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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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They use Switched on Schoolhouse, another Christian-based program. Jessa merely checked the grades on homework and quizzes. I'm sure Joy has taken over that task now. The Query sister (Mandie, I think) has been responsible for teaching the littles for quite some time. Jill, IIRC, put up an IG post thanking her for being such a great teacher. I may have posted that it was against the law in AR for homeschooled children to be taught by anyone other than a parent or approved guardian. The post was hastily removed. 


At any rate, they won't miss Jessa's "teaching." Can't miss what you never had.

  • Love 1

They use Switched on Schoolhouse, another Christian-based program. Jessa merely checked the grades on homework and quizzes. I'm sure Joy has taken over that task now. The Query sister (Mandie, I think) has been responsible for teaching the littles for quite some time. Jill, IIRC, put up an IG post thanking her for being such a great teacher. I may have posted that it was against the law in AR for homeschooled children to be taught by anyone other than a parent or approved guardian. The post was hastily removed. 


At any rate, they won't miss Jessa's "teaching." Can't miss what you never had.


I don't know if the details of the law in AR are any different but here in VA it's also illegal for a child to be homeschooled by anyone besides the parents. HOWEVER, that does not mean it is illegal for me to outsource as long as I'm overseeing what is going on. So I can use homeschool group courses, online courses, my dad etc. If the law is the same in AR, they would have to prove that Michelle has no knowledge of anything happening with their studies. 

  • Love 1

I don't know if the details of the law in AR are any different but here in VA it's also illegal for a child to be homeschooled by anyone besides the parents. HOWEVER, that does not mean it is illegal for me to outsource as long as I'm overseeing what is going on. So I can use homeschool group courses, online courses, my dad etc. If the law is the same in AR, they would have to prove that Michelle has no knowledge of anything happening with their studies. 

I doubt the state would care, but you've just given us snarkers a new statement to work with in the joke department.  Congrats!

  • Love 2

Michelle has no knowledge of anything that is happening with her children PERIOD. She can always "be inventive" if questioned by the state and dance around the fact that she knows nothing of any of their studies....they are very good at dodging questions and tap dancing their way around real answers anyway.

Please, fellow posters, snark away!

Anyone else see that 15 second exercise video that Jessa posted? Can't believe that Joy is improperly dressed for working out. She has her long hair unrestrained, a skirt over leotard-like stockings, a jacket on and improper footwear. These things are hazardous to the equipment and can get stuck in it and cause injury. Don't they have ANY common sense here? I don't think that Jesus would mind if they put up their hair out of the way and dressed properly for a workout...

These "grown up kids" behave like a group of puppies let out of a box when they can finally marry and conduct themselves in public without an accountability partner and a strict script set up for them.

  • Love 8

Jessa and Benny Boy are still voluntarily spending plenty of time at the TTH. She shot a video this morning of them working out with Joy at Bin's old residence in the shed. Bin was in his shorts, indicating that he continues to use the Duggar compound as his personal gym as well. 


Neither Jill nor Jessa can seem to quit the family long enough to create any kind of life for themselves. This is what happens when you have no other real friends; they're so immersed in the family cult that there are really no other options for them, not to mention they almost seem afraid to be alone together for any length of time. That means they'd have to actually talk to each other one-on-one. Beyond biblical doctrine, I wonder how well these two really know one another, aside from the mutual lust factor?

ITA that they're so immersed in the cult, that they don't know what else to do with their time, plus, they don't have real jobs, or anything else to take be responsible/accountable  for. It's sad Jessa doesn't know how to have any other interests or that it's OK to not be surrounded by a circus.

  • Love 1

I've only seen a couple of pics of christmas, and the only one I saw Bennessa in was the family portrait.  Any links?

Another picture for you:




And I would like to say to Radar Online please stop stealing from us and start paying us for the content if you are going to use it. Those tinfoil dresses aren't cheap and with other possible weddings we need all the money we can get.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 3

Jessa seemed overly happy in the Christmas pictures at the TTH. Imagine being free of taking care of 100 kids, the house, homefoolingskooling and always being available for Boob's trips for famewhoredom. Now she doesn't have to do a darn thing, has only one kid to take care of and has a sex slave. What could be wrong with that in her mind.

And judging from that tweet to Jill about being the best sister evarrrr means she is probably (finally!) knocked up so it's ok to be all nicey nice again. I mean, gawd forbid you be married for more than 6 weeks before it's breedin' time.. I think the only ones who actually waited....in the Duggarverse...are Josh and Anna. For these 2 it's like the great baby race.

  • Love 2

And judging from that tweet to Jill about being the best sister evarrrr means she is probably (finally!) knocked up so it's ok to be all nicey nice again. I mean, gawd forbid you be married for more than 6 weeks before it's breedin' time.. I think the only ones who actually waited....in the Duggarverse...are Josh and Anna. For these 2 it's like the great baby race.

IF Jessa is "expecting", I just can't picture Ben being a dad at 19. I know he will be one sooner than later, I was just hoping for way, way later.

  • Love 3

Both of them have posted theology-heavy stuff on IG in the past 24 hours, I suppose after that infamous quadruple date. These were veritable WALLS of text. In Jessa's case, I've plugged in passages of her posts before only to find that she's lifted them from other sources. Bin's latest appears to be original material...VERY preachy. 


Is the sex THAT bad?

  • Love 4

Yuck - Jessa is plugging #chickfila and describing Jill as sweet. I guess the apple did not fall even a few inches away from the tree.

Well as much as I like to comment and snark on this freaky fundie family, I just have to agree with Jessa about one thing, maybe two, but I'll keep it to just one for now -- I am a big fan of Chik-fil-a. No apologies about it. They have the best chicken sandwich. And I am not in disagreement with the Cathey's values. There -- I said it. I respect all persons of differing faiths and sexual orientations so please don't hate on me, I love all of you. Not crazy 'bout the waffle fries though.

  • Love 8

Both of them have posted theology-heavy stuff on IG in the past 24 hours, I suppose after that infamous quadruple date. These were veritable WALLS of text. In Jessa's case, I've plugged in passages of her posts before only to find that she's lifted them from other sources. Bin's latest appears to be original material...VERY preachy. 


Is the sex THAT bad?


Yep, probably is.  Right now, at least.  Ben is, what - nineteen?  LOL.

  • Love 4

Yuck - Jessa is plugging #chickfila and describing Jill as sweet. I guess the apple did not fall even a few inches away from the tree.


Speaking of "Apples" - I wonder whether the Duggars will ditch theirs now that Tim Cook has come out.  Would love to see a journalist with some courage ask THAT question at a booksigning. Boob would clam up faster than a Maine beach at low tide...

  • Love 1

Just read an article speculating Jessa is pregnant. They claimed they had "evidence" which seemed scant to me so I skimmed it. Not much substance there (in the article) even if she is pregnant.


Ha... I'm sorry but really, how could they have evidence?  Did someone stake out her bathroom and steal her pee stick? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if she is, but I can't believe there's an article before she's even sticking her "baby bump" out for the world to see.

  • Love 3

Ha... I'm sorry but really, how could they have evidence?  Did someone stake out her bathroom and steal her pee stick? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if she is, but I can't believe there's an article before she's even sticking her "baby bump" out for the world to see.

Recent pictures with Jessa seem to have conveniently placed items in front of her. A pillow, and in the one inside the vehicle on the "date" with siblings and parents, a cup. Who knows.

  • Love 1

Even if Jessa was pregnant no way could she have a big baby bump at barely 6 weeks. I call bs.  And if she is I would bet that they will not say a word until the new season is about to start. It's all about the ratings folks without a new "story" people are going to grow tired quickly. 

  • Love 7

Both of them have posted theology-heavy stuff on IG in the past 24 hours, I suppose after that infamous quadruple date. These were veritable WALLS of text. In Jessa's case, I've plugged in passages of her posts before only to find that she's lifted them from other sources. Bin's latest appears to be original material...VERY preachy.

Is the sex THAT bad?

Let me put a positive spin on this, I'm really good at BS, it's what school and MEchelle have taught me. Okay- here we go.

*takes a deep breath*

Maybe the fact that Jessa isn't even using original passages is proving that she doesn't really even believe/care about her "ministry". Maybe she's only doing it because she has to support her "man" Ben. Maybe she hasn't finished all of her kool-aid and there's still hope.

(As you can tell I do love me some Jessablessa, horribad I know)

  • Love 1

She's definitely not nearly as exposed as Jill and Derick. That was almost certainly either JB's choice and was actively denying her income, or it was her own choice and she does enough to continue her role in the family, but values her privacy too. Until I know otherwise, I always go with the idea that these are adults that we are talking about, and the choice was hers.

She's definitely not nearly as exposed as Jill and Derick. That was almost certainly either JB's choice and was actively denying her income, or it was her own choice and she does enough to continue her role in the family, but values her privacy too. Until I know otherwise, I always go with the idea that these are adults that we are talking about, and the choice was hers.

If Big man Jim Bob was trying to deny her imcome, it makes me wonder what for? To keep her dependent on him? Or maybe she spit up some kool-aid and this is his way of punishing her?

I'd love to think it's her choice, and that she wants do distance herself from her family, though.

God I need a life.

If you speculate she's pregnant enough, you'll be right eventually. Maybe she is already, maybe not, but she's going to be.

Exactly. She's young, presumably fertile and having unprotected sex on the regular. It's not like it will be any huge surprise if she gets pregnant quickly.

Srsly, Jessa was married the first of November. Do the math. She can't be more than 6-8 weeks pregnant, if she is pregnant. A baby/fetus at that stage is the size of a lentil. I've never seen ANYONE, not even the fattest of the fattest, the thinnest of the thinnest, or those who've had 8 pregnancies show at 6-8 weeks. There's no way she can have a pregnancy bump. Maybe a little bloat, maybe a little pooch due to not having a flat stomach to begin with (Jill), but there's no way Jessa has a big ol baby belly, unless it's a Chick Fil A Food Baby.

  • Love 4

I agree with everyone -- a young fertile couple having sex on the regular without protection = baby eventually, no surprise there. But the thought of a 19-20 yr old father with no education makes me cringe. Don't get me wrong -- if he was in the military or had a skilled trade or had a secure spot in a family business (not odd jobs for JB but an actual skilled trades kind of business where he could learn a trade that would make him employable somewhere else), it would be different. I don't believe everyone has to have a 4 yr degree and frankly given the unemployment rate, I don't think certain degrees are even worth it. But I do think everyone needs to have a way to provide consistently before making babies. I'm sure they'd say - we have a TLC paycheck that's much better than all the other fundies out there. Sure but that kind of thing isn't consistent and doesn't last forever; all you need is the public losing interest (which is likely after 10+ seasons and eventually the whole wedding and baby thing will get old too) or another mega family coming on board and you're yesterday's news.


It would be a much better/happier surprise in their case if they DON'T announce a pregnancy for a yr or 2 as that would be an indicator that they are using BC on the sly and there ain't nothing mama and daddy can do about it if that's what headship Ben wants. Though that's wishful thinking.

  • Love 7

I agree with everyone -- a young fertile couple having sex on the regular without protection = baby eventually, no surprise there. But the thought of a 19-20 yr old father with no education makes me cringe. Don't get me wrong -- if he was in the military or had a skilled trade or had a secure spot in a family business (not odd jobs for JB but an actual skilled trades kind of business where he could learn a trade that would make him employable somewhere else), it would be different. I don't believe everyone has to have a 4 yr degree and frankly given the unemployment rate, I don't think certain degrees are even worth it. But I do think everyone needs to have a way to provide consistently before making babies. I'm sure they'd say - we have a TLC paycheck that's much better than all the other fundies out there. Sure but that kind of thing isn't consistent and doesn't last forever; all you need is the public losing interest (which is likely after 10+ seasons and eventually the whole wedding and baby thing will get old too) or another mega family coming on board and you're yesterday's news.



This is huge.... NOW is the time to get education, training, military - whatever type of preparation to be able to financially support his family. As you say, it doesn't have to be 4 year college but he has nothing to help him get a solid, family-supporting job. TLC money is nice but very short-lived so he should be taking advantage of the having that income to get education and/or training. 

Bin is young, as is Jessa.  They were both raised in sheltered families.  Although their sheltering was different as they grew up, the end is the same, they both believe that they are better than the majority of the people they meet.  They believe that their role in life is to act as role models for the best, most Godly way of life, and they both have been told by their parents that early marriage and early parenthood is what God wants.


I can't claim to have more than a passing knowledge of the Bible, but I don't recall anyone ever saying that it says that barely adult teens are mandated by God to immediately start trying to have as many children as possible.  It seems to me that the Bible was written by people who lived in a world where life was hard, lifespans were shorter, and family planning was unheard of.  People had no real choice about when or how many children they had, and war, disaster, or disease could easily take the lives of anyone at any time.  So people had kids, and even if they had 15 live births they might only raise 3 or 4 to adulthood.


Only recently (the 1960's) have people had a reasonable chance to plan their families, and we got that opportunity by using our brains.  These are the same brains that some people have cited as the proof that we're to have dominion over all other things, but when we put those brains to use to control the size of our families those same people have fits and declare that family planning is ungodly.


It's no wonder some people have such trouble understanding the beliefs of other people.  They're so busy turning themselves inside out trying to make sense of their own conflicting beliefs they don't have room in their hidebound brains to accommodate anything else.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 21

Just throwing this one out there: What kind of idiots (and I'm looking at you, Duggars and Seewalds) would think it smart or appropriate for their nineteen-year-old son to father a child in milliseconds after marriage? He's not financially stable. Neither is his bride, despite whatever income they're getting from TLC. It is astonishing to me that these families continue to act like this is normal, while the vast majority of young people choose to put their educations/establishing themselves in the workforce before bringing children into the world. If they lost their TLC funding tomorrow morning, they COULD NOT make enough between them to keep a roof over their heads or care for any child they might have as the result of boinking like bunnies sans birth control.


Again: What is the fire drill with these people? Would it be the end of the world to teach your son how to use a condom for at least the first year so they can attempt to get on their feet as a family before bringing children into it? Does Ben have any clue what he's in for, or is he too stupid to take a good, hard look at his brother-in-law Smuggar to see what happens to a 26 year old with three kids, a fourth on the way, and a stay-at-home wife who isn't bringing any money into the household?

  • Love 5

And another thing: Uh, Ben, your "Poli Sci" major isn't going to put bread on the table. You're radioactive as far as running for any kind of national political office -- your mouthing off on FB, for instance, is guaranteed to make you a pariah outside of Arkansas. The RW think tanks won't be lining up to hire you, either. Question: How did you think this was going to go?


Did you even consider a voc-tech where you could learn something that would pay you a living wage (auto mechanic, plumber, dental hygienist, etcetera) and help you support the wife you now have? Your brother in law Derick got a degree, got a good job, and THEN proposed to his wife. If the TLC gravy train ended tomorrow, they wouldn't be wealthy overnight, but he could support her.


Am I the only one who wants to bang her head against the desk right now?

  • Love 5

Just throwing this one out there: What kind of idiots (and I'm looking at you, Duggars and Seewalds) would think it smart or appropriate for their nineteen-year-old son to father a child in milliseconds after marriage? He's not financially stable. Neither is his bride, despite whatever income they're getting from TLC. It is astonishing to me that these families continue to act like this is normal, while the vast majority of young people choose to put their educations/establishing themselves in the workforce before bringing children into the world. If they lost their TLC funding tomorrow morning, they COULD NOT make enough between them to keep a roof over their heads or care for any child they might have as the result of boinking like bunnies sans birth control.


Again: What is the fire drill with these people? Would it be the end of the world to teach your son how to use a condom for at least the first year so they can attempt to get on their feet as a family before bringing children into it? Does Ben have any clue what he's in for, or is he too stupid to take a good, hard look at his brother-in-law Smuggar to see what happens to a 26 year old with three kids, a fourth on the way, and a stay-at-home wife who isn't bringing any money into the household?


I think the answer here was supplied by Zahddi above. These people are not living in the 21st century. They haven't been educated - not really. They don't believe anything except what their parents tell them. They don't hear anything except what their parents tell them. They wish for the "good old days" in all things. The past is always better, when things did not go so easily out-of-control. They are frightened of today's world and would probably burrow underground into a warm, safe, clean den if they could, to get away from the real world's fearful life.

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 3

I think the answer here was supplied by Zahddi above. These people are not living in the 21st century. They haven't been educated - not really. They don't believe anything except what their parents tell them. They don't hear anything except what their parents tell them. They wish for the "good old days" in all things. The past is always better, when things did not go so easily out-of-control. They are frightened of today's world and would probably burrow underground into a warm, safe, clean burrow if they could, to get away from the real world's fearful life.

I think you're both brilliant. ;-)


Mostly, I'm looking at this from the perspective of someone old enough to be Ben's mother. To say that I am completely freaked out that a child (and that's what he seems to be; neither the Duggars or the Seewalds want to prepare their children for independence by teaching them how to think for themselves or showing them the consequences of rank stupidity) believes he's capable of fathering and raising a child on his own with no discernible income or future prospects to ensure one. I'm guessing they don't have enough credit to qualify for an apartment if things go to hell in a handbasket with his in-laws, but instead of getting himself enough education to find a good-paying job to support himself, his bride and the baby I'm sure they've already conceived, he's posting screeds on the Internet, working out, and wearing anti-Roe v. Wade t-shirts.


I get that these kids are all brainwashed by their parents to believe that everything would just be peachy keen if society reverted to the eighties their parents grew up in. It's not going to, however. And among a thousand things Jim Boob and his child bride have utterly failed at, it's not teaching their kids how to survive on their own if (God forbid) the worst happened. In the 80's, it was still possible to eke out an existence on minimum wage, especially if both parties in the household were working. One did not have to have a sterling credit rating to get an apartment. A car did not cost one's annual income. Having a premature baby or an unexpected surgery while uninsured would not destroy a family financially. There was still a somewhat functional safety net. One could still get a job in the 80's with a high school diploma that one could support a (reasonably sized) family on. Most of all, it was possible to go to college to get an education without amassing a 30-year-mortgage level of debt. Instead of pulling their heads out and learning from the other Quiverfull families that have crashed and burned around the country due to the inability to support the sheer numbers of children born, the Duggars and their friends have doubled down.


Mostly, I feel sorry for the kids and wonder what will happen when some of them have any idea how much they have missed because their parents have never, ever grown up themselves.

  • Love 11

Amen and Amen! I think Bin truly believes hecan marry at 19 and father a child right away because his daddy did it in the '90's. However, as has been noted, practical concerns have certainly changed and not for the better. If Bin plans on going to/finishing college, is he really going to expect Boob to pay him a living wage to do odd jobs around Boob's properties in what little free time Bin will have? It sounds like it's going to be a lonely life for Jessa once the babies come; I see her reverting back to the TTH for moral support since she doesn't have a female "buddy" old enough to take out to lunch and "fellowship" with as an equal like Jill does. 


In the end, this life is really going to test Jessa and possibly strain the marriage. I'll be interested to see where they are in, say, five years. 

  • Love 3

I think you're both brilliant. ;-)


Mostly, I'm looking at this from the perspective of someone old enough to be Ben's mother. To say that I am completely freaked out that a child (and that's what he seems to be; neither the Duggars or the Seewalds want to prepare their children for independence by teaching them how to think for themselves or showing them the consequences of rank stupidity) believes he's capable of fathering and raising a child on his own with no discernible income or future prospects to ensure one. I'm guessing they don't have enough credit to qualify for an apartment if things go to hell in a handbasket with his in-laws, but instead of getting himself enough education to find a good-paying job to support himself, his bride and the baby I'm sure they've already conceived, he's posting screeds on the Internet, working out, and wearing anti-Roe v. Wade t-shirts.


I get that these kids are all brainwashed by their parents to believe that everything would just be peachy keen if society reverted to the eighties their parents grew up in. It's not going to, however. And among a thousand things Jim Boob and his child bride have utterly failed at, it's not teaching their kids how to survive on their own if (God forbid) the worst happened. In the 80's, it was still possible to eke out an existence on minimum wage, especially if both parties in the household were working. One did not have to have a sterling credit rating to get an apartment. A car did not cost one's annual income. Having a premature baby or an unexpected surgery while uninsured would not destroy a family financially. There was still a somewhat functional safety net. One could still get a job in the 80's with a high school diploma that one could support a (reasonably sized) family on. Most of all, it was possible to go to college to get an education without amassing a 30-year-mortgage level of debt. Instead of pulling their heads out and learning from the other Quiverfull families that have crashed and burned around the country due to the inability to support the sheer numbers of children born, the Duggars and their friends have doubled down.


Mostly, I feel sorry for the kids and wonder what will happen when some of them have any idea how much they have missed because their parents have never, ever grown up themselves.


Extremely well-said. And good insight re Boob and Mechelle marrying so young. I think a world of difference would have resulted if they'd waited even 2-3 years beyond high school to get married. Although I'm not sure because it does sound as though Boob was well on his way to Gothard-ville in high school himself.

  • Love 1

All of the posts have been great. Too bad they can't see how things are in the real world. My son, nieces & nephews are in the 20-25 yr old range. I've brought up the topic of marrying at their age to them to see their reaction & they looked at me like I had 3 heads. They all can't imagine being married at their ages, let alone being parents. They all are either in college or have graduated & just getting settled in their careers. My son (the 25 yr old) is finishing up graduate school because the career he chose almost requires a Masters to get anywhere, as is the case now with a lot of professions.

I really wonder how much "schoolin" Ben is getting done. I know the kids have been sheltered, but they have been out & about in the world enough to see others their age going to college, having jobs outside the compound, etc. I wonder if they think "that could be me" when they are at the college football games. Like Missy Vixen said, what will happen when they realize what they have missed, thanks to their parents?

  • Love 2

I've always made the argument that Jessa's rebellion would take the approach that she will be MORE conservative (small c) than her parents. That does not mean, however, she will churn out children. It's actually, anecdotally, from looking through hundreds of pre-birth control family histories in Appakachia, often the case that daughters of super fecund women often are not tremendously fertile themselves (we might be seeing this with one of the Bates daughters already).

Actually, Erin has no problem BECOMING pregnant. Just STAYING pregnant (three times in less than a year). But other than that, point taken. We have no clue how fertile Benessa will be; who knows, they could be Rh incompatible and only able to have one. 

Edited by Sew Sumi

All of the posts have been great. Too bad they can't see how things are in the real world. My son, nieces & nephews are in the 20-25 yr old range. I've brought up the topic of marrying at their age to them to see their reaction & they looked at me like I had 3 heads. They all can't imagine being married at their ages, let alone being parents. They all are either in college or have graduated & just getting settled in their careers. My son (the 25 yr old) is finishing up graduate school because the career he chose almost requires a Masters to get anywhere, as is the case now with a lot of professions.

I really wonder how much "schoolin" Ben is getting done. I know the kids have been sheltered, but they have been out & about in the world enough to see others their age going to college, having jobs outside the compound, etc. I wonder if they think "that could be me" when they are at the college football games. Like Missy Vixen said, what will happen when they realize what they have missed, thanks to their parents?

My daughter just recently married at 22. She is a working registered nurse in the NICU. I have no problem with her marrying young she is the right kind of person for that. I only asked her that they both finish college first so that she could have a way to take care of herself, always.

  • Love 6

Based on experience of several people I know, three miscarriages in a row could mean a problem or could mean nothing more than a run of bad luck.  If they were each caused by a different factor, it's likely just bad luck.  If they are caused by a medical problem, many are treatable.  Many doctors won't begin testing until after three consecutive miscarriages. 

  • Love 1

Actually, Erin has no problem BECOMING pregnant. Just STAYING pregnant (three times in less than a year). But other than that, point taken. We have no clue how fertile Benessa will be; who knows, they could be Rh incompatible and only able to have one. 


Rh factor doesn't prevent multiple children. You just have to be treated after each pregnancy and miscarriage.


My daughter just recently married at 22. She is a working registered nurse in the NICU. I have no problem with her marrying young she is the right kind of person for that. I only asked her that they both finish college first so that she could have a way to take care of herself, always.


I agree. It's not the age - its the preparation. I was 22 when I got married but both my husband and I were done with college and had good jobs. If they had a way to support themselves it wouldn't be nearly so concerning. Of course now that my oldest is 19 I try to forget that I was only 3 years older than her when I got married and tell her its best to wait for another 20 years :-)

  • Love 1

Good to know about Rh incompatibility. You can tell it's been a long time since I was last pregnant (a 12-week miscarriage 12 years ago, so we never got to talking about Rh stuff). 


Jessa was ready for marriage. It's what those girls are trained for since birth. I think everyone here is far more concerned with Bin and his ability to provide. God ain't gonna just hand it to them! 

  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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