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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I just looked up Lamar Odom. Jessa's screwed. Why, God, why? She's the pretty one! It's always Jill, Jill, Jill or Lamar, Lamar, Lamar.


Maybe she can deliver at the same hospital. Roommates!



Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! Poor Jessa will be relegated to a magazine sidebar. 

Edited by Guest

But, don't the Duggs have the TLC PR machine helping them shove this birthin' story into the limelight?


TLC has skin in the game with the planned VSE. Surely Jessa Blessa and her baby won't be merely a sidebar story.


Edited to add: I assume People will play along if TLC pushes a story, but OTOH the People story about Michelle's sex-on-demand blog post was at best IMO a passive-aggressive kind of thing. It was picked up on the innernets and TV, in stories and comments that were brutal to the Duggars. 


Perhaps they'll try to keep the news under wraps, like they did for Meredith, until the Kardashian storm settles....

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! Poor Jessa will be relegated to a magazine sidebar. 

And most deservedly! Lamar Odom (while known solely  to many young women as Khloes husband) is (was?) a great athlete with multiple championships to his name...its incredibly sad what has happened to him not just recently but the last few months/years have been rough. Hopefully he pulls through.


What the hell has JessaBlessa ever done with her life, lol. 

  • Love 10

What is wrong with me?  I will go with curious about people.  Every time there is a link to instagram or such of other parts of the family I have to go look then I notice something and look at many of their pictures.  Just now I spent several minutes looking at Jessica Seawalds IG.  She is wearing shorts, jeans, swim suits, There was an older pic of her with Bin and they are side hugging, she comments she does not believe in side hugs.  Then someone comments if she just wore dresses because she was on 19Ks. She said at that time she lived with her parents and dressed to respect their wishes but now she is on her own she dresses and acts based on her own convictions.  She is still conservative so Jessa take note, maybe someday you can decide how to dress and live instead of living how your parents tell you.  

  • Love 9

And most deservedly! Lamar Odom (while known solely  to many young women as Khloes husband) is (was?) a great athlete with multiple championships to his name...its incredibly sad what has happened to him not just recently but the last few months/years have been rough. Hopefully he pulls through.


What the hell has JessaBlessa ever done with her life, lol. 

Its been reported that Khloe is still his wife and the medical power that goes with it. Very interesting story...

  • Love 3

Oh no!  Not the sidebar!  Not just a quick mention and a small picture.  Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Surely at least a sidebar. They need room to report what aspiring singer cousin Amy, whose recent wedding scandal-plagued brother Josh's tragic wife Anna attended, has to say about it (I'm guessing "Jessa's thrilled. A baby is such a blessing").

  • Love 2

The bulk of the Seewald family on the road:



Ben's other sister on the road who states that she is on her way to see Ben and Jessa:


Ahhhhh.  Thanks.  You're a great detective.  


I think she's in labor.  

  • Love 1

Six hours ago, Ben posted "Cooler weather! Who is loving it?" on FB with stupid leaf emoticons.


For his sake, I hope today's activity is just a baby shower, because if my husband was making stupid posts to FB while I was in labor, I would strangle him with the baby's umbilical cord. Just sayin'.

Edited by Guest

Maybe just a baby shower? Perfect opportunity to film for their special? Amy wouldn't be invited to the actual birth, would she?

Jessa wouldn't cancel a money-making opportunity for just a shower. But Famy would come to the compound if Jessa had been moved there to escape the media. And given Jessa's strange love for both the public eye and privacy (on HER terms), this is completely plausible. 


eta: Jessica Seewald was on the road this morning (sorry, I was on the road and couldn't post the Seewald IGs as I saw them earler). I think that critter was born either overnight after a fairly short labor (and remember, they were at the TTH yesterday with Ben holding Meredith), or this morning at the latest. Ben was probably banished from the room while Jessa rested and came up with that inane post to try and deflect  the media and internet sleuths such as Yours Truly. 


Sorry Ben, canceling out on the Southern Women's Show was the first clue something big was up. Family traveling four hours and posting about on Social Media? Well, your family has proven before that they can't keep a secret (remember, a cousin leaked the courtship). So, yeah...

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3

I hope that whenever that baby is born, both Ben and Jessa have a real "come to Jesus moment" and realize that they are now responsible for an actual himan life. His or her daddy is a teenager with half a degree and no job and Jessa is soon going to discover that being a mommy isn't the same as being a sister-mom.


Of course, I'm sure that won't happen. Ben will get right to work yanking out Bible quotes and bloviating about the Jesus-related joys of fatherhood for his next Facebook "sermon."

  • Love 10

On the Good News front, I just checked the plane records. The senior Duggars and JD are still in Big Sandy, so there will be NO MICHELLE in the upcoming birth episode. 


I'll take my victories over these clowns any way I can. 


I cannot believe that JB and M would knowingly miss an opportunity to be on camera, either for a baby shower or the birth. They must be livid and hustling to get back to Arkansas. Watch them fly back faster than when Josie had her seizure...  

As I noted in the Jill thread, I had to wonder why it fell to Derick to take James to his driving test. JB had always done this in the past. So yeah, they're totes stuck in Big Sandy, probably keynote speakers of the conference tonight. And with so many morons coming to hear them, they couldn't worm their way out of it to see Blessa's baby born. LMAO! 

  • Love 5

Since these specials were so long in being announced, I bet that Boob may not be getting a cut. If that's the case, how well will he and Mechelle be at being extras in the lives of their daughters? LMAO


I'm just glad that GOD intervened and kept Mechelle's "caring grandmother" bit away from the cameras; it will only be manifested in her cooing over the baby, maybe in a cut-in scene to fool the leghumpers.

That said, even a few of the Seewald humpers were questioning shit 8-10 hours ago when I saw the family post (sorry, I don't remember what time it was). I guess that no answer will just make them go away? I don't think most leghumpers are curious by nature, so this could fly under the radar until the official People announcement. 

  • Love 1

Is two weeks considered premature, though? I thought 38 weeks was full term. I wouldn't know with my own kids because mine were all past 40 weeks. 


Not premature.  My OB says anything from 37 weeks onward is full term.  (Your official due date is 40 weeks.)  I'm currently 38 weeks and at my appointment today was told I'm good to go any day now.


So, no, if Jessa delivered 2 weeks before her due date, that doesn't necessarily mean the date was fudged.

  • Love 5

Babies being born are unpredictable, no matter first, third or 19th. Women's cycles vary, and memories aren't always correct of when they last had their period either. A lot of variables go into guesstimating a due date. I wonder how many babies are actually born on their due date without any interventions. 

  • Love 4

Babies being born are unpredictable, no matter first, third or 19th. Women's cycles vary, and memories aren't always correct of when they last had their period either. A lot of variables go into guesstimating a due date. I wonder how many babies are actually born on their due date without any interventions. 

I was! Clearly i was feeling very punctual that day.


On the other hand, my son, who was conceived via medical intervention, was born a week late via scheduled c-section. We knew his date of conception to within 48hrs and that didn't do anyone any good in predicting his birth.


I would not be shocked if Jessa went early, just because she seems tiny/petite from the pictures, and almost all of my friends who are on the smaller side had their kids early. 

  • Love 2

Perhaps they'll try to keep the news under wraps, like they did for Meredith, until the Kardashian storm settles....

Keeping my fingers crossed that another family scandal comes up in the meantime.

Maybe Josiah will come out at the Southern Women's talk this weekend. Maybe Bin will be caught sexting. The sky's the limit on my dreams!

  • Love 7

Keeping my fingers crossed that another family scandal comes up in the meantime.

Maybe Josiah will come out at the Southern Women's talk this weekend. Maybe Bin will be caught sexting. The sky's the limit on my dreams!

Maybe some of the 19 kids have a different fundie daddy. I'd pay to see that. (I'm going to hell, I'll save you guys seats)

  • Love 6

I just read yesterday's Inquistr article on Jessa likening their family troubles to something biblical (surprise!) and all I took away was defraudment. There is a picture of her seated with her KNEES SHOWING. Seriously, it was nice to see her looking more mainstream. I still have hopes for her becoming more independent as she matures.

  • Love 2

I am sooooo hoping that someone lets the cat out of the bag. Maybe one of the blabby Seewald clan. Or Amy. Or just anybody. And rain on TLC's and Jessa's parade. The Duggars had it all their way, for all too long, controlling the press narrative, and I like imagining JB's head exploding, Michelle's google eyes rolling, and Jessa's pout turning into a snarl, at every unfavorable story or release of info that they didn't control. Heh.


I guess it all depends if Amy has given up on her own relationship with TLC at this point.

  • Love 1

Maybe some of the 19 kids have a different fundie daddy. I'd pay to see that. (I'm going to hell, I'll save you guys seats)

I'm telling you  I've thought that for awhile.  Some of the howlers look more like Jim Holt than Jim Bob to me.  I wouldn't put it past them!

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 1

Maybe she's trying to top Jill's 70-hour labor.  I was convinced she had started labor because of all the Seewald's going to visit.  They could have had a baby shower after the baby was born and seen the baby at the same time.  If they were just going to a baby shower, that's a 7-hour-roundtrip.  Then, I thought about the fact that relatives get paid to appear in a TLC reality show.  Also, Jessa doesn't have any friends to invite to a baby shower.  She's not exactly Miss Congeniality. Jessa doesn't even have friends from ATI land the way her sisters do, especially Jana, Joy-Anna and Jinger.

I agree Jessa already delivered. It makes no sense to cancel a paid appearance for a baby shower. However they'll have to announce soon before one of their relatives blabs to the gossip sites.

I'm guessing Amy is hedging her bets and will keep quiet in case TLC asks her and DUI Dill to appear in the upcoming specials. I think she hates Jessa for trying to usurp her wedding thunder, but she'll play the game if there's the slightest chance she can get her mug back on tv.

  • Love 6

So I'm confused because I hardly ever come to the Binessa thread because honestly I don't like either of them.


My question is the whole family is at Big Sandy while Binessa stayed at the TTH? Sheesh it's like a motel over there with people coming in and coming out. Anyhoo, MEchelle and Boob aren't at the birth is that what I'm understanding?

  • Love 2

Babies being born are unpredictable, no matter first, third or 19th. Women's cycles vary, and memories aren't always correct of when they last had their period either. A lot of variables go into guesstimating a due date. I wonder how many babies are actually born on their due date without any interventions. 

Only 5% or so of babies come on their actual due date, if left to their own devices.  Around 95% come within 2 weeks either way.  Anything between 37-41 weeks is considered full term,  First babies are more likely to be late than early. 


And, yes, I think Jessa has already given birth and probably had a homebirth or word would've gotten out.  It could be she told everyone her due date was November 1 because it sounded 'cute' to give birth on her anniversary (just as Kim K says she's due on Christmas).  Maybe they are telling the truth, but famewhores like the Duggars and the K's are known to lie when it can be used for PR purposes.  Look how many of us here knew Jessa's due date was her anniversary.  It's also quite possible she went a couple weeks early. It happens. 


And how conveeeeeenient that JB and Michelle are in Big Sandy?  I suspect that TLC wanted them well away from the filming of the birth to avoid stirring up the masses if they'd managed to get their mugs on TV.  This way, they can claim that it broke their hearts not to be with Jessa, but what could they do?  They are such hard working straight arrows and they would never renege on a contract, a deal's a deal.  Such martyrs they are.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 8

So I'm confused because I hardly ever come to the Binessa thread because honestly I don't like either of them.

My question is the whole family is at Big Sandy while Binessa stayed at the TTH? Sheesh it's like a motel over there with people coming in and coming out. Anyhoo, MEchelle and Boob aren't at the birth is that what I'm understanding?

No, it appears that only Boob, MEchelle, and JD are/were in Big Sandy. I suspect that Jana did the James post on FB yesterday. I'm on my phone, so I don't know if the plane returned this morning, but I suspect that JD will fly Jinger and Josiah to Jacksonville, since it was such late notice. Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2

No, it appears that only Boob, MEchelle, and JD are/were in Big Sandy. I suspect that Jana did the James post on FB yesterday. I'm on my phone, so I don't know if the plane returned this morning, but I suspect that JD will fly Jinger and Josiah to Jacksonville, since it was such late notice.

Jim Bob and Michelle were only speaking on one day, so there is no reason for them to stay all week at that conference.  That wasn't the home school conference they always go to; it was the conference for Alert Academy and JD went there to Boot Camp a few years ago.


Jinger and Josiah would just use the free plane tickets the Women's Show provided for Jessa and Ben.  They wouldn't need the family's private plane.  

Pure speculation here, but could it be remotely possible that TLC is filming a shower for Jessa in AR this weekend, and that is the "unforeseen circumstance" that kept her from the Southern Women's show? Wouldn't TLC $$$ be greater than a one hour appearance $$$ (and she honored all the other appearances). She could always use the pregnancy as an excuse, because I would think traveling far from where you plan to deliver 2 weeks before a due date is not terribly smart, if you can avoid it. Might explain padding the attendance of the shower with Seewalds. This is not based on anything besides the ruminations in my head. I'm not moving to River Heights to hang with Nancy, Bess, and George anytime soon...

  • Love 7

Pure speculation here, but could it be remotely possible that TLC is filming a shower for Jessa in AR this weekend, and that is the "unforeseen circumstance" that kept her from the Southern Women's show? Wouldn't TLC $$$ be greater than a one hour appearance $$$ (and she honored all the other appearances). She could always use the pregnancy as an excuse, because I would think traveling far from where you plan to deliver 2 weeks before a due date is not terribly smart, if you can avoid it. Might explain padding the attendance of the shower with Seewalds. This is not based on anything besides the ruminations in my head. I'm not moving to River Heights to hang with Nancy, Bess, and George anytime soon...

Someone so close to her due date should not be travelling, but she knew her date months ago.

TLC filmed her speaking last weekend, so after the poor reception she got maybe she decided to bail.

After all, she probably believes she is getting her own show after the special.

  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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