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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I agree and now that Jessa and Jill have their own households they can control what they buy and eat. They don't have to worry about cooking for 20 on a limited budget.


I noticed on one of Jessa's Instagram posts she mentions jogging with Ben. I wonder if she wears pants to do that, I don't know how you'd run in a skirt without it riding up your legs.

Maybe she wore a running skirt with leggings?  Looks a lot more comfortable then if it was a regular skirt.


Edited by abseedee

Jessa was apparently cognizant enough to know she didn't want to have her first kiss publicized on national television. I'm hoping she's also intelligent to know that her and Ben can practice birth control without saying so to Jim Bob and Michelle. What they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is between them two not the entire Duggar clan. Hopefully Ben or Jessa has figured out where the condoms are in the supermarket or pharmacy.

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Condoms would help, but I pray she's on BC pills. :)

I worry that any of the Duggar kids (and spouses) are too well-known to feel comfortable buying condoms at the store, given their family's entire basis for celebrity is their lack of birth control. But I'd guess that they'd have a harder time getting comfortable with the pill than a barrier method, given their indoctrination, even though it would come with doctor-patient confidentiality. Maybe condoms ordered online? Even to a PO Box? (Because, obviously nothing to be ashamed of, but it's none of our/the tabloids'/especially JB&M's business if they use any form of birth control, and I think it's in their best interests to leave any usage unsaid and unconfirmed.)

I've been with Mr. Bitter Apple for seven years and his face still turns beet red if I ask him to pick me up tampons at the store. I cannot see Ben or Jessa buying condoms. I don't think Jessa is on any form of BC, but I also don't think she's maniacally planning her sex life with the goal of getting pregnant. She's probably just having fun and whatever happens, happens.

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I saw the turkey pictures on instagram, and I have to wonder how she cooked a 16lb turkey on a cookie sheet.  Her oven must have been flooded with drippings!  Turkey is easy to cook, and there are lots of leftovers for sandwiches, pies, etc.  Not that big of a deal, IMHO.

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I am impressed with Jessa's attempt to cook a turkey. The first time I cooked one, I bought what I thought to be a small turkey (I did think it was kind of flat) but it was my first year of marriage and my in-laws were coming. Imagine my shock when my MIL told me my "turkey"was a duck!

My point is all newly married couples do things like this. It makes for a lot of laughs. My daughter never married but she cooked a turkey once with all the giblets, etc inside cuz she wasn't gonna pull them out, LOL.

  • Love 11

I saw the turkey pictures on instagram, and I have to wonder how she cooked a 16lb turkey on a cookie sheet.  Her oven must have been flooded with drippings!  Turkey is easy to cook, and there are lots of leftovers for sandwiches, pies, etc.  Not that big of a deal, IMHO.


That's what I was thinking. What kind of moron puts a turkey in the oven on a cookie sheet? Idiotic. Guess home ec isn't part of the Duggar homeschooling "curriculum" either.

That's what I was thinking. What kind of moron puts a turkey in the oven on a cookie sheet? Idiotic. Guess home ec isn't part of the Duggar homeschooling "curriculum" either.

It probably wasn't her jurisdiction/ didnt come out of a can


BUT I can't knock her for trying- she obviously never learned to cook just like many other young men and women. it sounds like something my 24 yo single brother would do, haha :-)

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That's what I was thinking. What kind of moron puts a turkey in the oven on a cookie sheet? Idiotic. Guess home ec isn't part of the Duggar homeschooling "curriculum" either.

She moved it to the cookie sheet after she roasted it...in a TINY roasting pan. She complained that she didn't have a "normal" roasting pan (a 9 x 13) and the smaller pan was all she had. I hope she put THAT on top of the cookie sheet because turkey parts were hanging over the edge. If not, she had a project for the next day: cleaning her oven. LOL


Today's food pic: green smoothie, showing off her sucking technique. 

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I am surprised that Jessa is able to run 2 miles.  I don't really know why I think this but I guess I just assumed the girls in this family don't exercise regularly.  Have we ever seen them working out on the show?  And as others mentioned above, I also wonder about her running attire. 

Re: Jessa's culinary skills....

The picture I saw of her turkey on the cookie sheet was raw. I was under the impression that she cooked that thing on it also. With their wedding registry miles long, yes, I, too, would assume she had 5 complete sets of high end pots and pans to choose from for every occasion.


Once again, Michelle is "full of it" as she went to lengths to specifically tell us how she invented jurisdictions to teach all of her daughters all of the things that they would need to know when they are married as that will be their career in life... how did Jessa not learn to cook at all? That is a main skill that a traditional wife should have from the get go. Shows me they are full of it.


I also don't know why these married girls have a fixation to photograph food and beverages all the time.. does anyone else find that strange?


BTW, if Jessa's oven was a dripping mess after that monstrosity came out of the oven, I'm quite confident that she did NOT clean the oven..that would be Ben's job as he proved to be so good at cleaning things, remember the toilet?

  • Love 5

Re: Jessa's culinary skills....

The picture I saw of her turkey on the cookie sheet was raw. I was under the impression that she cooked that thing on it also. With their wedding registry miles long, yes, I, too, would assume she had 5 complete sets of high end pots and pans to choose from for every occasion.


Once again, Michelle is "full of it" as she went to lengths to specifically tell us how she invented jurisdictions to teach all of her daughters all of the things that they would need to know when they are married as that will be their career in life... how did Jessa not learn to cook at all? That is a main skill that a traditional wife should have from the get go. Shows me they are full of it.


I also don't know why these married girls have a fixation to photograph food and beverages all the time.. does anyone else find that strange?


BTW, if Jessa's oven was a dripping mess after that monstrosity came out of the oven, I'm quite confident that she did NOT clean the oven..that would be Ben's job as he proved to be so good at cleaning things, remember the toilet?

I went on a 2 week tour to South Korea with a group of 34 including our tour bus driver and guide and ummmm.....every single one of us took pictures of the food.  As soon as the food was served, out came the cameras, lmao. 

I really don't find it strange that Jill and Jessa are photgraphing food and drinks and posting them on social media.  I have friends that do the same constantly.

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I agree it seems odd that for a family hell bent on creating an army of Suzie Homemakers, none of these girls can cook for shit. It contradicts everything they've been selling to their viewers over the last ten years.


Yes, I have to say this stumps the hell out of me too. For girls who are virtually homebound from birth until they go off on their honeymoons, the females in this family are stunningly un-culinary. I have to chalk it up to Mechelle's complete disinterest in all things domestic. Which probably got its start with her being a lastborn who was never forced to learn any homemaking skills and is used to having others do things - FOR her.

Edited by Wellfleet
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Jessa responded to someone on the smoothie post with something that sounded like she was trying to be both gangsta and hipster simultaneously. I wish I could find the post, it was hilarious. She wants to be mainstreamed so badly, but the poor girl is so badly handicapped by her upbringing that she may never quite get it. Of course, the diehard leghumpers will hang onto her every keystroke like it's gospel and find excuses for her faux pas, and there will be many.

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Ben has college age friends he is close enough to from his wedding party. Arkansas is a big state. They aren't that famous.

True to having his friends buy them (if they so chose), but do you really think they're so D-list as to not get snapped with a cell phone in the family planning aisle (or publicized by a clerk at the register) if they were buying condoms or spermicide in stores with any regularity? I tend to think that those in their area know the family, and someone would make a buck off of the "scandal" of a Duggar using birth control. Sites like Radar would certainly run it. *shrugs* Not if they were normal reality stars, but the whole reason they're celebrities is the result of their parents' stance on birth control. Just saying that, if I were any of their kids - especially still dependent on the family, as they're in a family home - I wouldn't run the risk of purchasing at the drug or grocery store. Maybe I'm too tinfoil-hat. :-P

Of course, everyone is probably right in terms of her previous comments re family size, I just can't help but hold out hope until proven otherwise with an announcement!

Edited by WalrusGirl

They could be ordering everything off of Amazon to hide whatever they are doing to not get pregnant.


I for one think Jessa knows enough to avoid getting pregnant once a month and could probably doing this. IDK I don't think she was/is in any hurry to have kids like Jill was. Jessa is more about herself and probably saw marrying Bin as her way out to freedom.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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Hopefully her honeymoon in Paris (as well as the other trip -Asia, Europe) is a kind of eye opener that she is young and should do things and experiment before settling down with kids. Also maybe she knows that financially they aren't ready for kids yet. I mean what is Ben doing for work now?

[Edit to add] didn't Jessa hate cooking or she was never really good at it? Maybe she just didn't like cooking for 20 plus people everyday.

Edited by TheDoctorsCompanio
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I wonder if Jessa might be pregnant but the "big" news will be revealed at the end of the new season. If she's not pregnant, I wonder if she and Ben have felt pressure to get pregnant (besides the built-in pressure of being in that family in the first place) so that they could have a BIG pregnancy announcement to really round out the season and keep viewers interested. As it is, there is virtually no reason to watch this upcoming season because we all know that A. Jill is pregnant and B. Jessa gets married!

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Latest gem on IG from Jessa. Because I know people have been dying to see some footage of Ben eating. WTF?? Tell me I’m not the only one who heard Ben ask “like that?” and someone off-camera (Jessa obviously) go “mmm-hmm” as he sloooowly takes a spoonful of ice cream. OMG, I can’t believe she actually thought this would be interesting.  I feel so gross and embarrassed for her right now...

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Latest gem on IG from Jessa. Because I know people have been dying to see some footage of Ben eating. WTF?? Tell me I’m not the only one who heard Ben ask “like that?” and someone off-camera (Jessa obviously) go “mmm-hmm” as he sloooowly takes a spoonful of ice cream. OMG, I can’t believe she actually thought this would be interesting. I feel so gross and embarrassed for her right now...

I'm blocked from Jessa's IG but you can really tell how emotionally stunted these fundie robots are. That is something a middle schooler would find amusing.

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Well, I thought that was the most amazing chocolate sundae I have ever seen. Damn, we don't have those around here. All we have are the DQ soft slops.

I've had one & it is pretty great. However I'm a bit biased because I love ice cream in an insane way. I also like the restaurant where they were. They've got a good gluten free menu. Still I wouldn't film myself eating there, but I'm an old fogey & don't do Instagram or Twitter.
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I think the selfie/food pics are probably what they think "everyone" is doing and they want to seem like normal teenaged girls / young women. I'm 23 and pretty much all I see is stuff like that on my FB. I don't think it's narcisstic as much as it's the cool thing to do. With that being said, I hope this soon stops. It's maddening.


Part of me thinks they're just bored, so they play around on social media. That's what I do when I'm bored, too, so I can't hate on them for that.

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If I were directing, I'd go about it differently.  Have them recreate those sundaes at home where they're sitting across from each other at a small table in a dimly lit room.  Have candles lit and a subtle spotlight highlighting the table so we don't have things moving around in the background and no other ambient noise except for soft mood music playing.  Have them gazing at each other with come-hither looks, then pan down to one perfect sundae between them and two spoons.  They each take a spoon and Jessa gently spoons some of the whipped cream from around the edge of the sundae and slowly feeds it to Bin.


Bin accepts the offering and closes his eyes appreciatively for a moment, then he plucks a maraschino cherry from the top of the sundae and places it on Jessa's slightly extended tongue.  She brings the cherry into her mouth and eats it while gazing at him.  Extra points if she plucks the stem from her mouth and it's been tied in a knot. 


Bins eyes widen and he plunges his spoon into the center of the sundae and feeds her while staring intently.  That's when Jessa slowly brings her spoon up the side of the glass to gather the dripping hot fudge, tastes it and then feeds him the rest while licking her lips of the tiny dab of hot fudge left behind.


Before Bin loses all self control the scene fades to black, with perhaps just a hint of hearing Bin groan and Jessa laugh wickedly while the background music swells and ends in a crescendo.  I might even put in fireworks.  It's cliché, but so is everything else in that little scenario.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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