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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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I agree that there does seem to be a cut and paste feel around the edges of the wedding party in that pix. There are at least two other photographers that were used ez Photography and Britton Felber. I'd bet the Duggars didn't hire any of them.

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Totally agree.

Sex is private between two consenting adults. The ENTIRE world knows way way too much about their sex life. I really feel the root of this is Jim Bob. I never thought of him as pervy. After all his groping Michelle and hyper focus on his daughter's sexuality....It really comes off as very icky and uncomfortable.

I grew up Fundamentalist Lite and there was NO fuss ever on what I did or didn't do with my husband prior to marriage. If you are old enough to date/court and get married, you are old enough.

Jim Bob comes off as very creepy. Ding Ding. Perv radar going off. Previously I just thought he was a clown and religious zealot.

And truthfully, I don't like all Jessa's kissing pictures. How is this modest? How isn't pretty Jessa in a sexual act (a kiss) a turn on for young men? Do you think just because you are married, that a teen boy won't be defruaded? Or a teen girl. I'm sure there are some teen girls thinking Ben is a hottie.

I think Jessa is getting some sexual thrill from it....like look how naughty I am. She is very aware of how pretty she is and the pics are all perfect, like she is puprosely setting it up to be all sex kitten. She knows darn well that it's NIKE.

Jessa has been so repressed her entire life that she is all mixed up. First touching is sinful and then she is essentially taking sensual pics of herself and posting them publically.

A therapist could give an in depth analysis of this mess.

Unfortunately JimChelle doesn't know the whole world shouldn't know about your sex life

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Jessa is all chin isn't she?


She really is.  I always thought she was pretty, but ever since she started courting Ben, her face has gotten so drawn, she's developed a serious case of Jay Leno chin.  It's like her looks peaked at 18-19.  She's still pretty at first glance, but the more you look at her, the more the pieces add up to something less pretty and more alien. 

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I live about an hour from Destin, Florida, and it's been chilly enough (particularly in the last day or so) to need coats.  Given the trees in the background still seem a bit green, they could be here.


And yes, the first thing I noticed from that picture is Jessa's undershot chin.  That's not a good angle for her.  At all.

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it's been chilly enough (particularly in the last day or so) to need coats.  Given the trees in the background still seem a bit green, they could be here.


I'm in the area too, in Pensacola, and I agree we've had a few days recently they would have needed jackets.  But then again, I know we see the same weird clothing combinations down here, like Ugg boots worn with shorts & tank tops, alongside sweaters worn with flip-flops...*LOL*  

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She really is.  I always thought she was pretty, but ever since she started courting Ben, her face has gotten so drawn, she's developed a serious case of Jay Leno chin.  It's like her looks peaked at 18-19.  She's still pretty at first glance, but the more you look at her, the more the pieces add up to something less pretty and more alien. 

I think her weight loss has accentuated her chin plus it looks like she juts it out as she smiles making it look more prominent.  Not a good look for Jessa but I think she just needs to rein that chin in a bit. 

Edited by abseedee
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Higgins: I expect Jessa to do the same things that I do with my goodly number of physical imperfections: don't accentuate them.  She does seem to be jutting her chin out in that picture (I even think her lower teeth may be outside her upper ones--if that is so, then she may need dental work to fix the malocclusion).

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I will say, as someone who was a religious girl living who looks a little Fundy and dating in a secular world, that you cannot BELIEVE how many people, including complete and total strangers, upon finding out that you are a Christian wearing a wedding ring (say, carrying a Bible and a BRIDES magazine on a city bus) will ask you if you are a virgin and plan to wait until marriage.

Trust me on this.

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I will say, as someone who was a religious girl living who looks a little Fundy and dating in a secular world, that you cannot BELIEVE how many people, including complete and total strangers, upon finding out that you are a Christian wearing a wedding ring (say, carrying a Bible and a BRIDES magazine on a city bus) will ask you if you are a virgin and plan to wait until marriage.

Trust me on this.


Everyone has stupid stuff to say. I waited until marriage but I married someone who was not a virgin when we met. He respected my decision but I can't tell you how many people would say to me 'aren't you afraid he'll leave you' or 'He's going to wait for you???' like somehow I wasn't worth the wait. It just amazes me what people think is appropriate  to say.

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Everyone has stupid stuff to say. I waited until marriage but I married someone who was not a virgin when we met. He respected my decision but I can't tell you how many people would say to me 'aren't you afraid he'll leave you' or 'He's going to wait for you???' like somehow I wasn't worth the wait. It just amazes me what people think is appropriate to say.

What? Some people just shouldn't speak

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and I should have said engagement ring, not wedding ring!

But yeah, you have one side saying the equally stupid "why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free" and then you turn around and hear, "How can you be sure you like the car if you haven't taken it for a test drive?"

I happen to like my milk with ice cream, and I'm an excellent driver - even a little fast! ;)

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and I should have said engagement ring, not wedding ring!

But yeah, you have one side saying the equally stupid "why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free" and then you turn around and hear, "How can you be sure you like the car if you haven't taken it for a test drive?"

I happen to like my milk with ice cream, and I'm an excellent driver - even a little fast! ;)

The test drive analogy also doesn't really matter when you're both virgins. As someone who also waited until marriage, the great thing about it is neither of you has any idea what good or bad sex is and you can both get good at it together without feeling any sort of embarrassment.

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I saw pictures of the bridesmaids dresses in People, and God are the ugly!

Jill's may not have been the nicest sewn, and the belt was stupid, but the color was pretty, and I liked tge strip of white at the bottom (just wish it was even).

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She really is.  I always thought she was pretty, but ever since she started courting Ben, her face has gotten so drawn, she's developed a serious case of Jay Leno chin.  It's like her looks peaked at 18-19.  She's still pretty at first glance, but the more you look at her, the more the pieces add up to something less pretty and more alien. 

Jessa looks like she's dropped some weight in the last year and as a result her face has thinned out and her skin has gotten saggy. It's not a good look. She's not ugly by any means, but she reminds me of my sister's best friend who was gorgeous in high school and then hit a wall at 19 in terms of peaking. If anything I think Jinger has come the furthest in the looks department. She always had a more masculine face, but now she's starting to look really pretty. I think Joy is stunning as well.

Edited by BitterApple
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I know everyone thinks Derick is handsome, but I can't get over those bags under his eyes. He had them in his own wedding pics too and then everyone said -- oh it's his wedding, he's stressed/tired, his mom is sick etc. What's the excuse now? He's a wedding guest for a quick fundie celebration -- he could have slept in all morning. And given that he has a corporate job, how is it possible that he does not own one tailored suit? The jacket on this one appears to be hanging as well and who wears a 3 piece suit with no tie to a wedding? Even here in NYC guys do the suit open collar if they're headed out on a date, not to their sister in law's wedding.

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I know everyone thinks Derick is handsome, but I can't get over those bags under his eyes. He had them in his own wedding pics too and then everyone said -- oh it's his wedding, he's stressed/tired, his mom is sick etc. What's the excuse now? He's a wedding guest for a quick fundie celebration -- he could have slept in all morning. And given that he has a corporate job, how is it possible that he does not own one tailored suit? The jacket on this one appears to be hanging as well and who wears a 3 piece suit with no tie to a wedding? Even here in NYC guys do the suit open collar if they're headed out on a date, not to their sister in law's wedding.

Maybe he just has dark circles under his eyes. I have them. There's nothing I can do about them--I could sleep for days and it would do nothing. I have noticed that when I was getting allergy shots, they were better though. But I have always had dark circles under my eyes.


I'm going to guess that the picture with Derick not wearing a tie was taken later, after most of the festivities and that he had taken off his tie and they grabbed him for a picture.

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Jessa responds to the allegation that she consummated her marriage during the reception: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."  It's a passage from the New Testament that she posted on Instagram.  Man, the chick who made the allegation is getting a lot of traction.  I'm no Duggar lover, but it's a shame that someone could taint Jessa's wedding that way.  

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I think Jessa's looks changed partially because she lost weight. Losing weight brings out the angles.


I have noticed the whole family has lost weight.  Everytime I see an old episode or photo of the family I am amazed at the difference.  Their cheeks all looked like chipmunks but they now have definition in their faces.  

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Looks like the "reception" was outside.  Serving ice cream outdoors on a November day (where the highs apparently only reached the mid-50s) seems very strange and absolutely thoughtless to the guests (whom I am guessing also had no place to sit).

Eh, my initial reaction was similar to yours, but who doesn't love ice cream? Yes, it's an odd choice given the weather and the occasion, but hey -- it's their wedding and it's the one time in life that is centered on what the bride and groom want even if it seems thoughtless to their guests. They are very young and at their age they are self centered and think they know it all, generally speaking.

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I have a question.  I just read the other day, somewhere online, that Jim Bob was overheard asking the TLC film crew to edit the taping of the wedding ceremony so that it won't show the newlyweds leaving the altar for a private kiss.  Could this be one of those hoax articles? (if you've already discussed this, just ignore...I might have missed it).  Wish I could remember where I saw this...

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The test drive analogy also doesn't really matter when you're both virgins. As someone who also waited until marriage, the great thing about it is neither of you has any idea what good or bad sex is and you can both get good at it together without feeling any sort of embarrassment.

Umm no, if it's bad it's bad, you don't need a comparison or to have had sex before to tell good or bad.

I don't think there's any problem with only ever having sex with each other, and there can definitely be benefits, but it's also true that you may just not be compatible and it will be bad, and you will know it, and you will be stuck if you only realise this after marriage.

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I have noticed the whole family has lost weight.  Everytime I see an old episode or photo of the family I am amazed at the difference.  Their cheeks all looked like chipmunks but they now have definition in their faces.  

I feel like the older girls have all lost weight, can't say that about the rest of the family. I feel like Jana was in WW at some point, and her and Joy's faces definitely look less full than they used to. Actually same with Jill and Jessa; Jinger looks the same to me. But look at the guys -- Josh and JD certainly have put on a lot of weight and have that pasty 40 yr old man look in their 20s. Joseph and Josiah don't have that look yet and maybe they won't given that Joseph works out and Josiah is at the fake military training which I imagine involves a good deal of running and probably not the greatest food. While Ben is a dolt, he's hot; if I were JD, Joseph and Josiah, I'd get into a routine of working out with him once a day.


I'm not surprised that it's only the girls who've lost weight -- it's all about countenance and being marriage-able after all. We've definitely seen shots of them eating things like pizza, where the boys pile 2-3 piles of pizza on their plate, while the girls filled their plates with salad and then took maybe 1/2 or 1 slice of pizza. I imagine JB and Michelle would be all over a girl that they considered "big boned" as I'm guessing petite is considered more feminine in the fundie world.

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Jessa responds to the allegation that she consummated her marriage during the reception: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."  It's a passage from the New Testament that she posted on Instagram.  Man, the chick who made the allegation is getting a lot of traction.  I'm no Duggar lover, but it's a shame that someone could taint Jessa's wedding that way.  

As much as I don't like to defend the Duggars, I don't even get that allegation. Seriously -- they think that Ben and Jessa just went for a quickie in the closet in the probably 10 min they had to themselves? I imagine they walked of church, maybe had a few min to themselves, then maybe took another few min to get themselves fixed up to either walk out to do hours of pictures (if they didn't do them first) or to go straight to the parking lot for their ice cream. The only time they would have had would have been right after they walked out and before they had to re-join the families to move onto whatever was next in the agenda.


Say they even had 15 min -- that isn't enough time to get out of that kind of dress unless you tear it, which you can't before the reception. I realize it doesn't take more than 1-2 min to do the deed esp for a first timer, but how realistic is it that Ben whipped it out and was able to get it under the miles of fabric of her dress, and without having a visual find the right area and um -- penetrate someone who isn't used to that?? This isn't a couple whose gone at it for 5 yrs that can get it done quick. I'm sure there was awkward fumbling the first time, which was probably hard enough in a hotel room, lying down, while "looking" at what goes where and being able to tell Ben what hurts. I call BS on whoever thinks they got it done so efficiently right there in the church. Plus Jessa (and I think fundie girls generally) gossip and whisper about sex, so they have some ideas about the horrifying parts of it. I'm kind of sure that Jessa has heard that the first time can hurt for a woman and she can bleed. I don't see her being so dumb as attempting something painful minutes before she needs to be smiling for pictures. Nor do I see her being so dumb as to attempt something that could cause her to bleed all over her white dress for all the guests to see.


Maybe the part about "Jinger opened the closet door, had a horrified look on her face, and closed it" is true. But let's be honest, Jinger is the master of exaggerated faces, rolling eyes etc. I could imagine her opening the door and seeing them still lip locked or maybe even French kissing with maybe a hand touching a breast or a butt and her getting that "OMG" look on her face and shutting the door -- esp if she had been expecting to see nothing or seeing a chaste little kiss. Then you have some fundie hanger-oner who sees Jinger's face and manufactures the whole story that she could ONLY be making that face bc she has just seeing Ben "penetrate" Jessa.

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Jessa responds to the allegation that she consummated her marriage during the reception: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."  It's a passage from the New Testament that she posted on Instagram.  Man, the chick who made the allegation is getting a lot of traction.  I'm no Duggar lover, but it's a shame that someone could taint Jessa's wedding that way.

I don't blame the blogger. I think it's ridiculous and irresponsible that dozens of entertainment news sites would run a story based on a comment on a satirical blog. It takes only five minutes of clicking around to realize that the blog is PARODY of Fundies. The blogger continues to stay in form and the comments are crazy - half of them are humorous fake Fundie comments (as is typical on the blog) and the other half are from angry Fundies. It's great seeing Christians lose their sh*t!

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Everyone's sucking face these days.




A week after the wedding Jessa and Ben appeared to be visiting  Josh and wife Anna in Washington DC.  Josh shared a photo on Saturday.



and .... ewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't even....



Edited by JerseyGirl
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Everyone's sucking face these days.


A week after the wedding Jessa and Ben appeared to be visiting Josh and wife Anna in Washington DC. Josh shared a photo on Saturday.


and .... ewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even....


MEchelle couldn't let her daughter one up her, so naturally she had to do the same thing.

Jessa's hair does look nice in the family make out picture though.

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Why would JB & Michelle text a selfie of themselves lip-locked to Jessa on her honeymoon? Are they trying to compete with their daughter and new son-in-law? That is the height of narcissistic and inappropriate.

I guess we know where Jessa got her moves from...unbelievable.

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I say we post "nike" on all their pics.

How do they not think that is inappropriate?

What if a MARRIED couple wears a bikini/speedo to the beach? Is that OK?

What if MARRIED Ben puts his ____ on Jessa's ____ and they instagram it? Is that OK?

I grew up Fundamentalist Lite and I really am not bothered by their modesty or no contact before marriage.

I don't like the HYPOCRISY of it.

I'd like to email them and tell them my teen sons were defrauded by sexy Jessa.

Edit to add:

There is no way Jessa had sex with Ben during the wedding reception. Jessa is too vain. What if her hair got mussed or her lipstick got smeared? She would have to drag out that curling iron and reroll her entire head of hair...No way Jessa is gonna be photographed with knots in the back of her hair.

Edited by Marigold
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And since Michelle can't one up Jill by getting pregnant, she's putting selfies out there that rival Jessa. Idk, I really don't know what Michelle is doing. It just seems a little suspect that she would do this on Jessa's honeymoon.

Didn't Michelle get pregnant shortly after Anna and Josh announced they were pregnant with Kinzie?

Edited by msblossom
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I think Jim Bob and Michelle are trying to prove that they are still relevant and sexual.

As a 44 year old woman, wife and mother, I do understand that.

BUT, it's in poor taste. Wrong time. Wrong place.

It comes off as silly and childish. Not to mention jealous. And attention seeking.

It was kinda Nike, ya know? Jim Bob looking all horny and all... (Is it getting hot in here?)My husband didn't like me looking at Jim Bob all lustfully...

And their picture wasn't very good either. They should've had Jinger help out or something. Jim Bob looks tense and it wasn't flattering of Michelle's skin.

Edited by Marigold
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The reason for that picture is to say there is nothing wrong with their daughter for kissing her husband and taking a picture of it. Damage control is right.

I really don't think it's a competition at all.

But I do bet that words were said off camera.

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What the heck is up with all of these kissing pictures? Is this some type of weird contest?

And Michelle and Jim Bob are in the exact same position as Jessa and Ben were-Michelle to the left, Jim Bob to the right, Michelle's hand on the back of his neck. Gross.

I can't figure out if Michelle is trying to one-up her daughter (!!!!!) or if she's saying "you think that was an F U to us, well it wasn't. Look, we can do it too."

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so are they all going to show themselves dry humping next, like Jim Bob and Michelle did at the mini golf date? way to be classy. Wonder what the true Gothardites think about this public display of affection. I didn't mind the first pic that Jessa put up of her and Ben kissing, but this last one looks like it's turning into a sideshow. Then again, I'm way over 40 and never felt the need to make out with my husband publicly, and never did it in front of our kids. Guess I'm too modest for the Duggars.

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I think we need to have a forum policy that requires we put a big, all-caps disclaimer when links to pictures may lead our fellow snarkers to experience the following: losing our lunches, spewing beverages all over our keyboards, trauma, psychological damage and night terrors. There's only so much brain bleach to go around:)


Seriously, WTF is going on with these people?! What's next, group sex in the living room of TTM? This shit is getting so off the wall I can't believe it's real. 

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I think we need to have a forum policy that requires we put a big, all-caps disclaimer when links to pictures may lead our fellow snarkers to experience the following: losing our lunches, spewing beverages all over our keyboards, trauma, psychological damage and night terrors. There's only so much brain bleach to go around:)

Seriously, WTF is going on with these people?! What's next, group sex in the living room of TTM? This shit is getting so off the wall I can't believe it's real.

Trigger warnings.

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