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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Jill doesn't impress as a neat and tidy person. I'm just surprised she didn't shove stuff in a closet. Shows she doesn't know any better. jessa's house is neat when TLC comes calling!

Derick's hygiene is questionable too.

I agree. Jill has always been the sloppiest and most disheveled amongst the J'Slaves. She only cleaned herself up for the brief time she spent courting Derick.

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Good Lord, I'm 37 and don't have crow's feet. What is with these girls aging so rapidly? I guess Fundies aren't hip to the world of sunscreens.

The processed carbs and sugars they're raised on aren't helping matters. Sugar causes inflammatory reactions in the body, resulting in the breakdown of collagen. The foods that prevent aging, i.e., fresh fruits and vegetables, are a rarity in those households. Hell, on Bringing Up Bates, Carlin couldn't identify broccoli in the grocery store.

Edited by BitterApple
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Poor nutrition is a good bet. I think, too, that they probably have the very bad habit of sleeping in their makeup. The way these girls cake it on, if they don't have a good cleansing routine, their skin will pay the price.

Ick. There would be a long queue for the bathroom(s) at night at the best of times. I wonder if they even use makeup removal cloths, which aren't the best for a regular routine. The boys have skin problems, too, though. Eat some salad and drink some water, everyone!

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And how odd to consider prior emotional investment in others as a flaw and/or moral failure. This whole mindset seems geared to protect insecure patriarchs from the reality that their respective wives are capable of finding other potential partners attractive on a spiritual, emotional, and/or physical level - oh, the horror! The immaturity and insecurity of this 'pieces of the heart' mentality is astounding. And, if this theory of less than a full heart to offer is applied to one's children or widows who remarry, the required pretzel logic will surely make your head explode.


No "seems" about it, in my opinion. Pretty much the whole purpose of this "religion" is protection of insecure patriarchs, I'd say. The way you describe the oddity of it is right on the money, I think.

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Since we're critiquing the content of the photo - and boy, am I glad the photo isn't of my house as it is right now - look at the messy bed in the background.

No big deal to have a messy house, unless you're being filmed for a TV show!

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No big deal to have a messy house, unless you're being filmed for a TV show!

Didn't Jill make a comment in the new show about she hasn't had time to straighten up the guest room yet? Their bathroom looked like a gas station's with all the stuff on the back of the toilet incl the toilet paper, which grosses me out. With all the junk laying on the kitchen counters, I wonder what the inside of their fridge looks like? I can't wait for the Duggars to visit.

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If Jill plans on having a gazillion kids she'd better work on her organizational skills.  Just one another kid at this point would lead to complete chaos.

That is so true. A second kid changes the game up more then anyone ever realizes.

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That is so true. A second kid changes the game up more then anyone ever realizes.

Good point. How will she grapple with 2+ kids (one always being an infant) while still being the over the top clingy Gothard wife while missioncating?

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Good point. How will she grapple with 2+ kids (one always being an infant) while still being the over the top clingy Gothard wife while missioncating?

Have visitors often, bring in a Spanish tutor to take care of them while she ministers, bring in a blonde-blue-eyed loving local, or move back to the lost girl childcare centre.  

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The term "crow's feet" gets thrown around a lot on these forums. Even a little kid's eyes will crinkle around the edges when she smiles...just like a child can wrinkle her forehead by opening her eyes wide. Personally, I don't consider them crow's feet till the lines are set in and remain when the face is relaxed. I'm not sure I could see that in Jess's pic.

She's still a nitwit, though.

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The term "crow's feet" gets thrown around a lot on these forums. Even a little kid's eyes will crinkle around the edges when she smiles...just like a child can wrinkle her forehead by opening her eyes wide. Personally, I don't consider them crow's feet till the lines are set in and remain when the face is relaxed. I'm not sure I could see that in Jess's pic.

She's still a nitwit, though.

Jill's definitely got a case of Luke Perry forehead.

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Aren't they due to come home in June?

Really? So their long-term mission isn't much longer than Josh's stint in rehab?


And what do they consider a success? One conversion per week?  Or is it a success just by honoring these folks with their presence?


I'm sorry, I really don't understand their mission's mission statement.

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Really? So their long-term mission isn't much longer than Josh's stint in rehab?


And what do they consider a success? One conversion per week?  Or is it a success just by honoring these folks with their presence?


I'm sorry, I really don't understand their mission's mission statement.

They haven't made their mission statement public.  Publicly, all they do is ask for money.  To me, that is their "mission."

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They haven't made their mission statement public.  Publicly, all they do is ask for money.  To me, that is their "mission."

I always thought Derick's main "mission" was NOT to live in the same state as Jim Bob.... 

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I can see how Christian missionaries (or even missioncationers) can get trapped by their "callling."  Jesus laid it on their hearts to take this on, and no matter how miserable and out of place they are, they are stuck with their decision.  To quit would be more than failure.  It would be an insult to Jesus and could be interpreted as a failure of faith.


I don't see how Derick could say, never mind, Jesus has laid it on my heart to be an accountant in Little Rock.

Edited by riverblue22
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Did Jesus lay it on their hearts to come back home?? Jill lookedsuper uncomfortable showing us her new house. I think she misses the comforts of home.

I thought her discomfort was due to being embarrassed about how well they have it there. I've seen young couples starting out here in the States that don't have it that good.

Edited by GeeGolly
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They haven't made their mission statement public.  Publicly, all they do is ask for money.  To me, that is their "mission."

The goal of fundie missionaries is always conversion, number one. There's a great book by Gina Welch called "In the Land of Believers." She, a liberal, secular Jew, went undercover as a fundie lite person at Jerry Falwell's church. As part of her research, she joined some of them on a mission trip to Alaska, where they tried to get as many people as possible to pray the sinner's prayer. She commented on how ludicrous it all seemed -- yes, these people are genuine and really believe they are saving eternal lives, but they also acknowledge that "accepting Jesus into your heart" is supposed to be a major lifestyle change, and most people they "save" never really fully embrace the lifestyle. Essentially, it's just words, and they're treating it like some magic cure in order to feel better about themselves. So, their supposed success is grossly overstated when they come back and report to their church how well they did. Interesting stuff.

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I thought her discomfort was due to being embarrassed about how well they have it there. I've seen young couples starting out here in the States that don't have it that good.

I never thought about this but agree. I'm thinking maybe she didn't deliberately clean up the place wanting to make it look more shabby &run down & not as nice as it really is. But no, I'm giving her too much credit. I think they're just messy people who are used to having others (J'slaves) help them. They want to show they are too busy in serving the Lord to have to worry about cleanliness or housework. But they should at least wipe down Izzy's chairs surfaces before posting the pictures for the World to see.

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I never thought about this but agree. I'm thinking maybe she didn't deliberately clean up the place wanting to make it look more shabby &run down & not as nice as it really is. But no, I'm giving her too much credit. I think they're just messy people who are used to having others (J'slaves) help them. They want to show they are too busy in serving the Lord to have to worry about cleanliness or housework. But they should at least wipe down Izzy's chairs surfaces before posting the pictures for the World to see.

I don't think Jill has enough self awareness to think of all of that, honestly. 

I think she is depressed and lonely. 

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It's worse when you realize how recent the whole "sinner's prayer" thing is, how it simplifies Christianity to such a degree that it's like only the first few weeks of religious education, and then it does nothing in so many lives leaving them feeling like failures.

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It's worse when you realize how recent the whole "sinner's prayer" thing is, how it simplifies Christianity to such a degree that it's like only the first few weeks of religious education, and then it does nothing in so many lives leaving them feeling like failures.

And, they sell that 30-second prayer as a free ticket to eternal life, without any further obligation. 

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It's worse when you realize how recent the whole "sinner's prayer" thing is, how it simplifies Christianity to such a degree that it's like only the first few weeks of religious education, and then it does nothing in so many lives leaving them feeling like failures.


I thought if done right, you're supposed to be pointing people to church homes (not home churches), which they're supposed to continue to attend and learn and grow?  


That is to say, I couldn't swear how it works on the missions field, but if it happens in a church, that's why they've got greeter type people up at the altar (male deacons and the like, and women if the women are more comfortable talking to another) to let you know the group fellowship type opportunities, buddy up with you, and keep you coming to adult Sunday school and the like.  Kind of like an AA sponsor.



It's good to see that Jill doesn't dress Izzy in the horrible khakis pants and tucked-in buttoned to the chin polo shirts that her brother's grew up in.


Aw, the little guy looks cute pretending to drive.

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I thought if done right, you're supposed to be pointing people to church homes (not home churches), which they're supposed to continue to attend and learn and grow?  


That is to say, I couldn't swear how it works on the missions field, but if it happens in a church, that's why they've got greeter type people up at the altar (male deacons and the like, and women if the women are more comfortable talking to another) to let you know the group fellowship type opportunities, buddy up with you, and keep you coming to adult Sunday school and the like.  Kind of like an AA sponsor.



Aw, the little guy looks cute pretending to drive.

You're right! The book did make mention of a little pamphlet they gave their converts, telling them they needed to start reading the bible and attending church, but no specifics. You'd think they'd at least have made the effort of handing out bibles and giving them the name of an actual church, but no.

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I think Jill and Derick are supposed to roam around and preach a bit to families living in remote areas.

Jill said "Derick preached twice this week.' Like that was a HUGE accomplishment.

I think that's the goal really. Just go out and preach to people. Read the Bible, pray and hope someone converts or says the sinner's prayer.

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I think Jill and Derick are supposed to roam around and preach a bit to families living in remote areas.

Jill said "Derick preached twice this week.' Like that was a HUGE accomplishment.

I think that's the goal really. Just go out and preach to people. Read the Bible, pray and hope someone converts or says the sinner's prayer.

I hope some folks on their own mission are following behind them talking about independence, self-sustainability, and freedom of choice.  

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It's good to see that Jill doesn't dress Izzy in the horrible khakis pants and tucked-in buttoned to the chin polo shirts that her brother's grew up in.

I think Jessa has decided to go with that wardrobe for little Spurge.

I think he might be in suits by the time he takes his first steps.

The Dullards' missioncation is over?

Does anyone keep actual conversion numbers? My first guess would be zero, zip, zilch.

But, hey! They got some good IG pix!

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Jill said "Derick preached twice this week.' Like that was a HUGE accomplishment.

I know right? Ooooh, a whopping two times! For what, half an hour? I can't imagine a guy who is barely conversational in Spanish is able to preach with any real depth and for any length of time.

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I know right? Ooooh, a whopping two times! For what, half an hour? I can't imagine a guy who is barely conversational in Spanish is able to preach with any real depth and for any length of time.

Well gee whiz, he's gotta take time to write the sermons, while Jilly sits hip-to-hip with him. It's tough being "in the field".

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OMG. So picture this: you are dirt poor with no viable means of changing your station in life. You live in some remote village, where you work yourself to the bone, just trying to eke out a paltry living for your family. Life just pretty much sucks. But you are doing the very best you can for your loved ones.

Then along come these two dimwitted gringos, possessing zero espanol vocabulary, but they DO offer a little interpretive dance to bridge the communication chasm, and they begin dancing to you that after this hell of a life in abject poverty on Earth, you are assuredly going to burn in eternal hell UNLESS you allow them to lead you in a prayer that demeans you even further. You are sinful and unworthy. You must repent!

Right about then I'd be asking myself exactly what terrible, awful, very bad sins I was to repent FOR, and isn't this life in poverty ENOUGH to recompense my terrible sins, whatever they are imagined to be?

Why can't Fundies comprehend the absolute insult of being considered by them to be hell-worthy, requiring THEIR holy intervention to 'save' you?

The whole scenario is just cringe-worthy. However, on the flip side, and in no way is this intended to be condescending toward people living in poverty, but when spun the other way, it's an attractive proposal: A simple prayer guarantees you eternal paradise. So many of them do say, sure, why not?


Well, I've said it before, you have to grow up fundie to understand that to them, trying to convert people truly is no different than standing at the entrance to a broken bridge warning people not to fall to their death. To be fair, missionaries are in my opinion the only non-hypocritical Christians. They actually practice what they preach, as condescending as it appears to non-believers. They don't want people to suffer eternally.

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The whole scenario is just cringe-worthy. However, on the flip side, and in no way is this intended to be condescending toward people living in poverty, but when spun the other way, it's an attractive proposal: A simple prayer guarantees you eternal paradise. So many of them do say, sure, why not?


Well, I've said it before, you have to grow up fundie to understand that to them, trying to convert people truly is no different than standing at the entrance to a broken bridge warning people not to fall to their death. To be fair, missionaries are in my opinion the only non-hypocritical Christians. They actually practice what they preach, as condescending as it appears to non-believers. They don't want people to suffer eternally.

A friend of mine is a travel agent. While she works in a regular agency she also has her own clients that are Baptist missionaries. I could never figure out how she had so many people traveling all the time. She has several groups a year and lots of couples and individuals too. Now it makes much more sense after reading posts about the Dillards.

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The whole scenario is just cringe-worthy. However, on the flip side, and in no way is this intended to be condescending toward people living in poverty, but when spun the other way, it's an attractive proposal: A simple prayer guarantees you eternal paradise. So many of them do say, sure, why not?


Well, I've said it before, you have to grow up fundie to understand that to them, trying to convert people truly is no different than standing at the entrance to a broken bridge warning people not to fall to their death. To be fair, missionaries are in my opinion the only non-hypocritical Christians. They actually practice what they preach, as condescending as it appears to non-believers. They don't want people to suffer eternally.

I understand that this is the motivation of fundy missionairies, and although it makes little sense, logically, to me, it's their belief so it's valid to them. But, specifically regarding the Dullards are they 'normal' missionairies? All those trips home, is that normal fundy behaviour on donations? Lying about the support they were getting from their church and then backtracking? There is more here than just the mission itself that is frustrating. These two are shady. 

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The Dillards seem shady and lazy.

I grew up Baptist Fundmentalist (lite. none of this Gothard nonsense). I still have many, many friends that are Fund Baptist and they truly, truly mean the best by doing these missions. Like Becca said, they feel called to warn others about impending doom.

I'm LDS and Lord knows, the LDS send out tons of missionaries! I have two teen boys...one wants to go and one does not. The intent is only good.

I think being a missionary is tricky. You want to share the gospel but don't want to insult people either.

Jill and Derick seem to have missed that point. I find those two condescending and holier than thou. Plus their strange asking for money and yet living pretty comfortably in such a "dangerous" area. Why can't the Duggars be honest and say "Jill and Derick are in a nice, yet poor, area working, sharing and helping local families". Why all the drama? (well, we know why)

Edited by Marigold
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Is there really a person nowadays who hasn't heard of Jesus? The Dillards are in a Catholic rich population. They're trying to convert Christians to their flavor of Christianity. If I want to learn about JW, Mormonism, IFB, I will seek it out on my own volition. These people in CA don't need the white, privileged Dillard's coming into their country telling them they're going to hell for using any form of birth control to prevent children they can't feed. (Hell, they're Catholic; their religion already tells them this.)

Edited by FakeJoshDuggar
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Is there really a person nowadays who hasn't heard of Jesus? The Dillards are in a Catholic rich population. They're trying to convert Christians to their flavor of Christianity. If I want to learn about JW, Mormonism, IFB, I will seek it out on my own volition. These people in CA don't need the white, privileged Dillard's coming into their country telling them they're going to hell for using any form of birth control to prevent children they can't feed. (Hell, they're Catholic; their religion already tells them this.)

That is how I feel personally. Im a bad missionary!

However, it is suprising how many people the LDS missionaries do bring into the church every Sunday. Some stay for a while, some convert and some leave.

A lot people start their story with "when the missionaries found me, I was ____." I guess people do respond to missionaries.

I am an LDS convert and while the missionaries did not knock on my door, once I appeared in the church, the missionaries came to my house and taught me for a long time. So missionaries also do classes for people seeking to further their faith, learn more, Bible studies etc. The missionaries in my church also serve the members. They are required to teach all the families once a month or something like that.

But it surprises me EVERY Sunday when the missionaries arrive with people. Don't people get on the internet or something? ;)

Edited by Marigold
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That is how I feel personally. Im a bad missionary!

However, it is suprising how many people the LDS missionaries do bring into the church every Sunday. Some stay for a while, some convert and some leave.

A lot people start their story with "when the missionaries found me, I was ____." I guess people do respond to missionaries.

I am an LDS convert and while the missionaries did not knock on my door, once I appeared in the church, the missionaries came to my house and taught me for a long time. So missionaries also do classes for people seeking to further their faith, learn more, Bible studies etc. The missionaries in my church also serve the members. They are required to teach all the families once a month or something like that.

But it surprises me EVERY Sunday when the missionaries arrive with people. Don't people get on the internet or something? ;)


Well, I don't know how this works in general, but just about everybody I know who's converted to something has been looking for more than just a set of things that seem right and useful to believe in. Aside from people who converted because of a boyfriend or girlfriend, most have converted at some difficult point in their lives and -- I think -- were looking for human connection and a human group to belong to at least as much as they were looking for beliefs they resonated with. If that's widely true, then there's obviously lots of room for proselytizing to be successful, at least temporarily.

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