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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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i just rewatched an episode on hulu, of jessas baby shower where they have that silly baby food making contest, and i noticed that jeremy went to the store with ben..he wasnt even introduced until season 2..obviously jinger and jeremy have courted much longer than they wanted us to believe.

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No, he was just there as Ben's friend then. While Ben and Jessa may have subtlely pushed the two together, they weren't allowed to start "talking" until after the missioncation trip that December. At this point, all they could do is ogle each other (if there was even an attraction that early on). Maybe Jeremy did say something to Ben about thinking Jinger was hot, but in their culture, they're not allowed to tell the girl about it until Daddy has allowed them to be a "thing." Jessa would have warned Jeremy about their creepy family courting rules to keep Jeremy quiet for the time being. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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32 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jessa would have warned Jeremy about their creepy family courting rules to keep Jeremy quiet for the time being. 

Yup....it's like a form of hazing...since Jessa had to suffer the rules, she's making damn sure everyone else has to as well.

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2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

No, he was just there as Ben's friend then. While Ben and Jessa may have subtlely pushed the two together, they weren't allowed to start "talking" until after the missioncation trip that December. At this point, all they could do is ogle each other (if there was even an attraction that early on). Maybe Jeremy did say something to Ben about thinking Jinger was hot, but in their culture, they're not allowed to tell the girl about it until Daddy has allowed them to be a "thing." Jessa would have warned Jeremy about their creepy family courting rules to keep Jeremy quiet for the time being. 

I wonder if they actually use the word "hot" in private? 

What in the world was Jeremy doing visiting his "friend" Bin at that time anyway? Surely not just to attend a silly baby shower.

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On 1/20/2017 at 3:00 PM, DangerousMinds said:

I wonder if they actually use the word "hot" in private? 

What in the world was Jeremy doing visiting his "friend" Bin at that time anyway? Surely not just to attend a silly baby shower.

From my personal experience, "hot" would not be used.  It's too sexual and then the other guy says what?   "Yeah, she is really hot".  uh-oh. Big mistake there, Benny! Single guys can't say "hot" and married guys can't say "hot"  lose-lose. 

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Jeremy performs a baptism

It's a 10 minute video. Jeremy is rambling. Yikes. His personality is warm but he is boring. 

The actual baptism is at approximately 9 minute mark. Date is for today. 

I was hoping they would pan the congregation but no. No Jinger. 

Performing a baptism is a big deal.  Jinger is winning with the husband competition. Derick is a dud and Ben is still just posting rants on social media. Jeremy is getting the job done!!!!!!!!!  (haha)

I think this husband competition is funny.  You know they all smile and are sooo supportive but you know that Jessa is green with envy. Benji hasn't baptized anyone!!!! 

Edited by Marigold
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I noticed that too.  Way too much arm motions and flailing around. 

Baptism score:

Jinger's husband 1

Jessa's husband 0

Jill's husband 0

(I'm not snarking on a religious ceremony but I am snarking on the competition between the sisters!)

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My mom's oldest brother was in his mid 90s when he decided to be baptized.  I was so surprised, would have figured he had been baptized but he hadn't.  So he wanted to get the job done, better late than never.  He investigated and really wanted to be Catholic ut the church was further and harder to get a ride to consistently so he went with the local Baptist.  And there he was at his age being the recipient of the full backwards submersion and dunk.  Catholics only would have dribbled water on his forehead.  Bless him.

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11 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The kid has no idea what's going on and Jeremy looks like a lunatic with all his flailing. He tries hard, but neither he nor Bin have that "it" factor when it comes to public speaking.

Yes, as much as I hate them I still feel major second-hand embarrassment listening to them preach. Ben is such an insecure little boy playing at being a knowledgeable man. And while I've only caught snippets of Jeremy, he just seems like he's trying way too hard to be some kindly, inspiring leader and...no.

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On 1/22/2017 at 6:51 PM, BitterApple said:

The kid has no idea what's going on and Jeremy looks like a lunatic with all his flailing. He tries hard, but neither he nor Bin have that "it" factor when it comes to public speaking.


17 hours ago, lascuba said:

Yes, as much as I hate them I still feel major second-hand embarrassment listening to them preach. Ben is such an insecure little boy playing at being a knowledgeable man. And while I've only caught snippets of Jeremy, he just seems like he's trying way too hard to be some kindly, inspiring leader and...no.

They all have a head start with their reality TV celebrity status, and I'm sure Jeremy also got a boost into his current job due to his dad's long career as a fundie preacher and the resulting connections. However, I'm sure the fundie world is bursting at the seams with young men who aspire to preach the Gospel, save souls, and prosper like Joel Osteen.

In other words, Bin, Jeremy, and (if he really aspires to preach) Derick, all have fierce competition. I'm sure that even in the Gothard/ATI corner of the fundie world, there are more intelligent, articulate, and charismatic preachers than any of the Duggars-in-law. Bin may be the sleeper of the bunch; he's young and is actually taking seminary courses, and he's outgoing and personable (to the point of dragging Princess Prickly Pear out of her Duggar Bubble Comfort Zone). If he doesn't abandon his education, and is serious about developing speaking skills, he might have a tolerable future.

Jeremy? He rode his daddy's coat tails on to a minor pastor position, and seems to have now jumped onto the Jim Boob TLC gravy train. Has he actually taken any seminary courses, or any training in public speaking or preaching?

Edited by Jeeves
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2 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

Just saw a promo for next week's show Jinger moves in and she complains about all the books. Jinger you can always use them for coasters,paperweights ans door stops also they are great for a step stool.

Oh, you mean like the few books at TTH?

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7 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

Just saw a promo for next week's show Jinger moves in and she complains about all the books. Jinger you can always use them for coasters,paperweights ans door stops also they are great for a step stool.

Toilet paper?

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On 1/22/2017 at 11:43 PM, Micks Picks said:

My mom's oldest brother was in his mid 90s when he decided to be baptized.  I was so surprised, would have figured he had been baptized but he hadn't.  So he wanted to get the job done, better late than never.  He investigated and really wanted to be Catholic ut the church was further and harder to get a ride to consistently so he went with the local Baptist.  And there he was at his age being the recipient of the full backwards submersion and dunk.  Catholics only would have dribbled water on his forehead.  Bless him.

Catholics also have to go through full RCIA, which is a pain in the ass.  


13 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

OMG...Jinger might actually read a secular book and LIKE it!!!

Quick Jim Boob, you're losing control!

Which one of you heathens slipped The Joy of Sex in there?  And please tell me it's the original 70's edition with era-appropriate illustrations.

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It's sad that the Duggar kids were probably not allowed to read the classic books most of us had to read for school. Even my experience for the time I spent at a conservative, private, Fundy school (parents weren't Fundy, but limited choice of private schools where we lived), we got to read Shakespeare, Narnia, The Hobbit, the short stories and poetry everyone else got to read...our  library had Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Meg Mysteries, Agatha Christie. That was nearly 40 years ago, so I'm sure they've all gotten less mainstream and more isolationist since, but at least when I was there, they still saw the value of a classical education and accreditation.  

My dad was a voracious reader..I remember walking with my parents visiting England, and my dad suddenly disappeared into a  huge WH Smith bookstore. We found him and told him we were going to visit some boutiques and we'd meet him back there...funny how my mom always knew that's where she could find him.  A bookstore was "day care" for dad. Jim Boob seems to have no such hunger for knowledge or pleasure reading, other than WisDumb Booklets and maybe some financial advisor books and books written by other Fundy authors.

Just makes me sad when I think of how deficient their SOTDRT was, and it's even worse for those "taught" by their siblings, who got an even more diluted form of it.

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Some Gothard Rep will sneak in and get rid of the good stuff while they keep bibles and Spurgeon. They can have a book burning.

GRRRRR, books would be the LAST thing I removed from anywhere.

Damn this bookshelf is in the way of the fridge. Oh well, no fridge for me.

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So there was this episode last night and not too many comments in the Jinger thread, even though it's the 'Jinger' season. Learn from that Jeremy. You chopped off your penis for episode fodder. Bin apparently likes the subservient role and that's fine, it's why he married Jessa, but I'm surprised how easily Jeremy went along with this debacle.  

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27 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

So there was this episode last night and not too many comments in the Jinger thread, even though it's the 'Jinger' season. Learn from that Jeremy. You chopped off your penis for episode fodder. Bin apparently likes the subservient role and that's fine, it's why he married Jessa, but I'm surprised how easily Jeremy went along with this debacle.  

Im thinking he got all that free furniture and that is exactly why he did it. 

I think he changed a lot after they left, which is why he seemed so easy going about it. I  would put up with worse for free stuff haha~

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Brandon Keillen was remarkably quiet at the end of the Bates rearranging his apartment also.  I expect it's because they know the minute the family has left the premises they are quite strong enough to undo whatever displeases them.  Plus they get a paycheck for tolerating the interference.  I don't think that makes it right, but it makes it a bit understandable.

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He must have been ok with it, because he was part of it, but there were other options to make that episode and get the free furniture. I just thought he wasn't portrayed favourably but maybe he really is that passive.

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3 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

NO, no to the book burning Gothard would make them do. I suggest Jinger look up book crafts on Pinterest to keep her busy. Exactly, what do they do all day long??

Jinger will attach herself to Baaaaaaaaaabe like a limpet. I honestly think the married Duggar girls really believe that husbands stay home too because their dad worked from home a lot...and that everybody does that.  Josh didn't bring Anna to work at FRC and we know TFDW would definitely not take Prissy to work.

i hope Jeremy learns to move about with a Clinger permanently attached to him. 

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2 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Jinger will attach herself to Baaaaaaaaaabe like a limpet. I honestly think the married Duggar girls really believe that husbands stay home too because their dad worked from home a lot...and that everybody does that.  Josh didn't bring Anna to work at FRC and we know TFDW would definitely not take Prissy to work.

i hope Jeremy learns to move about with a Clinger permanently attached to him. 

But, Anna did go to the car lot daily when Josh was selling cars.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

But, Anna did go to the car lot daily when Josh was selling cars.

Because if I am remembering correctly, she was the one that did all the necessary paperwork while Josh did....what?  Showed the cars?

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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

Because if I am remembering correctly, she was the one that did all the necessary paperwork while Josh did....what?  Showed the cars?

At least Anna is useful and she didn't cling to Josh like Jill and Jinger cling to their husbands. Jilly Muffin, as far as being useful is a non starter. I guess as long as she's joyfully available for her headship, but opening one's legs now and again when one spends most of  the day reclining anyway doesn't take that much effort.

Anna cleans house and engages her children and cooks...Jill and Jessa expect help from sister moms and their husbands while they lie about like milk fed veal incubating.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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Shouldn't we be hearing a pregnancy announcement from Jing and Babbbbeeeeee today or tomorrow? Duggar tradition to stomp on another sibling's special day. Come on already we want a baby!! (j/k but it would increase our snarkiness if they did)

Edited by Fuzzysox
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6 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Because if I am remembering correctly, she was the one that did all the necessary paperwork while Josh did....what?  Showed the cars?

Anna stopped going to the lot regularly after she had Mack, although she did show up there afterwards, how regularly we don't know. But TLC filmed them in a back room when Mack took her first few steps (that Smuggar supposedly saw). And I've always questioned the "paperwork" story. Smuggar learned the business from Boob, which should have included filing paperwork. Maybe Anna set up a filing system or something. Nothing major. How would she know what to do? Someone had to show her, which is why Smuggar's claim of not knowing how to do anything has always rung false to me. Smuggar was selling cars before he met Anna...

eta: Just realized this was the Duggalo thread. Jinger will lovingly make sandwiches and tea and fetch Babe a requested time when needed as he toils away at sermon writing.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I don't know how much outreach his church does, but I know that in my church the job of a priest's wife is HUGELY busy.  Heading up church committees, helping with Sunday service prep, cleaning the church, the list goes on.  I think that Jinger is not going to have the time available to be all that clingy.  She may go to the church on weekdays with Jer, but will have her own duties to attend to.  

Of all the Duggar marriages, I see this one as having the potential to be more "normal" than the others.  Time will tell if Jeremy drinks the entire pitcher of Duggarade or just a glass.  I'm still holding on to the idea that he and the Vuolos do not necessarily LIKE the Duggars.  At least, Jim Boband Michelle.  If that's true, then I don't see him delving eyeball-deep into the whole headship thing, or the dozen kids thing.  

In this week's episode, Jeremy was more interested in keeping his office than he was turning it into a guest room.  Or a nursery.  So maybe they are going to hold off on the babies for a while longer, until Jeremy builds up his church a bit.  Or until they move to Arkansas so Jeremy can serve as head pastor of St. Jimbob The Great Headship Church and Conference Center.  

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1 hour ago, Lady Edith said:

I don't know how much outreach his church does, but I know that in my church the job of a priest's wife is HUGELY busy.  Heading up church committees, helping with Sunday service prep, cleaning the church, the list goes on.  I think that Jinger is not going to have the time available to be all that clingy.  She may go to the church on weekdays with Jer, but will have her own duties to attend to.  

Of all the Duggar marriages, I see this one as having the potential to be more "normal" than the others.  Time will tell if Jeremy drinks the entire pitcher of Duggarade or just a glass.  I'm still holding on to the idea that he and the Vuolos do not necessarily LIKE the Duggars.  At least, Jim Boband Michelle.  If that's true, then I don't see him delving eyeball-deep into the whole headship thing, or the dozen kids thing.  

In this week's episode, Jeremy was more interested in keeping his office than he was turning it into a guest room.  Or a nursery.  So maybe they are going to hold off on the babies for a while longer, until Jeremy builds up his church a bit.  Or until they move to Arkansas so Jeremy can serve as head pastor of St. Jimbob The Great Headship Church and Conference Center.  

It's a really small 'church'. It might even be a pop up church to fake his career, (fool the Duggs). She can provide coffee for everyone in a thermos and bake half a dozen cookies.

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1 hour ago, Lady Edith said:

I don't know how much outreach his church does, but I know that in my church the job of a priest's wife is HUGELY busy.  Heading up church committees, helping with Sunday service prep, cleaning the church, the list goes on.  I think that Jinger is not going to have the time available to be all that clingy.  She may go to the church on weekdays with Jer, but will have her own duties to attend to.  


That sounds like WAAYYYY to much work for a Duggar.  If Jinge can't cling she'll whinge, and whingy Jingy will "need" them to move back to Slothville, Arkansas so she can get the worthless unmarried sisters to do the work. She knows her job description is exclusively being joyfully available and spawning. Daddy will offer up the pastorship of the St. Jimbob The Great Headship Church and poor Jer will be sucked into the vortex. Duggar 3 SILs 0.

5 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

It's a really small 'church'. It might even be a pop up church to fake his career, (fool the Duggs). She can provide coffee for everyone in a thermos and bake half a dozen cookies.

She'd go all Jill-with-the-Minute-Rice trying to make only six cookies. Math is hard and she never wanted to be an engineer.

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37 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

It's a really small 'church'. It might even be a pop up church to fake his career, (fool the Duggs). She can provide coffee for everyone in a thermos and bake half a dozen cookies.

If only she knew how to bake cookies or make coffee :(

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2 hours ago, awaken said:

If only she knew how to bake cookies or make coffee :(

I'm sure she got a Keurig for their wedding. They have one at the TTH, so I'm sure she can operate it. If not, well, there's always a road trip to Starbucks. 

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@Lady Edith - Good point about the office being set up for guests rather than a nursery. I don't think the Duggars are allowed to indulge in superstitions so I doubt they think setting up a nursery would jinx their chances of conceiving. 

Maybe the bed came out and a crib went in as soon as the crew left.

4 hours ago, awaken said:

If only she knew how to bake cookies or make coffee :(

Oh well she's a pro at adding cream. Jeremy showed her how to do it without a spoon. So awesome Babe. ;)

Edited by GeeGolly
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13 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

@Lady Edith - Good point about the office being set up for guests rather than a nursery. I don't think the Duggars are allowed to indulge in superstitions so I doubt they think setting up a nursery would jinx their chances of conceiving. 

Maybe the bed came out and a crib went in as soon as the crew left.


They should have put a sofa bed in there so the room is more useable when guests aren't around.  The way it is, Jer − who is a big guy − can barely squeeze past the bed to get to his desk.

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6 hours ago, Lady Edith said:


In this week's episode, Jeremy was more interested in keeping his office than he was turning it into a guest room.  Or a nursery.  So maybe they are going to hold off on the babies for a while longer, until Jeremy builds up his church a bit. 

Sadly, this has been said about every one of the CODs (Counting On Duggars) as they got married. And we've seen how that worked out. By this time next year, Jinge will already have a Baaaaaabe-y and Joy and Jessa will be knocked up. Jill will be peeing on DollarTree test sticks. Anna probably is preggo  as we speak, and hiding it from the sure-to-be-horrified masses.

Jinge can hide in her mud-colored maxi-dress for months waiting for the lull in Dugg-ville, when JB decides she can announce it for ratings.

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Time will tell if I'm wrong and perhaps I'm overly optimistic but that last quote didn't sound like they had any form of baby fever whatsoever. As long as they're in the "gun totin'" state, I think they'll move on a more mainstream schedule (of course I'm non-fundie and got knocked up within a month of marriage so what the hell do I know).

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