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52 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

I don't get it. If Luann is the whore, slut, and crappy friend Bethenny says she is...why does she give a damn if Luann's man is a cad, liar, prince, or alien? Beth is acting like its her personal responsibility or business as though she's Lu's mother or life coach.  

It's Bethenny's world and we must live in it. 

  • Love 11
29 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

I normally dont agree with Bethenny but when she called Sonja "Chrissy Snow"  I holled because it was spot on.   How Sonja has been carrying on about the Tom thing is ridiculous. Prime example why people like Sonja should never do FWBs at all if they know will get dicknotized into thinking they are in something deep.  It's like what does Sonja want Tom tell her??  Ok yes he banged your friend and gave her a ring but it wasn't like you were clamoring for the same thing! 

Ooo I knew I forgot something.   Did you hear Bethenny was trying to pull a Jacqueline a'la RHONJ and call Tom to tell him off!   Again this woman needs to know her place and learn boundaries.   Why is LuAnn's life all of sudden her business and her storyline especially since she claims they are not friends??  

I was expecting that Sonja either wouldn't have her phone with her, or not have Tom's phone number in her phone....I was surprised that she did have it.

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

At the engagement dinner Luann said something having dinner with Tom's parents right before he popped the question.  Sonja said something along the lines of -she's met the parents.  Whatever Luann has shared with Tom, one can bet Sonja will have been there done that.

When Sonja said that, she said it in the form of a question She met his parents?, not as a statement that she also met them. Now, of course, she claims she has also met his mother as if Tom were contemplating asking her to marry him but Luann swooped in and stole him out from under her (literally). LOL

  • Love 7
22 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said:

Sonja's whole thing about Tom makes less and less sense as this goes on, especially her bemoaning losing a lover. What about that Harry what's-his-face that she also accused Luann of trying to steal from her? Where was he when Sonja was having this great 10 year on and off again sexual relationship with Tom.

I still don't get this whole ten year thing...Sonja and her ex separated in 2006 - did she hook up with Tom immediately after she was separated?  

I don't mind Sonja, but I cannot stand the way she plays fast and loose with the truth, and always to her advantage.

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

At the engagement dinner Luann said something having dinner with Tom's parents right before he popped the question.  Sonja said something along the lines of -she's met the parents.  Whatever Luann has shared with Tom, one can bet Sonja will have been there done that.

I could be wrong but the way I remember it was that Sonja said she was supposed to meet his parents (or mother) the day after Thanksgiving but that didn't happen.  In Sonja world that could mean that Tom may have been having a party or soiree because his parents were in town for Thanksgiving but he didn't follow up with her.

Let's face it.  Sonja has tried to spin her um 'relationship' with Tom from an occasional FWB to her 'lover'.  I think it's all BS because Sonja is desperate for a storyline.  It's also interesting that Sonja is hanging out with Beth (the one who didn't want anything to do with her earlier in the season) having coffee in The Don's office (aka Beth's hotel room).

  • Love 14
26 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Last night's dinner:

As true with the entire episode, I seriously thought Dorinda would have a nip slip.  God help me, I liked Ramona's dress - but not how she looked in it. I've never worn a tiara, and never will, but Sonja's look worked for her. Didn't care for Jules's outfit, but who cares with hair like that?  I liked Lu's bodice, which surprised me.  I'm built like her, but larger breasted, and would never choose that neckline.  I liked Beth's shimmery top. 

Up until this point Lu's relationship with Tom has seemed so fake.  Having seen a flash of genuine feeling (unlike the, IMO, OOT puking of gaiety), I'm reevaluating that what was bothering me is how FORCED it was. So try hard. So unnatural.  Personally, IMO (so don't come at me), Lu was dancing as fast as she could.  She sensed problems but refused to let them get in her way.  So she zipped around all hyped up, seeing marriage/security rather than Tom himself.   We'll see what happens next week. 

I've refrained from commenting on Ramona's implants. Until now.  If she loves them great. If she's as uncomfortable as she looks - down size now.  At her age skin is not as elastic and she doesn't want smaller saggy breasts.  Although, IMO, it would be preferable. 

I think whomever talked Ramona into those implants needs to have their head examined.  I don't have implants, but I do have several friends that do, and my one friend said her plastic surgeon spent a lot of time with her, making sure she had the right style and size implant for her body/frame.  I think she said there are several different types - some being more round and full, others being  "tear-drop" shaped.  I think Ramona's height and frame are too small for the implants she has.  She would have benefited from something different.

  • Love 13

So bottom line for me is that according to Beth a guy sent her two or three pictures of Tom making out with another woman.  Heck, if these photos are so devastating, why don't you even remember how many pictures there are.  We don't get to see the photos because the person didn't sign a release.  Hm.  This just gives more credence to the case that this person was a bartender or PI.  Yep.  I wouldn't doubt that Beth has a PI or has had one of her assistants talk to every bartender where these women (and their men) hang out to text 'them' when they see something and they're paid for their trouble.

Beth may think she knows everything but she came out the worst in this situation followed by Ro, Sonja and Carole.  And how narcissistic to make those kind of statements.  I guess she thinks we forget about her failed marriages and custody outcome.  And geez Beth, you were 'lost at sea'.  Apparently you couldn't figure that one out either.  Or your worst case of fibroids EVER.  

And...guess what?  The wedding is still on despite Beth's claims of how her revelations would affect it. 

Apparently next week is the most epic in Housewives history.  I doubt it given all the previous sound bites about Miami which for me was a big dud.

I also found Beth's 'voice' more grating than usual this episode.   

  • Love 11
18 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I think whomever talked Ramona into those implants needs to have their head examined.  I don't have implants, but I do have several friends that do, and my one friend said her plastic surgeon spent a lot of time with her, making sure she had the right style and size implant for her body/frame.  I think she said there are several different types - some being more round and full, others being  "tear-drop" shaped.  I think Ramona's height and frame are too small for the implants she has.  She would have benefited from something different.

Add to that, they look like they were placed WAY too high.  Something's off.  They really do look awful.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ryebread said:

Beth telling Lu about Tom seemed pretty real and raw.  I watched Luann age about 5 years in the 20 seconds after Beth told her that she was going to show her some pictures.  "Don't do this to me..." Her jaw was tight and she looked broken.  That said, I think Lu's known all along that Tom was a cat but wanted the $$ and the ring so bad that she looked the other way.  Just like she did in her marriage.

I believe she and Tom had an arrangement that they could both jump the fence, on occasion, as long as they were discreet.  He broke the code by doing it at the Regency.  "In front of everybody!  The whole town knows it now."

So the reason they are still together is that she didn't have to forgive him for the cheating - only for his indiscreetness.

Still say there isn't going to be a wedding.....

Totally agree with everything you have posted Ryebread. And it is pretty much what several of us have been saying all along. Lu isn't surprised or upset that TomCat cheated, just that he did it in public. She made it quite clear both in the scene in this epi and the previews for the next - he embarassed her in public and that is not acceptable. I find it amusing that Bethenny is the one apparently ruining Lu's happiness. I think TomCat is doing a great job of that all on his own.

I also found it interesting that Lu keeps changing the definition of what an open marriage is. She had one with the count. And then she didn't- only he cheated and she wasn't happy. I guess that is the European definition? Wouldn't surprise me but again Lu went along with it and would still be 'married' (if that is what you want to call it) to the count if he hadn't dumped her via email. Ya, lovely charming man. But then she has shown with Tom that she has pretty low standards. I think if the wedding is called off it will be Tom doing the calling. I don't think Lu has any self respect so I don't know that TomCat can do anything that would make her dump him. In any case Lu gave off several vibes of desperation during this epi, bascially saying she hopes to last long enough to get down the isle. Sad, really.

  • Love 22
2 hours ago, ryebread said:

Beth telling Lu about Tom seemed pretty real and raw.  I watched Luann age about 5 years in the 20 seconds after Beth told her that she was going to show her some pictures.  "Don't do this to me..." Her jaw was tight and she looked broken.  That said, I think Lu's known all along that Tom was a cat but wanted the $$ and the ring so bad that she looked the other way.  Just like she did in her marriage.

I believe she and Tom had an arrangement that they could both jump the fence, on occasion, as long as they were discreet.  He broke the code by doing it at the Regency.  "In front of everybody!  The whole town knows it now."

So the reason they are still together is that she didn't have to forgive him for the cheating - only for his indiscreetness.

Still say there isn't going to be a wedding.....

Totally agree with everything you have posted Ryebread. And it is pretty much what several of us have been saying all along. Lu isn't surprised or upset that TomCat cheated, just that he did it in public. She made it quite clear both in the scene in this epi and the previews for the next - he embarassed her in public and that is not acceptable. I find it amusing that Bethenny is the one apparently ruining Lu's happiness. I think TomCat is doing a great job of that all on his own.

I also found it interesting that Lu keeps changing the definition of what an open marriage is. She had one with the count. And then she didn't- only he cheated and she wasn't happy. I guess that is the European definition? Wouldn't surprise me but again Lu went along with it and would still be 'married' (if that is what you want to call it) to the count if he hadn't dumped her via email. Ya, lovely charming man. But then she has shown with Tom that she has pretty low standards. I think if the wedding is called off it will be Tom doing the calling. I don't think Lu has any self respect so I don't know that TomCat can do anything that would make her dump him. In any case Lu gave off several vibes of desperation during this epi, bascially saying she hopes to last long enough to get down the isle. Sad, really.

  • Love 2
31 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

So bottom line for me is that according to Beth a guy sent her two or three pictures of Tom making out with another woman.  Heck, if these photos are so devastating, why don't you even remember how many pictures there are.  We don't get to see the photos because the person didn't sign a release.  Hm.  This just gives more credence to the case that this person was a bartender or PI.  Yep.  I wouldn't doubt that Beth has a PI or has had one of her assistants talk to every bartender where these women (and their men) hang out to text 'them' when they see something and they're paid for their trouble.

Beth may think she knows everything but she came out the worst in this situation followed by Ro, Sonja and Carole.  And how narcissistic to make those kind of statements.  I guess she thinks we forget about her failed marriages and custody outcome.  And geez Beth, you were 'lost at sea'.  Apparently you couldn't figure that one out either.  Or your worst case of fibroids EVER.  

And...guess what?  The wedding is still on despite Beth's claims of how her revelations would affect it. 

Apparently next week is the most epic in Housewives history.  I doubt it given all the previous sound bites about Miami which for me was a big dud.

I also found Beth's 'voice' more grating than usual this episode.   

I think this has been three episode leading up to one scene of Bethenny telling Luann.  Bethenny knew before the engagement party.  Between Tom's actions, Sonja's constant blithering about how important Tom her on the down low, friends with benefits, discrete "lover, and Ramona trying to paint Tom as being the biggest liar on the planer because he claims two dates and she claim four or five (was it four or five), the scene at the Berkshires, the voting Luann off the trip, excluding her from events it has been 20 episodes of let's humiliate Luann.  Why not tell her before she unpacks in Miami?  It was like Dead Man Walking you know the end and the torture is in the wait.

The dinner to celebrate the artist was the worst.  Systematic humiliation.  Sonja and Carole are horrible friends.  Who gets together and constantly goes after the groom? Also, Bethenny was upset at Dorinda's voice level?  See dinner the night before when Bethenny was behaving far worse. 

26 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Totally agree with everything you have posted Ryebread. And it is pretty much what several of us have been saying all along. Lu isn't surprised or upset that TomCat cheated, just that he did it in public. She made it quite clear both in the scene in this epi and the previews for the next - he embarassed her in public and that is not acceptable. I find it amusing that Bethenny is the one apparently ruining Lu's happiness. I think TomCat is doing a great job of that all on his own.


 I believe what Luann was doing was telling Tom without using the word humiliation how humiliating his actions were. First there is the act, second there is the stupidity, third is getting caught and fourth is the way she had to hear about it. I think betrayal and humiliation are similar to anger and hurt.  Same range of emotions just being expressed differently.  Most public figures who have been scorned, including Ramona, talk more about the humiliation of the betrayal going public. 

  • Love 22

I have to say.  The look of Oh-shit-chagrin on the Frankelstein's Monster's face when Luann didn't try to fight back and give her even more ammo was actually funny to see.  I never thought I would say this about Hammer Jaw but I actually enjoyed seeing her fuck herself.  Not the way the narrative was supposed to 'flow' was it?


All the sudden we are supposed to believe Ramona is getting some?  After the whole tom thing I have to wonder if she isn't trying to take a page from Sonja's Delusional Autobiography but with a bit of 'evidence' for the cameras to make it believable.  Someone needs to tell her, her only worth in life is take Frankelstein's Monster on bridge walks.  That is it. 


Sonja?  I'm guessing if she comes back next season and Tom and Luann do go through with the wedding, we're going to hear all about the tragedy of her losing Tom's child after Luann pushed her down the stairs. 

I think we should start a betting pool though for what happens if Luann and Tom don't go through with the wedding.  I trying to figure which way she'll jump.  Either go after tom herself saying he didn't marry Luann because he really still hankered for her?  Or she'll turn it back to the FWB and how he meant nothing to her and she never could figure out why Luann was so ga ga over someone she only saw clearly when the lights came up after last call. 

  • Love 17
21 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

For those wondering what Jules had on her head it was the base that supported the flaming pineapple drink that they had. It seemed like something I or one of my friends would do if slightly tipsy in a bar.

I agree...I giggled when I saw that, and then, the fact that she was taking a selfie while wearing it.

I like Jules, and I like tipsy Jules even more!  :-)

  • Love 18

Well, I felt very bad for Lu when she didn't want to hear anything about Tom and practically begged Bethenny, pretty frustrated that she ran and didn't want to face a truth she would have to face very soon.  No telling how much of it was editing.   

Even more frustrated when, at the end, we see her telling Bethenny that no, she wouldn't want to be told if Bethenny were to see him "cheating" yet again. That's proof to me that she's either beyond desperate or is much more okay with an open relationship than she wants us to believe.  What is it?  She just wants the financial security?  Enjoys the title of "wife"?  I don't get it.  

Ramona annoyed the hell out of me on this one.  She's such a damn idiot.  

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

When Dorinda gets drunk she sounds like Marlee Matlin trying to talk with a mouth full of marbles. But she looks so good, I don't understand it.  By the time I got that drunk my hair would be a rat nest and my dress would be torn. I'd have dirt smeared on my face and be missing a shoe and an earring. But Dorinda still looks like a million dollars even though she is drunker than Cooter Brown.

I don't know how she does it.

Maybe because she gets a lot of practice?  ;-)

  • Love 9
38 minutes ago, straightshooter said:


Even more frustrated when, at the end, we see her telling Bethenny that no, she wouldn't want to be told if Bethenny were to see him "cheating" yet again. That's proof to me that she's either beyond desperate or is much more okay with an open relationship than she wants us to believe.  What is it?  She just wants the financial security?  Enjoys the title of "wife"?  I don't get it.  

Ramona annoyed the hell out of me on this one.  She's such a damn idiot.  

It could just mean that she doesn't want Bethenny to tell her which given that at various times during the several day run up to telling Lu she positively cackled with glee is understandable, so to me that only "proves" that she doubts Bethenny's motives/sincerity.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 23
11 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

It could just mean that she doesn't wasn't Bethenny to tell her which given that at various times during the several day run up to telling Lu she positively cackled with glee, so to me that only proves that she doubts Bethenny's motives/sincerity.

Could be, I guess I won't really know until I see the next one - to see the actual moment of truth and how Beth and Lu interact afterward.   The fact that what we heard of her phone convo with Tom made it sound like she was more mad that he did it in front of God and everybody than the fact that he did it at all makes me think that there just may be some kind of agreement.  Again, that could be editing and I won't really know until next week.

I'm with whoever said we need a Dorinda translator.  Her language absolutely cracks me up.  I pretty much howled at tonight's lines and scared my poor, sweet dog.

Edited by straightshooter
  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

 Why not tell her before she unpacks in Miami?  

Beth should have told Luann either before the trip or waited until they got home, if for no other reason than to spare the other women from having to deal with the fallout while on vacation.  No one wants to go on a group trip and have to contend with someone getting such horrible news in the middle of all the fun. 

Then again, popping Luann's balloon WAS the fun for most of the women in this particular group. So maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to wait and spring the news on Luann the way Beth did. She and Carole and Ramona and Sonja got to bond in anticipation of the big moment and do some dramatic pearl clutching about the gravity of it all.  Then to top it off,  they get to watch Luann freak out and try to scrape the egg off her face.  To them, far from ruining the fun, it probably made the whole trip.

  • Love 20
23 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Beth should have told Luann either before the trip or waited until they got home, if for no other reason than to spare the other women from having to deal with the fallout while on vacation.  No one wants to go on a group trip and have to contend with someone getting such horrible news in the middle of all the fun. 

Then again, popping Luann's balloon WAS the fun for most of the women in this particular group. So maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to wait and spring the news on Luann the way Beth did. She and Carole and Ramona and Sonja got to bond in anticipation of the big moment and do some dramatic pearl clutching about the gravity of it all.  Then to top it off,  they get to watch Luann freak out and try to scrape the egg off her face.  To them, far from ruining the fun, it probably made the whole trip.

No doubt.  Can you imagine what Frankelstein's Monster is going to be like among her daughter's peers as the years go on?  I think the first play-date restraining order might come about. 

Problem is Frankelstein's Monster was such a TWOP lurker and borrower that if she does the same here, it is on your head when we hear about a woman in an overcoat sunglasses seven inch heels and a hat going around Coney Island and popping children's balloons.

Edited by tenativelyyours
because fucking spell check recognizes Cooney but not Coney
  • Love 10

It was so telling that Bethenny could sit and bond with Sonja but keep harping when her proclaimed "bff" was responsible for being late for dinner. She literally cannot let anything go and will turn on anyone in a second and confide in the closest warm body (which will usually be Sonja because she is so needy)She is a straight up virus. 

Carole is not much better with mentioning in Miami to Sonja that she was "demoted" to a one nighstand even though I think that had been discussed if not in the Berkshires at least at Joannes. And then bringing it up again at the dinner with the artist with the tacky ass car. 

Sonja literally tries to have it both ways stating that she had lost her dear friend and great lover of over ten years and trying to say she attempted to warn everyone that he was a player. Just shut it.

Also, I think it was  shown that the Sonja and Lu living together was a complete fraud. In her ramblings she stated that Lu "moved in" in early November and was living with Tom by December and had previously stated that Lu was never there. So best case scenario Lu probably spent a few nights at Chez Walk Up (ie kept a few items of clothing there if filming went late).

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 15

Loved the Bravo subtitles of Dorinda's drunk scolding of Ramona.  I rewound that five times.

Does anyone else remember a portion of the season preview teaser that had Bethenny wearing white rimmed sunglasses dancing behind a DJ station at a club?  Could that be the hip hop club she mentioned tonight but we didn't see it?

I felt bad for the waiter at Bagatelle who had to hear when and where Beth & Sonja last had sex.  Hope they tipped him well.

Jules isn't a favorite of mine, but I don't dislike her either.  I do wish we'd hear more from her, even if just in THs, because she certainly had Carole's number on the boat, saying Carole was much easier to deal with away from Bethenny.  Really, anything to break up the overwhelming Beth narration in THs would be nice. 

  • Love 18

These women should be thanking LuAnn for keeping this franchise going.  Without her there is no story.  Let's see:

Jules - lots of "issues" but no real discussion of any of them

Carole - boyfriend (?)

Sonja - just more delusions, but somehow, now that's she's "sober", we"re supposed to believe them

Ramona - acting like she's 25 years old, trying really hard to make everyone think she's fabulous

Bethenny - phoning in her appearances on camera and denigrating everyone in sight

God, what bores.

Edited by Nanny pants
  • Love 16

Sonja needs to stop. Just STAHP. She went from having a FWB relationship with Tom, to being regular lovers, and now she was meeting his mother right before Thanksgiving? What in the what what? She may not be drinking any more, but the delusion still runs deep. 

And the whining about how she now has no one to sleep with? Girl, bye. Your house is like a revolving door of hook-ups. Calm the fuck down. 

That being said, I just don't see it between Lu and Tom. I don't feel like she is really in love with HIM, but the idea of him. She's happy, that's for sure. But it's the entire situation. not specifically Tom. When I see them together, there's zero chemistry. Hell, I feel more emotion from her when she's talking about Alex. So when she's upset about what Bethenny has exposed, I feel like it's more about the image, than the actual betrayal. 

But, for whatever reason, they've chose each other. So no one should really meddle in that. Beth came off looking really pathetic in this episode. (And I'm usually a Bethenny defender). Calling Tom??? Sheesh. I'm glad he didn't pick up. She should really know that it is NEVER good to try and tell someone they're being cheated on. It rarely works out. The person usually stays with the cheater and gets mad at YOU. This is common sense. I think Lu is more mad about a scandal being associated with their image, but that's her right. If B really cared, she should have told her off camera. Just my opinion. 


Sigh....anyhow, I'm beyond over this storyline. I'd like more of Ramona and Bagatelle vs. Dorinda and Sandbar. That shit was hilarious. Ramona was her natural, rigid diva self. Dorinda was shit faced drunk and speaking a lost language. And I don't think I'd want to go to EITHER place. Bagatelle is just a bit too fancy for me, but that sandbar thing seemed like too much work. You are taken out on a boat, then you have to get out of that and get into this floating nightclub booth. But if you want something to eat, you have to get into a little kayak and be taken to a snack bar, where you can bring back some ice cream in a gas station bag. PASS. You'll find me on the beach, ordering a nice fruit plate from room service.

I did appreciate Carole going out with the other girls and proving that her and Bethenny aren't some inseparable entity. 


Final thought - please never replay Jules with the trombone. That was truly frightening. Girl has no sex appeal whatsoever. 

  • Love 17
5 hours ago, riffraff said:

Omg. The best line was fricking Sonia at the lunch with Ramona and Bethany. " Now that she's marrying my lover." Hilarious. 

Sonja is a stitch.  She one upped Beth a coupla times in the humor department last night.  Which isn't really hard because Bethenny's humor might have been more original if we were in the Reagan era, again.  Oh no she di'int.

When the others were 2 hours late for dinner because they were getting ready, Beth said if they didn't show up looking like super models, (she named 1980s super models, BTW) then they'd better turn around and walk the fuck out.  Sonja, nonchalant, while butter dunking a bit of crab says, "Wow. (pause and chew) Then I guess they'd better walk the fuck out."  To which Bethenny laughs the only genuine laugh I think I've ever heard from her.

Also when Bethenny tells Ramona she's got diarrhea of the mouth for telling Sonja about Tomcat. Sonja says she doesn't have diarrhea of the mouth, but knowing now about Tomcat she might get "diarrhea diarrhea." Because, "when I get nervous, I poop."

  • Love 12
28 minutes ago, Nanny pants said:

These women should be thanking LuAnn for keeping this franchise going.  Without her there is no story.  Let's see:

Jules - lots of "issues" but no real discussion of any of them

Carole - boyfriend (?)

Sonja - just more delusions, but somehow, now that's she's "sober", we"re supposed to believe them

Ramona - acting like she's 25 years old, trying really hard to make everyone think she's fabulous

Bethenny - phoning in her appearances on camera and denigrating everyone in sight

God, what bores.

(Bold is mine)

And that's what has them all, especially Queen Bethenny so riled.  LuAnn was a "friend" last year, held out for more money this year (and you can bet Bethenny advised her BFF Andy to not cave in) - and she (LuAnn) has THE story line of the season and the rest just orbit around it.

Over in the Bethenny thread there is a link to a Tamara Tattles blind item that I read yesterday. If it is to be believed, Bethenny's plan was to announce HER engagement at the end of the season but LuAnn stole the thunder.  Here are the links (with thanks to WireWrap who originally posted them)




The "Engaged by Bravo is the one about the supposed Bethenny engagement.  If you read the comments, FRAN is Bethenny FRANkle and TESS is CounTESS LuAnn.

3 minutes ago, mwell345 said:


Edited by mwell345
  • Love 3

It's telling that in the previews for next week Luanne says something like "How could you do this to me at the Regency in front of everyone? Now the whole town knows!" Not "How could you do this to me? I thought we were in love and were going to get married!" Luanne definitely seems more concerned with her public image than anything IMO. And it appeared like she knew what Tom had done before Bethenny even told her, which means she either knew already or they had made some kind of agreement that they could step out on each other as long as they were discreet about it and he was dumb enough to do it in public. And I definitely think Luanne is more gaga over getting married than actually being in love. She seems really concerned with superficial stuff like big weddings, diamond rings, and money (IMO). But the fact that in real time she and Tom I think are still together kind of says this wasn't a big enough deal to her to call the whole thing off. But they also kept saying in this episode that they were going to marry on New Year's Eve (this was filmed 2015 right?) and so far as we know that didn't happen. 

I'm with everyone else that Sonja needs to shut it with the whole Tom and I were lovers thing. Either you were fuck buddies with no romantic feelings towards each other or you happened to develop feelings for your fuck buddy. But you were still fuck buddies just the same. I think Sonja's real issue is that another woman, especially a friend, snagged his rich ass before she did. She probably thinks he was her last hope for a rich husband. 

Bethenny was reveling in holding this information because it fed her ego and fueled her self-proclaimed "know it all" persona. She even basically admitted it herself. How odd that when she was showing Carole or whoever the photos that we didn't see them on camera. I have to wonder if this was all just crafted for a storyline. The big reveal between Beth and Lu looked like bad acting to me. 

Edited by BogoGog24
  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

When Dorinda gets drunk she sounds like Marlee Matlin trying to talk with a mouth full of marbles. But she looks so good, I don't understand it.  By the time I got that drunk my hair would be a rat nest and my dress would be torn. I'd have dirt smeared on my face and be missing a shoe and an earring. But Dorinda still looks like a million dollars even though she is drunker than Cooter Brown.

I don't know how she does it.

Her looking so good when she goes off into Drunkey Talk Mode makes me think maybe she's not so drunk when she does it. 

Like Sonja getting diarrhea when she's anxious, maybe the wiring in the part of Dorinda's brain that handles speech goes haywire when she's agitated.  It really is the damnedest thing.  I'm comfamessuzzled.

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Luann went from "we got the yacht!"  In Palm Beach to visiting a sandbar in a dinghy wearing denim shorts (denim shorts in Palm Beach could get you run out of town)  where people pee in the shallow water and she cannot get a hot dog...... All in one ep. 

I hate Bethenny and have since season 1. Her mother, Kelly, and Ramona on the Brooklyn bridge had the guts to stand up to her long ago. None of this Tomcat BS should've gone down on camera if she cares. "I'm not the one who is doing this to you." Ok? Yes you are, on camera !!!

I did laugh when B asked Mona where the rest of her dress was. 

Bethennys artist dinner was ratchet. Bethenny in that painted CAR with the PJ man! The level of attention she needs points to psychosis. 

I wouldn't be surprised  Tom was having a bachelor's night out and he was set up with tons of booze and a girl who was paid to get the money shot for RHONY. 

Carole was normal without B. Carole is getting the picture I don't think she liked Bethenny's lecture at dinner. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
"We got the dinghy!"
  • Love 15
29 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Her looking so good when she goes off into Drunkey Talk Mode makes me think maybe she's not so drunk when she does it. 

Like Sonja getting diarrhea when she's anxious, maybe the wiring in the part of Dorinda's brain that handles speech goes haywire when she's agitated.  It really is the damnedest thing.  I'm comfamessuzzled.

Or Sonja is just used to being drunk all the time she didn't realize the diarrhea was caused by her drinking just like it appears that alcohol tends to cause Dorinda's mush mouth and incohorence.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 2

Still watching...this is what I have so far

I want to know if there is Rosetta Stone for Dorindish. Even with the subtitles, I couldn't understand what she was saying at the dinner table. Last week, I understood her toast to Luanne on the yacht. Was I drunk last week? Azuma?

Jules and the trombone and her TH about instruments. Does she do the Pistachio Smashio on the regular?

Dorinda got called the Village Idiot by the Town Crier. Ha!

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I think whomever talked Ramona into those implants needs to have their head examined.  I don't have implants, but I do have several friends that do, and my one friend said her plastic surgeon spent a lot of time with her, making sure she had the right style and size implant for her body/frame.  I think she said there are several different types - some being more round and full, others being  "tear-drop" shaped.  I think Ramona's height and frame are too small for the implants she has.  She would have benefited from something different.

They take up her whole torso.

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