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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Isn't that a regional pronunciation? My hubby and I instantly checked which way we say "pecan." He said "pecon" and I said "pecan." But yeah, what a bitch that waitress is.

I didn't think there was a wrong way to pronounce pecan. I agree on it being regional.

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And while we are at it there's a commercial where a guy is learning several languages as he seems to travel a lot for work.  Japanese, etc.


So he is able to say a few words in the other languages.  He comes home and orders a pecan pie and the nasty little piece of work waitress corrects the way he says "pecan".  Are you kidding me?  Since when does a waitress do that.

I think it wouldn't be bothersome if they had it so she was getting clarification rather than correcting him.  Who knows what they were going for, but it comes off like she's correcting him.


Not only is that version of "You're the One that I Want" creepy, but it doesn't even make sense when it's not sung as a duet. 

Edited by janie jones
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It is regional, but OTOH if you go too far north they look at you like you're out of your mind if you try to order sweet tea.



Unless you go to McDonald's.


Until I went to Savannah to visit my brother I had no idea this was a thing.  In California, you order your tea and normally you put the sugar in yourself.  I had thought all tea came like this.  I didn't try it, but I've heard its super sweet, and people out there seem to drink it by the bucket.  Overall, the south seems like an unhealthy place.  I remember seeing public service ads/billboards reminding people not to throw used bacon grease and fat down their sinks.  And then there is the issue of the Cracker Barrel, which seems to serve exclusively unhealthy food.  Its amazed that most people down there are under 350 pounds.

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I've lived in Metro Atlanta since 1973 and have yet to see an ad about bacon grease.  A lot of people order their tea "half and half" because the sweet tea all by itself is WAY too sweet.  Waitresses know what "half and half" means - you don't have to explain to them that you want half unsweetened tea.  Pecan pie, no matter how you pronounce it, makes my teeth hurt just to look at it.  Key lime pie, that's another story.


But my favorite dessert is NY Cheesecake, so not all the unhealthy food comes from the south.

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Overall, the south seems like an unhealthy place.  I remember seeing public service ads/billboards reminding people not to throw used bacon grease and fat down their sinks.  And then there is the issue of the Cracker Barrel, which seems to serve exclusively unhealthy food.  Its amazed that most people down there are under 350 pounds.


Heh, RealityGal, not as many people cook with grease and lard as they used to, but when I was a kid my father's mother cooked with it all the time. When I want some real comfort food, I use her recipes. I do not eat at Cracker Barrel because of reasons, but I will eat food that reminds me of my grandmother, if that makes sense.

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Heh, RealityGal, not as many people cook with grease and lard as they used to, but when I was a kid my father's mother cooked with it all the time. When I want some real comfort food, I use her recipes. I do not eat at Cracker Barrel because of reasons, but I will eat food that reminds me of my grandmother, if that makes sense.

Makes total sense, comfort food is a comfort because of those memories around it.  As for the lard/grease, I'm not complaining per se, I mean, i had the best BBQ of my entire life in Savannah, and grits that are at least in the top 5 of all grits I've ever eaten.  But I couldn't do that to myself.  So, I can eat food that I'm sure is made with trans fats and prepared in the least healthy way possible, but I couldn't be the one to prepare that food.  I would always try to find a low-fat, low calorie alternative if I prepared it myself.  I bet your grandmothers comfort food was delicious, and I'm sure she never threw the lard down the kitchen sink, according to their spokesman (a grease splatter with a smiley face if you can believe it) that is a no no no!

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Overall, the south seems like an unhealthy place.  I remember seeing public service ads/billboards reminding people not to throw used bacon grease and fat down their sinks.  


I've lived in Metro Atlanta since 1973 and have yet to see an ad about bacon grease. 


Yeah I grew up in the South, and I never saw a single ad about putting grease down the sink until I moved to Philadelphia. 

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I've lived in Metro Atlanta since 1973 and have yet to see an ad about bacon grease.  A lot of people order their tea "half and half" because the sweet tea all by itself is WAY too sweet.  Waitresses know what "half and half" means - you don't have to explain to them that you want half unsweetened tea.  Pecan pie, no matter how you pronounce it, makes my teeth hurt just to look at it.  Key lime pie, that's another story.


But my favorite dessert is NY Cheesecake, so not all the unhealthy food comes from the south.


Well, this was Savannah, and I only saw them in the area my brother lived in.  I had assumed a PSA billboard would be something that would be citywide, but perhaps it was just for his particular area.  I remember that little smiling grease splatter, because I thought "thats so interesting that this is a problem enough for there to be billboards"  The PSA billboards around here seem to focus on a) wearing condoms and avoiding HIV and b) not texting while driving.


I didn't mean to be condescending about the south being unhealthy, and I know its not the only place where unhealthy food is born.  Heck, we have In-N-Out, and those burgers can't possibly be good for  you!  This entire conversation has made me want pie, and Mothers.



FWIW, lard, tallow and butter are way better for you then margarine, which is highly processed vegetable oil treated will a zillion chemicals to make it stable at room temperature.


If I must, I generally use butter and olive oil.  But thats why I prefer to eat those foods out, and not make them myself.  The lard, tallow and butter make it super delicious, but I'll try to save calories and the taste won't be as good.  Some of the best food I've had has been from New Orleans, and I know not one solitary person was trying to save me calories, but even typing about Mothers right now, i can taste those red beans and rice and that hot link and chicken.  And not the boneless/skinless chicken breast I would normally cook, but the dark delicious meat.

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Well, thats 3 minutes and 16 seconds of my life I'm not going to get back.  


But seriously, was it really necessary to have the "5" earrings and necklace?


I seriously have NO idea what was supposed to be going on in that commercial.

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Great now I am homesick for Texas.   Man, I miss good old southern cooking.   I can feel my arteries hardening just thinking about it.


Better go watch some medical commercial and learn about horrible side effects.

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I wish that kangaroo (or bunny?) that lives with the family and has the most annoying voice ever would go away in the DISH network hopper commercial.  Please bring back the old guy who sits on the toilet while perusing his tablet and his sons, all of whom like to DVR shows at the same time.

is that the one with the screaming brat throwing a tantrum about not being able to watch a pony cartton?

I saw the one with the man mispronouning "pecan" and thugh he was a jerk.

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I really don't "wanna know yo name", don't even know what the commercial is for, I'm guessing Target. I don't bother to look at the screen. What I do want to know is where is my remote so I can mute it.



And people talking to credit report websites...please don't. I admit I do talk to commercials, but I live alone, so I can talk to anything I want.

Edited by friendperidot
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Great now I am homesick for Texas.   Man, I miss good old southern cooking.   I can feel my arteries hardening just thinking about it.


Better go watch some medical commercial and learn about horrible side effects.

Whatever the side effects, I'm sure they are "mild to moderate" ;)

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I wish that kangaroo (or bunny?) that lives with the family and has the most annoying voice ever would go away in the DISH network hopper commercial.  Please bring back the old guy who sits on the toilet while perusing his tablet and his sons, all of whom like to DVR shows at the same time.


I don't know what it says about me, but I loved that old guy.  Especially the one with the bat.



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Chitlins, white rice, collar greens, hot sauce, cornbread with a side of butter, sweet potato pie and sweet tea. Life in the deep south is so good.

Heh, I live in the Deep South and would argue that none of the listed things except cornbread help make life good. Especially chitlins (shudder)

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How does one mispronounce a word with regional pronunciation differences? Is he a jerk because he's from a different part of the country than you are?

I'm not sure. I think it's because he looks like he thinks he's so worldly.

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Chitlins, white rice, collar greens, hot sauce, cornbread with a side of butter, sweet potato pie and sweet tea. Life in the deep south is so good.


It sounds like supper time at Jed Clampett's house.  After finishing the vittles, wait at least 20 minutes before swimming in the cee-ment pond.

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I would eat the hell out of all of that, with the exception of chitlin's.  I believe that is pig intestines.  Um, no.


I always use real butter for toast, saute, etc.  I leave it on the table in a covered metal butter dish.  It is always soft, and I've never had it go bad.

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So I had to go look up that commercial.  Is this the one? 


While I don't think it/she is creepy, I don't really understand the setting.  According to everything that came up when I googled, this ad is supposed to be targeting women.  Why is she lounging in a cabana telling me this?  I don't know about everyone else, but when my friends and I want to have a serious woman-to-woman talk, we don't lounge and/or talk sexily.  I'm confused as to why, in an ad targeting women who have sex with men, this is what they've gone with.  Wouldn't they be better off with a man acting sexy?


I don't know why but she reminds me of Paul McCartney's ex Heather Mills.

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Chitlins, white rice, collar greens, hot sauce, cornbread with a side of butter, sweet potato pie and sweet tea. Life in the deep south is so good.

Some sweet potato pie sounds delicious right about now.


People shouting "HUUUUGE!" or "SHA-POW!" doesn't make me want to buy an iPhone.


The Arby's "MAHALO, Y'ALL!"  "ALOHA, COWBOY!" ad has worn out it's welcome.

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I'm throwing a caution flag on the political talk. Meaning I'm not calling a halt to the conversation, but urging everyone to take care and keep the posts commercial-related. There are plenty of other places on the internet for discussing politics in general.

Thanks in advance for the cooperation!

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I finally saw the Viagra Intimidation Lady (as I am calling her) commercial last week, with her big face on my small TV. She reminds me of Samantha from Sex and the City, only with a random British accent, I guess because that's supposed to be hotter? She scares me, but I'm a heterosexual female. I don't know how I would feel if I were a flaccid penis attached to a heterosexual male, but I suspect her scolding me wouldn't help matters.

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I finally saw the Viagra Intimidation Lady (as I am calling her) commercial last week, with her big face on my small TV. She reminds me of Samantha from Sex and the City, only with a random British accent, I guess because that's supposed to be hotter? She scares me, but I'm a heterosexual female. I don't know how I would feel if I were a flaccid penis attached to a heterosexual male, but I suspect her scolding me wouldn't help matters.

The scolding would not help matters at the time. But it would motivate one to fix the problem right away. Unlike that sticking door going on its sixth month of annoyance.

I did a take on this subject a few years ago. Actually two takes on the subject about five years apart. The first was when Viagra first hit the market and friends were talking about it a lot. It was over the top tongue n cheek. I would post it but I am not sure of the rules, so here is the link. http://alteredegos.net/index.php?topic=1267.0

The second one. was more of a slice of life satire.   http://alteredegos.net/index.php?topic=9381.msg51452#msg51452

Edited by Watcher0363
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Chitlins, white rice, collar greens, hot sauce, cornbread with a side of butter, sweet potato pie and sweet tea. Life in the deep south is so good.

I love most southern food, but the first three items are the stuff I don't like (you meant collard greens, right?).


I'm so fucking aggravated by this ad, I don't even know where to begin:

As far as political ads go, that one's pretty good. The ones that aggravate me are the race-mongering ones and this one with a couple talking about how candidate x somehow outlawed birth control and college scholarships.

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I think someone earlier mentioned people screaming at us from the TV. My least favorite ad right now is a guy, famous but I don’t know who he is, screaming at me about Prilosec, or Nexium, from his jet-ski. He’s all gruff and screamy and just plain annoying.

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That would be Larry the Cable Guy, buffylew. He's proof that you need no discernible talent to make it big in America. The mute button gets a workout whenever one of his commercials comes on.

Edited by Moose135
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Tattleteeny:  Why would it take "45 minutes" to get food from Sonic ? What was the hold up?

No clue, but it happened on three separate occasions. Once, I had to return the food three times because I said no onions*. They would comply with the raw onions just fine, yet the super-special bonus fried-onion ring on top of the burger was always there! It was as if they didn't consider that to be an onion, or they really wanted to me to give that style of onion a try! And because you don't go inside to order, you can't kind of serve as a visual reminder at the counter--and the servers come out and deliver the wrapped food to you and obviously don't wait for you to take it out of the paper and investigate. So then you wait again for someone to pass by and it's a messy, messy business over there, oh my goodness...


I swear that I am not "that guy" when ordering food--I promise. I just really hate onions and it's more than a simple matter of picking them off; their pungency alone permeates food, especially if the food has been cooked with the onion. The fact that menus often don't mention the onion like it does with other ingredients makes it a pain in my ass. It would be a lot easier to hate mushrooms or carrots, I think--they don't do all that permeating!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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