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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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These commercials are for a smartphone app called letgo and yes, the commercials are horrible! One involves a woman stubbornly sitting on her bed staring at a pair of red hooker heels in her closet while her house is going up in flames. Meanwhile, there's also a living cat sitting on her bed.

Yeah, that was the 3rd ad in the series. HATE it!

I was JUST coming here to proclaim my hatred for that ad! ("Pull that peach")

Ironically, there are no peaches in Yoplait "yogurt".
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One of the issues with money belts and the handeebra, as noted, is the awkwardness of access. The other major problem with money belts, at least for me, is the moisture buildup that warps your passport, if you wear the belt next to your body and happen to be a human who sweats. So although I've never had a problem with security while traveling, thank god, I adapted an idea I saw online and put a zippered pocket in the front of a T shirt. As long as I'm traveling when it's cool enough to wear a shirt or sweater over it, it's concealed but easy to access.

  • Love 4

I wonder what marketing geniuses at Emirate Air actually thought that NOT being able to shower on a plane (and therefore not bumping into Miss Aniston) is the ONLY reason viewers at home were reluctant to spend zillions of bucks for first class trips to Dubai JUST so they shower on a plane and therefore would only take buses if they couldn't find   flights to Peoria served by Emirate Air.  Talk about living in bubbles (and that goes for Miss Aniston unless she REALLY was willing to hold her nose just to supplement those "Friends" residuals).

  • Love 2

At this point, I despise Sofia Vergara.  I can no longer tell if she has any talent at all.  I saw two of her commercials back-to-back.  The schtick is so old.  First was the coffee maker commercial, bad but not horrific.  Then she's hawking heads and shoulders by being all over some young generic guy.  The end scene with her pursing her lips and hanging on his shoulder makes my stomach turn.  Is this supposed to be appealing?  Are we supposed to believe that a grown woman finding a young man attractive would behave in this way?  Or is this meant to be more maternal/friendly in that she is cleaning him up to attract others and affirming his appeal through this action.  Regardless I find her behavior repulsive.  

  • Love 5

Because this speaks to so many outrages that have been spoken about here. And it's damn funny.


Wait, that's a real commercial?!?! O.O







I was going to put this one in the head scratcher thread, but then I got annoyed because these idiots are drooling over virtual cookies. And that one woman licking the glass is just nasty.

  • Love 3

Nissan Altima commercial that runs 4 times an hour:


Woman picks up date to watch football game and she is rabbiting on with her "knowledge" about the game by saying the following:

"Our running back is a BEAST"

"When he hits the hole and breaks through the secondary, OH he's GONE."

"And our linebackers? They dish out punishment and NEVER quit."


What kind of INANE dialogue is that? Is the joke that she knows nothing about football and is just stringing together random football words?

I would hate this ad less if I didn't have to hear it 10 times a day.

  • Love 3

At this point, I despise Sofia Vergara.  I can no longer tell if she has any talent at all.  I saw two of her commercials back-to-back.  The schtick is so old.  First was the coffee maker commercial, bad but not horrific.  Then she's hawking heads and shoulders by being all over some young generic guy.  The end scene with her pursing her lips and hanging on his shoulder makes my stomach turn.  Is this supposed to be appealing?  Are we supposed to believe that a grown woman finding a young man attractive would behave in this way?  Or is this meant to be more maternal/friendly in that she is cleaning him up to attract others and affirming his appeal through this action.  Regardless I find her behavior repulsive.  

My impression is that the young man is supposed to be her son.

Holy incestuous vibe, Batman!

I didn't get an incestuous vibe from that commercial - I saw her behavior as maternal, in a smothering kind of way.  Still annoying though.

  • Love 9

Nissan Altima commercial that runs 4 times an hour:


Woman picks up date to watch football game and she is rabbiting on with her "knowledge" about the game by saying the following:

"Our running back is a BEAST"

"When he hits the hole and breaks through the secondary, OH he's GONE."

"And our linebackers? They dish out punishment and NEVER quit."


What kind of INANE dialogue is that? Is the joke that she knows nothing about football and is just stringing together random football words?

I would hate this ad less if I didn't have to hear it 10 times a day.

If you hear it 10 times a day, I hear it about 20 times a day.  I grab the remote every time it's on.  I don't understand why they run it so damn often.  

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I loathe these new American Cancer Society "Courage" commercials.

I mean, I can see what they are going for, but...

Apparently, my Dad died because he didn't have "courage"?!?

Fuck you American Cancer Society!


I agree with you on this, not to mention all the "awareness" campaigns, the pink ribbon culture, and ads that show strong people doing strong things like whoo-hooing at the end of a 10k in which everyone is wearing pink or one of the other cancer colors along with some indication that they're a survivor. I believe it makes cancer patients who fight cancer in a different way feel ostracized and unsupported.

It is a terrible disease and I fully support awareness messages and fundraising efforts. But the commercials for various "for profit" treatment centers infuriate me.

  • Love 5

Yeah, it seems to me it's supposed to be this endearing surprise to the guy that she actually knows about football rather than just playing dress-up and staging a game-watching date to be cute.  Because, you know, women being knowledgeable sports fans is rare in this the year 2015.

The endearing part is that she spent at least $180 dollars for nose bleed seats and another $20 dollars for parking to take her guy to a game. She even painted her face with team colors. She's cute, slim, likes sports, knows sports, has her own money, drives a nice reliable car. Safe to say a five by five woman. Marry her, that is if she doesn't eat yogurt.

  • Love 6

Possibly there are two commercials in the series, and the one I'm thinking of may not be the one y'all are talking about, but I thought it was obvious it was her son because she specifically says he's her son, outloud in the commercial.

There are two versions. I've only seen the one where she says he's her son once. The other 2,468 ones I've seen give off a creepy cougar vibe like she's hot for this much younger guy.

Between the faux-French lady, the hitman-like guy in the suit and such,Yoplait finds it difficult to make ads that are neither disturbing nor obnoxious, like this one:




Who wants their company associated with employee mistreatment?  If she spoke to me like that I'd have told her to get the peaches her damn self.

why does every single ad they have make me hope the protagonist gets hit.


I wished violence against the original yogurt bitch, and now I'm wanting this guy to pick the peach and throw it right at this yogurt bitch's face.

I think its like claiming that there is meat in hot dogs.  Technically there are peach bits in the yoplait, the same way there is technically meat in a hot dog.  But we all know that its probably 99% chicken toenails in both.

Nissan Altima commercial that runs 4 times an hour:


Woman picks up date to watch football game and she is rabbiting on with her "knowledge" about the game by saying the following:

"Our running back is a BEAST"

"When he hits the hole and breaks through the secondary, OH he's GONE."

"And our linebackers? They dish out punishment and NEVER quit."


What kind of INANE dialogue is that? Is the joke that she knows nothing about football and is just stringing together random football words?

I would hate this ad less if I didn't have to hear it 10 times a day.

good god is that commercial annoying....because it literally sounds like she is just stringing words about football together.


Even if what she is saying makes sense, her delivery is awful -- and the guy apparently has nothing to say?  She is clearly trying to impress him, and he may or may not be a mute.


It's like some weird copy someone wrote and was like "well, this will get women and men to like Nissan Altima's!"

  • Love 9

Okay, I watched the Sofia Vergara head and shoulders commercial again (because clearly I hate myself and desperately need counseling).  She does say, "My baby's all grown up" according to the captioning.  And she is talking to him about how to do well in an interview.  So, it's her son.  It still annoys me to a level of total disgust.  Grabbing his shoulders while he walks and making the kissy face makes me super stabby.  If she reacts this way when he washes his hair, what will she do if he actually accomplishes something more significant? After all, he appears to be grown.  The act of washing his hair with dandruff shampoo, especially when it does not look different than it did prior to using H&S, really does not seem to warrant her excessive reactions.  Can't she just go away now?  She can take her son, their shampoo, diet pepsi, her coffee machine, her overdone accent and her OTT acting with her. 

  • Love 8

Both her voice and her face make me turn away; there's something about her I find creepy.  It was easy enough to avoid her show (it's not my type of cooking), but now she's haunting me via those commercials.


She's always smiling. Always! ALWAYS.  ::shudder::



So back to commercials... I can't believe Liberty Mutual is still running this campaign with people who don't know how insurance works. And new spots are coming out. Haven't we complaining loud enough?!

  • Love 5

She's always smiling. Always! ALWAYS.  ::shudder::



So back to commercials... I can't believe Liberty Mutual is still running this campaign with people who don't know how insurance works. And new spots are coming out. Haven't we complaining loud enough?!

This has to be about the Pioneer Woman and the WalMart commercials, because yes, she is creepy.  

  • Love 5

I can't believe Liberty Mutual is still running this campaign with people who don't know how insurance works. And new spots are coming out. Haven't we complaining loud enough?!


I've been doing my part, but just saw the one with the couple lamenting that they no longer have a perfect driving record. They're complaining that the insurance company doesn't cut them some slack - "Your perfect driving record doesn't get you anything!" And I yell at the TV "You no longer have a perfect driving record, idiots!"


Hmm. Just saw the ad today, but couldn't find it on YouTube and the one on iSpot "has been removed at the request of the advertiser."



  • Love 6

Like it isn't enough that Sheldon Cooper is the most obnoxious motherfucker I've ever had the misfortune to have on my television. That poor woman.

doesn't that car have bluetooth so she can call the cops about the creepy middle aged man in her car chatting up her 8 year old daughter?


I'm just saying...by any means necessary.....

  • Love 6
good god is that commercial annoying....because it literally sounds like she is just stringing words about football together.


Even if what she is saying makes sense, her delivery is awful -- and the guy apparently has nothing to say?  She is clearly trying to impress him, and he may or may not be a mute.


It's like some weird copy someone wrote and was like "well, this will get women and men to like Nissan Altima's!"

I like this commercial for so many subtle reasons which would be at home in the Race class and gender thread. Let me just say any time I see young people of African American descent who act as if they did not grow up next to a crack den and or cat house. I feel good. No rap music she speaks as if she has education they both do. I could go on, his pants are pulled up! Middle Middle class African American depiction for the win.

Edited by Watcher0363
  • Love 8

I like this commercial for so many subtle reasons which would be at home in the Race class and gender thread. Let me just say any time I see young people of African American descent who act as if they did not grow up next to a crack den and or cat house. I feel good. No rap music she speaks as if she has education they both do. I could go on, his pants are pulled up! Middle Middle class African American depiction for the win.

I understand your reasons for liking the commercial, but I feel like we have moved past the simple depiction of black people in commercials listening exclusively to rap music and not speaking proper English.  My favorite commercial in that vein is the Microsoft 10 commercial where they talk about how one child is going to change the world and in the end they settle on a very quiet looking young black girl in a uniform quietly sitting in her class.


I guess my point is that you don't have to, and shouldn't have to choose between AA behaving in a normal way and the corny weirdness that is this commercial.  There are plenty of reasonable commercials that depict AA's in a positive light.  We can demand better!  I don't ever feel good seeing a woman talking about something she knows nothing about to please a man, black, white or purple polka dotted.  She didn't sound as much educated as much as she sounded like she was straight up reading from a prepared index card, and I think he said about three words.


Though I do agree that while the Lysol lady still exists there are battles to be fought.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal has one piece eating another piece of cereal.  Cannibalism ain't gonna make me buy what you're selling.

It doesn't help that the cannibal piece looks crazy as fuck either....

  • Love 3

I'm thinking it's an SUV, so it probably has a roof rack she can tie him to.

All this talk of car insurance makes me think that tying him to the roof rack is a liability that probably isn't covered by her policy.


Better to just call the cops, he won't be so quick to start singing songs with little girls after a few days in the pokey!

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I couldn't figure out if I should put this commercial here, or under commercials that are confusing.  


But I feel more annoyed so I'm putting it here



listen, clearly one sister tanned a little, and got her hair done.  They do not look remarkably different and I hate Olay for even making me question if this is valid, because of course it isn't.


And by the way you dumb broads, maybe if you stopped wearing the same clothing, people could tell you apart.  And honestly, if people still can't tell you two apart after 30+ years, neither of you are that special or important.  Just enjoy playing twin pranks on everyone!

Edited by RCharter
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