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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Dreck's hair is a little shorter in that preview clip than it is now. I think they shot that a couple of months ago, at least. He's just started with the manbun regularly in the last few weeks. 

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4 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

Really stupid article about Jill getting flack for having Izzy forward facing in a car seat,

Stupid because its saying to ' cut Jillymuffin some slack'



I don't see anything wrong with it.  Izzy is a big baby.  Physically, he's bigger then most two year olds.  Generally you have to buy a seat specifically made to accommodate toddlers rear-facing.  The one we bought our toddler tops out at 40 lbs and 40" rear-facing.  It's not meant to be a booster later in life so we will be buying a third car seat at some point.  Legally, he can be forward facing in Arkansas.

In Izzy's specific case, it makes sense just to buy the booster model that can last until he's big enough to sit unassisted (since he will for sure size out of a car seat/booster seat before he ages out).

Edited by Saytura
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3 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

Really stupid article about Jill getting flack for having Izzy forward facing in a car seat,

Stupid because its saying to ' cut Jillymuffin some slack'



I notice that website publishes these articles a lot.  Basically, take something stupid that no one critized, and defend it unnecessarily.

If we aren't snarking on it here, no one is.  These seem planted so we all say, hey, the Duggars aren't so bad, lay off!  Maybe the Duggars finally hired a publisist?

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 TLC definitely has PR people working for TLC's interests, but JimBob was too cheap or otherwise unwilling to hire that christian PR guy when they needed one after Josh scandal #1. 

How tall and heavy is the wee baby Israel? 

Edited by Kokapetl
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Wait until Triple D finds out that manbuns contribute to male pattern baldness, according to the article I read a few months ago. I'm sure his new look is going over well in Tontitown.

Maybe he'll shave his head and go full-on hipster...

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10 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Idk, I feel obligated to cut Jill some slack primarily because the Car Seat Nazis drive me crazy. 

Me too. I also find car seat stuff weird because places all seem to have differing standards. Here in Australia, forward facing is fine from 6 months, and the chest buckles I've seen on US car seats are considered unsafe. As long as Izzy is in a secured car seat, at his size front facing is fine. At least he's not sliding all over the backseat with only prayers keeping him safe.

Edited by kalamac
Adding the words I left out, so my post makes sense.
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The caption is so much more interesting without the photo.

HA!  I didn't notice the caption before, very clever.  Hey is Israel so popular that he has a Twitter feed?  I dont' know from Twitter, but would people respond to that hashtag???

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1 hour ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Yes, although not terribly well even after 16 years of practice. Mostly, I just collect pretty fabric ;-)


I mostly collect machines...probably off topic though for this thread!!  Did I make a pun?

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I suspect in this season of life that one of them is going to be constantly stealing another's thunder pretty much all the time, just based on the sheer number of them. Just wait until ANNA drops her bombshell of the band-aid baby. THAT is going to top them all. 

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I can't imagine Jessa being pregnant so soon after what she went through in labor.  Jill either come to think of it.  If either one, or both, of them is pregnant I wonder if they will actually go to a doctor and hospital this time to deliver.  Also, if it's Jill would she be aware enough to be careful of Zika?  Or would she think - it's God's will if she delivers a healthy baby or not?  Would she even get tested or just pray about it?

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

I suspect in this season of life that one of them is going to be constantly stealing another's thunder pretty much all the time, just based on the sheer number of them. Just wait until ANNA drops her bombshell of the band-aid baby. THAT is going to top them all. 

I'll be chugging Pepto-Bismol and praying I'll make it to the bathroom in time. Just the thought of sleeping with Joshley Madison is making me nauseous.

We can only imagine the mental gymnastics Jilly Muffin will perform when she explains to a world who has already seen the tragic effects of the Zika virus on pregnant women why she's going to "trust the Lord" and doesn't need an OB/GYN or an ultrasound that doesn't happen at the mall.

p.s. Maybe this is the reason for Triple D's extra-manly hairdo these days. Guess what? His dick works! Wooo-hooo!

Edited by Missy Vixen
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4 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

Oh no, does this mean we will have to endure another round of Jill's waddling in the Duggalo wedding?

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4 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Being home from Danger America is not enough to protect you from Zika anymore. They've already had confirmed cases in Florida and Texas, I'm sure Arkansas is within reach of those pesky buggers.

Yep it is. I live in the state, and we've had several reported cases since this spring. The 9th reported case in Arkansas was all over the local news earlier this week.

Edited to add they have been travel-related as far as I know, but there is a bit of a growing paranoia about it from what I can tell. 

Edited by Zella
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Because I'm that kinda nerd, the only state with Zika-transmitting mosquitos right now is Florida, though the type that carry it (but aren't currently infected) are all over the US, including Arkansas according to the CDC.

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15 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

If both Jill and Jessa are pregnant, they could steal each other's thunder as well as Jinger's. Jim Boob needs to get this under control if he wants to stretch the show out as long as possible. 

Seems Michelle needs to start charting the girls and "watch their schedules like a hawk" because timing is everything when it comes to ratings! 

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1 minute ago, Marigold said:

Seems Michelle needs to start charting the girls and "watch their schedules like a hawk" because timing is everything when it comes to ratings! 

If a calendar with heavy red circles shows up in the Dullards' residence, I will be mortified for Crazy Eyes.

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21 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I think floating pregnancy rumors is just the tabloids' way of hedging their bets. When it comes to the Duggars, they'll be right eventually. 

Blind squirrels. Nuts. etc. 

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6 hours ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

Izzy went to the dentist. I'm sure that'll be an episode. 

And if they show the name of the clinic, we know these scammy fucks couldn't even get their kid's teeth cleaned without trying to find a comp. 

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8 hours ago, CofCinci said:

And if they show the name of the clinic, we know these scammy fucks couldn't even get their kid's teeth cleaned without trying to find a comp. 

Well, when you have -- what, 30-plus people? -- and no actual employment, I guess that kind of thing is pretty inevitable.

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16 hours ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

Izzy went to the dentist. I'm sure that'll be an episode. 

I saw that too.  I was hoping they were taking him to a pediatrician for a checkup instead. (Not that teeth aren't important but considering they returned from Zika infested CA,  I think a medical checkup would have been a better choice.)

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Funny how they just use prayer for childbirth, but got to a doctor to get their teeth cleaned. I guess their ever-present fake smiles are what makes them money.

Edited by JoanArc
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4 hours ago, JoanArc said:

Funny how they just use prayer for childbirth, but got to a doctor to get their teeth cleaned. I guess their ever-present fake smiles are what makes them money.

The what look like crazy choices like this are what keep me watching some of the time.

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Since I don't have kids, I'm curious. Does a 1 year old really need to go to a dentist? Is that what's recommended? If it is, it's probably one of the only times we'll see a Duggar doing something that's medically recommended.

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38 minutes ago, scriggle said:

Since I don't have kids, I'm curious. Does a 1 year old really need to go to a dentist? Is that what's recommended? If it is, it's probably one of the only times we'll see a Duggar doing something that's medically recommended.

I think it's recommended to at least get a checkup once the kid has teeth. I could be wrong, though, I don't have kids either.

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I think it's one to two years.  They don't do anything at the one year old check except look at the teeth so no cleaning, x-rays, or such.  They do give parents advice about no bottles in bed, limit juice, etc.

My daughter, therefore, waited to take her second child until two which turned out odd anyway.  She had daughter with her when she took grandson in and the dentist asked if he could look at her mouth.  She said sure and said he basically did what had been done for grandson only at no charge.

Edited by Absolom
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56 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I think it's one to two years.  They don't do anything at the one year old check except look at the teeth so no cleaning, x-rays, or such.  They do give parents advice about no bottles in bed, limit juice, etc.

My daughter, therefore, waited to take her second child until two which turned out odd anyway.  She had daughter with her when she took grandson in and the dentist asked if he could look at her mouth.  She said sure and said he basically did what had been done for grandson only at no charge.

I think since Jill and Derick both had orthodontic treatments, and Derick required drastic measures, they might want to check his palate structure so he can have early intervention if needed. Derick didn't get the benefit of palate wideners, and look at what that poor lad suffered.

I do agree a pediatrician appointment makes more sense.  Maybe they took him but since that appointment may have involved needles, it didn't make for good TV. She got crucified for showing a swaddled and bawling Izzy.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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