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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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So Pa Seewald rants and raves on his blog and suddenly less than a week later we have an engagement? Something doesn't seem right about it. I'm not one of the ones who believes that they've been engaged for a while; if they were and the engagement was just a secret for filming/ratings purposes or they didn't want to "announce" any kind of engagement until after Jill's wedding also to keep the family's name in the news longer -- Pa Seewald wouldn't have blogged about it. If anything he knows his son will benefit from TLC fame and wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that if they got engaged a few months ago but the Duggars said they wanted to keep it quiet until filming resumes.


Hate to say it but it seems like -- Pa Seewald called out the Duggars last week. Suddenly JB decided that things are going well for the family right now with the Jill/Derick story line and he doesn't want bad press coming from a broken courtship, nor does he want a mopey Jessa in the new season as that'll hurt future courting prospects -- and viola God lays it upon his heart a few days later that he's tested Ben enough and Ben has passed with flying colors even though he still hasn't figured out an education or career. He calls Ben Monday-Tuesday. Ben goes with Daddy to pick out a ring on Wed., as I suspect the Seewalds may be paying for it. And by Thursday, we have a proposal. The entire timing seems to convenient.

  • Love 7

What does Bin's family do for a living? Does his family  still sell pre-fab homes? I can't remember where I read that Bin's father  used to fix windshields too and that the pre-fab business was something his family did a long time ago.


So does that mean that Benessa will be pitching a tent behind the TTH??

Edited by Fuzzysox

So now Ben and Jessa will speak along w/ Jill and Derick tomorrow re purity and relationships. That didn't take long to get out there with a public event a minute after the engagement.


Even if the Seewalds aren't in the pre fab home business now, they may still be able to get Ben a discount on one to put on JB's property. Or doesn't Grandma Duggar have a number of rental properties -- the home Josh lived in as well as others? I imagine JB can get his mom to rent out one of those to the happy couple at little to no cost. I do think that they'll be pregnant immediately. I realize all of these fundie couples start trying immediately, but even then you do see couples get pregnant a month or a few months after marriage. With these two -- I'm thinking honeymoon baby.

The Seewald's posted an engagement announcement on their blog and of course they made sure to mention that "The wonderful thing about it is that it was all filmed and will be aired on TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting this fall."  So it looks like it could be part of the finale for the fall season.

Edited by abseedee

What does Bin's family do for a living? Does his family  still sell pre-fab homes? I can't remember where I read that Bin's father  used to fix windshields too and that the pre-fab business was something his family did a long time ago.


So does that mean that Benessa will be pitching a tent behind the TTH??

Oh I'm sure that there's already bin a tent pitched behind the TTH and that's the reason for the engagement. Bin's dad pretty much said that was the reason for marrying young and staying pure. Bin's about ready to burst...

  • Love 2

Yeah, Bin is going to be pitching a tent alright...


I'm on the side of "they've been engaged for months" debate. That explains the juvenile and premature use of "Seewald" by Jessa, and the increasingly close proximity to one another photos, and that stupid engagement-like photo shoot from a few months ago.

  • Love 7

I'm watching Four Weddings on TLC now and just saw a commercial where Jessa and Ben announced their engagement and thanked fans for their well wishes so I rushed here!


Very curious about how Jana and Jinger will handle the fact that Jill and Jessa will no longer contribute to the household chores. I'm sure they're happy for their sisters, but they are probably a little pissed at what this means for them.

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Oh dear...I just saw the tearful announcement by Jessa & Ben....I really don't have words....I really do think that this engagement was announced because Jill & Dericks wedding is set to air..and well the Duggars need another engagement/wedding so that they milk another season out of TLC....and I am pretty sure we will see a male Duggar courtship to occur this season with yet another courtship/engagement/wedding so that they can get into 2016....sorry,  but in my opinion they have to find a way to stay relevant....cannot lose the TLC cash cow.

Edited by autumnh
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Ben and Jessa are among the least qualified to speak about relationships of anyone I can think of.



So does that mean that Benessa will be pitching a tent behind the TTH??

I think Ben has been pitching a tent for some time and the location of where he gets to share it with Jessa is not going to matter to him. </12 years old>

  • Love 3

Oh dear...I just saw the tearful announcement by Jessa & Ben....I really don't have words....I really do think that this engagement was announced because Jill & Dericks wedding is set to air..and well the Duggars need another engagement/wedding so that they milk another season out of TLC....and I am pretty sure we will see a male Duggar courtship to occur this season with yet another courtship/engagement/wedding so that they can get into 2016....sorry,  but in my opinion they have to find a way to stay relevant....cannot lose the TLC cash cow.

Their engagement announcement is up on TLC.com - http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/19-kids-and-counting/videos/duggars-about-courting-video.htm


Curious, was the one that aired on TV different from the online video? Because in that link above they both looked pretty subdued to me. For that matter, Jim Bob doesn't look too thrilled either, hmm. I must say, Jessa looks extremely unnatural doing the whole "gazing adoringly up at my man" thing.


Also, no close-up of the ring? Guess they're saving the big reveal for another "exclusive". I wouldn't be surprised. That People article from this morning seemed so ho-hum and sparse with the details compared to what Jill and Derick got when they announced their engagement. I'm very curious as to what finally made Jim Bob give his blessing for Benessa to marry. What miracle job does Ben have that allows him to take weeks off at a time to follow the Duggars' dog-and-pony show with his Majestic Pearl Princess?

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Here's the TLC "thank you" video, which has more information about the wheres and hows of the scavenger hunt proposal.


Jessa tries so hard to get down the helium voice and the adoring gaze, but even though she just got a ring, she's not quite pulling it off. Binbob looks like the cat that ate the canary.


I predict divorce by 30.



  • Love 1

New to the Duggar threads, but have been watching the shows for years. Every girl is excited to get engaged and start a new life with the one she loves, so I'm happy for Jessa and Ben. I hope they both have the maturity and stability for marriage. It isn't always easy, even for the most mature and in love couples. Honestly, Jessa and Ben bother me far less than Josh does. That guy just creeps me out. I've never understood what Anna saw in him...he scares me.

I also think their engagement will be short. They have no reason for a long engagement. Wedding planning doesn't require months of advance planning. Her dress...ordering and alterations...will probably require the most time, and if she doesn't order, she saves a lot of time. Ceremony and reception are both held at the church, so it eliminates having to work around venue date conflicts. Family and friends do the catering. It can all easily be done in a short timeframe.

I think I need a cheat sheet to keep up with all the acronyms and nicknames around here! Why do y'all spell Ben with an "i"? Does the "i" stand for something? And I've tried to figure out what TTH is, but I'm coming up with nothin'. Can someone throw a girl a bone? ;)

There was a guy who posted on Free Jinger as Friend of Scraeder  who said that he rented Josh's house after he moved to the DC area.

He said that the house was a mess. The roof leaked and it had drain problems among other things. I can't see Princess Jessa living there.

New to the Duggar threads, but have been watching the shows for years. Every girl is excited to get engaged and start a new life with the one she loves, so I'm happy for Jessa and Ben. I hope they both have the maturity and stability for marriage. It isn't always easy, even for the most mature and in love couples. Honestly, Jessa and Ben bother me far less than Josh does. That guy just creeps me out. I've never understood what Anna saw in him...he scares me.

I also think their engagement will be short. They have no reason for a long engagement. Wedding planning doesn't require months of advance planning. Her dress...ordering and alterations...will probably require the most time, and if she doesn't order, she saves a lot of time. Ceremony and reception are both held at the church, so it eliminates having to work around venue date conflicts. Family and friends do the catering. It can all easily be done in a short timeframe.

I think I need a cheat sheet to keep up with all the acronyms and nicknames around here! Why do y'all spell Ben with an "i"? Does the "i" stand for something? And I've tried to figure out what TTH is, but I'm coming up with nothin'. Can someone throw a girl a bone? ;)


He is referred to as Bin because that is the way the Duggars pronounce it. TTH is the Duggar homestead because it was made out of a few kits. Another one for you is TTC which is TaterTot Casserole, a favorite Duggar menu item.

  • Love 1

Here's the TLC "thank you" video, which has more information about the wheres and hows of the scavenger hunt proposal.


Jessa tries so hard to get down the helium voice and the adoring gaze, but even though she just got a ring, she's not quite pulling it off. Binbob looks like the cat that ate the canary.


I predict divorce by 30.




Thanks for the link.


Yikes! That was borderline creepy to watch. To me Jim Bob was the only one who looked somewhat sincere and like a real person.

He is referred to as Bin because that is the way the Duggars pronounce it. TTH is the Duggar homestead because it was made out of a few kits. Another one for you is TTC which is TaterTot Casserole, a favorite Duggar menu item.

Thanks!!! I NEVER would have figured out the correlation between Ben/Bin, probably because my southern accent pronounces it Bin too. Didn't even realize there was another way to pronounce it. I get it now though. Thanks for explaining that...and TTH/TTC!!!

I think the reason for the engagement was Ben's dad.  He drew a line in the sand and pretty much called Jim Bob out.  Now, If Boob was a man of principle, he could have responded, in kind, of the Duggar family blog.  Defending his family's method of courtship and protecting the hearts of his daughters. Hell, even saying "I want a young man to be moderately educated and employed before the ring goes on any of my princesses fingers!" would be honest. Then I would have a modicum of respect for the man.


However....Jim Boob got called out, and since saving face is more important that Jesus to these people, he "freely" gave his blessing to the union.  And rather than give Boob a chance to withdraw the blessing, Ben proposed right quick and announced it publicly.  The Duggars have a very careful public face, and it can't be damaged or wrinkled.

Hello First of all, I am a longtime lurker of the Duggar thread at TWOP, and I enjoyed reading the comments. I am delighted to be with you now.

I am sort surprised about the engagement given his lack of employment or maybe not.

One thing that has stuck in my mind was Jim Bob saying that the courtships work out about 50 percent of the time. That sounded possibly true, but it also sounded like something they would say to make courtship seem more reasonable to non-courtship mainstream Christians and non-believers. 

My understanding of the courtship process is that to break a courtship is serious business and not done lightly. Young people particularly women are advised to keep their hearts pure for the future spouse. If you google courtship failures or bad courtships or something and read some of the courtship stories on Recovering Grace, young women talk about how when the courtship broke up they felt like failures. Like they had done something wrong. They may even see themselves as damaged goods.  

There was a pro-courtship website aimed at Teen girls, which I haven't been able to find lately. (Maybe someone else will have better luck.) It had one story written by woman who had been dumped after she had done everything right. She had Daddy's permission to see him, and he was a member of their church. She was now married to her husband who was able to look past her courting someone else before him. I remember one line from the story was "Girls, be careful about giving away your hearts....". She still seemed to feel shame about it, even though it was by the book.

So while I hoped Ben and Jessa might break-up since they seem like a bad match, I think once you're in a courtship, you're supposed to stick it out. There was probably a lot of pressure to get married all around. Since boys and girls are only allowed to court and not date, it seems unreasonable that they can't really end a problematic relationship and you can't always tell a problematic relationship until you're in one. I think the Duggars try to down play the shame brought on by the culture for ending courtships, because the ritual seems extreme enough as it is. 



Count me in as one who just doesn't have warm and fuzzy feelings about this couple.



Count me too. I try but I just don't see it. They just seem so oddly matched to me and not in love. I've tried to see it from the beginning but half of the time Jessa acts like she doesn't even like him. I hope I'm wrong.

  • Love 2

I agree w/Ivy. I think Ben's dad called out JB, and he is a wimp. He can't stand up to his shrew-wife, he's not going to stand up to another man.

I'll bet he doesn't really care so much abt Ben's employment status, because this is Jessa - his least favorite daughter. With Jill, he wanted to make sure she was being taken care of properly.

I really don't forsee a happy union for these two. They have only one thing in common - their narcissism.

  • Love 5

Count me too. I try but I just don't see it. They just seem so oddly matched to me and not in love. I've tried to see it from the beginning but half of the time Jessa acts like she doesn't even like him. I hope I'm wrong.

They don't look in love to me, either. They definitely look like they'd like to go hide away somewhere and get it on, though. In that video, where Jessa is supposed to be adoringly gazing at Bin, all I see on her face is "I can't wait to touch your penis."


Jessa tries really hard to look pleasant, but she has a serious case of bitchface--it's like she is so bored with everything. She could easily be a Mean Girl, I bet!

  • Love 6

Scavenger hunt Engagement? The church looked really pretty with all the candles but that sounds so odd. Good for TV weird for real life.  


I am worried about Jessa. I know we can't know what is going on with someones body but she she just looks sooo skinny in the face, sort of like an Angalina Jolie look.  This feels all wrong, handing off your daughters to get married. She will have NEVER been alone with the man she is marrying. This really feels like an arranged marriage. This is bizarro land and I just can't stop watching. 

They don't look in love to me, either. They definitely look like they'd like to go hide away somewhere and get it on, though. In that video, where Jessa is supposed to be adoringly gazing at Bin, all I see on her face is "I can't wait to touch your penis."


Jessa tries really hard to look pleasant, but she has a serious case of bitchface--it's like she is so bored with everything. She could easily be a Mean Girl, I bet!

She reminds me of Aubrey Plaza on Parks and Rec. i don't have a good feeling about this match either. I am a fan of the Jill-Derick match. It seems for real.

  • Love 3

I've long thought that Jessa is completely out of $h!ts to give when it comes to the show and displaying their lives for the universe (which I think one could view differently than posting pictures about your fabulous life on Instagram), and I also think that she's just not super telegenic.  Maybe she actually does like/love/tolerate/want to have sex with (choose your favorite of the above) Ben, but if she's not super telegenic (I think Jill's personality and demeanor are very compatible with reality TV show, Jessa's not so much), she may appear aloof and uncaring.


I've said it here numerous times already but again - I really, really, really hope that this is actually what Jessa wants and not what's been pre-arranged for her because it will be a long slog if it's the second.

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This bit really reminded me of Boob's role in Jill and Jessa's courtships, particularly the bolded:" If she says you need to talk to her dad first, just move on to the next girl. Don’t let the fact that some women have controlling fathers keep you from dating the girls with more normal families. There are a lot of fish in the sea and some dads are nicer than others.  Remember that this man would have become your father-in-law, and controlling people tend to control everything they can


Ben should have listened to his own Dad.  This bit sounds like Dad was warning Ben off Jessa, not calling out Jim Bob.  Haven't read the rest of the blog, so maybe he is doing both.   Now Ben has a controlling father-in-law-to-be that is on the outs with his own father.  Not a good newlywed situation.

On the ordering of wedding gowns, the Gothardites very seldom order dresses because it takes too long.  They buy off the rack dresses and have them altered and modesty changes done.  They want their weddings to be within a few months and ordering gowns usually takes a minimum of four to six months and then you need time for alterations after the dress comes in. 

When I was young it was considered highly improper to be married fewer than six months after the announcement of the engagement. I dated my husband in college and then I was teaching and he was in grad school. We decided at the beginning of the summer to get married before school started. My mother was nearly apoplectic that my engagement could not be in the newspaper society section. Of course, I could not have cared less. But it seems strange that a religion that seems to embrace mid-20th century would go so against the propriety rules of that period. 

  • Love 1

New to the Duggar threads, but have been watching the shows for years. Every girl is excited to get engaged and start a new life with the one she loves, so I'm happy for Jessa and Ben. I hope they both have the maturity and stability for marriage. It isn't always easy, even for the most mature and in love couples. Honestly, Jessa and Ben bother me far less than Josh does. That guy just creeps me out. I've never understood what Anna saw in him...he scares me.

I also think their engagement will be short. They have no reason for a long engagement. Wedding planning doesn't require months of advance planning. Her dress...ordering and alterations...will probably require the most time, and if she doesn't order, she saves a lot of time. Ceremony and reception are both held at the church, so it eliminates having to work around venue date conflicts. Family and friends do the catering. It can all easily be done in a short timeframe.

I think I need a cheat sheet to keep up with all the acronyms and nicknames around here! Why do y'all spell Ben with an "i"? Does the "i" stand for something? And I've tried to figure out what TTH is, but I'm coming up with nothin'. Can someone throw a girl a bone? ;)

The spelling is just a way to denigrate him . I'm not exactly sure why.

  • Love 2
I've said it here numerous times already but again - I really, really, really hope that this is actually what Jessa wants and not what's been pre-arranged for her because it will be a long slog if it's the second.



I really hope so too. I would hate for anyone to get married unless they really wanted too. But I can't shake the feeling that Jessa doesn't look or act like she's in love or even likes Ben half the time. It always felt pre-arranged, something to do for the ratings and with the Bates marrying off left and right and getting a lot of attention from it. JimBob felt pressured, competitive and people wondering why the Duggars weren't doing the same thing. It feels like he came up with Ben in response to all of that and he's a perfect choice for JimBob. He's young and seems very willing to do what ever JimBob wants to get Jessa. 

Edited by andromeda331
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Iwadre, on 16 Aug 2014 - 05:24 AM, said:

Scavenger hunt Engagement? The church looked really pretty with all the candles but that sounds so odd. Good for TV weird for real life.  


I am worried about Jessa. I know we can't know what is going on with someones body but she she just looks sooo skinny in the face, sort of like an Angalina Jolie look.  This feels all wrong, handing off your daughters to get married. She will have NEVER been alone with the man she is marrying. This really feels like an arranged marriage. This is bizarro land and I just can't stop watching. 


That's weird because I was just thinking that Jessa looks gaunt in the face. A few recent pics (like the most recent pic Ben posted of Jessa  on his Twitter page) made me think that. It may just be camera angle, the shape of her face, and that she has big eyes.



It's not a way to denigrate him on my part. It represents the pronunciation of his name on the show for me. And it amuses me.

That's the way it comes across to me. It's reminds me of people who think it is funny to mispronounce your name over and over or give you a nickname you didn't chose.

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It's just a nickname, pretty common on boards like this one. I could think of many truly denigrating names for Ben, but Bin is not one of them, LOL. We aren't personally acquainted with him in this case, so IMO it's not like we are mispronouncing his name in his presence. And the thing is - everyone ON the show refers to him in the exact same way. We're using a phonetic spelling, if you will:)

Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 4

I don't know what Ben and Jessa's deal is but they both don't look happy. I am not even comparing to Jill -- Jill is an outgoing, giggly person so of course when she was courting and dating she was showing everyone how over the moon she was for Derick. Not everyone is like that, and some people are a lot more reserved. However I have seen reserved people in love, and even they seem happy. I watched the engagement video -- in the church -- on TLC's website (don't know if that was also their "announcement" on TV yesterday). Aside from the fact that neither one is articulate enough to finish a sentence, I also thought that neither one looked at all happy. Ben seemed "relieved" that it was a done deal, and they both had the affect of -- I just closed a business deal. I get that that's what this marriage is -- she gets off the compound; he gets a job based on the Duggar name; and JB benefits because it's another season of stuff to film. BUT at the end of the wedding these two are stuck with each other for life. I guess like with all arranged marriages, they will grow to know and love each other; but it would be easier if they had some sparks of attraction or some excitement for married life already there to build upon -- the way we saw from Jill/Derick; even Josh/Anna -- Anna was very excited to build a home with Josh; Chad/Erin; Zach/Whitney.


I didn't realize Ben's dad posted the part about "if a girl asks you to talk to her father, find another girl." That's telling and does seem directed at his son's potential for acquiring a controlling father in law. BUT couldn't Pa Seewald have had a man to man chat with his son, rather than posting on a blog and hoping Ben would take the message to heart? I'm not suggesting that you can talk a horny 19 yr old male out of anything, but when the courtship was taking forever and JB kept making Ben jump through hoops and wouldn't even let Ben and Jessa go to ice cream or mini golf alone and Ben was growing [ahem] "frustrated" -- couldn't Ben's dad then have said -- son we think she's a great girl but look at how her family is acting right now, it won't get any easier and we have no idea when they will actually allow you to marry or what you will have to do for work/life etc. after you are married -- there's lots of other fish in the sea, look at all the pretty girls at community college -- how about a date with one of them!?

I also think Jessa has lost some weight. Nothing wrong with that but speaking from personal experience -- if you're not working out hard (and I don't think that family does that) and you lose weight like that in the face and neck -- often times it is from stress and unhappiness. It's not that you WANT to lose the weight, it just unintentionally happens. Shouldn't Jessa or her sisters or mom or Amy or someone notice and ask if everything is ok and how she is feeling about all the impending life changes?? I know when it happened with me -- and it was "only" work related issues -- I had quite a few people call me out on it and they won't listen to "I'm fine."

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This is possibly Jessa's Pinterest. It looks to be a new page with pins commensurate with a fall wedding.




w/r/t "Bin:" It's solely based on how everyone pronounces it. Southerners on this board have said that's how THEY pronounce it. Those of us from other parts of the country can tell the difference. As for "BinBob," it's pretty clear that Ben is trying to emulate Boob as a sort of Mini-Me. BinBob/JimBob. See what happened there? :) It's not malicious, it's based on observations of Ben over the past year.

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I actually feel sorry for Jessa to an extent. It just seems like she was pushed into this courtship/now engagement by her parents, because they met Ben and "approved" of him and she had to enter a courtship before she got to know him really well. It seems that with Jill, she spent more time talking to Derrick, even if it was through Skype, before she entered her courtship with him. Also, whether Jessa likes it or not, not only was her entire courtship aired for the world to see, so will her engagement and wedding..maybe she's not all that crazy about being in the spotlight, But she has to comply because her selfish parents want to keep the show going. I keep wondering if one of the boys, and I'm thinking now about John David, will be able to refuse having his relationship displayed on television for the world to see when it finally happens for him. He might decide to wait until he's in his 30's and this show is finally cancelled before he decides to get married. I have also wondered if this was the case for the Bates as well...some of their kids did not move forward with courtship/engagement until their show was cancelled. 

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I sort of wonder if something did change between Pa Seewald and JimBoob, because Ben's parents seemed overly happy to be hooked up with the Duggars at first, and with Ben getting to know Jessa.  And certainly if you are a "prayer partner" with JimBoob and live hundreds of miles away, there is a strong likelihood you found out about the Duggars from their show and are aware, like we are, of their beliefs and practices.  So Ben and his parents were likely all very aware of the Duggars view on courting and how strict they are when they were shown being unusually happy about Ben and Jessa developing a relationship. So Pa Seewald posting a passive-aggressive message about marrying young and "if a girl asks you to talk to her father, find another girl" seems very strange and like a shifting of mood towards the Duggars views on courting. I think it's a patricarchal power struggle of some sort, and both Pa Seewald and JimBoob are used to being in control without question. Boob seems to be a wimp around men who are more educated than him and/or who aren't wholeheartedly agreeing with everything he says, and of course ratings and the gravy train are obviously very important to him. 

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Fuzzysox, on 16 Aug 2014 - 11:44 AM, said:

So is Jessa on the stink bus today running off to go dress shopping? Wondering if she is getting a form fitting dress or she gets Jill's recycled dress?


I wonder what strange things will be on their registry. Phones with good cameras and makeup?

  • Love 5
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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