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S02.E10: Friendly Fire

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I called the whole Runy thing. I also figured out the whole Coleman Yael thing right before it happened. They built the finale up. "OMG how are we going to come back from that." It's a car crash. You can easily come back from that. Unless they find out Jeremy or Rachel did something. Despite how bad I thought season 2 was I am in for the long haul. As long as Shiri is on this show I'll be watching.

Edited by earlbny
  • Love 4

I didn't think I could dislike Rachel anymore, but I was wrong. Am I really supposed to be cheering over her murdering two people? Are we supposed to believe it's not possible to produce a tv show that makes money without actually killing people behind the scenes? Then there was so much angst and drama over Darius picking one or the other; why not let things unfold and see how it plays out? If there really were an Everlasting, people would love Ruby coming back. Yet Quinn is upset, even though the show was finished and had a good ending; because it didn't end with more humiliation. 

I hate Jeremy but I hate Rachel more. There is no one at all to like on this show; I liked Darius and Romeo but they won't be back, so no one. 

  • Love 5
Just now, HeyLookItsAng said:

I actually think Quinn was so upset because the lack of emotional artifice - the real love there - reminded her of how hollow her life is, how Ioan Gruffudd's character is gone and it's her fault, the hollow "we'll always have each other" from Chet that was no doubt even more depressing. All of the things that remind her of what she could have had. For once, Quinn was sort of human.

On top of that, she realized Rachel was right about how a Black suitor could have a Black wifey. Quinn probably had some guilt about immediately grabbing the show from Rachel when things got difficult.

  • Love 12

Yes, but Quinn is a professional through and through; she will do what brings in the bucks. And Rachel didn't really have anything to do with how it turned out; she spent most of her time trying to win over Coleman and humiliate Yael. To me, the real right thing to do is let the show play out organically and then try to edit around really boring stuff; which is what really happens. Sorry, I'm not giving Rachel credit for anything when she sent Jeremy to murder two people. She needs to be in a hospital or a jail. 

  • Love 2

I just taped it and fast forwarded to the end. Are we supposed to think Jeremy tampered with the car to save Rachel?  If they had electronic devices with evidence on it, or if they had saved it somewhere or sent it to someone how does this solve anything?

Since I did fast forward, did they already destroy all of their video or taped evidence? 

I'm sorry,but the suitor and Ruby were weak actors.  It became clear to me in those last minutes.  Jay still grates. 

I can't  imagine watching next year, but I am happy for those of you who enjoy the show. 

  • Love 2

I will not be watching next year. This show is absolutely horrific. Before I leave I will make my prediction for next years plot line. 

Rachel will get drunk or stoned or something and tell the new suitor about the murder spree going on on the Unreal set. Rachel will be sleeping with the new Bachelor. Bachelor will be some rich handsome white guy try to rehab his bad boy image and trying to open a chain of Jiffy lubes or condotels.  The new bachelor will be madly in love with Rachel of course, in spite of her wearing the same outfit for 3 seasons. He will try to rescue Rachel by putting the blame on Chet and Quinn. Quinn will find out and arrange for a Hot Air Balloon  engagement date with the Bachelor and the girl who is on the show for all the right reasons. The Balloon will crash to the ground killing the new suitor, the wifey and the poor innocent hot air balloon operator on live television.

We won't know anything at all about the girls, beyond red head teacher, crazy party girl and the wifey material girl who will die in the last episode.

End scene will be Rachel and Quinn lying on deck chairs by the pool looking sad.

  • Love 24

I gave up on this show weeks ago but decided to binge watch the last four weeks and watch the finale live because I saw a clip of an interview Shiri was giving that said something about not being able to wait for everyone to see the final episode, and wondering were the show goes from there. I don't get it. They either ignore that Jeremy caused an accident or they turn him in. Pretty easy to see where it goes from there.

This episode was not worth watching the entire season, in my opinion. SGS seemed to think that everyone would be talking about there being a black suitor on this show but not on The Bachelor, and it seems like the only person who was talking about it was her. She seemed to think that people would be talking about what a ground-breaking show this is, and race relations would be discussed at the watercooler based on what happens on this show, as opposed to what happens in real-time, daily. When what actually happened was that the show got negative responses, she proclaimed that she knew there would be a sophmore slump. You can tell SGS took over after the second episode when the other show-runner left because the stories became scattered, none of the characters were flushed out and what I think I was supposed to see as outrageous and funny (like Yael's food poisoning) were complete misses. I didn't even have outrage at Romeo being shot because I expected it based on the chryon at the beginning of the show, and didn't remember his name until I read it here. He should have had a lot more screen time if I was expected to care. Of course, the story was about Rachel, so he was just a bit player used to move her story forward, and the fact that offended viewers was completely lost on SGS. 

Ruby coming back was practically telegraphed throughout the season.  That was the happy ending we were supposed to walk away with because they made it clear that the other two were not really a match to him. That was the only clear thing throughout this entire season. Quinn suddenly wanting to have a child  only to find out that it was too late may have had an emotionally impact if that story was not rammed into three (?) episodes. Rachel's childhood assault seemed out of place until this episode, where it seemed to be the thing that made Jeremy decide he couldn't help take down the show.  But he loved her so much he ran Coleman and Yael off the road? Dumb, lazy writing.

Even if Nixon comes back, I don't think I will watch. I guess I'll see next season.

30 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

 If they had electronic devices with evidence on it, or if they had saved it somewhere or sent it to someone how does this solve anything?

Since I did fast forward, did they already destroy all of their video or taped evidence? 

When Coleman was being hauled out in the first few minutes of the show, Quinn commented about making sure that all of the electronic evidence is gone. I don't remember how she worded it, but it was like make sure there was nothing on the cloud. 

  • Love 8

Now that I've taken the edge off with a little Mylanta cocktail, I can pounce on the thing that bugged me more than the murders (yes: I am That Girl):

Quinn had a great speech to Rachel at the end, telling her that what Rachel considered damage, Quinn thought was what made Rachel, Super!Rachel. And that all those mean people who played the mom card (including Rachel's mom) were full of shit.

And it would have worked, and felt like a triumphant moment -- only, Quinn was one of the ones who'd played that mom card, earlier in the season, to devastating effect.  I'd hated that moment then, because it felt like a betrayal of that relationship.  And it also turned Quinn's climactic speech into nothing but noise.

Edited by voiceover
  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Now that I've taken the edge off with a little Mylanta cocktail, I can pounce on the thing that bugged me more than the murders (yes: I am That Girl):

Quinn had a great speech to Rachel at the end, telling her that what Rachel considered damage, Quinn thought was what made Rachel, Super!Rachel. And that all those mean people who played the mom card (including Rachel's mom) were full of shit.

And it would have worked, and felt like a triumphant moment -- only, Quinn was one of the ones who'd played that mon card, earlier in the season, to devastating effect.  I'd hated that moment then, because it felt like a betrayal of that relationship.  And it also turned Quinn's climactic speech into nothing but noise.

Also, the fact that Quinn also knew on some level that Rachel could get someone to make Coleman and Yael dead and decided to convince Rachel to take care of it.

What was the take away message from this season? If you were to tell someone what season 2 was about. What would you tell them. Race? White Girl problems? Baby drama? Night time soap? Every season someone dies and then they sit on lounge chairs?  It's a show on Lifetime so it's exactly what your thinking? I don't know what I would say. Season one was so simple. Less complicated.

  • Love 3

Great acting as usual from Shiri and Constance. 

Not happy to see Jeremy come back as an antihero. Once Coleman and Yael laughed about Rachel's rape (at 12 years old!), I wanted to see them burn. And I knew they'd head off the embankment, too many anvil heavy shots of the car. 

End shot was an interesting throwback to last season. They thought they found good guys, but their happily ever afters shattered and they're left with Chet and Jeremy.

I hope it gets back on track next season, but there were good moments this year, they were just too few and far between. And a highlight for me was the way Jay was written,  he fought for the happy ending and got it. 

  • Love 22
12 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

Based on the episode title and the *repeated* references to explosions and fire and whatnot, I was expecting the mansion to blow up in a big boom and fireball. I am disappoint.

After the Police shooting episode and then finding out the title of this episode I expected a mass shooting. Thank god that did not happen.

Next season they are going to do another time jump and Fhet Baby will be the suitor.

I read some interviews before the finale where Shiri and Cinstance both said how do we come back from this. I expected some cast cliffhanger. I feel you can easily corn back from this. When I told my friend who love UnREAL bit doesn't post on this site that SGS said this show was like Breaking Bad she nearly fell over laughing. Not even close.

Edited by earlbny

There was a lot of clunkiness here that pretty much overshadowed the good (Constance's acting, the visual of the end shot of the four bodies in the pool chairs).  If this had been a different, cleaner, better-shaped season, I would have loved the Darius/Ruby ending. We don't have the heartstrings left to pull, though, because Unreal sliced them off episodes ago. True love means nothing on this show, so the true love poor/happy ending lacks the emotional impact it should have carried. 

Jeremy...I can't even come up with a coherent way to describe the absolute absurdity of that whole plot line. So, in order to keep the show's potential role in Mary's death a secret, the only option is full-on murder. Got it. I would have preferred Rachel actually doing something instead of pulling her helpless face while the slimy ex marched out the door. And here's the thing. Rachel could have out-smarted him, and Jeremy still could have done whatever he did to the douche car and we could have had something other than acceptance of the all-out insanity.

I also hate that the producers of Everlasting are total gods, all-out omniscient types who can pull a grandma out of a hat, but somehow missed that Yael had a reporting background because ... she lied to them. What, was she the first contestant they ever trusted? 

  • Love 15

How do you not do a background check on Yael. In 2016 people live on social media. This is TV so things happen and were supposed to believe them.

Bringing back Ruby and giving Darius a happy everlasting does not make up for the police shooting. BTW I just something where SGS said they came up with the rape thing before the season started. So the rape and the black suitor were her ideas.

Next season  they're going to play Russian roulette with Jeremy's gun . Whoever it lands on is the one who dies.

Edited by earlbny
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, HeyLookItsAng said:

I actually think Quinn was so upset because the lack of emotional artifice - the real love there - reminded her of how hollow her life is, how Ioan Gruffudd's character is gone and it's her fault, the hollow "we'll always have each other" from Chet that was no doubt even more depressing. All of the things that remind her of what she could have had. For once, Quinn was sort of human.

I would also add that Quinn also lost the opportunity to make Chet see his girl go off with somebody else. Something she has witnessed with Chet multiple times.

  • Love 3
55 minutes ago, ketose said:

Also, the fact that Quinn also knew on some level that Rachel could get someone to make Coleman and Yael dead and decided to convince Rachel to take care of it.

I don't think that Quinn had any idea that Jeremy was back and in touch with Rachel.  She couldn't have anticipated the murder.  She expected Rachel to "take care of it" the usual way--by outsmarting them.


First of all, I see a lot of comments about the poor background checks.  But the real incompetence is shown by Everlasting's Security Team!  They let Chet back on the lot after he was exiled and he was able to wreak havoc with the suitor, they let Jeremy back on set after he attacked Rachel, they allowed Darius to run off with a car, and in this episode they allowed Coleman back on the set!  Someone's head has to roll!

I thought the car accident at the end was lame.  I expected Rachel to whip out the pictures of her bruises after Jeremy attacked her and claim to the reporters that Coleman was the one who attacked her and that, as her boss, he coerced her into sex.  The public might forgive him for faking a documentary, but hitting a woman who worked for him and sexually harassing her would be less likely to be forgiven by his liberal (I assume) fans.  I felt like actual murder was jumping the shark.

Quinn's reaction to "true love" was really well done.  She continues to be my favorite character because I think she is the most realistic character and Constance Zimmer is pitch perfect.  I do think that more closure with John Booth would have made sense--even showing her watching an E! news story showing him with some hot woman of childbearing age.

I liked Ruby's return AND her refusal to marry Darius then and there. Predictable, yes, but I'm glad that Darius got a happy ending.  He turned out to be kinder and more decent than he appeared at the beginning of the season.  He repeatedly showed genuine concern about the various ladies and their dignity.  Image rehab successful.

  • Love 22

Season 2 jumped the shark mid season but I think they hammered the nail into the coffin tonight. 

Season 1 was the right kind of balance between light and dark. This season is just too damn dark and bizarre. Might be too far gone at this point to fix the damage SGS had caused. Such a shame.

I hope Constance wins the Emmy and Shiri gets offered a lot more (and hopefully better) roles in the future from her work on the show.  It sucks their big break went bad this fast.

  • Love 7

Well that was a season.

I realized that I'm now watching more for the great central cast than anything. So, not gonna lie, I will be back Season 3 with super extremely low expectations. Constance's reaction watching the finale was so good, she deserved the nom this year.

I thought Jay was going to quit. I hope they flesh out his character more next year.

The people at the wedding save the dad and grandma were seat fillers, right?

OK this tweet made me feel a little better after tomight: https://mobile.twitter.com/RadyMichael/status/762847919804289024

Edited by niklj
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, earlbny said:

How do you not do a background check on Yael. In 2016 people live on social media. This is TV so things happen and were supposed to believe them.

Bringing back Ruby and giving Darius a happy everlasting does not make up for the police shooting. BTW I just something where SGS said they came up with the rape thing before the season started. So the rape and the black suitor were her ideas.

Next season  they're going to play Russian roulette with Jeremy's gun . Whoever it lands on is the one who dies.

The Yael storyline was a huge plot hole. The Everlasting production staff cast, what's her face Beth Ann?, because she was racist all over Instagram, but with Yael they couldn't even manage Google. What did these morons think that she did? The only way that her story makes any sense is if she had briefly worked in journalism, but hadn't managed to get a career in it and was shopping this exposé to various outlets. Or she was in witness protection. Or the idiots at Everlasting didn't know how to Google or check Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. 

Last week we were all agonizing about the NDAs that Coleman and Yael signed when that was the actual solution to the Coleman and Yael problem. The breach penalties for those agreements are always punitive and onerous. They're often $10 million and up. Coleman's family seems to have some money, but I don't know if they could absorb the loss of $10 million. Coupled with info that Coleman faked his last documentary, Yael's source was a disgruntled former employee, and Everlasting confiscating most of the proof, there is no way anyone would believe them. Plus the network could have spun it that Coleman was also bitter former employee. They didn't like what he produced as the show runner and had him replaced. Plus Quinn's penchant for covering up police reports means that there isn't a way to independently verify any of Coleman and Yael's claims. Rachel was acting like it was the gruesome four against the truth when they have the 800lb gorilla behind them. I wish Chet had stepped in because he's always been pretty good at the network game. This required some network lawyers to come down to the set and remind Coleman and Yael what the damages would be for breaching the NDA. The network immediately following the finale issues a press announcement congratulating themselves and Darius, while indicating that they had to fire Coleman as the show runner because they weren't satisfied with his work and because the network had learned that Coleman faked key parts of his documentary. The network lawyers reach out to Jeremy and Shia that they would provide funds for attorneys through surrogates if the need arise for them to have attorneys. Yael and Coleman live, but they're cut off at the knees on their exposé.

Ruby was like Chekhov's wifey. Third time is the charm.

If anyone on Unreal had any sense, they would make Tiffany the bachelorette next season. She's familiar with the process and may have her own ideas about the show. She's still sleeping with Chet, but knows that he is more into it than she is. She's beautiful and rich. It would allow them to cast the full range of cliches: jocks, ambitious money guys, humble man of the people, naive small towners, blue collar, free spirit hippie, etc. Plus we could have one of the guys fall for Jay.

  • Love 16

The only good thing about the second season finale episode of "UnREAL" was Darius and Ruby's happy ending! Overall, it was just a terrible episode, which was made worse by having Jeremy kill off Coleman and Yael in a car accident to get back in the good graces of "Everlasting" and Rachel! I'm just sick and tired of SGS and the writers on this show on making the Jeremy character happen because Lifetime & A+E Studios forced them to, so they make him an anti-hero! I hope that he rots in prison next season and never come back, but he'll probably get away with it since Quinn and the network that airs ''Everlasting'' will sweep Jeremy's murder under the rug like they did with Mary's death, and redeem him next season so he and Rachel will be endgame! And the whole race storyline (and the whole season) was mishandled and badly written! I'M SICK OF THIS SHOW!!!!!!!

Edited by Chris Burgess
  • Love 5

Actually didn't see the Ruby thing coming, but I thought the rest of the episode was fairly predictable.

As soon as it was clear that Coleman and Yael were able to walk away, it was obvious Jeremy would kill them. A smarter show might try to spend some time to fix the problem in a more elegant and intriguing way, but I knew this is not a very smart show. They go for the simple, quick solution of killing them to neatly clean up the mess.

I wish they wouldn't make it so obvious when Rachel was manipulating someone. It was laughably obvious with Coleman last week, and when she did it to Jeremy this week it basically spoiled what Jeremy would end up doing. I guess they want the viewer to be able to follow what's going on in Rachel's head, but it gets to the point where it's laughable that anyone buys it. It's always the same thing - she rambles, she throws the word "like" into every sentence, and Shiri does this thing were her eyes frantically dart all over the place as though she's losing her mind. Whoever is making this happen needs to stop.

All of that said, I still enjoy the show, if only for the Rachel/Quinn relationship. Besides, a lot of good shows have hit a sophomore slump only to make a comeback in the following season. I'm still in.

  • Love 3

Hold the phone....SGS actually said that they wanted to write a room full of female Walter White characters?  That is painfully laughable.  She might have come close to writing, at best, a room full of female Ken Wins this season.  Hell, Skinny Pete had more non trite layers to him.

The ending made me think this show is making a hard right turn into Scream Queens territory.  Last season, Mary's death wasn't planned; the plan was to make her nuts, but not to kill her.  And yeah, they covered up the producer's med swapping, so the group is culpable on the cover up but no one set out with the plan to straight up murder Mary.  Same can't be said for Coleman's and Yael's deaths.  So next season, are they just going to go all in with the plan to bump off contestants and crew from the first night, by multiple killers dressed in, say, Phantom of the Opera costumes? 

OK, that's just nuts, but who knows after this hot mess.  I can't think of another show that went so bad in its second season that actually got a third. Usually it takes a bit longer to go off the rails in terms of plausibility and character motivation.

  • Love 7

This episode would have been perfection had they not ended it with a deux ex machina of making the already unlikeable cast complicit to more murders. I was really rooting for Coleman and this was the first time he seemed real instead of the fairy tale perfect boyfriend that would be invested in Rachel. This all sucks. I hate it. But I will still watch because I love the acting, the premise, and the potential seen and realized every now and again.

  • Love 1

Oh good grief. The smart, dark show from season 1 just went full-on nighttime soap. A car accident to dispose of the liabilities? Such a trope. 

They had this charming, interesting black suitor, and some contestants who could have been interesting characters. But it was all marginalized for Quinn and Rachel, who have themselves gone from really complex characters to being painted with shallow, broad strokes. The crazy one. The devious one. 

Unless they do some re-tooling (i.e., make SGS report to someone), I don't think I'd watch season 3. 

  • Love 3

   From last week's thread:


     On ‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 8:11 AM, SillyOldClothCat said:

I have a faint hope that at the final elimination/rose/key/choice (I honestly forget how it's being done on Everlasting) ceremony, Darius will refuse to choose either of the remaining women and tell the camera he wants Ruby, has regretted cutting her since it happened, and is ready to be the man she knows he can be.

Yay, @SillyOldClothCat!  You win the Ford Fiesta, the trip to Aruba and a walk-on role in Season Three!



As the wrapup to a bad season, I thought the fast-paced finale did a relatively good job--alliances switched every few seconds, the end game changed several times and the upper hand ping-ponged back and forth.  I wasn't sure who was going to be sitting in the catbird seat when the credits rolled.

I didn't believe they'd really let Darius and Ruby sail off into the poor but happy sunset and I did not think they were going to go with straight up murder.  Maybe they fell in love with their own favorite threat and decided:  Let's just burn this whole show down to the ground.

  • Love 4

*slow golf clap*

Bravo. Bravo, Jeremy-loving FanBoy Network Executive. You got your fanfic. The abusive asshole who blew up Rachel's life in front of everyone at the end of Season 1, and got fired after beating her up, was brought back at YOUR insistence to turn good guy at a moment's thought, save the day, expose Yael as a hidden mole and "take care" of her and Coleman. I did expect a earth-shattering kaboom of Coleman's car, but I guess this qualifies as a cliff-hanger.

The season that started with "Money-Dick-Power" has thrown Bechdel out the window and has Jeremy and Chet reclining with the wimmenfolk at the end.

What's next for Season 3? Jeremy as the showrunner? Rachael going all puppydog lovey? I know she said there was no chance, but this is the guy who went to Rachel's mom to plot revenge at the end of Season 1, only to have it dropped.

I'd rather have Chet's dog.

/sarcasm mode off

With that out of the way, I had very high hopes after Quinn called the Everlasting Ninja Crazy 88 Security Team take down Coleman. I thought he would be gone, only for Yael to be left behind, as a ticking bomb to reveal all on live TV. That would have had reverberations, sort off like Season 0 with Rachel's drunk rant. In fact, that would have been a nice dovetail. But Jeremy.... *sigh*

The finale showed they had plenty of plot for the season, if they allowed the plots to be organic rather than executive (and SGS) fanfic. "Let's have a Black Bachelor" became "Let's have a Black guy get shot and see how it affects Rachel" and then have the season revolve around THAT (Romeo? Romeo? Wherefore art thou, Romeo?) that does not bode well for storytelling and strong relationships and conflicts.

I'll be back for Season 3. If only for Chet's dog.

I will say the dual non-wedding and Ruby's comeback (with a "no I'm not going to marry you, but I still want you") was the best part of the episode, and the heart of what made Season 1 with the twists and turns.

Edited by NutmegsDad
Yes, there was something I liked about the ending.
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, candall said:

   From last week's thread:

Yay, @SillyOldClothCat!  You win the Ford Fiesta, the trip to Aruba and a walk-on role in Season Three!


OMFG I totally did!  

On Darius choosing Ruby, not on the recognition of White privilege but maybe they're saving that for season 3... ;)

Edited by SillyOldClothCat
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Yes, but Quinn is a professional through and through; she will do what brings in the bucks. And Rachel didn't really have anything to do with how it turned out; she spent most of her time trying to win over Coleman and humiliate Yael. To me, the real right thing to do is let the show play out organically and then try to edit around really boring stuff; which is what really happens. Sorry, I'm not giving Rachel credit for anything when she sent Jeremy to murder two people. She needs to be in a hospital or a jail. 

Did I miss something? I didn't see or get the impression that Rachel asked Jeremy to kill them, I thought he just went rogue. 

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Save Yourself said:

Did I miss something? I didn't see or get the impression that Rachel asked Jeremy to kill them, I thought he just went rogue. 


7 minutes ago, Save Yourself said:

Did I miss something? I didn't see or get the impression that Rachel asked Jeremy to kill them, I thought he just went rogue. 

I also thought Jeremy went rogue

  • Love 6

So......this is the ending? Suddenly everyone is run over by a truck? And we're supposed to believe that Coleman and Yael have been killed, I guess? Who did not see that coming when they took off in the Lambo? Which one's going to hobble dramatically onto the set next season, with a cane, an eye patch, and a dramatic scar, rubbing his or her hands and going "mwa ha ha!" Sheesh. What a bitter, bitter disappointment this was. My eyes rolled so much they're all loose in their sockets now. 


8 hours ago, sportsgirl said:

There was a lot of clunkiness here that pretty much overshadowed the good (Constance's acting, the visual of the end shot of the four bodies in the pool chairs).  If this had been a different, cleaner, better-shaped season, I would have loved the Darius/Ruby ending. We don't have the heartstrings left to pull, though, because Unreal sliced them off episodes ago. True love means nothing on this show, so the true love poor/happy ending lacks the emotional impact it should have carried. 

Jeremy...I can't even come up with a coherent way to describe the absolute absurdity of that whole plot line. So, in order to keep the show's potential role in Mary's death a secret, the only option is full-on murder. Got it. I would have preferred Rachel actually doing something instead of pulling her helpless face while the slimy ex marched out the door. And here's the thing. Rachel could have out-smarted him, and Jeremy still could have done whatever he did to the douche car and we could have had something other than acceptance of the all-out insanity.

I also hate that the producers of Everlasting are total gods, all-out omniscient types who can pull a grandma out of a hat, but somehow missed that Yael had a reporting background because ... she lied to them. What, was she the first contestant they ever trusted? 

Yes yes yes to all this. And what is it with everyone's obsession with the Utter Destruction of Everlasting and All Associated with it? Its a TV show, not the Evil Empire.


1 hour ago, NutmegsDad said:


Bravo. Bravo, Jeremy-loving FanBoy Network Executive. You got your fanfic. The abusive asshole who blew up Rachel's life in front of everyone at the end of Season 1, and got fired after beating her up, was brought back at YOUR insistence to turn good guy at a moment's thought, save the day, expose Yael as a hidden mole and "take care" of her and Coleman. I did expect a earth-shattering kaboom of Coleman's car, but I guess this qualifies as a cliff-hanger.

The season that started with "Money-Dick-Power" has thrown Bechdel out the window and has Jeremy and Chet reclining with the wimmenfolk at the end.


He hit you just because he loves you SO MUCH. You drove the "nice guy" to it, but he would do anything for you! He's a treasure! Gah. I almost threw up. Disgusting. And yeah. Jeremy and Chet join the iconic picture of Rachel and Quinn. Because really all a woman wants is True Love. Even from a grubby serial cheater or emotionally stunted ticking rage time bomb. A woman really wants a man. Not money. Not dick. Not power, oh dear no! We just want to be taken care of. By a man. A real he-man. Who can kill animals with spears or solve all our problems by cutting brake lines. Quinn loses her professional sangfroid because Chet gave a twinkie an anklet? What Quinn is this? Last season she and Rachel were tough, focused women who could brush away a tear, toss their heads, and press on. This year they're a couple of middle schoolers who are getting territorial over douchebags like these? I just can't.

Rachel was introduced to us in season one as the confidante, the one who could get people to like her and tell her things. Now she's just some legbreaker who mutters veiled threats. The whole thing is a clusterfuck and I am sorry I watched this season. It was a complete and utter fail on every level. Character, plot, writing. So disappointing.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 11

Here's something that made me laugh. Before the finale Shiri and Constance said the finale will leave your jaw on the floor. They don't know how they will come back after that.  First of all my jaw was not on the floor once during this episode. Second of all knowing UnREAL they'll make it like the crash never even happened. I was lead to believe that Everlasting would seized to exist  after the finale. The finale was an epic dud.

Edited by earlbny
  • Love 4

This season felt like it was written through a game of "Telephone". The plot just kept getting more muddled and incoherent as the season wore on. Although it was a valiant effort to clean it up in the finale.

Forget Yael and Coleman. Quinn and company humiliated the daughter of a faux NFL owner on live TV. A billionaire who is part of the most powerful media property in the country.

Jeremy isn't smart enough to sabotage a McLaren. 

Edited by xaxat
  • Love 6

Without looking at any of the other comments - Thank You, Show! That was immensely enjoyable! Things Happened and they Made Sense, and you got the feeling that things ended as they should!

And I love, love, love how it's so obvious now that the real story is Quinn and her love/hate relationship with True Love. Everlasting is her attempt to, quite literally, create and manage and "produce" True Love, and that's why she was so devastated at the end - because she failed to do that again and True Love once again proved elusive for her.

The Show is also giving me the message the real love, maybe as opposed to True Love, is messy and imperfect but better because it's real. Ruby had none of the trappings of the other girls at the end and just looked normal and real, and so she's the one Darius chose. Jeremy and Chet are both deeply flawed, but they're real and they do love Rachel and Quinn, however messy that always proves to be. Isn't that better than fake True Love? (Yes, the question remains.)

I thought this, and last week, made up for the crummy start. And this season might be better on rewatch now, knowing what's coming. Can't wait until next season!


12 hours ago, earlbny said:

Maddison looked hot when she finally got rid of the braids.

She did! She reminded me of Anne Hathaway!


11 hours ago, ketose said:

Also, the fact that Quinn also knew on some level that Rachel could get someone to make Coleman and Yael dead and decided to convince Rachel to take care of it.

I am a little confused at how the car ended up in the ditch - it sure looked like we're supposed to think Jeremy made that happen, though on second watching I'm still not sure exactly when.

I did not get the impression that Rachel and Quinn had anything to do with the car crash - when they found out about it, they were expecting to be arrested at any moment in connection with Mary's death - they didn't seem to know anything about it and were pretty shocked when they saw the car crash on the news and Jeremy saying, "I told you I'd do anything for you - " It just looked to me like Jeremy took matters into his own hands and took Coleman and Yael out of the picture, for Rachel.

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