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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Sad and ironic to the max. I agree. I've always believed that faith doesn't have the least thing to do with the Duggar regime. Everything stems from Jim Bob's and Michelle's neuroses and venality that conveniently take faith as a cover and then twist that faith into something virtually unrecognizable. Among the many many things that I find despicable about them is their doing that. If you're doing what you do because you're a power-hungry sick jerk, own it. Don't blame a religion for your bad behavior. (Like that's gonna happen. ha. But still.) Horrible people. I will never understand why their big fans seem to believe that their behaviors are faith based.


I've said it before so forgive the repetition,  but I don't believe the leg-humpers are bright enough to question the Duggars and their claims of "faith." They never look at the other side of the issue, and in general they don't question what they've been told. I strongly believe this is due to a combination of average or low-average intelligence, and to a great extent also, the way they were raised, with parents in very traditional roles. Pa brings home the canned goods and paper plates. Mom has a baby every year.  

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 8

I've said it before so forgive the repetition,  but I don't believe the leg-hummers are bright enough to question the Duggars and their claims of "faith." They never look at the other side of the issue, and in general they don't question what they've been told. I strongly believe this is due to a combination of average or low-average intelligence, and to a great extent also, the way they were raised, with parents in very traditional roles. Pa brings home the canned goods and paper plates. Mom has a baby every year.  


So there's a sucker born every minute. Probably true.  If not, who would fill up all these "ministries," I suppose.

  • Love 5
I've said it before so forgive the repetition,  but I don't believe the leg-hummers are bright enough to question the Duggars and their claims of "faith." They never look at the other side of the issue, and in general they don't question what they've been told. I strongly believe this is due to a combination of average or low-average intelligence, and to a great extent also, the way they were raised, with parents in very traditional roles. Pa brings home the canned goods and paper plates. Mom has a baby every year.


I think a lack of discernment is also present here (and it's debatable whether that's a separate part of intelligence or not). Also, people see what they want to see, and if they're dying to see a family who outwardly proclaim they're Christians and are "making it" as TV personalities/celebrities, then the glaring flaws are absent or ignored. There might also be a contingent of people who watch and wish they had the fantasy home life the Duggar's portray--kids who don't talk back and don't rebel, who dress modestly and don't argue, where the Mom and Dad are in lurve and it's all one big happy life filled with trips and freebies and blah blah blah. Vicariously living through a family that presents themselves as one thing when they are something else. 

  • Love 8

Awh, little blessa is the black sheep after all.

Hopefully Baby Binessa will be just like her and will be born on OCTOBER 31!!!!!! Oh I can just imagine the horror in that house if it did come true. Just imagine Uncle TFDW bringing the baby some tracts with candy attached......I know I'm going to hell but at least one of you guys will be saving a seat for me right?

  • Love 8

Hopefully Baby Binessa will be just like her and will be born on OCTOBER 31!!!!!! Oh I can just imagine the horror in that house if it did come true. Just imagine Uncle TFDW bringing the baby some tracts with candy attached......I know I'm going to hell but at least one of you guys will be saving a seat for me right?

I'll be there first, because I mentioned a while back that I hoped they had a Samhain baby. Delicious beyond words, bwahahahahaha.
  • Love 6

I really want that baby registry to be legit, because we need to discuss the fact that there is an iPod touch and a selfie stick now listed on it.


I'm only sad that Wal-Mart probably doesn't carry sex toys. And I can't make a tasteful, oh-so-klassy addition to that registry.



  • Love 5

I'll be there first, because I mentioned a while back that I hoped they had a Samhain baby. Delicious beyond words, bwahahahahaha.

Is there room for me? I'll bring treats.


I wonder if they'll release a fake birthdate so they won't have to confess their shame of a child born on All Hallows' Eve. ;-)

  • Love 5

I think Jessa will be traumatized when in labour. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up birthing at a hospital (nothing wrong with that). I also get the feeling she's not really ready to be a parent and that she only got pregnant because she was bored, doesn't work and has no hobbies. Kind of sad, really. I think she will love this child, but hates other people's children in general.

  • Love 6

I think Jessa will be traumatized when in labour. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up birthing at a hospital (nothing wrong with that). I also get the feeling she's not really ready to be a parent and that she only got pregnant because she was bored, doesn't work and has no hobbies. Kind of sad, really. I think she will love this child, but hates other people's children in general.


I agree with you. They are all extremely immature, and I think that Jill's ridiculous behavior during her own labor was due, in part, to her extraordinary immaturity. They are like middle-school girls having babies. If they were 13 or 14 years old, I think that we would have a lot of sympathy for them in dealing with something that they are nowhere near ready to handle, but because they are adults (and, of course, Jill has "studied" midwifery), their behavior comes across as very unsympathetic.

  • Love 6

I wonder about this, too. Like, for example, is she confident that he could make some kind of televangelism thing work, so right now she's just content enough with the likelihood that he'll be supporting them in a career like that? Or what? Jessa and Ben both seem so completely unformed at this point and so much just elder-Duggar appendages that I wonder where they will get self-respect and respect for each other as time goes on. Especially as Jim Bob's own kids age into professional toilet-cleaning age and he possibly gets antsy to see Ben move off the Duggar teat and on to something else.

Aii aii aii churchhoney."Duggar teat"??? You purposed me to dry heave.
  • Love 6

Hopefully Baby Binessa will be just like her and will be born on OCTOBER 31!!!!!! Oh I can just imagine the horror in that house if it did come true. Just imagine Uncle TFDW bringing the baby some tracts with candy attached......I know I'm going to hell but at least one of you guys will be saving a seat for me right?

And maybe name their kid Buffy or Xander or Raven or Casper or Sabrina or Freddy ...

  • Love 3

I cannot imagine Jessa giving birth on camera. This will show who is really in control of her. 

I'm of two minds on this one. I think Jessa likes the fame more than most, yet I see Ben being like "ain't nobody seeing my wife's hooha". And unless Jess has a tolerance for pain, she may not want anyone seeing her 'be weak'. But Jessa will think it will bring in the ratings, which would keep her livelihood going for longer, so who knows.

  • Love 5

I cannot imagine Jessa giving birth on camera. This will show who is really in control of her. 

I think Jessa would give birth in an outhouse if it meant TV coverage and the money and attention that come with it.  TLC has always covered births up close and personal, she has a signed contract for a special, it no doubt allows them to film as much of the birth as they want.  Jesse is one of the kids who's shown how much she loves the spotlight and the perks that go along with it.  Considering JB was probably pushing a birth special as a way to try to worm the whole family back on the tube, I think Jessa jumped at the chance to get her very own show and would be willing to do whatever TLC wants her to do.


As far as Jessa not wanting the world to see her looking disheveled or screaming in pain, she's a Duggar, she's perfect, remember?  She no doubt figures that OTHER people, not HER might look less than glamorous or might lose control.  Just as I believe that it really never did occur to Jill that she might encounter such mundane and unchristian complications as being breech or having prolonged rupture of membranes.  They're too special for that.  I once was consulted on a midwifery patient (who was also quite fundie, BTW) who was in labor and raising a ruckus because things weren't going the way she planned. She'd been awake all night!  Her cervix wasn't dilating as fast as she expected! She was vomiting and had to get an IV!  The horror!  When her very capable midwife explained to her that she was doing fine, that her labor was well within the average for a first baby, she blew up at her, "but I'm not average!!!!!! " She proceeded to be nasty to the midwife for the rest of her labor since she had dared to try to tell her what she didn't want to hear.  Eventually, when she'd pushed a good while, I was called into the room to perform a forceps delivery. 'FINALLY! Someone is here who will actually HELP me!' she declared while glaring at the midwife.  She was a real piece of work who thought herself far more Godly than the rest of us.



I personally think this is also part of the reason they all are so darned devoted to the concept of home birth.  Many, if not most, hospitals don't allow filming of the birth itself anymore because there have been malpractice cases where the family's birth video was presented as 'proof' of negligence.  Juries have even awarded money to plaintiffs who presented video that was clearly edited to the point where the actual events were distorted.  It's the reason why we've seen no actual footage of Josie's birth or Israel's.  The hospital allowed only limited access to the film crews, so the births took place off-camera.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 19

 Considering JB was probably pushing a birth special as a way to try to worm the whole family back on the tube,


For some reason, thinking of JB trying to push tv execs to do something always squicks me out worse than many seemingly much squickier things. The vision of his uber-smarmy mug and disgusting fleshy mouth yapping about why they should do something while his eye-fat crinkles up as he tries to be ingratiating makes me ill. And the idea of him talking up "birth specials" in his disgusting way. .... I'd think waves of nausea would wash over the TLC offices after they're treated to one of his "persuasive" performances. Horrible. Like listening to him spew voyeuristic horrors about Jill's wedding night.

  • Love 10

For some reason, thinking of JB trying to push tv execs to do something always squicks me out worse than many seemingly much squickier things. The vision of his uber-smarmy mug and disgusting fleshy mouth yapping about why they should do something while his eye-fat crinkles up as he tries to be ingratiating makes me ill. And the idea of him talking up "birth specials" in his disgusting way. .... I'd think waves of nausea would wash over the TLC offices after they're treated to one of his "persuasive" performances. Horrible. Like listening to him spew voyeuristic horrors about Jill's wedding night.

Yup, just gross. And most parents think in terms of their daughter giving birth with thoughts of the pain they may feel, the health of both daughter and child, and the joys of grand-parenthood. Not JB. And as far the actual baby making part - yehp, most parents just don't go there.

  • Love 10

Baby Bam Bam better not arrive on November 1.  That's my birthday and I'm not sharing it with Duggar/Seewald spawn.

Besides, Nov 1 is the Day of the Dead (in Mexico anyway) so Jessa would be better off keeping her legs closed until the next day if she doesn't want a devil heathen baby (like myself). 

Edited by ChocolateAddict
  • Love 8

I think Jessa will be traumatized when in labour. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up birthing at a hospital (nothing wrong with that). I also get the feeling she's not really ready to be a parent and that she only got pregnant because she was bored, doesn't work and has no hobbies. Kind of sad, really. I think she will love this child, but hates other people's children in general.

I think she got pregnant for the VSE.

  • Love 4

November 1st is All Saints Day and November 2nd is All Souls Day. Those are important in the Roman Catholic calendar...So, I hope baby seewald is born in that 3 day window, preferably being October 31st....Happy Halloween, Duggars.; then they will be able to have a party every Halloween for Seewald Jr's birthday.

  • Love 7

I understand about not seeing Izzy's actual birth moments, as they were in a hospital, but they edited out just about all of any labor Jill had, if I remember correctly, and with all those hours logged in  for the labor,, we should have seen that process and Jill's stupid decision making. I would have like to have seen just who her midwife was, what the family and Derick had to say about Jill's insistence at not going to the hospital sooner, etc...but we won't see those things because only Anna was fortunate enough to have her dignity taken from her at that time by or course, Josh, who probably made all decisions FOR her.

  • Love 1

I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up birthing at a hospital (nothing wrong with that).

I don't think they have health insurance, so the hospital will not be an option until there is no other choice/the situation warrants. Or, let's put it this way -- she's going to need an awful lot of gift cards and registries to pay for the resulting bills.


For a family so obsessed with birthin' babies, I'm astonished that Jilly Muffin (and most likely Jessa Blessa) didn't give a thought to labor. Maybe Jessa Blessa thinks she'll skip right over that.

  • Love 3

Under my PTV threads, in the Promoted Stories, there is ALWAYS a picture of a toilet with someone pouring a can of Coke in it (a link to a list of surprising household cleaning tips). Every time I see it, I think of Ben. I wonder if he knows about the cleaning power of Coke, or if he's scrubbing toilets the old fashioned way? I know Coke will clean off corroded car battery terminals, I've used it for that!

  • Love 4

If Jessa is surprised by what it's like to have to care for an actual infant, she must have had her head up her peepee holder or whatever the Duggars call it. I mean, how a girl live in that environment and not be 100000% aware of what it's like to be saddled with an infant?

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 3

November 1st is All Saints Day and November 2nd is All Souls Day. Those are important in the Roman Catholic calendar...So, I hope baby seewald is born in that 3 day window, preferably being October 31st....Happy Halloween, Duggars.; then they will be able to have a party every Halloween for Seewald Jr's birthday.

They can all dress up like pirates.  Maybe they can name the baby after a pirate.

  • Love 1

If Jessa is surprised by what it's like to have to care for an actual infant, she must have had her head up her peepee holder or whatever the Duggars call it. I mean, how a girl live in that environment and not be 100000% aware of what it's like to be saddled with an infant?

But she will be surprised, IMO. Buddy-duty didn't start until the babies were 6 months old. And when the girls were younger they really were buddies, not sister-moms. By the time Jessa was a sister-mom she had plenty of help and eventually little ones to order around to help her. And Jessa has never had the emotional responsibility of caring for a child. This will be her kid, the buck stops with her & her teen husband. She will notice & question things with this child that never entered her mind with her siblings, i.e. is that a rash, did he eat enough, why does that poop resemble toxic plasma, etc. She has seen a lot, but she has not felt the true responsibility of having a human depend solely on her.

  • Love 8

If Jessa is surprised by what it's like to have to care for an actual infant, she must have had her head up her peepee holder or whatever the Duggars call it. I mean, how a girl live in that environment and not be 100000% aware of what it's like to be saddled with an infant?

For Jessa that baby will more likely become a prop for her. I can't imagine anything else. She will take a picture of that baby 24/7 to pimp out the anti-abortion stance/Bin's ministry.

  • Love 15

For Jessa that baby will more likely become a prop for her. I can't imagine anything else. She will take a picture of that baby 24/7 to pimp out the anti-abortion stance/Bin's ministry.


I'm just hoping enough hormones kick in so that those pictures won't all be like the horrifying one of her with little Meredith. Where it's all about Jessa. And ... baby?   What baby?

  • Love 2

But she will be surprised, IMO. Buddy-duty didn't start until the babies were 6 months old. And when the girls were younger they really were buddies, not sister-moms. By the time Jessa was a sister-mom she had plenty of help and eventually little ones to order around to help her. And Jessa has never had the emotional responsibility of caring for a child. This will be her kid, the buck stops with her & her teen husband. She will notice & question things with this child that never entered her mind with her siblings, i.e. is that a rash, did he eat enough, why does that poop resemble toxic plasma, etc. She has seen a lot, but she has not felt the true responsibility of having a human depend solely on her.

I see what you're saying. That's true about the sole responsibility. And she had very weird parental role models, so who knows how all this will strike her, or what thoughts and anxieties she might have. Let's hope she doesn't feel the need to crank out a bunch of sister-moms.

(I still wonder what Michelle would have done if her first 6 or 7 kids had all been boys.)

  • Love 10

But she will be surprised, IMO. Buddy-duty didn't start until the babies were 6 months old. And when the girls were younger they really were buddies, not sister-moms. By the time Jessa was a sister-mom she had plenty of help and eventually little ones to order around to help her. And Jessa has never had the emotional responsibility of caring for a child. This will be her kid, the buck stops with her & her teen husband. She will notice & question things with this child that never entered her mind with her siblings, i.e. is that a rash, did he eat enough, why does that poop resemble toxic plasma, etc. She has seen a lot, but she has not felt the true responsibility of having a human depend solely on her.


I agree 100%. Speaking as a former sister-mom, I can tell you that sister-momming is in no way parenting, but it does give the former sister-mom a false sense of confidence that parenthood is old-hat.


As I've said before, I think that Jessa has the maturity level of a young teen and I think that parenthood is going to be really tough for her and tough on her relationship with Bin.

  • Love 10

For Jessa that baby will more likely become a prop for her. I can't imagine anything else. She will take a picture of that baby 24/7 to pimp out the anti-abortion stance/Bin's ministry.

I agree 100%. But seriously, she's grown up in a religion and household that stresses your marriage comes before everything, so it's OK to dump your kids somewhere else and focus date night selfies and gloating about your hot husband. It's all for Jesus. You just have to find a sister or someone who can't say no to Jesus. Others. You, to dump the kids on. If she resists, tell her that disobedient attitude removes her from the umbrella of spiritual protection and sends her straight to hell. Her prince will find her someday, if she's obedient. 


Still NO baby shower? I can't believe her mother in law hasn't done anything yet!? We all know MEchelle is too busy doing nothing to be bothered to have one but will show up if someone else has one because she has to love on Bin not because her daughter is having a baby.

Please do not summon Sierra. 

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 9

There is the possibility that she'll become a mamma bear. I'm thinking her urge to be the alpha might take her down the road of being the parent her parents weren't, whatever she may say in Instagram. After all, this is the girl who told Jim Bob on camera that if he didn't like the way she wanted her wedding, she could elope and he would lose the money from that special. 

  • Love 4


At the conference, the parents-to-be chatted about their upcoming addition, and Jessa revealed that they could be moving away from her parents' home.

"If Ben's seminary that he's looking into requires us to move, then we might eventually move," Jessa told the crowd.


I would love to know what seminary they are looking into and why they're not sure if it will require them to move. Are they hoping for an all online program? 

  • Love 2

The Duggars have fallen off my radar lately, but is anyone surprised by the fact that Ben and Jessa haven't moved away and still live in Grandma's house? I thought Derick's desire to go away on a mission RIGHT NOW was in direct response to everything coming out about the molestation and a mission was the only way to get the hell out of dodge asap. I realize Jessa was already pregnant by then, so it wasn't as possible for Ben and Jessa to head off to South America, but it's been 6+ months -- Ben can't come up with ANY way to get away? He has an associates degree now -- you'd think that would be enough for him to get a job in Hot Springs and said job would be enough to rent a modest 2 bedroom home of the variety they're living in now. Or I would think he would already have enrolled in whatever seminary he's looking at and that seminary would provide married housing. It's not like by staying, they're getting all these financial benefits -- they live in a 2 bedroom home -- not the Dillard mansion -- and his job consists of odd jobs for JB and JD. I realize they must be getting income from being on tour for the Southern Women's Shows -- but those shows don't seem related to JB; it seems that the organizers reached out to Ben and Jessa separately, so they could go on and live their lives and make a few thousand extra here and there from those speaking engagements -- which may go on for another yr or two until there's another hot fundie couple angling to take their place -- and bank that extra money to start saving for a down payment on a home.

  • Love 2
He has an associates degree now -- you'd think that would be enough for him to get a job in Hot Springs and said job would be enough to rent a modest 2 bedroom home of the variety they're living in now.

Though what kind of job would a two (?) year Gen Ed/Poly Sci degree get you? I'm not overly familiar with the US education system, but with a degree like that it doesn't sound like he's learned a trade or a profession, it sounds more like a starting point to further education. Has he actually learned enough of anything to be useful in any kind of job in his area of study? Especially since he's a teenager without much work experience. I think the only work he could get at this point would be manual or retail, but nothing associated with his degree.

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 4

They're staying on for the special episodes.


Special episodes and free rent.

 Has he actually learned enough of anything to be useful in any kind of job in his area of study? Especially since he's a teenager without much work experience. I think the only work he could get at this point would be manual or retail, but nothing associated with his degree.


Yeah, that's right. He might beat out somebody with a high school diploma only for one of those jobs. Maybe. But otherwise, it's just a step to something else.

  • Love 2


I would love to know what seminary they are looking into and why they're not sure if it will require them to move. Are they hoping for an all online program? 

Gothard HQ bible college. Real seminaries are Master's degree programs that require a BA for entry. Seriously, have the Duggars not seen the Waltons episode where one of the boys 'gets the call' and gets his bubble burst when the Rev. explains high school + college + seminary = Rev. 


Someone sit that boy down and explain things to him. His parents didn't seem stupid. We know JimBob and Michelle are not high IQ candidates.


Once again, I get that he wants to preach the word and minister and all, but Bible college, preaching, etc. ARE NOT THE SAME as seminary. I don't think the words they say have much relevance to what they mean. I blame this on Gothard/fundie homefooling scams and all the 'equivalent to' training/education.

  • Love 15

Gothard HQ bible college. Real seminaries are Master's degree programs that require a BA for entry. Seriously, have the Duggars not seen the Waltons episode where one of the boys 'gets the call' and gets his bubble burst when the Rev. explains high school + college + seminary = Rev. 


Someone sit that boy down and explain things to him. His parents didn't seem stupid. We know JimBob and Michelle are not high IQ candidates.


Once again, I get that he wants to preach the word and minister and all, but Bible college, preaching, etc. ARE NOT THE SAME as seminary. I don't think the words they say have much relevance to what they mean. I blame this on Gothard/fundie homefooling scams and all the 'equivalent to' training/education.

Agreed! I truly don't think he or she realizes he needs more to get into an actual accredited seminary. 


I also am confused as to why they are unsure of whether it will require them to move. Unless Jessa was just trying to be intentionally vague, the college's location is set. When I was looking at colleges, it didn't take a lot of effort to see the distance from my home and realize whether I could commute or would need to look into housing. 

  • Love 4

Somehow I can picture Jessa handling birth better than Jill did. It's been long enough that I don't remember the details, but I do remember that Jill had grandiose visions of how it would go bc as a midwife, she knew everything there was to know re birth and then she ended up taking stupid chances. With Jessa -- I can see her having a more pragmatic, get this kid out of me and get me an epidural so I don't feel much -- kind of attitude. I think those kinds of people end up deferring more to OBs/educated professionals as long as they have the pain relief they need -- which gives them less room to make stupid decisions.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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