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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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In response to a question about what JB said about his father: 


This actually started happening after JL died in 2009. JB went around the country on his speaking tours at churches and whatnot saying that his father was a bad example as a man, that he had pretty much bankrupted the family, and their financial woes were all his fault. He also alluded to this on the show a couple of times, not that long ago. What burns me is that he has said this stuff in front of his mother. I know Mary is a callous woman, but unless their entire marriage was a sham and she didn't love the guy like they made it seem, she never should have allowed him to say these things about someone who isn't able to defend himself. 


JB neglects to tell the audience that his dad was in a family real estate business that male Duggars had run for a few generations. JB was a legacy. He didn't just wake up one day and decide to get into real estate; both of his parents had RE licenses. However, I imagine that JL liked to have a few beers during the weekend, and may not have been a regular at church, and stuff like this would certainly piss off the overly pious JB. I doubt the Duggars were ever as poor as JB makes it out to be; after all, he was handed a spot at a private Chirstian high school not long after its opening. It's doubtful that they had need-based scholarships so early on. Granted, they could only send him - although Deanna would have only been able to attend two years, since Shiloh opened while she was in high school, and she's 3 years JB's senior - but many families, mine included, send a particular kid to private school while others go the public route. In my family, it was due to my brother's LDs. In the Duggars' household, it's never been said why, but I imagine because JB was the Male Child. They could have sent Deanna for her last two years, but they chose to put all of their eggs in the Boob basket. They weren't broke. 

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Deanna probably didn't want to go to the private school. We're not talking fancy prep school here, but a low-budget church-run school that probably had fewer opportunities than the public school, but a lot more rules.

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As I noted in my OP, she would have had to change schools midstream for her last two years. It's not as if she was going to college anyway, but most kids don't like that kind of change. Better to spend the money on uber pious Boob. I do think Mary favored him though...and makes up for it now by hanging with Deanna when she should be doing JB's laundry. 

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JimBob seems like he would have been a target for bullies, that wouldn't be an unusual reason to send a child to a private school.

Private schools aren't free from bullies. One of my friends put her daughter in the private Christian school in town and those little b*tches made "Mean Girls" look like a walk in the park (after morning chapel, of course). My thought is that it was the "new school" and JB's family could afford to send him. Also, having lived in Arkansas, there's a lot of "white flight" to the private schools.

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A small newly opened Christian school could have a certain appeal to the parents of a bullied wimp like Jimbob. Washington county is 2.25 percent Black, Benton county is 0.4 percent Black and both are about 8.5 percent Hispanic of any race in 2010, not much for people to flee from.

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Dill is 27, so he would have graduated 5 years ago, in plenty of time to have kicked up his heels before graduation. Interesting that his first DUI was a year later. Making up for lost time, it appears.


Well, if all was on schedule, he would have finished 5 years ago. But... we don't really know that - LOL.

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Taking this from the Lonely J thread:


I think the littles will have the greater chance of breaking with the family, but will be the least prepared. I think they won't be following Gothard as much, but have gotten the least amount of education. They're the ones who will probably have the least amount of skill sets for outside employment. They're the ones who are truly dealing with the change in circumstances.  I don't think they truly know why their friends from the show are gone. I wonder how long their parents will talk about the "good old days" when they were on tv and how it will affect the littles.

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I really want to go in there, snatch up Johanna and Jordyn and my little namesake, and run. DH points out that this would be a triple felony; I'm not sure what his point is. ;-)

Ya gotta take the male lost girl, Jackson, too.
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I'll save Jackson. He needs some one on one time with someone who at least knows his name! Lots of visits with the girls of course. AND they can all go to the same school and do sports and other activities after school. Let's give them a normal life.

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What will happen to the J's that are still in TTH?  Now that Josh has proven that the outside world is really evil and built to suck you in.  They let Josh out and he fell right into the devil's porn.


Will they kids be even more secluded since JimBob and Michelle were right all along?  Or will they give up the reigns and let the kids live their lives?

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The ones I really feel for are the older boys. I cannot even imagine having Joshes behavior projected onto them. The more that comes out, the more I see John David in a new light. I thought when the first scandal hit that his professed non-interest in girls was a resigned acceptance to the fact that Josh had made him poison in their circles. His general doofiness a response to how he was considered a danger following his brother's actions.


I feel for Josiah whose young courtship I saw as him finding a way out, and for Joseph. Maybe especially for Joseph. I am hoping that if there is something between him and Tori Bates, that the Bates parents have enough sense to separate him from his brother, and I really hope they are supportive of him. I am trying to convince myself that they are, and that they still provide him a home base while he is away at school.

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I hope the Howlers are not privy to what is going on. Can you imagine if any of them have recently masturbated of saw a glimpse of a scantily clad woman and enjoyed it? They are going to think the devil is building a fortress around them too. How sad. 

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I could be wrong, but I predict that sometime in the future, at least one of those kids is going to run away, in the same fashion that was shown on Breaking Amish. It's also very possible that two of them will go together, but I just have a feeling this will happen sometime in the next 2 years. And for any of those kids over the age of 16, there has to be some realization that despite their upbringing, Josh went astray anyway, and their parents and way of life aren't perfect. I really hope that the rest of them aren't trapped home forever, and that the older girls aren't seen as damaged because of what Josh has done. 

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Deanna probably didn't want to go to the private school. We're not talking fancy prep school here, but a low-budget church-run school that probably had fewer opportunities than the public school, but a lot more rules.


I looked up the school's history a while ago and found out that it was brand new when Jim Bob attended and, as usually is done with new private schools, it was beginning with earlier grades and only adding upper grades as the current students aged into them. It wasn't slated to have a graduating class until Jim Bob's year. So Deanna really couldn't have gone there.

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I could be wrong, but I predict that sometime in the future, at least one of those kids is going to run away, in the same fashion that was shown on Breaking Amish. It's also very possible that two of them will go together, but I just have a feeling this will happen sometime in the next 2 years. And for any of those kids over the age of 16, there has to be some realization that despite their upbringing, Josh went astray anyway, and their parents and way of life aren't perfect. I really hope that the rest of them aren't trapped home forever, and that the older girls aren't seen as damaged because of what Josh has done.

You know, I've often thought that if anyone could get out, it would be Jer and Jed since they have a strong bond with each other that could make losing the rest of their family at least bearable. Also, two heads are better -- they might come up with a workable plan, between them.

I'm not counting out my little namesake either. Young Jenny has some attitude, and she's shown interest in learning how to do things (like sound engineering). With any luck, the 'parents' won't have the energy left to break her down the way they did Jinger. Still some years for Jenny to be old enough, though, so right now my money's on the twins.

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JD is probably cursing his brother to hell.  And I hope he has the balls to tell Jim Bob that he is 25, self-supporting, and no way are you going to take my phone and internet just because my douche of a brother couldn't keep it in his pants.  

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I'm not counting out my little namesake either. Young Jenny has some attitude, and she's shown interest in learning how to do things (like sound engineering). With any luck, the 'parents' won't have the energy left to break her down the way they did Jinger. Still some years for Jenny to be old enough, though, so right now my money's on the twins.

Johanna used to have some spunk & wit, but alot of that seems to have been drilled out of her.

Whoever takes Johanna should take Jackson, too, since they're best of friends.

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Unless you're living Downton Abbey Manor style, who the hell needs four decanters? Amy's fiance sounds like he has a drinking problem.

*Raises hand to make comment, rethinks it, closes mouth and slowly puts hand down*


(Seriously though, I have four decanters on my bar. They're for the fancy booze.  Also, I used to work for a company that gave out Waterford every Christmas and none of my co-workers wanted there gift.)

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*Raises hand to make comment, rethinks it, closes mouth and slowly puts hand down*


(Seriously though, I have four decanters on my bar. They're for the fancy booze.  Also, I used to work for a company that gave out Waterford every Christmas and none of my co-workers wanted there gift.)

We have decanters galore! Four of them that we bought with pretty much a complete set of Edinburgh Crystal when we were stationed in Scotland and the submarine tender offered an incredible deal on them that was set up through the company. Those have rarely (some never) been used, though. Others we were given over the past 30 years, and those are used for the "fancy booze" as well as the traditional Polish cherry and raspberry liqueurs we make every year.

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I'll take Jordyn and Jenny.  I live in horse country so Jenny would be happier than a Duggar eating tater tot casserole.  


Is no one taking Grandma Duggar?  Surely someone has a stack of laundry out there.  


ETA:  Did I read somewhere that they think Amy is the leak to People?  Too much news too fast and I can't remember. 

Edited by truthtalk2014
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I wonder if the Duggars are skimming enough off of the Dullards donations to attend Famy's wedding? The Bates wedding was probably the first field trip they have had to finance in quite a while. Imagine the pinch they must be feeling for fellowshipping since TLC left. Poor Famy. Her first marriage is starting off on the wrong foot.

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Since I have already taken Jackson, I'll take Hanny as well. Give them a normal brother / sister upbringing like I had with my brother. We were best friends and no one thought it was odd. People saw it as odd if we didn't turn up together at a party or other type of function. It was also how we learned to get along with the opposite sex on a friend basis. Our friends were off limits to each other as we treated them like brothers and sisters as well, but we knew how to talk to them and what was appropriate and where to draw the line. You know, NORMAL stuff.

Here is something (another thing) that I find weird in this family. They don't really talk to each other. OK, with being stuck together all the time, there's not a lot to talk about, but it all seems to have to be a "learning" experience. And Jesus. And when the kids talk to their parents, it is to confess their sins. And then be told to pray for forgiveness. What about just talking, having stupid jokes and telling stories and dreams. But these get knocked down, like Jinger. Everything is Jesus and forgiveness and prayer.

I can't imagine what the Lost Girls and the Howlers are going through right now. They have had so many changes in the past few months, and I imagine that they are not being told the full story, or the true story. JB &M will now increase the crazy in making sure no one else goes off script. The TTH will be a very nasty place to live. Joy, stay in the jungle. Become part of the Jesus play, be the best sister mum to Izzy ever and never come home.

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I want James! If the littlest are the Howlers and Lost Girls and Jinger on up are the adults, where does that leave Jer/Jed, JoyAnna and the middle ones? Are they just the Forgotten Bunch?

I'll share custody of James with you. I'll let him come to work with me and be my chaperone in all my boring meetings and then we can snark on my boss afterwards.

I predict Joy Anna will be the kid most likely to go goth.

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I believe Famy has her third wedding shower tomorrow. Given she's had a public one and a second with her bridal party, I guess this one is family? Oh, to be a fly on the wall at THAT "party!"


And yes, I think she's the leak. That wedding isn't going to pay for itself! 

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ETA: Did I read somewhere that they think Amy is the leak to People? Too much news too fast and I can't remember.

Wedding centerpieces don't pay for themselves.

Josh fucked up Amy's grift twice now. She's going to burn it all down! Keep leaking, Amy, and I might get you that Bluetooth toothbrush.

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I'll share custody of James with you. I'll let him come to work with me and be my chaperone in all my boring meetings and then we can snark on my boss afterwards.

I predict Joy Anna will be the kid most likely to go goth.

He is one of the more snarky Duggars, isn't he?  I also like Jackson cause he's a little strange.  I like that in a person.


Edited because I don't know what I'm doing!

Edited by flyingdi
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Josh fucked up Amy's grift twice now. She's going to burn it all down! Keep leaking, Amy, and I might get you that Bluetooth toothbrush.

You know Amy's recording a cover of Stand By Your Man as we speak, but don't buy it, she doesn't really need the money. ;)


Think the Dugga will still be invited to the wedding. It'll be pap heaven.

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You know Amy's recording a cover of Stand By Your Man as we speak, but don't buy it, she doesn't really need the money. ;)


Think the Dugga will still be invited to the wedding. It'll be pap heaven.

I thought Anna was the one recording that.

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I thought Anna was the one recording that.

Amy is such a coattail rider, and she's lost the media attention of the wedding, so it's time to cross-market!

'Your Cheating Heart' is more Anna's speed.

'All For The Nookie' is Josh's.

Edited by JoanArc
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You know Amy's recording a cover of Stand By Your Man as we speak, but don't buy it, she doesn't really need the money. ;)


Think the Dugga will still be invited to the wedding. It'll be pap heaven.

All good publicity as far as Famy is concerned. 

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ETA: Did I read somewhere that they think Amy is the leak to People? Too much news too fast and I can't remember.

This sounds like something Amy actually would be doing, sucking up to People and supplying dirt in return for promised press about herself.

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never thought of Amy being the leak but that makes perfect sense!!!.  No way she is in that house...she is a flake and they all know it.  She is GUESSING what is going on. 

She must be fuming that Josh couldn't stay zipped up and ruined her precious wedding. Ha Ha! That's the only thing I find funny in this whole mess. 

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