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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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If they did sneak Josh back to the compound, would he have to eat by himself in the corner because he was a naughty boy?

I envision Josh on a kneeler in the prayer closet with a plate of burnt tater tots, half chewed pie crusts and whatever Josie licked and/or spit up.  

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Muffyn I'd like to "like" your post.  But it's so gross.  True but gross.  You couldn't pay me enough to eat at that house.  I have always had GI problems and probably wouldn't survive.  

I think most people that have watched the show would be terrified to eat there.    Eventually, they will produce an antibiotic from the Duggar house.  

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I wouldn't be terrified to eat there because it's dirty, I wouldn't want to eat there because 1) I don't think they eat, they just snack on garbage 2) when they do eat, the food looks awful 3) I would be uncomfortable eating lasagna or TTC on paper plates with plastic utensils 4) They are, seriously, the most boring and unpleasant people I could ever imagine.

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I wouldn't be terrified to eat there because it's dirty, I wouldn't want to eat there because 1) I don't think they eat, they just snack on garbage 2) when they do eat, the food looks awful 3) I would be uncomfortable eating lasagna or TTC on paper plates with plastic utensils 4) They are, seriously, the most boring and unpleasant people I could ever imagine.


Boy, talk about boring. The longest single stretch of Duggar I've ever watched is under 20 minutes (with commercials in there, but I don't know how much time they took off the 19-20 mins), and it not only featured some of the most boring dialogue I've ever heard either in media or in real life but repetition of some of that boring dialogue! They have over two dozen people available! And they can't fill 20 minutes (minus commercials) with passable dialogue without repeating some of it! They have to be among the most boring people ever born. A meal with them? Aaaaarrrrrgggghhh. 

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I think most people that have watched the show would be terrified to eat there.    Eventually, they will produce an antibiotic from the Duggar house.  

Josie will probably live to be 100. She's going to have immunity to everything built up .

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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I think most people that have watched the show would be terrified to eat there.    Eventually, they will produce an antibiotic from the Duggar house.

I think most people that have watched the show would be terrified to eat there.    Eventually, they will produce an antibiotic from the Duggar house.

Wot? I imagine the TTH as a super size Petri dish! Clostridium duggarii?


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I wouldn't be terrified to eat there because it's dirty, I wouldn't want to eat there because 1) I don't think they eat, they just snack on garbage 2) when they do eat, the food looks awful 3) I would be uncomfortable eating lasagna or TTC on paper plates with plastic utensils 4) They are, seriously, the most boring and unpleasant people I could ever imagine.

I sometimes think about this, sadly. What do they talk about when they get together with the Bateses, for example? I have a feeling it's nothing but courtship, guarding your heart, and babies, on an endless loop. Maybe the occasional ultra right wing political remark, not that they know one solitary thing about politics beyond their rabid pro-life and anti-gay views. I wonder what Jana and Erin Bates, for example, would have to talk about now. They used to be in the same boat, waiting for the Lord to bring the right man into their lives, and it happened for Erin. I wonder if Jana feels they have nothing in common now, along with Jill and Jessa. They're in the moms with babies club and she's not. It would be no big deal in the real world. In the real world, Jana would not be the least bit abnormal, with a job, friends and a life. It's just sad.

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I sometimes think about this, sadly. What do they talk about when they get together with the Bateses, for example? I have a feeling it's nothing but courtship, guarding your heart, and babies, on an endless loop. Maybe the occasional ultra right wing political remark, not that they know one solitary thing about politics beyond their rabid pro-life and anti-gay views. I wonder what Jana and Erin Bates, for example, would have to talk about now. They used to be in the same boat, waiting for the Lord to bring the right man into their lives, and it happened for Erin. I wonder if Jana feels they have nothing in common now, along with Jill and Jessa. They're in the moms with babies club and she's not. It would be no big deal in the real world. In the real world, Jana would not be the least bit abnormal, with a job, friends and a life. It's just sad.


Well, I don't know about the Bates, but my theory has always been that the Duggars' are, plain and simple, a household run by a paranoid control freak, in Boob. And in my experience of such a household, no actual conversation is ever allowed. Conversation can open the doors to things. So all their talk is just going to be pro forma anyway.


People who have approved things to brag about, such as money or babies or some kind of church accomplishment, brag. And other than that, everybody just exchanges and re-exchanges the (short) approved list of cliched comments (and in this case, we've heard all those comments on tv). Some of the Duggar kids probably have an obscure, frustrating hunger for conversation. People do. But even those don't know what they're hungering for because they don't know what conversation is, particularly since they haven't even read any books or watched movies or tv.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Santa Claus sent a message to the mods. He is asking our posters to get back to the topic at hand. And the topic at hand, envelope please and a drum roll, is Josh and Anna. There are other threads in the forum to talk about the other Duggars kids, families they know, and the Gothard religion. The big jolly guy wants to remind everyone he does have coal for the mod elves to put in the stockings of bad boys and girls who do not stay on topic. He also said the mods will be hiding or deleted posts going off topic.

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Santa Claus sent a message to the mods. He is asking our posters to get back to the topic at hand. And the topic at hand, envelope please and a drum roll, is Josh and Anna. There are other threads in the forum to talk about the other Duggars kids, families they know, and the Gothard religion. The big jolly guy wants to remind everyone he does have coal for the mod elves to put in the stockings of bad boys and girls who do not stay on topic. He also said the mods will be hiding or deleted posts going off topic.

I would love to see the naughty and nice list.

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Hmmmm...I wonder if all the silence about Smuggs and his whereabouts is the proverbial calm before the storm....one has to wonder....or since its now up to the Dugettes to "save their brand"---we just can't have Josh's latest folly tarnishing the brand now can we?

I understand Smuggs has indeed disgraced the family...and to some extent they need to distance themselves from him. As I told my hubs, I'll give Josh and Boob and Googly Eyes all my stank with both barrels because they deserve it. Jill is too sweet and daft to pick on....Jessa's a mean girl and full of herself which is why I don't care for her much, but those kids don't deserve to be hurting for all of this as well as four of his victims were his own sisters who won't find proper healing in that environment.

I'm sure there's a lot that The Little's are wondering about...they may not be old enough to understand much of anything but they can sense the energy has changed. Anna's adorable kids give them someone else to play with and give them a distraction but I'm sure they still can sense "something just ain't right".

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I think it's very telling of the whole Duggar/Gothard bubble that Josh wasn't only forgiven, he was the exalted, on-high, great poohbah Oldest Son, endlessly paraded around, filmed, received a grand slam wedding special, etc, etc, etc, but only BEFORE his sins hit the mainstream media. 


The not-a-big-deal, "happens in almost every family" molestation was no biggie to them ! Seriously ! His smug face was allll over TLC for a DECADE after the shit hit the fan. It was only after his sins/crimes were made public that he was tossed out on his sanctimonious ass.


I have absolutely NO problem believing that if the Ashley Madison cheating thing had been discovered privately that Josh would still be at home right now, yukking it up for the kiddos and barely opening an eye as Anna announced that Number Five was on the way. 


These people don't repent when that sin; they repent when they get CAUGHT, and even then, it's only when the whole world catches them. 

True, they shun Josh after he was outed by the media and not before.  I'm not convinced someone in Duggarland didn't know about the AM(etal) escapades before they were revealed to the public.  They like to keep these things 'in house' while letting their public think everything is fine and wholesome.  Until the public finds out.

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I think it's very telling of the whole Duggar/Gothard bubble that Josh wasn't only forgiven, he was the exalted, on-high, great poohbah Oldest Son, endlessly paraded around, filmed, received a grand slam wedding special,

It's like being King Shit of the Turd Pile.

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I watched RU last night just in case Josh is still there and there was a sighting.  So many pasty white guys that are impossible to tell apart so no Josh specific views. If he was there, I can say they reached a new low in sermons that make you feel terrible about yourself, the world and god.  The focus was on a dead baby and the speaker's sister who was too "full of herself" so god smote her with lupus that left her in horrible pain and agony for 20+ years until she died.  While Josh is a horrible waste of a person, even he doesn't deserve to be forced to listen to that garbage.  Also, if this is how god deals with people who are prideful, how are Josh, JB, Mechelle and Jessa walking aorund with no problems other than Mechelle's mysterious missing back muscle?  The laugh of the night for me was the speaker clarifying that his sister did not have leprosy.  Only these thumpers would be seriously concerned about leprosy in the US in this century.   That would be some serious smoting! 

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I think it's very telling of the whole Duggar/Gothard bubble that Josh wasn't only forgiven, he was the exalted, on-high, great poohbah Oldest Son, endlessly paraded around, filmed, received a grand slam wedding special, etc, etc, etc, but only BEFORE his sins hit the mainstream media. 


The not-a-big-deal, "happens in almost every family" molestation was no biggie to them ! Seriously ! His smug face was allll over TLC for a DECADE after the shit hit the fan. It was only after his sins/crimes were made public that he was tossed out on his sanctimonious ass.


I have absolutely NO problem believing that if the Ashley Madison cheating thing had been discovered privately that Josh would still be at home right now, yukking it up for the kiddos and barely opening an eye as Anna announced that Number Five was on the way. 


These people don't repent when that sin; they repent when they get CAUGHT, and even then, it's only when the whole world catches them. 

Exactly. Nothing changed at Gothard headquarters for decades. Dozens of women suffered in silence, not just ignored, but chastised and dismissed for daring to say that they had been harassed, or worse, by Gothard. Only when dozens of Internet reports began surfacing in recent years did anything happen, and even then, he denied most of it. Truly sickening and the worst kind of hypocrisy. 

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I think it's very telling of the whole Duggar/Gothard bubble that Josh wasn't only forgiven, he was the exalted, on-high, great poohbah Oldest Son, endlessly paraded around, filmed, received a grand slam wedding special, etc, etc, etc, but only BEFORE his sins hit the mainstream media. 


The not-a-big-deal, "happens in almost every family" molestation was no biggie to them ! Seriously ! His smug face was allll over TLC for a DECADE after the shit hit the fan. It was only after his sins/crimes were made public that he was tossed out on his sanctimonious ass.




Giving me yet another in my large pile of reasons to particularly despise Michelle and Jim Bob. Just goes to show that they care for nothing except their pr and the money that comes from it. If he's truly your favorite son before his actions are known to others (but are known to you), there's no reason he would not continue to be your favorite son once word got out. You'd just be expressing your care and love for him in a different way, not dropping him like a hot potato. This is one more tale revealing the truth that, some appearances and much leghumper fawning to the contrary, they care for their children -- including Josh -- not at all.

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I've been looking around for the specific episode where Anna wakes Josh up to tell him she's pregnant with the 4th... I want to see his face.  I can't find the episode, but I did find the web clip where they oh so excitedly (cough) announce that "we are expecting!"  Anna is all smiles, but Josh is sitting there with, I can't even call it a fake smile... he's just showing his teeth, with some smirking here and there.  His eyes look like they always look... just "there", bored and disconnected.  I'll paste the link, but if anybody can tell me which episode is where she tells him she's pregnant, that would be great.  



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I've been looking around for the specific episode where Anna wakes Josh up to tell him she's pregnant with the 4th... I want to see his face. I can't find the episode, but I did find the web clip where they oh so excitedly (cough) announce that "we are expecting!" Anna is all smiles, but Josh is sitting there with, I can't even call it a fake smile... he's just showing his teeth, with some smirking here and there. His eyes look like they always look... just "there", bored and disconnected. I'll paste the link, but if anybody can tell me which episode is where she tells him she's pregnant, that would be great.


I think it's "European Honeymoon" from the last season. If I recall correctly, Anna comes into the room all excited announcing she's pregnant again, the kids play with the peed on stick, and Josh slyly double checks it. Edited by Kokapetl
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Can someone help me out with the timeline here? When was that pregnancy video made, was it before the strip club visits/sex with strippers? I'm just wondering when he actually cheated on her. Was she pregnant? She looks so happy in that video.

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Jessa was married in November 14, that announcement on M4 was probably in the month or so afterwards? M4 aka Meredith was born July 2015. Danica Dillon says she bumped uglies with Josh in March to April 2015.

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Josh looked like he was about to undergo a root canal with no anesthesia when Anna told him she was pregnant. I wonder if Anna had some inklings about his extracurricular activities and thought another baby would save the marriage. Because band-aid babies always solve the problem, right?

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Under the heading of "things I'm surprised people haven't deleted by now" is this blog entry I stumbled on the other day -- about, essentially, "the wonderful life of young marrieds Josh and Anna Duggar and how I pray that everything they and their parents have done forms a pattern for my own kids' lives." Oh, dear.




Typical sample:


"After their honeymoon, Anna came home to a house that the Duggar’s let Josh and Anna live in, a car business that Josh had already established, and her new husband told her that she could pick any car that she wanted off his lot :-). She did not have to worry about where they would live or how they would make money. Through Josh’s diligence, he made sure that all of that was taken care of before he proposed to Anna. Some would call this old-fashioned, but as a woman who started her young marriage off struggling, I think it was such a blessing to the beginning of this couple’s life. "

Edited by Churchhoney
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Under the heading of "things I'm surprised people haven't deleted by now" is this blog entry I stumbled on the other day -- about, essentially, "the wonderful life of young marrieds Josh and Anna Duggar and how I pray that everything they and their parents have done forms a pattern for my own kids' lives." Oh, dear.




Typical sample:


"After their honeymoon, Anna came home to a house that the Duggar’s let Josh and Anna live in, a car business that Josh had already established, and her new husband told her that she could pick any car that she wanted off his lot :-). She did not have to worry about where they would live or how they would make money. Through Josh’s diligence, he made sure that all of that was taken care of before he proposed to Anna. Some would call this old-fashioned, but as a woman who started her young marriage off struggling, I think it was such a blessing to the beginning of this couple’s life. "

How did the author not end up in a diabetic coma from drinking so much kool-aid?  Wow.  People really do see what they want to see. 

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Start around the 37 minute mark.


couldn't really see his face, but she definitely seemed more excited than he was.  I also watched the "gender reveal" video where they ate the cupcakes and they were pink... he wasn't quite so disgusted looking on that video because he was after all eating a cupcake, but was pretty much, "yeah, we're having a girl."  not much emotion.

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From the Raising Servants of Christ blog linked above:


"...and a few of the Duggar daughter’s made the bridesmaid dresses."


Is there a Fundie on Earth who knows how to use an apostrophe correctly? This woman really should have learned the difference between the possessive and the plural before she started homeschooling.

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Josh actually looks physically ill in the pregnancy announcement video. I wonder if the stress of leading a double life and sex addiction was making him sick. He looks like he's in his 40s, not his 20s. Even with a poor diet, most people in their 20s look pretty healthy. It's very obvious in the video that something is wrong with Josh. Anna and the parents should have known that something wasn't right. He seemed off.


Completely agree. I know people who were really living life in the Fast Lane in their 20s - we're talking people who did not eat healthy, did not exercise, drank regularly, smoked, did minor & major drugs, clubbed weekends and sometimes weeknights etc. And on a good day, all cleaned up and in the sunlight, they STILL looked better than Josh does now. Whom I doubt was smoking, drinking or doing drugs. Though sometimes I think he MIGHT have been drinking. Probably not clubbing til all hours though. I think his looking like a 40-year old - and an unhealthy one at that - by the age of 25 is a result of massively-poor diet, inactivity and toxic amounts of stress.

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Under the heading of "things I'm surprised people haven't deleted by now" is this blog entry I stumbled on the other day -- about, essentially, "the wonderful life of young marrieds Josh and Anna Duggar and how I pray that everything they and their parents have done forms a pattern for my own kids' lives." Oh, dear.



Aww. One more dewy-eyed dreamer who got a big adult dose of reality, Josh Duggar style. She constructed an entire life ethos based on a reality TV show, and then SURPRISE! Their super special family is up to their armpits in scandal. She hasn't posted anything on her blog since August, and it sounds like she took a lot of guff from commenters. Sad tuition. Hopefully she comes out on the other end just a little more grounded in ACTUAL reality.

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Completely agree. I know people who were really living life in the Fast Lane in their 20s - we're talking people who did not eat healthy, did not exercise, drank regularly, smoked, did minor & major drugs, clubbed weekends and sometimes weeknights etc. And on a good day, all cleaned up and in the sunlight, they STILL looked better than Josh does now. Whom I doubt was smoking, drinking or doing drugs. Though sometimes I think he MIGHT have been drinking. Probably not clubbing til all hours though. I think his looking like a 40-year old - and an unhealthy one at that - by the age of 25 is a result of massively-poor diet, inactivity and toxic amounts of stress.



And let's not forget those pesky genetics. Face it, most of the Duggar boys seem to age a decade once they hit their late teens and once those hairlines start receding. JD looks like he's in his mid- to late thirties, Josiah is starting to look like someone's dad, even one of the twins is starting to go bald. The Duggar boys are cute as kids, then it's all downhill. The only one who appears to have escaped the curse so far is Joseph, but then I haven't seen him without a baseball cap in years so who knows.

Edited by Vaysh
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"After their honeymoon, Anna came home to a house that the Duggar’s let Josh and Anna live in, a car business that Josh had already established, and her new husband told her that she could pick any car that she wanted off his lot :-). She did not have to worry about where they would live or how they would make money. Through Josh’s diligence, he made sure that all of that was taken care of before he proposed to Anna. Some would call this old-fashioned, but as a woman who started her young marriage off struggling, I think it was such a blessing to the beginning of this couple’s life. "



One vignette from a few years ago that I will never forget, is the ep where Anna has either her first OB appt of her first pregnancy, or maybe it's her first ultrasound.  In either case, a huge deal usually for any woman, especially one for whom being pregnant has been the sole focus of her life and goal.  Josh gets caught up in some towing or used-car-selling emergency, and makes them late for the appointment.  Anna shows no annoyance or impatience, as anyone would, but instead is shown smiling and saying how proud she is of Josh's "diligence" in working so hard at the used car lot that he makes them late for and possibly miss their important appointment to check on their baby.  That has always stuck with me.  Anyone would be well justified in showing *some* impatience, frustration, etc- but no, she swallows it all, praises his diligence and hardworking attributes rather than showing her legitimate feelings in that situation, rather than rightfully saying I am PISSED that he is prioritizing his work rather than ME and our baby at this moment, when he can work any time or call in reinforcements and be there for me!!  

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"After their honeymoon, Anna came home to a house that the Duggar’s let Josh and Anna live in, a car business that Josh had already established, and her new husband told her that she could pick any car that she wanted off his lot :-). She did not have to worry about where they would live or how they would make money. Through Josh’s diligence, he made sure that all of that was taken care of before he proposed to Anna."


Now, I admit I have not been an every episode kinda gal with these people, so maybe I'm mistaken, but didn't Jim Bob set Josh up in the car lot??

The blogger is trying to make the point that Anna was all kinds of lucky duck because of the many perks provided by Josh's diligence as a provider. Yet she says herself that the home was a freebie from JB, I think the business was a freebie, too, and Josh was "supporting" Anna by bloviating for the reality TV cameras every week. This is how their fans get nicknamed "leg humpers." Their enthusiasm is absolutely indiscriminate.

Josh is diligent about two things: eating, and getting his rocks off with strangers.

Edited by SometimesBites
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I wonder if she ever noticed his complete indifference to her being in labor... napping, looking bored... does he give a flying fuck about her or any of his kids?  



With Josh it's not just the hairline problem. He has dark circles under his eyes. His face is droopy, bloated, and his coloring looks gray. He also looks sweaty all of the time. In my opinion he looks sick. Stress will kill a person.



It's all related. I am sure he cares about his children, but his attitude betrays a man who is having kids before he is ready (because his cult told him to) with a woman who he likely didn't want to marry --not his type--  (because his cult told him she SHOULD be his type), and to stay out of trouble with his parents, because the cult told THEM that all the boy needed was MORE JESUS (and Bill Gothard).

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On facebook, people are claiming to hear Josh's voice (in the background) on some of Jessa's Instagram videos. She very clearly avoids filming some areas. I'm not entirely convinced it's him - sounds more like any Arkansas-accented man. I woudln't put it past them to have Josh home, adored, and carving the turkey though. He can do no wrong.

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In be caroling video, there's a large man sitting at the table in a red shirt in the background. I think it's more likely Jim Bob, but it could be Josh.

I wonder is he on parole from Jesus Jail, or an escapee?

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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