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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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They might be getting slammed by many, but there are still quite a few that are insane @sskissers - er leg humpers.

Saying things like "It's not the Amy King page" "Amy sold her pictures, they can't post any"

Not realizing that the whole issue is that the Duggars hi-hacked their "congratulations" by referencing Jessa's.

Edited by roamyn
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I wonder if Jessa will be invited back to Southern Women given the fact that the Duggars are not as famous (except for Joshie and the stripper) and that there were protests over her last engagement. I don't think those kind of shows are really looking for controversy. 

Edited by satrunrose
  • Love 5

Maybe. I tend to think it's different for actresses because of the Hollywood fame and Hollywood stories she has to tell, the network exposure to a mainstream audience and the better oratory and personal-presentation skills and so on. But I guess we'll see. I'm sure Jessa will give it a shot.


ETA: I don't know, though. Was just thinking about Whelchel. And in addition to what I mentioned above, she still is in show business -- so continued visibility outside of speaking. And she radiates some vulnerability and warmth, which I honestly think are crucial to being a public success for virtually everyone. .... I have a hard time seeing Jessa develop the sort of oratorical abilities or personality that get people to call you again and again because they want to see you, rather than calling you once because they want to gawk at your famous self. 



Good assessment. Lisa Welchel had an actual acting career, plus she isn't tied to the type of sordid scandal that Jessa is. If you got "famous" for being in a huge, loony family and the huge loony family faceplants in public, that's a tough one to come back from. I think she'll hang on for a little while with the young female wannabes who drool all over her social media, but that will only get her so far.

  • Love 2

Good assessment. Lisa Welchel had an actual acting career, plus she isn't tied to the type of sordid scandal that Jessa is. If you got "famous" for being in a huge, loony family and the huge loony family faceplants in public, that's a tough one to come back from. I think she'll hang on for a little while with the young female wannabes who drool all over her social media, but that will only get her so far.

To be successful long term on a lecture circuit, you have to have a multi-dimensional story, charisma and drive. I don't link any of those qualities with Jessa.

  • Love 11

I think Jessa pulled out her wedding pictures because she is depressed about her current circumstances and is remembering the highlight of her life, which was all the attention she got during her wedding phase.  Now she is just uncomfortable and waiting to produce a blessing.  She has her Prince Charming but I think the life she dreamed of is gone, at least for now.  She'll be raising babies and cooking tater tot casserole, rather than appearing on television and being adored by fans.


ETA:  Jessa has a long way to go to have the personality of Lisa Whelchel.  No comparison.

Edited by riverblue22
  • Love 8

Jessa ain't depressed. She eats the souls of random howlers to sustain her mood. Probably absorbed some lithium from all the licking of surfaces and eating of dirt. Parents don't even know what kid is missing.

All hail Queen Bitch Jessa. F Amy and her "water bar" and chairs and plates and music and food and a theme and laughter and fun. Ice cream and no napkins or spoons FTW. Whose wedding did Kirk Cameron go to? Not Amy.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 15

I'm having a hard time understanding the economics that would allow all these people to get along for years and years, and produce more children, without anybody working actual jobs of some kind. ...


Yeah, it doesn't work. It's great to have a few million dollars, but the annual return on it is not going to support a family of -- so far -- thirty people in any comfort. They're delusional. They're also truly terrible parents who are raising their children with a tremendous sense of entitlement and no work ethic, and making it nearly impossible for any of them to acquire any job skills.


I don't think JimBob wanted Jessa to marry Bin. Mike Seewald even came out and said that it was Boob who was holding up the engagement.

I have occasionally wondered if Pa Seewald had something over Jim Bob, because that match just made no sense at all. Maybe Mike just intimidates him. Or maybe Jessa does.

  • Love 6

Seriously, I know we have joked about Ben scrubbing toilets and earning money that way.

The TLC party is over and Jim Bob is not going to pay Ben to scrub toilets when he has all that free J'labor at home.

Those "talks" Jessa gives were booked before 2 Scandals & Counting...no one is gonna book her now.

HOW is this family paying their bills?

Is Jim Bob paying their bills?

Jessa and Ben have no source of income, do they?

At least Derick can work.

Josh did run that car lot thing (not well but he did attempt to work).

Ben? He really does nothing.

Ben has a job, preaching about Jesus.

I don't think they'll last long, unless something else comes up to keep Jessa et al in the eye of pseudo-celebrity. Right now she's clutching the disappearing caboose of her TLC exposure and a life that made her famous for being famous. Without teevee notoriety, what is she famous for? Her mom had a lot of kids? She's an uneducated, ignorant, haughty young woman with an underemployed husband and a baby? Put out a casting call with those specs, and you'd have a line for miles.

You know I don't know what's the difference between Benessa and other couples in their situation. No job, education, housing, income, with a baby on the way. All things the Duggars would judge regular folks for but it's perfectly fine for them to do it.

  • Love 6

I do have some sympathy for Jessa. Her practical options were settle for a Ben type, or stay at home forever like Jana. She married Ben with the reasonable assumption it would set her free from the TTH, and that she (and her husband) would finally be paid by TLC. Now through no fault of her own, she has no livelihood, and despite being a molestation victim of her brother, the stigma of being related to her brother supersedes that and taints her.

  • Love 5

I do have some sympathy for Jessa. Her practical options were settle for a Ben type, or stay at home forever like Jana. She married Ben with the reasonable assumption it would set her free from the TTH, and that she (and her husband) would finally be paid by TLC. Now through no fault of her own, she has no livelihood, and despite being a molestation victim of her brother, the stigma of being related to her brother supersedes that and taints her.


I completely agree. While I abhor the fact that Jessa went on television to minimize Josh's actions, I think it is deeply unfortunate the she, a victim, had her livelihood stripped away from her (the show, speaking gigs, future books deals, etc.) as the result of a crime and cover-up perpetrated by Josh and her parents. I know TLC's decision to cancel the show wasn't intended to punish the victims, but in a family where the children have been taught no other life skills except how to be a reality TV star, it absolutely did punish the victims. I don't like the girl, but I do feel for her.


All snark aside, if I were in her situation -- pregnant by a very young, uneducated, unemployed husband with few prospects, I would be very scared about the future. 

Edited by Guest

That Twitter link doesn't work for me. Anyone got a screen grab?


The link works fine for me but maybe you can try this link - twitter.com/amyduggar or just search for 'amyduggar' on twitter.  I just copied & pasted what Amy said in my previous post but here it is again - 


"There is definitely a thin line between being tasteful and being tacky. Hmm."

  • Love 1

I do feel a little sorry for Jessa. I think using your cousin’s wedding to flood the internet with pictures of your own wedding is tacky as hell, but I think its because they are 1) smug in general 2) panicked about the future and using this to generate interest.

Going on Megyn Kelly and managing to minimise other people’s abuse was wrong, but they have a right to claim what they are feeling, even if it isn’t what people want them to say. Of course the spectre of Boob and Mechelle constantly minimising it at home and scripting them muddies the waters. I do think it was mostly about saving the show and they legitimately think that the show (or spin off) shouldn’t have been cancelled because of what happened to them in the past and that they might feel more victimised by people using the scandal to attack their family/livelihood from their perspective. No one should count on reality TV as a secure income, but Benessa were (correctly) expecting a birth special, until Josh’s sins past and present tainted them all, unfairly or otherwise.

I really do wonder why Jim Boob let the Ben/Jessa courtship happen. Derrick I can totally see, an adult in his 20s with a job and a missionary calling, fine. A 17 year old with no job, who’s family and religion don’t exactly match up with Gothardism or IFB in general. Jessa either liked him a lot more than she let on, Boob fancied a leghumper family looking up to them or Michael Seewald drives a hard bargin

But still tacky on the photos.

  • Love 1

From her twitter -

"There is definitely a thin line between being tasteful and being tacky. Hmm."

Yes, yes there is. And sometimes it just barely keeps the nipples covered.

Plus her Twitter account says "I was once a Duggar".

It's comedic how she was a Duggar when the show was on but now she is making a big deal out of being Amy King. Either way she is trying to squeeze the last few seconds out of her 15mins of fame.

And yet Amy King is keeping the Amy Duggar account and she still has Duggar as the fifth word in her description of herself. It's practically as if Amy King wants people to identify her as a someone connected to the Duggar family.

Edited by Julia
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I really do wonder why Jim Boob let the Ben/Jessa courtship happen. Derrick I can totally see, an adult in his 20s with a job and a missionary calling, fine. A 17 year old with no job, who’s family and religion don’t exactly match up with Gothardism or IFB in general. Jessa either liked him a lot more than she let on, Boob fancied a leghumper family looking up to them or Michael Seewald drives a hard bargin



Or maybe he was looking so hard at the extra thousands a second daughter's-wedding special would bring in -- and a potential boost in ratings to follow the newlyweds -- that nothing else even rose to the level of consideration in his tiny, money-and-fame-obsessed pinhead?


He's a shallow shallow man. And selfish and stupid. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the scent of a few extra tens of thousands was many times more important to him than the personal future of his daughter and her children.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 12

Wasn’t Jessa’s courtship “officially” anyway, started before Jill and Derrick? I remember people speculating that Jessa would be “allowed” to drop his 18 year old ass now that Jill could do the courtship/wedding/baby storyline with an actual adult. But maybe he still felt 2 was better than one.

  • Love 1

Good assessment. Lisa Welchel had an actual acting career, plus she isn't tied to the type of sordid scandal that Jessa is. If you got "famous" for being in a huge, loony family and the huge loony family faceplants in public, that's a tough one to come back from. I think she'll hang on for a little while with the young female wannabes who drool all over her social media, but that will only get her so far.

Lisa Welchel advocates hot saucing your kid.

  • Love 2

Lisa Welchel advocates hot saucing your kid.

Actually, Lisa Welchel started to backpedal when she discovered that parents who followed her "creative" punishment regime would be subject to CFS in some states. Then she got divorced and discovered (to her complete surprise and great dismay) that people in her faith community can be real judgey. Apparently God doesn't approve of that as much as he did twenty years ago, or so she told People.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 9

What is hot saucing your kid?




Former child star Lisa Whelchel advocates hot saucing in her parenting book Creative Correction.[3] In the book, Whelchel claims the practice is more effective and humane than traditional corporal punishments, such as spanking; she repeated this opinion when promoting her book on Good Morning America,[4] where she said in raising her own child she found the technique successful where other measures had failed. Whelchel's book recommends using only "tiny" amounts of hot sauce, and lists alternatives such as lemon juice or vinegar.[1][5]

Physical abuse. Doesn't matter if it's hitting or chemical agents. It's still pain, and it's lazy, cruel parenting. So I could see the Duggars advocating something like it.


Whelchel had/has talent as an actress. Jessa? Not so much.

  • Love 3

Whelchel had/has talent as an actress. Jessa? Not so much.


I think CBN is missing a bet not taking her on as a Christian lifestyle correspondent. She could report from women's conventions with buffboi at her side. It'd be a twofer. Although I've always thought Pat was more comfortable with people who pretended to be dumb.

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I don't know, washing your child's mouth out with soap is more dangerous, IMO than hot sauce.

And I'll admit that I did the former, as did my mother, her mother, and probably her mother & back through generations.

I see nothing wrong with washing a child's mouth out with soap, so therefore - to me - using hot sauce isn't child abuse.

  • Love 2

I see nothing wrong with washing a child's mouth out with soap, so therefore - to me - using hot sauce isn't child abuse.


Leaving aside my position on the use of force with children, capsaicin would be not so much unpleasant as painful, and more likely to cause a systemic reaction, so I do believe there's a difference between hot sauce and soap.

  • Love 1

Jessa is definitely bothered by Amy's attention.  Not only did she release 100 photos from her wedding, she posted a picture of her nephew -- fully knowing the price the media has put on Anna and the children's heads.



I think they're neck and neck at this point. And I honestly wonder if Jessa would be quite this extreme if Amy and the charming future Mr. Amy hadn't fully known the price the media has put on Josh and Anna's heads quite so comprehensively this past week.

Edited by Julia

Looks like Jessa and Amy made Blind Gossip

[My side of the family is] very upset with [her] right now! [she] is so insecure and so competitive that she can’t let any of us have the spotlight for five minutes without jumping in and pushing us aside? Why can’t [she] let anyone else shine? Her actions were rude and uncalled for. She’ll get hers!

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Another reason I think it's Michelle: Jessa and Amy are blood relatives, I.e., Jessa is on Amy's side of the family. It seems like weird wording to say "my side of the family" is upset if she is talking about Jessa. I don't know. It could be, but it just seems like an odd way to say it. Hard to explain my thinking here. I guess it seems like she would say "the family" is upset with Jessa.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Not to mention MEChelle and her white dress.


So gross. Having their squabbles, foibles, misunderstandings and moods become fodder for the whole world's snarking entertainment. To offer yourself up to become famous for being famous is one thing. But to hand over your kids to the maw of the entertainment industry and to train them up to be "celebrities" not people. Unforgivable. Some umbrella of protection, Jim Bob.


Also: Shut up, Amy. Her role in this crap may annoy me more than anybody else's. I suppose because she's never had to suffer the pain of being a Duggar kid. Just rode to G-list celebrity on their coattails. And now she's trying to get more from it by stirring the pot. Yet, unlike the actual Duggar kids, she can walk away when she wants without having been crippled by world-class kid-cripplers JB and M. Shut up, Amy.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 11

Not to mention MEChelle and her white dress.


So gross. Having their squabbles, foibles, misunderstandings and moods become fodder for the whole world's snarking entertainment. To offer yourself up to become famous for being famous is one thing. But to hand over your kids to the maw of the entertainment industry and to train them up to be "celebrities" not people. Unforgivable. Some umbrella of protection, Jim Bob.


Also: Shut up, Amy. Her role in this crap may annoy me more than anybody else's. I suppose because she's never had to suffer the pain of being a Duggar kid. Just rode to G-list celebrity on their coattails. And now she's trying to get more from it by stirring the pot. Yet, unlike the actual Duggar kids, she can walk away when she wants without having been crippled by world-class kid-cripplers JB and M. Shut up, Amy.

This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with squabbling bitchy cat fights on social media.


And, bless you both. 

  • Love 4

Not to mention MEChelle and her white dress.


So gross. Having their squabbles, foibles, misunderstandings and moods become fodder for the whole world's snarking entertainment. To offer yourself up to become famous for being famous is one thing. But to hand over your kids to the maw of the entertainment industry and to train them up to be "celebrities" not people. Unforgivable. Some umbrella of protection, Jim Bob.


Also: Shut up, Amy. Her role in this crap may annoy me more than anybody else's. I suppose because she's never had to suffer the pain of being a Duggar kid. Just rode to G-list celebrity on their coattails. And now she's trying to get more from it by stirring the pot. Yet, unlike the actual Duggar kids, she can walk away when she wants without having been crippled by world-class kid-cripplers JB and M. Shut up, Amy.

Yehp, Shut up Amy. Duggar, not-a-Duggar. How many times is she going to say that? She jumped high and wide to be driving the Duggar train in the past 2 months. Churchhoney said it best; Shut up Amy.

I always thought that Jessa married Bin because she was going to get out somehow, someway, and he came along and was minimally acceptable husband material. Remember when she asked Jim Bob if he'd rather they eloped?

That what Jess'a way of stamping her feet and saying "I'm marrying him whether you like it or not".

  • Love 2

I think CBN is missing a bet not taking her on as a Christian lifestyle correspondent. She could report from women's conventions with buffboi at her side. It'd be a twofer. Although I've always thought Pat was more comfortable with people who pretended to be dumb.


Jessa can't hold a conversation with a paper bag. You really think she'd be able to interview someone on the spot? 


I'm convinced that she purposefully pushes her lower jaw out to give herself a more pouty look. 

  • Love 9

LOL at Jessa posting 100 new pictures of her wedding 2 days after Amy's wedding - and Mechelle linking the photos.  Between Mechelle wearing white to Amy's wedding and Jessa suddenly posting pics of her own wedding it's just so immature and unclassy.  What about -J.O.Y. - Jesus first, OTHERS 2nd, YOURSELF last!  They don't even get their own mantra.  It's all just BS to them.  Mechelle and now Jessa - Me ME ME.  The TV cameras really made Mechelle and Jessa (maybe Jill as well) into such fame whores.  They can't  handle it when the attention isn't on THEM.  In a few years time and Jessa has however many kids and is married to Bin and everyone forgets who they even are Jessa is going to be starved for fame.

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 10
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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