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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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If that performance was her favorite bible verse, I'd hate to observe her trying to rotely parrot a verse about which she's lukewarm. It's all just word salad to her, poor little thing.


Given Michelle's general attitudes, I'd say the psalm is pretty much word salad to her, too. Seems to me that she "sitteth in the seat of the scornful" a lot, such as when she's making robo-calls. Or many of her many pronouncements.

  • Love 7

I remember that clown incident and was feeling really bad for her. It was done with deliberate malice by the Duggars.

Amy was the only look at a real person who went to real school and had a real life. I think her influence was good for the kids. Ultimately futile, but good. And JB was loving towards his sister and to Amy. He never set down rules about how they should dress when they came over. He seemed very pleasant with them. He is a bit of a contradiction. A conflicted man.

Makes me wonder how much influence Mary has in keeping Boob and Deanna on friendly terms? Anyone that wasn't Amy or Deanna would have been shunned by now unless the cameras are rolling then they love everyone. Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 1

I have spent a lot of time in kindergarten and first grade classrooms. This is neither cute nor very age-appropriate for a six year old.


If they're posting this to show how Josie is learning apace, it's not working. Sorry. I know 4 year olds who are better behaved with better retention. 


Spot-on right. Little Will from The Little Couple - who I think turns 6 this month - is in better shape. Much better.  And he [1] was severely-malnourished as a newborn - weight at 3 months old - 6 lbs!! [2] partially-deaf for nearly 3 years until tubes were put in [3] has been learning a whole new language. Josie's situation was avoidable to some extent, and that's what makes it so sad. I'm not a fan, but I doesn't prevent me from feeling sorry for her. She can't help who her parents are.

  • Love 6

It's not like we'll ever know if she has any delays which may or may not be related to her prematurity. I'll give her another year before I am concerned about ADHD; 7 is the benchmark year to test, since most developmental markers are usually caught up by that time, even in kids who have lagged behind in the past (ie. someone who presents like Josie has for years).

If they insist on putting Josie up on a pedestal and making her perform like a circus animal they could at least give her material she actually understands, as opposed to asking her to recite some complicated abstract Bible verse she clearly can't grasp the meaning of.

She couldn't even speak the words they were asking her to speak and she certainly didn't understand the concept behind them. Then again none of the Duggars really seem to grasp any of the values expressed in the Bible, so it's not really a surprise.

  • Love 16

Dillweed's first official "sponsored" Insta post. Selling his own stuff doesn't really count.


If he was trying to "good ole boy" his way though this before, he's fully stepped into the Famewhore arena with discount codes in his post.

Who would pay for a supply of random boxed date supplies, dates which are likely comprised of groupons, unsellable merchandise, product samples and sales pitches?
  • Love 3

Who would pay for a supply of random boxed date supplies, dates which are likely comprised of groupons, unsellable merchandise, product samples and sales pitches?


I looked on their website, and the site itself seems to describe absolutely nothing. It just explains that it's hard to keep a marriage alive and jumping -- Duh, we know that if we're looking for a solution like this, people. Then I looked at a youtube review of the company, and there it suggests that what you really get are access to videos, such as dance instruction or a cooking class, and access to a video that shows you how to cook a meal -- for which they ship you the ingredients in that box.


The box the reviewer couple described included the dinner ingredients (which they said included "fresh produce" (with a cold pak), necessitating having the date in the next day or two after the box's arrival), and two notecards on which they were supposed to write nice notes-to-the-spouse and a stamped envelope in which to mail the notes back to the company. Then at some random point the company mails those notes back to their intended recipients as a surprise. A small listing I found says that one possible date is an "art show" and cheese tasting, so I guess the companies records something such as a gallery tour with a guide or something that a couple can watch together. The youtube couple also mentioned that one of the virtues of the idea is that you don't have to find a babysitter, so I assume that these are all stay-at-home dates, perhaps all video driven, and that its target audience is mostly people busy taking care of kids... Of course, that shouldn't be a problem for Famy and PickleBrain -- and I assume they'll want to go out to the liquor store, at least, in addition to doing whatever the box suggests.


Turns out there are actually a bunch of companies doing stuff like this. I didn't look at the other websites, but I hope they do a better job of describing their wares than this site does. I did notice that one site seems to send you board games and other kinds of games to play together. That company has some sort of focus on using games both for fun and for building relationship-enhancing skills.


The website discusses affiliate marketing very briefly (per below) and doesn't describe amounts of compensation, but I assume that Dill and Amy spend most of their time combing the web for such "passive income" opportunities:


Q: Love this! How can I help?

    You’re awesome! Thanks! We are always looking for brand ambassadors, bloggers, Youtubers, and social media influencers to help promote our brand, if this is you please email at promotions@getdatebox.com

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 2

I'm still fussing over those damn tattoos. The first word is supposed to be "Rest"?  In what font does someone start a lowercase "s" (in the middle of a word) below the line? I can go with "Right" or "Kept" but not "Rest".


Maybe the whole point is to make them so indecipherable that they can change the interpretation as the need arises. Sigh.......

I'm still fussing over those damn tattoos. The first word is supposed to be "Rest"?  In what font does someone start a lowercase "s" (in the middle of a word) below the line? I can go with "Right" or "Kept" but not "Rest".


Maybe the whole point is to make them so indecipherable that they can change the interpretation as the need arises. Sigh.......

I think it's kind of like 'rest in peace.'  It means they are dying in the storm. 

I just can't believe someone in the Duggar Camp actually thought this was cute enough to post on the internet. It's not even cute enough to send to family members. 


The Duggar Camp thinks they're interesting enough to have a long-running (perhaps perpetual) tv show.      Their judgment of entertainment value seems suspect.

  • Love 6

I do not understand why they are trying to teach that verse to a 6 year old. There are many child frendly Bible verses to have her learn. I taught Sunday School for years, usually 4, 5 and 6 years. While they can learn long verses, that is not how you do it, you take it in small steps and make sure they understand what they are saying.That is just sad, they have taken something that can have great meaning to someome and made it useless words.

  • Love 12

I do not understand why they are trying to teach that verse to a 6 year old. There are many child frendly Bible verses to have her learn. I taught Sunday School for years, usually 4, 5 and 6 years. While they can learn long verses, that is not how you do it, you take it in small steps and make sure they understand what they are saying.That is just sad, they have taken something that can have great meaning to someome and made it useless words.


Seems to me it's yet another symptom of what's at the heart of the family troubles. JB and M have lethal combinations of stupidity, ignorance, disordered personality and flawed character -- with arrogance and a complete divorce from reality as their hallmarks. It's all masquerading as "faith" and "family values," yet literally nothing has any real meaning to them. And that's the horrifying meaningless echo chamber those poor kids live in pretty much every minute of their lives -- and at least through middle age, apparently, in many cases. How terrible that such deranged idiots have gotten their hands on so many children.

  • Love 11

It's more impressive to the ATI world to memorize long chapters or passages than to actually learn and understand individual verses.

Kids that age are usually learning John 3:16, Matthew 5:28, Jeremiah 29:11-13, Joshua 1:9, 10 commandments, Lord's Prayer, beatitudes, Psalm 23, etc.

Maybe Josie knows those. (Doubt it) but from that video, she's not memorizing anything. She's not leaning anything except to parrot Michelle a split second after she says the word.

The kid can't even stand still for a phone phrase. I don't know if this is a preemie issue, if she has ADD/ADHD, or if she'll just never had to learn to focus on anything or sit still for more than a minute.

She seriously reminds me of this family we went to church with in the 90s. The parents were honestly very nice, kind, sincere Christians, but they had about 6 kids and always about 6 cousins or neighbors in tow. Their own kids would frequently leave the pew and start roaming the sanctuary in the middle of opening prayers, go up from to the platform when soloists were singing, walk up and stand with the minister while he was preaching, sit on the bench with the organist or pianist and try to hit keys, etc. The parents thought it was God giving the kids a interest in ministry and just the sweetest thing ever, but it was disruptive and rude.

These weren't terribly lengthy or boring sermons, either. The kids just knew they had free reign, so they took it.

Usually an older lady with no kids would try to wrangle and few, but after a Sunday or two of their purses getting dumped out and the kids refusing to sit still, they gave up. Eventually children a church was initiated to give the rest of the church some peaceful worship time and to give the kids something else.

Back to Duggars - Josie's behavior may have something to do with being a preemie, etc. but I honey think it has more to do with Duggar arrogance and isolation. When you don't go to normal church, school, public places, you don't learn to pick up social cues like manners. That's the whole point of their cult - to be separate from society and 'do things a little differently', but it is out of entitlement, laziness and rudeness, not sincere religious convictions.

Josie roams that house all day then only leaves when here filming, speaking, etc - aka being asked somewhere by fans who praise them. She will never learn to behave like a normal human. Anytime the real world gives her any criticism she'll fire off some hate speech like Jessa or retreat on a missioncation like Jill.

Good thing she'll never go to school or get a job, because who is going to employ someone who can't take basic directions and has a Duggar homefool education.

Because they do everything a little differently .......

  • Love 9

The video was off. I would never had believed Josie was 6 from that.  Duggars can say what they will about school, but I knew how to recite standing still (or if the occasion required, give a performance). But she was disinterested in what Michelle wanted her to do and say. If they didn't say it was her favorite passage, I would think it was the first time for her to learn it.


I think Josie is free-range because of her being preemie and the last baby.  I don't think any of the others would be able to get away with not standing still for Michelle.

  • Love 5

Could you imagine what the school or church school classroom would be like if the Howlers and Lost girls, esp Josie & Jackson, started attending? They wouldn't be able to sit still, stand in line, follow the teacher's direction, etc. like the other students.

They'll never function outside of their bubble. School, lines at grocery stores, jobs, etc. They don't focus or sit still bc there are so many of them, they've never had to. Somebody can always escape and explore, somebody can always just hack away at a cardboard violence while the others play, somebody can always grab an extra snack or skip a lesson.

Now when one of them breaks the law bc they presume they can do things a little differently and bc they just won't get caught, it will be sad. Predictable, but sad.

  • Love 3

That child needs to be in some sort of speech therapy, STAT. The most neurotypical of that bunch has mush mouth, this poor girl never stood a chance. All the prayer in the world isn't going to fix these speech patterns that should have been addressed years ago.

If they never for their sexually abusive son and their sexually abused daughters professional treatment - they sure as hell won't provide Josie, who they regard as chattel, with speech therapy.

That child needs to be in some sort of speech therapy, STAT. The most neurotypical of that bunch has mush mouth, this poor girl never stood a chance. All the prayer in the world isn't going to fix these speech patterns that should have been addressed years ago.

If they never for their sexually abusive son and their sexually abused daughters professional treatment - they sure as hell won't provide Josie, who they regard as chattel, with speech therapy.
  • Love 2

Well no surprise a Bates is smarter than a Dugger - they just seem more intelligent and also more dedicated to parenting, learning, etc.

One huge difference is that both Bates parents have college degrees and Michelle and Jim Bob stopped with high school.  The Bates are better trained to teach their kids, plus they probably have higher IQs.  (On average, college graduates have an IQ of 115 and high school grads have an IQ of 105.)  The Duggar adult kids don't do much with their lives because they may not be capable of doing much.

  • Love 8

Just wow. I won't even go there with the differences between Callie Bates and Josie Duggar--those are pretty stinking obvious. But everything else--the siblings actually interacting with Callie, asking her to think, not speaking to her like she's a 3-day old puppy vs. Michelle reciting a Bible verse in her Marilyn-Monroe-on-Quaaludes voice while a barely-interested Josie struggles to follow along--again, I'm just dumbfounded that the Duggars somehow became the poster children for anything besides total incompetence and creepiness.

  • Love 21

That child needs to be in some sort of speech therapy, STAT. The most neurotypical of that bunch has mush mouth, this poor girl never stood a chance. All the prayer in the world isn't going to fix these speech patterns that should have been addressed years ago.


I thought she did OK with the truly mean part, which was "sitteth in the seat of the scornful" and next door to a tongue twister.


At minimum I feel the poor thing needs Adderall.

  • Love 1

Katie: "Who discovered America?"

Callie: "North or South?"

Katie: "North...you know, the real one."

Callie: "One North American Norse settlement dates back to approximately the year 1,000."

Lawson: *smiling at the camera "But what about THIS America? Need a hint? Chris...Christo..."

Callie: "Christopher Columbus never set foot on what is now the the continental U.S. And of course, First Nations Peoples migrated here some 15,000 years ago.Are we done? I'm currently reading On the Origin of the Species."

  • Love 15

Whose favorite verse? I had the volume low, but I heard more of Michelle than Josie.

Holy shit, Josie just thinks the whole thing is a joke and has absolutely NO IDEA what she's saying.  Michelle thinks it's so wonderful Josie can barely speak so she just watches her do whatever the fuck she wants.  WTF?  Michelle is making her try to parrot words like 'scornful' to try and make people think Jose is really smart  and in no need of help? Didn't work Michelle. 

  • Love 8

I don't think that video was as much about Michelle trying to prove that Josie is smart, as much as it is Michelle defending her Mother of the Year title by showing how she guides her Snowflake through learning a whole Chapter of the Bible! Mother of the Year's priorities are straight, you heathens! Can't you just hear the heart for children and patience in her voice?

  • Love 6

The video was off. I would never had believed Josie was 6 from that.  Duggars can say what they will about school, but I knew how to recite standing still (or if the occasion required, give a performance). But she was disinterested in what Michelle wanted her to do and say. If they didn't say it was her favorite passage, I would think it was the first time for her to learn it.


I think Josie is free-range because of her being preemie and the last baby.  I don't think any of the others would be able to get away with not standing still for Michelle.

I agree they allow Josie to be free-range because she's the last.  Poor Jana had a buddy to take care of by that age.

  • Love 4

Yes, it's all about Mullet. The cheerleader's virginity died long, long ago, her prize winning ovaries have now crapped out, so how else is a fundie woman supposed to get all that yearned-for attention?

Too true. It is really rather tragic. Michelle and her ilk seem to have no other avenues of accomplishment. Well, I guess their headships can keep them busily joyfully available. What an incredibly boring way to live. God must cry over all the wasted potential when he gave us all functioning brains and various talents.

  • Love 4

Too true. It is really rather tragic. Michelle and her ilk seem to have no other avenues of accomplishment. Well, I guess their headships can keep them busily joyfully available. What an incredibly boring way to live. God must cry over all the wasted potential when he gave us all functioning brains and various talents.

Imagine the hell of being joyfully available to some guy who kept you in a 3 bedroom house with 14 kids before TLC when your eldest son was sexually molesting your daughters.  She's crazy because she's been through hell. Has to deny it.  Uses baby voice to pretend she's not really who she is. 

  • Love 11
Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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