Supay April 9, 2016 Share April 9, 2016 Quote The race continues in Dubai. As confirmed by the official schedule: Link to comment
ApprenticeFan April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 Press release: Quote TEAMS TRAVEL TO DUBAI WHERE THEY RACE CAMELS AND SWIM WITH SHARKS, ON “THE AMAZING RACE,” FRIDAY, APRIL 15 Link to comment
Mreid April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Good God! Blair and Brody are shown hugging after being eliminated. On with Dubai please 1 Link to comment
Mreid April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Ive been on that shark slide before in Atlantis its noooo joke! Link to comment
Browncoat April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) I think this episode cemented my dislike of Brodie. I was only so-so about him before, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone whine and complain about every little thing as much as he has in the past two eps. Also my dislike of Dana. What a piece of work. Did the women do the Bedouin greeting? Oh my on the gold bathing suits! Sheri, as always, was fabulous, though Cole was a jerk, as usual. But they are the luckiest team ever. First a TBC saves them, then this non-elim leg! Edited April 16, 2016 by Browncoat 7 Link to comment
Haleth April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) Has there ever been a bigger bitch than Dana on TAR? Ohmygosh, she is horrible to Matt. A couple yrs ago we were at Atlantis in the Bahamas and I made a point of doing the big slide to prove to myself I'm braver than whatever her name was (Mica?) at twice her age. While I was congratulating myself I slipped and fell on my butt. Ended up with an enormous bruise. But I did the slide! Edited April 16, 2016 by Haleth 24 Link to comment
Mreid April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Couples have it the hardest on amazing race id much rather race with a family member or friend. Dana is having a meltdown. 1 Link to comment
nottopbravo April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 I'm getting tired of Tyler's constant mugging for the cameras. 14 Link to comment
Popular Post weightyghost April 16, 2016 Popular Post Share April 16, 2016 Dana: "we just bit each other's heads off" Really, what part of his "please let's work together. please get back in the car. please calm down" is biting your head off? he kindly, calmly, asked for clarification on directions that really did sound confusing (slight left on crescent road and then third turn onto crescent road?!), and he's driving in a different country, and suddenly that's cause for her to throw a fit? killer fatigue smashed right through her. 26 Link to comment
SledDog April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) At the risk - read certainty - of sounding like a total sexist pig can I say that Sheri totally rocked that gold bikini. She is a total Mother I'd Like to ... Get to know. Edited April 16, 2016 by SledDog 16 Link to comment
PhD-Purgatory15 April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) Well clearly, Sherri and Cole are part cats. Already on their 3rd TAR life. On one level it was obvious from the beginning that S/C would be finishing last because of the difficulties they had with self-navigation. No matter how intense Matt and Dana's blow up was, it wasn't going to make up for S/C's driving around outside Dubai for who knows how long. On another level, the physical intensity of the camel racing challenge, the frustration of the RB puzzle, and the nice throwback to the most evil water slide in human history made this a pretty good watch. Edited April 16, 2016 by PhD-Purgatory15 12 Link to comment
SledDog April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 12:54 AM, nottopbravo said: I'm getting tired of Tyler's constant mugging for the cameras. Mugging for the cameras is quite literally what he does for a living. 1 7 Link to comment
cooksdelight April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 WTF is going on in Phil's pants? 4 Link to comment
Ducky April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 I don't mind Tyler's mugging.. it's his personality- he seems to do with out trying like other teams have done in the past (Justiiiin....) nor do I mind Cole...he's what 21? Eh... at least he is right there encouraging his mama. Speaking of his Mama Sheri... I'm more impressed with her as the weeks go by. I really like her. She knocked out that bike race (and complained less than the Frisbee boys!). Will be interesting to see if giving up the express pass now will bite them in the ass in the next week or so. Betting Brodie would still be there trying to do it lol. Dana.. omg... as my love for Sheri grows, my dislike for Dana grows. Wow. Amazed they did end up in 5th with how she was acting. I foresee some more meltdowns in the near future. I think I saw Ashley do the Bedouin greeting. Happy to see my faves Zach and Rachel hanging in there. And for the favorite caption of the day... Announcing the prize for Finland... Ellery Sinky... ! (Helsinki I am assuming). So no prizes under the gnomes with cool shades? damn... Would love to try that slide some day. *yes it was Mika with the water wings who couldn't do it. 10 Link to comment
mtlchick April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Just when I start losing faith in a season, the show busts out the camels. Shecky et al, never change. Also, Jerome the Gnome is accessorizing! Head scarf, shades, scuba helmet...he's the new Barbie. Dana? Meh. Sheri...she cries a lot but she's tough. On 4/16/2016 at 1:06 AM, cooksdelight said: WTF is going on in Phil's pants? Uh....showing off his kiwis? He's had the most weird issues with khakis for years. 6 Link to comment
ForeverAlone April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 I liked this leg. It had an interesting mixture of tasks, with all of them being deceptively hard. I giggled at all the teams who thought racing the camels would be fairly easy. I wonder if they knew beforehand the distance they would be racing and if they had any indication of how fast camels can run. I'm going to guess no. I know if I was on this leg, I would rather walk camels one mile in the desert rather than race camels 2 km on a bike. That Roadblock puzzle definitely wasn't easy either. It was also nice to the teams actually driving themselves for the first time in this race. Some teams are definitely better than others when it comes to navigation, and in seasons past, this skill separated the superior teams from the weak ones. I was impressed that Brodie and Kurt (barely) beat the camels in their first racing attempt. It's no surprise that the most physically fit team was able to do it. But they did get lucky at barely beating Burnie and Ashlee to the mat first (I was rooting for Burnie and Ashlee to win this, since they have now become my favorite team in the past few episodes). And even though I know most find Dana and Matt irritating, for some reason, their incessant fighting doesn't bother me THAT much. It reminds me of classic TAR where nearly every dating couple was at each other's throats. I am glad to have a respite from the kumbaya happiness with the other teams. Plus I find their fighting to be amusing and they make me glad to be single. I felt for all the teams about having to wear those ridiculous swim suits. Yikes! The one thing I had a sinking feeling about, was that this was a non-elimination leg. I thought that was rather crap after two legs ago was a TBC leg, particularly since it saved Cole and Sheri for the second time. Boooo!!! Granted, I thought Sheri did really well on the camel racing 2nd attempt (I figure they must have had a huge lead on the 2nd attempt to be able to beat the camels, because that first attempt killed nearly everybody's legs). With the editing, I couldn't tell how good Cole was at the Roadblock, but at least he didn't really whine. Oh well. 6 Link to comment
Haleth April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 I am amazed the frisbee boys beat the camels without the 1500 m head start. I don't begrudge them a little complaining about being tired or sore. As far as the other option... camel cozies! I don't think any of the women did the greeting. 4 Link to comment
ByaNose April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) Sheri and her bikini....very impressive. And, on the men's side I would say that Burnie filled out his shorts quite nicely & huge pecs. I thought Brodie or Kurt would have filled out the shorts better but Burnie had a much better display. LOL!!! I want to go on the slide and race with the camels. Dubai looks beautiful and so glamorous. I wonder what the cost of living is for Americans who have moved over there? Is it cheap with so few jobs or is like Hawaii with lots of jobs but everything is soooooo expensive? Edited April 16, 2016 by ByaNose 1 Link to comment
Lantern7 April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Looks like the Killer Fatigue is getting to teams. Because of their need to keep fans, they're not going really overboard. I don't think there's a detestable person or team like Logan & Chris last season. Or Scot and Jason over on Survivor. Or at least half the cast on the current season of The Real World. I'm guessing the camels had to be muzzled in order to protect the Racers. That's a pity. I probably would have done that Detour because I don't know how to ride an actual bike, let alone outrace a camel in one. Nice for the show to slag Mika. The final task would have killed her before the button would have been pressed with the coffin-style entrance. I'd be scared about getting stuck. It's funny when Homer Simpson gets wedged, but I really wouldn't want to risk that. And I'm hoping the bathing suits aren't something the show concocted to embarrass the cast. I do have to agree with the others . .. Sheri wore hers well. I don't think using the Express Pass will bite Brodie & Kurt in the butt. Going all-out on tasks probably will. I bet they're still sore months after racing the camels. 5 Link to comment
Peanut April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 My sister was offered a position at The Sail. Dubai is incredibly expensive. Dana's meltdown was...impressive. I'm bummed they didn't come in last after that, even with a non-elimination leg. 1 Link to comment
TV Anonymous April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Why was Rachel not in gold bikini? 5 Link to comment
sinycalone April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 I can't fault Team Frisbee for being spent and sore after racing the camels,... then talking about it. That was an impressive feat. Matt looked like he was literally ready to throttle Dana on the mat. And I felt the same way. WTH....he was being reasonable, and she was being a shrew. 6 Link to comment
Heather Lynn April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 12:51 AM, Haleth said: Has there ever been a bigger bitch than Dana on TAR? Ohmygosh, she is horrible to Matt. Off the top of my head, Flo and the woman who said her boyfriend wasn't someone who finished anything. When he mentioned his military career, she said that, since he was a POW, he didn't finish that either On 4/16/2016 at 1:27 AM, TV Anonymous said: Why was Rachel not in gold bikini? She was but put a tank top over it. Can't say I blame her on that slide. 9 Link to comment
TiredMe April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Dana is pretty damn annoying. Then to act like he was behaving the same. Please I don't care one way or another about Brodie and Kurt but I was on the edge of my couch when they were racing the camels. And I wanna try that slide! I really haven't had a fav thru this season so I'm not bummed at eliminations or non eliminations. 2 Link to comment
SledDog April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 1:17 AM, ByaNose said: Dubai looks beautiful and so glamorous. I wonder what the cost of living is for Americans who have moved over there? Is it cheap with so few jobs or is like Hawaii with lots of jobs but everything is soooooo expensive? Something close to 85% of the population of Dubai are foreign workers, probably including most of the people that the contestants met. The bulk of those are Asian or from the Indian subcontinent (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) Conditions for Westerner guest workers are acceptable even though the place is very expensive. Companies will offer Westerners living allowances. Conditions for the vast majority of guest workers are deplorable; low pay, barracks that would be found cruel and unusual for any American prison outside of Maricopa County Arizona, and workers generally get a chance to go home once a year if that. For those workers its about as close to slavery as you can get while still getting paid. Horrendous. 15 Link to comment
allboys April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 It looked like the women weren't allowed in the Bedouin camp. I wonder what would have happened if an all woman team had made it to that stop. 9 Link to comment
ForeverAlone April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 2:02 AM, allboys said: It looked like the women weren't allowed in the Bedouin camp. I wonder what would have happened if an all woman team had made it to that stop. I had the same thought. :) 2 Link to comment
ByaNose April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 2:02 AM, allboys said: It looked like the women weren't allowed in the Bedouin camp. I wonder what would have happened if an all woman team had made it to that stop. I think if any two woman teams had made that it far it wouldn't have happened. I wonder if they had to cut out any of the discussions about the woman not doing it or was just written on the task clue?! It would have been an interesting topic but this show is about the race and not about social topics. 2 Link to comment
Rick Kitchen April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 They should have made them ride a camel instead of a bike. I wondered if those bones were just put out for decoration. Cole sounded like he was having a great time on the camel race. And even after they got lost and had to ask directions, he was having fun. #FreeMatt Did Dana have a cell phone? No, Dana, he did not rip your head off. He was very calm. Just shut it, you heinous ... 3 Link to comment
Primetimer April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Sleepy sharks and speedy camels await the Amazing Racers in Dubai, where one team totally comes unglued in the desert heat. Read the story 1 Link to comment
Popular Post Albino April 16, 2016 Popular Post Share April 16, 2016 Quote WTF is going on in Phil's pants? Camel toe? 28 Link to comment
Maharincess April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 1:27 AM, TV Anonymous said: Why was Rachel not in gold bikini? I came here to ask the same thing. Doesn't seem fair that every person but her had to wear the gold suits. Link to comment
Brookside April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Anyone else notice how terrified Cole looked on the water slide? Phil's trousers -- always a source of entertainment. 4 Link to comment
LittleIggy April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 2:02 AM, allboys said: It looked like the women weren't allowed in the Bedouin camp. I wonder what would have happened if an all woman team had made it to that stop. The women team members went into the oasis camp where they got the bread and camel milk. If you mean where they got the gnome and the clue, perhaps an all women team would have had to wear a hijab to get the clue. I would hope TAR would always respect local customs. 4 Link to comment
millennium April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 I can't wait for this season to be over. 1 Link to comment
Netfoot April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Wow. Blair was eliminated last episode and they're still pushing the #Blodie #Bullshit. Monkey Boy: Hmm! I'm in a shark tank, and I'm already wearing a metallic gold plantain pouch, so let me try not to attract their attention too much... "WOOOO-HOOO!!!" Dana was pretty uncomfortable with her swimsuit top. Why exactly I don't know. She totally lost it, later on. Maybe hydrostatic pressure on the brain? Oh, and speaking of the waterslide -- it is, like, the world's largest bidet! 1 Link to comment
Jaye April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) Rachel did wear a gold bikini. She just put her t-shirt on over it. Edited April 16, 2016 by Jaye 4 Link to comment
Muffyn April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 The quote of the night for me was from Burnie, paraphrasing, "Whoever put us in these gold suits and in very cold water, thank you," said with a smile. 12 Link to comment
Charlesman April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 12:54 AM, nottopbravo said: I'm getting tired of Tyler's constant mugging for the cameras. I was annoyed by magician Zach and his grabbing the gopro and continuing to fake-scream into it after landing at the bottom of the slide. 5 Link to comment
biakbiak April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) Quote I don't think using the Express Pass will bite Brodie & Kurt in the butt. Going all-out on tasks probably will. I bet they're still sore months after racing the camels.I think it could because they used it only to come in first and clearly a few teams are very close on their heels on a leg that will probably also have a flight bunch. On 4/16/2016 at 4:35 AM, LittleIggy said: The women team members went into the oasis camp where they got the bread and camel milk. If you mean where they got the gnome and the clue, perhaps an all women team would have had to wear a hijab to get the clue. I would hope TAR would always respect local customs.I imagine they would have just handed over the clue without doing the nose rubbing. Edited April 16, 2016 by biakbiak 2 Link to comment
GaT April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 What was the point of making them wear the gold bathing suits? I never understand when stuff like this happens, & do the women get a heads up that they're going to be in a bathing suit so that they can shave anything that needs it? 5 Link to comment
Quilt Fairy April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) On 4/16/2016 at 1:02 AM, SledDog said: At the risk - read certainty - of sounding like a total sexist pig can I say that Sheri totally rocked that gold bikini. She is a total Mother I'd Like to ... Get to know. She is clearly..... gifted. I was interested to see if that bikini top was still going to be on at the bottom of the water slide. And we are clearly a long way from the days when the bathing suits provided to the contestants looked like the tank suits we were handed to wear in high school. I'd also like to know what kind of device Dana was using to get directions. It doesn't look legal (race-wise). All the other teams were still reading the paper clue as usual. In other news, what a bitch. I know teams in other seasons have used the Express Pass the same way the Frisbee guys did, but in my opinion it should be used to save you from being eliminated, not to make sure you come in first. Again. Edited April 16, 2016 by Quilt Fairy 9 Link to comment
gryphon April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Quote Speaking of his Mama Sheri... I'm more impressed with her as the weeks go by. I really like her. She knocked out that bike race (and complained less than the Frisbee boys!). She really rocks. Still can't stand her son but she is pretty awesome. I agree--use the express pass when you think you're about to be eliminated, if you can...not just to get another first place. I understand that placing first is important to the WOOO Bros but I'd think it would be better used if you've spent an hour or so on a puzzle and teams are passing you. Although, he did spend time on the puzzle..I wonder how long. Dubai is on my list of places to go. And hi to Shecky's friends! 4 Link to comment
biakbiak April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) I don't get Korey saying Bernie didn't give them the hint. He quite clearly screamed "front" in response to their question. I think Rachel just put her tank top over the bikini when going down the slide which is actually very smart. Edited April 16, 2016 by biakbiak 4 Link to comment
waldrons April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 >>Did Dana have a cell phone?<< I was looking at it carefully, and believe it was a camera (which surprised me, as I've always wondered why we never see them taking pictures). I think she just disengaged... and I also think she looked disappointed when Phil said, "You're still in it!" Yes, she's a shrew, but that wasn't the first time he had asked her for directions and then didn't listen to the answer. I know that Sheri and Cole haven't done any traveling, but one of the things you learn when traveling is, if you think you're lost, don't keep going!!! Stop, pull over, review the directions/map, ask somebody. Don't keep driving and hoping somehow the right path will reveal itself. Plus, when Sheri was complaining that there wasn't anything around, she was driving past some buildings about a block off the road -- yes, they're not on your path, but come on, see if you can find someone there!!! As one of the women was climbing the stairs to the slides in the gold bikini, a local woman was walking down, fully covered, head-to-toe (although her face was visible) in the type of outfit worn by Muslim female athletes in the Olympics. (I just Googled it... it may have been a burqini.... yes, apparently that's a thing...) 1 Link to comment
J-Man April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 I wonder if any of the Race planners are old enough to remember the old cigarette advertising slogan "I'd walk a mile for a Camel." 8 Link to comment
Quilt Fairy April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 Quote >>Did Dana have a cell phone?<< I was looking at it carefully, and believe it was a camera (which surprised me, as I've always wondered why we never see them taking pictures But she was reading directions from it that sounded like GPS directions. Or is it possible they asked someone to Google directions and she took a picture of that person's screen, and that's what she's reading? It just looked like something not allowed on the race. Link to comment
jjj April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 On 4/16/2016 at 1:23 AM, Peanut said: My sister was offered a position at The Sail. Dubai is incredibly expensive. Except for gasoline -- doctor friend who just spent six months there said gasoline was so cheap, and water (bottled) was so expensive. On 4/16/2016 at 2:59 AM, Rick Kitchen said: I wondered if those bones were just put out for decoration. I had the same thought -- it looked arranged, versus found in nature. 1 Link to comment
RCharter April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 (edited) 1. I wonder how Rachel got out of having to wear that gold bathing suit 2. Silver Lining - I didn't have to see Scott in that gold bathing suit, and I think he would agree with me 3. I really like Burnie and Ashley -- that seems like a really great relationship 4. Credit where its due - Cole may be useless, but I like that he doesn't get upset or guilt Sheri, because I think he easily could and she would feel terrible 5. Wow Dana, just wow -- I don't like the excuse of "well this is just how I am." Yes, that may be how you are, but as she later said, that's really no excuse. I bet she is wondering why that engagement hasn't turned into a marriage yet, and she may want to re-watch this footage. I don't think people have to control their emotions, but I think people can control their behavior. Being upset and frustrated is perfectly reasonable, but her behavior isn't reasonable. I'm glad that she seems to recognize her issues, but if she was dating anyone I knew I would tell them to think twice before committing to her for a lifetime. On 4/16/2016 at 1:21 AM, Lantern7 said: Looks like the Killer Fatigue is getting to teams. Because of their need to keep fans, they're not going really overboard. I don't think there's a detestable person or team like Logan & Chris last season. Or Scot and Jason over on Survivor. Or at least half the cast on the current season of The Real World. What I'm noticing is a case of "Killer Lack of Helpfulness" which some people correctly predicted would happen as the field was whittled down. Burnie straight up ignored the other two and they seemed a bit miffed. *ETA -- I see that others have answered Question #1....did she talk about it on Twitter? I didn't see any gold on the bottom either, but I could have missed it. Edited April 16, 2016 by RCharter Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo April 16, 2016 Share April 16, 2016 I thought that Burnie and Ashley were a great team this week. When Ashley said she couldn't do the bike racing again, he immediately said (without any judgment, accusation, or meanness), "Do you want to switch? Okay, let's switch tasks." He was so calm and non-dickish about it that it sounded like he was asking, "Oh, you don't want pasta for dinner? How about tacos? Sounds good to me!" I feel like a lot of times when only one person in the team wants to switch tasks, we often see the other person get an attitude about it or try to convince the other person to stay at the first task, so it was nice to see him not do either of those things. I also liked how much they enjoyed taking their camels for a walk (as opposed to Dana bitching the entire time). Side note: camel milk is really good for you! It's supposed to be better for you than milk from cows or goats. The one thing I will say in defense of Dana's behavior later is that she was reading directions to their destination and he was clearly not listening and then asking her to repeat the same directions AND questioning whether they were correct, which is really annoying. Look, dude, she hasn't been to Dubai before either. It's not like she's tellng you how to get to her house or somewhere she's been a million times. She is reading the directions to you as they appear in front of her. She can't tell if they're right or not any more than you can so just listen to what she's saying and follow the directions. But yeah, her meltdown was painful to watch. I was totally cracking up when Phil said everyone had to solve a puzzle after swimming with the sharks and then they showed the "puzzle" which is essentially an even easier version of those water games you give to six year old kids in the summer (I remember I had one where you had to get tic tac toe inside a water filled plastic thing and another one where you had to get separate different colored rings onto sticks with the corresponding colors inside a plastic rectangle). So it just made it even more hilarious when Dana kept whining about how she hates puzzles and she's not good at puzzles. This was BARELY a puzzle. It had four pieces that you had to put into the matching shaped hole. Children do more complicated puzzles than this. The other reason I loved this task is that I always enjoy when the racers have to do something that requires them to be calm and patient instead of frantic and flailing and fast. Case in point: Brodie. If they hadn't used the express pass, he would have been screaming at that "puzzle" all damn day because he refused to just take a deep breath and be calm. I am afraid of heights so that water slide was something I would not want to do. Mr. EB, on the other hand, said he would love to do that at least ten times in a row. 10 Link to comment
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