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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I think the worst part about it is Bin doesn't have a freaking job. Jessa was only in the hospital for a day, so her issues couldn't have been that serious. If she managed to post on social media and do a professional photo shoot, she can get up at 2:00am to feed her kid.



I thought she was so looking forward to nursing her kid. The quiet, dark middle of the night is a darned good time for that early bonding, Jessa. You could even have Ben hang out with you, too, if you want to. Or not..... I hope to heck that Jana is not doing the 2 am feedings, because if she is, I think that's bad for everybody.


And, of course, with Jana and Michelle hanging out at the Seewalds, I guess Jinger and Joy are stuck doing all the other work over at TTH. Like feeding infant JIm Bob on demand, feeding the rest of that crowd, running their massive school. Good grief. (and please, if Anna's "helping out" with all of this, I don't want to know .... She's got four young kids of her own, including an infant, and is coping with a pretty much total life ruin perpetrated by her husband ... ) Man. Them that has crap just gets more crap, in Duggarland.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 12

Oh what a CROCK OF SHIT! Seriously, Bin and Jessa can't do what millions of Americans do and stay up at night with newborns?! Give me a fucking break! These fuckheads don't even have jobs. What the hell do they need Jana for? Is this a continuance of The Jewelry Box Punishment for Jana? What did Jana do to deserve this?

I hope she makes a run for it and writes a tell-all. I just can't with these morons.


I wonder how Jill and Derrelict are feeling about this? And everyone has held Seemore Seemen Seewald except them.


Oh what a CROCK OF SHIT! Seriously, Bin and Jessa can't do what millions of Americans do and stay up at night with newborns?! Give me a fucking break! These fuckheads don't even have jobs. What the hell do they need Jana for? Is this a continuance of The Jewelry Box Punishment for Jana? What did Jana do to deserve this?

I hope she makes a run for it and writes a tell-all. I just can't with these morons.


I wonder how Jill and Derrelict are feeling about this? And everyone has held Seemore Seemen Seewald except them.


  • Love 1

I seriously don't understand why these dumbasses can't take care of their own newborn without help!!  If they cannot care for him now, why on earth did they have him?  It's NOT easy, never has been easy.  Millions of women have had difficult labors/deliveries, but the baby's needs still need to be taken care of.  That is where a real man steps his shit up to help out.  It's called being a parent.  They should google it.  Bunch of fucktards really pisses me off.  Never seen such a lazy bunch of people in all my life.

  • Love 20

It sucks that they're making others do night duty.  People could come over during the day and help out while they napped. It feels like a pregnancy pyramid scheme - Michelle gets four nannies and Jill and Jessa each got one.  Maybe part of it is that Jessa doesn't know how to take care of a newborn and Jana is teaching her. ETA: Michelle isn't doing anything, just like with Jill. I wonder if Jana will have any help if she has kids. I could see her actually doing her own mothering.   


Watch that baby be Ben Jr. They act like they're deep thinkers and really attentive parents when it comes across as them being indecisive and attention seekers.  I am glad Jessa is ok.  Really though, round the clock childcare when Jessa is mobile enough to do an outdoor photo shoot? 

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 13

It actually makes me wonder if she's worse than they're letting on. I mean, wasn't Jill Jim Bob's favorite girl? She's basically supposed to get *whatever* she needs and wants, and I'm sure she wants a Jana sized slave to take care of Izzy!

Or maybe they're offering free labor as an incentive to keep Jessa from doing something to disrupt the cash flow.

/end wistful thinking.

  • Love 1

It never ceases to amaze me how much closer the Duggars come to being Kardashians with each passing day...


I say call it a day and just name Baby Brown Towel "North West Seewald" already. Sheesh. 


Or "South East Seewald," since that's their neck of the woods. Using the opposite direction demonstrates how much more godly they are then the Kardashians in the righteous path to God's Country (Arkansas) they have chosen to take. The alliteration works too.

  • Love 3


The thing with Jana doing the night work is that it sets them all up for a bad pattern of behaviour.

I always suspected this baby would be Jessa's accessory, not child. So far I'm right.



the righteous path to God's Country (Arkansas) they have chosen to take.

Lil' Rock Seewald



Jessa really, truly is the single most selfish person in the world.

She's 18 kids away from taking that title.

  • Love 4

I think Jessa is a lot like Kim K. They're the type who like to go shopping for cute baby clothes, do photo shoots and post about how uh-mayyy-zing motherhood is on social media, but have zero interest in any of the real work.

I would give Jessa a pass if she hadn't done the People photoshoot. She was well enough to slap on makeup, take pictures and collect her check, so she should be able to find the strength to get up in the middle of the night and change a diaper. Bin gets no sympathy from me. He doesn't work and he's certainly not the only first time father who's had to learn as he goes. Newborns eat, sleep and poop. It's really not that complicated.

  • Love 17

It actually makes me wonder if she's worse than they're letting on. I mean, wasn't Jill Jim Bob's favorite girl? She's basically supposed to get *whatever* she needs and wants, and I'm sure she wants a Jana sized slave to take care of Izzy!

Or maybe they're offering free labor as an incentive to keep Jessa from doing something to disrupt the cash flow.

/end wistful thinking.

I've been wondering same.

Aren't transfusions a pretty big deal? It's not rehydration, it's serious.

ETA that poor little thing will pretty much always be BamBam to me. But Towel is good.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 2

Jana helping take care of #$6 is actually offensive to me. Ben can ask his boss for a few days off (sarcasm), and take care of his own damn kid. Why should Jana lose sleep to care for Jessa's first born when his FATHER is right there napping with Jessa? Michelle is there for the face time. Seriously, is she going to care for someone else's kid? No but she couldn't even play the role for TLC, enter Jana as her stunt double.


No kidding! Plus it's not like Jessa can't nap during the day.

  • Love 3

What BitterApple said.


MeeShell "I am so happy to help out with my .... um.... 3rd, 4th?  Oh!  6th grandchild."  sound of baby crying "Jana!  Are you heating up the bottle?  Cash needs to quit his crying."

Cash needs to purpose to work on his contentment.

  • Love 4
I say call it a day and just name Baby Brown Towel "North West Seewald" already. Sheesh.


South East Seewald has a certain ring to it...


Edited to add that I didn't notice SininTheCamp beat me to it. - and included the reasons that I was thinking but that my computer was glitching out (again) too much for me to include.


Honestly, does this site cause anyone else's computer to get terminally slow sometimes? I'd just chalk it up to the computer itself but my previous one did the same thing, and only on this site.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix

Jessa is probably getting all that help for the filming.  If it was just Ben, Jessa, and BamBam in the mold house--well that would make for a pretty dull teevee show.  They need to spice it up with the other family members.  Famy will no doubt show up to "help" as well.

  • Love 2

I can't fault anyone for having their mother and sister come stay with them after childbirth, especially if Jessa downplayed what actually happened to her. If she had any kind of surgery to clean things up down there, she would not be in any shape to take care of the baby alone with Ben.


Oh, boo fuckin' hoo to Princess Jessa. I know people who have had a C-section, came home to 2 or 3 other little kids, nursed, had a husband who had to go to work the next day after they came home from the hospital, had no family around them, had to go back to work themselves in 6 weeks, and they survived. This whole thing boggles my mind.


Name the kid Wade Bolton Seewald and be done with it....he's gonna have the T-shirt anyhow. (FYY, Doe vs. Bolton was the other abortion trial going on at the time.)


Aaaaand BTW........HI, JESSA !!!!! I'm not watching your show.  ((waves))  We all know you're on here!

  • Love 9

I'm sorry but all their BS labor stories are getting a bit obnoxious.  70 hours for Jill and so Jessa had to go two days to not sound like a pansy.

Thanks to the posters with the timelines.  


Someone please advise (I know you don't read Jessa) the girls of this family that they are obviously not meant for home birthing. Just go get the epidural and relax next time.  


Did Mechelle deliver at home?  I don't remember.  

  • Love 2

I'm sorry but all their BS labor stories are getting a bit obnoxious. 70 hours for Jill and so Jessa had to go two days to not sound like a pansy.

Thanks to the posters with the timelines.

Someone please advise (I know you don't read Jessa) the girls of this family that they are obviously not meant for home birthing. Just go get the epidural and relax next time.

Did Mechelle deliver at home? I don't remember.

Mechelle only went natural twice

Ohhhh. A Duggar Paper Doll book! You can switch among the various striped skirts and fugly green button down shirts. Also, hair styles. From crinkled crispy fried 80's hair, to headbands and side braids! Accessories! I-Phones and Starbucks...and an infant, or course.


Don't forget the ubiquitous mustard sweater!  A fashion must-have for every self-respecting Duggar wannabe!

  • Love 5

Oh, boo fuckin' hoo to Princess Jessa. I know people who have had a C-section, came home to 2 or 3 other little kids, nursed, had a husband who had to go to work the next day after they came home from the hospital, had no family around them, had to go back to work themselves in 6 weeks, and they survived. This whole thing boggles my mind.

Eh, a c-section isn't the same as a vaginal at home birth so bad you had to go to the hospital to get a blood transfusion, though. I agree she should be taking care of lil bambam, though.

It actually makes me wonder if she's worse than they're letting on. I mean, wasn't Jill Jim Bob's favorite girl? She's basically supposed to get *whatever* she needs and wants, and I'm sure she wants a Jana sized slave to take care of Izzy!

Or maybe they're offering free labor as an incentive to keep Jessa from doing something to disrupt the cash flow.

/end wistful thinking.

I have always suspected being Michelle's favorite carries much more weight in this family than being Jim Bob's ever could. He may be the patriarch but no one, including Jim Bob, wants to upset Michelle.

  • Love 1

Here's a question that's dumber than a box of hair.


Where's Guinn?


Wouldn't the new grandma love some time visiting with/taking care of her FIRST grandchild? If poor Bin is soooo desperately tired and must have a full night's sleep before contemplating any type of baby care, wouldn't his mother love to help them out?


And again, the Duggars think we are all idiots. YOU KNOW why J-Chelle and Janarella are at the mold house: THE CAMERAS ARE THERE, and TLC is filming. Guinn will be lucky if she gets to see that baby, let alone spend any time with him.

There was a picture of Tea Towel Seewald with Guinn in the first batch of pictures they leaked. I think Guinn even posted it to her social media. 

Here's a question that's dumber than a box of hair.


Where's Guinn?


Wouldn't the new grandma love some time visiting with/taking care of her FIRST grandchild? If poor Bin is soooo desperately tired and must have a full night's sleep before contemplating any type of baby care, wouldn't his mother love to help them out?


And again, the Duggars think we are all idiots. YOU KNOW why J-Chelle and Janarella are at the mold house: THE CAMERAS ARE THERE, and TLC is filming. Guinn will be lucky if she gets to see that baby, let alone spend any time with him.

And no pictures of Bam Bam and his grandfather or his aunts and uncles. Quite tellling.

Either Jessa is waaaaaay more incapacitated by what happened during her labor and delivery and they're just straight-up lying through their teeth about it so they can maintain the whole veneer of perfection, or...


Jessa really, truly is the single most selfish person in the world. Like Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot levels of selfishness.

Oookay, while I agree that letting your sister do the heavy lifting when it comes to your newborn baby is a bit weird and selfish, I'll have to say it's rather over the top to compare Jessa to despotic mass-murdering psychopaths.


I don't actually blame Jessa all that much for this situation. She clearly had a traumatic birth experience that she wasn't mentally prepared for and then she bled out to the point of hospitalization. It's not so strange to me that she wants Jana around to help her (I agree that Mechelle is mostly there for show) since Jana seems to have played the nurturing Mother role for the better part of two decades in the Duggar household. Jana knows her shit. Bin on the other hand doesn't. He's clueless as fuck about most things tbh. So If I was say, recovering from birth and blood loss and had some trouble moving around without pain, I'd gladly take the help of my experienced older sister vs the help of my clueless teenage husband. Is it fair to Jana? No. But it's understandable behaviour imo.

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 15

I thought she was so looking forward to nursing her kid. The quiet, dark middle of the night is a darned good time for that early bonding, Jessa. You could even have Ben hang out with you, too, if you want to. Or not..... I hope to heck that Jana is not doing the 2 am feedings, because if she is, I think that's bad for everybody.


And, of course, with Jana and Michelle hanging out at the Seewalds, I guess Jinger and Joy are stuck doing all the other work over at TTH. Like feeding infant JIm Bob on demand, feeding the rest of that crowd, running their massive school. Good grief. (and please, if Anna's "helping out" with all of this, I don't want to know .... She's got four young kids of her own, including an infant, and is coping with a pretty much total life ruin perpetrated by her husband ... ) Man. Them that has crap just gets more crap, in Duggarland.

I've been hoping that Anna is running the SOTDRT   for all the littles.

  • Love 2

Maybe Jana is hanging around to help out because Jessa feels like a Buick just drove out of her vajajay, because ... well, a Buick just drove out of her vajajay.  If I were her, I'd be taking pretty much all the help I could get. 


And notice I did not include Michelle in my statement about helping because the idea of Michelle helping is laughable.  At most she is directing Jana to do things Jana already knows how to do better than Michelle ever did. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 7

Another question: where's Jinger in all of this? Wouldn't you think Jessa would want her BFF there instead of Cinderjana? I swear, something is going on with those two. I don't know if Jinger was resentful over being left behind or whether Jessa is jealous of her chemistry with Bin or what. But it's crazy how they were practically joined at the hip and now they barely have anything to do with one another.


Uh Bin would defraud Jinger with his choo choo jammies.  Jinger is better off at the other family (Bates) compound, helping them avoid different plaintiffs.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 2

Oh, boo fuckin' hoo to Princess Jessa. I know people who have had a C-section, came home to 2 or 3 other little kids, nursed, had a husband who had to go to work the next day after they came home from the hospital, had no family around them, had to go back to work themselves in 6 weeks, and they survived. 


But would she have declined help if she'd had it offered to her?  Because I think many women would love the kind of help Jessa is getting from Jana.  


I guess it just isn't that big a deal to me, especially considering what Jessa has been through.  Ben is a big dumb kid boy and I can't imagine him being of much help.  And it's just been a few days.  It's not like Jessa has Jana chained up by the ankle in the cellar and is forcing her to wetnurse the baby against her will.    


As long as what's being done is not really harmful (as in interfering with bonding or something), I don't see what the big deal is.  Not at this point, anyway. 

  • Love 4

Apparently Dunkin Donuts has introduced a traditional Holiday cup in response to the Starbucks kerfluffle. Michelle may have to switch sides.


If she didn't boycott Starbucks over their enthusiastic corporate support for gay marriage, why would she boycott them over a red paper cup? The Duggars' principles are never allowed to trump their pleasure and convenience.

  • Love 17
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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