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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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The books are probably required reading for whatever school he's doing. I find it easier to highlight hard copy books for future reference than a Kindle. But he's a millennial; highlighting Kindle books shouldn't be an issue. 

Or maybe these books aren't available on Kindle?

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

She is Jes now? Since when?

When is it EVER appropriate to hire a ghost writer to write your personal anniversary note to your spouse?? Beyond pathetic and desperate.

Well, maybe it isn't a ghostwriter. Maybe those who actually realize that they're not great writers just as Grandma to help them compose and polish their stuff. Clearly JB and M don't generally do this -- but I can see Jessa doing that. 

47 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Bin is buying all kinds of books on Amazon? Wouldn't it make more sense to buy Kindle versions if you live in a small home?

Well, a lot of nonfiction, particularly of the academic type or stuff that has only a small market, isn't on Kindle. Or the Kindle price is, like, $39 while you can get a used hardback or paper version for a couple of bucks plus shipping. ... 

Plus, while I love my Kindle, I don't know about Bin but I find e-books crummy if you're actually trying to use them for study or for a research project. You can't mark them up nearly as easily as you can mark a hard-copy book (and even the millennials I know say that) . And it's way harder to find the things you've bookmarked on Kindle than it is to find the post-it note you stuck in the hard copy. The indexes in Kindle books tend to be awkward to use, too. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9
4 hours ago, bythelake said:

Happy Birthday to Mr. M. Mine was yesterday, and not one of my family chose to post a flowery message to me on social media, thank heavens. I got beautiful cards, and dinner out but the best part was that my granddaughter spent over 6 hrs on a bus and train to come home from college to surprise me. She has to do the return trip tomorrow. Now, that's love.

Thank you and Happy Birthday to you! What a wonderful surprise from your granddaughter! That beats a mushy novel for all of social media to see! Benessa could take a lesson from the wonderful birthday you had!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Madtown said:

Thank you and Happy Birthday to you! What a wonderful surprise from your granddaughter! That beats a mushy novel for all of social media to see! Benessa could take a lesson from the wonderful birthday you had!

Thanks. It was good to see her after 2 months.  Can't wait to see Ben's reply to Jessa!  I think Jessa knows that the leghumpers love this stuff, and it's all an attempt to market the brand. So immature.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Obviously, Bin has learned to sleep on his knees, leaning against the side of a bed. Pretty clever, Bin. More than I would have given you credit for. 

Don't give him too much credit. The bed is covered with clean unfolded clothes. He probably thought kneeling against was his only option.

  • Love 2

I've come to the conclusion that these people use the word "meek" to mean "humble". If you get out your thesaurus, it will come up eventually.

21 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

The saddest thing for me, though, is that if Jessa had written this on an actual sheet of paper and tucked it in Ben's sock drawer, he would have been blown away. He would have cherished this dumb note and saved it for the rest of his life. She knows that, too,because he's "romantic," but she just couldn't do something to make him happy. It's all about the brand all the time.

With "Jes"?  Always.

  • Love 11
16 hours ago, floridamom said:

A spare bedroom????? There are 4 of them in a 2 bedroom house...please don't tell me they have a 'family bed'? Can't Jessa EVER sleep appropriately? What's wrong with Ben for not putting the boys in their own bedroom. Mine had their own from the first night home from the hospital. It's a small house..I'm sure she could hear the baby cry at night from her room...doors are left open for that purpose.

Jessa's posts are always too long. I don't think that situation is a 'happy and wonderful' on a day to day basis is she always has to write that much about everything.

Many families choose to cosleep with their young children. It’s not “inappropriate” to do so. Sharing a bed with your infant can be risky, but you can purchase cosleepers, which are essentially bassinets that hook to your bed. It makes night feedings much easier and many parents feel it helps with bonding. Our daughter slept in a cosleeper for about 9 months before we moved her to her own crib. 

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

Many families choose to cosleep with their young children. It’s not “inappropriate” to do so. Sharing a bed with your infant can be risky, but you can purchase cosleepers, which are essentially bassinets that hook to your bed. It makes night feedings much easier and many parents feel it helps with bonding. Our daughter slept in a cosleeper for about 9 months before we moved her to her own crib. 

Image in my head:

15 years down the road they have 12 more children and all 16 people are snuggled in one room with a quilt made of washable diapers and old t-shirts,  like a Mad magazine Waltons spoof. 

  • Love 14
12 hours ago, bythelake said:

Happy Birthday to Mr. M. Mine was yesterday, and not one of my family chose to post a flowery message to me on social media, thank heavens. I got beautiful cards, and dinner out but the best part was that my granddaughter spent over 6 hrs on a bus and train to come home from college to surprise me. She has to do the return trip tomorrow. Now, that's love.

Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful and loving day. ??

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

I am cringing at the baby eating off of the table because I know the table hasn't been cleaned in a while.

Yup. Jessa knew from previous snark about the Lost Girls that folks think children should be clean. I guess there wasn't enough snark about keeping a home clean. Since this concept is relatively new to her she isn't even noticing the grime in the crevices, while most folks don't need to see the grime before cleaning. 

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

The books are probably required reading for whatever school he's doing. I find it easier to highlight hard copy books for future reference than a Kindle. But he's a millennial; highlighting Kindle books shouldn't be an issue. 

Or maybe these books aren't available on Kindle?


17 hours ago, SMama said:

But if the books are in his kindle he can’t display them. Bin is a follower, Jeremy has lots of books, Bin will have lots of books. Neither can comprehend what they are reading, but BOOKS!

Oddly enough ebook sales have dropped because Millenials prefer hard copies. Some of it is the instagram phenomenon (gotta brag about your shelves of books, yo!) and some of it is that people are just backlashing from doing everything on their phones.

  • Love 4

Why does a table have grooves like that? 

I don't think the baby is in danger from eating a few germs, but Jessa has absolutely NOTHING else to do but focus on her small home and her children. She was raised to be a stay at home wife in a traditional gender role. But I hear she can pack a suitcase for 21. 

With that said, I know she has a lot of help from the TTH at any time, but if she is only able to accomplish just one task, I'm glad she chose to focus on the little boys. 

  • Love 8
16 hours ago, louannems said:

Zoom in on the table grout/grooves: Filthy!  NOT from just this one meal either!

Very cute video otherwize!

The fabric of the baby chair is about to rip through.

Ew, I didn't even have to zoom in to see the filth.  I'm a clean freak, I love a clean house, but since I've been in a wheelchair for the past three years I can't clean like I used to.  Even in a wheelchair my house is cleaner than her house.  Like many of you I don't understand how a person who was raised to be a housewife can be so very bad at cooking and cleaning.  What the hell does she do?! 

  • Love 11

Jessa spends her time drafting and editing her next public birthday/anniversary/mother’s day/father’s day saga greeting to post online. Because if it isn’t posted on social media it didn’t happen. 

Is poor Henry terribly congested or is he just that awesome at slurping sounds? Rufus save chunky monkey Henry from allergies and asthma. 

15 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

want to change my user name to Hangry Sloth now

That’s an awesome user name.  Have you seen the Geico commercial of the sloth playing Pictionary?  It’s hilarious.

There was a voodoo healer on 90 day fiancé named Mambo Gladys, and someone on PTV snapped that one up. That woman was crazy funny.

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

That’s an awesome user name.  Have you seen the Geico commercial of the sloth playing Pictionary?  It’s hilarious.

There was a voodoo healer on 90 day fiancé named Mambo Gladys, and someone on PTV snapped that one up. That woman was crazy funny.

I saw that user name and was super jealous! 

I FF all commercials now but that one sounds like it would be worth looking up. 

  • Love 1
55 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

She's quite possibly never been relaxed enough, or in a state where she could suspend judgment enough, to actually take someone else's way of life in. 

THIS! Duggars are all about judging others, despite their protestations to the contrary.  They have been conditioned since birth to eschew/fear/disapprove of anyone/anything not Jim Bob Approved. 

They have been filled with such fear that they will probably never learn to or even think of questioning their teaching/programming.  It’s really sad to see this kind of willful ignorance in this day and age.

 A big tenet of Christianity is to live in the world,  but  not be of the world. In other words, you have to live with all kinds of people, but you have to discern what is best for you as far as behaviors, where “the line” is for you.  Bottom line is you need to be in the world enough to function in it and participate in the economy and social constructs. You cannot afford to be ignorant of what is going on around you, and you can’t just blindly believe everything you’ve been told by religious leaders and other authority figures. Faith is a journey, but thinking is required.

11 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:


Three generations of grubby brainwashed baby machines metastasizing.

Sounds like a premise for a horror movie, but that horror is all too real. 

  • Love 12

Although I wish she'd start looking outside a bit. But I think that, despite having the rep as the tough one, she's really too scared to look very far beyond her tiny world. 

Now that Jinge has dipped her toe into the real world, I wonder if she reports things she's learned back to the rest of the shut-ins.  "There are girls our age who live by themselves and go to the store alone whenever they feel like it!  They don't get married until they want to and some of them wait until they're in their 30's!  They have their own bank accounts without their daddy's name on it!  Females can be doctors, lawyers, police, firefighters, pilots, store owners and in the military!"  I can picture them looking around to be sure JB isn't listening and saying in whispers,"Nooooo, that can't be true!"

  • Love 13
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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