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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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JimChelle chose their lifestyle for their kids. JimChelle knew gothard abused girls but still sent their daughters to JTTH. They knew about the abuse but it wasn't until Harpo got involved that he was forced to go to the police but knew that if he went to his dirty cop friend Josh wouldn't be charged. He lied. JimChelle is just as much to blame as Josh. They didn't get their kids help they probably told their kids to forgive Josh and again swept it under the rug. So screw JimChelle as well.

Also tlc knew. This shit happened during 14kids, 16kids and moving in. That was 2004&2006. So they probably knew if Harpo knew.

I totally get that, that's why I was asking the original poster why she felt so terribly for JB & Michelle at this junction.

  • Love 2

The comments of support in the link, belittling his actions and completely disregarding the victims feelings and the hypocrisy of the family upset me so, frankly.


I think my "favorite" is, "I know I did things I shouldn't have at 15!"


You'd think he stayed out an hour late or went to a concert without telling his parents where he was. Then again certain fans would be more upset by this than someone sexually abusing their siblings.


"He got counseling! I'm proud of him!"


You're proud of him because he learned how to build a deck? Maybe he'll really show his remorse by building a treehouse.


"I'm a therapist and I've worked with people and he seems fine to me!"


Watching DVDs of Dr. Katz doesn't make you a therapist.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 18

"Even though I suspect it was because of Josh's severely repressed upbringing and no access to other girls and probably being told any sexual acting out (like healthy masturbation) is sinful"  


THIS!!!!  I feel Josh has been a victim in this as well and that the blame falls entirely on his parents' shoulders.  This is all too much "Flowers in the Attic."  


(FATKAT COMMENT --- sorry for being tech-un savvy)

I disagree with "This!!!". It's biologically repellant for a healthy teen to be attracted to his sister, no matter how prudish his parents are; It's easier to masturbate than molest your sister.


As far as TLC's knowledge goes, from what I read in the police report, Harpo Studios received a fax and then reported it (which instigated the investigation). I have a strong hunch that TLC got that same fax. TLC has a lot of explaining to do.


Edited by Fatkat
  • Love 3

TLC's going to be in dire straits. The Willises aren't cutting it as Duggars 2.0; the newer little-people shows are interchangeable, and the Little Couple isn't adopting any more kids for the time being, presumably. And really, how many more wedding dresses can we sit through?


So many of the other shows -- Breaking Amish, the gypsy ones -- are just tawdry. It's going to be interesting to see what they come up with.


You just said a mouthful, Literata. I think we should all be afraid - very afraid...

  • Love 2

but is it normal for parents to dry hump in all sorts of ways? is that not hmmmm......stimulating a 14 year old hormonal boy's mind? was josh exposed to some sort of parental porn?

For sure he was exposed to his parents' creepy behavior. But....thousands and thousands of 14 year old males are exposed to much more than that with tv, videos, movies and their peer groups. Jim Bob and Michelle get no pass from me, imo they are horrible parents. It's possible though that Josh is somehow wired wrong, I don't hear about roving bands of sexually out of control 14 year olds assaulting their sisters, thank goodness.

  • Love 6

There is no way in hell that Pa Seewald is gonna be able to keep his trap shut about all this. I hope the Seewald family and the Dillards circle the wagons around those poor girls and show them what real support is.

I'm not meaning to single you out specifically, but I've seen this sort of comment pop up repeatedly in this thread and I don't really understand it.  It would be shocking to me if these families expressed support for the victims and condemnation for Josh and his parents.  I mean it, absolutely and completely shocking.  This is because these people, the Seewalds at least, are Gothardites.  As adherents, they implicitly agree with the teachings on women and sexual abuse, which is illustrated perfectly by how the Duggars have handled their own scandal.  I can't imagine a scenario in which the Seewalds don't support the Duggars because the Duggars are following the rules of life their cult sets forth.  Unless he Seewalds are breaking from their cult, they aren't going to be rallying around the victims and condemning the abusers because the Seewalds are part of the system of abusers.  


I'm less sure about the Dillards.  

  • Love 3

I don't think a reality show should be obliged to keep running because it's "helping the little kids." Not least because there's no evidence that in the years TLC has been following the Duggars, it's helped one iota. If anything, it's harmed things by giving them a lot of money and a big platform to push the Gothardite agenda on unsuspecting viewers, and also insulated the Duggars further with money and external validation that they are righteous and there's nothing wrong with the way they raise (and abuse) their kids. 


The youngest kids are already ignored. Having the TLC shows hasn't given the Duggars any outside perspective on the world. They haven't expanded their horizons. All it's done is made them the stars of their little movement and given them even bigger clout in fundie circles. Without TLC, they would be the weird little family in Arkansas, not collecting big paychecks, doing Today Show interviews and People magazine covers and hobnobbing with Tea Party bigwigs as the poster family for fundamentalism. 


If the younger kids are in danger, CPS and the authorities should get involved. Reality show cameras are not a protection. 

I think it has done them more harm than good.  Instead of having any thoughts of an education or a career, they think the TLC train will run forever and that they can all just have 20 babies  and not have a job.  


If all 19 were crammed in that little house, those kids would think twice about having 20 kids.  I think they just have a distorted view of the world in general now.  They take trips around the world and believe that when they are grown, they will be doing the same thing.  

  • Love 7
It's biologically repellant for a healthy teen to be attracted to his sister, no matter how prudish his parents are; It's easier to masturbate than molest your sister.


Yep. No matter what. Bottom line. Also, completely sick, twisted and evil to force the girls to "forgive" him and live in the same house with him and participate in a reality show for years and years where they have to smile at a camera and tell millions of people how awesome he is. SICK. And how many times have we listened to Josh sanctimoniously pontificate about his and his stupid parents and his stupid cult's moral superiority on EVERYTHING. All the while KNOWING what he did and the incredible steps taken to cover it up and he KNEW his sisters would keep their traps shut OR ELSE. Pose with the politician, Josh! Give us a thumbs up! The only thing sicker is that there are cognizant human beings coming out in their defense.

  • Love 19

Here's my take on TLC pulling from the schedule now and not cancelling it yet.


Lawyers move slowly. They also are known to take off early on a 3-day weekend. This is Memorial Day weekend, and I'm betting that the TLC attorneys who were in the office were racing to leave, with annoyed spouses and impatient children wanting to head to the beach, mountains, wherever. This decision very well could have been made by 3 people on smartphones, one in a Costco while buying bulk burgers for a weekend cookout with his/her spouse, one with his/her spouse driving toward a beach house, and the third at home with two whining kids demanding to know when they were going to leave. That's just one fictitious but, to me, plausible scenario for the fast but incomplete decision.


I think this show is over, and that will be made official next week.

Excellent scenario which is probably exactly what happened.  Also, I think there are a lot of very angry paparazzi's who now have to go to Toonietown.    Probably a last choice on anyones list.

  • Love 16

I'm not meaning to single you out specifically, but I've seen this sort of comment pop up repeatedly in this thread and I don't really understand it. It would be shocking to me if these families expressed support for the victims and condemnation for Josh and his parents. I mean it, absolutely and completely shocking. This is because these people, the Seewalds at least, are Gothardites. As adherents, they implicitly agree with the teachings on women and sexual abuse, which is illustrated perfectly by how the Duggars have handled their own scandal. I can't imagine a scenario in which the Seewalds don't support the Duggars because the Duggars are following the rules of life their cult sets forth. Unless he Seewalds are breaking from their cult, they aren't going to be rallying around the victims and condemning the abusers because the Seewalds are part of the system of abusers.

I'm less sure about the Dillards.

You are probably right. I think i was just hoping someone close to those girls would give them a hug and tell them none of it was ever their fault. I'm grasping here. I'm worried about the kids now that i am sure the Duggars have shut and locked the door to the outside world and any help.
  • Love 8

There is no way in hell that Pa Seewald is gonna be able to keep his trap shut about all this. I hope the Seewald family and the Dillards circle the wagons around those poor girls and show them what real support is.

I also see Gil Bates as a real strong man, not a pussy coward like JB.    I could be totally wrong, but I get the impression Gill would kill Josh if he had gone near his daughters. The Bateses seem to genuinely love their children.

  • Love 11

Here's my take on TLC pulling from the schedule now and not cancelling it yet.

Lawyers move slowly. They also are known to take off early on a 3-day weekend. This is Memorial Day weekend, and I'm betting that the TLC attorneys who were in the office were racing to leave, with annoyed spouses and impatient children wanting to head to the beach, mountains, wherever. This decision very well could have been made by 3 people on smartphones, one in a Costco while buying bulk burgers for a weekend cookout with his/her spouse, one with his/her spouse driving toward a beach house, and the third at home with two whining kids demanding to know when they were going to leave. That's just one fictitious but, to me, plausible scenario for the fast but incomplete decision.

I think this show is over, and that will be made official next week.

Very possible. I also think this show is the most profitable for the network, so no one wants to make the call the ax it immediately. There are investors, a board of directors, sponsors etc. They all get input before the CEO pulls the plug.

TLC may need to change their focus.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 1

The only thing Smuggar is sorry about is that this came out. He is not sorry what he put his sisters and other females through.

Why would he be sorry though? With their religious views men have dominion and women are submissive to them. Hell, their scripture treats oxen better than women. Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 12

Given that all of this took place ten years ago,I'll admit I'm actually more interested in the stuff going on now. Who released this information (a misdemeanor charge in AR) and why? I'm fascinated that Huckabee came out so strongly for Josh out of the gate. I've always thought he liked and supported Josh, and always suspected he knew about this. So it wasn't someone in his camp who leaked it, which pretty much eliminates an inside AR job.

But someone who really wanted to take out the Duggars or someone close to them scored big time. And I'm curious about the timing as well.

  • Love 11
I am disappointed that Derrick and Jill didn't get a small 2-3 bedroom apartment closer to his job, but maybe this will be the catalyst to get Derrick and Ben to move away, although I doubt it.


As long as Dill and Benessa are living in Jim Bob owned homes, they're still under his thumb and must tow the party line. If Derick goes out and finds another place to live, then we'll know that he's taking charge of the situation as far as his little family is concerned. I don't know how much of a salary Derick pulls in, but the utilities nut on a house that large has to be substantial. Without TLC income, I doubt his WalMart salary can handle a home that large.  Ben has a much smaller home to pay for, but he doesn't have an income without the TLC cameras (cleaning JB's toilets and rehabbing his properties can't haul in much). Ben's small income and the house they live in are run by JB. 

  • Love 1

Well, The Today Show featured the story in its top headlines at the top of the show and then had a report after the first half hour, with Erica Hill, of course.  She naturally denied any knowledge of this story at the time she filmed the special.  The story made it clear that the police report was the smoking gun.  I suspect that Jim Bob and Michelle actually brought this down on themselves by having Joy request the records be destroyed.  I think that someone affiliated with the PD or the juvenile court found out about the request and leaked the story to the media for a price, triggering the FOI request.   It's just too coincidental that this story broke in conjunction with the motion to destroy the records.  Without the police report, its all hearsay which is why this story lurked around the edges of the internet for years.


Today rightly emphasized that it was more than a year from the time the parents discovered the situation before they spoke to the authorities.  Erica says she attempted to contact both Jim Bob and Josh, but, amazingly, her best buddies were unavailable for comment.  The report stated that the victims were 5 young girls and that part of the abuse took place in a communal bedroom where they slept.  I have a feeling that it is network policy not to name underage victims of abuse without their consent, but I think that anyone knowing anything about the Duggars can guess who it was. 


The only way they can salvage this is to agree to an on air interview with TLC that includes the girls and doesn't allow them to vet the questions. And there is no way that happens without JB and Michelle forcing words into the girls' mouths.  Those kids aren't actors and the lies won't hold under scrutiny.  The jig is up, this thing is already spiraling.  Jim Bob and Michelle aren't going to be able to control the message any longer and the dirty truth is coming out about them and their warped beliefs and values.

I'm a little unsure of the timeline. So this happened after they were in the TTH and the girls all slept together in the one room, some in pack 'n' plays and some sharing beds with younger girls. Can this be right?

  • Love 2

Alison Arngrim who played Nellie Oleson on Little House on the Prairie is all over this on her twitter feed.   For those of you who have not read her book - she was sexually molested by her brother for years.   She never told her parents at the time, but she just begged them to not leave her alone with him.   It was the 70s.   Nobody was thinking of this at the time.   She went public years later.   Her parents believed her and were sorry they did not protect her.  He brother is proud of what he did.   EWWWWWWWW.


So yeah, she is supporting the victims and wishing that Josh got help.

  • Love 15

I am a psychologist, not a psychiatrist. Almost always, sexual molestation of a minor is about power and control. If Josh molested young girls over a three year period, I would predict that he is likely to do it again. I would definitely never allow him to be alone with any child, male or female. And although it is about control, it is also about sex. If he had any sexual thrill and/or gratification, and I'm sure he did, he now "knows" he can do that again to get the same outcome. I'll repeat it:  I would never allow him to be alone with a child again.


Thanks - I wasn't sure. I certainly wouldn't want him near my kids.

  • Love 2

Hadn't watched the show in a long time, but have enjoyed this forum immensely. Seeing a post that the interview show was going to be broadcast last evening, I decided to watch and also happened to see the last 5-10 min of the Nepal episode.

Jill's TH describing her trip, Derrick, the courtship, etc were pitiful. Remove the word "like" from her vocabulary and she would have nothing to say. I have long thought these kids were severely uneducated, but hearing Jill speak really brought that home.

The interview show - what a weird atmosphere in that room. Many have commented on how tense Jill seemed and I agree. but to me Anna's behavior was really bizarre. She looked so stiff and unhappy.

My thoughts are with the victims and the younger children. Could care less about Joshie Boy and his parents.

  • Love 3

Alison Arngrim who played Nellie Oleson on Little House on the Prairie is all over this on her twitter feed.   For those of you who have not read her book - she was sexually molested by her brother for years.   She never told her parents at the time, but she just begged them to not leave her alone with him.   It was the 70s.   Nobody was thinking of this at the time.   She went public years later.   Her parents believed her and were sorry they did not protect her.  He brother is proud of what he did.   EWWWWWWWW.


So yeah, she is supporting the victims and wishing that Josh got help.

She  is a strong woman now that advocates for victims. She of all people would know what the girls went through I hope she can reach out to them and they take an interest in getting the help they need.

  • Love 7

I don't think a reality show should be obliged to keep running because it's "helping the little kids." Not least because there's no evidence that in the years TLC has been following the Duggars, it's helped one iota. If anything, it's harmed things by giving them a lot of money and a big platform to push the Gothardite agenda on unsuspecting viewers, and also insulated the Duggars further with money and external validation that they are righteous and there's nothing wrong with the way they raise (and abuse) their kids.

The youngest kids are already ignored. Having the TLC shows hasn't given the Duggars any outside perspective on the world. They haven't expanded their horizons. All it's done is made them the stars of their little movement and given them even bigger clout in fundie circles. Without TLC, they would be the weird little family in Arkansas, not collecting big paychecks, doing Today Show interviews and People magazine covers and hobnobbing with Tea Party bigwigs as the poster family for fundamentalism.

If the younger kids are in danger, CPS and the authorities should get involved. Reality show cameras are not a protection.

A thousand times yes to this. This show was not going to last forever even though it's been on forever. Whether the show was canceled because of this scandal or some other reason, it was going to be canceled eventually and these people would continue to breed. Hopefully the Duggars were not foolish enough to count on something as fickle as a tv show to sustain their children's livelihood forever. There will be minor children in that house for at least what, 13 more years? I doubt this show would last that long. I feel terribly for the children who were violated, but no I will not feel badly for the other children just because the show might be canceled. Especially when there are so many children with so much less and parents who work so much harder.
  • Love 8

Thanks - I wasn't sure. I certainly wouldn't want him near my kids.

If I was another cult member or Marjorie's family or the Bates I would never associate with the Duggar family again. They are an epic fail as parents. No amount of PR spin can ever, ever, ever change how we on this board feel about the whole fucked up mess and I sure hope the others that idolize them feel the same.

  • Love 7

Most 14 yr olds know their parents have sex and that this doesn't mean it's ok for them.  The Duggars may have taken "purity" for the unmarried to an extreme but I really don't fault them for drawing a line between what is acceptable behavior for a married couple and what is acceptable for a teenager, that's not so very different from the way most unDuggar families are after all.

Except what mother posts her calendar with her fertile days on the refrigerator? That is way too much information for young children and even teens. That should be private. 

  • Love 12

We're sticking with "molestation" here. That's the policy.


Perhaps even "alleged molestation" would be better.  Josh's statement does not actually admit to molestation.  I know the media is reporting that he "admitted" to child molestation charges but unless they have something different from what I saw as the official statement, I don't think he outright admitted to anything specific. He certainly didn't say "I did what was alleged in the police report."




Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.


That statement is very vague and doesn't say what the bad acts were.  It is not a confession.


I am an advocate for truth & justice. I do not condone or defend the behavior that is ALLEGED.  No excuses, 14 is old enough to know better.  But I'm not going to state that he is (or was at age 14) a child molester unless he admits that's what he did or he is convicted in court. OR if one of the victim chooses to come forward and say- I was a victim, here is what happened.  In the meantime we only have a redacted police report with allegations that are vague and confusing, and Josh's statement.


Again- not defending the behavior if it did occur.  Just pointing out that people keep saying he confessed, when I haven't seen that. If he didn't molest a 4 year old he's going to need to come out and say that and say exactly what he did do, otherwise this is going to keep getting worse for their whole family.  I think we will see a Very Special Episode to address this.  They are going to have to be more specific if they want any chance of this going away.

  • Love 4

Has anyone thought maybe tlc knew this was coming?


I mean look at the tone of that interview show,all thoese negative views from people on the streets,the duggars will be furious about that


Yes - thank you. It crossed my mind that TLC was almost mocking the Duggars with that episode. Could this be the set-up for a fall? I can't say I'd be surprised. The comments from the "people on the street" were very different from any comments aired in the past. People seem a little baffled or bemused in the past, but this time the public came off as thinking they were flat-out odd. Different tone entirely.

  • Love 1

As long as Dill and Benessa are living in Jim Bob owned homes, they're still under his thumb and must tow the party line. If Derick goes out and finds another place to live, then we'll know that he's taking charge of the situation as far as his little family is concerned. 

Did anyone see the preview clip for next season where JB was sitting down with Derrick and Jill and seemed a little emotional and asked if they were sure they wanted to do this.  I only saw it once but asked a friend and she saw it as well.  We were wondering if he got a job in another area or if they were possible going to Nepal to get out of this train wreck.  


I personally don't think any of this was a surprise. I think they had a little advance notice.


Another thing that was strange to me in most of the police interviews I read was that almost every child had the same answer as to what they like to do - and that was play stick ball.


Almost the same thing when asked about their least and favorite subjects- Spelling and Math.  I find that strange.  Maybe MEchelle was only teaching two subjects and I have a feeling she sucked at being a math teacher.  

  • Love 3

I am skeptical that Jill or Jessa wanted to bring down their whole family. You don't have to be a koolaid drinker to think maybe you don't want to be the person who bears that responsibility. Even if you hate your parents and oldest brother (and I honestly see no evidence of this) there would be genuine affection for younger siblings to make you think twice about taking away their livelihood.

More to the point, take away Josh's job in DC and he returns to AR. Isn't that the LAST place any of his victims would want him? Especially as they are having children of their own?

No, almost positive it wasn't an inside the family member who released this.

  • Love 12
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