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S18.E27: Live Eviction 9

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I don't think it's just a coincidence that Paul ended up with the 2-way Ticket.  He was the 1st to crack the puzzle.

So, the jury buy back will happen after there are 5 members in the jury - which will be the next eviction.

Edited by escape
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Well, we saw quite a bit of Michelle tonight, more than anybody could have bargained for.  I thought we were going to see Julie's underoos, too, when Paulie picked her up.  

Day's reactions to the video Z brought were priceless.  Looks like Z finally has seen the light, which will all go out the window once Paulie walks into the jury house.  

Brendan and Rachel's baby is pretty freaking cute.

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Heh. Corey blowing up his game. What game? 

I will say, Paulie's soft crybaby edit isn't working on me, BUT the overdramatic sappy violin music makes me laugh. 

YES! Paulie being shown refusing to do the apple pie punishment! BEAUTIFUL! Except it was made into a big sympathy moment for Poor Pawlie Boohoo Wahhhh Calafiore. And it kept going. "I was emotional before the DE"...um......


Yeah, no, Paulie, this was more than just this one night. You've been saying awful things about Natalie for WEEKS. And all the girls. 

Natalie using Paulie's own line, like Victor. Beautiful. 

Paulie confirming that his strategy is making people feel bad for him? Thank you, Big Brother. That's all I needed to hear. And he's now throwing people under the bus. Of course. 

Brenchel. Barf. I like Rachel, theoretically. Just not Brenchel or Brendon. But Rachel seems toned down now that she's a mom. She's not whining as much on camera; even when it's clear BB is telling her to play up her role, it doesn't seem like she can muster up that same annoying energy that she had. Plus, this is the prettiest version of Rachel I've seen. Her hair looks better dark. Brendon's still pretty annoying, though.

Jury house check-in! Zakiyah, you better have told Day the whole story in how you blew your own game up by spilling Natalie's talk to Paulie but twisting it.  I still have no sympathy and do NOT believe her. Not until Paulie/Zak are seen on finale night. But Day's reaction to Paulie winning veto was priceless.

Buh-bye Paulie. Let's just have our moment of peace and watch him walk out that door until it's possibly taken away. Paulie's speech was lame. Paulie is lame and fake. But Zakiyah won't be happy if she catches wind of Paulie 'kissing' Michelle. But meh, maybe it'll turn her off of him.

HE'S GONE! YES! GUYS, HE'S GONE! HALLELUJAH! But they didn't show Natalie's message. Again, the show likes to pretend Natalie's a non-entity. And he has to go to jury now with three pissed off girls. Perfect. His misogynistic ass won't know what hit him. 


#PaulieEvictionParty is TRENDING ON TWITTER. Oh my god. But the loud cheering for Paulie disappoints. He's going to be shocked come finale night when he finds out those screams are not accurate to the way others feel about him outside of this house.

I love that they confirmed that whoever gets co-HOH will be safe, and whoever wins HOH is not eligible. I hope it's Victor or Michelle, but I don't mind if it's Paul. Anyone but Corey, really. 

And...jury buyback. Great. Team Girls, I guess. I think, seeing as Paulie was trending, and not in a good way, they may find a way to not have him win. Do a Feminist comp. He'd never know what to do with himself. 

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What the hell is with the butterfly?

Suck it up and do it!  Bake that pie!  wimp!

This bromance with Pauly and Corey is truly vomit inducing.

This edit is really pissing me off.

Still fun watching him squirm, but nobody's buyin his BS.

Paul needs to lose the ducky.

The jury segment was great.  Brenchel.  Not so much.

Paulie GFY.  Nobody is going to want to hang out with you except NotGayCorey.  STFU.

No Round Trip!!  Hooray!!  Bye bye Bawlie!  You're a pathetic piece of crap.

The Round Trip.  Another fizzled "twist".  Paul, you didn't win anything!

But now we must live in fear of his possible return.  Sometimes I really hate you, BB.

I'm voting Victor for co-HOH.

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Brendan and Rachel's baby is pretty freaking cute.

She is, but Adora Borealis? Seriously? That's right up there with Apple, Moon Unit and Dweezil on the list of ridiculous celeb spawn names.

Edited by SteveAC10
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Does Polly really think anyone who watches this show is going to buy his whole 'crying as a strategy' bs? The feeds are on 85%-90% of the time.

Yet the Calafiores will peddle this story to the end of time. 

Now, I almost want Vic to leave, only because if the buyback puzzle tends to favor strength, Vic is the best chance to win it over Polly. 

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4 minutes ago, Sayla Vee said:

Sorry, but I only got part of Julie's announcement about the buy back.  When is it going to be held and when does the person return?  Please and thank you.

No specifics yet.

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15 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

And...jury buyback. Great. Team Girls, I guess. I think, seeing as Paulie was trending, and not in a good way, they may find a way to not have him win. Do a Feminist comp. He'd never know what to do with himself. 

I wouldn't be so sure of that.  Jury Buy Back is only Top 5 - Day, Z, Bridget, Paulie, next week's evictee.  If they wanted to stack the odds against him, they would have done something like last season's Top 8 jury.

Edited by escape
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4 minutes ago, Sayla Vee said:

Sorry, but I only got part of Julie's announcement about the buy back.  When is it going to be held and when does the person return?  Please and thank you.

I missed it too -- how exactly are they going to buy themselves back ?  A winner takes all comp involving a game of Texas hold 'em ? Maybe a challenging round of kerplunk ?  If it's yet another round of remembering details about comps that happened in the house, I'm going to puke.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I laughed when Paulie told Julie his crying was strategy to make the others feel sorry for him.  Yeah, right, Paulie...and that's why you were crying in the DR.

Yeah - this guy is really full of shit, not to mention delusional. He does realize there's a live feed on the internet, right? And that we can see his DR sessions too?

On the one hand I like the idea of the co-HoH because it pretty much guarantees either Nicole or Corey will go next. Even if one of them wins HoH, the co-HoH will put up the other one and the rest of the house will vote them out.

On the other hand I call bullshit on this jury thing where one of them gets to come back in. Paulie is going to be competing against three people who never won anything. We don't want Paulie back, show. Get that thru your thick heads.

I can't decide whether or not I like the name "Adora." 

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1 minute ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah - this guy is really full of shit, not to mention delusional. He does realize there's a live feed on the internet, right? And that we can see his DR sessions too?

Duuno.  For all the family BB history, Paulie was apparently a little weak on the capabilities of the night-vision cameras.  ;>



On the other hand I call bullshit on this jury thing where one of them gets to come back in. Paulie is going to be competing against three people who never won anything. We don't want Paulie back, show. Get that thru your thick heads.

Agree, and not even on account of Paulie.  Well... not totally on account of Paulie.  ;)

Battle Back + Round-Trip ticket + now a Jury buyback = too many second chances in one season.  Remember the Good Old Days, when "eviction" meant you were, you know, actually EVICTED?  :P

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17 minutes ago, Sayla Vee said:

Sorry, but I only got part of Julie's announcement about the buy back.  When is it going to be held and when does the person return?  Please and thank you.

Since the RT was not used, the first 5 members of the jury - Day, Z, Bridget, Paulie, next week's evictee, will compete in competition where the winner goes back into the house.

Edited by escape
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The first 5 members of the jury - Day, Z, Bridget, Paulie, next week's evictee, will compete in competition where the winner goes back into the house.

And based on Paulie's behavior in the house this week and the look on Julie's face when he went all Dirty Dancing on her tonight, I would guess that comp will be designed for somebody other than Paulie to win. 

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Just now, SteveAC10 said:

And based on Paulie's behavior in the house this week and the look on Julie's face when he went all Dirty Dancing on her tonight, I would guess that comp will be designed for somebody other than Paulie to win. 

From your keyboard to God's screen.

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16 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah - this guy is really full of shit, not to mention delusional. He does realize there's a live feed on the internet, right? And that we can see his DR sessions too?

On the one hand I like the idea of the co-HoH because it pretty much guarantees either Nicole or Corey will go next. Even if one of them wins HoH, the co-HoH will put up the other one and the rest of the house will vote them out.

On the other hand I call bullshit on this jury thing where one of them gets to come back in. Paulie is going to be competing against three people who never won anything. We don't want Paulie back, show. Get that thru your thick heads.

I can't decide whether or not I like the name "Adora." 

I didn't hate Adora, but Adora Borealis?  No.


Paulie:. Crying doesn't work for men as much as women.  Haha!

His strategy of being depressed and weepy was to get someone to pull Corey off the block.  Huh?

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1 minute ago, ottoDbusdriver said:


I started tapping my watch, thinking that that went on WAAAAAY too long.

I was waiting for Julie to say, "We're running out of time, Paulie."  But noooo, she let him go on to his heart's content.

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After the fifth person goes to the jury house, the following HOH comp will include the five evictees. The houseguest who lasts longest gets HOH and the evictee who lasts longest returns to the house. That's how it was done at the previous buy back.

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6 minutes ago, SteveAC10 said:

And based on Paulie's behavior in the house this week and the look on Julie's face when he went all Dirty Dancing on her tonight, I would guess that comp will be designed for somebody other than Paulie to win. 

I wouldn't take that to the bank, because production always had the option of changing the timeline for jury bb.  And the Top 5, unless Victor is evicted next week, looks to be a pretty weak field, competition wise.

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The question is: will Paulie still be in the Jury House by the time the buyback happens? I really do think he'll walk out of there. Bridgette and Day will be merciless to him. As for Z, who knows.

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The question is: will Paulie still be in the Jury House by the time the buyback happens? I really do think he'll walk out of there. Bridgette and Day will be merciless to him. As for Z, who knows.


That really boils down to the question: Is Paulie financially prepared (and able) to be a crybaby pee pants? If he needs the Summer's stipends to pay the bills, he ain't going nowhere. That is, of course, unless Sean Cody makes a better offer.

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19 minutes ago, TimWil said:

The question is: will Paulie still be in the Jury House by the time the buyback happens? I really do think he'll walk out of there. Bridgette and Day will be merciless to him. As for Z, who knows.

It's only to when the 5th evictee is announced, which is next week.   He is also familiar with the game, so he likely knows there is a jury buy back.

Edited by escape
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I was SO happy to be wrong about Paulie having the two way ticket...and then like the proverbial dousing of the flame with water the last words of the show were Julie Chen saying someone would be coming back into the game....she might as well have just said Paulie because they'll spend the week tailor making comps or comp for him to win....probably endurance or something.

Props to Julie for calling Paulie out on how he will not be having a relationship with Zakiya outside the house. As for Z herself...well I've got a feeling that Paulie isn't going to hesitant about getting to third base with her now that there won't be any cameras broadcasting the deed back home to Mama Califorie. This will give Z hope again and he will promptly dump her finale night to bed some start struck production assistant or CBS caterer.

What exactly would have happened to Paulie if he didn't follow through baking the pie?

DaVonne gave us a top 10 moment when she turns to Z after Paulie doesn't use the veto...the only thing missing was "Girl no he didn't!" Loved her expression and reaction!

Paulie manhandles Meech and Julie Chen within five minutes of each other. Wow...just wow.

I like Brenchel but they didn't need their own segment and I didn't like their forcasting of a James and Natalie breakup as nearly 99% guaranteed.

Edited by North of Eden
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I know most will grumble at the Brenchel update, but I enjoyed it.  Baby Brenchel has gorgeous eyes and looks just like her daddy - until she cried.  Then she looked just like Rachel.  Hilarious. 

I'm glad that Rachel gave some Natalie love, and pointed out the sparsity of female winners. I also appreciated Rachel showing her naturally pale legs. Some of us have skin the color of milk and there's nothing wrong with that. 

Huge sigh of relief that Paulie is gone for good.  I'm amazed they allowed him to speechify for so long. Maybe that was the deal to keep him from a DOR. 

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Paulie has bragged about how he and Zakiyah had unprotected sex five times.

See above, if you want to, regarding whether Paulie will get more frisky without the cameras sending images back to Mama Califore.

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Knights Tale is one of my favorite movies of all time.  Shut up Paulie.  

Nice action shot of Nicole sniffing her pits after Paul checked her at the end.

All in all it felt like a whole hour of nothing.  Although I did laugh at "you have to bake that pie son."

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That was kind of like finally seeing a pinata get opened up but fruits and veggie falling out instead of candy. I should have enjoyed my Paulie is evicted celebration more but Julie let the air out of all my party balloons with her final proclimation that yet ANOTHER HG will get to come back again. Again. So the 'tickets' weren't rigged by TPTB but they knew they had another brokeback comp in their back pocket to bring someone back. I just hope it's not a stupid haircut comp.

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Sigh, I want to believe the scales have fallen from Z's eyes wrt Paulie. I have a feeling however that she'll jump right back on him if she perceives even the tiniest of openings. If he shows up at the jury house all "woe is me, it's so unfair" and tries to play for sympathy she could fall right back into the muck, especially now that he can get with her without his family seeing it.

Natalie looked gorgeous and I loved Julie's dress.

"Nicole's boyfriend"? Hah, good one, Julie. Seriously though, is Nicole blind or does she figure Corey swings both ways?

Wonder who wrote Paulie's lines for his eviction interview with Julie? It all seemed a bit rehearsed to me, or like he was reading off cue cards.

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1 hour ago, escape said:

It's only to when the 5th evictee is announced, which is next week.   He is also familiar with the game, so he likely knows there is a jury buy back.

Well what I'm saying is I believe, even if he knows there's a buyback comp next Thursday night, he could bolt from the Jury House within days of entering it. He's a pathetic excuse for a person and Bridgette and Day will find lovely ways to mentally torture him. Don't underestimate them. 

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So Paulie excuses his lack of emotion when Z left by telling Julie " it's hard to form an emotional connection in the house." I think it's hard for Paulie to form an emotional connection with women period. Not because he's gay, but because he's a mysoginist.  And I'm not buying Z having seen the light where Paulie is concerned. Her interviews post the eviction say otherwise. Such a pretty fool. 

Edited by laprin
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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I can't decide whether or not I like the name "Adora." 

It reminds me of Samantha's mother, Endora, from Bewitched.

Old hag was always trying to cause problems between Samantha and that mortal, Derwood.


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3 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I missed it too -- how exactly are they going to buy themselves back ?  A winner takes all comp involving a game of Texas hold 'em ? Maybe a challenging round of kerplunk ?  If it's yet another round of remembering details about comps that happened in the house, I'm going to puke.

I want the buy back to be a pie baking competition.

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Yep, this BuyBack is the rigging to pull back ole sh!+head, Paulie, into the game. He barely put effort into his Pie-Baking--no repercussions--and, now, this. I mean c'mon.

Since Paul didn't have an opportunity to utilize the 'Round Trip' ticket, why does he not receive some "type thing" remuneration? 

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Once again, I fell for BB's manipulation. I thought that that moment between Paulie and Corey where he convinced him to bake the pie was really genuine and sweet. ("Bake the shit out of those pies" made me lol though.)

And I thought Paulie's speech was nice until he attacked Michelle...then it got weird.  

I couldn't stop laughing at the butterfly thing. The way he stopped in the middle of his sentence and watched it go by...omg, I replayed it like 5 times. And then he explained it like that would make it understandable. And then he starts crying about it. And then James' reaction...I damn near lost my life laughing, that was so amazing.

It looked like Zakiyah finally started to get a clue, seeing the real pain in her eyes made me hate Paulie all over again. And I hope he doesn't come back into the game. Best case scenario IMO would be Corey/Victor evicted next and winning the buy back instead of Paulie.

Edited by Summerday
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