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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I really think that she has no other option, and I don't think it would occur to her that she does. It is my understanding that home-birth is part of the Gothard playbook and going to a hospital is only an option in extreme duress (and only an option if you have a reality tv show and can pay).


I have seen multiple posts on the board speculating about Benessa being on their parent's insurance, but I don't think that they have insurance -- any of them.  I could be wrong, but it seems really out of character for them to spend money on something like insurance. I imagine the JB has the minimum required insurance on his vehicles, but I would be really surprised if the house were insured or if they had life insurance. JB mentioned in one of the specials that when the kids are sick, they just take one to the doctor and then give the medicine to everyone. I don't know if it's part of Gothardism or something that JB made up to conflate his basic cheapness with religion, but you don't need insurance when you are under the umbrella of Jesus -- or whatever BS he uses to defend this.

I would think under the new health insurance guideline they would have to be insured. There is no way they are not filing taxes, and they would incur some hefty fines with that many uninsured people come tax time.

I would think under the new health insurance guideline they would have to be insured. There is no way they are not filing taxes, and they would incur some hefty fines with that many uninsured people come tax time.

I seem to recall JimBob saying that they belong to some sort of Christian co op Insurance group where all the members put in money and pay hospital bills for each other when they need it.... maybe someone else remembers this?? 

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On another note here, folks, does anyone wonder why it is that JessaBlessa has never uttered one syllable about what king of prenatal care she has been receiving, or

WHO has been tending to her pregnancy? I find that strange. These people photograph a hamburger before eating it, yet she said nothing about an important matter. This family is all about having babies and I find this strange. I also think they have absolutely no health insurance...Jim Bob went on record saying that he has North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield for his family....yes, Jessa might still be eligible to be on his plan since she's under 26, but she's married; don't know if that changes the requirement. BTW, I don't think Jim Bob, tightwad, has the Cadillac of plans for his family, I think he has just the basics...you know, to state that he has coverage for his family.

  • Love 3

On another note here, folks, does anyone wonder why it is that JessaBlessa has never uttered one syllable about what king of prenatal care she has been receiving, or

WHO has been tending to her pregnancy? I find that strange. These people photograph a hamburger before eating it, yet she said nothing about an important matter. This family is all about having babies and I find this strange. I also think they have absolutely no health insurance...Jim Bob went on record saying that he has North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield for his family....yes, Jessa might still be eligible to be on his plan since she's under 26, but she's married; don't know if that changes the requirement. BTW, I don't think Jim Bob, tightwad, has the Cadillac of plans for his family, I think he has just the basics...you know, to state that he has coverage for his family.

I think they have been quiet because it has been filmed (just in case) for TV. And who knows but maybe Jill has been assisting and now will be the primary,

  • Love 1

I seem to recall JimBob saying that they belong to some sort of Christian co op Insurance group where all the members put in money and pay hospital bills for each other when they need it.... maybe someone else remembers this?? 

That would be Samaritan, not-so-affectionately known by we heathens as "Scamaritan." I know that they used it at some point, but it's never been made clear if they're still using the co-op or have moved on to "regular" insurance. It's possible that Scamaritan threw them out when their kids had so many accidents that required plastic surgeons. I mean, you better have paid in and be in the prayer chain if you expect to have your baby delivery paid for. God help you if you need hospital care.


I seriously doubt Benessa have any health insurance and plan to pay their midwife (likely Jill) out of pocket. 

  • Love 3

With all their ranting and raving about Planned Parenthood, ebil Liberals and religious persecution, I would absolutely die if Jessa was on Medicaid. She can probably fudge her income any number of ways. They live in Grandma Duggars' house so they technically have no assets and all the TLC money went into one big pot. I'm sure she'd do the home birth anyways, but it would just be another feather in the cap of their hypocrisy.

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While reading through comments on FB regarding the Pope's visit to the US, I think I found Bin's true soulmate. It was a lady complaing about the Pope being a false prophet that Catholics should only follow the bible, etc. She went on and on condoning the Pope. Well she starts internet screaming about being a southern Baptist, blah, blah blah. People shut her down and told her it didn't matter what she was Baptist she just simply wasn't a good Christian condoing people and disrespecting the Pope. In that moment I thought there are so many Bin's out there and this woman was his perfect soulmate.

My BFF was Baptist I never heard her say anything bad about Catholics. This woman was just way overboard with her bible belting. Hello people love the Pope she had no business on the comment section. I don't care what religion you are if you doin't have something nice to say then STFU and move on.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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Poor Bin needs to take a speech class.  The boy is terribly inarticulate.  If you sat him on the couch with the Kody Brown kids he would not compare favorably.


Public high school might have helped him.  I think his only speaking experience involves using approved religious jargon and Bible verses.

  • Love 6

I seem to recall JimBob saying that they belong to some sort of Christian co op Insurance group where all the members put in money and pay hospital bills for each other when they need it.... maybe someone else remembers this?? 


Yes. And conservative lawmakers won those Christian sharing groups an exemption from the individual mandate to purchase qualified coverage, under the Affordable Care Act, so the Duggs may well still have that if a group will have them. .... They may or may not, depending on how much stuff they pay out of pocket to avoid going through the co-op, I would think. They're really big expenses were Josie, and those got government payment.... so ....


Here are a couple of takes on whether those programs are a good idea or not, in case you're interested;





Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

On another note here, folks, does anyone wonder why it is that JessaBlessa has never uttered one syllable about what king of prenatal care she has been receiving, or

WHO has been tending to her pregnancy? I find that strange. These people photograph a hamburger before eating it, yet she said nothing about an important matter. This family is all about having babies and I find this strange. I also think they have absolutely no health insurance...Jim Bob went on record saying that he has North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield for his family....yes, Jessa might still be eligible to be on his plan since she's under 26, but she's married; don't know if that changes the requirement. BTW, I don't think Jim Bob, tightwad, has the Cadillac of plans for his family, I think he has just the basics...you know, to state that he has coverage for his family.


After this latest news that Jill has passed the CPM exam, I would guess that she's been providing pre-natal care for Jessa. So to speak. It's probably been part of the plan all along for Jill to take midwife training so that she could provide the family with [free] pre-natal and delivery care for the next generation of Duggar baby makers.

  • Love 1

I'm a little surprised Jessa is going the home birth route. So I wonder: Is Jessa doing a home birth because she feels it's truly the best option or is this just a big F.U. to Jill? Because when it's reported in People that Jessa delivered smoothly at home it will always be placed in context to Jill's clusterfuck. You can't tell me Jill won't be pissed when this happens.

Would Jessa be comfortable with Jill all up in her business like that?
  • Love 2

Would Jessa be comfortable with Jill all up in her business like that?


Well, considering that Jessa is about to have an all-male camera crew and an entire television audience up in her business, I would say that Jill is the least of her worries. 

Edited by Guest

Hey, folks, let's not get into the nitty gritty of the health insurance and what's changed and the politics of it all. Not only is it off topic, but it's bound to get heated. Discussing the Duggars' insurance might be ok, but keep it only to them and not health insurance in general.

  • Love 1

does she even know curse words?

but i do think she'll be screaming something fierce, homegirl can't stay sweet for the life of her (which is why she's my problematic fave)

She will likely sound like Steve Carrell in 40 yr Old Virgin.." bare shoulders!!! Out alone in PUBLIC!!! STRAIGHT SHORT HAIR"

Something like that.

  • Love 6



Jessa and Ben have a baby registry at Walmart, except -- wait for it -- there are no items on the registry. Only the option to purchase gift cards ranging in possible amounts of $10 to $1,000.


Thus far, zero gift cards have been purchased! 



Jessa and Ben have a baby registry at Walmart, except -- wait for it -- there are no items on the registry. Only the option to purchase gift cards ranging in possible amounts of $10 to $1,000.


Thus far, zero gift cards have been purchased! 

Whoa!  Greedy much?  How about yellow blankets, or green sleepers, white onsies, a brown stroller, etc.  So many gender neutral stuff.  I shouldn't be surprised by these 2.

  • Love 3

I'm actually beginning to suspect that she's asking leghumpers for gift cards because, unlike most people, she doesn't have a group of girlfriends to throw her a shower with the usual gender-neutral gifts. If so, I feel a little bad for the girl. 

Edited by Guest

How about no registry at all? If you're so rich that you don't really need to pursue education or jobs (ever, in Jessa's case), why do you need (or think it appropriate) to ask passersby to fund the first of the 20 infants you're planning? Surely the gifts from your family and dear friends (ha) should be enough for the independently wealthy?

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 18

There are plenty of gender neutral items available at Walmart; there's a reason there's all that Disney Babies and Winnie the Pooh stuff out there.  Things like strollers, bath towels, burp cloths, diaper covers, and on and on and on can be found.  I presume they're not waiting until she delivers to paint the nursery or buy a lamp or curtains for it. She has to have a color scheme in mind; surely there are more than enough things she needs that aren't gender specific.  They are just greedy, IMO.


  • Love 10

How about buy used and save the difference?  Why does she feel entitled to brand new stuff for her baby?  A crib sheet with ducks on it, a yellow blanket and a white sleeper to clothe the baby.  Then when everyone knows what it is, they can give her their used baby clothes.  Perfect for 2 parents who are not working.

  • Love 12

Not to mention that if TLC is filming the late pregnancy and the birth, they're going to have to furnish the nursery and fill it with stuff before they can film it, so she's asking for money on top of getting all her needs taken care of (without disturbing the house with a closet full of used baby clothes down the road).

  • Love 5

There are plenty of gender neutral items available at Walmart; there's a reason there's all that Disney Babies and Winnie the Pooh stuff out there. Things like strollers, bath towels, burp cloths, diaper covers, and on and on and on can be found. I presume they're not waiting until she delivers to paint the nursery or buy a lamp or curtains for it. She has to have a color scheme in mind; surely there are more than enough things she needs that aren't gender specific. They are just greedy, IMO.

Back in the day, we didn't know what we were having. My boys wore beautiful crocheted sets in white, baby green and yellow. The nursery was actually done in Peter Rabbit decals and bedding.

Jessa is a tool.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 10

I read on (I. Think) the Duggar Family Blog that Benessa do know their baby's gender. They are choosing to keep the information to themselves. Of course, TLC needs to give them a gender reveal party, complete with blue and pink flamingoe, pinata filled with pink and blue candy, banners everywhere, big boxes filled with pink or blue confetti and plenty of poses with pregnant Jessa lovingly holding her belly!

  • Love 9

My guess is that they already know the gender but want to pick out everything themselves which might include something for the new mom and dad which wouldn't look so great on a registry

Most defintely.  Jill caught hell for putting six packs of caffeinated soda on her registry along with gift cards to restaurants and a fitness equipment.  

  • Love 2

I wonder if Jessa and Ben will take the crib Josie gnawed on. It's no longer being used by Izzy.  I think Jessa wants everything new and sparkly. I wonder if Jessa really had anything new or first use prior to marriage. Maybe once the show became popular.


Jessa could at least have put up some small, necessary items - a mix of fun essentials and practical things.  We know they are gift grabbers, now they are blatant money grubbers. They need to hide the grift better. 

  • Love 3

We're sure that's their registry?


I searched Walmart's baby registries using her full name, so we have three options: (#1) It's theirs, (#2) there is another Jessa Seewald having a baby with a guy named Ben due on November 1st, or (#3) some evil genius created a fake registry in their name hoping for gift cards from duped leghumpers. 


Frankly, I'm surprised #3 hasn't happened yet. It would be sooo easy to register online with stores under their name, wait for the internet to find the registry, and watch the gifts start to roll in from fans. How poetic it would be for the grifters to be out-grifted by someone. 

Edited by Guest

I kind of expect they'll be disappointed with this approach. I'd expect most people with crushes on strangers would much prefer giving a tangible gift to their crush rather than impersonal money. They can imagine the person unwrapping the gift, being pleased with it, using it. It's an individual thing that, no matter how tenuously, will always be linked to the individual giver, in the giver's memory at least and, if they're really lucky, maybe even in the recipient's. The cash that you fork over for somebody to put on their pile has no such potential for romantic associations. You can't imagine it adorning the baby's bedroom or even being drunk as a late-night refreshment for the weary new parents, like Jill and Derick's sodas.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 10

Wow, that was painful to watch.  Ben has no public speaking skills and is not a quick thinker.  His clumsy attempt to make their polar-opposite answers sound the same, or even similar, was excruciating.  And painfully prolonged.  I will give him credit though, for absolutely obliterating the standing record for most "likes" uttered in a run-on, messy sentence.  So, go Ben?

  • Love 7

The Walmart registry linked above now has Stuff on it. I guess it's a work in progress. And the minimum gift card amount has risen to $25. Edit: no, it has not. I am scrolling impaired. Also still nothing purchased.

I'm kind of glad they're PR idoits.


Now she's asking for two jogging strollers. Why? One isn't enough. Twins? (Yeah, right).

  • Love 8

I didn't see this video from the Southern Women's Conference posted. (Apologies if I missed it.)


It reminds me that like the way Milennials like talk like drives me like crazy, but hey - it's great to see a young couple so in sync with each other.


The really scary thing is that both of those two were raised by at least one person who was educated by professionals. Imagine what their kid is going to sound like.

  • Love 5
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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