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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Do we have a picture of Anna yet? I can't find one. 

Jinger looks gorgeous.  I think Jeremy should've worn a tuxedo because she looks very classic and elegant (holy crap, is she really a Duggar?) and Jeremy looks good but a tux would've sealed the deal. He is tall and nice looking...a tux would've been a better choice.  Plus, stripes, polka dots and paisley are cute in 2016.  Not cute 10 years from now...it will be a "WTF did Jeremy wear and why?" Classic is better for a wedding than trendy. 

Jinger, DO YOUR MAKEUP LIKE THIS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.  Please. You're so pretty and we had no idea. 

I hate the man bun. 

Don't care for the color of the bridesmaid dresses but I see some effort was put into choosing them so I will give them credit for that.  The girls need their hair up.  I have had long hair my entire life (ex IFB) and long hair can be styled nicely.  It looks sloppy or frumpy or something. 

Can't wait to see Michelle.  jeremy's mom looked very classy!  

  • Love 15
  On 11/6/2016 at 10:05 PM, Marigold said:

Anna wasn't in the bridal party at all.  Guess she isn't a sister like they pretend? Or she is only a sister when cleaning shit no one else wants to do?

 Or it's so awkward with Josh, how do you handle that one? 

Wonder if the M kids were in the bridal party?  Spurg was a ring bearer? 


Anna's wearing a red dress, and Jinger had 10 bridesmaids. I think she paired up 5 colors, and Anna might be the second red one (Jeremy's sister being the other). I guess we shall see when US Weekly or People or whoever releases the picture spread, maybe as early as tomorrow. 

Spurge was definitely a ring bearer. His little bowtie was aborable. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I know I'm one of the few, but I have a soft spot for Anna and all the shit she is dealing with. 

I hope she was a bridesmaid. 

Well, if not, Jim Bob slapped an apron on her and had her serving the meatballs at the reception.  Red dress wouldn't show if sauce spilled on her.  Jim Bob plans ahead like that. 

  • Love 7

It doesn't look like Anna's dress has the lacy top, so I'm guessing she wasn't a member of the bridal party. Jeremy's sister, the J'Slaves and Joy makes five, so I wonder who the other girls were? 

The reception food sounds reasonable for a Fundie wedding. At least there was some sort of protein in there as opposed to Jill's diabetes inducing sugar fest.

  • Love 6
  On 11/6/2016 at 10:35 PM, Marigold said:

I guess making Anna a bridesmaid would be a problem for pictures.  Which male to pair her with?  Making the attention back to Vile josh Pig. That's not good for appearances. 

Like I said, Jim Bob probably has her "joyfully serving" meatballs at the reception.  


TLC has no problem with Anna. I don't see why she couldn't be a bridesmaid. It's Smuggar they have to keep away from their cameras. He can't leap out of the crowd, grab her and plant one on her like he did at Jill's wedding. Derick probably took over that role yesterday. 

  • Love 2
  On 11/6/2016 at 9:28 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Another of Smuggar. Definitely NOT in the wedding party, since the groomsmen wore light gray suits. eta: He hasn't lost THAT much weight. His face definitely looks fuller from this angle than from straight on and his gut is still visible. He doesn't look that small from the side view (phone pic) either. 



I just want to punch this moron in the throat every time I see him and his father

  On 11/6/2016 at 10:40 PM, Leigh3 said:

Quote for Yahoo entertainment "As for their honeymoon plans, the couple says they are heading Down Under."  Yeah I bet....  ;)  I snicker as lighting strikes me


That's what she said......I'm 12?

  • Love 5
  On 11/6/2016 at 10:08 PM, poopchute said:

Meatballs, cheese, crackers, and veggies?!


Jesus......how completely snooze inducing and cheap. 

  On 11/6/2016 at 9:28 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Another of Smuggar. Definitely NOT in the wedding party, since the groomsmen wore light gray suits. eta: He hasn't lost THAT much weight. His face definitely looks fuller from this angle than from straight on and his gut is still visible. He doesn't look that small from the side view (phone pic) either. 



Dear Jim Boob. Hem your pants fool. On a more positive note...jinj looked beautiful. Her and babe make a good looking couple

  • Love 2
  On 11/6/2016 at 10:40 PM, Sew Sumi said:

TLC has no problem with Anna. I don't see why she couldn't be a bridesmaid. It's Smuggar they have to keep away from their cameras. He can't leap out of the crowd, grab her and plant one on her like he did at Jill's wedding. Derick probably took over that role yesterday. 


I'm thinking at a wedding, Anna without Josh would look like peanut butter without jelly.  We all know they went together and yet, he is missing. Draws attention to it.

At home, Anna is just Anna.  She has done THs with Josh, without Josh, with the other kidults, with her kids etc.  It's not so noticeable. A wedding is like a big flashing sign "Josh is missing, Josh is missing. Josh is a pervert scumbag. Josh should be standing next to his wife but isn't" 

Ugh...such a pig. Just writing about him is gross. 

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 8
  On 11/6/2016 at 8:10 PM, Lillybee said:

Has J-Rod posted anything?


Damn you for asking! I spent 10 minutes of my life that I will never get back looking at her blog pictures of the special people she met last month during their travels.

No pictures yet on their blog. But JillR is not one to "talk" she will post them and gloat later on. lol

  • Love 5

I'm still in shock that they actually did it...they actually pulled the wedding off without the news being leaked till the week if the wedding.  I know there has to be something on the invites...but 1,000 people ALL keeping their lips zipped about the wedding of the year?  Amazing.  Maybe JB has more influence than we thought.  And that's enough to keep one up at night.  ?

  • Love 9

Nothing from either JRod or my other source, who confirms on FB that she was there, but just posted the generic wedding shot that everyone has seen. She posted literally HUNDREDS of pics of the after party of Jilly's shindig, down to the "insprational" wall hangings. I'll be on the lookout on her FB. 

Since it was also Spurge's birthday, I wonder how much effort JESSA put into this party? Likely none, since TLC doesn't film the after parties. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 1
  On 11/6/2016 at 9:55 PM, Marigold said:

Do we have a picture of Anna yet? I can't find one. 

Jinger looks gorgeous.  I think Jeremy should've worn a tuxedo because she looks very classic and elegant (holy crap, is she really a Duggar?) and Jeremy looks good but a tux would've sealed the deal. He is tall and nice looking...a tux would've been a better choice.  Plus, stripes, polka dots and paisley are cute in 2016.  Not cute 10 years from now...it will be a "WTF did Jeremy wear and why?" Classic is better for a wedding than trendy. 

Jinger, DO YOUR MAKEUP LIKE THIS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.  Please. You're so pretty and we had no idea. 

I hate the man bun. 

Don't care for the color of the bridesmaid dresses but I see some effort was put into choosing them so I will give them credit for that.  The girls need their hair up.  I have had long hair my entire life (ex IFB) and long hair can be styled nicely.  It looks sloppy or frumpy or something. 

Can't wait to see Michelle.  jeremy's mom looked very classy!  


Jeremy's suit in the picture is really tacky.  Looks like something that came as separates from Wally World. 

  • Love 3
  On 11/6/2016 at 11:33 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Nothing from either JRod or my other source, who confirms on FB that she was there, but just posted the generic wedding shot that everyone has seen. She posted literally HUNDREDS of pics of the after party of Jilly's shindig, down to the "insprational" wall hangings. I'll be on the lookout on her FB. 



Confidentiality agreement with TLC? 

Ratings are down so maybe you have to sign something? This way, keep it a bigger ratings draw for the show? 

I have no idea.  I'm a ratings and TV idiot. 

  • Love 1

Someone watching 90 Day Fiancee right now said she just saw that TLC will air the wedding on the 22nd. Fuck you again, TLC. TWO more weeks of filler. It's getting as bad as the Bateses' 23 week (so far) season of recycled crap.

Britton Felber (wedding photographer whose wife spilled the beans about the wedding weekend) just confirmed that the People spread will come out tomorrow. Called it! Have fun, east coasters! They release these things first thing in the morning, hours before I'm awake! LOL

Edited by Sew Sumi
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  On 11/6/2016 at 8:03 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

Shall we start the betting pool for how soon, after prayerful consideration and wise counseling from Jimbob, that Lord has laid it upon the Vuolo's hearts for this season of life to purpose to move to NW Arkansas to serve Him in a new ministry?

Im thinking either by Valentine's Day or when Jinger gets pregnant, whichever comes first. 

I sort of hope she gets instantly pregnant and can gloat about it. 

They're definitely grandmother of the bride dresses, but at least Jana didn't have to tear up any more tablecloths and stay up all night handsewing them together. Kudos to Jinger for finding real dresses.


I think the Lord will lay it on jer' s heart to tell jimboob to go screw himself since he is now the headship of his own family.  At least I hope so.

Edited by toodles
Technical difficulties
  • Love 8

Jason Hartono also posted a slough of pictures from the after party, and it looks like it was quite a well-attended affair. Boob had time to change into casual clothes, and Mechelle wore a white blazer over a black skirt or dress (side view, couldn't tell). I hope she also changed, because what mother wears black to their daughter's wedding, unless you're in NYC where everyone wears black everywhere?

  • Love 1

Still can't really tell what the dress looked like, but the top looks nice. Jinger's makeup looked nice, yay! I didn't like Jeremy's tie or suit, it looked ok for a day at the office, but that's it. The different colour dresses, meh, ok if the colours complement each other, but it looks like she has earth, metallic, jewel and possibly pastel in the mix. Blech. The bridesmaid dresses were modest and that's about it.

All of this can change when we see the actual photos. But in a nutshell, Jinger looked good from the waist up. :)

  • Love 3
  On 11/7/2016 at 2:20 AM, Bitter Betty said:

Did the pictures of Jana and Joy's shoes ever get posted? I don't recall seeing it here. I really hate Joy's hair. Do something with it! (And cut 4 inches off of it while you're at it.)



Can they really not wear heels?  So sick of these ugly ass shoes.

  • Love 6
  On 11/7/2016 at 2:09 AM, Barb23 said:

No doubt MEchelle had on her dark hose & clodhoppers.


She did! That's why she was so easy to spot. Well, that and her poodle head. 

Absolom's pic wasn't showing when I posted, so I edited to take down Grandma's pic, although I directly linked it to youtube, so as to not give the monetized Duggar blog hits. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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You know, I have been reading this since yesterday, and I'm starting to think I.just.cant. anymore with the Duggars.

#1 Who has 900 people at their wedding? NO ONE! These people are D-list reality TV celebrities. Do they think we're impressed by their "popularity?" Why do they do that? It's tacky as hell and I don't know if I can watch that sh** anymore.

#2 Why was Josh there? Why has he not been shunned? That's about as f**ked up as it gets. Seeing him in a picture from the wedding disgusts me.

I love the snark that goes on here. But this wedding...I don't know...just brought out the worst in me. I may or may not take a break from Duggarland, but snark on everyone!

  • Love 11
  On 11/7/2016 at 2:23 AM, Marigold said:

Dresses are OK.  better than Jill and Jessa. 



Yeah, at least there aren't old sheets sewn onto them in random places. I don't know what to make of the colors either, but I think I'd rather have these somewhat subdued colors, especially for a fall wedding, than the more bubble-gummy-almost-neony shades of the other two weddings. These colors -- one at a time, at least -- look somewhat dignified and kind of less cheap. Dignified bordering on funereal, or suitable-for-a-1920s-college-tribute-to-the-muse-of-history or something. But less cheap anyway. There's an awful lot of skirt on those dresses. Still -- no sewn-on sheets. And that's definitely a plus.

They really don't look right with casual wedge sandals, though. But the Duggs seem to think that casual wedge sandals look good with everything. It's November, people.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8

Jason Hartono's pictures are down (Insta Story? although one was taken around 3am, so it hasn't been 24 hours yet...maybe he got in trouble), but someone was nice enough to crop out Mechelle in the outfit I described above. Most everyone at this shindig looks like they'd changed into casual clothes, Boob included, so I will assume she also changed out of whatever monstrosity she wore to the actual ceremony. 



Edited by Sew Sumi
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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