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  1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that someone will be Paula. I think Paula's going to save her.
  2. I think so, too. What am I missing here? All through the episode people kept saying that they missed Abby, and they weren't winning, and they're all nervous about nationals. I wanted to be like, "Uh, you guys get that these mean nothing, right?" It's like they valued winning "True Rising Sparkly Stars 2017 Dance Nationals" over getting work in the industry. I know that sentiment was likely fed to them by production, but they could easily transition to something other than the relentless competitions. It's called Dance Moms, not "National competitions."
  3. I found this to be the most delightful thing I watched this week. RealTalkRachel (tm) is my favorite Rachel.
  4. I was coming here to say the same thing. The standard was nuts: "If you can't beat Kalani, you don't belong here." I mean, neither Kendall nor Nia can beat Kalani. Can they be dismissed, too?
  5. Yep. This was a plot hole three miles wide. At the very least, they don't check out the contestants' social media?
  6. I actually think Quinn was so upset because the lack of emotional artifice - the real love there - reminded her of how hollow her life is, how Ioan Gruffudd's character is gone and it's her fault, the hollow "we'll always have each other" from Chet that was no doubt even more depressing. All of the things that remind her of what she could have had. For once, Quinn was sort of human.
  7. After this finale episode, I honestly can't tell if I was too stupid last season to realize this was meant to be a nighttime soap no more than a millimeter deep, or if the unrelenting absurdity was unintentional, and SGS actually thinks this is like the Breaking Bad of reality TV satire.
  8. And I think he really did. That ensemble was really great design! He's totally underappreciated; pairing that polka dot with the plaid was inspired.
  9. Really? I'm on the fence about her. I think her testifying against her brother was totally badass, but her innocence schtick wears thin, too. I forgot about another worst: Marisol. Dude, she was a straight-up terrible person to everyone, including Katie. From telling everyone Katie was bulimic, to throwing Fiona under the bus about the foiling the caf situation, to jumping to the conclusion that Mo was a drug addict and then acting like an asshole towards him, to just generally being a snot, Marisol was loathsome. The fact that anyone was pleasant to her made me dislike all the other characters as well. I think Drew as a character is sort of a potato, but he was sure as shit right about Marisol being gross.
  10. Cripes, I totally forgot about that. I also would like to see more adults - I know they have the "no adults without kids" rule on the show, but I feel like at least when Emma was around you got to see more of his life. Now that I think about it, I'm also peeved at the way they handled Owen. He was great and had so much potential as a character. Then, poof. Lost opportunity.
  11. Best: Eli (ugh. I'm so mad at myself, but I'm a sucker for an absurdly sensitive guy); Holly J all day and into tomorrow - her character development was great. Craig Manning - again with the sensitivity. Ellie's growth was also exciting and well done. But my all time favorite in the new series? SEAN. MOTHERFUCKIN. CAMERON. Worst: Adam. I'm still pissed at casting for going with that actress. She sucked and managed to make a transitioning teen into a boring character. Ashley Kerwin remains one of the worst ever. Ugh, fucking Jenna. I can't stand her or her inappropriate facial expressions. I'm torn: Ali. Sometimes I love her and sometimes I just want her off my screen. I love that Simpson (and Stefan Brogren, more literally) is still a part of this. I wish people still called him Snake once in a while, though.
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