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Loren & Alexei: No Strippers Allowed

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Does anyone think thyroid disorders run in that family?  Loren is hyper and wiry while her poor sister seems motionless and overweight.  Something seems off about Loren, but I don't think she is spoiled-- It seems like she has ADHD with poor impulse control, and also might not be the sharpest pencil in the box.   She is cute though which must of been how she got into Alexei's heart.  I wish we could hear the sister's opinion on things.  I should have relistened to what her mother was saying (it didn't seem to make much sense the first time around).

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Sigh....I had good feel about these 2...but now....I don't know...maybe editing but her actions were HER actions....not just "editing"


I wonder if she had relationships end when guy's family and friends backed him up that she is selfish and demanding ?


Anyone notice - friend from Bufallo? I think her family from there....NY...not NYC? Loren does not have a NYC accent

Oh..I have been to La Bare couple times LOL> -fun place! Bachelorette, B-day...LOL. It is a nice classy club...women ONLY, no men in audience

But I can see him feeling jealous...he has NO one in US but her

Edited by still hoping
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I hope Alexei backs out and goes back to Israel. Loren is selfish and can't see beyond her own needs and wants--she really doesn't have a clue that when you truly love someone, you also respect them and think of their needs/wants, too. So far, she's made everything about what she wants (Alexei to be an underwear model; he wants to be a firefighter or policeman); her needs (Alexei was upset at how distressed his family was over his leaving Israel and going to the US, but Loren carried on like they were trying to ruin her wedding); and she disrespected him by going to the strip club for her bachelorette party--she could have told the girls "No--let's go somewhere else", but instead she went and placed the blame entirely on her friend and sister.


For me, Loren ranks a close second (next to Mark/Baltimore) to being the worst fiancé this season.

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Anyone notice - friend from Bufallo? I think her family from there....NY...not NYC? Loren does not have a NYC accent


But I can see him feeling jealous...he has NO one in US but her


Someone upthread said it sounds like a Long Island accent that she has. And I don't think he was jealous, he said as much. He said he was disrespected and he was. She totally disrespected him. It doesn't matter really whether it was an all female place or not, he asked her not to go and she agreed not to and then did. Disrespected him and lied to him.

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He seems too much a decent guy for her. It is hard watching how he is being treated like a Ken doll. I would not want that for a son of mine. Love is about being the better version of ourselves, to grow. 

I don't see what he saw in her as a person. Is it the extrovert/introvert attraction?

I think so.  I think for a young guy in what might be a more traditional society some crazy, out of control, loud, pushy girl who is pretty might seem like such a fresh breath of air and a turn on.  But they dont think about the mechanics of actually having to live with that sort of personality on a daily basis....for the rest of your life....

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Her "bestie" seems like the type who would cut her down behind her back, and the kind who is jealous that she has a boyfriend/fiancee and won't be spending as much time with her.  I've dealt with those types, and have worked hard to keep them out of my life.

hey, she will need that friend to tell her that she is totally right every time she and Alexi get in a fight.  And if Alexi leaves her, she will need that friend to tell her that she hated him all along and that Loren is totally right and Alexi is a jerk for leaving her.

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hey, she will need that friend to tell her that she is totally right every time she and Alexi get in a fight.  And if Alexi leaves her, she will need that friend to tell her that she hated him all along and that Loren is totally right and Alexi is a jerk for leaving her.

Yep, and then that same friend will tell everyone else in their circle all of her dirty laundry.  I got rid of two people like that a long time ago, and never looked back. 

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Yep, and then that same friend will tell everyone else in their circle all of her dirty laundry.  I got rid of two people like that a long time ago, and never looked back. 

Of course, for a friend like that, the only reason to listen to your stories is so they can share them with others.  Which they do almost as soon as they can safely get to a cell phone out of your range.  I think its one of the reasons that I'm fine with the quality of friends over the quantity of friends

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He seems too much a decent guy for her. It is hard watching how he is being treated like a Ken doll. I would not want that for a son of mine. Love is about being the better version of ourselves, to grow. 

I don't see what he saw in her as a person. Is it the extrovert/introvert attraction?

I do think they are an example of opposites attract-- He seems emotionally disconnected and she has enough emotion for the two of them.  I'm trying to get more of an idea of Alexei's personality and I don't think he has much of one.  Maybe he's with Loren because she supplies the personality and he just passively responds to it.

Edited by PamPote65
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I do think they are an example of opposites attract-- He seems emotionally disconnected and she has enough emotion for the two of them.  I'm trying to get more of an idea of Alexei's personality and I don't think he has much of one.  Maybe he's with Loren because she supplies the personality and he just passively responds to it.

Agree partially. yes I think that in terms of emotional energy, she does the job and he absorbs it and filters it. But personality wise, he seems to have more altruistic goals and family values. I think even if he doesn't show much emotion, he is not empty and shallow.

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Her "bestie" seems like the type who would cut her down behind her back, and the kind who is jealous that she has a boyfriend/fiancee and won't be spending as much time with her.  I've dealt with those types, and have worked hard to keep them out of my life.

I didn't get a good vibe from her either, the moment she started to totally disregard her best friend's husband to be. And provoke a mess by taking her to that lady's club, when he specifically asked not to. I know in the end it should be Loren's choice to go in or suggest change of plans, but best friend didn't help here. she didn't care.

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I'm not saying Loren is dumb, but she doesn't seem to have much in the way of forethought or insight. She's all about what's going on right now. For her. And she spends a lot of time in her feelings. I binge-watched the entire season today, and two things really stood out to me.


First was the call to Alexei's family. His family is upset. Alexei is missing them. And somehow it became all about Loren and how her feelings were hurt. Instead of comforting him, she ran off to the bathroom and locked him out. WTF is that about?


Second was the whole underwear modeling thing. The way she kept talking about Alexei like he as a piece of meat really grossed me out. I mean, it's great that you find your mate attractive, but she was so focused on the whole world finding him attractive. She wants everyone to see who she is with. She literally wants everyone to see her man in his skivvies and be jealous of her. It was puzzling in one way, because from the neck up, his looks are average (to me.) And it was also puzzling because let's say the whole modeling thing took off. Did she think she'd be able to go to his jobs with him? Did it occur to her at all that he'd probably have to travel and spend a lot of time with beautiful female models, who would also be in their underwear? As if she'd be ok with that. It's like she just wants arm candy.

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The way she pushes him to become a model was so strange. Thinking about how she was from New York City, it makes me wonder if she could not make it as a model and pushed her dreams into him. He was clearly miserable during that whole photo shoot monstrosity.

I absolutely think thats what it was.  I think she moved to the big city to become a model or an actress and she can't imagine how anyone might not want that dream too so she is trying to live through him.  And while I think Alexi is a good looking guy, I don't think he has a very model-y face.  I think at best, he could be one of those guys that models boxer/briefs where they shoot him from the neck down....

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Loren is a pretty girl.

Then she starts talking in that loud frantic voice and I forget all that.

^^this right here....all day every day.  She is physically attractive, and then she makes the mistake of talking.


I think Noon's personality makes her prettier, I think Loren's personality detracts from her prettiness.

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I wonder why it is so impossible for her to move to Israel. That scenario seems to make the most sense to me. He had a good job there (whereas she apparently didn't care too much about hers), he was providing important support to his family (whereas she just seems to be a drain on hers) . . . why is she too precious to move countries?

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I wonder why it is so impossible for her to move to Israel. That scenario seems to make the most sense to me. He had a good job there (whereas she apparently didn't care too much about hers), he was providing important support to his family (whereas she just seems to be a drain on hers) . . . why is she too precious to move countries?


I was curious about this, as well. I have visited Israel (not on birthright though -- not Jewish) and I cannot imagine it would *that* hard for her to adjust to life there -- especially since she is Jewish and would have a working fiancé there, too. I think it just boils down to the fact that she wasn't willing to do it and that was that. I don't think she ever even entertained the idea that she would be the one to move.

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Alexei just seems like the life is sucked out of him. I mean, I guess we never really saw him be very lively. But he just seems so... drained of life. All the time. The way he was before the wedding made me feel sad. And he seemed miserable at the reunion. I get just not being an effusive person or not being comfortable on camera... But everything about his demeanor just screams "unhappy" to me. Blugh. Should have run away when you could have dude! He'll need witness protection to escape that train wreck.

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Alexei just seems like the life is sucked out of him. I mean, I guess we never really saw him be very lively. But he just seems so... drained of life. All the time. The way he was before the wedding made me feel sad. And he seemed miserable at the reunion. I get just not being an effusive person or not being comfortable on camera... But everything about his demeanor just screams "unhappy" to me. Blugh. Should have run away when you could have dude! He'll need witness protection to escape that train wreck.

He is surrounded by people who constantly tell him that his feelings are wrong or don't matter.  Or that he should just do whatever Loren wants.  He has almost no support and no one on his side.  Loren is a black hole vortex of neediness.  I'm sure she was fun at first, especially for a low key guy like Alexi, but she will twilight the life right out of him...

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RCharter, you definitely hit the nail on the head. Loren is way too much and I don't see this marriage lasting. She seems to thrive being the center of attention and those types of people are very tiring. Alexei already looks like the life is drained out of him.

and honestly, I think she is one of those people who enjoys fighting and chaos, because it makes her the center of attention.  I get tired just thinking about dealing with people like that.  He is either going to have to resign himself to a life of misery or get out of that situation.  

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I think both Loren and Alexei are extremely good looking, the best looking out of all the couples.  I find it weird how everyone goes on and on about carolina and noon's looks.   Did we watch the same show?  I wish I was as pretty as Loren!

I think that Loren, Carolina and Noon are all equally pretty.   As for watching the same show, I don't get the Loren hate.  she doesn't bother me (except the modeling thing). 

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I hope if these two don't make it, that it falls apart before they have kids and not after. Loren strikes me as the type who gets really vindictive post-breakup. The kind of girl who puts SO much energy into getting what she wants in a relationship would put just as much energy into hating your guts when its over.


I can see Alexei packing up and going right back to Israel. I can see Loren absolutely losing it when he demands that she send the kids overseas for the summers. And I wonder how alimony would work if the spouse moves to another country. Is that enforceable?


ETA: fixing my typos

Edited by sleepyjean
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I hope if these two don't make it, that it falls apart before they have kids and not after. Loren strikes me as the type who gets really vindictive post-breakup. The kind of girl who puts SO much energy into getting what she wants in a relationship would put just as much energy into hating your guts when its over.


I can see Alexei packing up and going right back to Isreal. I can see Loren absolutely losing it when he demands that she send the kids overseas for the summers, an . And I wonder how alimony would work if the spouse moves to another country. Is that enforceable?

She is.  She is the type that would push to get the kids even though she doesn't really want them.  She is the type who would drop the children off late, insist on picking them up early, would throw a wrench in every single plan that Alexi had.  She would use her children as pawns and see nothing wrong with it at all.  Because Loren's world....revolves around Loren.  She would lose it if he asked to have them for an extra hour, because it would be about Loren being the center of attention and drama and nothing else.  

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On September 12, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Diamond Dog said:

Sorry, but I don't find Alexei sexy. And his ugly, patchy beard needs to go. 

The mystery ailment that Loren has is Severe Princess Disorder. Symptoms include: regular freak outs if she doesn't get her way; vocal fry; crying, and pouting; self-centeredness; and dry mouth.   

I thought he was good looking at first and I could have possibly come around to thinking sexy if only Loren didn't constantly try to convince everyone that he is. I don't want to be grouped in with Loren so I maintain that he is not in any way sexy. But really his face is only semi-decent looking. The fact that he chose Loren to devote his life to says a lot about him. Liking Loren is the least sexy thing a person could do.

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