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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Dreck has posted what appears to be outlines as "sermons" on their blog. All three of them need to buy a clue and take several seats. 

I was active in my youth group (VERY liberal Presbyterian) as a young teen (we left that church when I was 15). I often had to go to the church office during the week, and our pastor was there working on his sermon for the following week. Now, I never really had to LISTEN to them, as youth were dispatched early in the service to their respective age-related group activities, but I know that he didn't go up there on Sundays and speak extemporaneously. The only ones who can get away with that are guys like Swaggart or Osteen who pretty much preach the same thing, with minor tweaks depending on chosen bible verse, week after week for years. 

Dreck? Priceless!

  • Love 4
On 7/28/2016 at 8:23 PM, louannems said:


I also question why anyone with any life experience would want to be "led" by some 20-something twits with no real "wisdom" to speak of.

2 hours ago, Defrauder said:

I guess the question is - are they sincere?  Someone may preach a good act - but do they really believe it?  Like Josh - 'The Biggest Hypocrite Ever'.  While they may not be frequenting strip clubs and having affairs, do they believe what they preach?  Are they being sincere or are they just trying to make as much money as possible?

And how much money could they possibly be making?

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Defrauder said:

Like some (a lot, most) TV evangelists the entire Duggar clan are just  becoming fund me fakers.  Derick's on a 'mission', Ben is trying to become a preacher and posts sermons, Jeremy preaches and suddenly by sheer happenstance (not) he connects to the Duggars.   It's  a business.   I really wonder if they sit around saying wow what idiots there are out there who send us money for all this BS.  

I agree, especially WRT Jeremy. He's a young man trying to get ahead. He's chosen the path so aptly described by @riverblue22 as "amateurism in ministry." Choosing on the job training instead of taking the trouble to go to a seminary and be taught by people who just may know a whole lot more about the subject that he's likely to glean from whatever informal studies he does, and who may have some real world experience in the ministry.

3 hours ago, Defrauder said:

I guess the question is - are they sincere?  Someone may preach a good act - but do they really believe it?  Like Josh - 'The Biggest Hypocrite Ever'.  While they may not be frequenting strip clubs and having affairs, do they believe what they preach?  Are they being sincere or are they just trying to make as much money as possible?


2 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I think Jeremy is sincere...frighteningly so. I also think he holds himself (and likely others, including Jinger) to impossible standards. I don't know how he will react when one of them will inevitably fall short in some way. Or just snap. I think he has the potential to snap in some direction or other.

Ya know, I can't disagree with that^^^. 

And I sort of feel sorry for Jinger because I don't want anyone to be abused - mentally, emotionally, or physically. So I hope Jeremy doesn't go off the rails and do that to her. But otherwise, this is the third time around the block for a Duggar daughter to marry. Both Jill and Jessa have shown themselves to be 100% dyed-in-the-wool Duggars. Fundie Christians who hold themselves above others as being so speshul, who grew up with a TV crew in the house and are clutching with white knuckles to those TLC contracts because losing them would be disaster. 

We had hopes that Dreck would enlarge Jill's boundaries and get her out of Duggarville, but he hauled Jill right off to Danger America under the auspices of Boob's buddy's missioncation company. We even hoped Jessa would get cut loose some because Ben came from a less obviously fundie/Gothard family - but that didn't happen. Ben just moved in to the Duggar world and is JB's errand boy and janitor.

So, third time? Nope. Jeremy's a man on the make, older and better educated than the other two SILs, totally immersed in the theology the Duggars espouse. Jinger's a Duggar born and bred, and if she goes on SM I expect she'll be no less doctrinaire, self-absorbed, and ignorant than her married sisters. 

What's the song lyric? "Different verse, same as the first," keeps coming to mind about this. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Jeremy dumps his sad little church-let in favor of moving to Arkansas or somewhere else because he's been able to leverage his Duggar connections and TLC fame to step up in his career. He probably already used his dad's connections to get into that little church, but now he can just move on up. 

He's an ambitious fundie nutjob, and she's a Duggar through and through. Her wardrobe may go more mainstream but she'll keep that horrible mane of hair and the raccoon eye makeup. We will have to see how soon she starts pumping out the babies. Jessa and Jill were both in a rush for the first one, but may be timing the next ones for the show, as has been suggested somewhere around here.

Because, really, I don't see TLC ever dumping the Duggars. Boob really must have some bombshell information about TLC execs stashed in a top secret offshore safety deposit box, as has also been suggested around here. The VSE for Josie's wedding? Could happen.

  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, Jeeves said:


I wouldn't be surprised if Jeremy dumps his sad little church-let in favor of moving to Arkansas or somewhere else because he's been able to leverage his Duggar connections and TLC fame to step up in his career. He probably already used his dad's connections to get into that little church, but now he can just move on up. 

He's an ambitious fundie nutjob, and she's a Duggar through and through. Her wardrobe may go more mainstream but she'll keep that horrible mane of hair and the raccoon eye makeup. We will have to see how soon she starts pumping out the babies. Jessa and Jill were both in a rush for the first one, but may be timing the next ones for the show, as has been suggested somewhere around here.


He's going to use Jinger as his ticket to a mega church. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I also question why anyone with any life experience would want to be "led" by some 20-something twits with no real "wisdom" to speak of.

And how much money could they possibly be making?

Between the TV shows and the fame that comes with it the fund me donors could really be pouring it in for them.  Plus if they claim tax write offs for missionary work and church exempt, they could bring in plenty.  Before TLC JB and Michelle were living off of food drops at their doorstep and a house they lived in from charity.  Everything changed when they hit fame and now Derick, Ben, and Jeremy are also well known and could bank on that to bring in the donors. 

Although it could also be a mix of sincerity and greed - they think they deserve it because they are such 'Godly' examples, JB and Michelle and of course Josh have been hypocrites about a lot of stuff.  So, a mix of sincerity (their brand of, thinking that it's OK if they are hypocrites) and greed.

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Marigold said:

I was raised IFB (lite) and have listened to many, many sermons.  You might not agree with them but you can see that the preacher put tremendous work and effort into his sermon and tried to deliver it in an interesting way.


Without getting into a long political thing, if you'd like to hear someone speak extemporaneously and have the entire crowd in the palm of his hand, there's a You Tube of Rev. Barber's speech/sermon at the Democratic Convention last week. It was outstanding. I am not religious but if his sermons were live-streamed, I'd get out of bed on Sunday to watch.

I sat through a lot of sermons in the Church Years, too. Giving a great sermon doesn't happen overnight. They actually have to work on their sermon, which lets all members of the Duggar family and their in-laws out, doesn't it? MOST pastors have at least a bachelor's and go to seminary as well. I'm afraid I won't be listening to Jeremy Vuolo's sermons because I'd like my computer monitor to survive, but it's hilarious that he and his soon to be brother-in-laws think they've observed so they're a) experts in what it takes to compose and deliver a moving sermon and b) they don't have to go through the same preparation as a guy who preaches in the local elementary school auditorium and has a church of 25 does, let alone the mega-church pastors they all think they should be.

One more thing: Wait until Jinger finds out what's involved in being a pastor's wife. I think she's a more thoughtful person than Jessa. but she seems emotionally fragile. I don't know how she's going to deal with those in that church that have a bit more on their plates than the sheltered Duggars have experience with in life.

  • Love 14

Jessa's ring was changed before the wedding. Remember, Ben didn't see her dress, and she hadn't seen the "upgrade" (two or three chip diamonds on the shanks) until he put it on her finger at the altar.

As for speeches, some people are born orators and can speak anyplace, anytime. They ooze charisma. These are not statements one can make about any of the Duggar sons-in-law, present or upcoming.

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I was active in my youth group (VERY liberal Presbyterian) as a young teen (we left that church when I was 15). I often had to go to the church office during the week, and our pastor was there working on his sermon for the following week. Now, I never really had to LISTEN to them, as youth were dispatched early in the service to their respective age-related group activities, but I know that he didn't go up there on Sundays and speak extemporaneously. 

I'd like to argue that Derrick, Ben and Jeremy do not know what extemporaneously means, couldn't spell it if God was holding their pens for them and if you told any of them they weren't "extemporaneous" they would likely think that it was something dirty they're supposed to avoid and thank you for the compliment.

Yes, they're each educated to some extent Ben barely, Derrick more so and Jeremy must be somewhat but seeing them in action paints the picture of how small their world really is.

I can say that I'm torn on giving them more air time and ratings but at the same time I know when that wedding airs I'm very, very likely to be watching it.  There's too much for my curiosity - the dress, the reception (especially the food), the wedding party and how they keep Joshie off our screens (I'm thinking go low tech and just make him a white out silhouette in every shot - like when they take the Survivor cast offs out of the group photo). 

  • Love 3

From those "church" pix......

Short-shorts and exposed thighs.

Shadow of cleavage on white t-shirt lady.

Female wearing male clothing.

Strappy top w/ exposed bra straps AND exposed knees.

PANTS on women.

Must not be fundie.

Hope Jeremy is enjoying the scraping sound of a plastic spoon on a styrofoam bowl, because this will be his life from here-on out.

I want to know where his tattoo is located (per the mag article).

Edited by drafan
  • Love 5

Josh can wear green, like a green screen, so he can fade into the background.

I wonder if Jinger will actually want Josh in her wedding. I think she, of all the clan, really feels her belief system, and is not just following a script like some of her siblings and parents are. Out of all the girls she seems more likely to deeply forgive Josh. IMO

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, drafan said:

From those "church" pix......

Short-shorts and exposed thighs.

Shadow of cleavage on white t-shirt lady.

Female wearing male clothing.

Strappy top w/ exposed bra straps AND exposed knees.

PANTS on women.

Must not be fundie.

Hope Jeremy is enjoying the scraping sound of a plastic spoon on a styrofoam bowl, because this will be his life from here-on out.

I want to know where his tattoo is located (per the mag article).

It was visible on his arm in some college video he made.

On the inner side of his arm going from his elbow area up to his armpit. Looked like writing.

20 hours ago, Marigold said:

BTW, I listened to Jeremy's entire sermon on Sexual Sin that was posted above.   

Ok, Jeremy is not a talented preacher.  His sermon was boring and not well organized.  He spoke without notes/outline and it showed.  He was here, there and everywhere. 

I noticed that Ben, Derick and now Jeremy think that they are smart enough to get up and preach an entire (long) sermon off of the top of their head. Uh, NO! A good minister will actually work hard on their sermon and speak/teach using careful notes so they cover their material in an orderly and concise way.  

I was raised IFB (lite) and have listened to many, many sermons.  You might not agree with them but you can see that the preacher put tremendous work and effort into his sermon and tried to deliver it in an interesting way.

To amuse myself, I tried to take some notes.  Well, that was impossible.  He had no organized presentation of his subject. If I can't take notes, that tells me the speaker is mixed up.  

I give Jeremy a D- for his sermon.  

Sorry, Jeremy, you're gonna have to sit with Derick.  I think Ben is the better preacher out of the three clowns...his thoughts seem a bit more coherant.  

Completely agree.  have also spent many, many years listening to sermons and they are not self indulgent ramblings such as this.  This is an insult to educated pastors who spend hours every week crafting their sermons and continually reading and learning and bettering themselves.

20 hours ago, riverblue22 said:



10 hours ago, Jeeves said:

I agree, especially WRT Jeremy. He's a young man trying to get ahead. He's chosen the path so aptly described by @riverblue22 as "amateurism in ministry." Choosing on the job training instead of taking the trouble to go to a seminary and be taught by people who just may know a whole lot more about the subject that he's likely to glean from whatever informal studies he does, and who may have some real world experience in the ministry.


Ya know, I can't disagree with that^^^. 

And I sort of feel sorry for Jinger because I don't want anyone to be abused - mentally, emotionally, or physically. So I hope Jeremy doesn't go off the rails and do that to her. But otherwise, this is the third time around the block for a Duggar daughter to marry. Both Jill and Jessa have shown themselves to be 100% dyed-in-the-wool Duggars. Fundie Christians who hold themselves above others as being so speshul, who grew up with a TV crew in the house and are clutching with white knuckles to those TLC contracts because losing them would be disaster. 

We had hopes that Dreck would enlarge Jill's boundaries and get her out of Duggarville, but he hauled Jill right off to Danger America under the auspices of Boob's buddy's missioncation company. We even hoped Jessa would get cut loose some because Ben came from a less obviously fundie/Gothard family - but that didn't happen. Ben just moved in to the Duggar world and is JB's errand boy and janitor.

So, third time? Nope. Jeremy's a man on the make, older and better educated than the other two SILs, totally immersed in the theology the Duggars espouse. Jinger's a Duggar born and bred, and if she goes on SM I expect she'll be no less doctrinaire, self-absorbed, and ignorant than her married sisters. 

What's the song lyric? "Different verse, same as the first," keeps coming to mind about this. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Jeremy dumps his sad little church-let in favor of moving to Arkansas or somewhere else because he's been able to leverage his Duggar connections and TLC fame to step up in his career. He probably already used his dad's connections to get into that little church, but now he can just move on up. 

He's an ambitious fundie nutjob, and she's a Duggar through and through. Her wardrobe may go more mainstream but she'll keep that horrible mane of hair and the raccoon eye makeup. We will have to see how soon she starts pumping out the babies. Jessa and Jill were both in a rush for the first one, but may be timing the next ones for the show, as has been suggested somewhere around here.

Because, really, I don't see TLC ever dumping the Duggars. Boob really must have some bombshell information about TLC execs stashed in a top secret offshore safety deposit box, as has also been suggested around here. The VSE for Josie's wedding? Could happen.

Absolutely agree. He will be in Arkansas before we know it. Collaborating with Ben on rap and athletic outreach. No way jing is moving to TX and Jer continues his relatively independent life. Imagine when they have kids? No way will they be on their own in TX. Must have sister wives. 

  • Love 5

i don't think the boring and disorganized sermon is because they didn't go to seminary.  (that would help). I think it's because they are so full of themselves that they really think they can pull off an HOUR sermon just talking about whatever comes into their mind.  Their minds appear pretty empty so it might be best to write, learn, take notes, organize and pray over your sermon/message. 

It takes balls to be be 20 something and think you can preach without any planning or work. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Marigold said:

i don't think the boring and disorganized sermon is because they didn't go to seminary.  (that would help). I think it's because they are so full of themselves that they really think they can pull off an HOUR sermon just talking about whatever comes into their mind.  Their minds appear pretty empty so it might be best to write, learn, take notes, organize and pray over your sermon/message. 

It takes balls to be be 20 something and think you can preach without any planning or work

Duggars don't ever think they need to plan or work to do things that most people work hard to perfect afterspending years at college and practical experience...I guess their special snowflake-ness gives them an edge.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 3

I'm wondering what shtick they can use to solicit significant funds, though. Derick and Jill are saving the poor heathen Catholics and their pitch relies on the idea that you're supporting these missionaries (and also maybe your tour guides for Danger America in some cases).  But Bin seems to be generally dependent on JB and TLC.

So what kind of scheme can Jeremy cook up here in the USofA that will bring in serious leghumper cash of the kind a foreign missioncation outfit can, I wonder. Seems as if you need a gimmick. And they're certainly not going to get an actual church aside from the little one he has in Texas. Who would build anything bigger and support it in the early going? I have a hard time believing that he doesn't have some plan in mind, but I don't really see what it could be. Send us money so Jer can go to shopping malls and preach against suburban teenagers' masturbation habits? I can't see that getting anything like the response that a foreign "mission" would.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Duggars don't ever think they need to plan or work to do things that most people work hard to perfect afterspending years at college and practical experience...I guess their special snowflake-ness gives them an edge.

Remember, they just watch experts and absorb all of their knowledge through osmosis. Duh. 

Churchie, I wonder if the head of his parent church in San Antonio would allow him to plant in NWA? That solves THAT problem pretty easily, and it gives the Duggars an actual place to worship, rather than the abysmal homechurch. I think getting the Duggars on board for publicity would nudge the guy in San Antonio to allow Jeremy to do this. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Josh can wear green, like a green screen, so he can fade into the background.

I wonder if Jinger will actually want Josh in her wedding. I think she, of all the clan, really feels her belief system, and is not just following a script like some of her siblings and parents are. Out of all the girls she seems more likely to deeply forgive Josh. IMO

She could do something similar to Jessa -- kiss your new husband in a closet because you don't want your abuser to watch. 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:


Churchie, I wonder if the head of his parent church in San Antonio would allow him to plant in NWA? That solves THAT problem pretty easily, and it gives the Duggars an actual place to worship, rather than the abysmal homechurch. I think getting the Duggars on board for publicity would nudge the guy in San Antonio to allow Jeremy to do this. 

Good point. That seems like one of the few real possibilities, doesn't it? And I guess if Jeremy figures the Duggars are fairy dust, his church sponsor might be persuaded that they're fairy dust, too. And I suppose, to a certain clientele, they are fairy dust.

Wonder if he'd bring all the other would-be preachers and those with preacherlike in the Duggar household on board? Besides Bin and Derick, there's Joe, the preacher-mechanic, and heaven knows how many more. Don't know who else would hire them.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Churchie, I wonder if the head of his parent church in San Antonio would allow him to plant in NWA? That solves THAT problem pretty easily, and it gives the Duggars an actual place to worship, rather than the abysmal homechurch. I think getting the Duggars on board for publicity would nudge the guy in San Antonio to allow Jeremy to do this. 

I don't know. I looked at that church's website when the courtship was announced. I got the impression that the head guy in charge is pretty full of himself. He may have given the son of another fundie preacher a break by putting him in charge of a branch church 150 miles away. I doubt he would want to try to have a "branch" or "planted" church 600 miles away in another state. With the complicating factor of TLC camera crews and the Duggar circus in the mix. It's not like TLC's crews would hang out in San Antonio and give the main church any publicity.

I also doubt that JimBob, MEchelle, or radioactive Josh swing much reputational weight in fundie circles. I believe that if the Duggars were once again being invited to speak or appear at church or church-related events, we'd be hearing ALL about it. And we're not. I see the Duggar connection as a detriment for a lot of things, to a prospective son in law.

I think Jeremy's going more for the general fame (and paychecks) of being a TLC reality star, and throwing in his lot with the second Duggar generation. I can't see him getting all excited to be associated with crazy-eyes MEchelle or herpderp Boob. Just look at his own parents. They are IMO fundie nutjobs, and thus I don't admire them, but they dress nice and seem to be WAY smarter than the Duggar parents. 

Jeremy may end up in Arkansas. I could be wrong - I often am - but I don't expect his current church to follow him there.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

Maybe it's just me, but I'm already over Jinger and Jeremy.  Just cannot summon a fuck to give, even though I know I should be worried about her with his looney ass.

I think I'm almost over them. Realized it when I was writing my comment above. Almost quit in the middle because it was too much work. I come here for the high quality snark and interesting perspectives, not so much Jeremy or Jinger. I think he's not at all hot, more like kind of rabbity-looking, as well as being a nutjob, and she's a total Duggar-bot.

  • Love 5
On July 30, 2016 at 8:44 PM, maraleia said:

TABBYGIRL SAYS: I am trying to quote the post directly above but a random quote appeared instead  

I fell asleep just reading this post. Just kidding, but yah. Simply insert the appropriate daughter into the Courtship template and press "Start." What an abomination in 21st-Century America for a young woman to look ahead at life and see no options but this - or staying home as Mama's Helper. It is infuriating. 

Jinger, prove me wrong! Drag Jeremy off to Manhattan - or even Little Rock. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I think it's because we're already bored to tears and the courtship hasn't even aired yet. We know how this is going to play out: Jeremy is introduced to the viewers, the Duggars pretend the attraction unfolded organically and there's an awkward, totally-not-staged scene of Jeremy asking Jinger to court him. Followed by an endless rehashing of Duggar dating rules, chaperoned outings and interminable flashbacks to the Dullard and Seewald romances. Cut to the totally-not-staged engagement episode where the professionally lit backdrop just happened to be there when Jeremy proposed. The whole mess culminates in a 2 hour wedding special that's fifteen minutes of real footage and an hour and forty-five minutes of Michelle, Jessa and Jill reflecting on their own wedding days. If I missed anything, feel free to add on.

Don't forgrt the dress shopping ep with a white tshirt underneath to make the dress modest!

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, allonsyalice said:

Don't forgrt the dress shopping ep with a white tshirt underneath to make the dress modest!

....where she will try on 3 dresses, two ill-fitting with the t-shirt underneath....and one that miraculously fits perfectly because it's been pre-orderd and pre-altered. Then all female Duggars will voice their fake opinions and Joy will say , "It's nice",  while she daydreams about driving a quad around the yard. And, oh yeah, Jackson will be at home sulking because he was not allowed to go along and photobomb the whole shebang, but has to stay around and do some kind of 'guy' thing, such as grease engines.

  • Love 7
16 hours ago, Marigold said:

i don't think the boring and disorganized sermon is because they didn't go to seminary.  (that would help). I think it's because they are so full of themselves that they really think they can pull off an HOUR sermon just talking about whatever comes into their mind.  Their minds appear pretty empty so it might be best to write, learn, take notes, organize and pray over your sermon/message. 

It takes balls to be be 20 something and think you can preach without any planning or work. 

Credit to Bin for searching for education for his ministry.

12 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Remember, they just watch experts and absorb all of their knowledge through osmosis. Duh. 

Churchie, I wonder if the head of his parent church in San Antonio would allow him to plant in NWA? That solves THAT problem pretty easily, and it gives the Duggars an actual place to worship, rather than the abysmal homechurch. I think getting the Duggars on board for publicity would nudge the guy in San Antonio to allow Jeremy to do this. 

The whole reason I would watch this show, would be for the two of them on their own (we didn't even get that from Jill since she had company so often), if they just move another cast member onto the same set..well, I'm having a hard time maintaining interest anyway, so move on TLC, free Jinger!

Was watching the "Baby Body-builder" show (by the way they had one real character dad, out of his mind, very toddler and tiara-ish and entertaining), and saw the preview for the Duggs. Yep, it's the same ole smarmy acting gig with a new leading man. He lost a lot of his 'hotness' wtf are the Duggs kryptonite? Got the sads that it's just a repeat, can they do this for 16 more seasons? 

Also, is this guy a dud? Where are the girls he dated? I want to see the 'spit' who are owning pieces of his heart. C'mon media. 

  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, drafan said:

....where she will try on 3 dresses, two ill-fitting with the t-shirt underneath....and one that miraculously fits perfectly because it's been pre-orderd and pre-altered. Then all female Duggars will voice their fake opinions and Joy will say , "It's nice",  while she daydreams about driving a quad around the yard. And, oh yeah, Jackson will be at home sulking because he was not allowed to go along and photobomb the whole shebang, but has to stay around and do some kind of 'guy' thing, such as grease engines.

And Michelle will tell us she loves bling. Which we already knew because, hey, we're familiar with her dress sense.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Good point. That seems like one of the few real possibilities, doesn't it? And I guess if Jeremy figures the Duggars are fairy dust, his church sponsor might be persuaded that they're fairy dust, too. And I suppose, to a certain clientele, they are fairy dust.

Wonder if he'd bring all the other would-be preachers and those with preacherlike in the Duggar household on board? Besides Bin and Derick, there's Joe, the preacher-mechanic, and heaven knows how many more. Don't know who else would hire them.

Justin is the "preacher-mechanic." Because at 13/14, he's a master at both. Lord knows he's sat through thousands of bad sermons to emulate, and he watches the preacher-mechanic friend fix cars. I'd take my car to him for repairs. Riiiiight.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Justin is the "preacher-mechanic." Because at 13/14, he's a master at both. Lord knows he's sat through thousands of bad sermons to emulate, and he watches the preacher-mechanic friend fix cars. I'd take my car to him for repairs. Riiiiight.

Oh, I'd take my car to him in a minute! ha .

Thanks. I'd forgotten whether the mechanic was Jason or Justin. But I was including Joe among the potential employees -- since didn't he go to Crown to "study" something to do with his passion for "ministering to young men"?  And as I write this thinking of Jer's masturbation sermon -- not to mention the recent Joe and the Twins photo -- it becomes funnier and more annoying at the same time....And maybe that shopping mall anti-sex lecture for suburban boys isn't so far fetched, after all. .... Maybe they could rent an auto bay in the evenings for their preaching cum car fixing.

15 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Duggars don't ever think they need to plan or work to do things that most people work hard to perfect afterspending years at college and practical experience...I guess their special snowflake-ness gives them an edge.

Further proof of just how ignorant the Duggars are. I believe it was Socrates who said, "True knowledge exists in knowing you know nothing". I guess philosophy is right next to science as evil temptations from satan's fortress.

  • Love 5

I wonder which store will agree to let them "shop" for Jinger's wedding dress, with the TLC crew taping it. And if the Duggs will expect the store to comp the dress because of the fab publicity. Or will expect TLC to buy the dress if it isn't comped. As discussed above they are highly unlikely to be asked to do another SYTTD gig. 

You guys are so right about these Duggalo courting, engagement, and wedding eps. The only suspense for me would be what wonderfully fugly ensemble the mother of the bride shows up wearing.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Wonder if he'd bring all the other would-be preachers and those with preacherlike in the Duggar household on board? Besides Bin and Derick, there's Joe, the preacher-mechanic, and heaven knows how many more. Don't know who else would hire them.

IMHO, but I still believe the "home church" existed to keep the Duggars' family secrets under wraps. If they worshiped in a traditional church, there's always the chance that one of the kids might talk to a mandatory reporter. I'm thinking there might still be an issue with that (see Arkansas' version of CPS showing up at the TTH last year and not being allowed to see the child they were asking about...) so I'm guessing there will be no traditional church membership in the littles' future at the very least.

  • Love 5

Since the child in question is an adult now, I don't think that danger is real anymore. The Duggars can keep anything else they are hiding about Joshgate to themselves now. No one younger than the youngest victim at time was certainly not old enough to know at the time and certainly kept in the dark until Joshgate blew it open. IOW, there's nothing a child could say to a mandatory reporter now that would tie back to Joshgate; any reports now would have to do with something NEW. 

Now, if they're hiding more such abuses, THAT is another kettle of fish altogether...I'm not implying that there are; I hope that this did NOT repeat itself! 

This is just another twist on why remaining insular in all aspects of life is so damaging. 

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3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Oh, I'd take my car to him in a minute! ha .

Thanks. I'd forgotten whether the mechanic was Jason or Justin. But I was including Joe among the potential employees -- since didn't he go to Crown to "study" something to do with his passion for "ministering to young men"?  And as I write this thinking of Jer's masturbation sermon -- not to mention the recent Joe and the Twins photo -- it becomes funnier and more annoying at the same time....And maybe that shopping mall anti-sex lecture for suburban boys isn't so far fetched, after all. .... Maybe they could rent an auto bay in the evenings for their preaching cum car fixing.


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2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Now, if they're hiding more such abuses, THAT is another kettle of fish altogether...I'm not implying that there are; I hope that this did NOT repeat itself! 

This is just another twist on why remaining insular in all aspects of life is so damaging. 

I think they're hiding other stuff.

And AMEN to your comments about remaining insular. We'll be hearing these stories for years to come by those who got sucked into Gothard's BS.

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