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S03.E03: Duggars in the Wild

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1 hour ago, Maya said:

Did no one warn the survival guides about the Duggars? They seemed genuinely perplexed by this freak show. That said, NO WAY in hell would I sleep in a pile of leaves and spiders. 

Those survival guides should've either sent the girls home due to their absolute stupidity in wearing skirts and flip flops to a survival camp, or they should've made them do anything and everything in those dumb outfits, like trek through the mud, climb a tree, build a shelter, etc.  Yes, we all know the Duggars do things "differently."  But what in tarnation is the point of going to survival camp if you're not dressed appropriately for the woods, you refuse to drink the charcoal-purified water, and you constantly weep and wail about the lack of cellphone service?  Seriously, I had to turn it off halfway through because I could not sit there and listen to another Duggar say the phrase "cellphone service" one more time.  Had it been the catchphrase for a drinking game, we all would've been passed out cold in the first 5 minutes of the show.

I thought Jessa and Bin were going to call Spurgeon "Elliott" or some other random name?  All I've heard is Spurge, Spurgie, and Spurgeon - and all are horrible.  

And listening to Bin discuss how overalls can also be shorts was riveting.

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41 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Those survival guides should've either sent the girls home due to their absolute stupidity in wearing skirts and flip flops to a survival camp, or they should've made them do anything and everything in those dumb outfits, like trek through the mud, climb a tree, build a shelter, etc.  Yes, we all know the Duggars do things "differently."  But what in tarnation is the point of going to survival camp if you're not dressed appropriately for the woods, you refuse to drink the charcoal-purified water, and you constantly weep and wail about the lack of cellphone service?  Seriously, I had to turn it off halfway through because I could not sit there and listen to another Duggar say the phrase "cellphone service" one more time.  Had it been the catchphrase for a drinking game, we all would've been passed out cold in the first 5 minutes of the show.

I thought Jessa and Bin were going to call Spurgeon "Elliott" or some other random name?  All I've heard is Spurge, Spurgie, and Spurgeon - and all are horrible.  

And listening to Bin discuss how overalls can also be shorts was riveting.

I don't have cable, so therefore.....WHAT???? I thought those were our forum pet names for him!! They seriously call their child Spurgie?

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3 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:


Derick is going to die if he stays married to Jill. She has NOTHING to talk about. What does she really know besides some bible verses and having babies!? 

We should start a pool and take bets on which one will snap first: Jeremy, Derick or Bin. Notice how when Derick tried to start a grown-up conversation with Jill, she immediately deflected back to him and then gave the standard Duggar answer about wanting more babies. Along with Jessa saying she wanted more babies. Jinger can't come up with one thing to say about Jeremy other than he's Godly, fears God, loves God and serves God. 

I'm not saying the sons-in-law are any great shakes, but they all had relatively normal upbringings, played team sports and graduated from legit non-Fundie colleges. How are they not bored out of their minds being stuck with such intellectually stunted women?

Edited by BitterApple
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5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

We should start a pool and take bets on which one will snap first: Jeremy, Derick or Bin. Notice how when Derick tried to start a grown-up conversation with Jill, she immediately deflected back to him and then gave the standard Duggar answer about wanting more babies. Along with Jessa saying she wanted more babies. Jinger can't come up with one thing to say about Jeremy other than he's Godly, fears God, loves God and serves God. 

I'm not saying the sons-in-law are any great shakes, but they all had relatively normal upbringings, played team sports and graduated from legit non-Fundie colleges. How are they not bored out of their minds being stuck with such intellectually stunted women?

Exactly!! I'm sure Derick had the opportunity to met lots of girls on campus that would have been just as Godly and have something the Duggars girls don't, an education and some life goals.

Besides having no education or life goals or life skills the Duggar girls are a hard sell. Poor Jana should have stepped up more if she wanted Chad. Erin at least tried, has an education to fall back on and I know she can't cook but she can bring home the bacon. If something ever happened to Chad at least Erin has music skills that she can bank on to see her through.

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I have a feeling that the allure of TV money and fame gave all three of The Grooms a lot of space to overlook a lot of shit. Also, since nobody gets to a Duggar Daughter without Daddy's say-so, all three of them have qualities that Jim Bob deems worthy of signing over his daughters' pink slips to--that right there is cause for alarm. Jeremy in particular wormed his way in well after the reality of the Duggars' godly-assed family was revealed for everyone to see--the lies, the coverups, the hypocrisy, the victim-blaming. And he's well old enough and educated enough to perfectly understand the implications of all of it. Unlike a lot of folks, I have absolutely zero hope that Jeremy is anything other than an opportunistic man using evangelism as his main tool in procuring the slave he's entitled to, and hey, a little fame along the way doesn't hurt.

Edited by Aja
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 Bin and Jessa need Netflix.  They have nothing to say to one another, so I think we should start a GoFundieMe page for them and just let them binge watch shows together.  (They are probably not smart enough to get many of the references though, and I could see Jessa siding with Piscatella and Humphries in "Orange Is the New Black."  But at least it might give them fodder for discussion because we know they don't read books!

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Oh.my.gosh. how annoying can Jinger be with that flippin phone. Gimme a break. And could they have been any more disrespectful to the guys at the camp, I wouldn't have slept out there with the spiders but I didn't choose to go to the survival training. If that had been the only thing they balked on it may have been acceptable but every thing they ask them to do almost none of them participated. Why record something for TV if you are not gonna go along with the idea.

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15 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

Oh.my.gosh. how annoying can Jinger be with that flippin phone. Gimme a break. And could they have been any more disrespectful to the guys at the camp, I wouldn't have slept out there with the spiders but I didn't choose to go to the survival training. If that had been the only thing they balked on it may have been acceptable but every thing they ask them to do almost none of them participated. Why record something for TV if you are not gonna go along with the idea.

It was infuriating to watch. They couldn't have been more disrespectful if they'd tried. I would be ashamed and appalled if my 11 year-old acted that way. I can't imagine raising a child to adulthood like the Duggar spawn. JD and whatever brothers were actually interested should have been the only ones who went. And maybe Joy, because she probably would have behaved better as the lone sister. Though even she doesn't have enough common sense to pack appropriate footwear so maybe I'm wrong.

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14 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Jeremy is a weirdo because any normal guy would've kicked Jinger to the curb by now.

What I find especially peculiar is his timing.

Back when Derick and Ben first clamored to join the shitshow, there still seemed to be the possibility of an upward trajectory. The scandals hadn't come out yet. The oldest Duggar kid was becoming a big wheel in politics. And so on.

So I can see how they could have thought they were going to marry up. And probably get real boosts to their mission and ministry dreams.

But now? What in the heck is Jeremy looking at that makes him think that the end isn't nigh for any serious Duggar fame and influence -- even within their own community? It's so clearly dwindling down to nothing.

And yet, to me, Jer seems to be, if anything, more of a famewhore type than Bin and Dreck. Is he really truly in this because he found, first, Ben and Jessa, and then Jinger deeply attractive on a personal level? Is he not in this for the fame?

That seems so unlikely to me because a) they clearly aren't attractive on a personal level, especially to somebody like him, who's had a pretty normal life in a lot of respects, and b) he comes across to me as such a massive phoney baloney. There seems to be such major slippage between him and what he says, every time i've heard him talk, that his persona just screams -- "I'm in this to become a famous preacherman on TeeVee!" And yet it should be clear by now that the Duggs really won't be an effective vehicle for that now.

Edited by Churchhoney
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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

And listening to Bin discuss how overalls can also be shorts was riveting.


Okay, now I'm truly devastated to be missing this. WTF?

3 hours ago, Aja said:

I don't have cable, so therefore.....WHAT???? I thought those were our forum pet names for him!! They seriously call their child Spurgie?

When your child's name is Spurgeon, I guess you don't have much of a choice. Spur? Spu? Sp? 'on?

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Churchie, it beats the hell out of me. I guess you could argue that if Jeremy is serious about becoming a tv preacher, then there really aren't that many famous Conservative Christian families for him to glom on to. I doubt the Duck Dynasty daughter would give him the time of day, and the Bates girls seem to prefer their men employed, so the Duggars were the only game left in town. Jana appears to have no interest in courting period, so it was Jinger or bust.

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I'm watching this latest episode as background noise while I clean the house because really, who could sit there just watching this snooze fest. And I had to look up because there was a flashback of the Dullards reciting their wedding vows and not only was Derelict completely physically unrecognizable, but so was Jilly Bean's voice. Did anyone else notice? In the wedding scene, Jill's voice was much more high pitched than in her current narrating voice. I've noticed Jinjer's voice has gotten high pitched since Jeremy entered the picture so...Is this a thing they do? 

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24 minutes ago, Squirrely said:

It was infuriating to watch. They couldn't have been more disrespectful if they'd tried. I would be ashamed and appalled if my 11 year-old acted that way. I can't imagine raising a child to adulthood like the Duggar spawn. JD and whatever brothers were actually interested should have been the only ones who went. And maybe Joy, because she probably would have behaved better as the lone sister. Though even she doesn't have enough common sense to pack appropriate footwear so maybe I'm wrong.

You make a really good point. I haven't really watched the show ever except for some youtube snippets here and there, but my impression from that and from reading forums is that, thoughout the show's history, this family, parents and children, have been highly highly disrespectful to virtually everyone they've come in contact with who isn't, you know, them. I remember this disrespect story told about restaurants, churches, cities they don't live in, music, other countries, now the woods. Year after year. Episode after episode.

All the blather from leghumpers, and the yearslong blather on tv networks and in magazines and so on, about what godly role models they all are sickens me, when I remember that their treatment of virtually all people who aren't them  is across the board disrespectful, demeaning, mean, condescending, etc. Why has this been so invisible to so many? How could tv networks book them for morning shows as the great family of virtue and the family of Jesus, when all their actions have screamed that they're the very opposite of Jesus.

I think I know why they act the way they do -- they're a nasty combination of fearful and arrogant. But how have so many people not noticed and instead taken them wholly at their own valuation? Does tv fame completely blind everybody to realities of all kinds? I just don't get it.

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I swear, jeremy is a nutcase. Something is way, way off here.

And good point upthread...when Derick and Ben joined the club, 19K&C was a big hit.  Now? Buncha sick freak pedophiles leading that circus.  Just say, my daughter actually truly fell in love with one of those Duggar boys, (which would never happen)  I wouldn't want that shit public.  I'd do like Michael Jackson and put a blanket on her head to protect her identity! Who wants to be affiliated with that vile shit?  Jeremy is not some hick.  WTF?  

Why is a 29 year old man attracted to Jinger, who acts like a 13 year old girl.  Am I the only one who finds this very uncomfortable? Red flags waving! 

A 29 year old man gets his motor running by a GIRL who writes his name is swirlie hearts and sleeps with his soccer jersey on a pillow? I think that would repulse most men...

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33 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:


Okay, now I'm truly devastated to be missing this. WTF?

When your child's name is Spurgeon, I guess you don't have much of a choice. Spur? Spu? Sp? 'on?

Oh my goodness, yes...Bin was dressing The Spurge in overalls, and started blathering on about how they barely covered his knees, so they were actually shorts...and then, that other baby that Binessa visited had on overalls that were also shorts and Bin said that they were twinsies or something...crap, I don't even know, I think I hit myself in the head with my remote control to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating all of it.

Edited by laurakaye
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9 minutes ago, Marigold said:

I swear, jeremy is a nutcase. Something is way, way off here.

And good point upthread...when Derick and Ben joined the club, 19K&C was a big hit.  Now? Buncha sick freak pedophiles leading that circus.  Just say, my daughter actually truly fell in love with one of those Duggar boys, (which would never happen)  I wouldn't want that shit public.  I'd do like Michael Jackson and put a blanket on her head to protect her identity! Who wants to be affiliated with that vile shit?  Jeremy is not some hick.  WTF?  

Why is a 29 year old man attracted to Jinger, who acts like a 13 year old girl.  Am I the only one who finds this very uncomfortable? Red flags waving! 

A 29 year old man gets his motor running by a GIRL who writes his name is swirlie hearts and sleeps with his soccer jersey on a pillow? I think that would repulse most men...

I totally 100% see what Jinger sees in Jeremy. She is hungry for him!!! Not that she isn't an attractive young lady, but what does he see in her other than a "guaranteed virgin", given his lack of employment he might not stand a chance with other Christian young women because he doesn't have much to offer compared to other guys in his age group. But to someone like Jinger he's a knight in shining Armour. 

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45 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

When your child's name is Spurgeon, I guess you don't have much of a choice. Spur? Spu? Sp? 'on?

Literally any one of those is better than SPURGIE (my personal favorite being 'on.)

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Pull the waaambulance up to the RV and the place Derelict and Jillster was at. Oh poor Jill. She had to take HER child with HER and DERELICT because SHE had no childcare. Oh please...Grow freaking up!!! And yes, Izzy needs a sibling so he knows he is not the center of his universe. I wonder where he gets it from Jill. You have eighteen siblings, and you still think the world resolves around you.  Derelict with his high school knowing his wife of two years and he wants a bachelor's degree to a PHD in learning about his wife. Who the heck talks like that. Seriously!!! Reminds me of the high school class assignment where boys and girls are paired up together in a make belief marriage or taking care of a baby for a few days. I have seen a better and more realistic relationship with the neighborhood dogs and the fire hydrants around the area where I live. And did Derelict say Izzy likes the clean carpeting in the hotel room because he was not use to it at home. Hmmm!!!

Poor Jinger could not talk with Jerster for a few days. Send out the National Guard because this is a serious emergency. How dare someone make her go out in the wild without being able to talk with Jeremy 24/7. If I was those three or four guys, I would have left all of them out on their own and take off in the RV. And Jessa talking about which one of her sisters would not make it. I would love to see her out there because she would have lasted five minutes before whining and complaining. Btw, Binster and Princess Jessa are not experts on child raising. I call bs on how they are being portrayed as great parents. They are trying to portray the older kids by pretending they are leaving home and learning new and different things, but in reality, they are only allowed to expand their world as long as they follow Michelle and JB's rules and lifestyle. In otherwords, keep moving and stop staring at the Duggar trainwreck. There is nothing else to see.

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14 minutes ago, Marigold said:


Why is a 29 year old man attracted to Jinger, who acts like a 13 year old girl.  Am I the only one who finds this very uncomfortable? Red flags waving! 

A 29 year old man gets his motor running by a GIRL who writes his name is swirlie hearts and sleeps with his soccer jersey on a pillow? I think that would repulse most men...

Yeah, it would be one thing if Jeremy and Jinger were both sheltered 19 year-olds with no dating experience, but Jeremy is damn near 30. He's been to college and lived in the real world. He knows what's considered age appropriate behavior and what isn't. By the time the survival episode was filmed, they'd been courting for a year. So he's perfectly aware that Jinger is clingy, immature and desperate, yet he's STILL all in. The red flags are definitely waving. 

6 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Pull the waaambulance up to the RV and the place Derelict and Jillster was at. Oh poor Jill. She had to take HER child with HER and DERELICT because SHE had no childcare. Oh please...Go freaking up!!!

Did you notice how bitter she sounded when she said that? I seriously think Jill was expecting to be loaned a permanent Sister-Mom when she and Derick began their Missioncation. 

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6 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I totally 100% see what Jinger sees in Jeremy. She is hungry for him!!! Not that she isn't an attractive young lady, but what does he see in her other than a "guaranteed virgin", given his lack of employment he might not stand a chance with other Christian young women because he doesn't have much to offer compared to other guys in his age group. But to someone like Jinger he's a knight in shining Armour. 

Absolutely! Jinger sees a nice guy who is Duggar Christian.  She is in looooove!!!!  (add in tons of hearts and swirlies when you read that!).  Who can blame her!  She scored big. 

Jeremy?  What is going on there?  I just don't see WHY he is so attracted to Jinger?  yes, she is a nice girl (notice i said girl) and pretty, polite and meek.    But she is not a woman.  She is truly a 13 year old trapped in a woman's body.  What is attracting jeremy to such an immature person? I think i am so extra creeped out because I have a 14 year old daughter and cannot imagine why a 29 year old man would be into her...unless your mind wanders to a place that is not so good. 

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I also noticed Derelict did not seem too happy about bringing Izzy with them. I was getting gross out when he said put the do not disturb sign on the door and Izzy is ready for a nap. Ewww... The thought of them trying for another investment errr... sibling for Izzy while he was in the room. Please pass the Heavy Duty Brain Bleach to me.

I also think they are trying to sell us a bill of sales when it comes to Benster and Jessa. I guess trying to prove Josh and Anna were doing well on their own was a complete disaster so lets try Derick and Jill. Hmmm... This is not working out well, so lets move on to Jessa and Ben. Okay, lets pretend they are great parents and Ben is capable of taking care of his wife and child(ren.) We will have him meet with people outside of Duggarville in order to prove he was a great catch and will not always be cleaning toilets for his father-in-law. If this does not work, we will move on to Jinger and Jeremy. Oh wait a minute, we might need to prove the other kids over the age of eighteen are great catches, so let them go out in "real world" and expand their universe by sending them out in the wild and giving them flying lessons giving to them by JD who sadly did not catch a girl yet after the rather embarrassing episode where he got to do his own version of Barney Fife. And meanwhile back at the ranch, Aunt Martha lays in the ditch after getting thrown off her horse...

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13 minutes ago, Marigold said:


Jeremy?  What is going on there?  I just don't see WHY he is so attracted to Jinger?  yes, she is a nice girl (notice i said girl) and pretty, polite and meek.    But she is not a woman.  She is truly a 13 year old trapped in a woman's body.  What is attracting jeremy to such an immature person? I think i am so extra creeped out because I have a 14 year old daughter and cannot imagine why a 29 year old man would be into her...unless your mind wanders to a place that is not so good. 

It's baffling. Those of us who have been in long-term relationships, either successful or uh...not quite so successful (slowly raises hand,) put yourself in Jeremy's position (if you can do so without getting too nauseated.) Knowing what we know about compatibility and the reality of living with someone every day for years and years and years and years and years and years, what sort of perks do you think would negate the fact that your intended is uneducated, emotionally stunted, unemployable, creepily co-dependent with her family including a father who is obsessed with her sexuality? Then, throw in what you know happened to her as a child, and the resulting non-action, and the ubiquitous presence of her "redeemed" abuser, the TLC famewhore train that keeps everything rolling along and glossed over (at least in their view), and yeah. Bin and Derick at least struck me as genuinely off in la-la land as their fiancees. Jeremy does not.

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Do they not have Lyme Disease in the South? I'm from the Northeast and it's unfortunately common here. Walking through the woods in bare legs and messing around in leaf piles is a big no-no for us. 

I haven't watched the episode, but this is hilarious to me if they're still in the Ozarks at this survival camp.

Ticks and chiggers are pretty bad here--my family is originally from another state and were surprised when they moved here how bad they are in the summer, and that's a fairly common sentiment I've heard from other people who relocated here--and there is definitely Lyme's disease. I don't think the Duggars must venture outside much if they have lived in NWA their entire lives and don't associate summer with being eaten alive by ticks. 

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Apparently, the orthodontic process looks worse before it gets better in Derick's case. 

Finally watched the Counting On.  Jill looks as sober as a judge. What's up with her face? Not shaming her or implying she's had any work done. But her face is gaunt and she looks dead behind the eyes. Really hope she gets the help she needs.  Keeping sweet only gets a depressed person so far, but I'm sure she probably feels if she were only "a better Christian" that she wouldn't be depressed. Though she couldn't be more wrong about that, she probably believes it. She'll try to pray it away; as someone who's suffered from depression, I would pray that she realizes there's no shame in getting the help she really needs and gets it.

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Agreeing what most of you have said. Jeremy is a little like Prince Charles when it was time for him to find a suitable wife. He wasn't the greatest of catches, and was to lazy to look around, and went as far as his own backyard to find Virgin Diana. She was madly, giddily in love and I believe when Charles was asked if he loved Diana, his was response was, "Whatever that is." All the while he was dating his true love who was not deemed suitable for marriage to a man who someday would be King.

Hopefully Jeremy is truly single now that he chose Jinger as his preacher's wife.

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5 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

Okay, really stupid question I know.  What the heck is  chigger, anyway?  City kid, or worse yet suburban kid, here.

No worries! I don't remember hearing about them back home (North Carolina). 

Here's a pretty good introduction:


They're not fun, though I don't think they can lead to complications like tick bites can. Mainly they're just so itchy, they can make you scratch them until they bleed, though you're really not supposed to do that. I don't get many tick bites because I am a couch potato, but chiggers like to eat me. Every summer, I end up with tons of bites and red rashes all around my ankles because of them. 

Edited by Zella
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I may be mistaken, but given what we know of this family, I would think depression is considered a spiritual weakness, something that can be "fixed" with more prayer.  Although Michelle frequently looks medicated...either that or she's simply too far gone to manage any semblance of emotion other than adoring gazes at her headship (blech).

I will no longer be able to look at Jeremy without getting the full-body shivers.  He really is a grown man dating an emotionally stunted girl.  What on earth does he even talk to her about during their 45 daily video chats?  Right now it's likely all "I luuurrrve youuuuuuuuuu," but that's going to get old really fast.

Now that the Duggars are all up to speed with the wilderness, I would like to see them dropped off in the middle of nowhere and be forced to make their way home.  With NO CELL SERVICE.  Maybe Jeff Probst would be interested in an all-Duggar season of Survivor?  I'll tweet CBS, see what's up.

Edited by laurakaye
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9 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I may be mistaken, but given what we know of this family, I would think depression is considered a spiritual weakness, something that can be "fixed" with more prayer.  Although Michelle frequently looks medicated...either that or she's simply too far gone to manage any semblance of emotion other than adoring gazes at her headship (blech).


I am ex IFB and medication was a huge, HUGE absolutely no way.  I could give you a real long explanation but suffice it to say, psychiatry is not approved.  More prayer and faithful Bible study can cure anything.  Ask Miss Cathy...she cured her own cancer. At a top hospital. 

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Ok, here is how the pre-taping interviews happens in my mind.

Producer-Jessa, we would like to have a friend come visit and maybe we can talk about the following:

Did you read the new book by-never mind

Did you see the___new movie-never mind

Did you watch_____on TV-never mind

Did you read the article by-never mind

Hmm.  I guess you can talk about the baby and Jeebus.  Again.  Now we just have to dig up a friend.  Again.

Should be great tv.  Producer face palms.

Edited by toodles
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26 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I may be mistaken, but given what we know of this family, I would think depression is considered a spiritual weakness, something that can be "fixed" with more prayer.  Although Michelle frequently looks medicated...either that or she's simply too far gone to manage any semblance of emotion other than adoring gazes at her headship (blech).

I will no longer be able to look at Jeremy without getting the full-body shivers.  He really is a grown man dating an emotionally stunted girl.  What on earth does he even talk to her about during their 45 daily video chats?  Right now it's likely all "I luuurrrve youuuuuuuuuu," but that's going to get old really fast.

Now that the Duggars are all up to speed with the wilderness, I would like to see them dropped off in the middle of nowhere and be forced to make their way home.  With NO CELL SERVICE.  Maybe Jeff Probst would be interested in an all-Duggar season of Survivor?  I'll tweet CBS, see what's up.

Jill is probably suffering from postpartum depression.  Then having to leave a mcmansion and sisters she's very close to, to live in deplorable conditions only magnified her situation.  Derick is in his element, hence the hair, beard, and just plain scraggly look.  It probably wouldn't even bother him if Jill and baby returned home while he finished his "mission." 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Yeah, it would be one thing if Jeremy and Jinger were both sheltered 19 year-olds with no dating experience, but Jeremy is damn near 30. He's been to college and lived in the real world. He knows what's considered age appropriate behavior and what isn't. By the time the survival episode was filmed, they'd been courting for a year. So he's perfectly aware that Jinger is clingy, immature and desperate, yet he's STILL all in. The red flags are definitely waving. 

Did you notice how bitter she sounded when she said that? I seriously think Jill was expecting to be loaned a permanent Sister-Mom when she and Derick began their Missioncation. 

Maybe she was hinting that they wouldn't turn a way a "gifting" of free childcare....or a live in au pair.

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

 I wonder where he gets it from Jill. You have eighteen siblings, and you still think the world resolves around you.

I think you've hit upon yet another Duggar Family Motto.  "I have 18 siblings, and the world revolves around me!"

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2 hours ago, fuzzylollipop said:

I'm watching this latest episode as background noise while I clean the house because really, who could sit there just watching this snooze fest. And I had to look up because there was a flashback of the Dullards reciting their wedding vows and not only was Derelict completely physically unrecognizable, but so was Jilly Bean's voice. Did anyone else notice? In the wedding scene, Jill's voice was much more high pitched than in her current narrating voice. I've noticed Jinjer's voice has gotten high pitched since Jeremy entered the picture so...Is this a thing they do? 

I recorded the wedding when it originally aired, have watched it numerous times (can't figure out why I deem it fascinating) &  noticed too about Jill's high-pitched baby voice coming out when she was saying her vows.  Weird isn't it?  Maybe it goes along with having to look adoringly at your husbandhood at all times like they do.

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6 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

Exactly!! I'm sure Derick had the opportunity to met lots of girls on campus that would have been just as Godly and have something the Duggars girls don't, an education and some life goals.


Let's face it: Triple D had no opportunity to "meet girls" at college, because none of them were interested in him. The tabloids have been crawling up his butt for the past two years and have found little evidence that he dated at all, let alone seriously. He's shown that he doesn't have much of a personality, he has his head in the clouds (Quitting a very good full-time post-college job nine months after he got it to run off to Danger America? Is he insane? We won't discuss the fact he quit his damn job when his wife was pregnant, either,) and he married a woman he didn't spend any time alone with until his wedding day. The fact that her parents insisted they have a "chaperone" at the damn church before the wedding would have made any guy with a working set of balls and hind legs RUN AWAY.

Famewhoring is a hell of a drug, isn't it? 

23 minutes ago, sheshark said:

Maybe Jeremy was told he wasn't too good in the sack, so he sought out a qualified virgin.  Who wouldn't know any better.  


Hope the Holy Goalie enjoys his wedding night. Then again, one has to believe Jinger won't be able to put her phone down long enough for the typical activities to transpire.

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7 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

Exactly!! I'm sure Derick had the opportunity to met lots of girls on campus that would have been just as Godly and have something the Duggars girls don't, an education and some life goals.

Besides having no education or life goals or life skills the Duggar girls are a hard sell. Poor Jana should have stepped up more if she wanted Chad. Erin at least tried, has an education to fall back on and I know she can't cook but she can bring home the bacon. If something ever happened to Chad at least Erin has music skills that she can bank on to see her through.

Easy now. Not sure how many horror movies or oldtimey Meet John Daker YouTube vids are hiring pianists at this time. 

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Oh lordy, I finally pulled myself up by the bootstraps and really watched this mess. 

I totally forgot about the Tacos for Life shower until they showed it. At the time, girlfriend was VISCIOUS on social media. No love for the Youngs or their self-serving business. That said, either the husband or both of them have been to Africa and seem to have done real work there. But tacos to Africa? I just don't see that connection, and I'm not excited enough to go to their site to recall how they "give." 

The camping shit? Useless. The only thing that I liked were JD's deadpan TH segments. Oh, and Josiah. I can't help it, but he's the one I want to rescue. 8 months at ALERT apparently had no real effect on him. Yo Duggars, if he's gay, trying to butch him up ain't going to do a thing. If he's still like this after ALERT and his (thankfully) called-off courtship, I suspect poor Josiah will end up a "bachelor" (he'll find a friend on the SLY). 

Also, timing. Jessa said that Spurgie was 8 months old. That means she was 8 weeks pregnant in those segments and in those THs. Notice how she wore her frumpiest, baggiest clothing to the Tacos for Life family's house (and that wretched 
"blessed mama" tee)? This is only maybe early July, and we know she got knocked up sometime in May (likely Ben's birthday, mid-month). So we have how many more episodes before Jessa can start wearing body-con clothes again? We know she was in frumpery in NYC a month ago. The wedding? 

eta: can't wait to see the ratings tank on this episode. I looked around, but I guess I don't have the secret password to find last night's cable ratings. @Absolom where are you??? :D

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Has it been determined exactly in which Central American country Jill and Derick are living?  If the whole 'security' issue is not a publicity stunt, then I feel very sorry for Jill.  She's probably alone all day with the baby.  Cooking, cleaning and laundry for 3  takes up just so much time...plenty of  time left to worry.  If it's so bad, she should come back to the states for an extended visit.  There is no mention of other Americans, Canadians, or other foreign nationals etc. with whom she could visit.  But perhaps it's not so dangerous after all.

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If you have old fashioned sensibilities,  please skip my post. Forewarned.

Jeremy wants Jinger because no selfrespecting, educated, independent woman is going to let herself be treated the way Jeremy is going to treat Jinger.

Most of us knew by the age of sixteen or so that a man's balls wouldn't explode if he wasn't relieved. 

Most women are aware that five blow jobs a day aren't the norm.

Most mature women have enough backbone to tell a husband " no, you are not putting that anywhere near my ass", without feeling full of guilt and shame that she has let down her husband and quite possibly will cause his balls to explode. 

Jeremy is a dog.

He's been to a rodeo or three. 

He knows exactly what he's doing. 

He bagged himself a fairly attractive virgin who knows enough to keep her mouth shut unless told to speak.

He can mold her or condition her to be whatever he desires her to be.

He's as sick as KJB. But with WAY more experience. 

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Wish any of the Duggars was smart or savvy enough to figure out Jeremy's game. With Bin -- whatever he was a dumb 19 yr old dying to have sex and he knew he couldn't do that without marriage so he reached out to the daddy of the hottest local girl he'd ever seen on TV, likely not ever believing it was possible -- I mean even his mom said she was out of his league, and BAM -- instant courtship and marriage and Bin gets to hit it. Derick -- I think he knew he was a total dweeb who needed an arranged marriage. I mean the mascot of the football team at big state u spends 4 yrs around cheerleaders, women in band, and about a zillion female fans and can't get himself a girlfriend?? And then he's headed off to Nepal for 2 yrs knowing that that's another 2 yrs lost from a dating perspective and by southern standards, 25 is an old man. He realizes that he'll be parent approved though -- educated; religious; mission work etc. -- so he seeks out an arranged marriage bc he knows his only chance is if someone's daddy says -- you should marry this guy. Plus having grown up somewhat fundie himself -- I have a feeling he realized the whole headship thing could work to his favor. He knew he wanted to live in the developing world and not work 40 hrs a week -- as someone's headship, he could require that they live that life. If OTOH he had married a girl from OU, she would not have been following him off to Central America, nor would she likely have supported him quitting a job at a Fortune 500 while she was pregnant to sit home and do basically nothing.

Jeremy OTOH -- the reasons seem more nefarious to me. Unlike Bin and Derick, he doesn't come across like he can't get a girl or can't have sex. I'm sure he's had plenty of both. Yet he's a 29 yr old man CHOOSING to be with a 22 yr old who he knows (from watching the show and now from courting for like a yr) has the emotional maturity of a 14 yr old girl who is likely doodling her first name + his last name with a heart around it?! He says he wants a MEEK wife!? On top of his (erroneous) belief that Duggar "fame" will help him launch a ministry, I have creepy, control freak vibes from him. It'll obviously be about living how he wants to live (which Derick is doing too), but on top of that it may be EVERYTHING -- with guilt thrown in bc he was willing to have her and consider her "pure" even though she'd been violated by her brother. Jinger has depressive tendencies -- we saw something wasn't right with her in previous seasons as she was crying at the drop of a hat, looking miserable, looking thin, and broke down at Jessa's wedding bc she was such a sinner or some such thing. Sure right now it's all smiles bc a boy likes her. But I feel like all of that emotion will come flooding back in the next yr when marriage isn't so new, when she's isolated from her siblings in Laredo, and when she has to suffer through a natural, at home birth with a 10 lb baby . . . .

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1 hour ago, luvmylabs said:

Has it been determined exactly in which Central American country Jill and Derick are living?  If the whole 'security' issue is not a publicity stunt, then I feel very sorry for Jill.  She's probably alone all day with the baby.  Cooking, cleaning and laundry for 3  takes up just so much time...plenty of  time left to worry.  

You are a kind and merciful person. Unfortunately for Jilly Muffin, I am not.

There are women everywhere who would be THRILLED to fill those "empty" hours with a hobby, an interest, or volunteer work. She could learn to knit, make some crafts, learn to sew, or take online classes. She could READ. (I understand the Duggars do not read, but maybe she needs to learn.) She could actually learn Spanish instead of just yapping about it. It's my understanding that listening and attempting to talk to those who already speak Spanish increases the speed in which she could actually have a conversation. 

It is astonishing to me that an entire family of people have no outside interests, no hobbies, no curiosity about anything beyond the end of their noses. There are so many things an adult woman with access to money and free time could embark on.  (Example: If she learned to sew, knit or crochet, she could make baby blankets for a charity like the Linus Project.) Isn't she bored with herself? Truly? If she's not out "winning the lost", maybe she needs to take some time for herself instead of mooning after a husband who's already shown he doesn't give a shit and freaking out over whether or not she's pregnant again.

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