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S07.E03: Thanksgiving: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

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1 hour ago, stillhere1900 said:

I'm guessing that it's hard to have much energy or to "put up a fuss" about anything when you weigh over 300 lbs. She seems to just not care.

I wouldn't give shit one about another frantic, tail-chasing bout of Brown Klown zaniness either. I don't think it makes her lazy, per se. Maybe after a couple of decades of their hare-brained, pillar-to-post bullshit life, Janelle has learned that if they insist on dragging her into the middle of their group chaos she will just not play. For an introvert, this bunch would be an absolute hell.


ETA: Janelle's not over 300 lbs. At her heaviest (and she's big now, but not as big as she was) she weighed about 270. She's pretty short, though, and carries most of it in her belly, so she appears even heavier than she is.

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 12

I agree--Janelle just isn't into the arts & crafts stuff. It's not for everybody. But it gets me that people are down on Meri for being artsy/craftsy and taking charge of the arts & crafts project, accusing her of being assertive and controlling. I bet if Meri was dropped into the real estate realm to work a project with Janelle, the roles would be reversed--Janelle would be in her element, taking charge of the project and Meri would be wandering around looking a bit lost.

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, kimaken said:


I agree--Janelle just isn't into the arts & crafts stuff. It's not for everybody. But it gets me that people are down on Meri for being artsy/craftsy and taking charge of the arts & crafts project, accusing her of being assertive and controlling. I bet if Meri was dropped into the real estate realm to work a project with Janelle, the roles would be reversed--Janelle would be in her element, taking charge of the project and Meri would be wandering around looking a bit lost.


I think the things is, at least for me, that I see Jenelle TRYING to step outside of her comfort zone, trying to be different. But I don't with Meri. Jenelle showed up. Sure she wandered and looked lost a bit, but there were other times when she did have cans in hand, flowers, etc. She was gluing. She was likely very uncomfortable not just with the project itself, but the big, frantic group atmosphere. But she tried it. Whereas I don't see Meri doing anything differently than she normally does. It was her show as usual. I think where Jenelle took a few steps forward, she could have taken a few steps back to accommodate her. When I watched the crafting scenes, it looked like Meri just wanted to plow ahead and get it done, but I felt like maybe she could have lightened up a bit and tried to engage Jenelle more. More of a meeting in the middle, if you know what I mean. 

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I felt like maybe she could have lightened up a bit and tried to engage Jenelle more

For example, when Janelle first came over to Meri's during the planning session, Janelle said she had imagined things differently. Meri could have asked her to describe what she had imagined then try and incorporate that into the designs. But I can't even believe there is this much drama over fake flowers and bean cans. This is where we are at with this family.

This was the most boring hour so far in this series. The entire hour was one long snark-filled mess and I'm just so over it.

  • Love 7

Meri and Janelle will never repair their relationship until they work on trust. I had a falling out with a coworker years ago and while we are now friendly on the surface, I will never really trust her again. Luckily we are not married to the same man so it doesn't matter so much. Come on, Nancy, be a therapist for once.

  • Love 6

I'm not sure there's time to engage when you have to oversee 70 napkin rings being made.  Among however many of the center pieces they also made.

I'm sure it's hard for Meri to give up the control of the decorating and crafty stuff if she really enjoys it that much. So letting Janelle and the kids help out was probably her middle ground.

  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think the things is, at least for me, that I see Jenelle TRYING to step outside of her comfort zone, trying to be different. But I don't with Meri. Jenelle showed up. Sure she wandered and looked lost a bit, but there were other times when she did have cans in hand, flowers, etc. She was gluing. She was likely very uncomfortable not just with the project itself, but the big, frantic group atmosphere. But she tried it. Whereas I don't see Meri doing anything differently than she normally does. It was her show as usual. I think where Jenelle took a few steps forward, she could have taken a few steps back to accommodate her. When I watched the crafting scenes, it looked like Meri just wanted to plow ahead and get it done, but I felt like maybe she could have lightened up a bit and tried to engage Jenelle more. More of a meeting in the middle, if you know what I mean. 

What was Meri supposed to do? Walk away from the project and leave it to Janelle to figure out? Janelle was supposed to bring her ideas to share with Meri to decide what decorations they'd do. But Janelle didn't have any ideas and didn't bring anything representations of what she thought would be good to do--so she was fine to let Meri carry on and then complain about how hard she's trying. But we've seen before--anything she doesn't want to do (the skits for the graduating kids) she bolts from the room. She was fine with acting (the skit for Madison), but not dancing/singing (whoever else graduated that year). With the craft project, she made some slight efforts, complained, and walked around--I didn't really see her TRYING to be different. Why couldn't she have clipped pictures out of magazines for decorating ideas to bring to Meri? She didn't have ANY ideas to share with Meri, so by letting Meri run with her ideas, Janelle looks like helpless victim bulldozed by Meri's take charge and do it attitude.

If Meri had stepped back to let Janelle lead the decoration committee--I bet there would not have been decorations for their holiday dinner, and then the hue and cry would be Meri's standoffish, hostile, withdrawing more from the family, etc. Meri's in a no-win situation--she's damned if she does something and damned if she doesn't.

  • Love 10

So Meri has a huge empty house with multiple empty bedrooms. Janelle is shortly going to be down to only 3 kids in the home, and Christine will be down to 3 or 4 kids in the home. Yet no one offers to house Robyn's oldest children, and leave her to have her youngest two share a bedroom, which they then call stupid. And she ends up with Aspyn in her house to boot. That speaks volumes about what kind of sister wife marriage these women are really having. They're 4 women sharing a lover/sperm donor.

Mariah needs to suck it up. The real crime is that your mother has been miserable for years and not done anything about it. Your father romanced multiple women, so I don't consider Meri's catfish cheating scandal all that bad.

  • Love 12
48 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:

Meri and Janelle will never repair their relationship until they work on trust. I had a falling out with a coworker years ago and while we are now friendly on the surface, I will never really trust her again. Luckily we are not married to the same man so it doesn't matter so much. Come on, Nancy, be a therapist for once.

I don't think Meri and Jenelle will ever have a good friendship. Too little too late. I'd appreciate it more if they just admitted that they'll never be friends, but can be cordial for the sake of the kids and family. 


40 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I'm not sure there's time to engage when you have to oversee 70 napkin rings being made.  Among however many of the center pieces they also made.

I'm sure there would be if the Browns didn't always leave everything to the last minute. Why they continue to do so makes little sense, considering there's no evidence that any of them actually work. 

The sight of all that chaos and all those people almost gave me a panic attack just watching it. No way could i ever have  that many people and  kids in my house while i was trying to prepare something. Anyone else notice Robyns 123year old Dad with his suspenders sitting at the one table looking around anxiously?  I don't  know if he needed some gravy or a spitoon  for his chew. Tell me he's a polygamist and found more than one woman who would lay underneath him. 

  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said:

 Anyone else notice Robyns 123year old Dad with his suspenders sitting at the one table looking around anxiously?  I don't  know if he needed some gravy or a spitoon  for his chew. Tell me he's a polygamist and found more than one woman who would lay underneath him. 

Per Raawww-bin, her parents enjoyed a fairy-tale marriage that never left its "honeymoon" phase until they divorced. Not sure if they were polygamists. If they were, I'd expect Raawww-bin to talk about it all the time.

Edited by egilsdottir
  • Love 3

Oh my goodness...I watched about 30 seconds of last night's show...I saw Kody hanging up lights (which he's done in the past), saw both Hunter and Kody with shorter hair, Janelle looked heavier, and Robyn looked lighter, and I totally thought I was watching a re-run and changed the channel.

This actually ticks me off as a viewer.  I have NO clue how this show is edited, or if what we are seeing is in any type of logical chronological order, or if some intern is picking up pieces of chopped up film from the garbage can and splicing it together, or what.

Sigh...now I need to search On Demand and see if I can find the episode, because I need my daily dose of snark here on PTV.

  • Love 1

Well that was pretty boring.  A whole hour about Thanksgiving decorations and two different curtains.  If decorating is not Janelle's thing why would she put herself in the position of "being in charge" of the decorations with Meri.  I do agree with people who said Janelle is lazy.  After living the polygamist lifestyle all these years I find it hard to believe she is just socially inept and overwhelmed with crowds and chaos.   Could be her weight makes her feel insecure, so she does not like to really speak up.  She was particularly annoying when complaining about the glue gun.  I am no fan of Meri's, but I can understand her frustrations with Janelle.  I am completely confused by the timeline.  Last week Hunter was home, this week they say is has been 4 months since they saw him?  Obviously if Robyn has to split a small room for Sol and the baby they have no room for Aspyn.  Why wouldn't he live with Janelle, is she does not want to live with her mother.  In the coming attractions why would Meri want to bring Solomon on that trip she is taking, which I think is to see Mariah.  The Brown adults are jus plain strange.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Kellyee said:

Mariah needs to suck it up. The real crime is that your mother has been miserable for years and not done anything about it. Your father romanced multiple women, so I don't consider Meri's catfish cheating scandal all that bad.

Amen. I'm more amazed that it didn't happen sooner. I guess Jenelle and Christine have younger children and it took an empty nest for Meri to finally see the light. I don't blame Meri one bit. I blame the catfisher. I dozed off during the catfishing special. Did they ever try to contact the whack job in Oklahoma?

And yeah, Mariah needs to step off her high horse. Meri may be a pain, but she's put up with Kody, fertility issues while watching the other wives get knocked up if Kody breathed in their general direction, and a spoiled brat daughter that basically got a mom all to herself her entire life, while her siblings from other moms had to share their's with a half dozen others. Not to mention also getting the PRIVATE overpriced college of her choice while her sibs went public.  And SHE'S pissed? Whatever, honey. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 15
9 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

Obviously if Robyn has to split a small room for Sol and the baby they have no room for Aspyn.  Why wouldn't he live with Janelle, is she does not want to live with her mother.  In the coming attractions why would Meri want to bring Solomon on that trip she is taking, which I think is to see Mariah.  The Brown adults are jus plain strange.

She said it's because it's the only room on the main floor with her bedroom.  All the others are on the 2nd floor and she wants the baby close to her and she doesn't want Sol upstairs either (plus I guess he sleeps with her almost all the time anyways I guess). So her only option was to have them share a room.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

So Meri has a huge empty house with multiple empty bedrooms. Janelle is shortly going to be down to only 3 kids in the home, and Christine will be down to 3 or 4 kids in the home. Yet no one offers to house Robyn's oldest children, and leave her to have her youngest two share a bedroom, which they then call stupid. And she ends up with Aspyn in her house to boot. That speaks volumes about what kind of sister wife marriage these women are really having. They're 4 women sharing a lover/sperm donor.

Mariah needs to suck it up. The real crime is that your mother has been miserable for years and not done anything about it. Your father romanced multiple women, so I don't consider Meri's catfish cheating scandal all that bad.

++++1 to all of this.

Indeed, why not move Dayton in with Meri, since we know that he gets uncomfortable with all the chaos?  Heck, he could have his own quiet wing at Meri's house, what with all that empty space.  It's yet another elephant in every single room - Meri admits to being lonely, no kids in her house, too quiet, etc.  If Robyn now has Aspyn and a new baby, why not have one of Robyn's kids move into Meri's house?  I mean, I know the answer myself - would Robyn trust Meri with one of her kids?  Has Meri made it crystal clear that, although she is lonely, she doesn't want a kid - especially a kid of Robyn's - to interrupt her nightly online shenanigans?  It's like, WE know why they are doing it this way, I want to hear THEM say it.  But it won't happen.  'Cause polygamy is so awesome, blah blah blah.

And all the +++++ to the statement about Mariah.  Still thinking about choosing this lifestyle?  I wonder if she's just super pissed that she was the one lone holdout for wanting the plyg lifestyle, because her mom and dad were legally married.  Now that they aren't, I have to wonder if she feels extremely duped by the fact that the lifestyle she always wanted is actually nothing more than her dad being able to bunk with multiple women under the banner of "religious choice."  Yet when her mom tries the same thing, she's made a fool of.  I'm not a Mariah fan per se, but that had to be a long and hard fall from only legal child of the only legal wife, to watching her dad divorce her mom, and her mom's subsequent catfishing.  That probably wasn't in Mariah's script for her perfect life.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

(sorry, not quoting.  Don't know how to undo this)


This probably marks me as a cranky old lady, but I hated it when Robyn was ASKING King Sol if sharing his room was okay.  What if he said no?  What then?  Convincing? You just tell him, nicely, how it is going to be.  End.  In a week he won't remember anything else. 

  • Like 1
  • Love 22
22 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

She was particularly annoying when complaining about the glue gun.

I know people are probably getting sick of me defending Jenelle, but I didn't take it as her truly complaining, like she was really unhappy. I thought she was trying to find a way to commiserate with Meri while doing the craft. She just always comes across as really awkward because she's such an introvert. 

  • Love 16
40 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Amen. I'm more amazed that it didn't happen sooner. I guess Jenelle and Christine have younger children and it took an empty nest for Meri to finally see the light. I don't blame Meri one bit. I blame the catfisher. I dozed off during the catfishing special. Did they ever try to contact the whack job in Oklahoma?

(I believe it is a "she", but I'm going to stick with "he" for this...) They said they contacted him and spoke to him, but he refused to speak on Skype or Facetime. They did not play his actual voice, so I'm assuming he refused to give permission to tape his part of the conversation. They also did not show any pictures of him other than those on his web site.

Also, Meri is sticking to the "I thought he was a friend, then it got weird and scary" story. She will NEVER admit that she was hoping for a way out of her horrible "marriage" and that she was emotionally attached to him.

  • Love 6

What was Meri supposed to do? Walk away from the project and leave it to Janelle to figure out? Janelle was supposed to bring her ideas to share with Meri to decide what decorations they'd do. But Janelle didn't have any ideas and didn't bring anything representations of what she thought would be good to do--so she was fine to let Meri carry on and then complain about how hard she's trying.

To me it looked like a miscommunication between the two of them about what "sharing your ideas" meant. Janelle thought she was walking into an ideas/planning meeting where they were going to talk about stuff, but Meri thought they were each going to make "samples." So when Janelle saw that Meri had everything already purchased and put together, what could she bring to the planning at that point? Was she going to ask Meri to take everything back to the store so they could start from scratch? So she just let Meri take the reins, since Meri so obviously wanted to take the reins on this project. 

Also, who mocks up sample table decorations for a family Thanksgiving dinner? I realize they were having 70 guests, so that is quite large, but they spent more time and effort on this than some people put into planning a wedding.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I don't think Meri and Jenelle will ever have a good friendship. Too little too late. I'd appreciate it more if they just admitted that they'll never be friends, but can be cordial for the sake of the kids and family. 

Last night, Meri said that they have a sister wife relationship, but not a friendship. Based on most of the polygamous marriages I've seen or read about, that seems to be the norm.   

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, MaryMitch said:

(I believe it is a "she", but I'm going to stick with "he" for this...) They said they contacted him and spoke to him, but he refused to speak on Skype or Facetime. They did not play his actual voice, so I'm assuming he refused to give permission to tape his part of the conversation. They also did not show any pictures of him other than those on his web site.

To which everyone nods knowingly. Not wanting to appear on Facetime or Skype? Gee, because he's a SHE. And she's a troll? Go figure. 

Low life. What the show forgot to mention when explaining what a "catfish" is, is that they are also bottom feeders. 

  • Love 3

I have to say if you have 70 people I would think you would forgo napkin rings, fancy place settings and expensive centerpieces for the nicer stuff of paper plates and wrapping a nice quality of paper napkin around knife and fork and set up buffet style at the wet bar of tears.

In regards to the centerpieces, I would have teamed up the kids and had them make centerpieces as a fun art project. Get the kiddies involved in making them would take the pressure off the moms and if all the supplies were purchased at the dollar store it would have been a lot cheaper. 

Meri and Janelle should just agree that they won’t be best buddies, they might just be better off as frenemies. That’s just fine if they can do that.  Is there an unwritten rule that you have to be besties with your sisterwife?

Christine calling the pink and blue room stupid is not only spot on but about freaking time she stood up for herself. Hopefully she gets out of dodge soon.

The no stocking for Koduche proves where he belongs in Jenelle’s life.  I really use to think Jennelle was the smarter of the Browns. Now not so much.

Koduche can stuff his lights where the sun don’t shine. Who gives a flying rats ass?

  • Love 9

Robin constantly asking Sol if he wanted this or that has been a theme this year.  Christine did it too, with Truely.  I think it partially can be explained by trying to play out a scene with a non-verbal kid.  

All I could think when watching Christine these last two episodes is that she is getting laid. Antidepressants and sex. She loves the man.  I don't understand it, but she loves him, and they appear to be in a very good place.  

I was giving Meri the benefit of the doubt because she was saying all the right things about working with Janelle (and I understand what people are saying about Janelle really not pulling her weight in the prep dept), but we see Janelle in a talking head saying she knew Meri took a breath and didn't say what she REALLY wanted to say when she saw Janelle's spraypainted veggie can attempts.  She gave Meri credit for that.  And then they cut to the scene, which one would have expected a cheery Meri (okay, maybe not, but a moderately pleasant Meri) saying "great, you did those, let's do this and this now!" Or maybe a weak smile and nothing.

But what we saw was Meri lean over, pick one up, scowl at it, and mutter "well, it's only for this one day... I guess... yeah, it's fine."  And stand up without looking at Janelle or making any effort to show any kind of encouragement.  Like "Did you like spraypainting? It's tough but it's more fun the more you do it" or "thank you for doing those -- I've been doing x and y and now everything's ready to go" -- any of the sort of social exchange you learn to facilitate conversations with strangers or difficult relatives.  

I mean, I wouldn't expect a litany of praise like she was a kid who just made her first macaroni necklace, but that was RUDE.  It's one thing that you don't have the kind of sisterly relationship where you can outright say "damn, why didn't you call for HELP, these SUCK!" and you both laugh.  But if you don't have that, you have to mask your disapproval.  Even just a tiny bit.  

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, GussieK said:

nstead, I have a question:  There was one really tall blond galoot of a kid towering over the others.  They kept showing him so fleetingly, I could not figure out who it was.  Is there anyone out there who's an expert on the kids' identities?

That was Paedon - Christine's only son by Kody. And he is HUGE. I don't just mean his weight - although, so far all of Christine's older kids seem to have weight issues. But he's just very tall as well. He's much larger than Kody. I hope Christine still has those wrestling mats in the garage and Paedon can take Kody out!


Speaking of Paedon, why can't they ever spell names normally? Well, it seems to be more of Christine and Kody's kids who have the odd/oddly spelled names. Now, hey, I'm all for original names. One of my kids is named after a famous Visigoth king. But it's like they're trying to draw attention to themselves with all these crazy spellings and what not. I can never remember if it's Truly or Truley or Truely. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Quickbeam said:

Maybe I'm a quart low on girly-girl but I just can't get stressing over napkin rings and candle holders. Like that makes it a family occasion? Or is that what these folks tell themselves so that they have a teaspoon of self worth. It was like watching a failed Girl Scout project.

Bingo. The whole frantic setup is such a manufactured escapade, ala making those stupid boats. These people have been together for a very long time. They've had umpty-bazillion holidays and parties together--yet we're supposed to buy that they need to manufacture Thankgiving deco from whole cloth? WTF did they use last year? And the year before that? And the year before that? And so on... I don't know about all of you, but we tend to have some fairly comfortable and beloved holiday traditions. Yes, we may add a little something new now and then, but generally it's my great-grandmother's china, my late MIL's crystal wine glasses, the placemats I made when we were newly married, etc, etc. They're going about this as though they're 20-year-old college roommates struggling to create a mutually acceptable holiday. Moronic.

We've watched Meri be an utter control freak a million times on this show. We all know the type: "Let's collaborate" actually means "Let's do everything according to my exact specifications, and if you have something to contribute I'll let you know." A couple of decades of that bullshit, and I'm going to ship my oars right along with Janelle. When you know you can't win, you say fuck it and make yourself scarce.

  • Love 13
6 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

It's a Mormon thing.  Click here to read more nonsense.

Yes. It's a Mormon thing. One needs a unique name so that they're called to the celestial planet. If you name your daughter Jennifer and her husband calls her to his planet, other Jennifers may show up. If you're named Gennifyre and called forth, he gets the correct Gennifyre. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Granny58 said:


This probably marks me as a cranky old lady, but I hated it when Robyn was ASKING King Sol if sharing his room was okay.  What if he said no?  What then?  Convincing? You just tell him, nicely, how it is going to be.  End.  In a week he won't remember anything else. 

I was thinking the same thing.  Also, she has asked him repeatedly.  Give it a break Robyn.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, GussieK said:

Nothing to add to this excellent snark.

Instead, I have a question:  There was one really tall blond galoot of a kid towering over the others.  They kept showing him so fleetingly, I could not figure out who it was.  Is there anyone out there who's an expert on the kids' identities?

Paedon seems to be at a gorky stage right now.

  • Love 1

Mariah is just so ugly. Inside and out.  It hurts to watch how distorted her face is when she's upset which is all the time.  

I think janelle should have bariatric surgery and they could make that part of the story line.  I wish she had more energy to be present. I can see why meri gets frustrated with her. But she can't assume people are going to care about the same things. I wish I knew if there was anything janelle got pleasure out of.  She just seems so vacant,. 

  • Love 7
40 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Mariah is just so ugly. Inside and out.  It hurts to watch how distorted her face is when she's upset which is all the time.  

I think janelle should have bariatric surgery and they could make that part of the story line.  I wish she had more energy to be present. I can see why meri gets frustrated with her. But she can't assume people are going to care about the same things. I wish I knew if there was anything janelle got pleasure out of.  She just seems so vacant,. 

What is going on with Janelle going to the gym and trying to lose weight? I think she looks so much bigger this season. I think Janelle could actually be very attractive--she just doesn't seem to try. And as much as I don't want to picture Kody getting it on---I just have so much trouble thinking of him and Janelle getting it on. I doubt they do now, but I wonder if she ever had a different expression on her face then. Well, I doubt Kody can actually make a woman's toes curls anyway...

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I think the things is, at least for me, that I see Jenelle TRYING to step outside of her comfort zone, trying to be different. But I don't with Meri. Jenelle showed up. Sure she wandered and looked lost a bit, but there were other times when she did have cans in hand, flowers, etc. She was gluing. She was likely very uncomfortable not just with the project itself, but the big, frantic group atmosphere. But she tried it. Whereas I don't see Meri doing anything differently than she normally does. It was her show as usual. I think where Jenelle took a few steps forward, she could have taken a few steps back to accommodate her. When I watched the crafting scenes, it looked like Meri just wanted to plow ahead and get it done, but I felt like maybe she could have lightened up a bit and tried to engage Jenelle more. More of a meeting in the middle, if you know what I mean. 

I doubt Janelle gave two shits about this craft project.  I know the point of the story was it will be the last time the family will be together and family is so important; lather, rinse repeat.  But Janelle is not domestic and has said so many times.  I think she is taking one for the team by going along with this idea.  I think part of this is keeping Meri busy and out of trouble.  Fussing over table settings, napkin rings and stuff like that seems like a big waste of time as well as money.  Nobody cares after 5 seconds in to the meal.  I had the same thought about the lites.  Who cares and what a huge waste of time.  This kind of crap is that people with a lot of time on their hands do.  I realize this is their "job", but it's about as exciting as watching a PBS pledge drive.  

One thought I had about hanging the lights.  If the ring that held the lights last time was too small, it will be too small this time too.  Go to home depot and get a bigger one. I'm just sayin'.   And who cares how long it takes.  Two days, nine hours, five years.  WHO CARES!!!

Edited by toodles
Later is different than lather
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

So he not only has to call the name but spell it as well?  Those wacky space cadets!

They have to call you to heaven by a special word or phrase.  I hadn't heard the name thing before.  And the husband has to remember it to call you.  I know my late husband will forget mine.  I can just hear him:  Fatass, no that's not it.  Blondie?  No that's not it.  I'm kidding.  


I'm not mormon, but I know lots of mormon people.  I've learned stuff along the way.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

++++1 to all of this.

Indeed, why not move Dayton in with Meri, since we know that he gets uncomfortable with all the chaos?  Heck, he could have his own quiet wing at Meri's house, what with all that empty space.  It's yet another elephant in every single room - Meri admits to being lonely, no kids in her house, too quiet, etc.  If Robyn now has Aspyn and a new baby, why not have one of Robyn's kids move into Meri's house?  I mean, I know the answer myself - would Robyn trust Meri with one of her kids?  Has Meri made it crystal clear that, although she is lonely, she doesn't want a kid - especially a kid of Robyn's - to interrupt her nightly online shenanigans?  It's like, WE know why they are doing it this way, I want to hear THEM say it.  But it won't happen.  'Cause polygamy is so awesome, blah blah blah.

And all the +++++ to the statement about Mariah.  Still thinking about choosing this lifestyle?  I wonder if she's just super pissed that she was the one lone holdout for wanting the plyg lifestyle, because her mom and dad were legally married.  Now that they aren't, I have to wonder if she feels extremely duped by the fact that the lifestyle she always wanted is actually nothing more than her dad being able to bunk with multiple women under the banner of "religious choice."  Yet when her mom tries the same thing, she's made a fool of.  I'm not a Mariah fan per se, but that had to be a long and hard fall from only legal child of the only legal wife, to watching her dad divorce her mom, and her mom's subsequent catfishing.  That probably wasn't in Mariah's script for her perfect life.

I find it interesting that according to her Twitter, Mariah has become a self identified feminist. She's now a Bernie supporting liberal. I wonder how that ties in to her desire for a polygamist lifestyle...

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5 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

She could just move to a bigger house across the cult-de-sac on which her legal husband is already listed as part owner.  Wouldn't put it past Grody to make Meri move out, into Sobbyn's "smaller" house.

That would be Game of Thrones manipulative. She's going to have to find wife #5 to arrange all that. 

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40 minutes ago, toodles said:

They have to call you to heaven by a special word or phrase.  I hadn't heard the name thing before.  And the husband has to remember it to call you.  I know my late husband will forget mine.  I can just hear him:  Fatass, no that's not it.  Blondie?  No that's not it.  I'm kidding.  


I'm not mormon, but I know lots of mormon people.  I've learned stuff along the way.

Many include the name in their secret phrase. 

Am I the only one thinking it is not a Necessity of Life for siblings to share rooms? I knew a lot of families growing up, and when there were 3 or more kids, somebody usually ended up sharing a room. I don't think I knew a single family with 5+ who didn't have kids double or triple up.

also - wouldn't it be easier to have both babies in the same room? Babies don't need privacy and having them both there for multiple night visits is just easier. These people have a crazy sense of logic.

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