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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)


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Honestly, I'm just happy I came up with a battle in the same war as the one they wanted. I am terrible at history, and pretty much all of the battles that took place on US soil.

It seemed like a bit of a slow game. It took them a while to get the "F" thing. None of them really impressed me. I'm glad we got a new champ, though.

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I knew that Waterloo was 1815, and New Orleans was the closest one in time involving the Brits that I could think of.  So it was a semi-educated guess.  And now I'll be singing "They fired their guns and the British kep' a-comin'" for at least the rest of the week.

I don't know how you qualify to get on Jeopardy! when the missing part of the abbreviation you need to supply starts with S and you're staring at a giant photo of a satellite dish and you can't even manage to guess "satellite." SMH.

Edited by Mondrianyone
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I thought the game was okay.  I think I like Shannon better than Susan.

I liked the 100 People category even though I didn't do all that well on it.

My ts's were Israel and Reading Gaol. I should have known Edward VIII but my mind just wouldn't work right then.

Instaget FJ.  I think the woman in the middle had no idea when the battle of Waterloo took place.

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14 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I wasn't getting it, so the mister started humming it and I was OH, right! Then afterwards we tried to remember all the lyrics.

So funny--same at our house, except I was the one doing the song.

Now I just wish it would stop.  "Oh, they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles, They ran through the bushes where the rabbits couldn't go . . ."

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

I don't know how you qualify to get on Jeopardy! when the missing part of the abbreviation you need to supply starts with S and you're staring at a giant photo of a satellite dish and you can't even manage to guess "satellite." SMH.

I thought Alex said it was "S&E" instead of "SNE," so I was trying to think of what E would be.

I did pretty bad this game. 

Shannon reminds me of Tony Gardner, who plays an annoying character on Last Tango in Halifax.

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19 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

So funny--same at our house, except I was the one doing the song.

Now I just wish it would stop.  "Oh, they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles, They ran through the bushes where the rabbits couldn't go . . ."

Wow those are most definitely not the lyrics I learned as a child in history class...

Anyways, it's meant as satire/comedy - that's pretty much all this group does - but if you're easily offended you probably shouldn't listen. It does illustrate nicely how history is taught/learned differently in different countries. Also, why the Canadian parliament cracked up when Barack Obama talked about the "British" burning the White House down.

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9 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

So funny--same at our house, except I was the one doing the song.

Now I just wish it would stop.  "Oh, they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles, They ran through the bushes where the rabbits couldn't go . . ."

It had stopped, and then I read your comment and the lyrics continued in my mind. LOL

@secnarf, thank you. It's always good to see/hear different perspectives (both humorous and non). Of course, the extent of my knowledge of this battle is, in fact, this song. The war of 1812 was somewhat skimmed over in my history classes, it being between the "important" wars - the revolution and the civil war.

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I'd accidently stabbed myself with a used needle while dealing with the cat's ringer's lactate bag and was in the bathroom putting on a Band-Aid, and therefore missed almost everything prior to the first commercial break.  Damned cat!  The rest of the game seemed pretty good, though, and I liked Shannon so I'm glad he won.  I would've bet yuuuuge on that Writers DD simply based on how well I was doing in the category, and been damned glad I did because I knew Oscar Wilde was in Reading Gaol.

Edited by proserpina65
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On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 8:37 PM, YoureSoUrban said:

For TS I got The Young & the Restless,

I got it, but the clue annoyed the hell out of me.  That music was the theme for The Young & the Restless from its debut in March 1973, more than 3 years before ABC Sports used it as the background music for a montage of routines by Nadia Comaneci.  So, to me, it's not f*cking Nadia's theme - it's the theme from The Young & the Restless.

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On ‎10‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 7:57 PM, secnarf said:

It made me sad that nobody knew 49th parallel. Also those Harry Potter ones! I got all of them. I wish they'd had time for the last one.

I had no idea for FJ, though.

I felt bad for Jerry.

I said "48th parallel" - do I get partial credit? ;-)

I'm terrible at scrambled clues, so even though I've read all the HP books and seen the movies, I only got 2 of those right.  I don't feel too bad since the friend with whom I was watching is an even bigger HP fan, and she didn't get any of them.

FJ was a gimme for me, but then again, I did recently re-watch In the Heart of the Sea, about the wreck of the whaleship Essex which was the inspiration for Moby Dick, so it was fresh in my mind.

I also felt sorry for Jerry.  I suspect he couldn't get the timing of the buzzer down.


TS's were John Fogerty

I got "John from Creedence Clearwater Revival" but couldn't come up with the last name.

Edited by proserpina65
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FJ was another gimme - the Napoleonic Wars are a thing for me, and the Battle of New Orleans was the closest War of 1812 battle to the date of Waterloo.  At least two of them got it right; don't know what chick in the middle was thinking with Gettysburg.

I got Edward VIII, which should definitely have required the "VIII", but did not get Pope Benedict, which should've required the number since I gather there's been more than one.

Edited by proserpina65
Reading comprehension is my friend
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14 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

I wondered why "Edward" needed to be "Edward VIII" but "Benedict" did not get a BMS.

While I agree with you that Bennie should have gotten a BMS, I believe the contestant actually said "Edward VII", which is very wrong, not just incomplete.  (I'd bet a dollar that just "Edward" or "King Edward" would have gotten the BMS, though.)

If I were unsure of his regnal number, I'd have just said "the Duke of Windsor".  Even though that wasn't his title at that point, I'm fairly certain they would have accepted it.  

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Thanks for the Canadian version of that song, Frances!  I'm guessing that neither one is 100% historically accurate.  For example, there are some lines in the U.S. version about using an alligator to shoot cannonballs.  Probably didn't happen.  ;o) 

But I'm not arguing with any Canadians till after our election.  I may need a nearby place to seek asylum.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

I know I'm being a nitpicker, but Live and Let Die was not a book written by Ian Fleming. It was one of the James Bond movies written after Fleming died and they ran out of his books. I only bring it up because the clue specifically referenced Ian Fleming.

This is the forum for nitpicking, so have at it. :)


4 hours ago, SierraMist said:

Sometimes there is something at the back of your brain that manages to come out right. 

That's what worked for me. I have never read the book (managed to avoid it, even though I was a lit major), never saw a movie about it. But it was an instaget for some unknown reason.

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I wasn't best pleased with any of our contestants, but Anne was the least objectionable, so of course she crashed and burned.  But at least she started at the tops of the categories.

FJ was an instaget for me.  And by the way, Anne, Woody Allen is not funny (imo).

TS I got include Nez Perce, Pan Am, casters and Georgia Dome.

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"So" Shannon if you'd start at the top, I might warm up to you, but I doubt it.  I agree @Browncoat that Anne was the least objectionable and Woody Allen's about as funny as a boil on your tookus.

I got curvature of the Earth (which I've seen many times on airplane flights and I've never flown on the Concord), Pan Am, caster and Georgia.

FJ was an instaget.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

FJ was an instaget.

Yeah...when Alex made his comment about how there were two or three to choose from, I really didn't know what he meant.  There aren't that many EGOTs to start with, and Brooks is the only one I would associate with comedy (well, and Mike Nichols I guess, but it's not just comedy for him--and I would have never thought of him anyway, until I was poking around after the fact).

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, Browncoat said:

FJ was an instaget for me.  And by the way, Anne, Woody Allen is not funny (imo).

TS I got include Nez Perce, Pan Am, casters and Georgia Dome.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't think Woody Allen is funny.

I didn't get the Georgia dome, but I got the rest of these, plus Ray Donovan and the Dome of the Rock.  Should've gotten Washington Irving, but I couldn't pull it out of my brain in time.  I almost said something about the Earth's curve, but didn't and it probably wouldn't have been in an acceptable form anyway.  Not triple stumpers but ones that Shannon got wrong and I didn't: Costa Rica & El Salvador and Depression.

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44 minutes ago, Scott said:

Yeah...when Alex made his comment about how there were two or three to choose from, I really didn't know what he meant.  There aren't that many EGOTs to start with, and Brooks is the only one I would associate with comedy (well, and Mike Nichols I guess, but it's not just comedy for him--and I would have never thought of him anyway, until I was poking around after the fact).

Agreed. The EGOT list is so short (though it's probably going to get longer after this year's Oscar ceremony) and Mel Brooks so famous for comedy that I just didn't see how you could think it was anything other than an instaget. And to make everyone feel better, Woody Allen is no where near EGOTing. He only has the Oscar. (And yes, he is incredibly unfunny.)

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18 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I live in Metro Atlanta and couldn't remember the damn name of the damn dome.

I guessed Peach Dome, because...Georgia.

1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

I thought I was the only one who thought Woody Allen is unfunny!  Seems like everyone I know IRL adores him.  I don't get it.

Me neither. Plus there's the whole ick factor.

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I liked that category with the odd pairs - I forget what it was called - but it had answers like Hue and Cry and Proctor and Gamble.  Good lateral thinking exercises for us.

Shannon was impressive in parts but also missed some I thought were pretty easy.  Debbi was more plodding but slowly racked up the money.  Not sure about her final wager though - if Shannon had bet big in FJ he would have won.

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As soon as they showed the clue for FJ I knew it was the book by Rachel Carson but the actual name eluded me until the last second - no time to write it down.

Should Debbi have been given credit for The Silent Spring? I say not.  I know, if you leave off "The" at the start of title, you are usually not negged for it but I think adding it just makes it wrong.

I missed part of the first round, didn't get any ts's

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Should Debbi have been given credit for The Silent Spring? I say not.  I know, if you leave off "The" at the start of title, you are usually not negged for it but I think adding it just makes it wrong.

I felt the same way. And not just because I liked Shannon, haha. I often call The Catcher in the Rye "Catcher in the Rye" but that doesn't feel wrong. "THE Silent Spring" for Silent Spring? No, it just feels wrong. Hmph.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, mojoween said:

I could have stood here until next spring and not known what FJ was.

I know it's her voice and she can't help it but that doesn't make it any less unpleasant to my ears.

I did not like Shannon or his mannerisms.

I thought the answer would be Silent Spring even before the clue was read. There aren't that many 1960's science books that are general knowledge.

I didn't notice particular mannerisms in Shannon, but I know what you mean by Debbi's voice. At first I thought she had laryngitis, but she became easier to listen to after that snake story.

I knew 500 hats, but I had never heard of several of the other books.

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500 hats was the only one in that category I missed. I said 900.  My mother hated Dr. Seuss, so the only time my brother & I were exposed to him was in school.  Neither of us knew how our mom felt; we just knew we didn't have any Seuss books in the house. Turns out, we both hated his stuff, too.  Maybe it's genetic...but I'm claiming that's why I missed the Cubbins clue.

I'm glad Shannon's gone, even if he didn't start *every* story with "So..." - he did at least once, and I had to root against him for that.

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I did not like Shannon or his mannerisms.

That smug face after he wrote his FJ answer sealed it for me. See ya!

My soul cried when Thelonious Monk was a TS. I also got Nicki Minaj.

"Jones" doesn't provoke a BMS?


I swear to you that Silent Spring was a FJ question not too many years ago.

It sure was, and that's the only reason I got FJ.

Edited by YoureSoUrban
Monk was a TS, not FJ
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Minaboo said:

When Alex announced the category for the final question, I turned to my husband and said, "Silent Spring." Didn't even need to hear the actual question. 

I was a bit puzzled because first I thought of science fiction books from the 60s and then realized it was just science books. It dawned on me during the commercial. It reminded me of this:

The Category is: EUROPEAN REGIONS  I then blurted out loud:"What is Transylvania?"
ANSWER: This arboreally named area was made famous by a prince in the region noted for impaling enemies on stakes 

I remember it because one of the contestants answered: "What is the Dracula Tree Forest?"

As for the question with "Hungry?" as the first line, that's deliberately misleading from the writers particularly in an $800 clue. Yes, Soren K(ierkegaard) was the real clue leading to Denmark and Copenhagen, but I basically stopped listening after hearing "Hung(a)ry?" in a category about European capitals and I presume the contestants did the same.  

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In hindsight, I have to agree that adding "The" to Silent Spring is just wrong.  But I'm so happy "start in the middle" Shannon is gone.  As soon as I saw the category I said Silent Spring.  I didn't even need the clue.

I also got Monaco and mockingbird.  I was surprised Snake Lady (as I'm affectionately calling Debbi) didn't get mockingbird.

Edited by SierraMist
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15 hours ago, Trey said:

Should Debbi have been given credit for The Silent Spring? I say not.  I know, if you leave off "The" at the start of title, you are usually not negged for it but I think adding it just makes it wrong.

When I was a contestant, they told us that adding words to the title of something would make the answer incorrect.  Of course, the show was more consistent about "be more specific" back then, too.

I'll miss Shannon, and am not sure I like the new champ, but we'll see.  He blew it with the 'Capital' DD, but I didn't realize that the capital of Monaco was Monaco; I would've said Monte Carlo, even though the clue seemed to indicate that the capital and country had the same name.  Can't believe none of them got Copenhagen.

Edited by proserpina65
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