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S11.E06: Frenemies Of The State

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4 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Speaking of Meghan, I have to repeat my question from a couple eps back. Why didn't the sperm bank send Jim's frozen sperm directly to the clinic instead of handing Meghan and Jim a big fancy Styrofoam container?

You need a notarized release form and be there in person, with government ID, to pick up sperm, eggs, or embryos. It's a highly regulated process. They can't release it and send to the clinic because they have to ensure no mixups. It's a huge legal matter.

  • Love 9

Anyone else notice that Dr Moon has a giant gut ?! 

Shannon isn't clever enough or a good enough liar to set Kelly up, but, her shifty eyes during their meeting tells me she knew production was doing it. Shannon's feud with Vicki may have rearranged her hierarchy of emotional needs and allowed her and David to mend faster. 

Heather and Megan are so boring. Megan is fooling herself to think Jimmy will morph into an attentive father. 

I like Tamra better when she isn't trying to be a good Christian and when she's drinking more. 

Briana is a spoiled brat. Can't wait until her husband -Mr Personality- fails at OC real estate and has to start working for Vicki to pay for the house that Vicki bought. More complaining from Briana. 

There is nothing cute about a young child locking himself in the car with the key. That child should have been reprimanded in such a way that he never does it again ( or locks his little brother in the car because everyone thought he was so funny when he did it the 1st time). 

Kelly and lizardman are not entertaining for me in any way. They are actually disturbing to watch. The fact that they have a young daughter is even more troublesome. 

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Forcereals said:

Kelly needs to go on Botched.  Her face makes my face hurt especially when it's shiny.  Her nose is way too small to balance out her lips and teeth.  I find myself taking deeper breaths when I see her.  I'm team Shannon, not because of Kelly's looks, but because I don't think it was a setup.  Was her mom wearing a wig?  Good root realness, but it sat way up on her head.

Did they heavily edit Meghan's speech because that was awful.  I hope the charity didn't spend money for her or useless Heather.  Jim could care less about you having a baby...get used to it being your baby.

I love Vicki's idea of buying things for people.  "I bought you a car, but you have to make the payments...and still never hear the end of what I've done for you."

Agreed on Kelly's face.  I would love to know what she looked like before plastic surgery.  She *had* to have looked better.  

She's got bad hair it seems.  The style isn't flattering on her at all.  

The nose was widdled down so much she's in Michael Jackson territory.  The veeners are too big.  The lips overdone.  But for some reason she thinks she's hot. 

  • Love 6

Kelly really is so dumb. Her overreaction to Shannon saying she looks like an Indian killed me.  Automatically Kelly jumped to that meaning Shannon thought Indians are ugly.  Um, what?  Ugly is Kelly's word not Shannon's.  I also watched WWHL and agree that Kelly is full of shit about not having watched the last few seasons.  She knew waaaaaaaay to many details about Shannon's life for a person who didn't watch the show as long as Shannon's been on it.  Maybe Meghan really did launch an investigation? LOL. I also thought it was shitty of Meghan to suggested Shannon set up Kelly.  I don't buy it. Production, yes.  Shannon no.  Unrelated, I thought Heather was being a good friend to Meghan and was really supportive which was nice to see.  Nicer to see?  Heather losing it next week.  I don't even care who she's yelling at, it's going to be epic. 

  • Love 13

On Meghan, it's great that she's using her fame as a platform to help.  My husband has Stage IV colon cancer but we are blessed by great insurance.  It's a horrible disease but they make advances every day.  If she wants to raise money, raise awareness, I think that's great.  That said, I never get a geniune vibe from Meghan.  I think she's one of these people that does charity so she can humble brag and have people tell her how wonderful she is.  I think every act of kindness she does has the ulterior motive of propping herself up.

  • Love 24
18 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

How F'ed up is it that Nina is the ex wife of Megan's fertility Dr? I wonder if perhaps it was Megan that set Kelly up at that party?! She was the common denominator in the situation. 

I was wondering about this myself.  The doctor seemed so even keeled to be married to that firecracker.

There is something fishy though

  • Love 6

I really enjoyed this episode. Meghan doesn't bother me at all, though I agree that there's something very flinty and awkward about her that makes it hard to warm up to her. She should have done a few more run-throughs of her speech, and I thought she seemed very nervous, but I do believe her caring is sincere.  And I was in love with the peach dress that Heather wore out to dinner, just lovely.  

Since I'm in the process of getting into weights and reshaping my own body (though not to Tamra's level yet!), all of Tamra's fitness stuff is pretty interesting to me. She does seem more sincerely mellow and pleasant this season, though thankfully not above some subtle shit-stirring!

I've never cared for Shannon, so I'm not exactly on her side in this whole Kelly situation.  However, Kelly is somehow even more annoying than Shannon.  I have no idea if Shannon set her up, and I really don't care, because she sucks anyways.  

  • Love 8

Kelly at best has a lack of awareness.  She had seen Shannon a total of four times and all four times she was belligerent.  When asked Shannon to meet her, it was not about apologizing it was some weird Lisa Rinna "own it" moment.  I don't believe Shannon wanted Jaci and Nina to cause a ruckus, but perhaps in retrospect, Kelly need to realize you can't continue to pre-party and show up "MC Hammered" at events and then turn the tables for others calling out your behavior.  Kelly obviously is as bored by Meghan as the rest of the cast and I question just how good of friends they are.  Meghan only arrived in the OC last year in time for filming and spent the better part of the non-filming times in St. Louis, Idaho and pretty much anywhere but Orange County.

Kelly might have been more successful in her confrontation apology tour, had she not kept saying "move on".  When you have zero in the way of a friendship you suggest starting over.  Bottom line for Kelly she can't keep showing up drunk and expect people not to talk about her.  Kelly and her vile husband had an interesting marriage (who get engaged while still married to another?) and to pretend they put it all out there is erroneous.  Not having control of one's temper isn't an excuse for acting out at every possible opportunity.

I watched Kelly last night on WWHL.  It is pretty clear she had set her sights on Shannon.  If she had not have watched the past three seasons, how would she possibly know anything about Shannon?   Most of all Kelly proved she wasn't very bright.  To me, not everyone needs to be a MENSA member, but don't try and assert some superior intelligence when you just aren't. 

  • Love 18

I will give Meghan props for at least doing something that will benefit others ( even if it is for a humble brag moment). I have known 2 women under the age of 30 who had colon cancer. One sadly passed after a 3 year battle and the other woman is currently stage 4 and it has spread to her liver. :-( So for me it was nice to see some sort of advocacy after she used it has her story line last year. Hopefully she will continue to do so after her baby is born

Back on topic- Jimmy is an ass and I felt that Meghan's displeasure was real. I see a divorce in the future. 

Tamra is def growing on me this season and IDK as a fitness freak I am enjoying her story line lol! She has really mellowed out and I'm enjoying it. I like her better than devil spawn Tamra

Kelly and Shannon...snooozzeeeeee. I dont care. They both said shitty things and I really don't care about either of them. 

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Kelly at best has a lack of awareness.  She had seen Shannon a total of four times and all four times she was belligerent.  When asked Shannon to meet her, it was not about apologizing it was some weird Lisa Rinna "own it" moment.  I don't believe Shannon wanted Jaci and Nina to cause a ruckus, but perhaps in retrospect, Kelly need to realize you can't continue to pre-party and show up "MC Hammered" at events and then turn the tables for others calling out your behavior.  Kelly obviously is as bored by Meghan as the rest of the cast and I question just how good of friends they are.  Meghan only arrived in the OC last year in time for filming and spent the better part of the non-filming times in St. Louis, Idaho and pretty much anywhere but Orange County.

Kelly might have been more successful in her confrontation apology tour, had she not kept saying "move on".  When you have zero in the way of a friendship you suggest starting over.  Bottom line for Kelly she can't keep showing up drunk and expect people not to talk about her.  Kelly and her vile husband had an interesting marriage (who get engaged while still married to another?) and to pretend they put it all out there is erroneous.  Not having control of one's temper isn't an excuse for acting out at every possible opportunity.

I watched Kelly last night on WWHL.  It is pretty clear she had set her sights on Shannon.  If she had not have watched the past three seasons, how would she possibly know anything about Shannon?   Most of all Kelly proved she wasn't very bright.  To me, not everyone needs to be a MENSA member, but don't try and assert some superior intelligence when you just aren't. 

It is pretty telling that neither her mom or her husband had Kelly's back during diner.

why did they split up in the first place?

  • Love 5

I don't know about anyone else but I was really concerned with Briana's kids running around a construction zone like that all willy nilly. The car thing would have been cute but I kept thinking that that meant he wasn't being watched at all in a place with little piles of rubble, light sockets hanging out the wall, probably nails laying around on the ground so that was a little disconcerting. 

Vicki looked the best I have ever seen her look in that black dress with the gold details on the shoulders in her scenes with Briana at her new home. It fit her beautifully, she looked great and it is the most flattering thing she has ever, EVER worn in the history of the show.  To top it all off, it was age appropriate! Get it girl! Order 10 more in every color but white. I don't know why she insists on wearing so much white when she looks really good in black. 

Meghan looked the prettiest I have ever seen her at the doctor's office for her procedure. That is quite the feat. The IVF maybe added a few pounds to her and her face looks fuller which is a good look for her.

Her doctor has shit taste in women. That Jaci woman is horrid. 

Oh so Jimmy isn't the least bit interested in the IVF process but he will be a damn good and present dad once the baby is here because he is such a 'good dad' to the kids he had with his 2 former wives.  Once the baby arrives everything will be different. I know he'll be a good dad then....

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man in the moon
"When you coming home, dad?" "I don't know when
But we'll get together then
You know we'll have a good time then."

Sorry not sorry, I can't twist myself into knots and find the magical thinking to justify Shannon saying that Kelly looked Indian when the context of the conversation was on being and looking ugly.  NOPE! 

I never want to see flashbacks again of the scene of Shannon at the 70s party stuttering and acting like a 5 year old to get David to come and defend her against Kelly and her husband. Something about it just makes me turn away from the scene. It just bothers me.

I was Vicki snoring during the whole DC trip. 

I don't hate Kelly. I don't like her but I don't hate her.  I can see how she would believe that this was all a set up - it was a big event that all cast members are required to attend and drama must go down. 

It must be a requirement by Bravo that no new housewife can admit to watching the show in the past. I can't think of a single housewife outside of Dorinda maybe Lisa Rinna that has admitted to watching it when it is so obvious that they did/do (exception of Eileen from BH, who I can believe didn't really watch). 

10 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

It is pretty telling that neither her mom or her husband had Kelly's back during diner.


Which is ridiculous because he was there at the party backing her up and acting a damn fool. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 14

I can't wait for Heather to lose her shit next week, at this point I'm only hanging in to see the Hotel Dubrow completed.  Next week might just be enough to keep me interested until that finally happens.

While I agree, Jim comes off like an asshole when dealing with Meghan, I think he made a common mistake of marrying someone he was attracted to but had nothing in common with & is now paying the price for his shallowness (my BIL did the same thing, married a cute little skinny thing who is dumber than a box of fucken hair.. 2 kids later she gained over 100 lbs & is still dumber than shit) Beauty fades, but if you have nothing going on in your head, that shit is forever. 

I don't think Shannon set Kelly up either, not really Shannon's style.  And I don't buy for one minute that Kelly didn't know about the Brooks faking cancer thing like she claimed on WWHL. It was all over the internet & my hubby, who doesn't watch any of these shows had even heard about it.  I can't believe Kelly, who is supposed to be a friend of Meghan PI didn't know about it.

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, swankie said:

Kelly said she didn't know Jacki that well, so getting mad at her would have been futile.  She did know Shannon and didn't expect to get insulted by her guests.  That's why I could see why Kelly thinks it was a setup.  She just doesn't realize that it was by production and not so much Shannon.

She doesn't know Shannon either. She has known Jacki longer than she has know Shannon and on the episode, as well as WWHL, she says that Jacki told her she, J, knew Shannon. Which translates to her knowing Jacki well enough for Jacki to pass on information that she and Shannon live in the same neighborhood (Jacki is on the HOA board of Shannon/Heathers housing plan). Also, Kelly has admitted to watching the show before she joined the cast, there is no way she didn't know that production pulls these stunts. There was a game about how well Kelly/JenniP knew Shannon on WWHL (Jenni is a real life friend of Shannons) and Kelly got all most all of the questions/answers correct, far more than Jenni did. They were questions about things Shannon said/did during the last 2 seasons, not during filming for this season. LOL

  • Love 8

Ugh.  I watched this shit show last night.  I kinda hate myself now.

My thoughts:

Heather & Meghan: It was nice to see Heather and Meghan away from the other ladies in D.C.  To me, it seemed like they genuinely like each other and have a good time together.  I liked that Meghan told Heather how much it meant to her for Heather to have joined her on this trip.  But Meghan, sweetie, do yourself a favor and the next time you are asked to speak at an event like that (doubtful after last night's performance)...have a speech prepared and make sure you practice it.  That was just painful.  And stop referring to Leann as "your friend".  She's your husbands ex-wife and the mother of your step-daughters, not someone you used to giggle over boys with and braid each others hair.  If you want to respect her memory, respect the relationships she had with your husband and step-daughters.

Vicki:  The only thing she brings to this show that is even remotely likable are those two adorable little boys.  I loved the one little boy (I think it was Troy) locking himself in the car and just grinning when Vicki kept asking him to unlock the doors.  Good on Tamra for staying calm and getting him to unlock the car. DH is calling BS on Brianna and Ryan actually paying for that house.  I told him it's just how Vicki operates, especially when it comes to her daughter.  "Look at this beautiful new car that I bought you...just kidding!  You have to make the monthly payments!"  He still didn't buy it and said he wants to see receipts.  I told him to email Meghan and ask her to start an investigation.  He had no idea why I then started laughing.

Tamra:  Yes, she's gotten more likable but I really really don't need to see her strutting around in a bikini and stripper heels.  Sorry, but no.

Shannon:  That cupping procedure looked and sounded painful.  I did like the little scene in the beginning of her and David working out together and talking about the party.  I can't help it, I like the loon and I hope she and David are able to make their marriage work.

And finally Kelly:  UGH!  Do I believe there was some sort of plotting/set-up with Jaci and that other lady?  Yes.  Do I believe Shannon is the one behind it?  Absolutely not.  This has the producers grimy little mitts all over it.  That sit down with Kelly and Shannon was ridiculous.  You could see the glee all over Kelly's face when she first started peppering Shannon with questions about how well Shannon knows Jaci.  She thought for sure that she was going to catch Shannon in a lie.  She is vile.  Did I hallucinate this or did she actually say to Shannon that she was sorry about calling her ugly but meant everything else she said?  Seriously bitch?  That's your apology????  That's just another slap in the face.  As Shannon said, who the hell do you think you are?  HATE! 

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

The preview for next week....

I. Cannot. Wait. For. Heather. To. Lose. Her. Shit!

Bonus points: I think she's losing it on Vicki!

I had to watch this using the Start Over feature on my crappy dvr box (it won't record anything now and I haven't had time to go replace it) and it stopped at the very tail end of Kelly and Shannon's sit down.  What happened in the previews?  Is this when Kelly calls someone a See You Next Tuesday?

So I'm majorly tired of Megan's IVF story, but watching her confess to smoking pot and begging for LSD and Molly was kind of funny. I still feel no real sympathy for her because of her asshole husband who would rather golf than come to her egg retrieval. I just don't think Jimmy has ever been one to be supportive and gung ho about anything other than baseball and candles, so what does she expect? She says he's a very involved father with his other kids, but I'm not so sure I buy that, considering how much he travels. She knew her bed, she made her bed, so don't complain about being a "single mom". 

And how weird that her doctor was married to that Nina chick.....

I think that just shows what a small world OC is, and really makes me think that those two girls being there was not a set up, as Kelly keeps claiming. So what if Shannon asked them to "come with" her? Maybe she wanted to talk to them...about anything. And, I mean, what was this so-called setup for? Nothing really happened. Kelly walked in, looking for Vicki's purse. They didn't call her in there. And even then, no one really said anything malicious to Kelly. She was the one that started throwing insults. If it WAS a setup, it was a big, ol' fail. 

Interesting that they originally edited out the scene of Vicki hugging Megan and trying to mother her. I loved Shannon's analogy - "Vicki and I are like the USA and the  USSR". What, one of you no longer exists??? Which one? Can it be both???

I'm probably being a cold-hearted bitch but it really bothers me when Megan constantly refers to LeeAnn as, "My friend, LeeAnn". I'm sure they were friendly, and I think that's great. But I don't know how much they were actually friends. She was your husband's ex, your step-daughter's mother. I don't know....maybe I'm being petty, but something about it just rubs me wrong. It feels disingenuous, as if she's trying to get herself closer to the situation. But whatever, if she's helping any cancer cause, I can applaud that. 

I did love when Heather said she didn't care if people thought she was a prostitute. She can be so fake sometimes, but she can also be very quick and witty. 

Speaking of fake, I'm still not buying Tamra's conversion. So Mindy is her body coach and also her spiritual coach, who has helped her get closer to God - by strutting around in a bikini and "flirting" with fitness contest judges. Okay then. OC religion is weird. 

Typical Vicki. Not only did she "buy" her daughter a house that she will have to be reimbursed for, but the house also needs a bunch of work.  

I thought the situation with Troy in the car was very telling. Vicki, as usual, is totally freaking out and running around like a chicken with her head cut off, ready to just call the cops, because they have nothing better to do, I'm sure.  Brianna isn't phased, this isn't the first kid who's done such a thing. She finds it comical.  And Tamra is the smart one, who shows the kid how to unlock the car so they can get him out. I can imagine being raised by Vicki was probably 90% screaming and freaking out. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 11

Heather is very mature and diplomatic in handling Megan. I could not be friend with my friend's husband new wife.

megan already knows that her marriage is doomed and that she is marching toward single motherhood,Imo.

why isn't her mother, or a good girlfriend gently clues her in?

feel tiny bit sorry for her.

Edited by LIMOM

I actually thought there was hope for Kelly when her mother stopped her short during their dinner and said she should rise above the situation, apologize and move on. But she was very quick to be on the defense during her lunch with Shannon. Girl is not capable of being classy, she even did not get it when Shannon said she was giving her an etiquette book. Shannon, on the other hand, gets too shaken up, her come backs lose their effect and her voice turns shrilly in an attempt to get heard. 

From the Bravo website, the previews seem to show Heather getting mad


at Kelly and basically everyone at the table because their conversation becomes another screaming and cursing match. 

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Bronzedog said:


Shannon - "Kelly's Native American name is Dancing With Bullshit."  Gold!


That was literally the best thing ever said on this show. Please, Bravo, never let Shannon go. Her THs are amazing. 


13 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Shannon was responding to Kelly's criticism of the ensembles on display at the party. In addition to her screams of "you're ugly" and attacks against physical characteristics, Kelly derided the outfits of David ("you look like a pedophile"), Shannon ("you look like Mrs. Roper"), etc.

Shannon was making the point that Kelly's tan suede ensemble and beads evoked buckskins and the like.

Kelly was on WWHL last night and she said she was actually going for a Cher-does-Native type of thing with her outfit. SO I think Shannon was just pointing that out. Like, "Okay, I looked like Mrs. Roper, and you looked like an Indian. It's a costume party, so what?"


11 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I've always loved Jenni, and the way she handled Kelly on WWHL was fun to watch.  She clearly wasn't into her and I loved her comment on her going too far w/the cheating comment.

Jenni gave me life on the show. I don't always watch, but I recorded it just for her. I loved when the caller commented on their body language - Jenni was totally turned away from Kelly!!! And while Kelly's impersonation of Shannon was actually pretty accurate and hilarious, even more hilarious was Jenni's non-impressed face. Jenni is SO nice on her show, especially when dealing with clients or contractors, so to see her serving up the shade was just marvelous. 


10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

i just can't like Kelly's white on white on White House. (Oh FFS autocorrect has changed it four damn times!). It's lacking in warmth and character.   When I was a kid, my mom went through a stage of painting ceramics.   We spent a lot of time in shops looking at the solid white figurines and plaques.  Kelly's house reminds me of that.  It's still waiting to be painted.  It's almost soulless.  

Yes! I did ceramics as a kid and you've totally nailed. There is no warmth there, no personality. 

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I agree that Tamra's doing a lot of things right this season.   I loved how she shut down Vicki's speculation on Shannon's marriage with "let's not go there".

i just can't like Kelly's white on white on White House. (Oh FFS autocorrect has changed it four damn times!). It's lacking in warmth and character.   When I was a kid, my mom went through a stage of painting ceramics.   We spent a lot of time in shops looking at the solid white figurines and plaques.  Kelly's house reminds me of that.  It's still waiting to be painted.  It's almost soulless.  

I think that either Tamra is taking some kind of medication, or all her working out is helping her with her "Zen state", as she seems so much more subdued.  Or, she has decided that she finally did not like the raving, nasty shrew she was in the past.  So far, she is not bothering me at all, and I actually like her at times - YIKES!! 

And, I totally agree on Kelly's house.  When they were sitting there, at the white table, on the white chairs (fugly, imo), eating steak with ketchup and red wine, I was cringing, just waiting for someone to spill the wine or drop a piece of steak covered in ketchup on something.  White on white looks very pretty, but it isn't very practical, nor is it warm or inviting.  I am sooo sick of seeing home improvement shows or remodeling shows on HGTV with the white cabinets, white subway tile, white countertops - too sterile and cold for me.  

Maybe Kelly felt that the personalities living in the house were "colorful" enough that she didn't need to add any color in the decor.

  • Love 6

I do not like Kelly's house either. I especially loathe gold accents of any kind. Both Kelly and Vicki have gold fixtures, faucets, figures....

Also, while its nice to have the beach and ocean in your backyard, they also have a huge public blacktop parking lot as their backyard because it is a public beach.  Beats living inland like Vicki, but its kinda bottom of the barrel ocean front property.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I think that either Tamra is taking some kind of medication, or all her working out is helping her with her "Zen state", as she seems so much more subdued.  Or, she has decided that she finally did not like the raving, nasty shrew she was in the past.  So far, she is not bothering me at all, and I actually like her at times - YIKES!! 

I honestly and truly think it's the lack of alcohol, as a result of her contest prep. 

  • Love 6

OMG I forgot about the ketchup with the steaks.  If you need ketchup with your steak, you've cooked it too long.  During family dinners I can't sit anywhere near my 9 year old niece who wants her steak nearly burnt then whines she needs ketchup because it's dry.... if you have to have your steak done more than medium just save the money & get burgers.  The greatest travesty in life is Filet Mignon well done (Yes, my MIL will buy my niece a Filet that she slathers with ketchup on her plate)

Maybe Kelly can invite Vicki over to get MC Hammered (UGH!) & Vicki can pee on her white sofa

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, swankie said:

This is why I don't like Shannon.  And when did she develop such a pottie mouth throwing f bombs at the top of her lungs at that restaurant?  Notice how she started deflecting when Kelly called her out on insinuating that looking like an Indian equates to being ugly. 

I took that as Shannon saying Kelly looking like an Indian meant she didn't look very 70s - like the costume didn't go along with the theme at all. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

Yes.   It beats one more fake lunch and it sure as hell beats faking and doing a cancer scam for money.

Did you mean "for casseroles"?


35 minutes ago, slitz said:

I had to watch this using the Start Over feature on my crappy dvr box (it won't record anything now and I haven't had time to go replace it) and it stopped at the very tail end of Kelly and Shannon's sit down.  What happened in the previews?  Is this when Kelly calls someone a See You Next Tuesday?

There's a scene where Heather is chewing someone out (I think it was Tamra or Kelly) and another where Kelly says something to one of the gals that is bleeped out, followed by a lock of shocked expressions on peoples' faces.

I don't mind the new Tamra, although I am suspicious it's an act but I am assuming for the best. Her trainer, Mia, however, creeps me out with all her "working out for Jesus" talk.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Kelly doesn't know Shannon, either.

Excellent point...seriously - because she has met Shannon a few times during filming, doesn't mean that they are best buddies, or even "friends", and according to Kelly, she doesn't know anything about Shannon - so what's the argument?  Kelly herself also indicated that she thought that Shannon was stand-off-ish towards her, so it's not like they were talking/texting daily and sharing dinner dates with their husbands.

If Kelly has a problem with anyone, it should be with Jaci and Nina - take it up with them.  And, I don't think that she is that naive about reality TV to not realize that production set her up, not Shannon (but, of course, with the 4th wall and everything, that cannot be revealed).  At least she admitted on screen that she has "anger issues" - maybe she should also realize that she has "misplaced anger issues" as well.

Kelly is a try-hard nasty piece of work, and she irritates me.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 10
2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Agreed on Kelly's face.  I would love to know what she looked like before plastic surgery.  She *had* to have looked better.  

She's got bad hair it seems.  The style isn't flattering on her at all.  

The nose was widdled down so much she's in Michael Jackson territory.  The veeners are too big.  The lips overdone.  But for some reason she thinks she's hot. 

Not only that, but you can see that she's doing some weird contouring shit to her nose too and I'm sure it isn't helping matters.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, Lucygirl2 said:

OMG I forgot about the ketchup with the steaks.  If you need ketchup with your steak, you've cooked it too long.

Either that or you just have an immature pallet. My 8-year-old son will eat almost any meat I prepare, but he has to dip it in ketchup. I didn't see Jolie at the table, and I was confused, because I assumed the ketchup was for her. 

  • Love 3

The look on the doctor's face when Meghan told him that Jim wouldn't be there with her was telling.  It was like he was thinking, "What an asshole this man must be to not want to be with his wife when she's going through this procedure."  And the doctor is right.  I'm guessing that Jim just "allowed" Meghan's want of a child just to shut her up, and not because he wants another child.  He's 46 and most men of that age don't want to start another family, so he's just letting her have her baby and then he'll jump ship and move on to another younger girl.  That's the problem with men like Jim.  They want the arm candy and when that candy gets old, they move on for a newer piece.

Kelly is just plain ugly, inside and out.  Her husband creeps me out for whatever reason, but I just can't stand him.  And what is it with her an halter tops?  She's got a lot of side boobage in all those tops and it's just not attractive.  Plus, I don't know if her boobs are real, but they sure hang low for fakes.  

I did not find Brianna's boys to be overly cute.  And why didn't they just get the spare key and open the door?  I don't keep my keys in my car when it's parked, and if that's what Vicki did, she's an idiot.  We used to have a Mercedes like Vicki's and it has Keyless Go, where you don't actually use the key, but it has to be in the car, but you don't leave the key fob in the car because anyone can steal it.   

  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Either that or you just have an immature pallet. My 8-year-old son will eat almost any meat I prepare, but he has to dip it in ketchup. I didn't see Jolie at the table, and I was confused, because I assumed the ketchup was for her. 

Well, Kelly did complain that Michael left the steaks too long under the broiler and they were burnt.  

(And, I must admit that at times, I will use a dab of ketchup on certain steaks.  Never on filet mignon or a beautifully marbled NY strip steak but I have used in on occasion on steaks that aren't so flavorful for one reason or another)

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9 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Well, Kelly did complain that Michael left the steaks too long under the broiler and they were burnt.  

(And, I must admit that at times, I will use a dab of ketchup on certain steaks.  Never on filet mignon or a beautifully marbled NY strip steak but I have used in on occasion on steaks that aren't so flavorful for one reason or another)

That actually was a scene that was favorable to her, I think.  I think her husband is an asshole and he doesn't respect her at all.  (Not saying that not listening to your spouse sometimes means that. Then I would be one. :-P  Put he definitely brings out that vibe both at home and out with the others.)  She could probably have a decent lifestyle based on alimony and child support if she left him. Ain't no way I'd stick around with that guy for his money.

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On Jimmy The Prick, Meghan was complaining he had 2 days off and was playing golf on her egg retrieval.  So, unless she expects him to charter a private plane, she expected him to fly ~6 hours (meaning really about 8 hours in travel airport to airport) to be at her egg retrieval which IS NOT major surgery like they make it appear to be -- to turn around and spend another 8 hours to go back home?  If she really expects that, she's as much a selfish prick as he is.  I had egg retrieval, and basically, you only need someone to drive you home.  You are not put under, you are given sedatives (morphine mix from what I recall) so you are comfortably numb and sleepy while they extract the eggs.  It is not some sort of surgery that you need your spouse present for.  In a perfect world, sure it would be great if he could be there.   But to think he should be flying all the way across the country when he has 2 days off seems crazy to me.  She married him knowing his schedule.  She supposedly went into the marriage knowing he didn't want kids.  Then she decided she wanted kids and to go the IVF route fully knowing his schedule.  If she was that concerned with his presence, perhaps she should give up her Real Housewives job and live in FL while he's got  training camp so he can be around for her?

Now, him being a dick to her on the phone while playing golf is a different ball of wax.

  • Love 9

Kelly is a pile of dysfunction, so I'm sure TPTB are happy she's on the show, though it can't be good for her family and personal life. I liked what her mom had to say to her, too bad she couldn't execute it; Kelly gets inside her own head too much and already thinks she knows what is what and then filters it through a negative lens, jumps to conclusions and lacks major self control. She must get in fights and fly off the handle on a regular basis, and that's probably why her mother was quick to tell her to forgive, forget and be a bigger person.

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Last night was pretty boring but there was a plot twist with Meghan's doctor being Nina's ex!  What a small world.  If Jackie would have been Dr. Moon's ex, we would have come full circle.  A good way to purge toxins from the body is to sweat.  And it's free.  Just sayin.  

I hate to say this (but I'm going to anyway), Vicki's grandson Troy has facial features that remind me of Steve Avery.  I cannot find a good online pic of Troy to support my theory.

I never watch WWHL but I did last night because I thought maybe Andy would call Kelly out on saying on video that she doesn't like black guys and has her MBA (married but available).  He didn't.  But Jenny threw enough shade for everyone.  Kelly's imitation of Shannon didn't land.  The Jeff Lewis/Heather Dubrow beef was also discussed.

Family planning-wise, Meghan is throwing her marriage under the bus.  And yes, I think her colon cancer charity work is not very sincere.  Her audience during her speech was bored.  

The lack of body fat on Tamra's trainer looked painful.  I hope she's just eating clean for a competition or something.  I admire Tamra for trying to be a better person, but her drunken commentary really amped up the drama.

Edited by MerryMary
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another thing that really bothered me about Kelly is she told us all she was bullied in the past (which I have sympathy for anyone who goes through that) but it doesn't give you license to be an asshole to others.  Her & her husband taking such glee in calling Shannon Mrs. Roper & trying to upset her at her party was beyond dickish.  It had shades of Kelly Bensimone in it, she can say whatever she wants to someone, no matter how hurtful or what the tone but if anyone comes back at her, it's bullying.... Girl, Bye!

  • Love 9
56 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

Kelly is just plain ugly, inside and out.  Her husband creeps me out for whatever reason, but I just can't stand him.  And what is it with her an halter tops?  She's got a lot of side boobage in all those tops and it's just not attractive.  Plus, I don't know if her boobs are real, but they sure hang low for fakes.  

I know this is shallow, but I didn't like the denim shirt with the shoulders cut out that Kelly was wearing.

Didn't Nene from RHoA sell something like that on QVC a couple years ago?

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