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S08.E08: RuPaul Book Ball

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A really good episode, they needed the extra 30 minutes. And I'm also glad that Derrick went home, although I got to like him a little bit better this episode. I didn't like him repeatedly coming for Naomi, and my god, is he unable to hear what people say to him the first 10 times. He tried in the end.


Bob looked so scared before and after the lip sync, but he brought it during the dance. I'm glad he stayed.


I'm also really happy with this group of final four; I don't want any of them to leave. This season feels like it flew by.

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Ring the church bells, Derrick is gone! And wearing another doctored swimsuit outfit no less.

At least Derrick can add "shitty brow work" to her repertoire.

I'm sure other stuff happened, but that's all I care about right now.

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Perfect final four! 


This may have been the funniest judging panel ever. I was cracking up the entire time.  Can we have the Sedarises every week? And well-deserved win for Kim Chi. Her runway looks were stunning this week and I loved her story.


Chi Chi slayed the puppet challenge. And I love that after she won, she (as Bob) said “I never lose a challenge.” LMAO! I also loved Bob using his Kim puppet to walk across the floor. Hee!


I also loved Chi Chi for bringing “Hey Rusie-Q” back. Based on personality alone, Joslyn Fox was one of my favorite queens for being such a good-natured sweetheart.


I adore Bob for not only being able to take it in stride when the other queens throw shade at him, but for also managing to throw shade without it ever seeming mean-spirited. Tonight demonstrated how badly some the other queens could learn from his example. Their shade is so passive-aggressive.


And Derrick threw more shade than anyone, but could never take it and got so defensive when people called him out. Also, I never get the sense that he was being playful when he tossed insults around. He always sounded deadly serious, like he meant it to be as bitchy as it sounded. Maybe it’s just his affect, but it was really off-putting. I won’t miss her, though I’m glad she went out on a really nice note. What Bob said about her was really sweet.

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I ain't mad about it...

Derrick was overdue for leaving, but at least we got to see both his nasty shady side (which Acid Betty spoke of) and his softer side. He really can't paint eyebrows, though...those looked dreadful!

I thought they might put Bob in the bottom two just as a shake-up, but honestly, she deserved it. Not that she was so bad, but Chi Chi did well, Naomi looked amazing (and Derrick is full of crap...she has shown some real talent!), and Kim Chi was awesome.

There is a lot of talent this season, and I wouldn't hate any of them winning.

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The only reason this episode was 90 minutes long was so that they include a whole half hour of Derick self-righteously bitching at Naomi. Fuck you, editors! And good riddance, Britney wannabe! I was really hoping Naomi would go home as well, because I find her to be a bland, vapid swimsuit model and nothing more. I still can't get over how Thorgy was sent home. But I'm all-in for Kimchi, and Bob of course but in that order.

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Bob looked so scared before and after the lip sync

I didn't see it, but if he did it would have been for no good reason. He would have beaten Derrick on a Britney song. He doesn't replicate or inhabit - he interprets. Not a wasted gesture, step or glance.

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I thought it might be a Naomi vs Derrick lip sync because of all the workroom shade.  I think Bob was put in the bottom for drama, plus it'll be a redemption arc for her.


I couldn't watch the end as I would've been ill had Derrick sent Bob home.  Derrick walked out in that nightgown, then the bathing suit with pieces of paper glued on it.   Anyone who lip synched against Derrick should have won on that alone - another damned bathing suit.

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I think it's almost a disservice for the top flying queens (e.g. Tyra, Bianca) to not be forced to the bottom so they can show their lip-syncing skills. Bob murdered that song. She showed she could dance and ham it up equally well.


I guess it's good for the drama, but you'd think by now queens would know that being on the show is winning and they should be focused on presenting the best "face" for their fans. Not actually getting the paper-mache crown at the end. I don't think Derrick did himself a single favor this season. I think it almost would have been better for him to flip the bird to Michelle's advice and do top tier Britany all the time, and show his drag to a bigger audience. Instead he tripped himself up with stuff he's not good at and we only got to see him at peak drag during Snatch Game, where the look is the least important aspect. TL;DR he should have listened to Ru.


Kim Chi blows my mind every construction challenge. I hope his mom comes to appreciate him, because his talent is off the charts.

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Apart from the forced fight between Derrick and Naomi, it was a good episode and the results couldnt be more fair (Naomi could be a close call to win tho). Chi Chi looked her personal best, Bob did a solid job but didnt pushed all the way and Derrick, bless his heart, looked like Jinx after she sleeps with her make up on and wake up the day after, she was waaaay out of her league here that the Lip Sync wouldnt even matter have she done better than Bob (with she didnt).

I agree with some posts above, next week will be hard/close competition (it would be a close one this week too if we had Betty in this top 5 instead of Derrick).

Right now, I´m cheering for Kim Chi, I think she has more to add on the hall of winners from the show, we never have a winner (or maybe even a contestant) with her make up skills and culture background. I think if she markets herself well, she can do alot stuff and be quite sucesfull outside the drag world, with fans of the asian both tradional and pop culture, anime,artist make up.

Edited by Guiaoshi
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And Derrick threw more shade than anyone, but could never take it and got so defensive when people called him out. Also, I never get the sense that he was being playful when he tossed insults around. He always sounded deadly serious, like he meant it to be as bitchy as it sounded. Maybe it’s just his affect, but it was really off-putting. I won’t miss her, though I’m glad she went out on a really nice note. What Bob said about her was really sweet.

A billion times this.  I was thinking about it, and the words themselves weren't any worse than what we've heard.  I imagined Bianca del Rio saying it, and it would be fine.  There is just something in his tone.  And I'm okay with shade throwing, but if you're gonna throw it, you HAVE to be able to take it.  I thought Naomi was taking Derricks shade, in stride....but Derrick just continued to get upset.


BTW, someone last week called it that BOB would have to lip sync this week so that it didn't look like an obvious winners edit......that person is clearly a wizard...so please don't put a spell on me...... :)


I like BOB a lot...and now that I know a little about his story I like him a little more.


Kim Chi absolutely deserved that win.

  Derrick walked out in that nightgown, then the bathing suit with pieces of paper glued on it.   Anyone who lip synched against Derrick should have won on that alone - another damned bathing suit.

I'm completely confused as to how that sequined gown was supposed to pass for towels.

Edited by RCharter
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Yay, Amy and David Sedaris!! Loved all the judges pimping their books before the runway show. It was really interesting to hear David's comments which were from a totally different perspective than we normally get from the guest judges (who are usually just trying to be funny) and more insightful than the usual guest comments.


I was rolling my eyes when Derrick insisted that he would do whatever the judges asked for to show that he's not afraid to take a risk. Dude, it's the EIGHTH EPISODE. Maybe you shouldn't have waited this long to finally listen to their feedback. And let's be real - finally changing your eyebrows isn't the biggest risk as a drag queen.


I also thought it was the pot calling the kettle black when Derrick said that Naomi is stupid and monotone and reminds him of Paris Hilton. If there's anyone who is dead behind the eyes with no personality this season, it's Derrick. I also disagree with Derrick that it doesn't take talent to take a good picture. Try telling that to all the girls on ANTM who were resting on pretty but couldn't take good pictures.


While I get what Bob was saying about opening yourself up to your family because by not letting them see who you really are, you're robbing them of the experience of getting to know you, but at the same time not everyone is lucky enough to have a supportive loving family who is going to be like Bob's mom who, by his own admission, thinks that he's the best thing ever. Case in point: Derrick's relationship with his mother deteriorating after he came out to her.


Ooh girl, what happened this week? Suddenly there was tea all over the work room! Most of the queens were very good natured about what was being said, even when it was not even close to complimentary. Derrick was the only one who seemed to get really defensive about it (and he also seemed the only one who was moving past playful ribbing into mean spirited attacks). Listening to the Derrick/Naomi drama this week reminded me a lot of the Sam/Ken drama on Project Runway: All Stars this season. It's not personal jealousy. Naomi and Ken aren't jealous because they think that Derrick and Sam are better than they are. Naomi and Ken are frustrated that Derrick and Sam's skill levels are so obviously below everyone else's that they don't understand how they have lasted so long on the show. But of course Derrick and Sam don't get that so they are falling back on "everyone is threatened by how awesome I am." Derrick's refutations are so weak that I can't tell if he's stupid or willfully ignorant.


Naomi is a far nicer person than I am because after all the things that Derrick said the previous day in the workroom, I wouldn't have been trying to help him with his brows. As so many of the queens (including Ru) pointed out in this episode, drag makeup is not the same as a regular woman's makeup but that's all Derrick was willing to do for seven weeks.


It was really obvious in the opening number who knew who had watched Strangers with Candy and knew who Jerri Blank was. Bob stood out in rehearsal even in the long shots. He had the character and the body language down.


I loved Kim Chi's continuing story about blossoming through her three runway looks. And she even created the pink flowers surrounding her head! Not only was her book look impressive but I loved that she had an actual concept and a narrative. I totally agree with David that her demeanor was very different when she was dressed as her mother in a traditional gown. She totally deserved this week's win. So happy for her!


Normally I am at least a tiny bit skeptical when a queen cries during judging, especially when they aren't being criticized badly, but I am willing to believe that Naomi really loves her mom. I liked her book dress a lot. It looked dramatic and runway worthy.


Bob definitely listened to Michelle's request to glam it up. His last look had that beautiful silver eye shadow and the big swooping hair. I am glad that Michelle questioned where the books were in his last look and I was surprised that Bob flat out lied about the cardboard parts being from the books. Girl, no.


Derrick's third look was the same fucking thing we see every week. Seriously, COME ON. Once again we have a leotard/bathing suit with some accessories. This week it was just gloves. And despite Derrick's earlier claim that not everything he does is Britney, give me a break. This was just Britney with some pages glued to his top and different eyebrows. And of course his voiceover was all about becoming a Britney impersonator. That makeup was some What Ever Happened to Baby Jane business. The bad eyebrows and the heavy eye makeup together was almost creepy. And why was the mom look the night that Derrick was conceived?


Chi Chi's third look was cute and hid her chest (which I mostly noticed after the mention of her nipples during the puppet show). I love that she's now embracing being country instead of trying to hide it.


Thank goodness Ru chose Bob to stay. Derrick's LSFYL was all Britney to me and all the hair flinging and other stuff like the splits reeked of desperation. Bob was all class after the elimination too.

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I think this season has had really, really good villains. In earlier seasons there was always someone who was just a straight up horrible bitch (I'm a big fan of Roxxxy and especially Phi Phi now, but they were awful back then) and in more recent seasons the editors have blatantly tried to force a villain edit onto queens who were clearly drama-free (Courtney comes to mind). This season, we simply had some strong personalities in Acid and Derrick, whose insecurities made it difficult for them to get along with the other queens. Perfectly non-terrible people who started drama and were fun to root against, yet gracious in defeat. I hope we can keep this up in future seasons.


Kim rocked it this week. Since they essentially did four looks (including the Jerri Blank drag) I'm guessing they had a bit less time to do their makeup for each look, and I'm actually glad she kept it somewhat neutral and focused on her outfits. I have previously felt like she might've been resting a bit on her makeup skills, but this week was a good reminder that she's a true artist and polished as hell. I also loved Naomi's looks, liked Bob's, hated Derrick's and was underwhelmed by Chi Chi's. Probably would've put her in the bottom, but they needed to find a flaw in Bob at some point.


This is still the Bob coronation show, though. They did a good job of evening the playing field here, if only for appearances' sake, but Bob is winning. As much as I'd prefer Kim, Bob is the winner and that's fine. I'm convinced that Chi Chi leaves next week and Team Best Friend Race get to share the runner-up spot.

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Oh wow, still trying to get used to the new setup here.  Ok maybe I'm being cynical but I'm just not buying the whole Naomi vs. Derrick b.s.  It just seemed so out of left field to me and producer manipulated.  I thought Derrick and Naomi were good buds in this competition and now all of a sudden we've got problems with how Derrick does his eyebrows and Naomi's wigs??  Whaaa?


Meh not a fan and not a fan of everyone telling Derrick to beat her mug this way or that way.  So what if she doesn't raise her eyebrows?  Maybe that's not her gig.  Brit doesn't do it so why would an impersonator do it?  And this is coming from someone who isn't a fan of Derrick but IDK I just felt everyone was a little too hard on her this week. 


But happy with the ending and happy with the top 4.  Haven't seen Untucked yet.....

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I know Derrick's eyebrows are the obvious call-out, but can we also talk about the blush? Like, look, I am the least girly-girl and (with the exception of mascara and something to make my ridiculous tomato-face look less red for my sister's wedding) have not worn a drop of makeup for the last decade-plus, and EVEN I KNOW that you don't put a bright pink Nike-swoosh of blush UNDER YOUR CHEEK. There is no excuse for that nonsense, come on now. 

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42 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

Oh wow, still trying to get used to the new setup here.  Ok maybe I'm being cynical but I'm just not buying the whole Naomi vs. Derrick b.s.  It just seemed so out of left field to me and producer manipulated.  I thought Derrick and Naomi were good buds in this competition and now all of a sudden we've got problems with how Derrick does his eyebrows and Naomi's wigs??  Whaaa?

Meh not a fan and not a fan of everyone telling Derrick to beat her mug this way or that way.  So what if she doesn't raise her eyebrows?  Maybe that's not her gig.  Brit doesn't do it so why would an impersonator do it?  And this is coming from someone who isn't a fan of Derrick but IDK I just felt everyone was a little too hard on her this week. 

But happy with the ending and happy with the top 4.  Haven't seen Untucked yet.....

I was actually wondering if part of why Derek was lashing out at Naomi was specifically because he was thinking about his mom this week.  Naomi mentioned a few times (including in this episode) that she was nervous about coming out because her mother was religious, but accepted Naomi completely when she did come out.  Whereas Derek thought his mother would embrace him, but instead she rejected him, and I wonder if those feelings came to a head in this episode and instead of dealing with it, he took it out on Naomi.  Naomi on the other hand, is kinder than I ever would be, because no way would I be helping out someone who was that nasty to me.   

Chi Chi-as-puppet Bob was one of the funniest things I've seen in awhile.  I actually think I would've given the main challenge win to her over Kim Chi, but they were very close.     

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Kim Chi's win was well deserved.  The narrative concept through all three looks as others have mentioned... just great.  And while I loved her final look, I think the middle look, the one of her mother was the best.  Good for her!  I was disappointed though that she decided to be part of the pile on Bob for his make-up.  Yes, Kim Chi is unparalleled when it comes to make-up artistry.  But she hasn't been great in acting  performances, she can't dance, has the worst walk, and since she's never had to lip sync, we have no idea if she can sell a song.  Bob has shown high skills in all those areas.  I know as a front runner the desire to take him down is strong, i just wasn't expecting that of her out of all of them. 

The Derek/Naomi fight felt like all Derek tbh.  My read of the situation is that the judges have been giving Derrick this critique all along but in typical Derrick fashion she is oblivious and Naomi was trying to be helpful.  Naomi did not come off as shady at first, mainly reactive to Derrick who always seems like she's trying to land the first blow (and missing terribly, tbh).  It wasn't til Derrick made it into such a confrontation that Naomi retaliated.  But Naomi never looked really comfortable doing it.  I felt like Derrick read the room and determined that Naomi was the lowest hanging fruit she needed to try to pick off.  We've seen this before when he is feeling insecure he goes on the attack.  Naomi was a better human than me.  I would have told that bitch to kick rocks, not try to help her with her make-up.

Second LSFYL in a row where the winner did a great job in connecting with the music.  Bob worked the song so well!  I loved his Dida-Rtiz move both on his feet and on his knees later.  Also him pulling off a piece of his dress to fan himself.  This is the witty, clever off the cuff stuff that Bob excels at.  Poor Derrick just looked frantic.

I love that Chi Chi takes notes so well.  Her final look was giving me Fire-Bird/Swan Lake realness.  I was here for it!

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33 minutes ago, SFoster21 said:

Silly me.. Thought "books" meant characters from actual books. knowwhatImean?

Still a good show.

I was thinking thats what it meant too, and I was SOOOOOOO excited.  This was good too, but characters from a book would have made me even happier -- because I think we would have gotten amazing looks and learned more about the queens.

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On 4/26/2016 at 10:51 PM, KenyaJ said:

Chi Chi slayed the puppet challenge. And I love that after she won, she (as Bob) said “I never lose a challenge.” LMAO! I also loved Bob using his Kim puppet to walk across the floor. Hee!

OMG, and just yelling "JOKES JOKES JOKES JOKES!" Chi Chi is hilarious. 


I thought the whole thing about "is doing your makeup just like a woman the same as doing drag?" was really interesting, and Naomi really is a sweetheart. She was originally trying to help, and I believe she really did feel bad after the fact.

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Derek, when confronted about his natural makeup, plain dresses and leotards with shit taped to them replies, "Well that's just my drag." Yeah honey, and Magnolia Crawford's drag was a woman in her 60s on "Golden Girls," and you see how far that got her in the competition.

Bob was the true choice to be in the bottom with Derek.  KimChi, Maomi and ChiChi did a wonderful job with the theme.  I was surprised how not good Dereks LFYL was, seeing that he is a pro and all that.


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Oof, Derrick's makeup was terrible, her personality was intolerable, and her final look really was just a collage. Good riddance! Also, how drunk did she seem during untucked? Very. 

Bob nailed the lip sync, had me clapping like crazy. I agreed with everything that happened this episode and I thought judging was hilarious. More episodes like this please (minus about ten thousand words from Derrick). 

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This was probably the first time I wanted Ru to just say there will be no lip sync, Derek sashay away. Bob's look was below the other 3 but I don't think it warranted a bottom 2 appearance. Derek was unanimously the worst based on critiques. But I guess doing that would have been really harsh. 

After coming off super unlikable (to me anyway) for most of the season I do think this episode humanized Derek. I felt really sorry for him when he was talking about coming out to his mother. That might explain why he is so defensive? His 'shade' toward Naomi seemed very harsh vs what she was saying to him. I think it might be a throw back to the first episode when he was miffed Acid Betty said he wasn't fish with Naomi around. Even without Naomi I don't think Derek is pretty enough to be fish. 

I was glad he complimented Chi Chi's outfit in untucked though. He came for her so hard during the Oz challenge but as this challenged proved with a bit more time Chi Chi is WAY above Derek as far as construction and design go. 

Can we crown all 4 remaining queens? I love them all so much for very different reasons. Any one of them would be a fantastic winner. Also this has to be the nicest crop of queens ever. I noticed even the crew seem really fond of them and they seem to interact with the crew way more than the season 7 queens did. 

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God love Naomi, she tried with Derrick. She said "don't do a red eyebrow, it'll look clownish," and what does Derrick do? Show up with a goddamn GLITTER RED eyebrow. And did she make her jawline so mannish on purpose? I know she can tone that shit down, because she did every other week. Oh, Derrick.

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3 hours ago, Jesse said:

OMG, and just yelling "JOKES JOKES JOKES JOKES!" Chi Chi is hilarious. 

"walkintotheclub purse first bam, walkintotheclub purse first bam!" Puppet purse LOVED.IT. But kinda a crappy prize to be responsible for choreographing the dance routine. 

Edited by Dirtybubble
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2 hours ago, Corgi-ears said:


Ugh, right? It's like, if you present a shitty product, telling me you spent hours on it makes it worse, not better. 

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I have to say, I've had a hard time really connecting to Bob throughout the season, but I really warmed up to him this week. Earlier in the season he was always "on", really loud and obnoxious, always reaching for the joke, and generally it all came across as kind of forced and desperate. I feel like he's relaxed a lot, and I'm really enjoying him now.

I especially liked him in Untucked and how open-minded he was to all different forms of drag - acknowledging that whether you're doing comedy, dancing, singing, celebrity impersonation, acting or modeling, it's all drag and it's all valid. We so often see queens bashing the other queens and telling them what they do "is not drag" (I love Naomi, but that was kind of bullshit) so it was refreshing to hear Bob say that really, drag is just dressing up and making art, whatever that art may be. 

So yeah. I thought I'd have a bit of a problem with Bob winning, but I appreciate him now. Still rooting for Kim, even thought it's likely hopeless.

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Yes, Kim Chi is unparalleled when it comes to make-up artistry.  But she hasn't been great in acting  performances, she can't dance, has the worst walk, and since she's never had to lip sync, we have no idea if she can sell a song.  Bob has shown high skills in all those areas.  I know as a front runner the desire to take him down is strong, i just wasn't expecting that of her out of all of them.

Yes, agreed!  I feel Kim Chi will be going next week which is why Ru Paul gave her the win this week. For my money I thought Chi Chi's outfit was the best (YAASSS Michelle I agree) but the final 3 will be Chi Chi, Bob and Naomi.

I think the shade came out for everyone (except Bob really!) because at this point in the game they are getting cabin fever and just start picking on one another.  It is stress more than shade although I was shocked by how nasty it was becoming between Naomi and Derrick.  OUCH x 100.  I thought Naomi was nice to try and help Derrick in the end. HOWEVER as a person who really disliked Derrick all season, it was a relief to see her go.  Her outfit at the end was just terrible.  I LOLed when she came out on the runway.  I actually loved Bob's outfit but when the outfits are all so good you have to go with a technicality and that was it.

I think Ru Paul understands Kim Chi in a way the other queens don't.  Although there are still racist people and homophobic people out there, to be as closeted as Kim Chi is really a throwback from 30+ years back.  As a Korean person I can tell you, there are a LOT of intolerant people out there and the number of suicides for gay people I'm sure will be off the charts.  I've had Korean people tell me quite seriously that Korea doesn't really have gay people (I know - deluded) and I personally know of a lesbian couple who have been together for more than 20 years but still unable to live together under the same roof!!  It is nuts it really is.  I sincerely hope with all my heart that Kim Chi's mum will accept the artistic drag queen that he is.  If she doesn't that is her loss not Kim Chi's.  I hope she finds the love and strength she needs to continue with her career. 

It has been a great season guys and I love the final four!!  Bob for the win!!

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21 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

"walkintotheclub purse first bam, walkintotheclub purse first bam!" Puppet purse LOVED.IT. But kinda a crappy prize to be responsible for choreographing the dance routine. 

What was really funny?  Even the production people on Untucked were doing the "purse first" thing with the purse.  Loved it!

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My take on this episode

Like everyone said the KimChi win was well deserved.  She put a lot of thought and emotion into her looks and told her story well.  I also liked Naomi's baby more than her other looks; the mother look was rather simple.  As for Chichi, I loved her mother and book look but hated her baby look, tho.  I actually loved all of Bob's looks but did agree that he had to be in the bottom because he didn't use any part of the book for his third look. 

Derrick was a complete mess.  His third look was pathetic and the others was just Brittney in costume and not a good one.

No one was better suited to take out Derrick than Bob.  He is known for his lipsync abilities and no one would be able to knock him down.  He understood the feel of the song and did as good a job on it as Chichi did with Thorgy.  I didn't have to see the LSFYL to know that Bob would win that hands down.

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Someone, earlier, had noted that sometimes the songs are somewhat hand-picked to favor one queen.  I've thought about it as the season has progressed, and I think this song was picked to favor BOB.  I have no problem with it, because I really like BOB, but I just thought it was interesting.

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The second Sylvester's song started playing I said 'Derrick's going home.' Please, as if Bob wasn't going to be able to turn that shit out?! And it was Derrick's time to go. When you had the five of them going through their outfits and finally standing their in the book outfits...

"One of these things is not like the others... One of these things just doesn't belong..."

It was a well deserved win for Kim Chi who put together a real narrative... and gods, her mother look was freaking gorgeous. Chi Chi looks exactly like her mother! I loved her looks too. It was a very strong showing by all of them. At this point, our top four is completely deserved and earned and I can't quibble with any of them.

Next week is going to hurt. I don't want any of these four queens to leave now.

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The post about Kim Chi and her mother hit the nail on the head. Reminds me of Margaret Cho's bit about her mom leaving her a voice mail:

"Are you gay? It's okay. Mommy loves you. There are gay people all over the worrrrrllllllld. BUT NOT KOREA!!!"

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The second Sylvester's song started playing I said 'Derrick's going home.

Hell, Bob would have beat Derrick on a Britney song. Derrick would have given us Britney replicant perfection and Bob would have found something fresh to do with it. On the topic of lip syncs, I'm convinced the reason Kim has never been in the bottom (and she got more than a couple of free passes) is Ru knew there was no way to plausibly award her the win and she wanted her in the final four for obvious reasons. I've seen Kim on stage and she could charitably be described as endearingly (and awkwardly) quirky. She's undeniably capable of arresting looks and oozes nerdy charm, but she is not a performer.

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Omg It feels SO FREAKING GOOD to be able to post again. I literally feel the stress of not posting all week slowly draining away. Aaaahhhh.

ITA with so many posts above, I'll just re-mention my love of Chi Chi's Bob puppet and Bob's Kim Chi puppet, my continued pleasant surprisedness (yeah it's a word, LOL) at 21 year old Naomi's overall maturity and kindness especially in this ep with Derrick, Kim Chi's mother's look (I literally gasped, GORGEOUS), my love for Amy and David Sedaris continues to soar, Bob's fantastic LSFYL complete with ripping a page from her dress and fanning herself with it. This season seems to have just flown by vs last season where it felt like it dragged on and on. I would be elated with any of the remaining queens to be crowned even though at the start I stated Bob had me from the get go.

Also, I shop at New York and Co and would freaking LOVE if Bob's beautiful mother would give me tips on how to make it look like I shopped at Saks. Show me, mama!

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So I finally watched Untucked and I'm convinced I could watch BOB just walking around talking.  One of the funniest moments was him walking to the back looking for duck tape and the crew getting worked up because he is there.  *sigh, lurve bob so much*


Honestly this is the point when the Untuckeds get a little dull.  It seemed like ALOT of filler going on but still I would watch these group of queens do nothing than anyone from S7.  #sorrynotsorry


Forgot to mention how good the LS was.  Bob can turn it out!  The fanning himself during the chorus with a piece of her dress was a nice touch.  Well done boo =)

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This was a really good episode, and the Untucked was awesome as well. Great judges, great challenges. I echo another poster in believing that the challenge to dress like mom should happen every season. To generalize, drag queens tend to have very strong bonds with their mothers. So glad Derek finally went home. So glad I finally got to see Bob lip sync. I was interested in the distinction about female illusion makeup and drag. I'd like to hear more about that. Next week's elimination is going to be sad no matter who it is. This has been a great group, and I like how they conducted themselves. Or, 'condoled' themselves. 

I happened to see some instagram pictures of RPDR events, and Cynthia is out there in her roller skating outfits holding a big sign that says CU CU, so I think she's doing ok.

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13 hours ago, lordonia said:

What did Bob make her dress out of? Wasn't it the book covers?

It looked like he was cutting up regular old cardboard, so maybe the cardboard boxes the books came in....and some book covers?

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I thought 4 of the queens, except Derrick, had some really strong looks but for different reasons. I loved Naomi's "Mother" outfit because she was totally giving me a Gloria Vanderbilt look meets latter day Mia Farrow. And I loved Chi Chi's "Mother" look because he reminded me of Season 2 Nene Leakes. 

Edited by Not4Me
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Knowing that Derrick thought his mother would accept him when he came out and that he was surprised when she didn't explains a lot about him, I think, and why he can come across as so detached. He wants to be open with people but seems to misinterpret other people's level of openness and keeps violating that, and then he mistakes other people's caution for hostility or criticism toward himself, which he has a hard time not taking personally.

He does seem like he's trying, and I don't think he's a bad person, but he could probably benefit from some self-reflection. A competitive environment was probably not the best place to show off his warm side.

I rewatched the rest of the season while working on some stuff and in the beginning, he's really trying hard to connect with people but doesn't seem to know how to do that and it comes off as awkward. Then eventually, he just closes himself off because he doesn't seem to understand that he's the one making it all awkward.

He's socially tone deaf. Acid Betty also seems socially tone deaf, but I think she cares less about what other people think of her exterior than Derrick does. Derrick really WANTS people to like him, whereas Acid Betty is herself and if people like it, that's cool, but if not that's also cool.

I'm glad for the Sylvester song since this season has been pulling out all my karaoke jams. I'm also glad BOB killed it.

I really like everybody in this final four. They all bring something different, and I like all of those things.

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He is also a good friend of Bionca Del Rio

I had heard a rumor that he did a roast with Bianca and somehow the word got back to Ru & Co. on how good he was and he was asked to audition for RPDR.  *shrug* not sure if it's true but good for him either way.

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