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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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I tried to watch the video, but between the middle kid's dry mouth smacking and the other kid's halting pauses coupled with "nnn" for the word "and" and "ta" for "too" it was too annoying. I've noticed between this video and hearing the Duggars and other fundie kids speak that they all use the same pronunciations. They can't all be from the exact same region, so is this the product of the SOTDRT for all? It's just odd.

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That's obviously the work of Satan.

A friend of mine lost her baby boy to a heart condition the day after he was born. A very religious coworker of her husband told her it was God's plan, something he'd done to bring her to God, so she'd take comfort in him.

I would assume that would be the spiel the Dullards would use, should they encounter someone unfortunate enough to have a baby affected by Zika.

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A friend of mine lost her baby boy to a heart condition the day after he was born. A very religious coworker of her husband told her it was God's plan, something he'd done to bring her to God, so she'd take comfort in him.

I would assume that would be the spiel the Dullards would use, should they encounter someone unfortunate enough to have a baby affected by Zika.

If that is God's idea of making friends and influencing people, I'll pass.

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A friend of mine lost her baby boy to a heart condition the day after he was born. A very religious coworker of her husband told her it was God's plan, something he'd done to bring her to God, so she'd take comfort in him.

I would assume that would be the spiel the Dullards would use, should they encounter someone unfortunate enough to have a baby affected by Zika.

That is horrible. They better hire 24 hour security if that's going to be their spiel. Satan would be building a fortress in my heart so fast, that who knows what would happen in the time it takes to say - The Devil made me do it.

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"SOS Ministries"? Would that be an acronym for Same Old Shite? The end is near - repent! The world is unraveling like no time before! THE SKY IS FALLING!! What a depressing outlook in Life.

"It's so much work having fun"??? WTH does that mean?

This, including that music is an SNL skit waiting to happen.

These people are depressing.


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If you're up for some self-flagellation, here's a video featuring the Dullards' boss, Mike Schadt, his doughy, ginger son, and the grandson of the interviewer.


After reading about this video over and over for days, I figured I better click on it.  To my surprise I saw it was an episode of "Homekeepers" with host Arthelene Rippy (Jeebus, whatta name).  Joel McHale on "The Soup" used to feature this show and make fun of it regularly.  I stopped getting cable 2 years ago, so I don't know if he still does.  Good times.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Didn't I just see a commercial from Kraft (?) bragging that they're now going to start adding cream cheese to the grated mozzarella? 


Ahead of the curve, them guys.


Actually they've been doing this for a couple of years, at least. It does indeed melt very nicely in lasagna. So don't give these guys too much credit for being ahead of the curve on that one.

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A friend of mine lost her baby boy to a heart condition the day after he was born. A very religious coworker of her husband told her it was God's plan, something he'd done to bring her to God, so she'd take comfort in him.

I would assume that would be the spiel the Dullards would use, should they encounter someone unfortunate enough to have a baby affected by Zika.

I have a friend that's infertile. She's not a crier. Someone else we knew told her one day that the reason why she does not have children is similar to the above -- maybe she should trust God more. My poor friend burst into tears. The person who made such a horrible comment? It's the closest I have ever come to slapping another adult in the face. How dare that woman say such a horrible (and untrue) thing to your friend?


If Jilly Muffin is that stupid and lacks the most basic compassion for someone else, she deserves exactly what she'll get.

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Oh, how I hate that ignorant 'when something bad happens in your life, it's because you did or failed to do something, so you brought it on yourself' attitude. It is false security believing that if you do everything in life right, nothing bad will befall you. Bad things happen to good, undeserving people all the time. Life. is. Random. Deal with it.


I seem to recall Jessa and Ben -- don't really know about the rest of Duggardom -- having the view (natch) that all people are evil sinners and so everybody deserves everything bad that happens to them. .... I remember them posting something once that went sort of like -- "'Why do bad things happen to good people?' 'It only happened once. And He volunteered.'"


Dunno whether they'd say this to somebody experiencing a particular bad thing, though. At the time I thought -- and still pretty much think -- that they generally say stuff like this in a vague, generic way, without really imagining situations that would be very concrete, and that if they're faced with a concrete situation of the suffering of somebody alive probably would keep their mouths mostly shut about this kind of thing. ...I'm hoping, anyway. ha

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I am willing to hopefully agree that IF the Duggars were capable of understanding others' pain, they would unlikely be purposely unkind.]

It is the Duggars' absolutely superficial, shallow understanding of Life coupled with their self righteousness that I find so ignorant and nauseating Their entire existence seems based on heads full of platitudes, brimming with judgement instead of empathy. Amazingly, they seem to consider this so absolutely morally superior to all 'unbelievers'.


It is the Duggars' absolutely superficial, shallow understanding of Life coupled with their self righteousness that I find so ignorant and nauseating Their entire existence seems based on heads full of platitudes, brimming with judgement instead of empathy. Amazingly, they seem to consider this so absolutely morally superior to all 'unbelievers'.


I agree.


I do think, though, that they have approximately the mental/emotional; age of 14-15 year olds. And they were raised this way. And the correctness of their views has been endorsed, in their view, by their tv fame and by the many leghumpers who slather them with compliments about their rightness and godliness.


That being the case, I do think that there's a chance that someday they'll grow out of some of this, as they mature a bit and life impinges on them.


I wouldn't say there's a big chance -- their parents haven't matured, certainly. But I can't condemn the new generation completely at this point, just because they are still so young and sheltered -- and not really through any fault of their own.

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"SOS Ministries"? Would that be an acronym for Same Old Shite? The end is near - repent! The world is unraveling like no time before! THE SKY IS FALLING!! What a depressing outlook in Life.

"It's so much work having fun"??? WTH does that mean?

This, including that music is an SNL skit waiting to happen.

These people are depressing.


OMG, that is my SO fervent wish too. It's amazing to me that SNL has not taken on the Duggars [or fundies or extreme evangelicals etc] as a regular sketch. That show was made for this kind of thing and by now they've skewered just about everything else out there. I'd like to see Kid Farm as a regular show - somewhere - and for them to lean a little [a lot] heavier on all the Got-hard schtick too. Between SNL, Funny or Die, the Kid Farm people, we should be able to educate the country that the Duggars are not just simply a way-too-large family.

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Actually they've been doing this for a couple of years, at least. It does indeed melt very nicely in lasagna. So don't give these guys too much credit for being ahead of the curve on that one.


Very brief off-topic tip. Cream cheese is also dee-lish-iss whipped into very hot mashed potatoes. Use a 3-oz bar if serving 4 or less, use the 8-oz bar if mashing for a crowd. And it should sit out for about 2 hours so it's room temp. Blend well into potatoes with milk, black or white pepper, butter, garlic, bacon - whatever you use. We usually, but not always, leave out the butter if using cream cheese. Neufchatel cheese is good too [and basically the same item with a French name]. Gives the potatoes a richness only The Fats can provide, alas...

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Very brief off-topic tip. Cream cheese is also dee-lish-iss whipped into very hot mashed potatoes. Use a 3-oz bar if serving 4 or less, use the 8-oz bar if mashing for a crowd. And it should sit out for about 2 hours so it's room temp. Blend well into potatoes with milk, black or white pepper, butter, garlic, bacon - whatever you use. We usually, but not always, leave out the butter if using cream cheese. Neufchatel cheese is good too [and basically the same item with a French name]. Gives the potatoes a richness only The Fats can provide, alas...


Sounds yummy. I'm a potato junkie AND a cheese junkie. I'm gonna give it a shot with supper tomorrow evening.

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 It's amazing to me that SNL has not taken on the Duggars [or fundies or extreme evangelicals etc] as a regular sketch. That show was made for this kind of thing and by now they've skewered just about everything else out there.


I kinda wonder whether this isn't a brand of good news -- that the Duggs are actually known to so few people, as a proportion of the population, that they figure it wouldn't be recognized by enough of the audience (by network-tv standards). .... I'd like to think this anyway. I have to say that literally no one I've ever mentioned the Duggars to IRL -- and that includes both conservative Christians and other folks -- has ever really known who they were. And they haven't even tinkled a tiny bell for most people I've mentioned them to. I'm hoping that would be everybody's experience!

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I kinda wonder whether this isn't a brand of good news -- that the Duggs are actually known to so few people, as a proportion of the population, that they figure it wouldn't be recognized by enough of the audience (by network-tv standards). .... I'd like to think this anyway. I have to say that literally no one I've ever mentioned the Duggars to IRL -- and that includes both conservative Christians and other folks -- has ever really known who they were. And they haven't even tinkled a tiny bell for most people I've mentioned them to. I'm hoping that would be everybody's experience!


I've thought this too - and I hope we're right about it. It IS a comforting thought...

Sounds yummy. I'm a potato junkie AND a cheese junkie. I'm gonna give it a shot with supper tomorrow evening.


Hope you like it as much as I do. A tip I read somewhere - from Martha Stewart's mom!

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Very brief off-topic tip. Cream cheese is also dee-lish-iss whipped into very hot mashed potatoes. Use a 3-oz bar if serving 4 or less, use the 8-oz bar if mashing for a crowd. And it should sit out for about 2 hours so it's room temp. Blend well into potatoes with milk, black or white pepper, butter, garlic, bacon - whatever you use. We usually, but not always, leave out the butter if using cream cheese. Neufchatel cheese is good too [and basically the same item with a French name]. Gives the potatoes a richness only The Fats can provide, alas...

Love to mash it into sweet potatoes a with some chopped onions and then baked! Yumminess

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I seem to recall Jessa and Ben -- don't really know about the rest of Duggardom -- having the view (natch) that all people are evil sinners and so everybody deserves everything bad that happens to them. .... I remember them posting something once that went sort of like -- "'Why do bad things happen to good people?' 'It only happened once. And He volunteered.'"

Themselves excepted, of course. When anything bad happens to them, it's because Satan and the librul media.

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Themselves excepted, of course. When anything bad happens to them, it's because Satan and the librul media.

I wasn't paying much attention to the Duggars back when they lost the baby after Josie. What kinds of things did they say about that, or do we know? That was very sad but I hope it gave them some insight and empathy into "bad things happening to good people."

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I seem to recall Jessa and Ben -- don't really know about the rest of Duggardom -- having the view (natch) that all people are evil sinners and so everybody deserves everything bad that happens to them. .... I remember them posting something once that went sort of like -- "'Why do bad things happen to good people?' 'It only happened once. And He volunteered.'"



Does Ben  not remember that we are created in God's own image, male and female. And then God said, "It is good."

Themselves excepted, of course. When anything bad happens to them, it's because Satan and the librul media.

Neither of whom much care. 

Edited by mbutterfly
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Does Ben  not remember that we are created in God's own image, male and female. And then God said, "It is good."



Well,not that I think Ben would necessarily come up with what I think his co-religionists consider the right answer. But I believe that those on whom he patterns himself would say that that was before the Fall, right?


God created us sinless, gave us one little teensy rule, and then that rotten Eve went and messed it all up, breaking the rule and seducing Adam into breaking it too, and thus cursing all of humanity to be fallen sinners from birth and forcing Christ to suffer death on the cross to overcome her heedless-hussy sin. That's how the story goes that Ben (dimly) embraces, isn't it?

Edited by Churchhoney
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Well,not that I think Ben would necessarily come up with what I think his co-religionists consider the right answer. But I believe that those on whom he patterns himself would say that that was before the Fall, right?


God created us sinless, gave us one little teensy rule, and then that rotten Eve went and messed it all up, breaking the rule and seducing Adam into breaking it too, and thus cursing all of humanity to be fallen sinners from birth and forcing Christ to suffer death on the cross to overcome her heedless-hussy sin. That's how the story goes that Ben (dimly) embraces, isn't it?

So he literally would not believe we are still God's images who now have, in addition, a propensity for pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth? As if the image of God concept is now null? Seriously, is that the belief of some Christians? It is a new idea for me. 

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So he literally would not believe we are still God's images who now have, in addition, a propensity for pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth? As if the image of God concept is now null? Seriously, is that the belief of some Christians? It is a new idea for me. 



That's a good question. I don't know. But I do know that you're taking the 'curse' and 'evil" stuff pretty far when you quote people saying that, except for Christ's crucifixion, there's never been any such thing on earth as a 'bad thing happening to a good person" throughout history! i.e., that there's never been a "good person' on earth, except for Christ. And that's a pretty typical statement from them, as far as I can tell.


Not that I think Bin or Jessa thinks any of this through.... But I assume that some of these people they quote all the time probably do think it through. And you certainly hear nothing in their quotes about God's image. Or any capability of good actions among people or aspiring to live up to what you truly are because God created you, etc.. ....


And I suppose this is reflected in having accountability buddies all over the place and so on... No human is to be trusted, ever. And it's probably reflected again in what amount pretty much to prohibitions on using one's own judgment, relying on or even exercising the intellect or the imagination. All those things -- which I think a lot of people tend to think of as being part of God's image -- apparently are viewed as both useless and downright evil.  I mean, why would you essentially forbid learning things if you believed that you had a God-given brain that was meant to be exercise?


I suppose this has its roots in Calvinism to some degree, but whether anybody's spelled out a coherent theology with all this stuff in it or whether it's just what people with fearful/control-freaky personalities have layered onto a less extreme theology I don't know. 


I am pretty sure that Bin and Jessa are getting their exclusive focus on human evil from somewhere. they're not originating it -- I'd like to know the roots of it, too, and whether they're skewing it in the negative direction themselves or whether others also take such an extreme view. I must say that that quote about "it only happened once" suggests that they're not the only humans-are-totally-doomeders out there.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Excellent post, Churchoney. The whole thing with the extended Duggar group and especially those with the Calvinist bent comes down to what are the theological bases for their practices and world view. It seems cobbled together leaving out ideas like the image of God. So you wonder, when Derrick and Jill actually get into the mission field, are their viewing the locals as mortals who are created in God's image (just as Derrick and Jill) or are they viewing a bundle of steaming sins. 

Edited by mbutterfly
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Excellent post, Churchoney. The whole thing with the extended Duggar group and especially those with the Calvinist bent comes down to what are the theological bases for their practices and world view. It seems cobbled together leaving out ideas like the image of God. So you wonder, when Derrick and Jill actually get into the mission field, are their viewing the locals as mortals who are created in God's image (just as Derrick and Jill) or are they viewing a bundle of steaming sins. 

While I've heard a lot about ben's "'theology" and I've heard the Duggar parents and Mike Seewald spout a lot of stuff, I can't say I have any idea what Derick's beliefs are. He's come from what looks like the most mainstream church history of all of them -- apparently just straight SBC, no cults visible. And he may even have some education now? Did he actually take any online seminary classes? Or did that stay in the planned-but-not-begun stage? He also seems to have felt pretty happy in Nepal, liked the local people that he met there and such. That stuff being the case, I would expect him to have a more mainstream view than the rest of them. Plus, he seems to have felt less need than Bin and Bin's dad, for example, to put a lot of theological rants out there on the internet. That also suggests to me that he may have less startling views. But who knows? I wouldn't really expect him to be Mr. Hellfire and Brimstone to Bin's degree, just from his demeanor and and from the tone of things that he has said. But we don't have much evidence.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I wasn't paying much attention to the Duggars back when they lost the baby after Josie. What kinds of things did they say about that, or do we know? That was very sad but I hope it gave them some insight and empathy into "bad things happening to good people."

Michelle and JB finding out their unborn babe's heart had ceased to beat was one of the few unchoreographed scenes in the entire series.

Michelle and JB were shown going to a routine prenatal visit. Michelle had a glowing look of anticipation on her face as the sonographer scanned her belly, which was of course shielded from us by a sheet, so as not to defraud. With Michelle and JM's eyes glued to the monitor, the sonographer tries in vain to find the beating heart. An OB/GYN enters the room and, after some more scanning, informs the Duggars that their baby's heart had stopped beating. That the fetus was dead, and Michelle could only go home and await labor.

The Duggars immediately started praying out loud, thanking god for the short time they" knew" their baby. They went home, called a family meeting, and instead of informing the kids of the baby's gender, told them the baby had died. JB passed around the Kleenex box as his older children, at least the older girls, had to publicly and unrehearsed, cry on TV.

Michelle seemed shocked, mostly because of the fact that she had really taken care of herself during that pregnancy. They had shown Michelle walking on a treadmill in her frumpy skirts and tights and clunky shoes. Taking vitamins and eating plenty of protein. After the preeclampia with Josie and even Jordyn, Michelle was being very careful.

That's all I remember. They did say numerous times how special their baby had been, even if for just a few months inutero.

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Actually Michelle was given a choice to wait for events to ensue or to go to the hospital for medical intervention.  She chose to wait and do it at home.

Edited by Absolom
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That's a good question. I don't know. But I do know that you're taking the 'curse' and 'evil" stuff pretty far when you quote people saying that, except for Christ's crucifixion, there's never been any such thing on earth as a 'bad thing happening to a good person" throughout history! i.e., that there's never been a "good person' on earth, except for Christ. And that's a pretty typical statement from them, as far as I can tell.


I think that, as always, they've gotten some things mixed up in their minds, little dears.  They're probably thinking of this:


Romans 3:10 (two translations):


"as Scripture says, "Not one person has God's approval."


As it is written: “There is not a just person, not even one,”


Job 5:7:


Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward.




The latter source I found even cross references it:


Genesis 3:17

To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat from it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.


Google also refers to it elsewhere as "the doctrine of total hereditary depravity".


The point they want to be making, is that human beings they see as predisposed towards doing evil as easily as towards doing good, without the intervention of a relationship with a heavenly being.  They're not supposed to be saying and thinking that everything an unsaved heathen does is purposeful evil.

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Michelle and JB finding out their unborn babe's heart had ceased to beat was one of the few unchoreographed scenes in the entire series.

Except for the UT tech saying there was no heartbeat. That's the doctor's job. It was a fake scene.

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Except for the UT tech saying there was no heartbeat. That's the doctor's job. It was a fake scene.

Well, I did question that tech's choice to say that. As an X-ray tech, we were taught that the tech NEVER, EVER makes a diagnosis or tells the patient anything!

So you think that scene was fake, too? And here I thought it was actually something real!

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I think that, as always, they've gotten some things mixed up in their minds, little dears.  They're probably thinking of this:


Romans 3:10 (two translations):


"as Scripture says, "Not one person has God's approval."


As it is written: “There is not a just person, not even one,”


Job 5:7:


Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward.




The latter source I found even cross references it:


Genesis 3:17

To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat from it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.


Google also refers to it elsewhere as "the doctrine of total hereditary depravity".


The point they want to be making, is that human beings they see as predisposed towards doing evil as easily as towards doing good, without the intervention of a relationship with a heavenly being.  They're not supposed to be saying and thinking that everything an unsaved heathen does is purposeful evil.


Thanks! Great explanation of where they're going wrong. That's exactly it, obviously. Argh. Way too subtle for them.

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Well, I did question that tech's choice to say that. As an X-ray tech, we were taught that the tech NEVER, EVER makes a diagnosis or tells the patient anything!

So you think that scene was fake, too? And here I thought it was actually something real!

Nurses need pokerfaces too. I think it was a reenactment, once Michelle and Jim Bob calmed down and decided how to present it.

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While much of the current discussion(s) is (are) interesting, it would be hard to know this is the Jill and Derrick topic from them. Please talk about the Seewalds in their topic and JB and Michelle in theirs. Otherwise, it gets very confusing where to post stuff. A quick, "Taking/replying to this to xxx topic" works great. 

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Didn't I just see a commercial from Kraft (?) bragging that they're now going to start adding cream cheese to the grated mozzarella? 


Ahead of the curve, them guys.

Lord help me, I saw that commercial, too.  So it does exist.

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Lord help me, I saw that commercial, too.  So it does exist.

I have in the fridge at this moment a package of Kraft Shredded Cheese called Three Cheeses.  It contains Monterey Jack, Colby, Cheddar, and Cream Cheese.  Apparently Kraft thinks one of these cheeses ain't.


We have it on salad, and I'm not sure I like the cc, but I'm planning a microwaved grilled cheese later on and it will probably be damn fine.

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Weren't some of the Duggars there in Dec with SOS?  I think they were in El Salvador. I don't recall them going to visit the Dillards in Guatemala.   

The Dullards go to where the missioncations take place. They were all photographed together at some point. 

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Scary. Odds are it isn't Jill, but still. FYI they say Zika is spread only from mosquito to human, not from human to human, so other women in Arkansas are probably safe.

I've read that traces of it is are found in semen. 

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This Zika virus is scary stuff indeed. Jill really shouldn't be in El Salvador with her messed up belief system. 


I wonder how the other women there will look at her. Honestly, she should leave. She has the means and the ability to. I bet a lot of pregnant women in El Salvador wish they could just take off and leave to be safe® from the virus. 


Slightly O/t but isn't El Salvador heavily Catholic? How will the church handle the government's caution to women to avoid getting pregnant?

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