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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

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This may have already been discussed, but whys Amy's

Last name Dugger ? Her mother is a Dugger , not her father




Or possibly just family association.  I have a friend who has used her mother's maiden name because she does not care for her father.

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This may have already been discussed, but whys Amy's

Last name Dugger ? Her mother is a Dugger , not her father

My parents weren't married when my siblings and I were born so we all have my mom's last name. She said if she wasn't good enough for his last name then neither were we. They eventually married when I was 23, so now we all have her maiden name and she has my dad's last name. It could be that Amy's mom did the same thing since her parents married much later in life but most people are set on the publicity angle. Edited by Spencer Hastings
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I think Amy needs her own show, she is much more fun to watch, What kind of conversations do u think grandma Dugger and Amys mother. have about all those kids? Amy mother has the right idea, one kid for h herself , let Amy go over to the cousins house when she gets bored , this way she can have the experience of alllllll those brothers and sisters and when she gets sick of it all, she can go home to her own littlehouse with her own little bedroom and her own little dog

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I think Amy Jordan sounds better, but Duggar gets you in the door and you use whatever you can.  The name is very legitimate for her.  Heck, most entertainers change names.  Like John Wayne's first name was Marion.  Marion, can you imagine???

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Is it just me or does Amy Jordan actually sound like a better name for a country singer?

It does. "Duggar" doesn't scream sophistication. But if I was almost 30 and still pursuing a fledgling career with a so-so voice (sorry Amy) I'd sure as hell use my connections too.

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Do we know why Josie is having seizures? Is this a chronic problem or something like a febrile seizure which would be unrelated to her prematurity?


I googled and read an article about it that mentioned she had what they determined to be a febrile seizure in 2011 which would indicate she definitely could have more. But it also said that in this latest incident she seized for 15 minutes before the paramedics got there and then all the way to the hospital. I thought febrile seizures were pretty short in duration. I sure hope Josie is ok and is getting whatever help she needs if there is some kind of problem.

Edited by 3girlsforus
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Do we know why Josie is having seizures? Is this a chronic problem or something like a febrile seizure which would be unrelated to her prematurity?

My guess is she has epilepsy. Preterm birth is associated with higher risk.

I wonder how the Duggars would "spin" a serious, chronic disease. Surely they won't associate it with their own lack of accountability. I find it maddening that MEchelle is insisting she went into labor at 25 weeks because of a gallstone.

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Michelle had pre-eclampsia with at least one other pregnancy.  I think it was Jana and John David.  I hope Josie doesn't have some permanent seizure disorder although it wouldn't be a shock if she does.

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My guess is she has epilepsy. Preterm birth is associated with higher risk.

I was wondering why Jana would be holding her over the sink? That only reason I could think of was she was running a fever and she was trying to get her temp down.

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Michelle had pre-eclampsia with at least one other pregnancy.  I think it was Jana and John David.  I hope Josie doesn't have some permanent seizure disorder although it wouldn't be a shock if she does.


I hope she doesn't as well. It sounds like they might have just been prolonged febrile seizures. The first one (2011) was determined to be that. I didn't think they were usually that long but I asked my nurse friend and she said it is possible. Although she did say that children who have prolonged febrile seizures will be watched for possible seizure disorders later but it isn't a definite, just increase possibility. 


If Josie does have epilepsy or some other permanent disorder, I don't think it's fair to say it was caused by Michele and Boob. If her only other problem with preeclampsia was her 2nd pregnancy, with twins, then it certainly wasn't a recurring problem she was gambling with. Not that I think everyone should run out and get pregnant 17 or 18 times (can't remember the exact count for Michele). Certainly the more pregnancies, the more potential for problems. But with that many pregnancies without preeclampsia and the only time having the issue she was having twins which is a whole different strain on the body, she had no more reason to think her pregnancy would be in danger from that condition than any other woman.

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My guess is she has epilepsy. Preterm birth is associated with higher risk.

I wonder how the Duggars would "spin" a serious, chronic disease. Surely they won't associate it with their own lack of accountability. I find it maddening that MEchelle is insisting she went into labor at 25 weeks because of a gallstone.


If Josie actually has something chronic or serious, or develops anything in the future, I really doubt it would be dealt with in a serious way on the show. I think that goes for all the children, and Me-chelle as well. Unless Boob could gain something, in some way - then there might be more. They certainly put their own spin on the whole Jubilee situation. Most families going through that would want to keep it completely private. I think the most any other "public" family would do would be to issue a statement, make an appeal for privacy and possibly encourage donations to the March of Dimes or some similar organization. But not Boob and Me-chelle...

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As someone with epilepsy, I would be mortified to have one of my seizures shown to an audience of millions.  And while they may not show the seizure itself, we will at least be seeing Josie being carried to the ambulance and going on oxygen. I've found that the Duggar's broadcast parts of their life without considering how their children will feel later in life.  The toilet birth and this seizure are both events that are being shown to the world without much thought as to if the kid might be embarrassed or uncomfortable about it later.  The kids can't give their consent now and their parents need to be acting in their best interests and considering how they will feel in the future. They seem to see serious events like seizures and the Jubilee fiasco as ways to create drama and get views. 

Edited by ChocolateAddict
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Have we heard much about Joseph going to Crown College? It's really bugging me. What is he studying? Why the decision for him to go? No offense meant to Joe, but he hasn't struck me as the academic type- at least not in the way Josh or Josiah do. So why him and not them? Did he ask to go? Did Boob decree he should go to prove they do value higher learning? Maybe he's really more academically focused than we've been shown? Is he living in a dorm or with the Bates family?

I know I've read speculation that he's courting a Bates girl and that this may be some requirement of Gil's, but I've never seen anything said about Chad Paine or John Webster having any sort of degree. Plus Gil and Kelly seem to recognize college isn't for everyone (not all of their own children have attended).

It's just not adding up.

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According to the rules of Clown College, all students who live beyond a 50 mile radius of the school MUST live in the dorms. However, Tori also attends Clown, so there's the opportunity for them to meet up (in groups, of course) on campus, as well as at the Bateseseses' house when he goes over for meals and "fellowshipping." 


I think the speculation is about Tori, because the next girl in line is Carlin, and she's only 16/17 (not sure when her birthday is). Although let's face it, it didn't stop Josiah and Marjorie: she just turned 17 fairly recently (February, IIRC). However, the Bateseses have stated that they don't want their kids in courtships until they're 18, so if it IS Carlin, their "get to know you" phase will be especially long, and courtship announced on her 18th birthday. eta: I just looked it up, and Carlin's birthday was on the 11th of this month, so she is 17. She also has the same birthday as Allie Jane (Alyssa's baby). 


So yeah, Joe could be paying some sort of "court" to either of these girls. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Why aren't the Duggar boys on a plane out to Nepal? They certainly can be used to help out. JD especially since he can operate an excavator. He also doesn't have much going on in his life and if they truly want to live up to what they are preaching then he and his brothers should be there helping out.

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I think it just adds to the clusterfuck when peoploe from all over walk into a major disaster to help. That kind of work needs to be left to the military and other professionals, not a bunch of semi-literate teenagers.

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Why aren't the Duggar boys on a plane out to Nepal?

No, we need to learn from the mess that was Haiti. Well-meaning but inexperienced foreigners often just get in the way. 


As an aside, I hope the earthquake in Nepal doesn't lead to evangelicals adopting Nepalese orphans as their new pet cause.

Edited by galax-arena
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I think the speculation is about Tori, because the next girl in line is Carlin, and she's only 16/17 (not sure when her birthday is). Although let's face it, it didn't stop Josiah and Marjorie: she just turned 17 fairly recently (February, IIRC). However, the Bateseses have stated that they don't want their kids in courtships until they're 18, so if it IS Carlin, their "get to know you" phase will be especially long, and courtship announced on her 18th birthday. eta: I just looked it up, and Carlin's birthday was on the 11th of this month, so she is 17. She also has the same birthday as Allie Jane (Alyssa's baby).



To be fair no one thought even the Duggars would allow a courtship with a seventeen year old. Most people thought they were pushing it with Ben's age and zero job. 

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Why aren't the Duggar boys on a plane out to Nepal? They certainly can be used to help out. JD especially since he can operate an excavator. He also doesn't have much going on in his life and if they truly want to live up to what they are preaching then he and his brothers should be there helping out.


And isn't the quake an ideal opportunity for all those trained-up Alert boys to spring into action? Guess I better not hold my breath though, huh?

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I wish the Bates allowed their kids to court before they turn 18, because then they could have a chance to just be friends first, and then they might know each other before the wedding. Do they allow them to get married when they're 18, or is there a certain age for that too?

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To be fair no one thought even the Duggars would allow a courtship with a seventeen year old. Most people thought they were pushing it with Ben's age and zero job. 

They just allowed Josiah to court just turned 17 year-old Marjorie Jackson. 

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And isn't the quake an ideal opportunity for all those trained-up Alert boys to spring into action? Guess I better not hold my breath though, huh?

THIS! How dare they waste good ALERT training doing nothing.


On another note  the Bates Fan FB page posted a picture of Lawson on a mission trip. He actually worked on getting a little girl with a hole in her heart to try to get some medical attention. At least he is doing something besides preaching.  https://www.facebook.com/allaboutBatesfamily?fref=nf

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If the boys jumped on a plane right now to Nepal, they would be sent right back.

right now Nepal needsqualified rescue teams. Not do gooders, who want to get their 2 cents in. Later, during rebuilding is when they should go.

The same thing happened after 9-11. everybody under the sun started showing up and there were too many people.

It's all well and good to have honorable intentions, but the reality is that's not what Nepal needs right now.

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This is a snark site, right, roamyn?

I think I'm obtuse. Forgive me, but I'm not sure what u mean.

I was being serious, tho I can see where u thought I was being a smartass - becsuse none of them are qualified to do any REAL mission or community service work.

Edited by roamyn
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I think that people who are saying the boys should be going have been sarcastic?

I pointed the boys out since Boob always says he wants his kids to have a servant's heart and to become missionaries........which leaves the question of what have his boys done to achieve this? At least the Bates boys seem more interested in helping people get medical attention vs. just going on a trip to drop off Bibles and nailpolish.

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That's so true!  Not qualified for much of anything, unfortunately.

Another thought I had was that the Duggars can help to get care packages together to send over of much needed supplies. At least they would be doing something vs. nothing. 

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I thought Amy had her own show these days...?


I really wonder what it's like in that house now that the snitch ( Jill) and the sergeant (Jessa) are gone? Is it calmer and more relaxed? or is it more chaotic? Is it actually easier when there are less people to manage, or  is it harder because there are less managers? It must be weird for them.

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Famy hasn't been famewhoring lately. What gives??

She's involved with a tattooed guy and doesn't want to embarrass the 'family'.  Plus, I don't think Nashville was that kind to her.  

Edited by truthtalk2014
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I always thought the other way. As soon as her husband passed, I felt she was dependent upon JB and M. You will never see her making waves or voicing her opinion.


They have made references to property that Grandma owns, though. She owns the house Josh and Anna lived in that is now Ben and Jessa's. And I believe another property was shown that also belongs to her. I think it's partly that Grandma wanted to make life a bit better for the J slaves by helping with laundry. Also, though, even though I know Grandma did not raise Boob on Gothard, I wonder if she has converted and now subscribes to the idea that a woman must be under the protection of a male family member -- I do believe Gothard encourages widows to live with adult sons. I may be reaching, but it's something I wonder about. Grandma always wears skirts, and I don't think she used to.

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I assume JB is financially responsible for Grandma. It may not have as much to do with Grandma suddenly believing that a woman needs the protection of a male family member as much as her needing to be financially cared for by someone. If they didn't have enough set aside to support Grandma when she was widowed this arrangement may have been the best option. And if she has to adopt some Gothardisms like skirts all the time then she is probably willing to do that. I'm not trying to imply that Grandma is 'in it for the money'. It just seems more likely to me that she moved in with the Duggars to help with the kids and for financial reasons rather than some internal need to be a Gothardite.


Wish I had a slapper to come out and slap her every time she says something stupid.  


You could make it a drinking game... drink when Michele says something stupid... a sure fire way to alcohol poisoning. 

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On the other hand, I can see Joy using it. On the notion that the younger children were allowed to run wild and she won't have remembered anything else.


I remember a TH where Joy said she didn't want to marry because it was too much work. I hope she keeps this in mind as she's being lined up for a courtship. It will be sooner than she thinks.

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I remember a TH where Joy said she didn't want to marry because it was too much work. I hope she keeps this in mind as she's being lined up for a courtship. It will be sooner than she thinks.

What could ever have made her think that?

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I wonder what J'Boob and J'Chelle would say if one of the kids came to them and said that God laid it upon their heart to go to a real college. Would they tell them they were wrong? Since God lays everything on their hearts, it seems like they wouldn't be able to argue with that "logic". I bet J'Boob and J'Chelle would insist that God laid it upon their hearts that the child was wrong.


God sure must be tired just from the amount of time He spends micromanaging this family alone. Ain't got time for no one else!

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God sure must be tired just from the amount of time He spends micromanaging this family alone. Ain't got time for no one else!

One time, God brought Anna's sister a pair of white sandals when she was a child. God has time for everyone! He cares about our every need! *eyeroll*

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From my experience, when as a young person, you tell your parents that God has "laid upon your heart" (or similar language) to do X and they don't want you to do it, somehow this always means you need to pray about it more, not that God is probably speaking truthfully to you.

And then, for instance, you might realize that going to a secular college was all on you. (She said hypothetically....)

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From my experience, when as a young person, you tell your parents that God has "laid upon your heart" (or similar language) to do X and they don't want you to do it, somehow this always means you need to pray about it more, not that God is probably speaking truthfully to you.

And then, for instance, you might realize that going to a secular college was all on you. (She said hypothetically....)

I could see Michelle or Jim Bob saying that Satan was trying to deceive you.

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I feel really bad for Josie, especially after watching the last few episodes. I didn't realize that she was already 5! She does not act like most 5 year olds I know, maturity-wise, and wth the way her mother talks to her (like a 2 year old), I can see why. But also, and maybe this is because my training in neuropsychology, I was APPALLED that they talked about her seizures so nonchalantly. Like, "Oh, she has seizures whenever her temperature spikes, but it's NBD." Like, yes. That is a big deal. And how they made Josie say at the end, "I'm all better now," like their life is perfect. No, your daughter has epilepsy and she's probably not getting the medical attention she should be getting. idk, it just really bothered me for some reason. Hopefully she catches up and can live a fairly normal life!

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@neural-plasticity She won't catch up (at least not quickly) if they keep talking to her like a baby, and if they don't do something about her epilepsy. I don't know too much about seizures, but they could start with regular checkups, and isn't there a diet (paired with other treatments of course) that people have gone on that's helped? I don't know, but it really bothered me too.

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