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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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I really enjoyed Wes Craven's films.


I find Scream utterly fantastic, a horror film that spoofs the genre while simultaneously being a good example of the genre. 


My best friend and I used to scare her little brother by singing the Nightmare on Elm Street nursery rhyme outside his bedroom.  "One, two, Freddy's coming for you ..."

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Wes Craven was also a writer (maybe also "graduating" to producer & director) on The Partridge Family, back in the day.

Also... "Self-Help Guru" & Author Dr. Wayne Dyer died, at age 75. Supposedly he'd been diagnosed with Leukemia awhile back, but nothing was stated in his obit as his cause of death.



Former Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel Died at Age 95.


Edited by BW Manilowe
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If there's a Heaven-and I believe there is- I can imagine the conversations that Dr. Sacks would have with Robin Williams, who played him so beautifully in Awakenings.


Dr. Sacks was an honorary director of the US Freedom From Religion Foundation.  In 2013, he wrote:


I have no belief in (or desire for) any post-mortem existence, other than in the memories of friends and the hope that some of my books may still ‘speak’ to people after my death.
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I was talking about my  beliefs, but if Dr. Sacks didn't believe in organized religion, I won't hold it against him.


  Truly sad news about Wes Craven.  A true Hollywood/horror icon.

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That is seriously the most beautiful rendition of "Bring Him Home" I've ever heard. I love that song, and I sang it to my great grandmother the night she died. Wow, what a voice. RIP, Kyle Jean-Baptiste. This is so sad. He was one amazingly talented young man.

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Actually, I'm a bit surprised Miss Carne lived as long as she did as it seemed almost certain that she'd die young from her addictions or her physical traumas.  Well, she was an excellent comedienne and it's too bad that she didn't have much of a career after "Laugh In".

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Way back when I was just a little Moose, Adam-12 was the first TV show I remember becoming a favorite, and Pete Malloy was my favorite character, maybe because he got to drive that cool Plymouth patrol car. I may have to break out the DVDs tonight. Rest in Peace, Martin Milner.

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JUST read about Jackie Collins, damn!  What a secret to keep for 6 1/2 years!


While I read about 90% of her books, I always went back to her Lucky Santangelo novels....Lucky was a beautiful, kick-ass woman who lived her life like a man with no regrets, she was my favorite fictional character ever.


RIP and condolences to the Collins family.


(Rumages through closet to re-read Chances from the beginning, tears in eyes)

Edited by Vixenstud
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 A true loss. Jackie Collins was one of my favorite authors and Lucky Santangelo is my favorite Collins character. Lucky was a badass bitch in the best way. She protected her family/friends and unleashed Hell on her enemies. Jackie Collins' books define "guilty pleasure": something you shouldn't want, but you love it anyway.


RIP to a great writer and a great lady.

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RIP playwright Jack Larson, best known as Jimmy Olsen from 50s TV series The Adventures Of Superman


Tidbits from the NY TImes obit: 

  • He had a romantic relationship with dreamy actor Montgomery Cliff.
  • He started writing plays in high school.
  • He dropped out of HS, convinced that his bowling talent would lead to a professional sports career.
  • After his agent told him Superman had no sponsor and was unlikely to see the light of day, he agreed to film 26 episodes.
  • His partner of 35 years, actor/writer/director James Bridges, was Oscar-nominated for writing The China Syndrome and The Paper Chase.
  • He swore off fan events after a 1988 incident in Cincinnati in which Sharpie-wielding autograph seekers permanently stained a white linen suit he had had made in Italy.
  • His house in Brentwood was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.


Any you thought he was just Jimmy Olsen.  ;-)

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I was kind of surprised not to see Marcia Strassman on the Emmy memorial last night, as well as Yvonne Craig being missing. Some of the omissions I can understand a bit better because they could be considered more film-related as opposed to TV, but to not have Mrs. Kotter/Nurse Baker  and Batgirl in the death montage seemed wrong to me.

Edited by St. Claire
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