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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I personally think that Bin should learn the real estate business. He will always have a job that way and do construction too, He can build and sell houses and have a real job as a developer. 


JessaBelle needs her man to bring in the cash she is the pretty one and is high maintenance.

So JB and Michelle are providing this child (yes, child), Ben, with a roof over his head and a job? He's not ready to be anyone's husband if he can't stand on his own feet.


Let alone someone's father!  What the hell happened to character, personal responsibility and that "leave and cleave" chestnut?!



Truthfully, I'm suprised at Jim Bob. Jim Bob is shrewd and is very opinionated.  I'm surprised Ben got the golden ticket. He really brings nothing to the table. Unemployed. No education. Younger than Jessa. Doesn't make a good impression.  I can't believe there isn't another fundy man that is better than this. The longer we see Ben, the worse he looks.


I think JimBob enjoys the huge boner Ben has for JimBob and the Duggar family name.  I don't think he thinks all that highly of Ben as a person, or particularly wants him to be married to Jessa because he thinks they'll be good together; he either just enjoys the celebrity worship or sees someone he can manipulate (if JimBob is actually that smart; I might be giving him too much credit.)

  • Love 5

JD emphasized that much of the work force would be those kids who were too small (or not born yet) the first time around.


No clue how large this structure will be, but he said it was a "similar" project. Man, I'd hate to be the kid stuck living on the compound with Boob and Mullet for the rest of their parents' lives. Bin's dad left the prefab home business years ago (according to his blog), so it's unlikely Bin got a deal and shipped something to Tonitown. Given that Bin willingly became Boob's lackey, I have to guess that the house is for them at some point in the future...hoping TLC is around to decorate for them. All that stuff from the registry is going to need a very MAJESTIC space, y'all!!!!!

If the whole family builds and gives a house to Ben and Jessa -- esp one as large as the parents' home -- doesn't JB then "owe" such a home to each of his kids? I get that parents can give whatever they want to whichever child, but if Derick and Jill eventually have to buy their own home or Jana and her future husband end up living in a cottage like Erin and Chad -- won't that mean that Ben and Jessa get rewarded for being lazy, uneducated, and unmotivated?

  • Love 4

If the whole family builds and gives a house to Ben and Jessa -- esp one as large as the parents' home -- doesn't JB then "owe" such a home to each of his kids? I get that parents can give whatever they want to whichever child, but if Derick and Jill eventually have to buy their own home or Jana and her future husband end up living in a cottage like Erin and Chad -- won't that mean that Ben and Jessa get rewarded for being lazy, uneducated, and unmotivated?

I can't see Jessa and Ben having a whole new house for themselves.  Especially if it's going to be one as big as the parents.  I was thinking maybe separate wings for future couples.  Ugh, I hope not though.  I wish that when the others marry they would live at least outside of the compound.

Edited by abseedee

I can't quite get past the contradictory nature of the parents' requirements for engagement, when it comes to this couple.  Do they care or not that Ben can provide?  Won't others see how little value they actually put on this, when they are doing all the providing?  I know logic isn't their strong suit, but c'mon.  More and more I believe that they really, really don't like Jessa.

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I bet the construction project is building a guest house complex that will allow multiple offspring to be home with their spouses and families for several times a year.  We have not yet seen where Josh /Anna/the kids sleep during one of the multiple trips quarter that they make.  Maybe in the bus?  You add a few more adults with spouses to that mix, and you've got a real problem.


I truly believe that Jessa is being married off to the first requestor (Ben)because she might actually be someone that would fly the coop given the opportunity.   Jim Bob can't be having that while the TLC/speaking engagement money is still flowing. She doesn't strike me as someone that actually believes all the Gothard/ATI verbiage.  Can't really see her with a passel of children, in a small two bedroom home, with frumpy clothing and a body ravaged by too many pregnancies.   However, she's going to have to run, run far away from her parents (and Ben) once she says her vows and is allowed off the compound without a chaperone, otherwise, that's the life she is going to get. 

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I love Joyless Anna's comment about something like, "Us chaperones are going to be busier now. I think our fee is like....5 dollars an hour. That'll make us some money. Or either the relationship will fizzle out."


I'm sharing this only because I thought others would get a kick out of it. I admit I was skimming through the thread kind of quickly and at first read this as "Us chaperones are going to be bustier now."  I was thinking to myself... why?  Everyone's pregnant?  Boob jobs?  Why the larger busts?

  • Love 3

I recently watched the Derick and Jill engagement episode, and Jim Bob very clearly asked Derick how he would support Jill.

It seems like with Ben, Jim Bob has just decided to skip that question and give Ben a job himself. Their priorities are interesting. When my husband talked to my dad about marrying me, I know my dad couldn't have cared less that we were KISSING BEFORE MARRIAGE, but he was pretty happy that my soon-to-be fiancé had a job.

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I'm sharing this only because I thought others would get a kick out of it. I admit I was skimming through the thread kind of quickly and at first read this as "Us chaperones are going to be bustier now."  I was thinking to myself... why?  Everyone's pregnant?  Boob jobs?  Why the larger busts?

Of all the older Duggar girls, Joy Anna IMO is the most endowed and it is funny that you read her saying bustier.

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I recently watched the Derick and Jill engagement episode, and Jim Bob very clearly asked Derick how he would support Jill.

It seems like with Ben, Jim Bob has just decided to skip that question and give Ben a job himself. Their priorities are interesting. When my husband talked to my dad about marrying me, I know my dad couldn't have cared less that we were KISSING BEFORE MARRIAGE, but he was pretty happy that my soon-to-be fiancé had a job.

Why did he ask your father's permission?

  • Love 2

I watched

 the moving in video. Hmm is Bin moving into the warehouse?? Looked like it from the pictures and the walls were aluminum not drywall.


I thought the Duggars built a real guest house next to their house or it's attached to their house because I've seen pictures of the living room.

Edited by Fuzzysox

Higgins, I would say my husband was more asking my father's blessing than permission. I know it is kind of old fashioned, but we just thought of it as a sign of respect for my family. My dad certainly did not pick my husband for me or micromanage our relationship. I don't think the Duggars actually view their daughters as property, but not allowing your adult daughter to attend college, work, or have a date with a guy that hasn't been grilled by your father does not sit well with me. It you have faith in the way you raised the kid, let them use their brains and moral compass and plot their own way in life.

  • Love 9

Higgins, I would say my husband was more asking my father's blessing than permission. I know it is kind of old fashioned, but we just thought of it as a sign of respect for my family. My dad certainly did not pick my husband for me or micromanage our relationship. I don't think the Duggars actually view their daughters as property, but not allowing your adult daughter to attend college, work, or have a date with a guy that hasn't been grilled by your father does not sit well with me. It you have faith in the way you raised the kid, let them use their brains and moral compass and plot their own way in life.

I'm with you. It was a priority that my family and my husband's family accepted and respected each other. Of course you'll have a few things you'll disagree on, but if you're grown enough to be married, you're grown enough respect family values, yet have a backbone to forming some of your own traditions, so having a talk to verify that happened.


To this day, I'm not sure if my husband proposed to me first or spoke with my parents first, but it's a matter of tradition and respect to let the elders - especially my great grandmother - know you were financially and emotionally secure enough to enter into a lifelong commitment.


I have a feeling that Jessa doesn't want kids right away. Maybe she'll wait a year or two. 

I don't know how she'll have a choice, especially with Ben being dead set on starting a big family ASAP. 

Edited by RazzleberryPie
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 It you have faith in the way you raised the kid, let them use their brains and moral compass and plot their own way in life.

For the love of God, will one of you go to their next speaking engagement  and ask this during the question/answer session? I'm even willing to overnight you a pot of jambalaya for your bravery. 

  • Love 8

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if Jessa kept her knees firmly together 3-5 days out of the month. What would remain to be seen, is if Ben were then posting sanctimonious things about people who don't trust in God enough or something on his facebook, and/or Mr. Seewald doing the same on his blog.

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Posting a big ole fertility calendar with monthly ovulation times was par for the course growing up in the Duggar household. Gothard wedding vows require the couple to say they'll trust God with the size of their families. Now if it were just Jessa and a normal(er) guy, I could see using the rhythm method and charting to stave off an early pregnancy without using birth control. As much as Ben's been drinking the Koolaid, however, there's no way he isn't going to not try to knock her up ASAP.

How? I'm sure Bin considers most forms of birth control to be some kind of "abortion," and I can't imagine him being patient enough to work with the rhythm method.

If Jessa is secretly set on waiting for kids, I can totally see her going to a doctor and getting herself on birth control without Ben's knowledge.

I think if Jessa wanted to wait, there will be plenty of things to film. The family doesn't need her to have a baby to keep the money coming in because it's likely there will be another courtship or two in the works and another baby somewhere. If she does have a baby, I'll assume she's ok with it, especially as she will likely be raising it with her sisters. There just isn't anything good to come out of thinking otherwise, and she isn't stupid or afraid or either her father or Ben, so I do believe she has some say in what she wants.

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Yes, GEML I agree with you. In asking ourselves the next question; when a child is fed nothing but spinach for dinner every day of their life, and taught that any deviation from that is sinful, when you're a young adult and asked "what do you want for dinner", that kid will say "spinach"...because it's all they know. I hope I'm making my point with this example. Also, when you're taught to disagree at all with your parents teachings, is a sin, you don't  disagree with then for fear of sinning.. soooo, it's a Catch 22 for all of them. Sorry to say. I don't think that Jessa believes she has any other choice but to marry....someone and soon. I can't see her as a stay at home housewife and mother as he isn't naturally domestic. How do they handle those types of daughters? I guess they push them to the altar any way...set up a house for then on one acre of land which doesn't contain a kitchen...poor Jana and Grandma Duggar...more folks to cook for and more laundry to wash..

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I've known a LOT of fundamentalist people, including some who were far more sheltered than the Duggars who were told leaving cast them into hell fire for all eternity. If they want to leave, they can and do leave. Jessa has never struck me as the one who wanted to change anything about their world except that she liked being sort of lazy about it. That isn't fundamentalism's doing, however as much as it is who she is.

Benessa's Amazon registry. If anyone questioned their motives before, what with the expansion yesterday of the BBB registry to include expensive furniture, including a CHAISE LOUNGE (wtf???), the Amazon registry makes it 100% clear that this is a blatant gift grab. Who on earth puts a MacBook AND an Ipad (someone got one for Jill...pretty crazy) on a registry? And all that cookware, only to add a slough of gift cards for chain restaurants? Is she going to mix a ton of shit and cook tons of soup in those stock pots, or not?



  • Love 9

Heaven knows you can't set up housekeeping without a $240 grain mill. What the heck? Maybe Jessa plans on spending her days grinding grain and baking homemade bread once they've used up all the restaurant gift cards.

Nah, she'll use that to lure Jinger over in attempts to have a Blocker.

  • Love 2

Benessa's Amazon registry. If anyone questioned their motives before, what with the expansion yesterday of the BBB registry to include expensive furniture, including a CHAISE LOUNGE (wtf???), the Amazon registry makes it 100% clear that this is a blatant gift grab. Who on earth puts a MacBook AND an Ipad (someone got one for Jill...pretty crazy) on a registry? And all that cookware, only to add a slough of gift cards for chain restaurants? Is she going to mix a ton of shit and cook tons of soup in those stock pots, or not?



Holy shitsu!  Since Jessa does not really cook they'll either be eating out a lot or going over to her parent's.  And as for the expensive furniture, for sure they can't afford it so they're probably hoping some sorry sap out there will get it for them.

Edited by abseedee
  • Love 1

Benessa's Amazon registry. If anyone questioned their motives before, what with the expansion yesterday of the BBB registry to include expensive furniture, including a CHAISE LOUNGE (wtf???), the Amazon registry makes it 100% clear that this is a blatant gift grab. Who on earth puts a MacBook AND an Ipad (someone got one for Jill...pretty crazy) on a registry? And all that cookware, only to add a slough of gift cards for chain restaurants? Is she going to mix a ton of shit and cook tons of soup in those stock pots, or not?



So gone are the days of a newly engaged couple having modestly priced China sets and fancy-ish silverware on their registry...now, we're seeing MacBooks and Ipads? I guess Jessa and Ben know someone will buy what they want, but this is just seems kind of tacky and ridiculous to me.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Who the hell needs a grain mill when you're first married?! Unless you just really liked to cook or that was something you did at home (and we all know Jessa doesn't like cooking) for the first while you just struggle along making recipes and trying to get dinner on the table (not everyone but some people), not making homemade bread!

I glanced at the registry. Some of the restaurant gift cards are for places they'll have to drive to. The nearest Cheesecake Factory is in Tulsa. There's a couple of others that aren't local as well. It's odd enough that people register for gift cards but it seems like they're just clicking randomly on whatever sounds good when they aren't even places near them. Of course I'm an old fuddy duddy & am slightly horrified that they request gift cards.

  • Love 6

I have a feeling that Jessa doesn't want kids right away. Maybe she'll wait a year or two. 

Do the Duggars believe in "well woman" exams before marriage? I know LDS families typically do this and the woman uses that opportunity to discuss BC options (even rhythm). I don't see that being the case with the Duggars, since Jessa would have to bring a sister-chaperone so any discussion with the OB-GYN or any run to pick up BC wouldn't be private; I would see Jessa or maybe even Jinger keeping such a secret but not Jill. If she REALLY doesn't kids for a while -- why not schedule the wedding for a relatively non-fertile time to increase the likelihood that there won't be a honeymoon baby. Then when she returns from the honeymoon, she can be out and about alone -- allowing her the option of going to a dr. and getting BC and taking it on the sly. She may have to push off Ben for a few nights/week until she gets an appointment and everything takes effect, but let's be honest she will be pushing him off a lot.

I glanced at the registry. Some of the restaurant gift cards are for places they'll have to drive to. The nearest Cheesecake Factory is in Tulsa. There's a couple of others that aren't local as well. It's odd enough that people register for gift cards but it seems like they're just clicking randomly on whatever sounds good when they aren't even places near them. Of course I'm an old fuddy duddy & am slightly horrified that they request gift cards.

They travel a lot though on the big old bus -- press tours, random trips to visit the Bates or homeschool conferences. They may want gift cards to restaurants they've seen/visited on the road in an effort to get some date nights away from the bus or the 'all you can eat pizza buffets' they'll otherwise be visiting with JB and the herd of siblings.

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cereality, on 31 Aug 2014 - 7:05 PM, said:

They travel a lot though on the big old bus -- press tours, random trips to visit the Bates or homeschool conferences. They may want gift cards to restaurants they've seen/visited on the road in an effort to get some date nights away from the bus or the 'all you can eat pizza buffets' they'll otherwise be visiting with JB and the herd of siblings.



That will really throw JimBoob into a tizzy...if some of his adult children are not around at the all-you-can-eat buffet, and he doesn't have enough spawn over 12 in attendance to match up with every single child under 12 so he can take full advantage of the "kids under 12 eat free --1 free child per adult/paying customer" deals.

Edited by starfire
  • Love 1

Holy shitsu!  Since Jessa does not really cook they'll either be eating out a lot or going over to her parent's.  And as for the expensive furniture, for sure they can't afford it so they're probably hoping some sorry sap out there will get it for them.

First they'll need somewhere to PUT furniture.

So gone are the days of a newly engaged couple having modestly priced China sets and fancy-ish silverware on their registry...now, we're seeing MacBooks and Ipads? I guess Jessa and Ben know someone will buy what they want, but this is just seems kind of tacky and ridiculous to me.

Who will monitor teenage Bin's internet use? LMAO.

  • Love 3

I got married this year too. I reallllly missed the boat. We asked for no gifts since we've been living together for a few years. I didn't know you could ask for restaurant gift certificates! It's like Christmas/Birthday/Wedding Registration combined! This makes them look incredibly greedy! They are putting on anything they can think of and maybe fans will buy it. Gross.

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I glanced at the registry. Some of the restaurant gift cards are for places they'll have to drive to. The nearest Cheesecake Factory is in Tulsa. There's a couple of others that aren't local as well. It's odd enough that people register for gift cards but it seems like they're just clicking randomly on whatever sounds good when they aren't even places near them. Of course I'm an old fuddy duddy & am slightly horrified that they request gift cards.

And some of them have bars!!!!

  • Love 2

And some of them have bars!!!!


This is a good point! Didn't Michelle & Co. boycott a liquor store being built in her town? What makes alcohol served at a restaurant different from alcohol bought at a store? 


And I agree with everyone on the epic tackiness of the registry. Holy bananas and cream. 

  • Love 4

A thousand-dollar MacBook Air (NEWEST MODEL)? Are their friends so rich that request makes any sense? Their adoring fans? Maybe brother Josh? It will require a good Internet connection too. Perhaps a Verizon gift card would be in order. 


Are you freaking shitting me? They registered for a MacBook?! I guess Binny Boy needs a top of the line laptop to post his anti-abortion rants. What a couple of self-indulgent, entitled assholes.

  • Love 9
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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