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Danielle and Mohamed: The Original Mess

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On 1/14/2021 at 11:27 PM, mamadrama said:

They're required here but not mandatory. In my state it's up to the individual businesses. 

Every time I see that there is a new post on her thread I'm terrified that it's someone coming in to say that she has an Only Fans page. 

Or she killed Mohammed.


On 1/14/2021 at 9:38 AM, itsadryheat said:

As unique as she is, gotta give her credit for educating and working on herself in a positive direction

She is trying!!  Will she make it as a nurse?  Maybe, maybe not, there are lots of different fields - she could be in a doctor's office and not in an ER, so you never know.  

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On 1/11/2021 at 5:04 PM, christmaslights said:

mohammed drives a semi cross country. good for him, it's hard work and productive for society. I think the dog won me over.

I agree. I will never in a million years believe that he really came here for Danielle, but it's good to see him doing a real job - and not FO - and contributing to the country in a positive way. I also think it's nice that he reached out to her to in friendship to end the BS and drama. And he's pretty much assured that she won't be showing up on his doorstep now, so he's safe from flying binders. Love that he's got his dog too.

On 1/14/2021 at 10:38 AM, itsadryheat said:

As unique as she is, gotta give her credit for educating and working on herself in a positive direction. Ditched the Fans Only option for college. No matter where she ends up, it will be a step up from where she started. Unless she continues using the dating apps.

Was she doing FO? Please tell me no nudes.....................................lol!!!

Anyway, it's good to see them both behaving and being okay with normal life, unlike some of their fame-whore counterparts.

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On 1/15/2021 at 7:52 PM, Christina said:

I live in Ohio but have never worked in the medical field, and this is all guesswork. During Danielle's season, I followed along with her online exploits because they were hilarious. Not only do I not think she has any chance of being admitted into nursing school, I don't see how she could be licensed with her criminal history. It didn't involve acts of violence or substance abuse, so there may be some leeway but it has been really strict here for years. I don't want her to NOT try and improve herself, though.

In Ohio, there are a few different nursing licenses. There is Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, Community Health Worker, and Certified Nursing Assistant (which is not a nurse). They have different education and practice requirements. I don't see any reason why Danielle would get an AS to be a CNA, she would just go through that training. Maybe she is planning on becoming a LPN, but based on her employment history of working in group homes with mentally and intellectually disabled persons, I think she may be planning to become a Community Health Worker.

Like CNAs, I don't think CHWs are considered nurses, but it sounds like they go through the nursing school to do their training, as opposed to CNAs. I could absolutely be wrong about that, though. It may just be what is the nearest training facility and sometimes it's a nursing school.

Here is a pdf factsheet explaining CHWs. 

Back when I was enjoying her social media account, it came across to me that she really liked her job and the residents. There were a few times that they were throwing little parties and she asked for help finding something that she wanted to gift someone with but it had to meet certain guidelines, and it was clear she was speaking of a resident. I think her plans to be a nurse stem from her employment.

I guess that technically WOULD be "going to nursing school," even if you're just walking into the building to a different set of classes.

Honestly, if she likes the work and is competent at it, I say good for her. This strikes me as a population that is underserved and requires special attention, and if she chooses to and can fill that role, I call that a win.

When her season first aired, I remember just being sad and embarrassed for her, and also pretty angry at her for her abuse of Mohammed and general awfulness, but the shitshows that have succeeded her make her almost saintly in comparison. I inflicted her season on my wife, whose first exposure of the show was Grangela, so she's not impressed with the level of dysfunction. Funny how time and increasingly bizarre scenarios can alter your perspective.

We're both still really enjoying Amy and Danny, though. What a sweet group of people.

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On 1/20/2021 at 9:54 AM, christmaslights said:

is she still using mohammed's last name? her letter addressed her as Danielle jbali.  what a wackadoodle, why hold onto the guy's name

In MN when you go through a divorce, you can choose to change your name right then and there and save another trip to court and a fee.  Maybe in Ohio it is different?  Maybe she did not want to shell out the money?  Hang on to a piece of him?  Again, WHY DO I CARE?

On 1/29/2021 at 3:48 PM, monagatuna said:

When her season first aired, I remember just being sad and embarrassed for her, and also pretty angry at her for her abuse of Mohammed and general awfulness, but the shitshows that have succeeded her make her almost saintly in comparison.

I agree.  She is, unless you are on the receiving end of a large white binder, harmless.  She needs to work on the frump factor, however!

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On 2/3/2021 at 12:41 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

In MN when you go through a divorce, you can choose to change your name right then and there and save another trip to court and a fee.  Maybe in Ohio it is different?  Maybe she did not want to shell out the money?  Hang on to a piece of him?  Again, WHY DO I CARE?

I agree.  She is, unless you are on the receiving end of a large white binder, harmless.  She needs to work on the frump factor, however!

I think she wants to hang on to a piece of him or the fame that came with being married to him, or both. I got married over a year ago and the name change process is still dragging on. I have yet to do my passport (which I probably would've done earlier if we'd had a chance to take our honeymoon yet, thanks 2020) and two credit cards. If my wife and I divorced, I can't say for sure I'd change my name back because of the hassle. But if someone had put me through what these two have put each other through, I think I'd be expediting the process to expel any last bits of that person from my life, name, persona, everything. If Mohammed had given her a ring, she probably would still be wearing it.

Also, LOL at "receiving end of a large white binder." Hahaha!

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35 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

I think she wants to hang on to a piece of him or the fame that came with being married to him, or both. I got married over a year ago and the name change process is still dragging on. I have yet to do my passport (which I probably would've done earlier if we'd had a chance to take our honeymoon yet, thanks 2020) and two credit cards. If my wife and I divorced, I can't say for sure I'd change my name back because of the hassle. But if someone had put me through what these two have put each other through, I think I'd be expediting the process to expel any last bits of that person from my life, name, persona, everything. If Mohammed had given her a ring, she probably would still be wearing it.

Also, LOL at "receiving end of a large white binder." Hahaha!

I am never (yes I said never) changing my name again.  I am married, divorced, took back maiden name and remarried but here is a quick off topic recap:

Birth name:  First Middle Maiden

Married: First Middle Married - then I decided to take back my maiden name as my middle so:  First Maiden Married

Then I got divorced, went back to First Middle Maiden

Then I got remarried in 2017 and and now First Middle Married (second and FINAL time)

So Danielle - CHANGE YOUR NAME, lol!!!!  It really does not matter to me, obviously.  If she wants that name, go ahead.  Just get new glasses that fit and CLEAN THEM.


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On 1/19/2021 at 2:03 PM, Teri313 said:

I agree. I will never in a million years believe that he really came here for Danielle, but it's good to see him doing a real job - and not FO - and contributing to the country in a positive way. I also think it's nice that he reached out to her to in friendship to end the BS and drama. And he's pretty much assured that she won't be showing up on his doorstep now, so he's safe from flying binders. Love that he's got his dog too.

Was she doing FO? Please tell me no nudes.....................................lol!!!

Anyway, it's good to see them both behaving and being okay with normal life, unlike some of their fame-whore counterparts.

UGH, so they're back. Crap, I wish I could strike through this whole post now that they have proven me to be an idiot for believing this for a second. Edit should be an option forever! lol

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14 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

Do we have a Discovery Plus site? I saw Danielle and Mohammed meet up for a stop and chat at the ol' diner. Is there anyone else who would like to talk about this oddball couple? 

Some of the D+ shows are discussed here.  I hope I do this right...  


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11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m not sure what to make of Danielle, but I do have empathy for her if she has intellectual disabilities.  She does seem to struggle with life n general.  I don’t think TLC should take advantage of people that way.   

I wouldn't feel so bad for Danielle. She's not the innocent bystander in life.  While TLC isn't any angel Danielle does have a choice to participate or not.  Further, Danielle in the past has been charged with money theft and forgery.  (https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/danielle-90-day-fiance-criminal-record-140989/)

My take is that Danielle started to talk to Mohammed for citizenship fraud. Mo pays her something and she will bring him over on the K1. Problem was that Danielle decided to alter the agreement and wanted a real marriage (including the secks tonight!).

No I don't have proof on my hypothesis but there's been enough out there for me to draw this conclusion. 

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On 3/21/2021 at 1:08 AM, mamadrama said:
On 3/14/2021 at 10:45 AM, politichick said:

What happened to Mohammed? I saw their and thought he used to be kind of a looker, but now he looks like he works and lives in his truck.

He does! He seems to enjoy it, though. 

Many of those jobs pay very well--and trucks are equipped so the drivers are comfortable driving, living and sleeping.  One sees the country and can save money on lodging, etc.  I think Mohammed is a jerk, but I do thank him for doing work like this.

"As America grapples with the coronavirus and daily life is altered, the nation's truck drivers are among those who are risking their personal health and doing the hard work to keep products moving to stores, hospitals and elsewhere. And their effort is being recognized. Many users on social media are using the hashtag #ThankATrucker to send their message."



Edited by Back Atcha
Merging wasn't a good thing.
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On 2/5/2021 at 9:46 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

So Danielle - CHANGE YOUR NAME, lol!!!!  It really does not matter to me, obviously.  If she wants that name, go ahead.  Just get new glasses that fit and CLEAN THEM.

And, TLC, please HELP Danielle see a REAL eye doctor with years of experience and wonderful references.  Her eyes have been "mistreated" since childhood.  Perhaps laser surgery would help...AND lessons on taking care of her glasses so they don't get all wonky.  AND, like Mrs. Hanson says, CLEAN THEM  Also, TLC, please stop creating storylines for her that are CRUEL.  The "girlfriends," the extensions and the romper were INSULTING!   She doesn't know you're ridiculing her.

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5 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

And, TLC, please HELP Danielle see a REAL eye doctor with years of experience and wonderful references.  Her eyes have been "mistreated" since childhood.  Perhaps laser surgery would help...AND lessons on taking care of her glasses so they don't get all wonky.  AND, like Mrs. Hanson says, CLEAN THEM  Also, TLC, please stop creating storylines for her that are CRUEL.  The "girlfriends," the extensions and the romper were INSULTING!   She doesn't know you're ridiculing her.

It is kinda funny - I was never in either camp of the Danielle and Mo Mess but surprisingly, she has, to me, become the least offensive.  She is harmless overall.  And I kinda like Mo, he came off well in the Pillow Talk segments where he was in his semi truck.  

Yep, those IG wanna be models, influencers, or whatever you call them are clearly using her.  I read someplace that Danielle has a good yet misplaced heart.  Someone was having some sort of party near where she lived and invited her over social media and she showed up!

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On 9/1/2021 at 5:14 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

It is kinda funny - I was never in either camp of the Danielle and Mo Mess but surprisingly, she has, to me, become the least offensive.  She is harmless overall.  And I kinda like Mo, he came off well in the Pillow Talk segments where he was in his semi truck.  

Yep, those IG wanna be models, influencers, or whatever you call them are clearly using her.  I read someplace that Danielle has a good yet misplaced heart.  Someone was having some sort of party near where she lived and invited her over social media and she showed up!

I remember that from a poster in one of the FB Savage groups.  

I remember thinking how trusting Danielle was, accepting the invitation and showing up to celebrate that poster's birthday.

It gave me an entirely different outlook on Danielle.

Also, I practically fist pumped Mo when he was dragging TLC about why they didn't bother to ask Danielle how her schooling was going, how come they didn't know she was getting straight A's, why they didn't ask her about things going on her life now instead of bringing up all the negative things from the past.  I was gobsmacked to learn she and Mo were in contact several times a week and had developed an actual friendship.

Also, I loved the way he called out TLC for showing up late and then having equipment problems, making him 12 minutes late to get on the road.  Bravo, Mo, bravo!  

I wish the best to both of them.  Seriously.

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Danielle is just another scammer-grifter.  She just isn't quick or smart about any of it.  I'm tired of her old story about "Mahammit's" cruel remark about her down-there odor.  Instead of whining about it on national television, did anyone ever learn that she SAW A DOCTOR for the problem? Was it diagnosed?  Was it treated?

Mo's comment was probably cruel, but I would be humiliated to hear that about myself.

Humiliated at first...but I would see a doctor immediately.

That way, Danielle, I wouldn't have to pull on the heartstrings of every possible victim by telling him the story of how I was so cruelly treated.  (Obviously I don't watch "her" show often enough).

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Mercy she divorced him in 2016, it was so ugly and he humiliated her badly why would she keep his name .?more exotic than Mullins ?   We’ve been watching her since then and she talked about going to nursing  school years ago but started in Jan where some she claims to have good grades. ( she posted  grades in different classes)

She  was taking care of single disabled/ handicapped   patients during covid in their  home. 
oh she’s hawking some pink drink that says gives her energy and curbs her appetite a bit. 


Edited by athousandclowns
Another thought
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On 5/28/2023 at 3:59 PM, gingerella said:

I would be horrified if I needed medical care and she was my nurse, Jesus H. Christ...smdh.

Then just don’t get sick anywhere near Sandusky OH. Actually, I wouldn’t want her to do anything skilled on me but I can see her as being gentle and good natured about the grunt work. 

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The show clearly portrays her as being a bit dim, so I don't think it is unfair to question her abilities. But it does make me wonder how fake she really is on the show. In her first season, I remember her having a fight with Mohamed behind her closed bedroom door (she was trying to prevent production from filming it) and she sounded a little more ... intellectually capable, I'll say it that way ... than how she comes across to viewers. Who knows, maybe she's really smart. 🤨 😆

Edited by Teri313
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On 5/31/2023 at 1:33 PM, Teri313 said:

The show clearly portrays her as being a bit dim, so I don't think it is unfair to question her abilities. But it does make me wonder how fake she really is on the show. In her first season, I remember her having a fight with Mohamed behind her closed bedroom door (she was trying to prevent production from filming it) and she sounded a little more ... intellectually capable, I'll say it that way ... than how she comes across to viewers. Who knows, maybe she's really smart. 🤨 😆

She was able to pass bad checks for a while before getting caught. I mean, it does require some degree of intelligence?!?🤷‍♀️

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