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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Granted any Comcast commercial would annoy me because its Comcast; but I find it irritating that Comcast forced DirectTV to pull their Rob Lowe Direct TV vs. cable ads last month and launched a new line of AT&T / Direct TV attack ads this month.  Its almost as annoying as the we value our customers commercials.

I admit I wasn't paying full attention, but when I first saw the Norm MacDonald KFC commercial, I thought they were trying to say that the Darrell Hammond Colonel was terrible and that this was better.  Like those other ones were intentionally bad. 


The Norm MacDonald one doesn't bother me, other than I want better things for Norm MacDonald.

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Die, obnoxious Popeye's woman, die! Your snotty "Maybe you should join us" makes me want to show you an innovative and uncomfortable application for your chicken and dipping sauce. And as a bonus I'll use the "spicy" chicken.

Yeah I can see it now. A bunch of 60 plus women sitting around the Maj-hon table, using cleverly subtle language, to slut shame each other for female Viagra use.

Doesn't that basically describe Golden Girls, except for the part about female Viagra use?
  • Love 5

There is also a cell phone commercial that tells me my cell phone is the first thing I look at in the morning, the last thing I look at before bed, the one thing I’d never want to lose, etc. First of all, it’s not any of those things; my cell phone is generally in my briefcase or car, with a battery that needs to be charged, and I bother to turn it on maybe twice a month. But even if I did use it regularly, come on. It's a phone. But I guess it's honest advertising for many people. They should just come out and say “It’s the most important thing in the world to you.”

Sorry, this is from a week ago and this isn't technically about a commercial, I'm just catching up.

Bastet, I was reading a story recently about an idiot parent who left their baby in a hot car and the baby died.

They had tips for not forgetting your child (if you need those tips, you shouldn't have kids). One of those tips was to put your cell phone in the back seat next to the baby, implying that the phone is something you wouldn't forget but your baby is.

It actually disgusted me to read that.

  • Love 11

So I can't find it, but there's a new Lays commercial where this dude is on a bus looking at his phone, and there's a picture of a bag of chips that he scrolls past a picture of an actual girl to get to. The look the girl who's standing just past his shoulder gives him is hilarious, but other than that the ad is annoying because I don't want to see some guy having romantic interludes with potato chips. Blech.

  • Love 2

Bastet, I was reading a story recently about an idiot parent who left their baby in a hot car and the baby died.

They had tips for not forgetting your child (if you need those tips, you shouldn't have kids).


I used to think it would be impossible for any loving parent with two brain cells to rub together to accidentally leave their child in the car until I read this Pulitzer-winning article years ago:  Fatal Distraction


(Edited to warn that article contains disturbing details and can be emotionally exhausting to read.)

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 7

Yeah I can see it now. A bunch of 60 plus women sitting around the Maj-hon table, using cleverly subtle language, to slut shame each other for female Viagra use.


I sat here for five minutes trying to figure out what the hell Maj-hon is, and then I realized you meant mah-jong. Damn, its been a long week today.


...and then rushing off to test drive a VW at the rear-end event.


Well, as long as its a satisfying event, that's all that matters.

  • Love 4

Yeah I can see it now. A bunch of 60 plus women sitting around the Maj-hon table, using cleverly subtle language, to slut shame each other for female Viagra use.


I think if you just flip the gender specific adjectives and conditions in the ads for male erectile dysfunction ads, the current campaigns for male erectile drugs featuring women would work just fine.



I was reading a story recently about an idiot parent who left their baby in a hot car and the baby died.

They had tips for not forgetting your child (if you need those tips, you shouldn't have kids). One of those tips was to put your cell phone in the back seat next to the baby, implying that the phone is something you wouldn't forget but your baby is.

It actually disgusted me to read that.


Maharincess, I had the exact same reaction you did.  I usually scream at the TV whenever there's a story about a parent who FORGETS that they have THEIR CHILD in the car (sorry for all caps, but it really frustrates me), but when I heard this "helpful tip," I just about lost it.  However, I did appreciate that someone had the guts to tell the truth about some people's priorities.

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There's this ad I keep forgetting to mention that starts with a man dismissively blowing off his insurance agent until the daythey need another rugby player and he plays well, at which point the asshole is suddenly all chummy with him. What a tool!


Edited by Ubiquitous
  • Love 1

I'm tired of the K12 online public education commercial that says they believe that "every child is uniquely brilliant."  No, sorry.  Every child is unique.  Only a painfully small minority are brilliant.  Lots of uniquely stupid kids, though.


  • Love 21

I'm tired of the K12 online public education commercial that says they believe that "every child is uniquely brilliant." No, sorry. Every child is unique. Only a painfully small minority are brilliant. Lots of uniquely stupid kids, though.


But they're all special little snowflakes who deserve a trophy just for participating.
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Dear lord, just kill me now.

No, but I'll help you kick the crap out of that douchebag.

But they're all special little snowflakes who deserve a trophy just for participating.

I saw something on the news the other day about a professional athlete (dammit, I wish I could remember who he was - I think he was an NFL player) whose two little boys got trophies for playing in some tournament that their team lost. He sent the trophies back and told them giving losers trophies was a load of crap (I'm paraphrasing). He said it was more important to learn that you can give 110%, play your best and still lose. And that's okay. Not everyone can win and his kids need to learn that. Oh, and they don't deserve a trophy for just showing up.
  • Love 5

No, but I'll help you kick the crap out of that douchebag.

I saw something on the news the other day about a professional athlete (dammit, I wish I could remember who he was - I think he was an NFL player) whose two little boys got trophies for playing in some tournament that their team lost. He sent the trophies back and told them giving losers trophies was a load of crap (I'm paraphrasing). He said it was more important to learn that you can give 110%, play your best and still lose. And that's okay. Not everyone can win and his kids need to learn that. Oh, and they don't deserve a trophy for just showing up.


I saw that, too!  But I can't remember who it was, either.  But I did cheer when he sent the trophies back!

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[small voice]I do believe "everyone gets a trophy" does have a limited place, especially for teams made up of very young or special-needs kids.[/sv]. That said, however, they eventually have to learn how to lose(and win)gracefully.

It's a good thing I haven't seen that Little Debbie commercial. I love me some Peanut Butter Bars. *sigh*

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[small voice]I do believe "everyone gets a trophy" does have a limited place, especially for teams made up of very young or special-needs kids.[/sv]. That said, however, they eventually have to learn how to lose(and win)gracefully.

Yeah, I don't think the trophies-for-everyone thing is quite as sinister as a lot of people say it is.


First off, kids know when they get the consolation trophy.  No kid gets a participation medal and feels like a winner; quite the opposite, actually.


Secondly, if a little kid plays on a team for a whole season, it's a significant chunk of his life.  A five year old would have spent like 10% of his existence as a team member.  I've held jobs for much less longer than 10% of my life.  I think it's okay to have something tangible to commemorate the kid's development.  Soon enough, they'll be throwing that trophy away and focusing on finding the next novel experience.


Thirdly, with the rates of childhood obesity we're facing, the kids who actually do go out and play some kind of sport should be recognized for doing something a lot of their peers are not doing.


Finally, for a kid to understand that they can play hard and lose, but learn from the experience and keep trying, the parent would have to put down the phone for five minutes and interact with the child.  It's easier to just hand out trophies.

  • Love 8

Finally, for a kid to understand that they can play hard and lose, but learn from the experience and keep trying, the parent would have to put down the phone for five minutes and interact with the child. It's easier to just hand out trophies.

Participation trophies have been around a lot longer than cell phone obsession.

I still think they are bullshit, but I'm certainly not going to blame the parents being dismissive of their offspring for them.

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HEY! That godawful Ford Summer Savings Event is OVER! No more of that totally sucky song! *Happy Dance*

You spoke too soon.

They have a new event called the Free Ride savings event.

Holy crap, the song that they use is so annoying.

I want to beat whoever thought that having the ad shout at you COME ON AND TAKE A FREE RIDE was a good idea.

  • Love 1

You spoke too soon.

They have a new event called the Free Ride savings event.

Holy crap, the song that they use is so annoying.

I want to beat whoever thought that having the ad shout at you COME ON AND TAKE A FREE RIDE was a good idea.

I don't mind this song so much.  It doesn't jangle, and the song is familiar, and it's a part of my teenage years; I went to an Edgar Winter concert and had a great time!  Sorry it grates on you; maybe the next one will be more to your taste. :)

  • Love 3

I went back to page 80 so I'm sorry if this has been discussed before.

I can not stand that model Caridee English and her Stelara ad. Her manner of speaking is odd and her acting is odder. Her posture looks wonky for a model IMO. When she walks, she leads with her abdomen/ rib cage. Is that a side effect of the medicine? I turn the channel when this one comes on almost as fast those dumb Summer car sales event ads.

  • Love 7

I went back to page 80 so I'm sorry if this has been discussed before.

I can not stand that model Caridee English and her Stelara ad. Her manner of speaking is odd and her acting is odder. Her posture looks wonky for a model IMO. When she walks, she leads with her abdomen/ rib cage. Is that a side effect of the medicine? I turn the channel when this one comes on almost as fast as the creepy Col. Sanders ads.

I went back to page 80 so I'm sorry if this has been discussed before.

I can not stand that model Caridee English and her Stelara ad. 

Yep, she's been here before. My theory is she doesn't know how to walk in heels - which, come on, she's supposed to be a model, she shouldn't be walking like a 5 year old in mommy's shoes.

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