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Here Comes Honey Boo Boo - General Discussion

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If it's that much, June will blow through it in a year and not set aside anything for taxes. On a couple of the ET and E! shows tonight, someone asked her if she had a manager to help her with all of this and she said "I'M the manager. I will tell my story with the right person when the time is right."

In other words.... show me the money.

Over on the E News site, they apparently spoke to McDaniel's son who maintains his father is innocent and was wrongly accused. I wonder if it's the same son who was chumming it up with Pumpkin -- who witnessed the abuse.


The problem is - he wasn't "ACCUSED".  He was convicted. That means he either pled guilty, or a judge/jury found him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.  


From my experience with similar cases, they usually have a number of offenses, each incident being a separate offense, and then they choose the one or two offenses that have the most evidence, and try the guy for those specific charges.   OR -  list,  a number of charges, and get him to plead guilty to two, to get a reduced sentence.  It wouldn't mean he didn't do the others, only that the conviction focused on what was provable. 


A guy is not going to be sentenced to ten years based only on one little girl making an accusation. 

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Unfortunately, these types of cases are hard to prove, and Mr. McDaniel was actually convicted.  This says to me that there was some very good evidence against him.  He wasn't convicted of his crimes against Anna, but for crimes he committed against another child.  He's a predator, point blank, and this is not the type of thing that can be rehabilitated.  It's sick, but I have no doubt that he looks at Alana in a sexual way.  WTF is June thinking?? She is truly ignorant and stupid.

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I'm no fan of this show or this family, but I saw Anna on ET tonight and she brought tears to my eyes.  She totally broke down in the arms of the interviewer.  I think the interview is going to be shown tomorrow night.


I think it was Nancy Grace that was also talking about child abuse cases on ET.  Apparently she has a great deal of experience with prosecuting child molesters.  She said that in all the cases she has known about, the mother has never taken the side of the child.  They always side with the abuser.

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My conjecture was that June perhaps testified to the grand jury, calling Anna a liar and raising reasonable doubt. The court document is very specific with 8-year-old Anna's detailed testimony, and I believe they would have indicted McDaniel if June had supported Anna.


An 8-year-old girl can't make that stuff up.  No way can she give a detailed description of oral sex unless she experienced it.  June is a disgrace to motherhood, womanhood, and the human race.

  • Love 10

I'm no fan of this show or this family, but I saw Anna on ET tonight and she brought tears to my eyes.  She totally broke down in the arms of the interviewer.  I think the interview is going to be shown tomorrow night

Thanks for the heads up. I don't think I can watch. That poor thing. I hope her inlaws and husband are a good support network.

I heard of one very rare case where a child was exposed to porn and then claimed the acts she witnessed on the porn were done to her. There was a custody battle and the mother had brainwashed her child to make the accusations. But I don't for a minute believe that Anna is making up lies. As others have posted, the evidence was overwhelming enough to convict this creep.


There's an opportunity here for the slimy TV hosts who interview June to aggressively confront her about her obvious lies and despicable behavior. It would be win-win: treat June like the foul creature she is, and chalk up big ratings. The question is whether June is canny enough to avoid this, or deluded enough to believe she could control the interview.  I also question whether any network would broadcast an interview that shows her in a favorable light.


What's next for the desperate-for-fame-and-money Boo Boos? A book?


Random thought: in her community, the house June looked at probably cost about $200K.

Edited by pasdetrois

The question is whether June is canny enough to avoid this

If June smells a payday, she's going for it. The TLC money train has left the station and she's got mouths to feed and a pedo to support.

June isn't fooling anyone, except those dumb enough to believe this staged photo op was anything other then a ploy to try to get people off her back.

She probably paid Sugar Bear off with a case of Mountain Dew and a couple tins of Skoal to be seen with her.

I can't believe how huge Alana is. What an absolute shame.

I didn't watch, but read this morning that she admitted nothing in that E interview and kept repeating, "The truth will come out." Ok. Well, A) the truth is ALREADY out; and B) that means she hasn't had to time meet with a lawyer yet to get a story together.

Edited by Guest

June looks much smaller than I remember in those photos. I guess it's hard to see her weight loss because she still has that chin/neck situation going on. And Alana seems to be developing the same thing. 


Really glad Anna is away from these people and seems to have a good support system in her husband. What a shame this whole family is. I'm not sure what SB is thinking. I hope it's that he is playing nice to get access to Alana, but worry it's because he wants the show back. 

In that kind of situation (when someone tells something is not true), I always ask myself a question : Ok, so if it's not true, who lied, when and why ?


... In that case, it would mean that Anna lied 12 years ago (why ?), and the other molested child(-ren ?) lied also. Once again, why ?


... And, cherry on the cake, it means that Anna is still lying... It doesn't make any sense, because when we read what June and Pumpin said, it's like if Anna had known 12 years ago that they'll be on a TV show, and that uncle Poodle will need her "false allegations" in order to use them 12 years later ?!?!? Really ?!?


That makes no sense at all.


EDIT : spelling...

Edited by Diane Mars

June told E! that she and Cardwell are currently on speaking terms.  "I talk to her — I talk to all my kids," June said. "We're all doing fine. We're just hanging out as a family and handling it privately. The protection of my kids is my No. 1 priority."



think it was Nancy Grace that was also talking about child abuse cases on ET.  Apparently she has a great deal of experience with prosecuting child molesters.  She said that in all the cases she has known about, the mother has never taken the side of the child.  They always side with the abuser.


Not surprising. These monsters are cunning manipulators. They rationalize to a child to not only DO these despicable acts, but not to tell anyone about them, and that what they're doing is okay. They use those same disgusting powers of persuasion and manipulation on the mothers of the victims to get them to believe their side and not to leave or prosecute them.


As for today's photo op with Sugie, you know that June paid him, or made a deal for him to have access to Alana.  She's doing damage control, as if the viewing public were as ignorant and gullible as she is. 

June told E! that she and Cardwell are currently on speaking terms.  "I talk to her — I talk to all my kids," June said. "We're all doing fine. We're just hanging out as a family and handling it privately. The protection of my kids is my No. 1 priority."



Oh, please. What a lying sack of .... horse manure.

I'd love for Nancy Grace to get ahold of her ass on TV.

If there is one thing I'll give Nancy...she doesn't hold back and will go there with her guests...if only Andy was same on those damn Housewives Reunions......wait...why not just get Nancy to host the reunions...


...sidenote, I apologize for derailing the convo...but Nancy, love her or hate her...she usually does say what most are thinking.

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Even if they aren't together (and I think she's lying esp with TLC being concerned enough to pull the plug) why would she still be on speaking terms with someone who was convicted of being a child molester so horribly that he went to prison for 10 years on a plea bargin? Who raped at least one of your daughters? That doesn't make it any better. Why would she let him around her kids again? The only things these bozos had was that they were allegedly a loving happy family in the midst of poverty and lack of hygiene, manners, talent, education, vegetables or anything else, now its been proved to have  been a complete lie from the start.  

  • Love 5

I agree. It's all semantics. Lover, friend, sugar mama....June being ANYTHING to this guy is sick, sick, sick. There is no justification.

she bought him a car for god's sake.  I think that's showing he's more than a "friend" in her mind.

June is probably losing weight to look more attractive to this guy...

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June is probably losing weight to look more attractive to this guy

It's possible but June could drop 200 pounds, get a face transplant to look like Kate Moss, and that creep would still have no interest in her. She gives him access to children--that's all he wants.

Her mother is going to be on ET tonight. I hope she rakes her through the coals.



“What my reaction was is I wanted to kill him,” Hale confessed of the day she found out McDaniels had been molesting the now 20-year-old mom.  “I took her to the police station and filed the charges on her behalf because she was a minor,” she continues. “I was looking out for her best interests and I wasn’t going to let this go away.”


Asked if she thinks 9-year-old Honey Boo Boo could be a target for McDaniels, Hale responds, “Yes. The reason I say that is because that’s about the same age he likes. [The same age] he messed with Anna.”  She also firmly believes that her daughter is involved with McDaniels again, despite Mama June’s insistence that she’s not.  “I feel they have [been seeing each other], yes,” she says. “Because pictures don’t lie.”



Poor Anna. She is so messed up. How do you not believe your own kid? I don't care if it was Mr. Ghoulina my kids accused; I would take them seriously and not just cast them off.

You know, I never watched this show because I liked this family (although I did kind of like SB and Pumpkin). I watched it to snark with you guys. But now I just feel dirty.

I know parents who dont. They choose their man over their own kid. Even after the kid gets taken away

Even if they aren't together (and I think she's lying esp with TLC being concerned enough to pull the plug) why would she still be on speaking terms with someone who was convicted of being a child molester so horribly that he went to prison for 10 years on a plea bargin? Who raped at least one of your daughters? That doesn't make it any better. Why would she let him around her kids again? The only things these bozos had was that they were allegedly a loving happy family in the midst of poverty and lack of hygiene, manners, talent, education, vegetables or anything else, now its been proved to have been a complete lie from the start.

Can't believe she traded sugar bear for this trash. How low does her self esteem have to be

So he abused Anna, with Pumpkin in the bed with them. He most likely abused Pumpkin too and she was too young to remember or buried it. He was left alone with both girls. What a nightmare.

He probably did abuse both girls. My question is if June known about it why did she allow it to happen? Thank goodness Alana has sugar bear as her father. He's the only normal one in that family. Now Anna will never trust her mother again. And will needs tons of therapy along with Pumpkin.

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It's possible but June could drop 200 pounds, get a face transplant to look like Kate Moss, and that creep would still have no interest in her. She gives him access to children--that's all he wants.

Her mother is going to be on ET tonight. I hope she rakes her through the coals.

Bingo. I haven't looked at the stats in a long time, but I doubt they've changed drastically. Despite boogie man fears about gay people or poor, sex-starved losers, the typical pedophile is a heterosexual male with access to one or more adult sexual partners. Doesn't matter. They're after children.

Those here in the field may be able to confirm or update that. I've been out of volunteer victim advocacy for several years.

Chubbs is being awfully quiet during all of this. Which worries me. A lot.

Have been thinking the same thing. It could be she's actually being smart and staying out of the fray. But there's that other scenario that sickens.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Yup, I've been worrying about Chubbs as well. Prior to this mess I never paid any attention to their social media, news reports, etc. So I don't know if Chubbs is typically as defensive and outspoken as Pumpkin, but she sure is loud around the house. I worry that maybe she'd not defending the family because she has something to say, but doesn't feel safe doing so - being that she still lives at home. 

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I have a very bad feeling about all this.    This is pure speculation on my part.   100% WAG.   But when June says "the truth will come out" and it is clear she has been spending time with this guy but she says they are not dating, I am really worried she is married to this scum.    Maybe even married him before he went to jail.   Sugar Bear was just company while he was "away" but then Alanna came along.   So they shacked up, but never married.


Of course if this is true -- and that is a HUGE IF -- that means Bravo knew she was married to a convicted pedophile when they did the "committ" ceremony with Sugar Bear since they couldn't do a wedding.    Which raises the ick factor 100%.   Maybe they thought she wouldn't be dumb enough to go back with him when he got out but would divorce him quietly.   


You have no idea how much I hope this pure speculation is 100% wrong.   

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I just think June was bluffing when she said "the truth will come out".

It's possible but June could drop 200 pounds, get a face transplant to look like Kate Moss, and that creep would still have no interest in her. She gives him access to children--that's all he wants.

I'm certain of *that* but I bet June thinks differently. Or is trying to believe it.

I have a very bad feeling about all this.    This is pure speculation on my part.   100% WAG.   But when June says "the truth will come out" and it is clear she has been spending time with this guy but she says they are not dating, I am really worried she is married to this scum.    Maybe even married him before he went to jail.   Sugar Bear was just company while he was "away" but then Alanna came along.   So they shacked up, but never married.

Wouldn't there have been something in public record that would have shown up by now if they had gotten married?

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June: "The truth will come out..."

Okay, then, sweetie, what the hell would that "truth" be? Oh, wait, you don't have a reasonable explanation because there isn't a single scenario in which even being in the same room as your daughter's abuser that doesn't end with him in a body bag excuses your associating with him...but if you imply that there might be one, say, on the Planet WTFuckery in a parallel universe, you can buy a more time to set up more photo op smokescreens?


Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 8

I have a very bad feeling about all this.    This is pure speculation on my part.   100% WAG.   But when June says "the truth will come out" and it is clear she has been spending time with this guy but she says they are not dating, I am really worried she is married to this scum.    Maybe even married him before he went to jail.   Sugar Bear was just company while he was "away" but then Alanna came along.   So they shacked up, but never married.


Of course if this is true -- and that is a HUGE IF -- that means Bravo knew she was married to a convicted pedophile when they did the "committ" ceremony with Sugar Bear since they couldn't do a wedding.    Which raises the ick factor 100%.   Maybe they thought she wouldn't be dumb enough to go back with him when he got out but would divorce him quietly.   


You have no idea how much I hope this pure speculation is 100% wrong.   

What is WAG?

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I don't give Sugar Bear much credit, I think he can be too easily bought off by June to do Alanna any good.


Unfortunately, I have to agree with this statement.


He's so henpecked/whipped by June that I don't think he'll have the balls to step up.


The only loser in that situation is Alana...Unless the courts appoint someone to do the job, I don't think she has anyone in a position to advocate fully for her best interests.  


Not that I'm dismissing the interest of the other children, but I have no fucking clue where their fathers are and the ones I've heard about sound pretty much like pond scum themselves...Alana just comes most to my mind because she's the youngest and has an actively involved father in her life who should be able to step up and take charge but most likely won't.  


Sad for all the kids involved.  Tragic, actually.

Edited by Persnickety1
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Grandma was straight up honest in her interview. Me thinks the "truth will come out" of her mouth!

Interesting clip of Anna's interview on ET tonight on how she witnessed Alana getting tired of the attention from the public. Something her mother apparently mi$$ed and continued with the gravy train.

Anna also mentioned a crew member quit due to Mama June's bitchiness.

Edited by AnnieGirl
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