planned. And she has always been very clear that modeling/Miami are not optional. Russ is optional. She will be with him if he does everything on her terms. Ugh. I can't stand her.

She’s cut off the possibility of children with her alleged blood disorder. So even if her career never takes off, I think she much prefers the atmosphere in Miami and isn’t going to go back to Oklahoma without a battle. Russ might as well throw in the towel and look for an attractive local girl who will be happy in Oklahoma with a decent nice guy.

  • Love 5
On 5/28/2018 at 8:57 PM, bethster2000 said:

The thing is, she really could have made a nice name for herself...along with a good living...if she had figured out a way to be a Spicy Latina in Oklahoma.

That area of Oklalhoma...or the places Russ allowed her to visit--didn't seem very welcoming to anything or anyone "spicy."

9 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

If she can’t yet legally work in the US, who is paying for her car and apartment?

Tender Loving Care = TLC ?

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I feel Pao met Russ and immediately saw her ticket to the American Dream, and despite Russ' milquetoast demeanor, she pursued her dream. She's using Russ and it seems Juan, who knows her oh so well, knows this, and is deeply disappointed that in pursuing her dream via Russ, she's been ignoring her family and friends. I really hate Pao now. She's totally using poor Russ, while Russ could be enjoying a perfectly wonderful life, with a job of his liking in Oklahoma, and a woman who appreciates his non-espicy lifestyle. He'd probably have a couple of kids too. It's very sad. 

  • Love 6
29 minutes ago, zenme said:

She's totally using poor Russ, while Russ could be enjoying a perfectly wonderful life, with a job of his liking in Oklahoma, and a woman who appreciates his non-espicy lifestyle. He'd probably have a couple of kids too. It's very sad. 

I can't stand Pao either, but he 'fell in lust love' overseas & married her. She seems to be what he wanted & continues to want. He could easily dump her ass & move on, but he doesn't. He also continues to look like a whipped puppy on teevee, & that's his choice as well.

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 7:29 PM, spankydoll said:

I feel very bad for Anfisa. Some of these fiancees end up in bad situations and have no support. Like Mark and Nikki. Awful

I don't feel sorry for Anfisa.  I don't hate her like I did the first season, I think she has the potential to be a decent human being.  But she is still spoiled, immature, and selfish.  It's true the Jorge is a loser and gets what he deserves.  But she has a lot to apologize for herself and her own abusive behavior, and that never gets addressed.  She will only ever grow up if she starts looking in the mirror.  She's the one who chose Jorge not because he is some great guy who swept her of her feet, but because he flashed cash in front of her.  We've seen for two seasons now that this guy has zero charisma and couldn't charm his way out of a paper bag.  She needs to stop whining about poor Anfisa and treat people better.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

I can't stand Pao either, but he 'fell in lust love' overseas & married her. She seems to be what he wanted & continues to want. He could easily dump her ass & move on, but he doesn't. He also continues to look like a whipped puppy on teevee, & that's his choice as well.

I think he stays with her because he believes she loves him. She gives him enough to keep him coming back and he wants to believe it.

  • Love 4

Russ - or anyone, for that matter - can clearly see that Pao's body type conforms more to the adult entertainment niche than it does to anything else. (I just don't see Pao strutting down the catwalk in Milan.) With this in mind, Russ is justified in feeling offended when Pao continues to pursue this elusive career that seems to miss the mark of respectability.

It's getting tiresome to hear Russ talking about supporting his wife, his wife not supporting him, supporting each other, blah blah.

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

Russ - or anyone, for that matter - can clearly see that Pao's body type conforms more to the adult entertainment niche than it does to anything else. (I just don't see Pao strutting down the catwalk in Milan.) With this in mind, Russ is justified in feeling offended when Pao continues to pursue this elusive career that seems to miss the mark of respectability.

It's getting tiresome to hear Russ talking about supporting his wife, his wife not supporting him, supporting each other, blah blah.

She supposedly just had a miscarriage a few weeks ago and found out she has some mysterious blood disorder that will deter her from having more children,or her kids will have weak  limbs but she’s telling  Juan she wants to have children with Russ. Her carrreeer has a limited window of time before she will  be considered too old, and she wants to take 18-24 months off to have a baby and get back in shape? No way. 

Russ is a sad sack who wants  to show guys like Juan that he can get a sexy hot  woman. Juan  wants a hot woman to hang with so people don’t pick up on the fact  that he’s gay. 

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Juan knows Pow better than Russ does. His utter disbelief when she said that she wants kids with Russ was amazing. Maybe with some spectacularly wealthy Miami man, but OK Russ? She'd be handcuffing herself to him and his country roots forever. I don't really care what she says: their marriage has an expiration date. He'll eventually grow another pair and realize that she's manipulated him into living a life that he doesn't like. Hopefully he won't waste too many years on her.

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I wrote in the main show thread that Juan is Pao's "fight friend".  It was a former co-worker who told me about the fight friend.  He and his wife dated in high school (she was younger than him). He went off to college and saw her when he was home.  Her BFF (female - same age) was fine until, in short order, the co-worker got kicked out of college for partying too much, then his wife (then GF) found out she was pregnant, and they got married in a hurry (her family is a little on the religious side).  With no prospects and a baby on the way, he joined the Navy so they would have benefits, and was deployed.  That left her alone, and she and BFF got a place, and co-worker visited when he was home.  When he got out of the Navy, they moved away (none of them were from the area where I live) and BFF got mad, and caused issues.  One day, I get a friend request on FB from someone I don't know.  I see we have a mutual friend - the co-worker.  I ask him, and he says "You can accept if you want, but you don't know her - she's my wife's fight friend.  My wife gripes about me non-stop to her, because she knows that her fight friend will be the one to cause drama, and fight her battles for her.  When I mention it, my wife claims fight friend does this of her own accord, she's a drama queen, etc, but yet she keeps bringing up new stuff ,and we don't live there anymore, so someone is telling her."  He felt she was friending me because she saw that he and I worked together, and she was looking for more dirt on him.  I asked this BFF is I knew her, and she acted like I did, but I never met her in my life, and wasn't in the mood for drama, so I told her she must be mistaken, and that was that.  Eventually, co-worker and his wife split, moved to different areas, and re-married.  Sadly, their daughter, who was friends with the kids of people I knew, turned in to a fight friend herself, pouting when these kids went to college, or got married, etc.  Ultimately, she found herself pregnant with the baby daddy long gone, and kind-of fell off the grid.  I have no patience for fight friends.  They just need to MYOB.

  • Love 6
51 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Just watched the fight again. Pao loved every minute of it. 

If she really wanted to get Juan to knock it off, she’d have left when Juan gave Russ the finger 5 minutes after they arrived. 

She turning her life into a telenovela. Very stupid game to be playing. Russ has given up way too much for her. If he wasn't her ticket to staying in the show she would have disposed of him already  

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

She turning her life into a telenovela. Very stupid game to be playing. Russ has given up way too much for her. If he wasn't her ticket to staying in the show she would have disposed of him already  

If Russ watches these episodes he’s  going to realize he’s getting played for a fool. I’m thinking it’s  starting to dawn on him that 15 minutes of her hot ass a couple times a week isn’t worth the aggravation. 

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Pao has a very overly inflated idea of how attractive she is.  She really does need a consult with someone to help her get her appearance back on track.  She needs help with her face, hair and body. Oh, and other stuff, but, I don't think those things can be changed.  She's gone way downhill in her appearance from the way she looked before.  To me, it's difficult to imagine her as a model, now. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, zenme said:

She dresses so cheaply too. As in, tart.

Yeah, but, I'm not sure that could be changed.  Oh my, I just read that she is 31 years old. Is that right? .....I would imagine that the demand for models her age would be more in the line of modeling mature clothing. Not nude or lingerie.  It seems that she is living in a fantasy land about a modeling career at that age.  

  • Love 9
21 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Pao has a very overly inflated idea of how attractive she is.  She really does need a consult with someone to help her get her appearance back on track.  She needs help with her face, hair and body. Oh, and other stuff, but, I don't think those things can be changed.  She's gone way downhill in her appearance from the way she looked before.  To me, it's difficult to imagine her as a model, now. 

Her best defense is to dye her hair back to it's natural color, down play the espicy crap and aim for a more commercial modeling career with a head shot in a button down shirt and minimal make up. She should shoot some photos for her portfolio portraying her as a mom, business woman or even a mechanic, playing up her Hispanic looks will be much more marketable.  Not only will she have a better chance of a modeling career but I bet she would have less to fight about with Russ if she was not trying to get paid for half naked non paying gigs.

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Has she actually talked to some legit people about making a real income in modeling?  Her friend/photographer doing that calendar shoot was just ridiculous.  How much did she make? Who is going to sell this calendar?  It seems like a vanity project to me. Rich people can afford to do that, but, when you're struggling, it's rather overly indulgent. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Her best defense is to dye her hair back to it's natural color, down play the espicy crap and aim for a more commercial modeling career with a head shot in a button down shirt and minimal make up. She should shoot some photos for her portfolio portraying her as a mom, business woman or even a mechanic, playing up her Hispanic looks will be much more marketable.  Not only will she have a better chance of a modeling career but I bet she would have less to fight about with Russ if she was not trying to get paid for half naked non paying gigs.

But that’s not the modeling she wants to do. She wants to be the hot sexy Sofia Vergara. She wants to wear as little as possible or be naked, with smarmy Juan cheering her on from the sidelines. She wants to  hangout with Juan and his group and go to the bars and places where she’s known and dance and wave to all the drunks whoa are ogling her.

I don’t think she even cares about the money all that much, it’s the attention she craves.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

But that’s not the modeling she wants to do. She wants to be the hot sexy Sofia Vergara. She wants to wear as little as possible or be naked, with smarmy Juan cheering her on from the sidelines. She wants to  hangout with Juan and his group and go to the bars and places where she’s known and dance and wave to all the drunks whoa are ogling her.

I don’t think she even cares about the money all that much, it’s the attention she craves.

Well that hits the nail right on the espicy head!  

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