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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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49 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

I figured the guy bought a pickup because he needed it for work. Do people really buy a pick up truck just to drive a pick up truck? I didn't realize that. 

I use our current pickup truck to drive to the grocery store.  If I have an extra-large shopping list, all the bags get put in the bed of the truck.  And I do love having a truck; I can see over traffic.

  • Love 3
On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 6:52 PM, configdotsys said:

What pisses me off is that they are NOT matching SUVs. If you look closely, the black one is a Canyon Denali pick up truck and the red is a Yukon SUV. I didn't notice it until I saw the commercial a few times and then got more furious. The commercial drives me insane because it just shows another whipped husband and a bitch wife who says, "I love it" in a tone that really says, "Don't you dare try to take this from me." 

Sorry - the wife isn't the wrong one here.  The husband, who decides to give her a vehicle, without her having any say in the decision, is in the wrong.  If I'm going to drive a car, I want to test drive it, make sure it has the features I need, be involved in the pricing, financing, etc.   I hate these car commercials that perpetuate the view that a woman should be happy to be "given"  a car by her husband.  Aren't they equal partners in making major decisions?  

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

Sorry - the wife isn't the wrong one here.  The husband, who decides to give her a vehicle, without her having any say in the decision, is in the wrong.  If I'm going to drive a car, I want to test drive it, make sure it has the features I need, be involved in the pricing, financing, etc.   I hate these car commercials that perpetuate the view that a woman should be happy to be "given"  a car by her husband.  Aren't they equal partners in making major decisions?  

I don't see it as a matter of right and wrong, but if you do, okay. Commercials are open for interpretation as they have no backstory and are fiction. I posted my reaction to the commercial, which is obviously very different than most which is perfectly fine. I personally would never purchase a big ticket item without input and would never buy my spouse a car without having him check out everything you mentioned, but I evaluate commercials at face value and only comment on what is shown. 

As far as people having pick up trucks for the sake of having a truck, I wasn't putting that down in any way. It's something that I was unaware of is all. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

Sorry - the wife isn't the wrong one here.  The husband, who decides to give her a vehicle, without her having any say in the decision, is in the wrong.  If I'm going to drive a car, I want to test drive it, make sure it has the features I need, be involved in the pricing, financing, etc.   I hate these car commercials that perpetuate the view that a woman should be happy to be "given"  a car by her husband.  Aren't they equal partners in making major decisions?  

True although I don't mind if its something the husband knows she wants. Like she's mentioned in the past or they've talked about it. And he knows what kind of vehicle she wants. He clearly doesn't know what kind of car his wife wanted or he wouldn't have assumed she didn't want the truck. So he shouldn't have been buying her a car. Why should the wife be happy with her husband buying her a car when its not the car she wanted? How is that nice? 'Here honey, keys to the brand new car you don't want or like!' and 'oh by the way look at the truck I bought for myself! How is it he's lived with her all this time and had no idea she prefers trucks?  

  • Love 5

The "giant-sized" Cook Island buffalo nickel made of .999 gold actually contains 0.007 of an ounce of gold (unlike the previous "gold-clad" version which probably has even less gold).  It explains why they never show the coin from the side and mention the revolutionary stamping process (to make a "coin" that thin). I assume if they showed it from the side, you wouldn't be able to see it.

Edited by Tom Holmberg
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

Dear small annoying brat in the commercial for whatever dishwasher detergent it is. "So what does the dishwasher do??" Um.. It also SANITIZES you little dimwit. Please don't grow up to have a restaurant. I get what the commercial is going for, but she irritates me. 

Me too. She's very annoying. Also why doesn't the mom explain it to her? Its not that hard. 

  • Love 10
50 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

Dear small annoying brat in the commercial for whatever dishwasher detergent it is. "So what does the dishwasher do??" Um.. It also SANITIZES you little dimwit. Please don't grow up to have a restaurant. I get what the commercial is going for, but she irritates me. 

The GF and I have this discussion all the time when we load the dishwasher.  She is one to wash things before putting them in, I will clean off any chunks of stuff, and give stuff a quick rinse, but the dishwasher is designed to WASH DISHES.  Sorry, I agree with the kid.

  • Love 10

It depends on your dishwasher. Our current home had a builder grade dishwasher and I had to rinse the dishes thoroughly before putting them in the dishwasher, no matter what detergent I used. This year we got a top of the line Bosch, no pre-rinsing necessary. I'm always amazed at how well it cleans off crud.

  • Love 4

The drains from a dishwasher generally are not set up to deal with large chunks of stuff. So if a dish is just saucy or something, sure, no pre-rinsing needed. It'll get clean anyway. But if something is super covered in food, it's a good idea to rinse it into the sink where the garbage disposal is (or if you don't have one, to scrape stuff into the trash). Otherwise, even if your dishes look fine after they come out of the dishwasher, the drain will eventually get messed up from food gunk farther down the line than expected. Or so I'm told. So that plus the dishwasher sanitizes and generally just does a much better job of actually cleaning than handwashing does are all reasons why the detergent commercial is bullshitting us. I'm not saying choice of detergent doesn't matter at all but the whole "what's the dishwasher do" argument against pre-rinsing has nothing to do with detergent.

  • Love 7

In my opinion, if you have to full on wash a dish, there's no point in putting it in the dishwasher.  I'm just a rinser and if I have to do much more than that, I'll just wash it the rest of the way and put it in the strainer with the non-dishwasher safe stuff.  I'm already washing it with soap and hot water, so I'm not worried about it being sanitized.

And it's called a dishwasher, not a dish sanitizer, so I can't really blame a kid (or an adult, for that matter) for not realizing that they're not supposed to do what their name says they do.

I don't have a problem with the kid in the commercial, but I do think it would be better if her intonation were different.  She says "What does the dishwasher DO?" but it should be "What does the DISHWASHER do?"

Edited by janie jones
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Moose135 said:

The GF and I have this discussion all the time when we load the dishwasher.  She is one to wash things before putting them in, I will clean off any chunks of stuff, and give stuff a quick rinse, but the dishwasher is designed to WASH DISHES.  Sorry, I agree with the kid.

I do, too, because it drives me nuts seeing people wash their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher; all they're doing is wasting water.  Dishwashers are designed to have the dishes scraped before loading, that's it.  If you have a crappy dishwasher, okay.  But too many people with perfectly-working dishwashers do the rinse and scrub routine. 

I'm also annoyed - and this for no good reason, since it's not wasting anything but their own detergent - by the large percentage of people who use far more laundry detergent than is called for.  But:

45 minutes ago, janie jones said:

I don't have a problem with the kid in the commercial, but I do think it would be better if her intonation were different. 

Yes, I think that's her flaw - her delivery.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

Even with a good dishwasher, I've never had dishes come out clean unless they were rinsed beforehand. Maybe I've always lived in places with crappy water. Or something. 

Neither have I. Even when we got a new dishwasher still had to rinse them or it didn't come out clean.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, chessiegal said:

Top of the line Bosch dishwasher - no rinsing required. And they are so quiet they have a red light projecting on the floor so you know it's running.

Added bonus: Your less-than-brightest cat can be proud of himself for catching the red dot. Bosco frequently sits by the dishwasher, with his paw on the red dot on the floor.

But because I live alone I don't run the dishwasher all that frequently, so I do, while not a wash, a very thorough rinse so the bits won't dry up & adhere to the dishes before I get around to filling up & running the DW.

And using more laundry detergent IS wasteful because you have to rinse a second or third time before it all gets out of the clothes, etc. I've got one of those "stackable" units, so my washer is about two-thirds the size of a normal washer. If I use a tablespoon of detergent, that's a lot. I'm one of those folks who still goes back to the washer at the beginning of the rinse cycle to put in the softener (I'm allergic to whatever the hell they do with dryer sheets) and sometimes I notice there's still too many suds in the rinse water, so I run another rinse cycle. (Which I'm about to do right now with my thermal blanket...BRB)

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, chessiegal said:

Top of the line Bosch dishwasher - no rinsing required. And they are so quiet they have a red light projecting on the floor so you know it's running.

Living in base housing, or renting housing off base, spending a couple thousand dollars on a dishwasher isn't on the agenda. But even with a new middle of the road dishwasher, still needs rinsing beforehand. 

On 12/27/2018 at 1:11 PM, peacheslatour said:

If Reese Witherspoon is back next year as the face of Crate & Barrel, I hope to god she tones down the scarlet lipstick and offers me, her soon-to-be bestie, something a bit better than that so-called cute decanter.

When seeing Reese Witherspoon, am I the only one who immediately thinks of her DUI arrest and video? "Do you know who I am?" she asks the uncaring cop.

  • Love 8

As much as I hated Liberty Mutual's commercials, I don't think the new ones are any better.

  • Small station news reporter on vacation interrupts the narrator to break some news about Liberty Mutual.
  • A shadowman in the eye witness protection plan gets his "cover" blown and hurls himself over the railing.
  • A bicyclist with deformed calves or bad calf implants tells us something or other.
On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 3:07 PM, iMonrey said:

Can we talk about the commercial with the man who buys matching GMC SUVs, a red one and a black one, for him and his wife? And the wife runs outside and immediately grabs the black one for herself when clearly he meant for her to have the red one but she is adamant that she loves the black one so he gives in and says "I like red." I'm torn because on the one hand if your husband buys you a car you should take the one he meant for you. She obviously knows he meant for her to have the red one and won't let him get a word in edgewise when he tries to tell her. On the other hand a car is a hugely expensive gift to surprise someone with. Maybe check with them first.

Also? I can't believe Daniel di Tomasso is reduced to doing commercials for GMC's Black Friday Event. Not to be elitist, or anything, but this guy's career seems to be going downhill. First time I ever saw him in anything I figured he had a big future in TV and maybe even movies. 

So many reasons I hate this ad have already been discussed, but if he meant for her to have the black one for himself, why is it there with a bow on it instead of in the garage or out of view?

  • Love 7
On 12/28/2018 at 5:51 PM, andromeda331 said:

Me too. She's very annoying

Dishwasher girl is annoying as I loathe little kids who roll their eyes at their parents.  Hey they feed you, clothe you, take care of you, and run you all over town so save your disdain for someone else, maybe no one else!!!

  • Love 13
On 10/24/2018 at 9:11 AM, friendperidot said:

the fool that decided to add the sing-songy "liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty," to the end of those commercials should be forced to wear a cone like dogs have to wear after surgery with that jingle piped into the cone for about 48 hours. And it's still better than any political ad.

Amen. I hate LM. 

That would be good punishment for the fuckhead who came up with the chopped and screwed version of Scarborough Fair song for HLN

  • Love 3
On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 9:37 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

I loathe little kids who roll their eyes at their parents.

One of the jobs of kids is to roll their eyes at their parents. If they didn't, they'd be in their thirties and still living at home.  It's early training for "Get the hell out of our house!"

  • LOL 1
  • Love 5

This annoys the damn hell out of me. Just wash the fucking glasses! Further, what are the odds that one will not have clean glasses, but will have the exact amount of hollow chocolate receptacles and nonstandard-size ice cubes that fit perfectly? Also, that was like half a shot of drink in there! 


(This commercial is also what I hate about that Hack My Life show; the "hack" is often far more complicated than the normal way!)

Another stupid one: some little cube shaped spy camera described as "one square inch." It's a cube!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 5

There's an intensely annoying and gross commercial with a family trying to eat dinner while sitting in vibrating massage chairs.

And then there's one for Eggo where the husband wakes his wife up by force feeding her a piece of waffle.  Not a smart move on several levels.

Edited by Brookside
  • Love 17
On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 11:00 AM, configdotsys said:

I figured the guy bought a pickup because he needed it for work. Do people really buy a pick up truck just to drive a pick up truck? I didn't realize that. 

Yep.  I'd say at least 75% of the pickups you see on the road are not driven by people who need them for work.  A lot of people use them to haul stuff for home improvement and yard projects.  Some people like that they ride higher and can see better.  And some just like them as penis metaphors.


On ‎12‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 9:31 AM, BigBingerBro said:

"I'd like to go to cheese school!"  - Then GO and get you're geeky face out of my supermarket.

The guy is annoying, but when I see that commercial, I always comment that I want to go to cheese school, too.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, proserpina65 said:

Yep.  I'd say at least 75% of the pickups you see on the road are not driven by people who need them for work.  A lot of people use them to haul stuff for home improvement and yard projects.  Some people like that they ride higher and can see better.  And some just like them as penis metaphors.


The guy is annoying, but when I see that commercial, I always comment that I want to go to cheese school, too.

In Minnesota this seems to be true........

  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, Brookside said:

There's an intensely annoying and gross commercial with a family trying to eat dinner while sitting in vibrating massage chairs.

I STILL do not understand the vibrating chairs!  Why would you have so many?  Why would you have them at all?  Especially why are they at the dining table and on full blast?  Who lives like that?  And finally, what is this commercial selling?

  • Love 12
27 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

I STILL do not understand the vibrating chairs!  Why would you have so many?  Why would you have them at all?  Especially why are they at the dining table and on full blast?  Who lives like that?  And finally, what is this commercial selling?

It's selling Geico's homeowners' insurance.  The people in the commercial are stressed about buying a house, and the massage chairs are an attempt to reduce that stress.  Why at the table? - that I don't know.

It's a stupid commercial, and not a very effective one if a lot of people don't even know what it's for.

  • Love 14
On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 9:37 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Dishwasher girl is annoying as I loathe little kids who roll their eyes at their parents.

You may be suffering from moderate to severe this condition:


  • Love 10
On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 6:35 PM, Moose135 said:

The GF and I have this discussion all the time when we load the dishwasher.  She is one to wash things before putting them in, I will clean off any chunks of stuff, and give stuff a quick rinse, but the dishwasher is designed to WASH DISHES.  Sorry, I agree with the kid.

At my sister-in-law's house, after dinner, she was rinsing EVERYTHING before loading the dishwasher.  She rinsed coffee cups, saucers, and WATER GLASSES!   It drove me crazy.  

Edited by tinkerbell
  • Love 4
On 12/30/2018 at 10:59 AM, trudysmom said:

My husband scoffs at small or light trucks (Ranger, Toyota' smaller truck) and says "You can't even lay a sheet of plywood in the bed". 

You can't in a lot of modern "full size" pickups either. The wheel wells intrude into the bed, and the bed may be only five or six feet long.

On 12/31/2018 at 11:11 AM, proserpina65 said:

I'd say at least 75% of the pickups you see on the road are not driven by people who need them for work.  A lot of people use them to haul stuff for home improvement and yard projects.  Some people like that they ride higher and can see better. 

Trucks are also much more likely to accommodate a big or tall driver.

  • Love 3

I’ve been watching a lot of the bowl games. Northwestern Mutual must be a sponsor because they’ve been replaying a lot of the commercials that aired last summer. The one where the dad has the swimming pool built, Anna Baker the architect, etc.  The bratty teenage girl in the swimming pool one has always bugged the hell out of me. But in re-watching it, I’m even more irritated. At the very beginning, you see the mom stretching out in a chaise lounge on the side of the house. So why is the brat bugging her poor Dad, who is trying to mow the lawn?  And if the dad has $20,000+ to put in a pool, it looks like he has 25 bucks or so that he could throw to a neighborhood kid to mow his lawn.  The whole commercial just bugs. 

On the other hand, I haven’t seen the one that I liked the best out of the whole series. The one of the student in Italy drawing.  I’d much rather see that one 50 times a night. 

  • Love 4
On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 7:01 PM, trudysmom said:

Tom, I think I definitely suffer from that condition.

Cute kids in ads don't bother me.  In fact, for kids in commercials, all they need to do is to be cute (but not cloyingly so) and be able to read the lines so you can understand what they are saying (a problem a lot of real kids would have).  I don't hold them responsible for the content of the ads, as they have no more to say about the content than dogs and cats in ads have (in fact, all dogs and cats need to do is be cute, too).

  • Love 3
On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 10:11 AM, proserpina65 said:

Some people like that they ride higher and can see better. 

I had a 90's Mustang and couldn't ever see around anybody, coming or going.  I later traded it in for an Xterra, which I really liked. Unfortunately, due to the "CAFE standards", Nissan no longer makes it. 

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