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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but some folks  over a certain age have gout and or severe toe arthritis and shoes with toes are a no go.  I've seen them wear sandals in winter because of those conditions ...and it is sad.  And on the fungus issue, she may have been treating the problem, but it takes weeks to heal even with the best meds..

I know a lot of those health related commercials bug a lot of people. Some even bother me. However, the older I get, the more I resemble some of those over acting actors with some god awful syndrome I never heard of until my doctor told me I have it. Then it is like----- You want me to spend how much for that? Well, will I die from this thing or will it just gross other people out and cause me some discomfort? Cause I am pretty sure one of the side effects of that overprice drug can kill me.

  • Love 6

Some of the guys that work with my husband tried them and there is an unusual side effect. Six guys in the shop ate them & everyone says their poop was green as a result. I actually heard that on my local radio station and thought it was a hoax, but my husband told me about his co-workers confirming it. Maybe a little TMI, but just warning those who may try it so they don't freak out.

Somebody already mentioned it, either upthread or in another of the commercials threads. It may have to do with food coloring which may also be used to make the buns black (They use squid ink in Japan, but apparently not here--I wonder if using the squid ink would make things different with "side effects" from eating our black buns?).

  • Love 1

I'm sure the cute kid in the Apple Watch ad is a lovely fellow and his girlfriend should be lucky to have someone so sweet, but I swear the first time I heard the ad before I saw it I thought it was a bad audition commercial hyping the last season of American Idol.

If this is the one I'm thinking about, at first I thought it was a girl badly in need of an upper lip wax who was singing.

  • Love 1

(They use squid ink in Japan, but apparently not here--I wonder if using the squid ink would make things different with "side effects" from eating our black buns?).


I eat pasta with squid ink a fair bit, and have not experienced the green poop side effect, so I think it's from whatever synthetic substance they're using to color the buns.

  • Love 3

Dear Pet Smart:


I love dogs, a good dog is worth his or her weight in gold. However I am not one of those people who treat animals like people. So your commercial about Halloween costumes, irks me on several fronts. The fact that you are dressing your pet in clothes, that you are dressing them in costumed clothes. That you are introducing your dog to many strangers dressed strangely who are mostly bratty tail pulling kids. And that you repeatedly go back to the same house, because the goodies are better, breaking an unwritten rule of trick or treating. Gordon Gekko greed on Halloween is a time honored tradition for sure. But Halloween use to be mostly for kids, now it is for grownups making up for their stolen Halloween. Either way you see it Halloween is for kids an adolescent regressing adults. Not cats and dogs and hamsters.

  • Love 5

Catheter Cowboy doesn't bother me nearly as much as Ostomy-bag Julie, the rancher... http://julietellsall.com/


Lately, I've been watching Cozi TV & Buzzr - and not only do I see all those dumb medical ads, there's all those "somebody died without life insurance and I really need to get some but with my health and finances, I can't manage so I better call MetLife or Mass Mutual" ads.  And then there's "Hello. I'm Matt McCoy.  How long have you had your car insurance?"  Who the hell is Matt McCoy?  I've noticed when they list the auto insurance companies of people who've switched & saved money, Progressive isn't listed.


...then I got my Progressive bill for the next 6 months.  It's gone up quite a bit.  Matt McCoy notwithstanding, I did check out the AARP/Hartford insurance and I'll be darned!  It's over $100 cheaper (annually.)  I've switched insurance!  OMG, I fell victim to a TV ad for seniors!!!


...and I'm pretty close to getting some Flex Seal.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
  • Love 11



I read that it is squid ink. I guess these are popular in Japan. *hurk*

I thought the squid ink buns were only in Japan. The US buns are only supposed to be food coloring (& supposedly the A.1. Sauce as in the sandwich).


I have never had squid ink before. But, I'm starting to get fascinated about it. Unlike those BK black buns, squid ink looks healthy & delicious. I don't know what Burger King put in those buns to make them black, but its not squid ink & its probably something absolutely vile. I have never eaten a Whopper before (I don't like Whopper, Big Mac, or any type of hamburger) & I'm certainly wouldn't be eating one now. I'm not surprised that Burger King haven't tried to make their buns blue, red, pink, purple, or aqua.


There is nothing special about McDonald's selling breakfast items all day. If Wawa does that (they only serve breakfast till 11AM), then its something to get excited about. Besides, I can't get Chicken Nuggets or French Fries (the only things at McDonald's that are not revolting) at 9 in the morning. They need to do something about that. 


Speaking of revolting, there is nothing amusing about Party City & their stupid commercials. The Halloween ones are just horrible & it is making want to avoid that hellhole at all costs. Their Christmas one are probably going to be even worse.

Edited by Magog
  • Love 3

I have never had squid ink before. But, I'm starting to get fascinated about it. Unlike those BK black buns, squid ink looks healthy & delicious. I don't know what Burger King put in those buns to make them black, but its not squid ink & its probably something absolutely vile. I have never eaten a Whopper before (I don't like Whopper, Big Mac, or any type of hamburger) & I'm certainly wouldn't be eating one now. I'm not surprised that Burger King haven't tried to make their buns blue, red, pink, purple, or aqua.


There is nothing special about McDonald's selling breakfast items all day. If Wawa does that (they only serve breakfast till 11AM), then its something to get excited about. Besides, I can't get Chicken Nuggets or French Fries (the only things at McDonald's that are not revolting) at 9 in the morning. They need to do something about that. 


Speaking of revolting, there is nothing amusing about Party City & their stupid commercials. The Halloween ones are just horrible & it is making want to avoid that hellhole at all costs. Their Christmas one are probably going to be even worse.


I'm here to tell you that Halloween is Party City's number 1 holiday, and its absolutely awful in there come Halloween.  Their commercials make me glad I no longer watch traditional TV, and the estate of Michael Jackson should sue them every time they try to use Thriller in a commercial.


If you want McDonalds to serve lunch at breakfast, you should start a twitter/facebook campaign with poorly spelled demands.....I'll get you started


"WUUUUUTTTTT, McDonaldz wok up @ 9in morn, no chix nuggies y?  Will stb a nun if no frnch frys in my belly :(  gimme frnh fry McDonaldz unless u h8 nunz!"

  • Love 9

Lately, I've been watching Cozi TV & Buzzr - and not only do I see all those dumb medical ads, there's all those "somebody died without life insurance and I really need to get some but with my health and finances, I can't manage so I better call MetLife or Mass Mutual" ads.  And then there's "Hello. I'm Matt McCoy.  How long have you had your car insurance?"  Who the hell is Matt McCoy?  I've noticed when they list the auto insurance companies of people who've switched & saved money, Progressive isn't listed.

I watch Buzzr and the Antenna TV channel, and I am also sick of Matt McCoy. At first I wondered if I was supposed to know him from somewhere, or do the ad people think we'll trust the company more if someone says their name? (I am also wondering that about a current WalMart commercial --- the woman says, "Hi there, it's Annie!" huh?) One day, my curiosity got the better of me and I googled Matt McCoy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_McCoy_(actor)  Despite his list of previous jobs, I still only know him from the commercial.

  • Love 3

Lately, I've been watching Cozi TV & Buzzr—and not only do I see all those dumb medical ads, there's all those "somebody died without life insurance and I really need to get some but with my health and finances, I can't manage so I better call MetLife or Mass Mutual" ads.

And then there's "Hello. I'm Matt McCoy. How long have you had your car insurance?" Who the hell is Matt McCoy?

He was Lloyd Braun on Seinfeld. Why would AARP choose a guy best known for playing a lunatic?

I'm not sure which makes me feel older—the fact that I get an "old guy" reference, or Morgan Fairchild encouraging those who are 50 or older to visit burialplanning.com.

  • Love 6

I watch Buzzr and the Antenna TV channel, and I am also sick of Matt McCoy. At first I wondered if I was supposed to know him from somewhere, or do the ad people think we'll trust the company more if someone says their name? (I am also wondering that about a current WalMart commercial --- the woman says, "Hi there, it's Annie!" huh?) One day, my curiosity got the better of me and I googled Matt McCoy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_McCoy_(actor)  Despite his list of previous jobs, I still only know him from the commercial.


He was Lloyd Braun on Seinfeld. Why would AARP choose a guy best known for playing a lunatic?

I'm not sure which makes me feel older—the fact that I get an "old guy" reference, or Morgan Fairchild encouraging those who are 50 or older to visit burialplanning.com.

He was also in Police Academy 5.


Thats right, Police Academy 5.

  • Love 3

All I know is that catheter users must love crime and '70s sitcoms.

Yes, I am quoting and replying to my own post, but I just had a very horrible epiphany regarding my hypothesis about a connection between '70s sitcoms/crime docs and catheter use. Oy, maybe I better stock up for my bleak future next time I see the ol' Catheter Cowpoke.

  • Love 6

This may be a local commercial, since it's for a Northern Virginia hospital, but the guy on the Inova spot who says "I can't spell 'pharmacogenetics,' but my liver can" needs to go away. First of all, "pharmacogenetics," while being a long word, is not that difficult to spell because it's phonetic (as long as you remember the "ph" concept). Secondly, nobody's internal organs are going up against the kids in the Scripps Bee; your organ doesn't know how to spell anything. Finally, he just irritates me for some reason beyond his reference to personalized medicine.   

  • Love 5

I may get some flak for this, but they have rights and I have mine.


My jaw dropped this AM when I caught this new Campbells soup commercial.


Just........WRONG to go there on a commercial.((((( (covering my daughters eyes and ears)))))   (((SIGH)))  I am sure there will be more like this to follow unfortunately....



  • Love 2

And be sure to tell your doctor if you're pregnant, have liver disease, or have been to a region where certain fungal infections occur.

Here's my question - why doesn't your doctor already know this stuff about you? Are people going to random doctors trying to get them to prescribe some drug they saw on TV?

  • Love 8

Here's my question - why doesn't your doctor already know this stuff about you? Are people going to random doctors trying to get them to prescribe some drug they saw on TV?

The answer to that question is yes and yes again. It drives doctors crazy. The doctors only know what you tell them. Had a coworker die of a fungus growing in her lungs. She was in the hospital for about a week before they found it. By then it was to late to reverse it. All I could think of, is that House would've figured that crap out in about an hour. Edited by Watcher0363
  • Love 5

The answer to that question is yes and yes again. It drives doctors crazy. The doctors only know what you tell them. Had a coworker die of a fungus growing in her lungs. She was in the hospital for about a week before they found it. By then it was to late to reverse it. All I could think of, is that House would've figured that crap out in about an hour.

Wow, that's awful about your co-worker.



If you want McDonalds to serve lunch at breakfast, you should start a twitter/facebook campaign with poorly spelled demands.....I'll get you started


"WUUUUUTTTTT, McDonaldz wok up @ 9in morn, no chix nuggies y?  Will stb a nun if no frnch frys in my belly :(  gimme frnh fry McDonaldz unless u h8 nunz!"


Thank for this.  I can't stop laughing.  Good thing I'm not in the office today :-)

  • Love 2
Just........WRONG to go there on a commercial.((((( (covering my daughters eyes and ears)))))   (((SIGH)))  I am sure there will be more like this to follow unfortunately....


Regardless of your personal beliefs, the fact remains that gay parents exist in our society. Your daughter could see them out in the world (at the grocery, at the public school picking up their children, at the playground), so seeing them depicted on TV should not come as a shock or source of torment for you.


Personally, I was ready to be offended by Dad #2's bad Darth Vader impression, but since they lampshaded it, I was OK with the commercial. :-) 

  • Love 22

Regardless of your personal beliefs, the fact remains that gay parents exist in our society. Your daughter could see them out in the world (at the grocery, at the public school picking up their children, at the playground), so seeing them depicted on TV should not come as a shock or source of torment for you.


Personally, I was ready to be offended by Dad #2's bad Darth Vader impression, but since they lampshaded it, I was OK with the commercial. :-) 

Bolded for truth.

  • Love 11


the estate of Michael Jackson should sue them every time they try to use Thriller in a commercial.


They couldn't be using it without a contractual permission from the owners of the song.

I may get some flak for this, but they have rights and I have mine.


My jaw dropped this AM when I caught this new Campbells soup commercial.


Just........WRONG to go there on a commercial.((((( (covering my daughters eyes and ears)))))   (((SIGH)))  I am sure there will be more like this to follow unfortunately....




Good for Campbell's.

  • Love 17

And their vaginal mesh slings fail them.


In the interests of clarity, and the American way, I must point out that it's "pelvic sling" and "bladder mesh" - ideally spoken in a nasal and flat intonation.

One of my unspoken fears is discovering a big bag of the stuff.


I have always wanted to go to the places where the "certain fungal infections have occurred" and then *not* tell my doctor.  But I'm a rebel at heart.

  • Love 13

They couldn't be using it without a contractual permission from the owners of the song.


Good for Campbell's.


There has to be some law though that pertains to taste level, right?  you can't tell me we sent a man to the moon but didn't make a law that makes it illegal to use Thriller is such a terrible way.


All I could think of, is that House would've figured that crap out in about an hour.

Well....45 minutes and 10 seconds.......


Actually, probably about 25 minutes when you account for him flirting with Cuddy, and trying to avoid clinic hours.

  • Love 2

I may get some flak for this, but they have rights and I have mine.


My jaw dropped this AM when I caught this new Campbells soup commercial.


Just........WRONG to go there on a commercial.((((( (covering my daughters eyes and ears)))))   (((SIGH)))  I am sure there will be more like this to follow unfortunately....




I've tried to stay out of this, but what the hell, I've been wondering which part of the ad bothers you so much.


Normally I would agree with the idea that people should not "go there", but IMO its over-reacting just a bit to virtually clap your hands over your daughter's eyes and ears. Unless you're afraid that she'll start associating Darth Vader with gay parents, that is.

  • Love 10

Oh man, I am absent from this thread for a week or so and there are 20 new pages....

Anyway, didn't know if it was mentioned but right as Cheerios ran that spot about being gluten free, they issued a recall of all of one lot of boxes because somehow that nasty gluten made its way in there.

You can't trust it. Gluten is a sneaky little bugger.

I really just wanted to say how much "The Final Countdown" Geico ad is driving me crazy. The only thing that halfway salvages it for me is the lady in blue at the end who's getting into the song.

  • Love 5

I may get some flak for this, but they have rights and I have mine.


My jaw dropped this AM when I caught this new Campbells soup commercial.


Just........WRONG to go there on a commercial.((((( (covering my daughters eyes and ears)))))   (((SIGH)))  I am sure there will be more like this to follow unfortunately....



What rights are you referring to?  And where is the "there" they went to?

  • Love 12

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