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2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Sorry it’s all over the place.  I have several questions for ya’ll. 

(mind rewind from rewatch) what is a Bada Bee?

Ladies, do any of your friends have your man’s cell phone number?   Although this here:  I know the girl and I know Luanne, how do you want to do this? {shrug} fuck me, I liked it.  Lol.

I’d like to know which one of you is in charge of Dorinda?  Because, please collect your things. 

None of the service people in Ramona’s world have names huh?

I listened to her describe it and have now watched a Sandbar, yet still, I got nothin.  You take a boat to a smaller boat to canoe your way to a water snack truck?  Can we all agree that some stuff should be left to the drunken college children who invented it? 

Moving on.   Bethenney said her source said Tom and ole girl were making out for over an hour.   {Representative JoeWilsonVoice}  YOU LIE!  He’s 50 and he likes women his own age and we've got other shit to get to. 

I just want to make it to the altar is quite possibly the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.  P.S.  No shit. Lol!  I know I’m going down that aisle with Tom but I’m afraid one of these women is gonna trip me may actually be more sad.

Waiter:  Good evening lades, my name is Jesus

Beth:  Hi Jesus, {gestures to Ro} her name is Big Giant Mouth

I’m sorry, I know this is anti Beth country but that shit was knee-slapping!

Real quick poll, raise your hand if you poo when you’re nervous.   Keep those hands up if you rewound about Carole’s Pnina Tornai stripper fairy black leotard thing.  

The fashions.   May we have a word?   Lu I forgive you for last episode’s dinner napkins stapled to your arms faux pas.  This week? slaydom.  Even that Jesus Christ Superstar thing you had on in Beth’s room.  On most women it would’ve looked bizarre and frumpy but God bless you for knowing you can and baby you did.   Ramona, either you are too short or that pucci knock off is not for our enjoyment.   Furthermore, you have developed a stomich (say it like sandwich), maybe from all your fictional late night rabble rousing.  Either way don’t dress in frocks that highlight it.   Sonja something new and improved is happening to your frame and it’s lovely.   I’m a bit comfameezumased by the canary yellow outfit.  I *think* you were going for Grecian Goddess but the tiara threw me off.  I know you have a garland head wreath somewhere, check down in the basement.   Jules, I think you’re hella fun, a genuinely nice lady and stunning to boot, you bitch, but I don’t wanna to look at your bare shoulders babe.   Beth, after you got dragged on twitter you promised not to wear anymore of Bryn’s clothes, locate the rest of your shirt.   Carole, I’m going to need for you to go back upstairs and think about your whole entire life.   Dorinda, I can’t even lie, I want your closet, all of it, even the wallpaper.

I giggled when Dorinda told Ramona nobody wants to see middle aged women dancing on stuff.  That by itself was funny but middle?  How many 118 year olds do you know D?

The implants are bothersome to me because I think the go big or go home idea was to compete with the demographic of women who captured Mario’s interest.   I get she’s just off some still fresh pain but the idea that she’s out at Bagatelle trolling south beach strange all night is a solid gold Girl, Bye. 

Beth you have admitted to gloating that your frenemy’s man is a cheat (2) called someone (was it Lu?) neurotic (3) told Dorinda at dinner that she wasn’t talking she was yelling and (4) said I don’t want to ruin her engagement weekend…..in a group.   So…you were ok ruining it, but just between the two of you and like, a million of us.   This is where I put on my Captain Obvious bellhop blazer and say rude shit to you about each of these instances.   You’re not here for the coins, girl, there is not one legitimate reason you need to make another woman (who SAID she DIDN’T WANNA FUCKEN KNOW) feel this low.  You're disgraceful.

This post is so satisfying I need a cigarette. 

  • Love 10

It's not like Luann and Bethenny are even real friends, or certainly not the kind of friends who can ask each other if they are monogamous with partners or whether or not a marriage was open.  Just a handful of episodes ago Luann had to practically beg and invite herself to go on this trip.  Bethenny accused her in a TH of being on meth.  This is not a person to confide in, this is an asshole of the lowest order.  Luann doesn't really owe any of these hags an explanation of her romantic choices.  Are we going to hear about Bethenny dating a man who is still married to a friend of hers?  Are we going to get the opportunity to watch the other women judge her for that?  Maybe that's why she's threatening to leave.  Just a thought.

As for hag Ramona, producers should do their damnedest to get Mario's girlfriend Casey on the next season. I would LOVE that so much.  Bitch needs to be taken down a peg or a hundred.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

{Representative JoeWilsonVoice}  YOU LIE!  He’s 50 and he likes women his own age and we've got other shit to get to.

I sent $100 to Joe Wilson's opponent in that congressional race after the "YOU LIE!"  outburst.  Does this mean I owe you money now?


Dorinda, I can’t even lie, I want your closet, all of it, even the wallpaper.

Me, too.  (Well, all except for the Star Trek silver-sequined crewmember shirt.  Not so much that one.)  I meant to mention the Missoni(?) striped sweater and forgot.  We have one piece of Missoni in this house--a tie I bought my husband ages ago.  A bazillionth of a yard of the most beautiful fabric I've ever seen.  I would roll Dorinda in a dark alley for that sweater.

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Good recap.  If Beth is quitting the show,  it's fine with me.  She says something funny now and then, but that's about all she contributes IMO. Her constant shilling of her products is beyond annoying.  Appearing on camera in tiny bikinis,  also after she's given Jules grief for her weight, ,which she made about her.  She tries to run the show,  it's painfully obvious she has Andy by the balls.  

Ditto to all who are tired of the who slept with Tom and when talk,  and Sonjas perpetual victimhood.

  • Love 21
27 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Well, Luann is still with Tom.  

For now.  Both fans AND detractors on Lu's social media are being relentless in their Tom bashing in the past 20 hours.  Will Lu's pride or desperate desire to get down the aisle win?  I say her pride (and self-respect) will make her dump his azz.

She told Carole, on that boat to nowhere, that she never wanted an open marriage with Alex, it's just the way things were.  That she wished she could have gone along with it but she couldn't do it.  She wanted a real (monogamous?) relationship - like she has with Tom. 

But....Uh-oh.  They aren't even married yet and she's got herself a cheater.  Dump. Him.

Dump his punk ass, now.

  • Love 9

Dorinda tweeted that the Pucci dress Ramona wore was actually Dorinda's.  Ramona is too cheap I think to buy.  She only steals.  

I can't say much about Bethenny.  I can't believe how far she has fallen. She has lost all touch with reality and any self-awareness.  How can she not see that outing Tom to Luann after calling luann a fuck doll, trying to exclude her from trips, and eagerly gloating in anticipation of revealing the bad news would not be a good look?  And all her outing of drug use on Twitter and her radio show?  The old Bethenny was more conniving and would realize that she would come across poorly.  Who is going to invite Bethenny to a Hamptons party anymore?  Does she not realize who Andy hangs with? 

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, seasick said:

Wait.  Some 'guy' TEXTED (actually is what she said to her Gf in Miami) at 2:30 in the am..  and he "doesn't care at all about this or have a dog in the fight" was her relay to Miami Gf.  Sounds like he Cares..like--'right on it' Cares.  Prolly paid by B to follow Tom around.

Just curious if you have to get a release to show Luann a text/pic that You got. on Your phone.  Even if you showed it on camera-- you would need a release from the text-er?   and if that happens, what about a release from Tom and the chicky?  I don't think that proves that it wasn't production driven.  It could easily be a cover and the 'guy' worked for production.  

I don't know that we will see the actual text/photos on camera but I know we will not see or find out who exactly sent Bethenny the text other than a "male friend" of hers but I don't think they need a release for Bethenny to show Luann and all the others she has shared it with on camera before even telling Luann.

1 hour ago, shoegal said:

Yep.  LuAnn signed on to do a reality show, then promptly lied about her reality.  If she wanted to protect her children and keep her crumbling marriage from becoming public fodder, there was a very simple solution.  Don't do the show.  Instead, she chose to lie and it came back to bite her in the ass.  Eh, can't muster up much sympathy for that....LuAnn has a history of being a liar and a cheat.  *shrugs*

They have all lied about their marriages/relationships at 1 point or another, all of them. If we go by your standard then Bethenny is the worst offender as she shares nothing about her real life and refuses to answer any question about it or she makes up a lie like being lonely/no man in her life instead. Next would be Ramona, she never answered any questions about Mario/marriage/divorce or denied anything had happened and she berated Luann about the "open marriage" when her own marriage wasn't exactly closed to outsiders for her or Mario and then held that same marriage up as perfect. LOL

  • Love 11

Some of these conspiracy theories are downright bizarre.  Bethenny pays spies at every bar/restaurant/club in Manhattan.  She also pays PIs to follow
Tom wherever he goes - to catch him doing something wrong.  What else?  Oh yeah, her friends and acquaintances troll clubs in hopes of catching Tom getting all frisky, so they can covertly text the evidence to Beth.  I half expect to hear that she's bugged his phone, car, and penthouse with a balcony.

It's a distraction from the one who really victimized Lu.  Not a frenemy.  Not the person you distrust and have a contentious relationship with.  The person ultimately responsible for hurting Lu?  The man she's engaged to, trusts, and in a monogamous relationship with.  Her soul mate.  How does this guy manage to dodge the bullet?  In fact, people seem to relish pointing out that the engagement is still on.  You actually WANT this for a woman you like?  I just don't get it.  I don't even care for Lu and I know she deserves better. 

But it seems to have devolved into a "win".  Lu won this guy.  She beat out fuck buddy Sonja, and date Ramona.  I've read many posts crowing about how Lu got the ring - which in 2016 seems such an antiquated way to gauge success.  To break her engagement is apparently a "win" for Beth now.  How?   I'd consider it a win for Luann. 

If Lu ends up married - I almost don't care at this point - I hope it's not to prove anybody wrong, or as a fuck you to her detractors.

  • Love 24

I think it's weird that people know Bethenny is so invested in Luann's romance that they would text her at 2:30 in the morning.  Why not wait until the real morning, like 10 am.  That's what's strange.  Someone who "has no dog in this race" is certainly sure Bethenny would be interested in the middle of the night - a man.  Boy talk about guy code. Yikes. A bartender would not want to lose his job. A boyfriend would know she is obsessed with Luann.  What other guy would care? Would snitch?

Tom is a jerk for doing it, but Bethenny is a bitch for spreading the news, gloating about it in a talking head, bringing it to TV and then telling Luann on camera so her reaction could be caught for the world to see.  Bethenny's not to blame for Tom, she is to blame for trying to humiliate Luann on camera. She could've done it privately. Humane people do shit like that discreetly. She has all the karma coming at the reunion. I hope they all bring up her past dates and the married guy she was dating and how her truth cannon was firing blanks the last two years.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 23

Please let this be the last episode that I hear the term 'lover' come out of Sonja's mouth. I'll have to start taking a shot each time I hear it so I can numb myself to her whining before the episode is done. Sonja stop playing victim. If you share a relationship with someone that no one else has come to know about, you haven't been seen together and you've never talked about him...it's because that relationship is was a reliable late night phone call. Sonja has yet to describe anything about their relationship that doesn't reek of side piece description. 

If you offered me the most luxurious, adventurous and exotic vacation ever, all expenses paid and told me that the stipulation was that you had to spend that vacation with Ramona, I would say 'no thank you' and go on my way. She has zero sense of adventure or willingness to try new things and submerge herself in culture or tradition. She likes to party, drink wine, go to spas and eat fancy dinners. Why do you ever need to leave a place like NYC if you're only going to do the exact same things that you do back at home? Ramona seems like the person who only cares that her room has a beautiful view...she has no desire or intention to make use of that view and really appreciate it. That said, nothing wrong with girlfriends splitting up to do different things. But don't lie about it. 

Based on the previews for next week's episode, Luann is taking out her anger on the messenger. Since we know they're still together, they're so many questions I have. Did Luann forgive him and make him promise to be monogamous? Is Luann being honest when she said that she doesn't like nor did she want an open marriage herself? Is she once again begrudgingly agreeing to a more open relationship with Tom and is more upset that he wasn't being discreet about it? It's obvious but still, so crazy that you have to point it out - what kind of idiot gets engaged and then cheats on his fiance in a hotel restaurant? It's already insulting that you're going to be unfaithful. It's a whole other level of insulting that you're not even going to bother to try and hide it. 

  • Love 12
32 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Some of these conspiracy theories are downright bizarre.  Bethenny pays spies at every bar/restaurant/club in Manhattan.  She also pays PIs to follow
Tom wherever he goes - to catch him doing something wrong.  What else?  Oh yeah, her friends and acquaintances troll clubs in hopes of catching Tom getting all frisky, so they can covertly text the evidence to Beth.  I half expect to hear that she's bugged his phone, car, and penthouse with a balcony.

It's a distraction from the one who really victimized Lu.  Not a frenemy.  Not the person you distrust and have a contentious relationship with.  The person ultimately responsible for hurting Lu?  The man she's engaged to, trusts, and in a monogamous relationship with.  Her soul mate.  How does this guy manage to dodge the bullet?  In fact, people seem to relish pointing out that the engagement is still on.  You actually WANT this for a woman you like?  I just don't get it.  I don't even care for Lu and I know she deserves better. 

But it seems to have devolved into a "win".  Lu won this guy.  She beat out fuck buddy Sonja, and date Ramona.  I've read many posts crowing about how Lu got the ring - which in 2016 seems such an antiquated way to gauge success.  To break her engagement is apparently a "win" for Beth now.  How?   I'd consider it a win for Luann. 

If Lu ends up married - I almost don't care at this point - I hope it's not to prove anybody wrong, or as a fuck you to her detractors.

Bethenny has said that she "knows it all", so ask your self how she knows it all? LOL Yes, I do believe that she has people watching the other HWs/SO when they come into a place they are patronizing or working at. Does she pay them, not sure, but I would not put it past her or that at the very least she "rewards" them when she gets some juicy info. This guy, who she claims has "no dog in this" aka/interest, is someone she knows well enough that he had her cell phone number to call her/send her a text with photos at 2 am, knew she would answer it/read it and that she would want the info to begin with.

Was Luann a victim of Tom's bad behavior, YES but she was also a victim of Bethenny's ugly, gleeful behavior as well. Will Luann/Tom get married, I don't know but if that's what she wants, so be it.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

Me, too.  (Well, all except for the Star Trek silver-sequined crewmember shirt.  Not so much that one.)  I meant to mention the Missoni(?) striped sweater and forgot.  We have one piece of Missoni in this house--a tie I bought my husband ages ago.  A bazillionth of a yard of the most beautiful fabric I've ever seen.  I would roll Dorinda in a dark alley for that sweater.

While we're at it, lets talk about the body on that drunky Dori. It is sheer perfection. The woman is in her 50's. Damn.

I read a little bio on her somewhere. She may act like the "village idiot" but she is quite an accomplished woman. When she was married to her first husband she lived in London and had her own store. She had a fashion line and dressed a lot of the English royalty. She made plenty of her own money before divorcing Hubs #1 and marrying #2. She never brags about it. She could probably blow both Ramona and Bethenney away with her business acumen if she would lay off the booze once in a while. 

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, esco1822 said:


3 hours ago, shoegal said:

Actually, Bethenny's question to LuAnn regarding Tom was are you two "monogamous"?  The "open marriage" discussion was regarding LuAnn and Alex, with LuAnn herself stating she did in fact, have an "open marriage". 

Thank You both, I misunderstood that. I guess I though she was referring to marriage as Bethenny had mentioned Luann's/Count's marriage directly before that. I still don't think that means that Luann was OK with what Tom did or that she was only upset about it because he wasn't discreet about it or that she/Tom have an open relationship now. Maybe, after what she went through with the Count sleeping with others, that she doesn't consider making out/kissing as full on cheating (I do though). Who knows, hopefully we will find out next week or at the reunion.

5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

.She could probably blow both Ramona and Bethenney away with her business acumen if she would lay off the booze once in a while. 

Neither of them would allow her to talk about, she just might show them up, especially Bethenny.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Maybe, after what she went through with the Count sleeping with others, that she doesn't consider making out/kissing as full on cheating (I do though). Who knows, hopefully we will find out next week or at the reunion.

Yeah, kissing isn't that bad to some people although, like you, I wouldn't put up with it. Maybe Luann doesn't consider it a deal breaker.

But if I were her I would be wanting to know what went on after the public make out session. Like, did it go upstairs or back to her place or what.  And the thing is, you can't really count on a guy who did what Tom did to tell you the truth about it.  At least I wouldn't. It's not like HE is the one who came to Luann and confessed to getting plastered and acting like a fool, begging for forgiveness and assuring her it was just a drunken blunder that will never happen again. Not that it would totally excuse what happened, but it would be easier to believe him if it was something he came clean about himself and hadn't pretended never happened and seemed to count on Lu never finding out about.

That being said, I do hope it doesn't turn out that Luann is going to overlook the whole thing because Tom was just shit-faced drunk. Because getting shit-faced drunk and making out with some chick in public is still a pretty gnarly problem whether he told her about it himself of not.  If Tom drinks a lot on the regular, Luann needs to seriously consider if a guy who gets drunk and messes around is a guy she wants to marry.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Yeah, kissing isn't that bad to some people although, like you, I wouldn't put up with it. Maybe Luann doesn't consider it a deal breaker.

But if I were her I would be wanting to know what went on after the public make out session. Like, did it go upstairs or back to her place or what.  And the thing is, you can't really count on a guy who did what Tom did to tell you the truth about it.  At least I wouldn't. It's not like HE is the one who came to Luann and confessed to getting plastered and acting like a fool, begging for forgiveness and assuring her it was just a drunken blunder that will never happen again. Not that it would totally excuse what happened, but it would be easier to believe him if it was something he came clean about himself and hadn't pretended never happened and counted on you to never find out about.

That being said, I do hope it doesn't turn out that Luann is going to overlook the whole thing because Tom was just shit-faced drunk. Because getting shit-faced drunk and making out with some chick in public is still a pretty gnarly problem whether he told her about it himself of not.  If Tom drinks a lot on the regular, Luann needs to seriously consider if a guy who gets drunk and messes around is a guy she wants to marry.  

I am willing to bet that Luann drug all the details out of him and that she is keeping him on a short leash for now. I also think Tom now knows that if he even gets close to the cheating line, let alone crossing it again, he will be outed publicly in a millisecond!

I agree, it would have been better had he told her right after it happened (if he even remembered it happening) but that means he would have told her at their engagement party or the morning after it, not quiet the right time for that conversation IMO. Who knows what he would have done/said because Bethenny used it first to further hurt/humiliate/degrade Luann with it after telling a stranger, then the 2 women that have a problem with Luann just being with Tom, let alone engaged to him.

I hope they do what is best for them and what makes them the happiest in the long term.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

This post is so satisfying I need a cigarette. 

Lol! Thank you ;)

3 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

I sent $100 to Joe Wilson's opponent in that congressional race after the "YOU LIE!"  outburst.  Does this mean I owe you money now?

Me, too.  (Well, all except for the Star Trek silver-sequined crewmember shirt.  Not so much that one.)  I meant to mention the Missoni(?) striped sweater and forgot.  We have one piece of Missoni in this house--a tie I bought my husband ages ago.  A bazillionth of a yard of the most beautiful fabric I've ever seen.  I would roll Dorinda in a dark alley for that sweater.

LOL!!! In lieu of a check, how 'bout you co-author a request to Andy to start accepting walk-ons?  Girl, did you see the hotel breakfast?  Those eggs looked like they were made of baby giggles.  We wouldn't have to say much, every franchise needs a Kandi or two.

by. the. way.  The bodyodyody on that girl? bananas.  Like I forget how much Dorinda is hiding up under there because she doesn't bring out the ba-bam that often, but was the Missoni the black and (silver? gold?) sequined zebra stripe thing she got out of the car wearing?  It was absolutely gorgeous but her body sells it.  I swear if she stopped bar hagging she couldn't be beaten.

48 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

While we're at it, lets talk about the body on that drunky Dori. It is sheer perfection. The woman is in her 50's. Damn.

I read a little bio on her somewhere. She may act like the "village idiot" but she is quite an accomplished woman. When she was married to her first husband she lived in London and had her own store. She had a fashion line and dressed a lot of the English royalty. She made plenty of her own money before divorcing Hubs #1 and marrying #2. She never brags about it. She could probably blow both Ramona and Bethenney away with her business acumen if she would lay off the booze once in a while. 

gul you posted as I was typing, jinx.   stoked at all these '60's babies GETTING. IT.   and by stoked I mean mad that I'm flat the hell out of excuses. 

2 hours ago, jinjer said:

Dorinda tweeted that the Pucci dress Ramona wore was actually Dorinda's.  Ramona is too cheap I think to buy.  She only steals.  

I can't say much about Bethenny.  I can't believe how far she has fallen. She has lost all touch with reality and any self-awareness.  How can she not see that outing Tom to Luann after calling luann a fuck doll, trying to exclude her from trips, and eagerly gloating in anticipation of revealing the bad news would not be a good look?  And all her outing of drug use on Twitter and her radio show?  The old Bethenny was more conniving and would realize that she would come across poorly.  Who is going to invite Bethenny to a Hamptons party anymore?  Does she not realize who Andy hangs with? 

Whole new meaning to "bitch stole my look" Lol.  I'm glad I was wrong about it being a knock off.  More testament to Dorinda that it's much better suited on her. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:


 has zero sense of adventure or willingness to try new things and submerge herself in culture or tradition. She likes to party, drink wine, go to spas and eat fancy dinners. Why do you ever need to leave a place like NYC if you're only going to do the exact same things that you do back at home? Ramona seems like the person who only cares that her room has a beautiful view...she has no desire or intention to make use of that view and really appreciate it. 

"This is NOT the Four Seasons this is MORROCCO!" TM Luann 

sorry, I had to! I love that line.

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, Pollock said:

Lu should just say/admit that they are marrying for companionship (you enjoy each other presence in your life and want to make a commitment) with an understanding that both of them do whatever they want sexually as long as it's kept safe and private.

But why should Lu admit that? The world doesn't decide the parameters of their relationship; they do. When Lu and Tom are loving it up on some private island in 30 years Bethenny and Ramona will be enjoying the company of vibrators and each other.

Bethenny, Ramona and Sonja were awful.

ETA: As one whose been cheated on I understand "why would you do it at the Regency in front of people we know?!" Their whole corner of the world knowing and forever speculating about and throwing shade disguised at empathy makes it that much harder to deal with.

Edited by MaryTylerMoore
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

In fact, people seem to relish pointing out that the engagement is still on.  You actually WANT this for a woman you like?  I just don't get it.  I don't even care for Lu and I know she deserves better. 

But it seems to have devolved into a "win".  Lu won this guy.  She beat out fuck buddy Sonja, and date Ramona.  I've read many posts crowing about how Lu got the ring - which in 2016 seems such an antiquated way to gauge success.  To break her engagement is apparently a "win" for Beth now.  How?   I'd consider it a win for Luann. 

If Lu ends up married - I almost don't care at this point - I hope it's not to prove anybody wrong, or as a fuck you to her detractors.

The bolded all day long.  Can't stand Lu - never have.  But I wouldn't wish this dirt bag on an enemy.  She will never find happiness with him.

It's one thing if they were married for years and an investment in their futures, children, etc. had been made.  Even then, sticking with someone who didn't respect my wishes or would do something so blatant to make me unhappy would be iffy.  But they aren't even married yet.  Geez.  What other kind of red flag does she need?

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Anna525 said:

Ramona's doing the "look what you're missing, Mario" in everything she does - touching up her face before supposedly meeting someone, fake walk of shame, boobs too heavy she can't walk straight or whatever. 


Agreed.  I really do feel for her even though she was so nasty and lorded her supposedly successful marriage over everyone.  

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Then it's not an open marriage.  An open marriage, by definition, is one in which both partners agree to have sexual relations with others. 

If only one party knows about it, it's just cheating.

I think "open marriage" is the new buzzword for "He's not cheating because we have an agreement so he's not a louse afterall and our relationship is still perfection!'

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Bebecat said:

Why is Bethany the one to receive such a text ,if not set up? She is not even known to be close to Luann. And who except someone very close (or an employer) texts you at 2:30am?

I don't think it's that odd that someone texted this to Bethenny.  Even at 2:30a.m.

She knows a lot of people.  Who knew she was good friends with "the World Famous" pajama clad artist in the jacked up car? I digress.  She knows people, they all know she hates Lu.  They know the show is Beth's life and she would do anything for a storyline.  One of these people are at the bar, probably drunk themselves, sees Tom macking on some other woman, takes pictures and can't wait to text them to Beth because guuuuurrrrrrl, this is juicy.  Who cares what time it is.

To me, this is not much of a stretch at all.

  • Love 13
48 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I don't think it's that odd that someone texted this to Bethenny.  Even at 2:30a.m.

She knows a lot of people.  Who knew she was good friends with "the World Famous" pajama clad artist in the jacked up car? I digress.  She knows people, they all know she hates Lu.  They know the show is Beth's life and she would do anything for a storyline.  One of these people are at the bar, probably drunk themselves, sees Tom macking on some other woman, takes pictures and can't wait to text them to Beth because guuuuurrrrrrl, this is juicy.  Who cares what time it is.

To me, this is not much of a stretch at all.

I totally get this perspective. Two of my peers were drunkenly making out ( but no making love late at night) after drinking heavily at the bar and Snapchats were sent by others watching. However, they were men in their early twen ties and not "grown" women, for lack of a better term.

Edited by JakeyJokes
Typing on my phone is like Drunk Dorinda speak
  • Love 3


She knows a lot of people.  Who knew she was good friends with "the World Famous" pajama clad artist in the jacked up car? I digress.  She knows people, they all know she hates Lu.  They know the show is Beth's life and she would do anything for a storyline.  One of these people are at the bar, probably drunk themselves, sees Tom macking on some other woman, takes pictures and can't wait to text them to Beth because guuuuurrrrrrl, this is juicy.  Who cares what time it is.

To me, this is not much of a stretch at all.


Yeah, the idea that Beth is having people followed or paying spies for info is silly.  She doesn't have to.  There are tons of people who know how to reach her (or know someone who does) who just can't WAIT to stir the shit, curry favor, get revenge, etc. and are more than happy to pass info along for free.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
to add quote
  • Love 7
6 hours ago, jinjer said:

Dorinda tweeted that the Pucci dress Ramona wore was actually Dorinda's.  Ramona is too cheap I think to buy.  She only steals.  

I can't say much about Bethenny.  I can't believe how far she has fallen. She has lost all touch with reality and any self-awareness.  How can she not see that outing Tom to Luann after calling luann a fuck doll, trying to exclude her from trips, and eagerly gloating in anticipation of revealing the bad news would not be a good look?  And all her outing of drug use on Twitter and her radio show?  The old Bethenny was more conniving and would realize that she would come across poorly.  Who is going to invite Bethenny to a Hamptons party anymore?  Does she not realize who Andy hangs with? 

I don't follow her on Twitter or listen to her radio show. I can barely keep up with the shows and this forum. Who has she been outing? 

5 hours ago, WireWrap said:



1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Yeah, the idea that Beth is having people followed or paying spies for info is silly.  She doesn't have to.  There are tons of people who know how to reach her (or know someone who does) who just can't WAIT to stir the shit, curry favor, get revenge, etc. and are more than happy to pass info along for free.

I don't think Bethenny pays people to spy, there are plenty of willing volunteers out there.  I do think there is the outside chance that the photographer may sell the photos to a much higher bidder than Bravo.  Also the chance the woman may sell her story.  It is out it is relevant, who knows if they need the money.  Bethenny suggested a $1,000 spa certificate to the photographer.    If the person really wants to stay anonymous it is best no take any money or gifts as it creates a paper trail. 

9 minutes ago, Reeseaddict said:

I don't follow her on Twitter or listen to her radio show. I can barely keep up with the shows and this forum. Who has she been outing? 

Luann, Jules, Sonja, Dorinda and John. The only ones she claims don't do drugs are Ramona and Carole, even though Carole admits to smoking pot.

3 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:


I don't think Bethenny pays people to spy, there are plenty of willing volunteers out there.  I do think there is the outside chance that the photographer may sell the photos to a much higher bidder than Bravo.  Also the chance the woman may sell her story.  It is out it is relevant, who knows if they need the money.  Bethenny suggested a $1,000 spa certificate to the photographer.    If the person really wants to stay anonymous it is best no take any money or gifts as it creates a paper trail. 

I think Bethenny rewards her snitches/informants/sources, be it with SKG products or cash, she gives them something to keep the info coming in and neither of these would leave a paper trail for anyone to follow/find.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Some of these conspiracy theories are downright bizarre.  Bethenny pays spies at every bar/restaurant/club in Manhattan.  She also pays PIs to follow
Tom wherever he goes - to catch him doing something wrong.  What else?  Oh yeah, her friends and acquaintances troll clubs in hopes of catching Tom getting all frisky, so they can covertly text the evidence to Beth.  I half expect to hear that she's bugged his phone, car, and penthouse with a balcony.

It's a distraction from the one who really victimized Lu.  Not a frenemy.  Not the person you distrust and have a contentious relationship with.  The person ultimately responsible for hurting Lu?  The man she's engaged to, trusts, and in a monogamous relationship with.  Her soul mate.  How does this guy manage to dodge the bullet?  In fact, people seem to relish pointing out that the engagement is still on.  You actually WANT this for a woman you like?  I just don't get it.  I don't even care for Lu and I know she deserves better.

But it seems to have devolved into a "win".  Lu won this guy.  She beat out fuck buddy Sonja, and date Ramona.  I've read many posts crowing about how Lu got the ring - which in 2016 seems such an antiquated way to gauge success.  To break her engagement is apparently a "win" for Beth now.  How?   I'd consider it a win for Luann.

If Lu ends up married - I almost don't care at this point - I hope it's not to prove anybody wrong, or as a fuck you to her detractors.

THIS!!!! All day long. I would not wish TomCat on my worst enemy, so I am amazed that people think Lu has won some sort of prize. I agree, that either dumping Tom or being dumped by Tom would be a win for Luann. I actually laughed out loud when Lu claimed that she is afraid that one of the Howives will trip her as she is walking down the isle. Ya got your soulmate for that, honey. By the looks of it he'll be tripping you plenty before that. But you will just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue that walk. Because lets face it, the wedding is the goal, not the marriage.

  • Love 10

What am i missing here?  Where is all the Tom is a Prize posting and posturing in regards to the argument as to whether Frankelstein's Monster should stick her whittled hammer jaw in let alone how?  In what way is any critique of the Loathsome Creature's Toxic behavior some kind of cheering squad for a man that seems as emotionally mature as his penis  and the amount of viagra he might take to overcome any mommy issues? 

I see people decrying that lumbering shit-swill schiller thinks she has a right to get involved as she has but I don't see people defending Tom.  Saying Luann is being treated like shit doesn't even ignore or discard the fact many of us also see Luann as being a shit plenty of times.  

Its not an either or situation that I can see no matter how tightly some of us might try to draw our wagons in a circle.  No matter which side of many we are choosing.  Not a line in the sand here.  More like the many facets of a diamond.  a big yellow cloudy diamond that is not as nice as the one Sonja keeps in the safe alongside her photo album of her partying with the ghost of John Kennedy Jr, Puff Daddy and the Madonna in a limo drive bys.

I don't think the Monster has spies or contacts so much as I think someone who already has direct ties to the show saw it happening and tipped her off.  Let's face it, those of you who have also worked service.  After a long night of waiting on people at some bar/restaurant how much would the Loathsome Creature have to pay you simply to keep an eye out for some kind of dirt she would be interested in?  Especially if you had already waited on her.  There are plenty of stories out there of what a pig she was to waiters and such long before she inked her deal with the devil.  I mean Beam. 

What I am wondering is if this something people in this rather incestuous little UES crowd have witnessed before and not until murmurs of unrest between the Monster and the Lofty Countess was it worth taking pictures of.  A lack of a grand conspiracy hardly negates that the Monster got the pics exactly as she says.  And I love the view from a grassy knoll on a clear day. 




  • Love 9

It could be that LuAnn is marrying Tom for....whatever reason she wants to.

It's none of  "The One Whose Private Life Must Not Be Discussed"  business.  

Perhaps their relationship is open and not monogamous.  And perhaps LuAnn does not want to admit that on national tv, so when she's asked by anyone, especially The One Whose Private Life Must Not Be Discussed, she simply says that they are monogamous.  

LuAnn and Tom can have whatever relationship they chose to have, whether anyone else approves or not. Maybe she has outside relationships too, but is more discreet.  It's not the relationship I would accept, but people have different reasons for why they marry someone and different levels of what they will tolerate in a relationship. Maybe their "deal" is do what you want but be discreet and that's why she seems so upset about "the whole world knowing" (and  we've only heard a snippet of that conversation along with Bethenny's take on it).

Regardless of what happened at the Regency, she  apparently is still planning on marrying him. Who knows what he told her, how he explained it? But she is aware of it. She also knows his history with Ramona and Sonya (as do we all, ad nauseum). 

People marry jackasses and cheaters every day - she won't be the first.  Her eyes are open.  She's not a naive schoolgirl (although she acts like one).

She goes into the marriage  because even knowing what she knows,  she has made the decision to do so.  She must have her reasons, whatever they are.

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, ryebread said:

I don't think it's that odd that someone texted this to Bethenny.  Even at 2:30a.m.

She knows a lot of people.  Who knew she was good friends with "the World Famous" pajama clad artist in the jacked up car? I digress.  She knows people, they all know she hates Lu.  They know the show is Beth's life and she would do anything for a storyline.  One of these people are at the bar, probably drunk themselves, sees Tom macking on some other woman, takes pictures and can't wait to text them to Beth because guuuuurrrrrrl, this is juicy.  Who cares what time it is.

To me, this is not much of a stretch at all.

Exactly. I cannot speak for others, but with my girlfriends, the recipe has always been the same - for my whole life. Whether I was in my 20's or 50's, we talked about the folks that we worked with when we were together. I know about my one friend who hates her boss with a passion and prays before every Cosmo that the gal will get the axe. I know about my other friend who hates a suck up she works with who sleeps with all her superiors and tries to sabotage everyone else at work. I know these people's names. I ask about them when we are together. My friends also know my horrid work stories. That is just the way we roll.

We know that the world these gals live in is small. For the love of all that is holy, 3 of them have dated the same guy, and a 4th gal was friends with him. Small world. Add that to the fact that Lu's engagement was reported in the media, along with the fact that this Romeo had also dated both Sonja and Ramona. So Beth has a friend that knows about her issues with Lu. Knows she doesn't care for her and that there is some tension between them. She sees the boyfriend out with another woman late at night and she informs Beth. How is this shocking at all? 

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, Pollock said:

If there is one, after being called a whore, a slut and every disparaging word the B. could think of, after reading years and years of "Luann the slut who cheated on Jacques with the Pirate", "Whorish Luann sleeps with married men" etc etc..., I think I get why she could be lying about free passes in her relationship with Tom. Just sayin'. The amount of judgment about her sexuality or fidelity is worrisome to me. I feel like there is absolutely no progress in accepting that someone's idea of a relationship isn't limited to the normative husband and wife one. It's my idea FOR ME, that's all. You want to be in a trouple? Go for it. You have no problem fucking around and/or no problem that your husband does it too? Go for it. You were cheated on, not once, not twice but multiple times and chose to forgive and make it work even if you were deeply hurt? I couldn't do that but do you Boo! Just leave children and animals alone, don't go spreading diseases, use protection, don't get pregnant at 16 or 55, don't put yourself in dangerous situations without agreeing on a safe word, don't sleep with my husband if you value his life and yours and we are golden. 
Who are those women to cast judgement upon her? And I don't believe for one second the problem is that she lies about it. They all lie about things in their life. Or omit them, same difference and it's obvious watching some reactions of the castmates sometimes when one of them is serving us bullcrap in front of the cameras. But they have the courtesy of shutting their trap and keep the scene moving.

And if there's no arrangement of sorts, well, it doesn't affect any of the other women on the show. She's the one cheated on, she's the one who's marrying the guy. She's not lying about cancer while pedling insurance or super vitamins at the same time. She didn't sleep with one of those women's husband, even when it was obvious the wifes didn't sleep with them either anymore. 
Ok LuAnn can be obnoxious, a liar and a hypocrit. She does, as do the others, that part of her job really well, but still, she's not near Sarah Palin's level of despicable or hypocrisy and above all, I don't see what she could have ever done to any of her castmates, in public or in front of the cameras, that's close to what Bethenny has done to her since the season began. I have a shitty memory, I'll give everybody that, but I never felt she deserved to be treated like that. LuAnn could go working at McDonalds to learn again about hard work and humility, that's a given (and boy, her Countess crap drives the urge to go 200 years back in time and treat Louis Napoleon with the same hair conditionner we used on Louis XVI before he gives a fucking courtesy title to a Lesseps...) but except maybe for playing along with the fortune teller in Morocco which was a super gossipy thing to do, and that was when?, ten million seasons ago, I can't think of a single thing that would warrant the nukes. Obviously, I don't count her spat with Carole last year, because really, who could ever be offended on behalf of the wallpaper anyway?

I'm so in love with this post!!!! 100x's this!

16 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

So basically Lu isn't really good at handling these inquiries when they come up? She doesn't say the right thing so all bets are off? That's my point. It's all the questioning and interference that I'm troubled by. If that weren't going on then there would be no need to Lu to "say the right thing" or "handle it correctly".  That's where I stand with it all. Hell I don't even know if half my theories about Lu and Tom's relationship are even close or if my ideas of Lu's stance on her relationships is correct all I know is that the intense focus on Lu and her relationships is the real problem here and not any "conflicting details" from Lu's past or present relationships or past or present statements.

Pretty simplistic really. The time to drop it was long ago but this whole crusade against all things Lu have turned this into a very, very disgusting display of evil. Chilling.

Yes.  Almost as disgusting, evil, and chilling as Lu's crusade against Carole last year for having the audacity to date "the help." Or, "her niece's ex."  Or "a man that was too young for her."  Yea it was hard to pinpoint the exact reason she went in on Carole because she kept changing her mind. 

Now do 2 wrongs make a right? Of course not. Lu's past mistakes don't excuse Bethenny's gross behavior this season - culminating with her one-on-one with Lu this week.  I, personally, just can't get worked up in a sympathy lather for a woman who has been cruel, malicious, and disgusting herself on many occasions.  They're both fairly terrible people.

  • Love 11
18 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I was thrilled to see this included last night. One big fat thing that has been debated around here put to rest. I have been reading for several years that Lu never talked about having an open marriage. That this was just some nasty rumor started by Ramona and Beth (well, Beth's name got thrown in this year. I don't believe she was ever accused of this before this current season). There was no way to debate this away, because according to so many, there was no open marriage. Of course it was ridiculous, because they all knew that she had an open marriage and it has never been a secret. 

Regarding the reveal last night, we never saw it on the actual episode - they just showed it during a flashback last night. Every time they do this I'm reminded of all the stuff that happens that we never see. All of the things that the gals are responding to and talking about that we don't fully understand, because there is so much footage that we never get to see. There was no doubt a lot more to what Lu was saying when she was telling the gals about her open marriage, but we saw none of it. Which is a shame. 

The retconning makes me doubt my sanity.  There's also argument that Lu never slept with the pirate, just covered up that he came over to watch a movie I guess.  And that she didn't sleep with the British married guy - which why would you shrug off the accusation rather than denying it.   It kind of makes me a little insane.  But it's hard not to back down when the opposition is strident. 

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Yes.  Almost as disgusting, evil, and chilling as Lu's crusade against Carole last year for having the audacity to date "the help." Or, "her niece's ex."  Or "a man that was too young for her."  Yea it was hard to pinpoint the exact reason she went in on Carole because she kept changing her mind. 

Now do 2 wrongs make a right? Of course not. Lu's past mistakes don't excuse Bethenny's gross behavior this season - culminating with her one-on-one with Lu this week.  I, personally, just can't get worked up in a sympathy lather for a woman who has been cruel, malicious, and disgusting herself on many occasions.  They're both fairly terrible people.

No Comparision.

A twitter cat fight and disapproving a relationship?


The ponies are by the pool with that one.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

The retconning makes me doubt my sanity.  There's also argument that Lu never slept with the pirate, just covered up that he came over to watch a movie I guess.  And that she didn't sleep with the British married guy - which why would you shrug off the accusation rather than denying it.   It kind of makes me a little insane.  But it's hard not to back down when the opposition is strident. 

Luann admitted to making out with the guy on the deck and then sending him on his way.  If she is not having sex with the guy why admit it?  One thing that never seems to be addressed is Luann on two occasions was really, really drunk once in St. Bart and again in T&C. If the guys are half as drunk as she is maybe it is just a lot of sloppy making out.  I remember in T&C, when Luann was asked about Sonja and her nights out, she said, Sonja would fall asleep.  I don't know if that is polite code for passing out, but we saw Ramona take a nap on stage during the Reunion after having three or four glasses of wine at the lunch break.  Guys having too much to drink sometimes causes performance issues, drunken middle age women, or for that matter, any age women, although it may lower their judgment but there is a fair number of men out there who are not really turned on by having sex with a drunken, passing out woman. Gee, if it were an episode of Law & Order SUV, the standard would be she was unable to consent.

It is like lying, just because someone does it on occasion doesn't mean everything they say is a lie.  To me, the biggest liar on the show is Ramona.  Listen to her explain away taking the dresses from Bethenny.  Much like a stopped clock being right twice a day, not every single thing that comes out of Ramona's mouth is a lie.  It was like Ramona telling Sonja, Bethenny didn't invite her to her birthday party because of her drinking, Bethenny said that is not true, it was because she had not seen her in awhile.  Truth was, Sonja was holding out on her contract.

Another example of lying, is Bethenny knows damn well, Luann didn't start staying with Sonja until mid-November.  To encourage Sonja's delusions it became October.  Posing a lie and getting another to agree, or trying to trick them is still a lie.   

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Yes.  Almost as disgusting, evil, and chilling as Lu's crusade against Carole last year for having the audacity to date "the help." Or, "her niece's ex."  Or "a man that was too young for her."  Yea it was hard to pinpoint the exact reason she went in on Carole because she kept changing her mind. 

Now do 2 wrongs make a right? Of course not. Lu's past mistakes don't excuse Bethenny's gross behavior this season - culminating with her one-on-one with Lu this week.  I, personally, just can't get worked up in a sympathy lather for a woman who has been cruel, malicious, and disgusting herself on many occasions.  They're both fairly terrible people.

I agree that Luann went nuts on Carole last season, more so on twitter/off camera than actually on camera, but still.......she went there. That said, Luann went after Carole for what she thought Carole did to her, she did not go after Heather or any of the others for what Carole did. Which is a difference between what Luann did last season and what Bethenny is doing this season. Bethenny is acting like Luann did something horrific to her personally but when Bethenny gives her long list of reasons, most of them have little to do with her and most happened when she was not even on the show, aka/second hand information (something no one is allowed to use against her btw).

I agree that both have been and can be nasty on their own but I don't remember Luann actually taking pleasure in hurting someone before, I don't remember Luann dragging off camera private dirt on camera to use as a weapon against anyone, I don't remember Luann trying to freeze another HW out of filming, all things Bethenny has done to her/others this season.  

14 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

The retconning makes me doubt my sanity.  There's also argument that Lu never slept with the pirate, just covered up that he came over to watch a movie I guess.  And that she didn't sleep with the British married guy - which why would you shrug off the accusation rather than denying it.   It kind of makes me a little insane.  But it's hard not to back down when the opposition is strident. 

Most here know/admit that Luann slept with the pirate and hooked up with the married Scott (despite her denials) in T&C last season but that doesn't negate/justify what Bethenny has done to her this season IMO. I called Luann out last season for her nasty behavior and I am calling Bethenny out for her malicious/hypocritical behavior this season.  LOL

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, WireWrap said:


Most here know/admit that Luann slept with the pirate and hooked up with the married Scott (despite her denials) in T&C last season but that doesn't negate/justify what Bethenny has done to her this season IMO. I called Luann out last season for her nasty behavior and I am calling Bethenny out for her malicious/hypocritical behavior this season.  LOL

How does anyone other than the pirate and Luann know she slept with the pirate?  She says no.  All we know is she lied and tried to cover up the fact she brought him back to the house.  It was like Carole saying Sonja and the pirate were "butt fucking".  Three years later she withdrew the claim.  Aviva claimed Ramona and Sonja are drunk, naked in bed together engaging in sex acts.  What is true is they are drunk, in bed, mostly likely don't have a lot of clothes on but only they know if they are having sex.  We have all seen Sonja on the dance floor trying to make out with Luann, doesn't mean the two of them consummate the activity. 

Just once I wish someone when asked about something deeply personal would say, "how very rude of you to ask and quite frankly it is none of your business or anyone else's."

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

We know that the world these gals live in is small. For the love of all that is holy, 3 of them have dated the same guy, and a 4th gal was friends with him. Small world. Add that to the fact that Lu's engagement was reported in the media, along with the fact that this Romeo had also dated both Sonja and Ramona. So Beth has a friend that knows about her issues with Lu. Knows she doesn't care for her and that there is some tension between them. She sees the boyfriend out with another woman late at night and she informs Beth. How is this shocking at all? 

That's where your theory falls apart, I think.  I don't think Bethy has friends.  She has employees, though.  And producers.

  • Love 11
16 hours ago, escape said:

Well, The Countess does have a history of being a fraud and liar.  She lied about her blissful marriage to the Count.  Then she lied and tried to cover up her rendezvous with the pirate - while she was in a relationship with Jacques.  And last season - her response to having a fling with a married man was - "So"?

It all makes sense why the women are finding joy in Luann's misery. Luann has sex with married men and according to the women steals their lovers/boyfriends/potentials. And Luanne's feelings (ego?) are finally hurt by someone being as callous towards her as she is callous towards everyone else. No wonder the other women are happy to make this public. They felt Luann needed to get her comeuppance and she has. In the words from Heather in the OC the other women are doing some "low based bullshit" but I completely understand where they're coming from. With regards to how much Luanne has fucked them over, and not cared a single bit, I might feel the same way if I was in their shoes.

  • Love 2

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