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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

So do I, but my gut doesn't. Sigh. I'm pretty used to soy milk and almond milk now. I don't buy almond milk from that little walking, talking almond though.

Guess what, everyone? There's another new Cottonelle commercial with that British woman talking to people about how rippled toilet paper will "clean better". NO ONE ASKED FOR ANOTHER ONE OF THESE COMMERCIALS, COTTONELLE.

Cotton Hell.

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If not looking at the TV, it sounds like he is saying "cashew coconut almond milk."  When I finally turned around the next time, I saw that he was holding three different cartons.

So my initial irritation was based on misinformation and coconut cashew milk is not a thing.  Regardless, I've had coconut milk before and it was a terrible experience.  I cannot imagine cashew milk would be any better.  And I don't like almonds in any fashion so that was always off the table.

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13 hours ago, Popples said:

If that's the one where that guy is taking a video of himself going on and on about how much he loves Silk, then I can't begin to say how much I hate that commercial. It's all because for about 3-4 months that was the only commercial YouTube would show before every single video I wanted to watch.

No, it's the one with the milkman being forced to try Silk by the "Silk Man" who has a little truck just like the milk man does.  Or did, when milkmen still delivered to houses.

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18 hours ago, millennium said:

And what was milk then?  A dollar a gallon, maybe?   Here it's $4.59 a gallon now.

Not too bad if you factor in inflation. That sounds like a supermarket price. It goes for $2.49-$2.69 at the bag-it-yourself places like Aldi and Price Rite.

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I have a feeling powdered milk was a fad in the 1970s, kind of like wigs. 

I have no idea why, but this sentence is so funny to me! The best thing I've read today, in fact (though I am editing the most boring book that has ever been conceived, so take that how you like).

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I detest most cruise line commercials but I hate the Norwegian Cruise Line commercials especially because of stupid, false advertising.  They say nonsense like, "free to do what you want, don't need a schedule."  I've been on several cruises and "freestyle" cruising isn't free (NCL nickel and dimes you all the way with their "specialty restaurants" that have a surcharge) and there is a reason for schedules on cruises; if you have 3k people on a cruise and everybody wants to eat at 5pm, no bueno.

Edited by Neurochick
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23 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

As for soy milk, even if I could stand the taste of it

I went through a phase where I had cereal with milk for breakfast, but not every day, and I started buying soy milk because it has a longer shelf life in the refrigerator. It seemed like cow's milk would turn quickly, and I got tired of pouring sour money down the drain. Anyway, after a while, I became accustomed to the taste of soy milk, and when I had a glass of cow's milk, it tasted odd to me. It's kind of like the butter/margarine experience.

There's room for both, I guess. But I recall hearing somewhere that women should be careful of soy products (some kind of hormonal breast cancer link? can't recall) and I gave it up.

Edited by ennui
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3 hours ago, ennui said:

There's room for both, I guess. But I recall hearing somewhere that women should be careful of soy products (some kind of hormonal breast cancer link? can't recall) and I gave it up.

Soy is (was?) considered an estrogen-mimicking substance, so that's the link.  Similar to parabens.

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14 hours ago, mojoween said:

If not looking at the TV, it sounds like he is saying "cashew coconut almond milk."  When I finally turned around the next time, I saw that he was holding three different cartons.

So my initial irritation was based on misinformation and coconut cashew milk is not a thing.  Regardless, I've had coconut milk before and it was a terrible experience.  I cannot imagine cashew milk would be any better.  And I don't like almonds in any fashion so that was always off the table.

Ohhhhhhhh, OK, haha! 

Really? I find them all to be inoffensive. But I guess that's not difficult considering I don't ever drink it on its own. Plus, because I hate the taste/smell of animal milk (which is fine, as animal milk hates me right back anyway--and also vegan) it's no surprise that I'd prefer them in comparison.

Not a fan of the nut-milk coffee creamers though; they don't "do it right"! Still, I buy them sometimes, like a dumb-ass hoping for some miracle. And do not even get me started on so-called Greek-style coconut-milk yogurt. Ugh, it is horrid. On the other hand, Ben & Jerry's non-dairy ice creams are seriously magical.



Soy is (was?) considered an estrogen-mimicking substance, so that's the link.  Similar to parabens.

I believe this is still debated but edamame and organic tofu/tempeh is fine, and can actually be beneficial (particularly in women's issues), unless you're eating it all day, everyday. Something about isoflavones or some shit.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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4 hours ago, ennui said:

...  It seemed like cow's milk would turn quickly, and I got tired of pouring sour money down the drain. ... 

Don't throw sour milk away -- use it to make chocolate cake!  My mother would leave a shallow bowl of fresh milk on top of the refrigerator overnight, to go sour for the next day's baking -- I always loved seeing that little bowl because it meant chocolate cake for dessert tomorrow.

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6 minutes ago, 3pwood said:

Don't throw sour milk away -- use it to make chocolate cake!

If I'm not home enough to drink a carton of milk, when would I have time to bake a chocolate cake?  ;)

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19 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I believe this is still debated but edamame and organic tofu/tempeh is fine, and can actually be beneficial (particularly in women's issues), unless you're eating it all day, everyday. Something about isoflavones or some shit.

Yes, it is still debated.  But what a lot of people don't realize is that today's soy bears very little resemblance to the soy that's been eaten for thousands of years (which is closer to edamame).  The "soy crowd" often cites humanity's many hundreds of years of beneficial use, without knowing or acknowledging the extensive genetic modification that soy has undergone in modern times.  From what I've read, much of the good has been stripped out in favor of a more robust, productive crop.

Don't get me started on vegetable oils (olive and rapeseed aside).  What a health travesty, that the public thinks they are doing their health a favor by eating oils that are created by vulcanization (a process first perfected for the production of rubber) rather than allowing something like butter or lard pass their lips.  Vulcanization relies on a combination of temperature and pressure that does not exist naturally on this planet.  You can make lard on your stovetop.  I know what I consider more suitable for consumption.

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Yeah, a whole lot of soy is grown not for people but to cheaply feed livestock and (I assume?) for filler ingredients in processed foods. It's all pretty crazy, not that I am any authority on nutrition or even care as much as I suppose I should (and I'm all about the olive oil); I kind of absorb that info accidentally through vegan websites and docs--and I have a vegan dietician-chef friend (who does not live close enough to regularly feed my lazy kitchen-novice self).

What's funny to me though is my omnivore, non-label-reading relatives who always make the same old jokes about and dire proclamations against that crazy hippie soy, as if they're not eating it in some fashion or another every day.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 7:13 PM, millennium said:

Milk was always an adventure in our house.   Five kids, so keeping up with the demand was a tall order.   For awhile my mother and her friend next door started going to a local dairy and buying milk in three-gallon dispensers with a spigot (like the plastic Poland Spring water dispensers they have in the supermarket these days) but the more milk there was in the fridge, the more of it we drank so all the anticipated savings of buying in bulk went out the window.   Next, the two of them decided powdered milk was the way to go.   I have a feeling powdered milk was a fad in the 1970s, kind of like wigs.  Anyway, we found ourselves subjected to a half-and-half powdered milk regime for several months.  Mom would mix it up in a Tupperware pitcher.   I remember how the resulting pseudo-milk foamed up when you poured it into the glass.   Milk shouldn't have a head.  That lasted about three months before we went back to whole milk, but doled out in rations at dinnertime with a side of guilt about how much milk we all drank.   "Maybe I should buy a cow!"   And what was milk then?  A dollar a gallon, maybe?   Here it's $4.59 a gallon now.

"Kind of like wigs" and "milk shouldn't have a head" made me laugh out loud. Thank youfor that. :-)

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The milk/soy/70s discussion is awesome, but it's beginning to feel more like the Small Talk topic rather than the Annoying Commercials topic. Let's continue the milk discussion over there, please. The seizure inducing commercial talk can stay here, though.


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There's an ad for a webseries that's a ripoff of Shark Tank/Dragon's Den with people pitching their business plans to pro athletes. 

At one point, two young women make their pitch and say that they have a contract with Tinder. NFL player Rob Grownkowski then says "Yeah, but are you on Tinder?"

I'm sure this was intended to be a "boys will be boys" kind of moment, but that kind of casual sexism is a huge problem for female entrepreneurs. I could write a bunch of paragraphs about it, but TLDR, it pisses me off that it's perpetuated in this ad.

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 9:19 PM, Mabinogia said:

I really don't get that commercial at all. Is he sniffing it to smell her (to remember her) but it smells like detergent and he's mad it doesn't smell like her anymore? Like, did he think it would revert back to smelling like her? It's just a weird commerical to me.

I think the detergent reminds him of her.

On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 9:21 AM, amass said:

My son sent me this with a note to post it here because he knows how much we all hate the 3/4 of a car commercial 


BWAH HA HA! Good one!

On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 1:12 PM, proserpina65 said:

No, it's the one with the milkman being forced to try Silk by the "Silk Man" who has a little truck just like the milk man does.  Or did, when milkmen still delivered to houses.

Is that the guy who looks psychotic? I saw one of his ads in a focus group survey and didn't like it.

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I like to drink milk and I put half and half in my coffee ... but then an annoying animated cow shows up and slowly lets air out of a balloon to simulate the gas it gives me. Screw that damn cow.

Speaking of cows, I saw an ad for those Little Debbie Mini Muffins that was pure bullshit. In a voice over, a mother says all five of her young daughters are gymnasts and since they're all walking on their hands all the time, they can eat stuff like mini muffins because they use a lot of energy. This is a terrible ad campaign and it should be scrapped. It makes these mothers look like they have just given up.

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37 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

Oh, I don't know.  I like the "Devil's Donuts" part.

Me too.  The commercial as a whole is awful, but I love that segment, and whenever I realize the commercial being aired is the abbreviated version that doesn't include it, I'm bummed.

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8 hours ago, Bastet said:

Me too.  The commercial as a whole is awful, but I love that segment, and whenever I realize the commercial being aired is the abbreviated version that doesn't include it, I'm bummed.

Pun intended?

I was amused by them but it seems like I'm constantly seeing it on TV now. Bored now.

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The iSpot videos don't embed and I couldn't find this commercial on YouTube so I found it posted on Twitter. It's driving me crazy and I consider it to be insulting to women and overweight people. I see one of the active ingredients is Bupropion which I take as a generic form of Wellbutrin and I wish the appetite suppressant aspect worked on me. 

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I think that commercial is very insulting to women, too.  Those "brain" nodules that croon "ice cream"  "french fries" is squicky, too.  Besides Wellbutrin being an ingredient, it also has naltrexone (narcan) which is an opiate-antagonist (meaning it makes any opiate you take not work, or causes you to have opiate withdrawals.  For people with chronic pain, they just have to endure the pain, I guess.

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

That commercial confuses me because it looks like it's something just for women.  If it's not a product for women, why are all the "brain" voices female?

There's a commercial for some vitamin that's just for women. The male VO claims it contains the nutrients "our" bodies need. It's very weird.

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8 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I think that commercial is very insulting to women, too.  Those "brain" nodules that croon "ice cream"  "french fries" is squicky, too.  Besides Wellbutrin being an ingredient, it also has naltrexone (narcan) which is an opiate-antagonist (meaning it makes any opiate you take not work, or causes you to have opiate withdrawals.  For people with chronic pain, they just have to endure the pain, I guess.

That "ice cream!" "french fries!" bit is horrendous. Women as automatons. How original.

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On February 15, 2017 at 8:50 PM, frenchtoast said:

The milk/soy/70s discussion is awesome, but it's beginning to feel more like the Small Talk topic rather than the Annoying Commercials topic. Let's continue the milk discussion over there, please. The seizure inducing commercial talk can stay here, though.


Thank YOU!!!!!!!

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23 hours ago, Neurochick said:

That commercial confuses me because it looks like it's something just for women.  If it's not a product for women, why are all the "brain" voices female?

Because "they" think only women should care about their weight.

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We've probably discussed those damn Charmin Bears to death already, but the latest has The Bear Family going on vacation, only to find - to their horror - that the toilet paper provided by their hotel does not meet their Charmin standards. Whereupon, the Mama Bear reveals she has brought along a sixteen-pack of Charmin for the trip. Really? Sixteen? How long are they staying? Even if it's a whole week, sixteen rolls of toilet paper is a lot for just four bears. What are they eating . . . the other guests?

And while I've grown accustomed (or at least desensitized) to the obvious "bear in the woods" reference, can Charmin just drop the "enjoy the go" slogan? Nobody wants to "enjoy" that.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Whereupon, the Mama Bear reveals she has brought along a sixteen-pack of Charmin for the trip. Really?

Since they don't wear clothes, she has plenty of room in her suitcase.  And you certainly don't want to run out!

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

We've probably discussed those damn Charmin Bears to death already, but the latest has The Bear Family going on vacation, only to find - to their horror - that the toilet paper provided by their hotel does not meet their Charmin standards. Whereupon, the Mama Bear reveals she has brought along a sixteen-pack of Charmin for the trip. Really? Sixteen? How long are they staying? Even if it's a whole week, sixteen rolls of toilet paper is a lot for just four bears. What are they eating . . . the other guests?

I'm in tears laughing over this! It weirdly made me think of my mother. When she and my dad go to their timeshare at the Wyndham Resort, she cleans the joint out of all of its tissue because they "pay for it". Anytime I visit my folks, she offers me boxes of tissue because she has them stacked a dozen high in the closet. It's not even good-quality tissue! Rein it in, Mom.

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

I'm in tears laughing over this! It weirdly made me think of my mother. When she and my dad go to their timeshare at the Wyndham Resort, she cleans the joint out of all of its tissue because they "pay for it". Anytime I visit my folks, she offers me boxes of tissue because she has them stacked a dozen high in the closet. It's not even good-quality tissue! Rein it in, Mom.

With all due respect, I'd say your mother has a serious tissue issue.

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5 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

I searched and searched for that house and can't find it. Who can afford THAT house?

I live in Seattle, there are literally hundreds of houses like that around here. And those do not even compare to the mansions and gigantic estates you see in the suburbs.

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16 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And while I've grown accustomed (or at least desensitized) to the obvious "bear in the woods" reference, can Charmin just drop the "enjoy the go" slogan? Nobody wants to "enjoy" that.

Oh, I beg to differ Imonrey! EVERYONE enjoys to go.

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