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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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You know, ethalfrida, I am SO glad I quit.  I don't stink, I don't cough my lungs out, I save money.  I would like other folks to see the benefits of being a non-smoker, but I would NEVER try to force anyone to quit, or even coerce them to quit.  Those "commercials" about being a non-paid spokesman makes me absolutely LIVID.  If I were one of those folks, I would sue.

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The insecure Siri can go away any time now.   "I love to find directions."   "let me play music even though you said no."  "Let's reminisce" so you won't leave me ever ever ever.   Let me cling tighter than pantyhose to your skirt on a hot day.   No way he is trading her in.   Maybe the new phone will be a little more self-confident.


(P.S. my sister used e-cigs to stop smoking.  Still on them but its better than before.   So thank you very much e-cigs manufacturers)

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I was talking to a coworker today about that iPhone commercial, along with another one I saw about the iPhone 6 being bigger than the 5. Apple slags on their older products to get people to buy their new ones? Whatever increases the haul to your landfill, I guess.

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MasterCard is officially on The List. Has anyone seen their commercial with the children lisping about how they just want their parents to take them on more vacations. After all, they get paid vacation days. Can someone please explain to those kids that even if you're still getting paid for that day, the tickets to various other states/countries/vacation events are not cheap and will often cost more than one single day of work. I know kids are self-centered and don't understand the various complexities of the world, but MasterCard's thinly veiled message to put it all on your credit card really bothers me, considering the realities of credit card debt, fees, and the shady crap that credit card companies pull on the regular.

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Some online education site has decided to model their ads on the HeadOn commercials: "Do-you-want-a-degree-dot-com! Do-you-want-a-degree-dot-com! Do-you-want-a-degree-dot-com! ....." No, I want some earplugs please.


Hey, word up to the car seat industry for creating a need. I think I was in a car seat for maybe the first two scenes when I was growing up. With a little marketing directed at helicopter moms I could totally see a car seat for 17 year olds.

I look forward to ads on the Retro channel that promote Orthopedic Car Seats for Seniors.


Probably the same folks who are trying to get the idea of "Third-hand smoke" to float!

First that I've heard of it. Let me guess: You can get cancer from contact with someone who was exposed to second-hand smoke?

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I look forward to ads on the Retro channel that promote Orthopedic Car Seats for Seniors.



Somewhere, someone in the vast Greco car seat empire is reading  your post and running to their boss with the next new thing.  My parents will be thanking you in a few years when the product is on the market and I buy them each one for their birthday.


I personally look forward to the day when none of us will be driving on the factory provided car seat.  We will just have one car seat from birth to death.  It will be epic!

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If the phone doesn't fit in my pocket, I don't want it.  It's a PHONE, not an entertainment unit.  Nobody has to be entertained 24/7.

That's where I'm at too. The phone is there as a way to keep in contact with others. Not to play games and gosh knows what else on.

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I don't know if this commercial annoys or outrages me, but I don't like the new 'Toys R Us' commercials.  I think that the part with the little girl drawing a dolphin on the floor and then the dolphin comes to life and swims away in the air is cute, and so its the part where the other little girl is on a scooter (or something like that) and everything changes to look like she's 'flying' away in space.  Cute.  But every time that saleswoman starts to cross the aisle and the gate comes down and then the freight train rushes past and nearly hits her, makes me jump!  Every time!  It just looks too scary to me to be in a commercial for a toy store.

Edited by BooksRule
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I agree about the train crossing bit.  The kids it seems to be aimed at in a "mommy daddy please get me this I just saw on tv" way or just the appeal of the attempted whimsy seems to go almost shock horror for that age.  I can see deep rooted angst over constant fears of danger taking years of adult therapy as a result.  I think if she just turned around to go and a crossing lowered in a cutesy manner with a funny warning bell and then have a train chug through instead of the flying rolling Cut You Down in Blood Express that flies through would be just as, if not more, effective. 


I hate the new ad with Kristin Bell and her husband dax who will never be a serious actor for me no matter how many movies he stars in* (cc Tyler Perry and his overinflated ego that needs constant stroking).  I'm getting real tired of rich famous people playing cute with expensive gadgets that we all know they got for free as well as the check for the ad.


I also hate the Zillow ads.  The new one with the mopey little shit of a kid who just can't get on board buying a new house unless it has a treehouse.  A really ugly treehouse it ends up that looks like an old ammo storage shed that fell into a tree after an abandoned shell went off.  I get that the treehouse is probably not the sole impetus to buy the house.  But the wish fulfillment of the Zillow ads just grates as a whole.  How about having them buy a house that has a nice set of trees so the father and son can build one together?   It doesn't help they always have these cloying maudlin hipster love songs that leave my television's stereo in a diabetic coma every time they air. 


*This probably guarantees both Shepherd and Perry will win best actor oscars.

Edited by heebiejeebie
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Man, the zillow ads just kill me.  Won't buy a house unless it has a treehouse for your special snowflake?  BARF.

 OMG, this commercial killed me as well. I haven't seen it in a while, but it used to enrage me. Like you're actually going to make serious financial investment/real estate decisions on the basis of whether or not your bratty child is frowning or frolicking on that particular day???! He frowns and they're like "oh, guess we can't buy this house!" UGHHH *STAB*

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The annoying lady in the Red Robin  "whose your burger daddy?" commercial. I can't stand her voice.

I hate her voice! Where are they finding all of these high-pitched childish sounding adult women to do these commercials?

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Man, the zillow ads just kill me.  Won't buy a house unless it has a treehouse for your special snowflake?  BARF.

It beats some people I remember from my HGTV-watching days that let their pets' reaction to a home influence their purchase choice.


Note: I think making sure a yard has room and shade for a dog as one of the criteria is fine; the only way the pet itself gets a vote on the residence is if it freaks out in a way that makes me think the place has hidden vermin (or ghosts).

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It beats some people I remember from my HGTV-watching days that let their pets' reaction to a home influence their purchase choice.


Note: I think making sure a yard has room and shade for a dog as one of the criteria is fine; the only way the pet itself gets a vote on the residence is if it freaks out in a way that makes me think the place has hidden vermin (or ghosts).


Say what?  But word up to ghosts, but I would add to that, my dog gets a say if alerting me to ghosts, or rotting corpses.  I do not want to live in a serial killer house.

I'm surprised the Wendy's chick didn't show up to slap the burger for cheating on her.

LMAO @ the idea of a hamburger telenovela

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LMAO @ the idea of a hamburger telenovela



The Wendy's chick: Me habéis profanado por última vez, señor hamburguesa. Te di todo mi amor, y te vuelvo a esta criatura? No, no más, nunca más! Adiós para siempre !! (You have defiled me for the last time, Senor Hamburger. I gave you all my love, and you turn to this creature? No, no more, never again! Goodbye forever!)


The Cheating Hamburger: Pero mi amor! Juro a usted, yo sólo dejarle un mordisco! (But my love, I vow to you, I only let her have a nibble!)


The Red Robin girl: Ya no te necesita, porque yo soy el que ama! Salir! Salga y no vuelvas! *laughs evilly* (He no longer needs you, for I am the one he loves! Get out! Get out and don't come back!)


*The heartbroken Wendy's chick flees the palatial house, then throws herself down on the lawn, sobbing uncontrollably*

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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The Wendy's chick: Me habéis profanado por última vez, señor hamburguesa. Te di todo mi amor, y te vuelvo a esta criatura? No, no más, nunca más! Adiós para siempre !! (You have defiled me for the last time, Senor Hamburger. I gave you all my love, and you turn to this creature? No, no more, never again! Goodbye forever!)


The Cheating Hamburger: Pero mi amor! Juro a usted, yo sólo dejarle un mordisco! (But my love, I vow to you, I only let her have a nibble!)


The Red Robin girl: Ya no te necesita, porque yo soy el que ama! Salir! Salga y no vuelvas! *laughs evilly* (He no longer needs you, for I am the one he loves! Get out! Get out and don't come back!)


*The heartbroken Wendy's chick flees the palatial house, then throws herself down on the lawn, sobbing uncontrollably*

LMAO!  In my mind I'm seeing the burger played both by a Mayor McCheese type, and an actual burger talking a la a Parkay commercial.  I can't decide which is funnier, but I love where you're going with this!

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The Wendy's chick: Me habéis profanado por última vez, señor hamburguesa. Te di todo mi amor, y te vuelvo a esta criatura? No, no más, nunca más! Adiós para siempre !! (You have defiled me for the last time, Senor Hamburger. I gave you all my love, and you turn to this creature? No, no more, never again! Goodbye forever!)


The Cheating Hamburger: Pero mi amor! Juro a usted, yo sólo dejarle un mordisco! (But my love, I vow to you, I only let her have a nibble!)


The Red Robin girl: Ya no te necesita, porque yo soy el que ama! Salir! Salga y no vuelvas! *laughs evilly* (He no longer needs you, for I am the one he loves! Get out! Get out and don't come back!)


*The heartbroken Wendy's chick flees the palatial house, then throws herself down on the lawn, sobbing uncontrollably*

Paris Hilton's Chihuahua approaches and says Hey chica! No señor hamburguesa, no cholo. ¿Quieres un Taco Bell?

Edited by Watcher0363
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At one Los Angeles city council meeting some nut job parent stood up and said e-cigs were dangerous because kids will find a way to use them for illegal substances. That is ridiculous because kids, so sadly, use illegal substances without ec-cigs and they smoke real cigarettes.


Back in my day (haha!), the kids (i.e., my friends) were using halved apples to smoke their weed from. Ban the apples!

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I hate her voice! Where are they finding all of these high-pitched childish sounding adult women to do these commercials?

As far as I can tell, it's not a bunch of different women.  That same woman is in every. friggin. commercial.

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LMAO!  In my mind I'm seeing the burger played both by a Mayor McCheese type, and an actual burger talking a la a Parkay commercial.  I can't decide which is funnier, but I love where you're going with this!

You also have to imagine all of them flailing their arms wildly, with their eyes bugging out, because everyone in a Spanish soap opera is so emotional.

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Currently the ad I hate most has a woman reading a magazine on the couch while the husband/boyfriend says something about the heat, and she replies (in a very grating tone) "I'm not turning down the thermostat."

I was just watching this ad today and the guy's shenanigans aside, the ad is ridiculous. It's advertising a system for keeping your home a consistent temperature (or it "always being the temperature you want" or something). But that isn't even the problem the couple has. The problem they have is that they want it to be a different temperature. Unless this sytem is supposed to control the air around each individual person.

There's this other annoying ad where this woman is unloading her dishwasher and her plate is so clean, she sees her reflection and realizes she has a moustache. THen her husband/boyfriend walks in and she hides behind the plate. First of all, if you have a moustache, either it's not noticeable, or he's already seen it, or he's like my husband and doesn't notice until you point it out. And secondly, not that I don't think blonde people can have noticeable moustaches, but I think I'd have more sympathy for her if she had dark hair.

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A batch after lots of repeated exposure today.


*Verizon iPhone exchange? Anthropomorphizing an object with a female's voice, then treating said object like a clingy girlfriend is not cool or funny. Just letting you know.

*Kraft Mayo? Ham sandwiches and potatoes do fine without you. They have long before you and will long after. Step off, especially with the guy that calls out weakly for his mom to hand him the sandwich on a plate less than a foot from him. As he's lying down in a recliner! STFU, dude.

*Downy? Normally, I'm indifferent to you , except for the pushing of huffing the chemicals in your products. Still, the Mixmatched Girl is too twee and needs to away.

(oooo, stripey socks with a pretty, flowing gown and a sweater! She's just too much! ::rolls eyes, yet again::)

*Clorox? Your fish-cleaning husband is just an ass and whoever thought Dad getting a spa treatment on a shared food prep surface was cute? Needs to get food poisoning, just to see how "fun" it could be. Bye the way, that Grown Daughter should have been allowed to reply "No-mast-go!" to her father's "Namaste."

*Dove, a shower is not a make-over. Stop trying so hard.

*Trident Unwrapped, with the un-bodied arms and voice-over guy so the guy in the pool/hot tub doesn't have to do anything? Has me close to going off gum. Gum! The most innocuous thing in the not-food-not-candy classification! Shut up, Trident folks!

*Olay? Having a woman claim that she chooses to wear make-up, not because she has to wear make-up? Has so much wrong with it, that I can't even with you in this thread. Also, selling crap that fills in ,and stuff along that manner of product, is being sold to women who do not usually, as a rule, have their skin scrutinized to the level you are implying they need to care about.

*I have to bow to those who are already on edge about the KitKat folks. I am firmly on their side: Stop with the food-sounds and eating to the jingle! It's cute once or twice, but it's never shown less than a million times an hour. So just stop it if you aren't going to be polite.

*State Farm, you need to find another campaign. Granted, the sister finding Grandad's watch in Brother's hair and the guys facing the buffalo/bison were okay (if run into the ground.) Yet, I feel for Anthony being summoned by the gal who wanted to know, essentially, if she could afford that $150 purse! Anthony has other things on his plate, Missy!  Jimmy needs to shut up because a) he caused the fender-bender and 2) his mom has waited on the phone for him and there are only six folks ahead of her! Be grateful, punk! Don't act that way in front of your son, who's thrilled to see Grandma. Poor Kevin should be glad Jimmy had insurance, is what I am thinking. The Talking Mime and Baby double act needs to go away. They aren't cool or too weird, just tiresome. The actual baby is totally adorable, but the ad is done.


Gee, I feel lighter... *g*

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Jimmy needs to shut up because a) he caused the fender-bender and 2) his mom has waited on the phone for him and there are only six folks ahead of her! Be grateful, punk! Don't act that way in front of your son, who's thrilled to see Grandma.


I loathe Jimmy.  Let's review:  He causes an accident because he can't refrain from running into the car in front of him even in the middle of nowhere.  His mother teleports herself to that corner of Bumfuck, USA, and proceeds to file a claim like a rational human being, unlike Jimmy who continues to stand around complaining.  When her polyester-clad self volunteers to sit on hold through the six callers ahead of them, instead of her son's gratitude, Jimmy's mom instead endures the continued discouragement of Jimmy Junior's love for her and the snappish response, "You're not helping." 


Really, Jimmy?  I don't think you understand what helping means, because your mother is the only one in this scenario doing so.  And I could have liked you, since "I have blah blah insurance, so person come help" is my favorite of the made-up jingles non-State Farm customers use in their attempts to summon a helpful agent.  I go so far as to sing it along with you.  But then you keep talking, and all I can do is hope your mother has left her entire estate to your son, in a trust that doesn't allow you to manage a penny. 

Edited by Bastet
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The Nationwide Insurance ad that touts all the "safety features" of a mom who's driving a car irritates me, especially the part where she has to make a sudden stop and swings her arm across to hold her kid in the seat even though the kid is firmly buckled up. That's something my Mom did all the time when I was very young. Eventually I got tired of having whatever book I happened to be reading at the time smashed into my face, and insisted on sitting in the back seat.

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The Nationwide Insurance ad that touts all the "safety features" of a mom who's driving a car irritates me, especially the part where she has to make a sudden stop and swings her arm across to hold her kid in the seat even though the kid is firmly buckled up. That's something my Mom did all the time when I was very young. Eventually I got tired of having whatever book I happened to be reading at the time smashed into my face, and insisted on sitting in the back seat.


Having lived through this same nonsense, I love that commercial.

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NOOOO!!! You did not just put Veggie Tales earworms in my head! Just for that, take THIS

Oh I love me some Veggie Tale songs! My kiddos & I still sing them at random moments. We don't get drive thru burgers anymore but when we used to we would sing His Cheeseburger. My favorite though is probably Song of the Cebu. Nothing like tiny voices singing "boo-hoo moo moo boo-hoo moo moo boo-hoo moo moo boo-hoo moo moo boo-hoo." Makes me nostalgic. Topic? Don't try to sell anything mixing who my daddy is & hamburgers. I won't be buying. Edited by ramble
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The Nationwide Insurance ad that touts all the "safety features" of a mom who's driving a car irritates me, especially the part where she has to make a sudden stop and swings her arm across to hold her kid in the seat even though the kid is firmly buckled up.

I'd like to restate for the record that the driver should keep both fucking hands on the fucking wheel. An arm flung out in front of a passenger is not going to stop a passenger from slamming into the dashboard or windshiled. That's what seatbelts and airbags are for. The driver's arm will be hurt, possibly broken. If the mother's "maternal instinct" is just so very strong she can't but help to extend her arm, then it should be strong enough to keep her damn hands on the wheel so she can try to minimize impact by steering. GAH!

Edited by ABay
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The Inifiniti Q50ad that shows the worst driver who apparently has the attention span of a toddler who still automatically grabs his little penis when stress or, well, BRAVO's Andy Cohen.  And says the car allows you to drive.  Well no.  According to the ad it lets you be a completely and utterly irreponsible idiotic asshole who should have to use public transit.  Gee imagine the stunning shock that cars in front of you might brake.  might turn.  Might merge into traffic.  This idea that somehow cars have to make the crass indignity of having to share the road as little the driver's responsibility does not make me admire their car or new shiny system that allows and encourages less of such responsibility.  It makes me downright road rage-y from the comfort of my tv lounge.

 Bravo! That ad makes me wonder that moron got a driving license in the first place.

I was so happy to hear that the stupid State Farm ads with Rob Schneider are being pulled. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to resurrect a character who was already annoying as hell 20 years ago?

How many people dven remember that SNL skit? I am told the real reason it was canceled is because he's an anti-immunization kook.
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The current Hot Designs Nail Art commercial that is currently airing is driving me crazy. All the hands in the commercial have short uneven nails, & you can see the polish on their cuticles. Why wouldn't they use people with nice nails & get a manicurist to do the polish? It's really sloppy.

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Most of the Swifter Wet Jet ads just go past me, I don't care, I don't pay attention. Morty and his lovely bride annoy me, but they're hardly on anymore. Now it's the BA-BAAAMMM! lady in Seattle who mops with her feet in towels! I make fun of her accent - it because it so nasal, I don't know where she's from, but really wish she'd stop talking through her nose.

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