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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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He will never, ever know the first thing about dating because he never dated. The first time he was alone with a woman was on his wedding night.

Eh, he doesn't know the first thing about dating for now (so I agree he shouldn't think he can give advice on dating currently). I'm thinking now that the show is canceled, eventually riding the Duggar gravy train is gonna get old as the money/jobs/etc that JimBob doles out to Ben & Jessa will start to be diminished, especially as the other kids marry & drain more $ out of JimBob. Even if he and Jessa make a decent living giving talks, etc, it isn't ever going to be the way it was for them a few months ago before the scandal broke (and when they got married). The attention, money, etc is going to lessen more and more over time. I suspect Ben & Jessa will eventually (maybe a LONG time from now) divorce and he'll get some experience dating. So o wouldn't count on him never, ever have experience dating.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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So true. Of all the Duggars/Duggars-in-law, he's definitely the most likely to survive.


There's a joke in here about someone mistaking Derrick for a zombie these days...


Or a joke about Ben having married into a entire tribe of zombies without realizing it. Sort of like a caterpillar being immobilized and wrapped in spider silk, for when the spider family gets hungry in the lean season.

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As a Mormon, Ben is barking up the wrong tree. Come to church with me and then we will talk. Don't interview some random guy.


Be brave, Ben!!!  If you're gonna condemn me to hell, at least make sure you have accurate information. 


He should really interview one of our missionaries. Though that may not be fair. Perhaps a recent seminary grad would be better. ;-) 

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He should really interview one of our missionaries. Though that may not be fair. Perhaps a recent seminary grad would be better. ;-) 

"Don't worry Ben, you and Jessa will be baptized into Mormonism, after you're dead."

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Now that the show is done, I wonder if Bin and Jessa are taking turns throwing darts at a dartboard with a picture of Josh's face on it.

My guess is dartboard or voodoo doll. Jessa must be especially pissed. Overnight she went from tv reality star to unemployed housewife married to a toilet scrubber.

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Byeeee Bin. Bye Bye to your dreams of your world-famous militant ministry. While I've no doubt there will still be people who will try to follow him on social media, he will be shocked at how fast the new reality flavor off the month will take his place. Cue trumpets of sarcastic sadness.

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My guess is dartboard or voodoo doll. Jessa must be especially pissed. Overnight she went from tv reality star to unemployed housewife married to a toilet scrubber.

I'd hate to be joshy right now, I'm almost sure lil blessa is right next to daddy screaming at him.

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Bin needs to get a REAL job....unless he and Jessa will start their own ministry ala the Jillards....I am a happy happy happy Catholic...so suck it Bin! :) sorry...I am enjoying it just a bit much lol

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But, in the glorious end a beautiful army of cats appear and scratch both of them to death, a very slow one.

Maybe the cats from AK will rise against him ala the show ala the show Zoo.

eta:  Double post

Edited by toodles
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 OMG she wears shorts what's next? Just snuck in for a minute. My boys are having a great time at the ranch.

I'm glad she broke free of the swim dresses the girls wear & unlike Jilly, she is wearing a more supportive bra for the girls. (NIKE, I do feel defrauded though. She is wearing a wet clingy T-shirt & my eyes were drawn to that area.)
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I'm glad she broke free of the swim dresses the girls wear & unlike Jilly, she is wearing a more supportive bra for the girls. (NIKE, I do feel defrauded though. She is wearing a wet clingy T-shirt & my eyes were drawn to that area.)

You better go pray!

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They haven't announced what they are having officially, have they? Because those look like little boy shoes.

They look "gender neutral" to me.

The Duggars aren't very creative. Boy shoes would be blue.

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They haven't announced what they are having officially, have they? Because those look like little boy shoes.


hmm. Good catch. 


I didn't know Duggars wore shoes.

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I am so sorry to have my ignorance and innocence, but what is that picture and the quote about crystals purported to show?     I don't get it all and yet I know somehow this is something that would automatically piss me off, since it comes from Jesse and apparently from her thought(less) partner Ben.

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I am so sorry to have my ignorance and innocence, but what is that picture and the quote about crystals purported to show?     I don't get it all and yet I know somehow this is something that would automatically piss me off, since it comes from Jesse and apparently from her thought(less) partner Ben.

I read the link. Abiogenesis is apprently impossible. Jessa doesn't need your goddamned science. She just wants her iphone, sonagrams, etc. They're magic!

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I think that Jessa is trying to say is that life must arise from other life (biogenesis) as opposed to a living organism arising from non-living matter (abiogenesis). I skimmed the article and it argued that life can only come from other life = humans came from something alive = God created humans.  That said, there is no way that Jessa understood the nuance of that article.  Can you see Benessa having a discussion about this study? "New York University physicists Jérémie Palacci and Paul Chaikin reported that under the right conditions microscopic cubes of hematite partially covered by spherical polymer coats would defy the thermodynamics of random motion and repeatedly draw themselves together. To achieve this, the particles had to be placed in a bath of hydrogen peroxide exposed to blue light. The correct wavelength of light catalyzes a chemical reaction between the exposed bit of hematite and the peroxide, generating electricity that ultimately drew the particles together."

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"New York University physicists Jérémie Palacci and Paul Chaikin reported that under the right conditions microscopic cubes of hematite partially covered by spherical polymer coats would defy the thermodynamics of random motion and repeatedly draw themselves together. To achieve this, the particles had to be placed in a bath of hydrogen peroxide exposed to blue light. The correct wavelength of light catalyzes a chemical reaction between the exposed bit of hematite and the peroxide, generating electricity that ultimately drew the particles together."

I'm pretty sure that Jessa doesn't understand half of the words in that quote.

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I'm pretty sure that Jessa doesn't understand half of the words in that quote.


    MargeGunderson, you forget that Jessa used to be in charge of homeschooling at SOTDRT. 

Edited by zenme
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Jessa should refrain from discussing things she has absolutely zero understanding of.


That might limit her to near-muteness, however. She doesn't seem to know a rose from a daisy, or the names of either, for example.

I am so sorry to have my ignorance and innocence, but what is that picture and the quote about crystals purported to show?     I don't get it all and yet I know somehow this is something that would automatically piss me off, since it comes from Jesse and apparently from her thought(less) partner Ben.


Article summary: "Life had to be breathed into matter by God, just as the Bible says. It couldn't have arisen from nonliving matter the way these scientists are theorizing that it may have. Because it couldn't. It just couldn't. That's why. So stop asking."

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"New York University physicists Jérémie Palacci and Paul Chaikin reported that under the right conditions microscopic cubes of hematite partially covered by spherical polymer coats would defy the thermodynamics of random motion and repeatedly draw themselves together. To achieve this, the particles had to be placed in a bath of hydrogen peroxide exposed to blue light. The correct wavelength of light catalyzes a chemical reaction between the exposed bit of hematite and the peroxide, generating electricity that ultimately drew the particles together."


Um. I think once you've given a particle a partial spherical polymer coat, dunked it in a bath of peroxide and exposed it to blue light, nothing it does past that point speaks to randomness. I seem to recall having discovered something similar using iron filings and a potato in elementary school.

Edited by Julia
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Um. I think once you've given a particle a partial spherical polymer coat, dunked it in a bath of peroxide and exposed it to blue light, nothing it does past that point speaks to randomness. I seem to recall having discovered something similar using iron filings and a potato in elementary school.

Except nothing is 'given'....all these process can happen on their own, all right next to each other. Having billions of years to happen helps, too.


OK mods, lock the thread over the origin of life. Please!

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Jessa, stick to your homophobic tweets and pro-life rants, they're much better suited to your educational level. Leave the science stuff to the pros, kay, thanks.

Actually, I'd rather her actually try and understand science stuff, i want her to lost more things like this, because at least she's skimming through it. If she skims through enough, she might actually retain something. We all start somewhere, and she got screwed over from birth.

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Answersingenesis.com isn't about science, it's about Christian apologetics. The people behind it mainly go all out trying to poke holes in the experiments and research data that actual scientists create. They're devoted to promoting the literal interpretation of the most implausible part of the bible.

Edited by Kokapetl
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Answersingenesis.com isn't about science, it's about Christian apologetics. The people behind it mainly go all out trying to poke holes in the experiments and research data that actual scientists create. They're devoted to promoting the literal interpretation of the most implausible part of the bible.

And the CEO is Mr Creation Museum himself, Ken Ham, to put this all into context.

ETA because Ken is more ham than hamm.

Edited by mimionthebeach
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I'm a science believing athiest, but for $20 million dollars a year, I might be convinced to start saying that Jurassic World was a real time documentary about an unfortunate day at an exotic zoo.

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Ah, so the timing of the post is perfect.  Daddy Boob drives the convict home from prison, and he rants and raves a bit at the Duggars, Jesse thinks she has something to back up her predetermined opinion, and posts it.  

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