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S02.E08: Israel Meets Spurgeon

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9 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I actually think that most of them ended up sleeping at the SOS HQ, where they've shown the Duggars bunking down before on previous missioncations. It looked like the house was part of the overall compound, what with the gated entrance. Would they do that for an individual house that was built on the fly for $20 grand last year?

This makes sense & answers some of my questions.  Derick had access to the truck taxi (SOS owned?) he drove to & from airport.  I was trying to figure out the newer American school bus that was shown in the background during several scenes but if it is also SOS owned, it makes sense as to why it was there.

Even tho we are tired of seeing the fake Fall Feast shopping & prep, I would have loved to have seen how the Dullards do their shopping & cooking "on/in the field".  They could have shown Jill & Derick going to the local market for fresh food but also show them stopping by the local Wal-Mart.  What native food items does the Wal-Mart carry? (for example breads, crackers, tortillas) What items do they miss from home? (Stouffer's?) Is there a certain native food they learned to love?  What do their meals consist of? How far away are the stores?  Is there a nearby farm where they get fresh eggs & milk?  Then we could have seen the family help Jill prepare a meal.  I don't think we saw them eat anything in CA including at the Women's/Mom's Banquet.  Did they serve food there?   We saw them sitting around the long table after their goodbye dinner, but don't remember seeing any food or even mention of it. I realize the Duggars are picky eaters but they had to eat while they were there. Even if it was a fake native meal, it would have been better than filler.  Come on TLC, it took me 5 minutes to think of this & you couldn't?  Instead we get a repeat tour of their house.

I don't know how reruns work, but will TLC be allowed to show Counting On repeats like they did with 19Kids?  I guess this is part of their contract.  


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On 5/4/2016 at 8:56 PM, Marigold said:

Is it just me or does it rub you the wrong way when Jill keeps saying she wants to take all the kids, walk out with a bunch etc.

These a CHILDREN. Not Barbies at Target. 

It feels like JILL wants to collect babies much like her mother. I just don't hear much about what is best for the child, the child's feeling, the child's history, the child's emotional needs. It's all about JILL. JILL wants a child. 

I would love to adopt but I think about the child's needs and can I provide what the child needs.  It's not about me. 

Maybe jill's heart is in the right place but it certainly sounds wrong/bad edit. 

Not me.  Almost every single person I've known that either is interested in adoption or has been to a orphanage or any sort of group activity for kids that have less than most you will always here "oh I wish I could take them all home with me"

There is nothing wrong with feeling that way.  You want to help them.  You know you have more than they do and you know you could offer them a lot.  Obviously you can't take them all home but it's a very natural feeling to want to 'save' them all. 

So her and Jessa saying that are not out of the norm at all. 

On 5/4/2016 at 9:21 PM, luvbadtv said:

I noticed Jill speaking Spanish.  Derrick admitted he didn't really know the language.  How is he suppose to bond, earn trust, convert, etc. with the locals?

At first I thought him saying that was weird but I think they both know enough to have a basic conversation with someone.  We've seen Jill do it quite often.  However Jill needed a translator when she was speaking to the women's group and Derrick needed one when speaking to the group of boys for the game.  I think they are probably comfortable speaking one-on-one to someone in spanish but maybe not too comfortable with group speaking.


18 hours ago, graefin said:

That photo from the ep of Iz "kissing" Spurge--why are all the comments about how cute it is when it's clear he's not "kissing" his head but trying to *eat* it? Is this normal development for a kid his age, or is it a potential sign his parents are depriving him of needed stimulation?

That's how all little kids 'kiss'.  

I wonder how long we have to wait until we hear who Jinger is courting or 'talking to'.  She's probably not courting yet which is why she's hush hush about it but I have a feeling she's got her eye on someone. 

I was also irritated at the summary of Jill and Derrick's relationship.... however it didn't seem as painful as when they did Jessa and Ben last week.

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On 5/4/2016 at 4:52 PM, Marigold said:

Maybe Jill has some postpartum depression? 

I take back all my snark if she is suffering with depression (and of course it would be left untreated). 

I was just thinking that, combined with the major uprooting of her entire life and moving to a country where she doesn't speak the language...maybe that is why Miss Cathy is there, to help Jill function and look after Izzy...

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Also, TLC would have such an interesting show if they showed the REAL duggars. Show what the family does for real on a day to day basis, ask them questions about their insane cult religion, show Mechelle robo calling citizens about the dangers of transgendered people ( who have likely all fled AR anyway)

Show Jill and Derrick tyring to convert the Cintral Amuricans in horrible spanish to Gothardism, Show Jill functioning on a day to day basis, ask Jana what she REALLY thinks about being a SAHD at 26 and needing a babysitter to go with her to the grocecy store. Let Jessa and Bin move to Chicago. 

The reality is actually interesting if they would actually show it!!!

Edited by yogi2014L
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Here's the thing: They are awkward because they're trying to "move on" from all of the scandals but it's not complete without the redemption tour. If they wanted a tv show that would rake in numbers, put Anna and Josh in some Dr. Phil type house and see how they're actually dealing with the fallout of the past year. Make it actually effing real. These folks are trying so hard to be actors and they're painfully not. I know their "ministry" is all about making ATI look rosey and appealing, but that's not what makes a good show. They've done that for about a decade now. They've had their fall from grace and the girls have done a piss poor job of publicly handling the situation. All they've given are rehearsed answers and they've been trained their entire lives not to feel and have legitimate emotions and reactions. 

They don't HAVE to do any of this. But they're the ones who signed up for reality tv and if they don't want to do the real part, then they can get off of my television because the old format doesn't work. They are the victims and they've chosen to exploit that, which I find disgusting. They could have gone away quietly to actually heal and focus on their lives, but nope. They couldn't wait to go back on the air and in doing so they've lost most of the goodwill that was expressed for them last summer.

But these people have no skill sets. (Well Derick does, but it looks like being a suit wasn't all it was cracked up to be so he fled for the jungles of CA.) Neither daughter married a man who will give them the life they were accustomed to whilst living under the Duggar umbrella. They have nothing to survive on except television. It's already ended disastrously for Jessa; she's married to a man-child who is currently in the throws of living out an adolescence denied by stilted Calvinism. Who he is now will not be who he is in ten, he'll five, years. His poor, dumb brain isn't even done developing yet. My guess is in five years Bin or Jessa are on Couple's Therapy to try to revive life into another old show. After that, I'm betting on the UK's Big Brother.


I don't know what my point is, I'm just rambling.

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I admit I cannot stand Jill or Derick, but if the poor girl has postpartum depression, Derick moving her away to another country is not the answer. He may be feeling a bit overwhelm himself with getting married and having a kid quickly, and his mom being seriously ill with cancer. I have nothing against praying in the time of need, but they probably both need professional help, and no I do not mean denial, burying your head in the sand, and blaming the devil himself so I will just pray and read the bible type help the Duggars are famous for.

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5 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I admit I cannot stand Jill or Derick, but if the poor girl has postpartum depression, Derick moving her away to another country is not the answer. 

I agree. One of things I thought was awful was the way the Duggars took off for Big Sandy while Jill was in the midst of a painful c-section recovery. Surely Michelle and one of the older girls could've stayed behind to care for her, but it's all about the gravy train. Jill ended up tagging along even though several pictures showed her to be in agony. I'm sure PPD doesn't even exist in their world. If you aren't walking around high on life it's because you aren't Jesus-y enough.

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3 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I admit I cannot stand Jill or Derick, but if the poor girl has postpartum depression, Derick moving her away to another country is not the answer. He may be feeling a bit overwhelm himself with getting married and having a kid quickly, and his mom being seriously ill with cancer. I have nothing against praying in the time of need, but they probably both need professional help, and no I do not mean denial, burying your head in the sand, and blaming the devil himself so I will just pray and read the bible type help the Duggars are famous for.

Hadn't thought about postpartum depression, maybe that's why I feel a disconnect with Jill and Izzy, IMO she wants nothing to do with him. I just can't get Derick telling her "he wants mommy" and she never acknowledged him...

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The Duggars in some ways remind me of my in-laws. Scary thought. When my husband was in Seattle for his transplant, they were talking about a family get together a few months later. I thought to myself...really...you expect him to travel four hundred miles a few months after getting a new kidney because you cannot get off your lazy, whiny, co-dependent behinds to see your son and brother. You can travel to see each other and other family members, but God forbid, you cannot see your seriously ill brother and son because it is too hard for you. Yes, I can see Duggar written all over their attitudes.

In the case of Jill, I can see why she could be depressed because she was taken away from the only thing she has known since the minute she was born. She has been taught to be a Duggar and be a happy, happy girl especially after getting married and having a kid so quickly. I shake my head when she or Derick say I cannot believe we are married and expecting a child within a few months after saying I do. Neither one, in my opinion, were ready for instant marriage and a baby. They both act like they are playing house. In some ways, they remind me of JB and Michelle. Michelle is in her own little world, and JB is in so much denial when it comes to Michelle's mental wellbeing it is darn right frightening. Plus, once again, another innocent child pays the price for it.

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If we look back at the way Jill carried Israel in the sling it appeared to me she wanted him as far away as she could get him while still having to carry him. We remarked how incorrectly she used the sling but maybe what she chose. I have a family member who had "secret" PPD and she held that baby way down on her body. She eventually recovered and had another baby. Huge difference how she held the second baby. Up close. 

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Wow, those babies both look like JB but yet they still manage to be absolutely adorable.

Jana is a gorgeous woman.  Plus, she's one of those women who don't realize they're gorgeous, which makes her even more attractive. 

That beard on Derick needs to be controlled.  I know it's to cover up his jaw problems but for God's sake they must sell razors in Central America so that he can at least trim it.  Every time he appears on-screen I think they've made an Amish friend.

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I think Jill longs for air conditioning, fundy white WASPs to talk to, and huge, ginormous superstores everywhere. Her midwifery "qualifications" are probably recognized as worthless in Guatemala (as they should be), and Derick seems on track to make an impact with his mission work in about 5000 years, no earlier. It's depressing without a baby. 

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16 minutes ago, MV713 said:

Im too lazy to try to find more info, but can someone link me to what "SOS" means and what the heck happened to Derek's face?

  • SOS ministries run these bullshit missions to "Central America".
  • Derick had dental/facial surgery, and he's looked jacked up ever since. 
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Maybe that is why Jill's house is so messy?  She is so depresssed and despondent that she can't even clearn up for the TLC cameras. My house is messy but if TLC was coming, it would be spotless.  Many of us thought it was odd that she didn't clean up and put things away. Someone mentioned there were no sheets on the bed in the guest room.  We saw some fast food wrappers. I thought Jill was either lazy or lacking skills as a homemaker. Maybe Jill has PPD and is just hanging on a thin thread? Mix a traumatic birth with that Josh mess, her "secrets" being exposed and the entire world knowing, moving to CA and being so isolated....those are major life changes/issues for someone who has been raised so isolated and appears to be emotionally immature. 

 If that's the case, I feel bad for her.  Derick won't get her help and Jill would never get herself help. Derick looks pretty unstable himself. They both could benefit from some sort of counseling.

That's a pretty sad post...So much for showcasing the Duggar kid-adults. Instead, we are starting to realize Jill might be slipping. 

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1 hour ago, MV713 said:

Im too lazy to try to find more info, but can someone link me to what "SOS" means and what the heck happened to Derek's face?


43 minutes ago, ingenting said:
  • SOS ministries run these bullshit missions to "Central America".
  • Derick had dental/facial surgery, and he's looked jacked up ever since. 

Here's the SOS Ministries website: http://www.soshope.org/  They've been tight with the Duggars for a long time, and the Duggs are featured on their site. Their "prospectus" is here, replete with info re their Duggar connection and info on their Central American and other projects: http://www.soshope.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Prospectus.pdf   - Boob's photo is on page 10; other Duggs' photos on following pages. 

So, Bin's working for Boob in Arkansas, and Derick's working for Boob's buddy's missionary organization in Danger America. Next TLC spinoff title: "All in the Family"? 

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My word, Central America is soooooooooooo dangerous!  Let's all go visit repeatedly!

Others have commented that Jill has post partum depression.  Maybe, but I think she just doesn't want to be there.  Or with Derrick.  Or with a baby.  Could this be the "hardship" for which Derrick is asking for prayers and guidance?  I really think Jill would go home in a heartbeat. 

I actually watched most of this episode and I found the family dynamics so strange.  I only get to see my sisters every couple of years, but we about hug each other to death when we get together.  Always oceans of tears when we separate, too.  Jessa was standing with Jill when they were getting ready to leave, saying how close she and Jill are, how they have "walked through" pregnancy and motherhood, yet she couldn't even look at Jill while saying all that. 

Ben is so over it all.  Hope giving up your youth and any hopes of a normal life was worth getting to deflower the "hot" Duggar girl.  Part of me feels sorry for him.  Guys his age just aren't ready for marriage and fatherhood, and I think he is starting to realize that.

I even caught a little of the "spa session" from last week.  Jessa asking Anna about Josh was so scripted.  Anna babbled on and on, but basically said nothing.  A few times it felt like she forgot her lines, them remembered what she was supposed to say.  So fake! 

The Duggars sure do latch onto a word or phrase and then repeat it ad nauseum, don't they?  "Walking through" is, of course, the most current.  I remember when everything was "surreal." Or precious.

When do we find out if TLC actually renewed this crapfest?

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I really doubt that Jill had a recent miscarriage. The fact that she is still nursing Izzy when he is over one year old makes me think that she is fine with not being pregnant. Jill has some good reasons for not getting pregnant. One is supposed to wait a year after a c-section. She had a miserable labor and delivery that she may not want to repeat so soon. And finally there is the Zika thing. Who knows, maybe Derick is using rubbers, I doubt that he is very committed to having a full quiver and he is her headship.

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Jill is all into the natural pregnancy stuff. She is probably using Natural Family Planning where she charts her daily temperature etc.  Just for "informational purposes" of course, wink wink.    And suddenly on those fertile days, she has a headache. wink wink. 

If that's the  "birth contro"l they are using, then that's good. let her body heal after that rough c-section and take a little time for herself...

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Derick should have recognized something was off with Jill before saying I do. She was worse after they got married and got knock up so fast. She clings to him like a tick on a hound dog on a hot summer day. The man has very little breathing room. He probably thought after moving to Central America things would get better. Throw in Josh's two scandals, and he is probably a nervous wreck. The Duggars are the in-laws from hell.

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Nursing mothers become pregnant all the time. Hell, Michelle glorified us with the story of how she knew she was pregnant with Josie. Apparently, her milk goes sou,r or somesuch bullshit, and lo! Blessing Jordyn is handed off to the next sister in line for child care. In this case, Jessa. And we've seen how poorly Jordyn has become. 

All this to say that on average, even when nursing, most women get their period back around 6 months postpartum. Jill used to watch her mother's cycles "like a hawk." Maybe the horror of Izzy's birth scared the shit of her, and she's actually being proactive about sex. /wishfulthinking

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6 hours ago, Marigold said:

Maybe that is why Jill's house is so messy?  She is so depresssed and despondent that she can't even clearn up for the TLC cameras. My house is messy but if TLC was coming, it would be spotless.  Many of us thought it was odd that she didn't clean up and put things away. Someone mentioned there were no sheets on the bed in the guest room.  We saw some fast food wrappers. I thought Jill was either lazy or lacking skills as a homemaker. Maybe Jill has PPD and is just hanging on a thin thread? Mix a traumatic birth with that Josh mess, her "secrets" being exposed and the entire world knowing, moving to CA and being so isolated....those are major life changes/issues for someone who has been raised so isolated and appears to be emotionally immature. 

 If that's the case, I feel bad for her.  Derick won't get her help and Jill would never get herself help. Derick looks pretty unstable himself. They both could benefit from some sort of counseling.

That's a pretty sad post...So much for showcasing the Duggar kid-adults. Instead, we are starting to realize Jill might be slipping. 

I don't think so -- obviously I am only guessing, and your guess is as good as mine.

These people are filthy -- not just Jill -- the family is filthy. I can't imagine what Derick and Ben thought when they got their new wives home and found out that 1) they don't bathe regularly 2) they sleep in their clothes 3) they don't use sheets. Maybe they didn't notice because they're young guys and, uh, sex and all.

I'm not exactly a neat-nik, but the filth really bothers me. If you don't have enough soap and water to go around, and your kids can't bathe regularly, stop having kids. If putting sheets on the beds is just too much work, then don't have any more kids and you won't need any more beds, and you won't have to wash more sheets. And, of course, if your son molests your daughters, don't have your daughters sleep in their clothes, send your son for counseling, keep an eye on your children, and STOP HAVING MORE CHILDREN!

I'm sure that the past year has been enormously stressful for both Jill and Derick, and it wouldn't surprise me if either one of them is depressed. Personally, I think SOS is a scam, but it did get them out of Arkansas and they at least have the opportunity to make friends and expand their world (of course going to the car wash alone would probably be pretty extreme and life-enhancing for any of the Duggar girls).

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I agree with you. The Duggars are lacking in the "clean department".  (and cooking).  However, Michelle and Jessa seem aware enough to try ti cover it up.  The Duggar house is cleaned up for the cameras and Jessa's house looked pretty tidy except for cleaning under her bed! 

Jill's apartment was pretty trashed and she knew TLC would film her house.  Jill just can't pull it together?  It's the "can't even mangage to pull it together for TLC cameras" that makes me wonder if she is OK. She doesn't do much. Wouldn't you, at least, get a few boxes and dump your clutter crap in there when the camera is rolling? I have loaded clutter into a few boxes when company is coming! 

To me, that is just plain weird. TLC coming to film your home and you have crap piled all over.

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I noticed everyone looked grimy and sweaty during the Danger America trip. I doubt they were showering daily. I get that it's hot and humid, but how is it the locals manage to look relatively clean and many of them don't even have running water? I'm sure the girls' two foot-long curtains of hair didn't help matters, but still.

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On 5/6/2016 at 9:46 PM, drafan said:


I think Jill and Derick are a couple of scraggly hippies who are as happy as pigs in shit doing whatever it is they're doing. Jill probably had a miscarriage and that was their big crisis a while back. Maybe they're 'saving' that info for next season.


Sort of like when they saved Josh & Anna's miscarriage reveal on 19 Kids? 

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17 hours ago, Barb23 said:

We saw them sitting around the long table after their goodbye dinner, but don't remember seeing any food or even mention of it. I realize the Duggars are picky eaters but they had to eat while they were there. Even if it was a fake native meal, it would have been better than filler.

They did very briefly show the meal before the next shot when it was gone. It looked like it was rice based, but I'd have to rewatch and once was all I could handle before deleting it from the DVR!


13 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

If we look back at the way Jill carried Israel in the sling it appeared to me she wanted him as far away as she could get him while still having to carry him. We remarked how incorrectly she used the sling but maybe what she chose. I have a family member who had "secret" PPD and she held that baby way down on her body. She eventually recovered and had another baby. Huge difference how she held the second baby. Up close. 

This is an interesting possibility, and I fear for Jill if it's true. Gothard doesn't believe mental illness/brain chemistry imbalance exists. I really, really hope that Derick and Cathy's fundy-liteness is rubbing off on Jill.

Oh, did anyone else notice that Jill said she had milk when joking about keeping Spurgeon with her? Very interesting and a departure from Mechelle, who deliberately weaned early for hastened fertility. Yes, some women get pregnant during breastfeeding, but some don't tend to, and it would appear that maybe Jill is one of those and is happy to prolong it as long as possible. Still, it's not birth control, and Zika is a real concern. Derick and Cathy may have helped her see reason when it comes to birth control, but they'll probably hide it from the potential wrath of Boob.

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Well the governments of many effected countries have advised women to use birth control and not become pregnant until the crisis is controlled.  Good grief, even the Pope advised using birth control for a couple of years while Zika is present.  Not that they necessarily know this because they never were consumers of news via TV or radio or newspaper, even when it was in English.  And if they heard about the Pope advising it, that may turn them off.  

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I think if Jill's parents hadn't squandered and buried her potential, Jill would be perfectly happy with the way her life is going.  But the Duggars made their children so afraid of being away from them, they're just stagnating now.  I think Jill would be perfectly happy as a hippie.  I've often thought she would make an excellent kindergarten or preschool teacher if her parents had believed in college.  She seems to really like young children, around 4 or 5.  Babies, like everything else in life, seem to make her nervous.

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16 hours ago, Jeeves said:


Here's the SOS Ministries website: http://www.soshope.org/  They've been tight with the Duggars for a long time, and the Duggs are featured on their site. Their "prospectus" is here, replete with info re their Duggar connection and info on their Central American and other projects: http://www.soshope.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Prospectus.pdf   - Boob's photo is on page 10; other Duggs' photos on following pages. 

So, Bin's working for Boob in Arkansas, and Derick's working for Boob's buddy's missionary organization in Danger America. Next TLC spinoff title: "All in the Family"? 

Page 14 of the report is interesting. SOS doesn't seem to be doing well on fundraising, even with liberal mention of Jim Bob Duggar as their celebrity supporter. Perhaps Boob should cough up some of the 750K SOS still "needs."

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1 hour ago, BradandJanet said:

Page 14 of the report is interesting. SOS doesn't seem to be doing well on fundraising, even with liberal mention of Jim Bob Duggar as their celebrity supporter. Perhaps Boob should cough up some of the 750K SOS still "needs."

SOS brings in donations of $600,000 a year and has assets of $677,438.  The majority of their expenses are traveling expenses, not "ministering."   Mostly what they do is religious tourism – providing tour guides and vacation accommodations for Americans who want to pretend that they are helping the poor, lost souls in the third world.


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11 hours ago, Marigold said:

Jill's apartment was pretty trashed and she knew TLC would film her house.  Jill just can't pull it together?  It's the "can't even mangage to pull it together for TLC cameras" that makes me wonder if she is OK. She doesn't do much. Wouldn't you, at least, get a few boxes and dump your clutter crap in there when the camera is rolling? I have loaded clutter into a few boxes when company is coming! 

To me, that is just plain weird. TLC coming to film your home and you have crap piled all over.

I'm guessing that TLC has always provided a cleaning crew to tidy up the TTH and the various houses where the married kids lived, which is why the chronic mess they live in has never looked overwhelming (because presenting the Duggars in a clean, wholesome light was important to the network's investment in them). It may simply not have occurred to Jill to clean up her filthy house because she expected that TLC would take care of it before the cameras started rolling. After all, sitting around doing nothing while waiting for someone else to do your grunt work for you is as much a part of the Duggars' faith as "buy used and save the difference" or being "joyfully available". But it didn't happen this time, probably because TLC isn't as interested in making the Duggars look good as it used to be.

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9 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

Page 14 of the report is interesting. SOS doesn't seem to be doing well on fundraising, even with liberal mention of Jim Bob Duggar as their celebrity supporter. Perhaps Boob should cough up some of the 750K SOS still "needs."

Especially since, according to Jizm Bob, the Duggars' S.O.S. mission trips have been "life changing." Uh. Yeah. So life changing that it's inspired you to bring cut-price DumDums as your oh so holy contribution to the locals. Good grief.

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1 hour ago, XrystalPond said:

Given that Jill grew up in a home where each person (girls) had specific jobs, being responsible for food, a baby, cleaning, keeping a man happy, and whatever it is she does in terms of missions might be overwhelming. Previously she was a buddy and might have a room to clean. Now she is expected to do more. Sometimes if you let those things get out of control, you do sort of give up. 

That's a good point. IIRC, Jill and Jana did the cooking, Jinger the laundry and Jessa the homefoolin/packing. None of them were ever taught to multi-task. I'm surprised Jill hasn't recruited some girls out of the orphanage to act as Sister-Moms.

What really got me was not putting sheets on the mattresses in the guest bedrooms. It's just so tacky. If you know you're going to have a revolving door of houseguests, buy some extra sheet sets.

Edited by BitterApple
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13 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

That's a good point. IIRC, Jill and Jana did the cooking, Jinger the laundry and Jessa the homefoolin/packing. None of them were ever taught to multi-task. I'm surprised Jill hasn't recruited some girls out of the orphanage to act as Sister-Moms.

What really got me was not putting sheets on the mattresses in the guest bedrooms. It's just so tacky. If you know you're going to have a revolving door of houseguests, buy some extra sheet sets.

And how lovely to have them sleep on the floor where they'll sure to be bothered by the insects and rodents they speak of.

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It seems to be more temporary than long term. Probably why the spare bedroom isn't set up. I can't see the Duggars furnishing a home for future missionaries. They take HUGE advantage of the free accommodations, but ... maybe they will FU internet us and give a big donation somewhere :)

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

That's a good point. IIRC, Jill and Jana did the cooking, Jinger the laundry and Jessa the homefoolin/packing. None of them were ever taught to multi-task. I'm surprised Jill hasn't recruited some girls out of the orphanage to act as Sister-Moms.

What really got me was not putting sheets on the mattresses in the guest bedrooms. It's just so tacky. If you know you're going to have a revolving door of houseguests, buy some extra sheet sets.

I noticed a little girl- maybe 10 years old that was around during the arrival of the family.  I'm thinking she might be the sister mom to Izzy.  

Another note, when Derrick was driving them from the airport, did anyone notice the three joggers on the right?  I'm not sure if they were American - but definitely not Danger American.  Didn't seem as if they were that concerned for their safety while taking a jog.  

On the way to the house, I noticed nicely manicured shrubbery for such a danger zone.  

ETA:  This was funny to me.  When Derrick was talking about their wedding and seeing Jill walk down the aisle- he said something  like  " When I first saw Jill coming down the aisle, I can't even describe the emotions I felt but I  just kinda came to climax."    I'm going to the prayer closet now.

Edited by truthtalk2014
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3 hours ago, truthtalk2014 said:


ETA:  This was funny to me.  When Derrick was talking about their wedding and seeing Jill walk down the aisle- he said something  like  " When I first saw Jill coming down the aisle, I can't even describe the emotions I felt but I  just kinda came to climax."    I'm going to the prayer closet now.

I noticed this too, watching alone and did a double take and said What??? to myself.

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4 hours ago, truthtalk2014 said:

I noticed a little girl- maybe 10 years old that was around during the arrival of the family.  I'm thinking she might be the sister mom to Izzy.  

Another note, when Derrick was driving them from the airport, did anyone notice the three joggers on the right?  I'm not sure if they were American - but definitely not Danger American.  Didn't seem as if they were that concerned for their safety while taking a jog.  

On the way to the house, I noticed nicely manicured shrubbery for such a danger zone.  

ETA:  This was funny to me.  When Derrick was talking about their wedding and seeing Jill walk down the aisle- he said something  like  " When I first saw Jill coming down the aisle, I can't even describe the emotions I felt but I  just kinda came to climax."    I'm going to the prayer closet now.

On behalf of those of us who didn't watch, thanks for sharing this.

Something tells me that nobody who hangs around the Duggars grasps any vocabulary nuances, including those that your average 11 year old understands. If somebody did, they'd probably go mad listening to Duggar talk, I suppose.

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15 hours ago, truthtalk2014 said:

I noticed a little girl- maybe 10 years old that was around during the arrival of the family.  I'm thinking she might be the sister mom to Izzy.  

Another note, when Derrick was driving them from the airport, did anyone notice the three joggers on the right?  I'm not sure if they were American - but definitely not Danger American.  Didn't seem as if they were that concerned for their safety while taking a jog.  

On the way to the house, I noticed nicely manicured shrubbery for such a danger zone.  

ETA:  This was funny to me.  When Derrick was talking about their wedding and seeing Jill walk down the aisle- he said something  like  " When I first saw Jill coming down the aisle, I can't even describe the emotions I felt but I  just kinda came to climax."    I'm going to the prayer closet now.

Derick also said how hard it was for Jill to leave, because, "Once you've had someone ..." and he trailed off. Jill's expression lead me to believe she understood the innuendo there, but maybe that is because they apparently have been accused of of making Izzy prior to marriage.

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20 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

I imagine the heat is getting to Jill too.  Who wants to organize kitchen cupboards and clean counters when you are dealing with high temperature and humidity?

I don't give them a pass for the heat.  I grew up back in the "olden days" (late 60's & 70's).  Our house, car & school didn't have A/C & somehow we managed to survive in 90+ degrees & humidity.  We didn't think anything of it.  We did have fans &  the Dullards were shown to have at least one, which was shown as Izzy's teething toy. Is Jill  so busy she couldn't take a few minutes to throw stuff in the cabinets or boxes, like another poster said? I'll give her a pass for depression , but not heat & laziness.  Once again, what does she do all day?

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On 5/7/2016 at 8:30 PM, SmallTownMom said:

I actually watched most of this episode and I found the family dynamics so strange.  I only get to see my sisters every couple of years, but we about hug each other to death when we get together.  Always oceans of tears when we separate, too.  Jessa was standing with Jill when they were getting ready to leave, saying how close she and Jill are, how they have "walked through" pregnancy and motherhood, yet she couldn't even look at Jill while saying all that. 


Not really that weird.... for a larger family I would expect them to be a little more emotional around each other but my family is pretty much the same and it's me, my parents and my brother (and now his family).  We're not a huggy, touchy-feely, family.  I'm not sure I've ever hugged my brother.  I only started hugging my parents when I see them and when they/I leave when they moved always across the country and even then it's just a short hi and goodbye hug. Nothing super emotional. Some families just aren't like that. 

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I watched/listened with my 3 kids being ratbags, anyway, I thought the TH's were a little more open (as in JB wasn't putting words into everyone's mouths in the back ground).  However, the biggest thing I noticed was Derek said they had decided to come down to CA early in their married life, because later on, the kids would be in SCHOOL and they didn't want to interrupt friendships!  WOW!  I hope their kids go to school!  They will at least have the opportunity for a decent education and the chance to have real friends!  

(This was written with me just reading the posts on page 4, needed to post while it was still in my mind - because it will evaporate for numerous reasons - and I don't know when I will next get back to check out posts in the next couple of days :) )

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23 hours ago, gunderda said:

Not really that weird.... for a larger family I would expect them to be a little more emotional around each other but my family is pretty much the same and it's me, my parents and my brother (and now his family).  We're not a huggy, touchy-feely, family.  I'm not sure I've ever hugged my brother.  I only started hugging my parents when I see them and when they/I leave when they moved always across the country and even then it's just a short hi and goodbye hug. Nothing super emotional. Some families just aren't like that. 

Every family is different. But the Duggars, or at least the older girls, are portrayed as being very close-they are each other's best friends & have "walked thru" the family tragedies together.  Jessa & Jill are supposed to have the marriage & baby bonds. (We know different.)  So when they meet after not seeing each other for months,  it seems strange that they barely hug or acknowledge one another.

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9 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

Every family is different. But the Duggars, or at least the older girls, are portrayed as being very close-they are each other's best friends & have "walked thru" the family tragedies together.  Jessa & Jill are supposed to have the marriage & baby bonds. (We know different.)  So when they meet after not seeing each other for months,  it seems strange that they barely hug or acknowledge one another.

I think they are brought up to not show very much emotion towards one another. Is it because of Josh? Maybe, maybe not.  But I think the side-hugs are a good indicator of that.  

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22 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I think they are brought up to not show very much emotion towards one another. Is it because of Josh? Maybe, maybe not.  But I think the side-hugs are a good indicator of that.  

^^^This. And who knows how many takes the TLC crew did before the "greeting" that made it into the show? We know they pretty much suck at acting.

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57 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

^^^This. And who knows how many takes the TLC crew did before the "greeting" that made it into the show? We know they pretty much suck at acting.

There was a blogger who was on the Duggars ( Sarah Pope- her son was preemie in hospital with Josie) and she said they had to do the intro shot a few times before they got it right, so I would imagine all of this is totally staged re done and re shot. 

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I actually thought Jessa was trying to not cry when saying goodbye to Jill and that's why she was acting weird.  It's the classic "try to avoid eye contact as to not look at them and start crying" move that is pretty common.  Hell, I do it myself.   

I don't like crying in front of people. 

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